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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Population Surveys (PR-15) - P720125 | Сравнить
- Population Surveys (PR-15R) - P720125R74 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 720125 - HCO Policy Letter - Population Surveys [PL023-024]
- 720125R - Board Policy Letter - Population Surveys [BPL01-035]
- 720125RA - HCO Policy Letter - Riches or Poverty - The Quality of the Dissem Division - A Dissem Div Checklist for Quality [PL044-002]
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[Note: The following issues were not written by L. Ron Hubbard and are therefore not included in this volume. [Note: The following issues were not written by L. Ron Hubbard and are therefore not included in this volume.
PR Series 15RPR Series 15R

BPL 25 Jan. 1972R, PR Series 15R, POPULATION SURVEYS.

BPL 25 Jan. 1972R, PR Series 15R, POPULATION SURVEYS.