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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Processing Security Check - P610707-2 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 610707 Issue 2 - HCO Policy Letter - Processing Security Check [B072-004]
- 610707 Issue 2 - HCO Policy Letter - Processing Security Check [B072-005]
- 610707 Issue 2 - HCO Policy Letter - Processing Security Check [B161-015]
- 610707 Issue 2 - HCO Policy Letter - Processing Security Check [B164-002]
- 610707 Issue 2R - HCO Policy Letter - Auditor Confessional List [B082-045]
CONTENTS PROCESSING SECURITY CHECK Cохранить документ себе Скачать
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Issue II
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Issue II



(HCO WW Sec Form 6)(HCO WW Sec Form 6)

This is a Processing or a Security Check. As a Processing Check it is given in Model Session.

This is a Processing or a Security Check. As a Processing Check it is given in Model Session.

The following Security Check is the only one permitted on Staff Auditors or Field Auditors, in addition to HCO WW Sec Forms 3, 4 and 5.

The following Security Check is the only one permitted on Staff Auditors or Field Auditors, in addition to HCO WW Sec Forms 3, 4 and 5.

No Security Check form may be edited or modified.

No Security Check form may be edited or modified.

(Credit goes to Jan and Dick Halpern for preparing HCO WW Sec Forms 4, 5 and 6.)

(Credit goes to Jan and Dick Halpern for preparing HCO WW Sec Forms 4, 5 and 6.)


This check is suitable for anyone who has done a fair amount of auditing, and, also, for students in professional level courses in the later part of the course.

This check is suitable for anyone who has done a fair amount of auditing, and, also, for students in professional level courses in the later part of the course.

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[[Image:Image_020. png]]

  • Have you ever told a preclear what his attitude toward someone or something ought to be?
  • Have you ever told a preclear what his attitude toward someone or something ought to be?
  • Have you ever permitted a preclear to take control of the session?
  • Have you ever permitted a preclear to take control of the session?
  • Have you ever alter-ised orders from L. Ron Hubbard concerning your preclear?
  • Have you ever alter-ised orders from L. Ron Hubbard concerning your preclear?
  • Are you hiding anything from the Director of Processing? (Or whatever the appropriate terminal is.)
  • Are you hiding anything from the Director of Processing? (Or whatever the appropriate terminal is.)
  • Have you ever failed to get a preclear to carry out an auditing command?
  • Have you ever failed to get a preclear to carry out an auditing command?
  • Have you ever deteriorated a preclear's case?
  • Have you ever deteriorated a preclear's case?
  • When running a Model Session, have you ever omitted, or skimped, Rudiments?
  • When running a Model Session, have you ever omitted, or skimped, Rudiments?
  • Have you ever lost your temper with a preclear?
  • Have you ever lost your temper with a preclear?
  • Have you ever startled a preclear when he was on a comm lag?
  • Have you ever startled a preclear when he was on a comm lag?
  • Have you ever audited a preclear late at night, or in the small hours of the morning?
  • Have you ever audited a preclear late at night, or in the small hours of the morning?
  • Have you ever, overtly or covertly, got it across to your preclear that he was wrong?
  • Have you ever, overtly or covertly, got it across to your preclear that he was wrong?
  • Have you ever alter-ised your instructions from the Director of Processing? (Or whatever the appropriate terminal is.)
  • Have you ever alter-ised your instructions from the Director of Processing? (Or whatever the appropriate terminal is.)
  • Have you ever permitted a preclear to blow session? To blow an intensive?
  • Have you ever permitted a preclear to blow session? To blow an intensive?
  • Have you failed to find out whether your preclear was getting adequate food and rest?
  • Have you failed to find out whether your preclear was getting adequate food and rest?
  • Have you permitted a preclear to have secrets from you?
  • Have you permitted a preclear to have secrets from you?
  • Have you ever been late for a scheduled auditing session?
  • Have you ever been late for a scheduled auditing session?
  • Have you ever failed to show up at all for a scheduled auditing session?
  • Have you ever failed to show up at all for a scheduled auditing session?
  • Have your sessions frequently run overtime?
  • Have your sessions frequently run overtime?
  • Have you ever blamed the pc for running overtime? Have you frequently ended sessions early?
  • Have you ever blamed the pc for running overtime? Have you frequently ended sessions early?
  • Have you ever blamed your preclear for his case's not advancing?
  • Have you ever blamed your preclear for his case's not advancing?
  • Have you ever blamed the D of P, or L. Ron Hubbard for your preclear's case not advancing?
  • Have you ever blamed the D of P, or L. Ron Hubbard for your preclear's case not advancing?
  • Have you ever ignored, forgotten, or failed to put into practice L. Ron Hubbard's orders regarding your preclear?
  • Have you ever ignored, forgotten, or failed to put into practice L. Ron Hubbard's orders regarding your preclear?
  • Have you ever ignored, forgotten, or failed to put into practice orders from the D of P regarding your preclear?
  • Have you ever ignored, forgotten, or failed to put into practice orders from the D of P regarding your preclear?
  • Have you some sort of hidden standard as to what a preclear should be like?
  • Have you some sort of hidden standard as to what a preclear should be like?
  • Do you think that everybody really has the same troubles as you?
  • Do you think that everybody really has the same troubles as you?
  • Is there any sort of preclear that you are certain you cannot help?
  • Is there any sort of preclear that you are certain you cannot help?
  • Is there any sort of preclear that you would far rather not help?
  • Is there any sort of preclear that you would far rather not help?
  • Has auditing a preclear ever had a bad effect on you? If so, whom did you make guilty?
  • Has auditing a preclear ever had a bad effect on you? If so, whom did you make guilty?
  • Have you ever used the wrong process on a preclear?
  • Have you ever used the wrong process on a preclear?
  • When you have made a technical flub, did you hurry on without calling it to the preclear's notice?
  • When you have made a technical flub, did you hurry on without calling it to the preclear's notice?
  • Have you ever justified it to the preclear?
  • Have you ever justified it to the preclear?
  • Have you ever shown up, sloppily dressed and badly groomed, to audit a preclear?
  • Have you ever shown up, sloppily dressed and badly groomed, to audit a preclear?
  • Have you had a lot of trouble confronting your preclears?
  • Have you had a lot of trouble confronting your preclears?
  • Have you ever Q-and-A'd with a preclear?
  • Have you ever Q-and-A'd with a preclear?
  • Have you ever failed to flatten a process when it was still biting?
  • Have you ever failed to flatten a process when it was still biting?
  • Have you ever jammed a preclear into a one-way flow and left him stuck in it?
  • Have you ever jammed a preclear into a one-way flow and left him stuck in it?
  • Do you really know Model Session cold?
  • Do you really know Model Session cold?
  • Have you read, understood, and put into use the material in the latest technical bulletins?
  • Have you read, understood, and put into use the material in the latest technical bulletins?
  • Have you ever, while auditing a preclear, sat there worrying about your own problems, making future plans, mocking up pleasure moments, or self auditing?
  • Have you ever, while auditing a preclear, sat there worrying about your own problems, making future plans, mocking up pleasure moments, or self auditing?
  • Have you ever kept on running a process that wasn't moving the Tone Arm, or changing the preclear in any way?
  • Have you ever kept on running a process that wasn't moving the Tone Arm, or changing the preclear in any way?
  • Have you ever audited badly?
  • Have you ever audited badly?
  • Have you ever failed to help a preclear?
  • Have you ever failed to help a preclear?
  • Have you failed to notice when your preclear's case has changed, and tried to audit the person he was yesterday?
  • Have you failed to notice when your preclear's case has changed, and tried to audit the person he was yesterday?
  • Have you ever gone on a machine when auditing?
  • Have you ever gone on a machine when auditing?
  • When auditing Tone 40, have you failed to place an intention in the preclear's head on each command and acknowledgement to the best of your ability?
  • When auditing Tone 40, have you failed to place an intention in the preclear's head on each command and acknowledgement to the best of your ability?
  • Have you ever, deliberately or carelessly, gone out of communication with your preclear?
  • Have you ever, deliberately or carelessly, gone out of communication with your preclear?
  • Have you ever used a preclear as a guinea pig for some process?
  • Have you ever used a preclear as a guinea pig for some process?
  • Have you ever used an exercise or drill from some field other than Scientology while auditing a preclear?
  • Have you ever used an exercise or drill from some field other than Scientology while auditing a preclear?
  • Have you ever audited anyone solely because you couldn't stand him the way he was?
  • Have you ever audited anyone solely because you couldn't stand him the way he was?
  • Do you regard auditing as punishment?
  • Do you regard auditing as punishment?
  • Have you ever done anything to a preclear which you would be unwilling to have an auditor do to you?
  • Have you ever done anything to a preclear which you would be unwilling to have an auditor do to you?
  • Have you ever felt that you must solve the preclear's problems?
  • Have you ever felt that you must solve the preclear's problems?
  • Have you ever resented it when a preclear criticized you for something which you hadn't, in fact, done?
  • Have you ever resented it when a preclear criticized you for something which you hadn't, in fact, done?
  • Have you ever argued with a preclear?
  • Have you ever argued with a preclear?
  • Have you ever taken your preclear's advice while auditing him?
  • Have you ever taken your preclear's advice while auditing him?
  • Have you ever asked a preclear to instruct you in auditing while you were auditing that person?
  • Have you ever asked a preclear to instruct you in auditing while you were auditing that person?
  • Have you ever failed to get good results with a case?
  • Have you ever failed to get good results with a case?
  • Do you feel that auditing is too good for psychotics, or cripples, or criminals?
  • Do you feel that auditing is too good for psychotics, or cripples, or criminals?
  • Do you feel you must be kind to preclears?
  • Do you feel you must be kind to preclears?
  • Have you ever been distressed because of a preclear's physical or emotional pain under auditing?
  • Have you ever been distressed because of a preclear's physical or emotional pain under auditing?
  • Is there any sort of preclear you are afraid you may harm?
  • Is there any sort of preclear you are afraid you may harm?
  • Is there any sort of preclear you are afraid may harm you?
  • Is there any sort of preclear you are afraid may harm you?
  • Have you ever accepted for auditing a preclear you were fairly sure you couldn't or wouldn't help?
  • Have you ever accepted for auditing a preclear you were fairly sure you couldn't or wouldn't help?
  • Have you ever made sexual advances or had intercourse with a preclear of either sex during an auditing session, or during the course of an intensive?
  • Have you ever made sexual advances or had intercourse with a preclear of either sex during an auditing session, or during the course of an intensive?
  • Have you ever recommended the use of liquor, or drugs, to a preclear “to relax him”, or for any other reason?
  • Have you ever recommended the use of liquor, or drugs, to a preclear “to relax him”, or for any other reason?
  • Have you ever stolen from a preclear?
  • Have you ever stolen from a preclear?
  • Have you ever audited preclears while a staff member for yourself and kept quiet?
  • Have you ever audited preclears while a staff member for yourself and kept quiet?
  • Have you ever stolen another auditor's preclear?
  • Have you ever stolen another auditor's preclear?
  • Have you ever stolen a preclear from a Central Org?
  • Have you ever stolen a preclear from a Central Org?
  • Have you ever sought to persuade a preclear that you were a better auditor than his auditor?
  • Have you ever sought to persuade a preclear that you were a better auditor than his auditor?
  • Have you ever passed a Central Org preclear to an outside auditor?
  • Have you ever passed a Central Org preclear to an outside auditor?
  • Is there any question about the way you audit which you would hate to have the D of P, or L. Ron Hubbard, ask you?
  • Is there any question about the way you audit which you would hate to have the D of P, or L. Ron Hubbard, ask you?
  • Is there any question about your preclears which you would hate to be asked?
  • Is there any question about your preclears which you would hate to be asked?
  • Is there any question the D of P, or L. Ron Hubbard, should have asked you, and hasn't?
  • Is there any question the D of P, or L. Ron Hubbard, should have asked you, and hasn't?
  • Have you nothing further to learn about auditing?
  • Have you nothing further to learn about auditing?
  • Have you ever found it hard to become interested in a preclear's case?
  • Have you ever found it hard to become interested in a preclear's case?
  • Have you ever been utterly baffled by a case?
  • Have you ever been utterly baffled by a case?
  • When a preclear's case is not going right, are you certain there must be something wrong with the stable data of Scientology?
  • When a preclear's case is not going right, are you certain there must be something wrong with the stable data of Scientology?
  • Have you failed to learn, understand, and regularly employ the stable data of Scientology?
  • Have you failed to learn, understand, and regularly employ the stable data of Scientology?
  • Do you hope you won't be found out?
  • Do you hope you won't be found out?
  • Have you ever avoided receiving auditing yourself?
  • Have you ever avoided receiving auditing yourself?
  • Have you ever mistrusted your E-Meter?
  • Have you ever mistrusted your E-Meter?
  • Is there anything mysterious to you about an E-Meter?
  • Is there anything mysterious to you about an E-Meter?
  • Is there any technical question you are afraid to ask the D of P for fear it would make you look incompetent, or stupid?
  • Is there any technical question you are afraid to ask the D of P for fear it would make you look incompetent, or stupid?
  • Do you think you are an incompetent, or stupid, auditor?
  • Do you think you are an incompetent, or stupid, auditor?
  • Do you think you audit perfectly at all times?
  • Do you think you audit perfectly at all times?
  • Have you ever believed a preclear knew more about his own case than you did?
  • Have you ever believed a preclear knew more about his own case than you did?
  • Have you ever made the D of P guilty of anything?
  • Have you ever made the D of P guilty of anything?
  • Have you ever justified your actions to a preclear? Have you ever let a preclear control you?
  • Have you ever justified your actions to a preclear? Have you ever let a preclear control you?
  • Have you ever falsified an Auditor's Report in any way?
  • Have you ever falsified an Auditor's Report in any way?
  • Have you ever given the D of P, or L. Ron Hubbard, a false impression about your preclear's case?
  • Have you ever given the D of P, or L. Ron Hubbard, a false impression about your preclear's case?
  • Have you ever failed to get an instruction concerning your preclear clarified, if you did not understand it?
  • Have you ever failed to get an instruction concerning your preclear clarified, if you did not understand it?
  • Do you think selling auditing is really a swindle?
  • Do you think selling auditing is really a swindle?
  • Have you ever felt that some item in the Auditor's Code didn't really apply to your auditing?
  • Have you ever felt that some item in the Auditor's Code didn't really apply to your auditing?
  • Have you ever done anything weird, or strange, with a preclear?
  • Have you ever done anything weird, or strange, with a preclear?
  • Have you ever been a squirrel?
  • Have you ever been a squirrel?
  • Do you feel there is anything wrong with invading a preclear's privacy?
  • Do you feel there is anything wrong with invading a preclear's privacy?
  • Do you feel there is anything wrong with having your own privacy invaded?
  • Do you feel there is anything wrong with having your own privacy invaded?
  • Have you ever redramatized anything on a preclear?
  • Have you ever redramatized anything on a preclear?
  • Have you ever avoided running a standard process on a preclear because you didn't or wouldn't like having it run on you?
  • Have you ever avoided running a standard process on a preclear because you didn't or wouldn't like having it run on you?
  • Have you ever refused to run something on a preclear because you didn't like it?
  • Have you ever refused to run something on a preclear because you didn't like it?
  • Are you avoiding using any standard process because you are not sure of your technique?
  • Are you avoiding using any standard process because you are not sure of your technique?
  • Have you ever done a bad assessment?
  • Have you ever done a bad assessment?
  • Have you permitted yourself to get rusty, or unfamiliar, with any standard Scientology process?
  • Have you permitted yourself to get rusty, or unfamiliar, with any standard Scientology process?
  • Have you forgotten any parts of the Auditor's Code?
  • Have you forgotten any parts of the Auditor's Code?
  • Have you ever had a preclear you felt you had to help? Have you ever had a preclear you didn't want to help?
  • Have you ever had a preclear you felt you had to help? Have you ever had a preclear you didn't want to help?
  • Do you deserve to get good results with cases?
  • Do you deserve to get good results with cases?
  • Is there any viewpoint that is absolutely intolerable to you?
  • Is there any viewpoint that is absolutely intolerable to you?
  • Have you ever had a preclear that you couldn't stand to be, even for an instant?
  • Have you ever had a preclear that you couldn't stand to be, even for an instant?
  • Is there any case you've audited that you still feel badly about?
  • Is there any case you've audited that you still feel badly about?
  • Have you ever felt that there was something about an auditing room that you were not responsible for?
  • Have you ever felt that there was something about an auditing room that you were not responsible for?
  • Have you ever felt that there was something about a preclear's behavior under auditing that you were not responsible for?
  • Have you ever felt that there was something about a preclear's behavior under auditing that you were not responsible for?
  • Have you ever pretended you could use an E-Meter when you couldn't?
  • Have you ever pretended you could use an E-Meter when you couldn't?
  • Do you believe that any preclear can influence the E-Meter in any mysterious way?
  • Do you believe that any preclear can influence the E-Meter in any mysterious way?
  • Do you believe that the preclear can control his reactive bank?
  • Do you believe that the preclear can control his reactive bank?
  • Do you believe that the preclear really knows about and understands his reactive bank?
  • Do you believe that the preclear really knows about and understands his reactive bank?
  • Do you believe you can control a preclear's reactive bank?
  • Do you believe you can control a preclear's reactive bank?
  • Have you ever made a practice of so much two-way communication with the preclear that you were spending very little auditing time in getting a process run?
  • Have you ever made a practice of so much two-way communication with the preclear that you were spending very little auditing time in getting a process run?
  • Have you ever run a process without feeling that it was your process?
  • Have you ever run a process without feeling that it was your process?
  • Have you ever decided that the D of P, or L. Ron Hubbard, was the cause of some effect which you produced on a preclear?
  • Have you ever decided that the D of P, or L. Ron Hubbard, was the cause of some effect which you produced on a preclear?
  • Do you dislike auditing?
  • Do you dislike auditing?
  • Have you ever felt that auditing another was harmful to you in any way?
  • Have you ever felt that auditing another was harmful to you in any way?
  • Have you ever felt sorry for yourself while auditing a preclear?
  • Have you ever felt sorry for yourself while auditing a preclear?
  • Have you ever felt sorry for a preclear?
  • Have you ever felt sorry for a preclear?
  • Have you ever confused social chit-chat with auditing?
  • Have you ever confused social chit-chat with auditing?
  • Have you ever left an auditing session without ending it properly for the preclear?
  • Have you ever left an auditing session without ending it properly for the preclear?
  • Have you ever felt bound by the Auditor's Code in your relationships with everyone, in and out of session, 24 hours a day?
  • Have you ever felt bound by the Auditor's Code in your relationships with everyone, in and out of session, 24 hours a day?
  • Have you ever permitted a preclear to throw you into session outside of regularly scheduled session time?
  • Have you ever permitted a preclear to throw you into session outside of regularly scheduled session time?
  • Have you ever made a practice of evaluating for, or invalidating, a preclear of yours between sessions?
  • Have you ever made a practice of evaluating for, or invalidating, a preclear of yours between sessions?
  • Have you ever deliberately encouraged a preclear to believe that you were clear, or OT, when you had not in fact reached this state?
  • Have you ever deliberately encouraged a preclear to believe that you were clear, or OT, when you had not in fact reached this state?
  • Have you ever tried to force a preclear to believe he or she was clear?
  • Have you ever tried to force a preclear to believe he or she was clear?
  • Have you ever represented yourself to a preclear as being in bad shape?
  • Have you ever represented yourself to a preclear as being in bad shape?
  • Have you ever discussed your own case with a preclear you were auditing?
  • Have you ever discussed your own case with a preclear you were auditing?
  • Have you ever blackmailed a preclear by threatening to discontinue his auditing?
  • Have you ever blackmailed a preclear by threatening to discontinue his auditing?
  • Have you ever tried to get special favors from a preclear, beyond the agreed-upon payment or remuneration?
  • Have you ever tried to get special favors from a preclear, beyond the agreed-upon payment or remuneration?
  • Have you ever promised a preclear something which you were not certain you could fulfill to the letter?
  • Have you ever promised a preclear something which you were not certain you could fulfill to the letter?
  • Have you ever promised a preclear something you knew you could not fulfill?
  • Have you ever promised a preclear something you knew you could not fulfill?
  • Are you weak in any of the TRs? If so, which? If so, have you failed to make arrangements to be coached up on them?
  • Are you weak in any of the TRs? If so, which? If so, have you failed to make arrangements to be coached up on them?
  • Is there anything you can get away with that other auditors shouldn't do?
  • Is there anything you can get away with that other auditors shouldn't do?
  • Have you ever gotten into a games condition with a preclear?
  • Have you ever gotten into a games condition with a preclear?
  • Have you ever deliberately or carelessly given a preclear a command which was impossible for him to execute at that time?
  • Have you ever deliberately or carelessly given a preclear a command which was impossible for him to execute at that time?
  • Have you ever used poor judgement in auditing a preclear?
  • Have you ever used poor judgement in auditing a preclear?
  • Have you ever felt that you were a liability to the Hubbard Guidance Center (or appropriate terminal) as an auditor?
  • Have you ever felt that you were a liability to the Hubbard Guidance Center (or appropriate terminal) as an auditor?
  • Is there anything about auditing which you alone in all the world know and understand?
  • Is there anything about auditing which you alone in all the world know and understand?
  • Are you in disagreement with any current practice or theory of Scientology as L. Ron Hubbard has communicated it?
  • Are you in disagreement with any current practice or theory of Scientology as L. Ron Hubbard has communicated it?
  • Have you ever taken orders from a preclear as to what you should run on his case?
  • Have you ever taken orders from a preclear as to what you should run on his case?
  • Have you ever yanked the preclear's attention off his case by uncalled - for statements or actions?
  • Have you ever yanked the preclear's attention off his case by uncalled - for statements or actions?
  • Have you ever stopped running a process because the preclear said it was flat?
  • Have you ever stopped running a process because the preclear said it was flat?
  • Have you ever stopped running a process because the preclear was tired of it?
  • Have you ever stopped running a process because the preclear was tired of it?
  • Have you ever stopped a session just to talk to a preclear to amuse yourself?
  • Have you ever stopped a session just to talk to a preclear to amuse yourself?
  • Have you ever stopped running a process because you couldn't stand the preclear's somatics?
  • Have you ever stopped running a process because you couldn't stand the preclear's somatics?
  • Have you ever just stopped auditing a preclear without ending a session or anything?
  • Have you ever just stopped auditing a preclear without ending a session or anything?
  • Have you ever walked off from a preclear who was halfway through something?
  • Have you ever walked off from a preclear who was halfway through something?
  • Have you ever felt you had to have a special auditor in order to hide data gotten from preclears about withholds?
  • Have you ever felt you had to have a special auditor in order to hide data gotten from preclears about withholds?
  • Have you ever felt you would be discredited if you received auditing?
  • Have you ever felt you would be discredited if you received auditing?
  • Have you ever advised preclears not be audited?
  • Have you ever advised preclears not be audited?
  • Have you ever taken a commission for secretly passing a preclear to some auditor?
  • Have you ever taken a commission for secretly passing a preclear to some auditor?
  • Have you ever invalidated the caliber of auditing or training in a Central Organization?
  • Have you ever invalidated the caliber of auditing or training in a Central Organization?
  • Have you ever sought to convince a preclear he would injure his case if he or she went to an HGC?
  • Have you ever sought to convince a preclear he would injure his case if he or she went to an HGC?
  • Have you ever taken money for auditing you did not deliver?
  • Have you ever taken money for auditing you did not deliver?
  • Have you ever taken money from a preclear and handed him over to some student to audit for you?
  • Have you ever taken money from a preclear and handed him over to some student to audit for you?
  • Have you ever committed sharp practices in auditing?
  • Have you ever committed sharp practices in auditing?
  • Have you ever pestered L. Ron Hubbard with questions already to be found in bulletins?
  • Have you ever pestered L. Ron Hubbard with questions already to be found in bulletins?
  • Have you ever sought to prove auditing would not work?
  • Have you ever sought to prove auditing would not work?
  • Have you ever done anything to slow down L. Ron Hubbard's research?
  • Have you ever done anything to slow down L. Ron Hubbard's research?
  • Have you ever wasted auditing time?
  • Have you ever wasted auditing time?
  • What do you wish you hadn't done?
  • What do you wish you hadn't done?
  • What about your auditing activities are you trying to forget?
  • What about your auditing activities are you trying to forget?
  • Have you any idea it doesn't matter whether you get results or not?
  • Have you any idea it doesn't matter whether you get results or not?
  • Are Scientologists' or Ron's goals really false?
  • Are Scientologists' or Ron's goals really false?
  • Are you upset by this Security Check?
  • Are you upset by this Security Check?