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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Order Board and Time Machine (0.DUTIES, DIV1.DEP2.COM-SYS.DEP3.INSPECT) - P650501-2 (2) | Сравнить
- Order Board and Time Machine (0.DUTIES, DIV1.DEP2.COM-SYS.DEP3.INSPECT) - P650501-2 | Сравнить
- Organization - Design of the Organization (0.ORG-PATTERN-INCOME, DIV1.DEP1.ORGB) - P650501-3 | Сравнить
- Organization - Design of the Organization (0.ORG-PATTERN-INCOME, DIV1.DEP1.ORGB) - P650501-3R90 | Сравнить
- Staff Member Reports (DIV1.DEP3.ETHICS) - P650501 | Сравнить

RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Доклады Члена Организации - И650501-1 | Сравнить
- Доклады Штатных Сотрудников (КРО-1) (ц) - И650501-1 | Сравнить
- Доска Приказов и Машина Времени - И650501-2 | Сравнить
- Организация, Конструкция Организации (ОА) - И650501-3R90 | Сравнить
- Организация, План Организации (КРО-1) (ц) - И650501-3R90 | Сравнить
- Организация, План Организации (ОА) (2) - И650501-3 | Сравнить
- Организация, План Организации (ОА) (ц) - И650501-3R90 | Сравнить
- Организация, План Организации (ОА) - И650501-3 | Сравнить
- Планшет для Приказов и Машина Времени (КРО-1) (ц) - И650501-2 | Сравнить
- Планшет для Приказов и Машина Времени (ц) - И650501-2 | Сравнить
- Планшет для Приказов и Машина Времени - И650501-2 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 650501 - HCO Policy Letter - Staff Member Reports [PL008-098]
- 650501 - HCO Policy Letter - Staff Member Reports [PL060-023]
- 650501 Issue 2 - HCO Policy Letter - Order Board and Time Machine [PL008-099]
- 650501 Issue 3 - HCO Policy Letter - Organization - The Design of the Organization [PL008-100]
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Issue II
Staff Member HatsExec Hats
Executive HatsComm Hats


D Insp & Rpts Hats

Staff Members must personally make certain reports in writing.


Failure to make these reports involves the executive or staff member not making a report in any offence committed by a junior under him, or, in case of job endangerment, by a senior over him.

Executives must have and use an “Order Board”.

These reports are made to the Ethics Section of the Department of Inspection and Reports.

In Scientology if it is not written it is not true. That’s a major policy.

The report form is simple. One uses a clip board with a packet of his division's color flash paper on it. This includes a piece of pencil carbon paper. This is the same clip board and carbon one uses for his routine orders.

It applies to all.

It is a despatch form addressed simply to the Ethics Section. It is dated. It has under the address and in the center of the page the person or portion of the org's name. It then states what kind of a report it is (see below).

Every order an Executive issues must be in writing.

The original goes to Ethics by drawing an arrow pointing to "Ethics" and the carbon goes to the person or portion of the org being reported on by channels (B routing).

He does this on a Clip Board. There is a sheaf of paper on it of his Division’s colour. It has a sheet of pencil carbon and a ball-point slipped through the top of the clip. It can have a hook on the back to slip on a belt for persons walking about. This is the Order Board.

The following are the reports required:

Even when one gives a verbal order it is also written down.

1. Damage Report. Any damage to anything noted with the name of the person in charge of it or in charge of cleaning it.

The executive keeps no copies of his orders. This is done by the Department of Inspection and Reports.

2. Misuse Report. The misuse or abuse of any equipment, material or quarters, meaning using it wrongly or for a purpose not intended.

The original is handed to the person being ordered. The other is sent to the Inspection section of the Department of Inspection and Reports. If one is away from his Comm station, the carbons are left on the Order Board until one returns, when the copies are all sent to Inspection.

3. Waste Report. The waste of org material.


4. Idle Report. The idleness of equipment or personnel which should be inaction.

The carbon of an order is sent to Inspection because it is obviously a carbon copy and an order. It is not otherwise designated.

5. Alter-Is Report. The alteration of design, policy, technology or errors being made in construction.

An original sent through the Comm Lines is obviously an original order as it is not a carbon. It is simply delivered to the addressee’s basket.

6. Loss or Theft Report. The disappearance of anything that should be there giving anything known about its disappearance such as when it was seen last.


7. A Found Report. Anything found, sending the article with the despatch or saying where it is.

The person receiving the order does it, says he has (or couldn’t) on the original order he received and sends it TO INSPECTION. However even if he sends it to his issuing superior the Communicator sends it to Inspection only.

8. Non-Compliance Report. Non-Compliance with legal orders.


9. Dev-T Report. Stating whether Off-Line, Off-Policy or Off-Origin and from whom to whom and subject.

Inspection has a Time Machine. This is a series of baskets advanced one basket every morning.

10. Error Report. Any error made.

A carbon of an order is placed in today’s basket.

11. Misdemeanor Report. Any misdemeanor noted.

When the original comes in, the carbon is dug out of the basket (by date and colour flash) and original and carbon are clipped together and routed to the issuing executive.

12. A Crime Report. Any crime noted or suspected but if suspicion only it must be so stated.

Orders not complied with in one week of course fall off the Time Machine by appearing in the basket being emptied today. (It was filled one week ago and advanced once each day.)

13. A High Crime Report. Any high crime noted or suspected but if only suspected must be so stated.

A copy is made of the order and it is sent to Ethics for filing in the staff member’s Ethics folder and counts as a report against the staff member.

14. A No-Report Report. Any failure to receive a report or an illegible report or folder.

The carbon is returned to issuing Executive to show his order has not been complied with, so that he can handle the situation. No report from the Executive is required in this instance as a copy is already in Ethics.

15. A False Report Report. Any report received that turned out to be false.

The Executive should investigate or ask Ethics to do so if the matter is of considerable importance.

16. A False Attestation Report. Any false attestation noted, but in this case the document is attached to the report.

If an original is returned to Inspection which has no carbon, it is copied and held and the copy is sent to the Executive with a “Sir, there is a lost carbon of your order. Did you fail to turn one in?” This disciplines a forgetful executive. When Inspection receives the answer it attaches the original to it and sends it back to the Executive.

17. An Annoyance Report. Anything about which one is annoyed, giving the person or portion of an org or org one is annoyed with, but the Department of Inspection and Reports and a senior org are exempt and may not be reported on.


18. A JOB Endangerment Report. Reporting any order received from a superior that endangered one's job by demanding one alter or depart from known policy, the orders of a person senior to one's immediate superior altered or countermanded by one's immediate superior, or advice from one's immediate superior not to comply with orders or policy.

A junior may report a verbal order to Ethics as it places his statistics and job in danger by leaving it open to have it said the order was otherwise.

19. Technical Alter-Is Report. Any ordered alteration of technology not given in an HCOB, book or LRH tape.


20. Technical Non-Compliance Report. Any failure to apply the correct technical procedure.

If something requires more than two weeks to do it is a project and cannot be ordered without clearance from the Office of LRH Design and Planning Authority section. If a project has been okayed it has a number and its number must be put on the order as Project Number

21. Knowledge Report. On noting some investigation is in progress and having data on it of value to Ethics.

Inspections file projects in their own files. This is also Time Machined by one month’s emptying of a file drawer or one year’s emptying of a file drawer. Projects run only for one month or one year and must be routinely inspected by Inspections which then reports to the Office of LRH with any progress or lack of it.

These reports are simply written and sent. One does not expect an executive to front up to personnel who err. One does expect an executive to make a report routinely on the matter, no matter what the executive also does.


Only in this way can bad spots in the organization be recognized and corrected. For reports other than one's own collect and point out bad conditions before those can harm the org.

Orders marked Urgent by an Executive are entered into a one day time machine and handled in one day as described above for one week.

_____________________L. RON HUBBARD

These reports are filed by Ethics in the Ethics files in the staff member's folder or in the folder of the portion of the org. A folder is only made if Ethics receives an Ethics Report.


Unless the staff member is part of a portion or an org that is under a state of Emergency, FIVE such reports can accumulate before Ethics takes any action. But if the report is deemed very serious, Ethics may take action at once by investigating.

[Added to by HCO P/L 19 February 1972, Order Board and Time Machine Addendum, in the 1972 Year Book.]

If a State of Emergency existed in that portion of the org or org, ONE report can bring about a Court of Ethics as there is no leeway in an Emergency Condition.

The most serious reports, which are the only ones taken up at once, are technical alter-is, non-compliance, any false reports, false attestations, no reports, misdemeanours, crimes and high crimes. The others are left to accumulate (except in Emergency when all reports on that portion or org are taken up at once).



An amnesty for a portion or an org or a general amnesty can be declared by the Office of LRH Saint Hill. An amnesty will be effective up to a date three months before it is issued. The Ethics files are therefore nullified previous to the date declared in the Amnesty.

An amnesty signalizes a feat of considerable moment by a portion of an org or an org or Scientology.

An HCO Executive Letter can compliment a portion of an org or an org and wipe out the Ethics Piles of the portion of an org or the org complimented. An award is usually added for the persons responsible.

An assignment of a State of Normal Operation after an Emergency (but not assigning affluence) cleans the portion of an org or the org's Ethics Files.

An individual may clean his own file by approaching Ethics and offering to make amends.

The person may be shown but may not touch his Ethics files which are always kept locked when the office is empty. The person should present a written and signed Amends Project Petition to Ethics. Ethics attaches the person's file to it and sends it safely to the Office of LRH "Ethics Authority Section". If accepted as adequate amends by the Office of LRH it is authorized by the "Ethics Authority Section" and returned to Ethics which places it on its "Projects Time Machine".

When accomplished the Amends Project is taken off the Time Machine and forwarded to the Inspections Section which inspects and verifies it is done and sends all to the Office of LRH "Ethics Authority Section" which then authorizes the retirement of the reports on the person.

If the project comes off the Time Machine without being done, the matter goes at once to a Court of Ethics.

Any Amends Project must benefit the org and be beyond routine duties. It may not only benefit the individual. Offers to "get audited at own expense in Review" are acceptable as auditing will benefit everyone.

"To get trained at own expense up to ..... and serve the org two years afterwards" is acceptable amends. But the person's staff pay is also suspended entirely during any auditing or training undertaken as amends. "To get another department's files in order on my own time" would be acceptable amends. Getting a celebrity into Scientology would be acceptable amends. No work one would normally do himself on post is acceptable amends. A donation or fine would not be acceptable amends. Doing what one should do anyway is not amends, it is the expected. No org funds may be employed in an Amends Project.

No amends are thereafter accepted if the person has failed to complete an amends project since the effective date of the last amnesty applying to the person's portion or org.

Any bonus specifically given by the person's name also cleans the person's Ethics Files without comment.

The responsibility for handling the cleaning of files is that of the Ethics Section of the Department of Inspection and Reports which notes amnesties, compliments and specific bonus awards and handles its Ethics files accordingly.

No Amends Projects may be accepted except through the Office of LRH and a superior may not bring a junior who wishes his files cleaned by Amends into Ethics and assist him to make the proper project applications. It must be voluntarily done by the junior.

No amnesties, compliments or bonuses may be made or declared except by the Office of LRH and authorized also from Saint Hill.
