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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Auditor Administration (XDN-3) - L720407B | Сравнить
- Expanded Dianetics and Word Clearing (XDN-2) - L720407A | Сравнить
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C7204C07 SO XDN-2
7204C07 SOII XDN-3
[We don't know the source that was originally scanned, but we checked these against an original set of reels from the 1970s and found various omissions which are marked with "&"][We don't know the source that was originally scanned, but we checked these against an original set of reels from the 1970s and found various omissions which are marked with "&"]
A lecture given to the Flag Dianetic Auditing Team on 7 April 1972To the Flag Dianetic Auditing Team on 7 April 1972



All right. This is the 7th of April '72 and have you got your misunderstood words cleaned up from the last lecture? Are you sure? All right, well that's fine. Then we can proceed with this one.

All right. Now, actually your auditing has been very good. It's been very, very good. And the only thing I'm picking you up on is just on a, I haven't picked you up as hard as I could on it, is just the common old garden variety form of the administrative actions. So I'll go over those.

And this is a specialist Dianetics lecture which is the Graduate Dianetics Course, actually. The first thing I want to talk to you about a little bit is word clearing. It's obvious that a Dianetic specialist would really have to know his business on the subject of word clearing. And that's interesting because word clearing then also contains, if you're going to correct it, you have to

The form of a folder: it is a folder and it does have the consecutive sessions and examiner reports and C/Ses, page by page, from way back at the bottom up to the top of it. The folder mustn't get too fat. The program is on the left-hand inside cover. The pc's name is on the edge of the back; the pc's name is on the top face of the folder. It's on the edge so that you can pull it out of a stack when they're lying in packs. Now you know all that sort of thing. But there's a little bit more to know about it, and that is, you always check off the step on the program that you have done. That doesn't seem like much, but actually that gives, it gives another terminal in the Org the information he looks for. He wants to know how far the program is done so he knows when this guy will be finished, that's the Host. He wants to know when this person will be finished and he can estimate in some very, very odd fashion if he looks at the date of the last session, or the last C/S, which is uppermost, and then looks over on the red program sheet (the ink written program sheet), and he looks and sees that's checked off and there's just two more steps to do. Now, he does have enough sense to know about how long it takes to do what's left. But he is not a technical terminal, so therefore, the Folder Summary would be meaningless to him. It's usually abbreviated and it's this and that. But all he wants to know is how far does that program got to go. Now, that's all, actually, a D of P wants to know. He isn't paying any attention to the folder summary either. But he is paying attention to that program sheet.

& correct an ARC break and so on, so it includes rudiment actions and you have to know rudiment actions in order to pick the ruds out bit by bit and run those with R3R.

Now, that program sheet was laid out by the C/S as a hopeful action. Now, you've just been doing a lot of these, but it's the hopeful action that these steps will bring this case back to battery. "Back to battery" artillery term. A gun after it fires is said to go "out of battery" which is to say it recoils. And then after it fires is supposed to go back to battery which is sitting the way you see them in photographs. And they use the term in slang to indicate somebody who is now fixed up. All right! So this guy will be all right for something or what he has had will now be over.

And so it's quite obvious that word clearing is a necessary action.

Most of the time when you read these things, the C/S, I could give you a purer definition and say it is a completed case for that level. But the C/S normally doesn't think like that he's looking through there and he sees all of these mistakes in the FES and he sees all of this and that, and something or other has happened with the case, and this or that is wrong with the case and he really doesn't even think, most of the time, of what he's trying to make right with the case. But he knows these things have to be handled. So therefore he writes this program down and the end of that program should be, well, this guy is safe to go off on a mission, he's all right to go home, he will do all right on his post. That's the way they normally think of this, and so on. And your point of view; it would be a well person, something of that sort, for such a program.

It's interesting that you and the team are doing very, very well, and that your word clearing is very good. If they don't have uniform success with word clearing, the auditor's TRs leave something to be desired or his metering or something. And they every once in a while, why, will have a catastrophe on the subject of word clearing which occurs in the middle of a rundown. And then they really have a catastrophe.

Now, technically speaking, when you are doing something to bring a case back up to where the case ought to he on his Grade Chart, that is to say, the big Grade Chart, that is a Progress Program. You're not putting him through another grade. Now, we've got a little split in Specialist Dianetics because, actually, we're writing these things up on a Red Sheet when they're really Expanded Dianetics and are a grade really in themselves. So, we've written all those on Red Sheets, but actually they ought to be two sheets. They ought to be the actions necessary to get them up to Expanded Dianetics would be the repair, and then when you start running Expanded Dianetics it should be on a Green Sheet because in actual fact is a grade.

And the main difficulty with that is they don't clear the Word Clearing Correction List, and we already have taken this up on the folder line. But if you don't word clear the Word Clearing Correction List at the time when there are no flubs in word clearing, then when you get a flub in word clearing you have lost your correction tool.

Now, it wouldn't much matter where this fellow was, he is still getting a grade. It doesn't matter whether this grade fits on his grade chart now, it's going to fit clear up there after OT III. It doesn't matter if it fits before he's going to have any Dianetics at all. It doesn't matter if it fits after Dianetics, it's an entirely separate grade. And what it's going to-do is fix him up, as a Grade, to make a well person out of him. Now, you will find then, that these sheets will start, and they look like a repair of Dianetics, but it isn't really a repair of Dianetics, he just couldn't run it. So, they didn't run Dianetics He didn't like engrams or something. He didn't understand the words. So, therefore, you're really doing a specialist action which would permit him to run Dianetics. But, in doing that, you're going to cure him.

But this, "Clear the list first", can go a little bit too far. Let us get a situation where a pc is in a screaming ARC break and somebody clears the L1C before he handles the ARC break. Now that came up on the line the other day and I thought, "Well, if that pc had really been ARC broken," - it turned out that the pc had a withhold or something - "but if that pc had really had an ARC break, that would have been it." Because, of course, auditing over the top of an ARC break just pushes a person down and they get sadder and sadder and sadder and sadder. But in general - he got away with it. But if a pc had a serious ARC break in the last session, why, your best bet if you do not have a word cleared L1C, your best bet

Now, you see, Dianetics isn't just a health action. It can do two more things. One of those products is a person who will continue to be well for a long time. And the other one is, it will increase his abilities. Now, when you bridge over to the point where he's well you're really just doing Dianetics. So what you're really working is for a well person. Not a person who will continue to he physically well for a long time. Because that would be Dianetics.

& would be to put in the rudiment of the ARC break rather rapidly and again you

So, you'll find out that interns, others, will say, "Well, this Expanded Dianetics that we're running actually is just like Dianetics and we've got to clear the lists anyhow, and so on . Well, the trouble with that is, the length of time it would take to make a Dianetic Auditor who was capable of doing Expanded Dianetics would interrupt the whole show right there. Because there are a lot of people that can run Dianetics. It's quite successful in lots of peoples' hands on lots of pcs. So, now we're going to teach him all of Dianetics and with no experience with running Dianetics whatsoever, we're going to launch him off into very, being very fancy at handling Dianetics. Oh yeah! Oh, we won't make it. So, this influences your programming.

would be adrift if you had never cleared the word ARC break. So to protect the pc it is quite obvious that at the beginning of his auditing, we had better clear this word "ARC break" and we had better clear this word "present time problem" and we had better clear this word "withhold". Otherwise we'll find ourselves somewhere along the line adrift. And then we would have the proposition of having to spend two hours clearing a list while the pc was nattering about how bad the auditor was. I don't think it would be very easy to do.

So, you really have two green sheets. You've got your repair to get him up there. Now, where you have drawn a line here and there, and have marked in (printed in) Expanded Dianetics, if you want to he very stylized about it all. That is over, that repair is over, that is it. That's the red sheet, finished. We're going to give him, let us say, a Primary Rundown and we're going to, and so on, we're going to send him to the doctor to get his epiglottis cured. That's a fictitious term. And so, you've probably noticed it, that your people are sort of out of phase.

So the rudiments would probably be the first thing you would clear. We can make a rule about that and so on. Not that he has one, it's just "Let's do it just in case" so that he suddenly recognizes when you say it what you are asking for.

You don't know quite where you're starting on them and where you're not starting on them and so forth, because there are some beginning steps every now and then. They're supposed to get Word Clearing Number One and that sort of thing. They're supposed to get this, that or the other thing and then they're going to have, so on. Well, now, if they bog down on Word Clearing you're going to have to handle that and finish up their Word Clearing Number One.

So word clearing here is of considerable interest and it is, of course, just itself as a technology. And that can be studied in it's own frame of reference.

Right? That's a repair.

But where it comes in, in this particular field of specialist Dianetics, is you will find the bulk of the people who have had any difficulty whatsoever have been audited over misunderstood words. And there are two big things that give people a very bad start on auditing. If they don't know the meaning of "how do you do" and "is" and "what" and "did" and a few words like that. And then he's had it because Axiom 28 is violated. You don't have communication so you won't get duplication so therefore they can't do what you said and so on.

You shouldn't start out and pick up somebody and do a Word Clearing Number One and say that you're starting Expanded Dianetics. There's nothing wrong with his Word Clearing, you're just going to clear, give him Word Clearing Number One and then you're going to start Expanded Dianetics. It's actually the waste of a specialist.

Now this is a considerable breakthrough in its own little right because I never realized that auditors stopped clearing words in the commands. And I understand now that it dropped out to a marked degree where the auditor would read the command and ask the pc if he understood that, or not even ask the pc that - just read the command, take a word and sail off into the wide blue horizon. He would think he had a reading item when he didn't. He would have a reading misunderstood word. And that in itself would make a great deal of difficulty.

So, all of these prior actions that you have to take to get the person up there might or might not be by the Dianetic Specialist but certainly Expanded Dianetics will be by the Dianetic Specialist.

There's probably many a drug addict who does not know the meaning of the word "amphetamine" which is the commoner drug which, of course, they call speed. And somebody told me the other day that it was Benzedrine, which is one of the keep awake drugs of yesteryear, and that say that is an amphetamine. I don't believe that. But in any event you understand just with the words I was using these are just the names of drugs. Well, you can imagine this 10 year old kid - I think that's when they start on drugs now or is it 8? This 10 year old kid or 8 year old kid you ask him now, "When were you on amphetamines?" or "Were you on Benadryl or Benzedrine, now which were you on?" and you get a read and you say "Ah ha!". But he's never heard of this stuff. See, actually he was on LSD but he's never heard of it as LSD anyhow. That's acid.

And it would be up to judgment on who'd repair it. Well, a frequent change of auditors upsets people like mad. So if these are not very extensive, well, I'd go ahead and do a Word Clearing Correction List or something like that. But particularly if it's a Word Clearing Correction List or something like that, yeah, well, you'd want to do that yourself. But you're going to start this fellow out and you're going to give him Word Clearing Number One and then you're going to take all the things that he has ever read up to date, and you're going to clear those with Word Clearing Number Two. And then you're going to get him entirely through the Primary Correction Rundown of Study Tapes and finding his "why" and you're going to do all this, huh? No Wrong hat.

And actually not even the news papers reporters know the name of the stuff because they keep calling it LSD and LSD isn't, isn't its name. It's LSD 25 if you want to be very purist about it.

Now, if you start adding those things in, and if you don't have a good idea of exactly where you belong on the Grade Chart or your action, then you're going to go adrift. Because all of a sudden, you'll start inheriting all the bits and pieces and odds and ends that nobody can figure out where to go. Now you just inherited one. Girl came in here, auditing her, I just had her folder. You did a Word Clearing Correction List on her, something like that and WHAM, she was incomplete, middle of the rundown, read like mad. On Advanced Courses! She had no more business under gods green earth being any place but over on Advanced Courses because if you ran anything else on her until she finished that up she would still he getting audited in the middle of another rundown. You can't perpetuate the error, that is continue the error forever.

So you can imagine taking this drug addict who's already all fogged up on drugs - should carry a little foghorn on his shoulder when he's walking down the street. And what do you find? You wouldn't know anything about it because he didn't know anything about it.

She didn't belong to you at all. They goofed. And what do you know, just got through goofing again. The auditor looked over the list after the session, found out she still had a reading item on the list she'd forgotten to handle, so decided she would get her back into session next time, handle that.

Now how you would get over that point is you would have to clear up with him what drugs he was on. You couldn't take a canned list of drugs and expect very much action because he would require some sort of an education on the subject of chemistry. So what did they call these things? You can probably identify them from such things as acid. "I was on acid, kid, you know. I was on acid, you know." They don't even know what the hell, you talk about the stupidity of things. It's absolutely marvelous, you know.

The time the person got ill, she was rather chronically ill for a long period of time, but the time the person really got ill, currently, is she was declared complete on an AO rundown, promptly got ill. The A0, the Advanced Courses Unit lost the pc off the lines, that is all. It didn't call the pc back in, didn't review the pc, didn't at that time, which is why that was reorganized at that time early February. Had no slightest idea of who was on the lines, just let them, just lost them all over the place. So a guy would go out and give himself a solo session, fall on his head, red tabbed, never be called back into the Advanced Courses, didn't have a review auditor . So it was an untidy scene, to say the least.

I was tracing this back intelligence wise and it is the perfect intelligence drug - very very simple to make, a few kitchen utensils. And probably originated in Germany. And it is probably an intelligence drug of some type or other. Terribly cheap and then drives a person stark staring mad. And these dumb yips are actually taking this stuff.

And here, all of a sudden, you've got this folder. Now you want to know what to do with this.

Gruesome tales occur on that drug, very gruesome. A girl got a scratch on the back of her hand, wasn't bleeding very much, took it to a doctor. Ah, it was all right, he let her go.

So, routing, you see, is important to you. What do you do with this guy? All right, you're perfectly willing to go on and do it. I marked it, because I didn't know whether Advanced Courses would repair the person or not. I marked it that you could do it if you wanted to, if they didn't. No reason to just stall the pc and again lose the pc off the lines.

And it, hand got to swelling up but it was just a little scratch. And all of a sudden her hand swelled up and she got gangrene, which is just rotting flesh, and they had to amputate her hand and arm. She was on LSD which basically is a drug called ergo or ergot which is used to constrict the blood vessels so that blood won't circulate. And if anybody gets any kind of a whee out of LSD, that would be quite remarkable because it is simply they don't get any blood in their brain and that must be the whole kick. It's pretty marvelous, see.

But it 's just been done and what happened was, is repair actions continuously were taking place on this pc in the middle of an AO rundown since 1968 and it's now '72. And then the person finally said, in some off hand way that she thought she was finished. They put another C/S in that folder and - it might have been there in the review folder where it shouldn't have been -but, I don't think there was any declare? They even lost the folder. And she promptly afterwards got sick and the AO didn't route any exam report into the folder and they never kept track in Advanced Course line of their pre-OT's, what business have you got to do with that? None, none whatsoever.

So now you're busy auditing somebody who doesn't really know he has been on this, and you ask him if he's ever been on that. You might get a read on it. But he's liable to run something else or not know what you're talking about.

Now, if at some time, when that action, which is a red, red sheet action, don't you see, but Advanced Courses, when they finish that up and the person is still falling on their head and that sort of thing, and etcetera. But when that level is completed why that is the time to come over.

I probably should clarify something here a little bit. The reason why the scratch infected is all the time when she scratched her hand. And all the time she was on LSD which contains ergot, which is the constriction lysergic acid. It constricts all the blood vessels and the arteries and so on. So there couldn't be any blood get to it and it wouldn't circulate, no blood circulate and it wouldn't heal. So the doctor took his finger off his number on that one.

Actually, the Review Auditor at this particular time doesn't want to be there. You normally find people who were doing a bad job aren't quite on the post. They either have'nt gotten onto the post, not that they aren't hatted, they just don't, haven't gotten onto the post yet, or they're leaving the post, or they want to leave the post, or they are somebody else while holding that title, or they have a wrong product which is changing their post hat but they don't ever notice it, which can be very interesting.

So this would make quite an interesting engram of some kind or another if you were to run it on somebody. She wouldn't know the word ergot, she wouldn't know the word LSD 25, she wouldn't know LSD, she wouldn't know lysergic acid. And maybe they called it something locally. Maybe they didn't even call it acid.

You know, that the D of P can have completed programs as his product and he's of course the C/S. I want you to take a look at that. Now, let's exaggerate it. Let's exaggerate it, so you can really see it. Supposing the Folder Page had "well pcs", as a product. Now, the Folder Page of course is not even in connection with the pcs or the auditors but is only with the C/S. It was interesting, I had a couple of my Messengers the other day trying to work out their product, on folder paging. We found out that it didn't really describe it. I think they came up with finally, the action was "feeding folders to the Senior C/S and routing them to tech", which gave, of course, the product would he "a folder fed to the Senior C/S and routed to Tech." And that was what these messengers were doing up there. By ''fed" we mean put on the deck, opened, so that it could be handled and taken off the deck and routed and so on. Soon as we cleared that they went, whizz-whizz-whizz-whizz-whizz-whizz- whizz-whizz, a whole great big stack of folders went down bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzmmm. Up to that time, I would have them, I was having to yell for them for each folder, they didn't have a product.

So it is the pc's nomenclature. Now the pc isn't really likely to use words he doesn't know the meaning of when he's giving you some kind of an item. He isn't likely to. It would be possible but not necessarily true. So you don't have to clear the item list.

So a product can be very, very, very important. It can be so important that the slowness that you are trying to get handled can simply be something is wrong about the product. They either don't have one at all, they haven't named the product, they're really, mentally, working for the wrong product, never having straightened it out. Am I making my point now? So that if you, as a Dianetic Specialist, are working for an AO product - ahhh, the bell begins to toll, huh? So, the second that you find yourself off product by reason of programs you know you're handling something that doesn't belong to you.

I noticed there was somebody clearing an item list and this, useless. Why clear the item list? Now it would work the same way with a drug list so that you wouldn't really want a canned list. Or you need to know what I mean by a canned list - one that has been pre-prepared and issued. You really wouldn't want that. But he might not know the meaning of the word drug and I notice that people occasionally will have been on some awful medicine of some kind or another. You know, like there is a medicine puts people to sleep called bromine. And this doctor was simply giving her these tranquilizers and it was just bromine, and they don't give it to you as a drug. And then people who have epilepsy, which is a type of disease which gives them seizures, are almost always found on some minor drug that prevents them from getting these - they call them petit mal seizures. That's epilepsy. I don't care how they call it.

Now, I'll tell you something very funny. The pending basket, the center pending basket of the three tiers of baskets top is the ''IN", center is "PENDlNG", bottom "OUT", all right. Very good Or, they were reversed if I remember rightly. The stuff in that center basket, if you go into an executive's office, will be found not to belong to him, and that's why it's in pending. And you can go into that middle pending basket and just take all the stuff out and sit down with the executive, if you're a communicator, and you can just take them one by one and say, "who does this belong to?" And all of a sudden, the bulk of all that stuff he's been holding onto, one belongs to Address, somebody else belongs to something else, somebody belongs to something else and so on. They're all parts of the, see. Not the wrong parts of the, they're all in the parts of the org that he isn't having anything to do with.

Sometimes they really seize and sometimes it's just slight.

So, this tells you, just on that example that you could accumulate a tremendous number of pcs that nothing would happen with if you continued to work on the wrong product and that they belong to somebody else for some reason. And when you get backlogs, let me give you this very sound advice, look over and see that those pcs belong to you. Now that is why you have the programs very, very well sharply done, particularly as the Dianetics Specialist. That top one is red, you don't have to change all of your stuff, making you redo your programs, you're going on down through the line fine, you did very good programs. That top one, that top red one, that's to get him up to a place where you can work on him. Now it might be that the repairs are so slight or something like that, like Word Clearing, so on. Well, fine, correction list. Got to correct his Word Clearing, nobody else is going to. But you should realize at that moment that you're really working on another product, see. It's almost worth a chit. "FMAA, person word cleared, such and such a time, place, according to the folder, such and such an auditor, found out."

If an epileptic ever took you by the hand and so forth, he's liable to break every bone in your hand, if he suddenly had a seizure. But the doctors keep them on something to prevent this. It's just a tranquilizer and they keep them on that one year, year in and year out.

Now we sent one out the other day, we sent one to the AOLA Rap-rap-rap, couple of nice, juicy conditions. They sent a guy in here, after his Word Clearing he had a horrible headache so they ran a couple of Class VI processes that have very little to do with headaches. And it didn't occur to a single soul that he had just had Word Clearing and he should have a Word Clearing Correction List run on him. He's running like a hot bomb now because we ran a Word Clearing Correction List on him. But we also sent a chit and that isn't being mean, that's just trying to keep the lines policed. If you don't ever make any effort to keep the lines policed they'll cave in on you. It isn't even of great concern to you that this gets handled by the MAA or something. You just write it down, who it was, and where, and what you got, and you can go ahead and handle it. But that makes you aware of the fact that you're handling somebody else's product of one kind or another and keeps you from scrambling up your products. And that's the only thing I'm trying to ask you not to do.

And then you come along as an auditor and you try to audit the pc and you tell the pc that he'll have to go off that drug. And then all of a sudden, why something will happen from someplace or another that the pc will tell the doctor that they have been taken off the drug by the auditor.

Now, if you're going to make this person well and you're going to use Expanded Dianetics on, well, you have to do a little bit of repair to get him up to that point. But your Expanded Dianetics is an action and it is a grade in its own right. Really, the AMA would jump me for saying it, and I think California has laws that nobody can cure cancer. And they've just disobeyed that law in England because a doctor up there, who is a Dianetic Auditor, has just cured somebody of totally proven cancer. Has taken him over to the medical association and a big conference and so on, and displayed him complete with the X-rays and so forth. So, gee it's a good thing he didn't do that in California.

And the doctor will call up plaintively asking you to please put her back on the drug because she needs this. And you get into a collision between medical treatment and so on.

We had all auditor, in 1950s, who was actually arrested for the fact of ... proven conclusively, because he'd audited somebody and they had gotten well and it was against the law to cure that disease. He got off, there wasn't anything happened to him at all, somebody was just making a push on it locally. Pretty crazy, huh? Proved it conclusively. Against the law to heal it and he'd done it. Man. Man unaimed sometimes is idiocy.

Now I've been using a lot of medical words here or chemical words really. Just don't pay any attention to them because they're mostly gobbledygook, and there's an awful lot of gobbledygook words. Gobbledygook just means nonsense chatter, you see. There's an awful lot of them.

Anyway, I'm not warning you not to cure things but saying that this product of "a cured person" can't be stated that way, it has to be stated as "a well person," ...illegal. I've worked it out one time, I think it's because the undertaker's percentage to the AMA, and so forth, would lose and drop as a stat if you - That's the only reason I could find for it. I'm sure they get ten or twenty percent of all the funeral fees. Anyhow, it must be.

I remember in ancient Greece trying to disentangle Latin names for diseases into the Greek and Greek's names for the same diseases. And then the Greeks telling you they had certain diseases when they were speaking a dialect nobody else spoke and it gets pretty gobbledygook.

But in this field, in this field, that's the product, that's your product, it's a well person. All right, fine, but if the other actions have to be taken, like sending him to a medical doctor or getting their head sewn up or something like this why that is quite another action. That is quite another action than what you're supposed to be doing. Well, you can send him to the medical doctor, that's beside the point. But it's not the product you are working for. They won't get well anyhow but, it's not what you're working for. But there has to he a certain number of actions that bring you up to where you are going to do this Expanded Dianetics, and then that should be on a Green Sheet. And then if you're going to do Dianetics, why that ought to be included. Sooner or later this guy is going to be well, see. Well, you're not going to audit him forever. That's it. Turn him over to the HSDC. You get the point? So, that has a lot to do with what it is.

So actually then, what do you clear? Do you see? You could find yourself starting to give somebody a total college education in chemistry or medicine.

All right. Now, always mark in a folder summary, mark in your session, and your admin time, and approximately whether it ran and what, approximately what was run, and what happened with the Exam report. Now, you know all those things, but do you know they get omitted? And all you got to do is omit one of those things and you've had it. Now, there's something else, it sounds so petty and so little and so tiny. Number your pages back and front The first page of the Work Sheet is number one, and the second page of the work sheet is number two, and the third page of the work sheet is the next sheet. Now why all that? Well, you've possibly haven't been working with a meticulous, meaning a very precise, C/S and it makes a difference. You want to be able to say, "it's page twenty-six" or "page twenty-five" "Now the R/S which occurred on page twenty-five,'' in writing this, your C/S, up. And it just saves more time than you ever cared to look at. And furthermore, it gives you the proper number of pages that the session went It doesn't matter whether you write big or small. Now, if you write big, that's fine, but write legibly. I mean readable.

Now Mary Sue's brother, who is a radiologist, an X-ray doctor. He actually was in the Navy and he specialized in this field and he came out and he's down in Texas or someplace now. He was talking to Mary Sue not too long ago when she was over in the States, and he said, "But you can't get", - he's very disgusted with the patients. He's done his internship and all that but he's very disgusted with patients because they can't tell you what's wrong. And you ask them and you ask them and you ask them and they can't tell you what's wrong and they come in and they can't tell you what's wrong. And they tell you some of the, they just don't talk to you see and so on. And I've been on the verge of sending him one of these little put-together dolls which is plastic, you know. They're about 14" tall, something like that, and they have all the organs inside of them so that his patients could point to them and say, "This is where I hurt," you know, and he would get someplace with it.

So a work sheet is fixed up at the end of the session. Go through it and glance through it and see whether or not there are any words that nobody could make out. And if they are, put it in BLOCK PRINT. Now you can overdo this to an extent, that it's almost sarcasm. At the most it'd just run one or two corrections to a page or something like that. But if you're having to correct a pages like that, then the auditor should learn how to write rapidly, legibly, and people can do that.

But you cannot expect somebody to say to you, "Well, I have been taking 2cc of morphine, I've been using a dirty needle, and originally I was being given an injection in the "gluteus maximus" - meaning his butt. "But now it is all in the biceps." He comes in and he says, "I got a concrete arm," see. It means he's injected himself so much in the arm that the arm has gone solid to the touch or something like that. You might expect him to say something like that but the chances are he won't. And the chances are he will just simply sit there and expect you to do something magical without his volunteering a thing. But what he will volunteer he has tremendous interest on. And that is a technical datum.

A newspaper reporter, by the way, of 1898, could write faster than a man could talk, longhand, beautifully. And I have seen notes taken by the Columbian College Association, George Washington University. I wrote their Historical Supplement. I didn't go there by the way, you know, I merely was a - that's what they tell people - that's very funny. Before they lie like that they ought to go in and look at some of their things I used to, I used to write their supplements, like their magazine supplements, and that sort of thing. I always was on the front page. And you go in and find out who was the President of the American Society of Civil Engineers and that sort of thing, in such and such a year, and I got my name up in gold on the wall. They're not clever, and so on.

Now what blows down is what is really real to him. And what he volunteers will usually read and blow down. So that although you have to word clear correction lists, clearing the pc's own list is not necessary. But that isn't the real problem. The real problem is getting him to make one. There is a person on these lines who has had murder, rape, death, who has been audited for years and has never mentioned these; death of people around her, perversion in the family, the wildest family background you ever heard of. The pc's not been intensively on my lines. In other words, I haven't been C/Sing this pc or I would have. But this person was sort of going downhill and so I got interested in this folder, and I took a look at it. And the information isn't there. The information is on a rumor line. l started getting it into the folder. But that information came in on a rumor line.

But actually, that is an organization that was dominated by a fellow named Oberholzer. They were dominated there through their psychology department. And he's World Federation of Mental Health, (SMERSH) I shouldn't speak harshly of the World Federation of Mental Health at this particular time because you never speak of those that are dying. But that's where all that came from. Hasn't anything to do with anything else. I expect in another 50 years they'll probably have a gold plaque out in front of the building, you know. So I tell everybody I didn't go there, that fixes them.

This pc as far as I know, it could be wrong, maybe, that I didn't check the folder. I haven't gone exhaustively through the folder - but just looking at the pc's condition. This hair-raising existence she led is not part of any list, not part of any white form, not part of any record. And 1/100th of it would be enough to send somebody around the bend.

Well, now, when you find an Ethics situation in a folder you mark it. You don't necessarily turn it in because you can't try a guy on his work sheets in his auditing, it's illegal. But you, for heaven's sakes, at least make mention of it on your Auditor's C/S. And if he R/Ses you make mention of it. "R/S on page 21" And when you're doing that and you're doing, your administration, you pick up that R/S, circle it with a red pencil.

Now hold your hat - she was also a psychiatric nurse. Suffering god, and you've been trying to audit that with all kinds of upper level processes and everything else but nobody ever got to the nitty-gritty, meaning the important core of the case.

Now if an Evil Purpose suddenly leaps into view with a crash and a bang or a very very juicy item leaps up with a crash and a bang, it's a little bit dramatic to pick up a red pencil in the session and circle it, but you can put a bar along side of it to be circled. Now when an Evil Purpose jumps up you mark it over on the side of the program. And when this person is suddenly found to be R/Sing you mark it over on the edge, the left-hand edge of the program, the topmost program, "R/Ses " That's all you have to say. But on your work sheet and so on, why, you should say what page it's on. Now if you wanted to be very fancy on the thing, you would say date and work sheet page on the program. And you should do that for an Evil Purpose because somebody up the line is going to want to date and locate that thing and he doesn't want to go through seventeen feet of folders just to find one lousy evil purpose. You got it?

So therefore your success will enormously depend upon your ability to sniff out the real hot dope. If the medical doctor thinks he has trouble on this, think of trying to pull a withhold on somebody who was cheating on her husband for 39 years and keeping him from ever knowing anything about it - with his best friend.

So, the upshot of this is that it's information. Now, that for sure is marked on your Folder Summary, and it's usually marked in red, and the evil purpose is similarly marked. Your Dianetic items are for sure marked, "ran so and so and so and so "Well, you know that and you're doing that, but that evil purpose there, mark that in red with a bit of a circle on it also, back there on the Folder Summary because somebody else up the line is going to mark "I hate everybody" or whatever the evil purpose is, that isn't one. He's going to mark that, that it was dated and located, so you can check a Folder Summary and find out whether things were handled.

Now, I've mentioned the case before, is the dear little old lady that would never give up any withholds and had never done anything until we suddenly started going at it this way; "Did you murder somebody?", "Did you poison people?", "Have you robbed banks?" She's sitting there with a little flower in her hat, dear little person with mittens on, don't you see and . . . That's really taking the long way around. And of course it came up, "Oh, I didn't do any of those things. All I did was . . ." and there it was and that was that.

A lot of things wrong with an FES is that they've already been handled. And it's very very difficult to track whether or not they've been handled. So, the mark down of handling and so forth is correct.

Now you're not necessarily going to be running much in the way of ruds. But I'm giving you the basis of why people don't talk. So therefore chains of things they have withheld, that is to say, times of withholding and so forth, will get you quite a bit of information. But it will also pull out from underneath the case the basic chains that are keeping them very pinned down.

Now, when you correct a list, a list is brought forward and corrected and so on, why, it should be marked as corrected. Otherwise, somebody will be correcting it again, somebody's TA will go up and they'll wonder what in the hell is going on. Now, we're just talking about common little old garden variety admin that makes the lines flow smoothly. They are otherwise; the auditor writes out his C/S and the C/S gives the session grade and all that. You know these things, these are fine. But I'm just giving you just these little tiny fine points that make it a lot easier to run. Now, when you get those things in you'll find it is.

So the case that doesn't talk to you is, normally speaking, the normal case. I mean, the case that you bring on off the street, why, he has all kinds of ideas, like certain people shouldn't inquire into certain privacies. And nobody should know anything about anybody. In fact, here is a book that was just put out, and one of our people just sent it in to me, and it's just been published by the University of Michigan press. And the name of it is - it's a pocketbook, probably all over the US newsstands right now - and it's the Assault on Privacy, computers, data banks and dossiers. Quote, "What misuse of computers is doing and can do to individual freedoms - a warning of a new form of human slavery", unquote. Now that's by Ralph Nader, by the way, who has been attacking the FDA on our behalf.

Now, I notice you're putting a slip on the outside of your folder, totally unnecessary. But you could put some Christmas tape on it. That marks the folder as being on Expanded Dianetics. I don't care what color tape you use. Usually they're marked, when you're marking a folder, mark it around the back, that is, from the cover around the back of the bind, so it can be picked out of a folder stack Now, they use green as advanced courses, but we've, more of less, ceased to use red, so you might as well use red. And that is enough.

So if a smart guy like that can propagandize against the exchange of information, why then there must be something wrong with giving up information. Now to run consequences in Dianetics would find you doing what? Running the back end of the engram, you would never get the beginning of the engram. If you can't get to the beginning of the engram, you won't get to the beginning of the chain and the TA will go up like mad. - -So let's have an item - "being scared after battles". Now that's pretty obvious that every one of those you ran, see, that's pretty obvious, isn't it, every one of those you ran, of course, has got a battle as the beginning of it. There he is, he's got, he says, "I have this somatic in my shoulder," and so on. And you say, "What is the item?" "Well, it's being scared after a battle." You're going to grind a long, long time and you're not going to get that somatic in his shoulder or anything else because it didn't occur. There was such an item run a year or so ago and it was "running away from a battle". That's marvelous when you come right down to it, see. Now that is an invitation to run the back end of the engram, and I must warn you about this because it will give you sudden and then weird high TAs.

Now, they know those folders are coming up and there's no reason to mark a routing slip on them. It is that stack and you should have a place to put that stack of folders "GO TO" or you bring them up. And then there is, should be an arrangement of that stack of folders, goes back and appears in this place and then you won't be into a horrible scramble. The folder, completely aside from the pc has its own routing lines. And people sometimes don't recognize that they're routing a folder, they're routing an auditor, they're routing a pc. And that's why they have a scramble and confusion, because they've just got one of the items, like the auditor.

So you actually shouldn't run a withhold as a chain. Why? It's after the incident. But you could run all the overts you wanted to and all the motivators you wanted to because you would get the withhold. But he isn't going to tell you the overt because he's withholding it. Do you see what goes on here?

They don't get the auditor something. It's one of these things that's left out and you get an omitted datum continuously and that messes up the scene.

So you can get an "out of communication-ness" with the pc. And there'd be certain chains will remain seized up in the bank which nobody has touched. So this person has gone on for a long time and he has all these chains that have never been touched and never been run, and by preference he runs other chains. And that is just a case of the pc who won't talk.

All right. Now, all of that's well and good. How many misunderstood words have you picked up now? Have you picked up any or anything, speak up if you have? All right, thank you very much.

You have such a pc, you're auditing him right now. He's on the lines. He's run the same thing seven times he said, I mean. Well, he's an engram specialist, do you follow? He specializes in one chain. You got it.


Why? Because there's something very wrong with the way he's been audited and the way he's been talking to auditors, and there's something very wrong with his track, and there's something very wrong in all directions. And whenever you see this kind of thing you say, "There is something VERY wrong." And the first thing you can select out is there may be something wrong with his PT environment. And the next thing you can select out is maybe there was something wrong with his auditing. And the next thing you can select out is maybe he has just been avoiding running. Because when a fellow tells you he's run the same thing seven times and it isn't gone yet, well, he's certainly avoiding something.

Now you could say right away, "Well, you could run 'avoiding', you know." Now I do want to call to your attention - that's not the right answer. I do want to call to your, I'll give it to you in a minute, but I do want to call to your attention, just to close off this other subject - watch these after the fact things. Because you'll be sitting there, "Help, the TA has now gone to 6.5." And then all of a sudden the wrong time to realize that is you're running "finished". Seemed like a good item at the time, "a time you were finished." That was pretty good.

It comes under the same rules as interiorization and you should have a familiarity with interiorization processing. And the thing which cracks the back of interiorization is when the fellow goes out of something he must have gone into it. So you have to run going into it. Now the Interiorization Rundown has been under overhaul and I should give you this one too because you're doing word clearing.

Interiorization Rundown, you'll find yourself being called upon to do an Int/Ext Correction List every time you see interiorization read on a Word Clearing Correction form. Now it's there for a purpose. But it worries people because it reads. Now it can go out from day to day and some people, particularly C/Ses, become frantic and they handle it and handle it and handle it and handle it and they worry and worry and worry.

Now there was something wrong with the original Interiorization Rundown. Flow 1 was what you call "permissive" or "general". It permitted the pc to go in any direction. So Flow 1 was often some other kind of a flow. So the flow situation is "put in". Flow 0 is "went in". So you can run the flows wrong. And if you're correcting one of these things the fastest thing to do is just to, if the guy's in a heck of a lot of mass and all that sort of thing and you're trying to straighten it out is this wrong flow situation. Because there was a missing flow "put in" a time you were "put in".

And that's what they're all afraid of - going to jail. Do you see it? Now you can even figure out they were put in this universe. So there's a missing flow. That is actually the flow 1. So the original issues on the thing was perfectly valid and it works but sometimes when it has to be corrected and corrected and corrected and corrected nobody really asks this burning question. This really can be a missing chain called "put in" and it will probably be corrected and the Int pack will he corrected and so forth on this. We usually don't correct things unless we're having a lot of trouble with them. They're having a little trouble with this in the field but that isn't the trouble with it. The trouble is they just don't run 1 to 9. A to D and they say . . .

Now here's the main trouble with it is they've never got the word defined. It's a brain cracking word.

So if the word has never been well cleared on a Word Clearing Correction List it will continue to read. Now you just had one come through where it did read and you were going to do an Int/Ext. Well now the test is simply this: The TA was not misbehaving. Only do an Int Ext correction list when you've got a TA misbehavior - too high or really too low. You see that? Now you call separate out a tremendous amount if you just recognize and remember; don't go panic on Interiorization read. Don't panic on it the hell with it. TA wasn't high. Now Interiorization is only run to cure a high TA. It is not run to exteriorize somebody. So therefore if the TA wasn't high you have a no situation. So Int read, two way comm, so forth, "How do you feel about interiorization?" "Do you understand what the word means?". You don't ask them one after the other "How do you feel about interiorization?" Yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap F/N. So that s it. That takes a weight off of your shoulders.

And the other one is if just "waffle, waffle...(etc.)" "Give me a definition for it". And he'll say, "Well, I just never knew that". And get him to define it and it'll stop reading.

So that point is something you should know something about. Thank you very much.