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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Extroversion (VMP-2) - L510709b | Сравнить
- MEST Processing (VMP-3) - L510709c | Сравнить
- Review of Validation Processing (VMP-1) - L510709a | Сравнить

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A lecture given on 9 July 1951A lecture given on 9 July 1951
Perceiving the Exterior EnvironmentPerceiving the Exterior Environment

A gentleman just asked me if there is any other method of extroverting somebody without processing. I know a yogi method which doesn’t work, but I wanted to show it to you anyway because I improved on it a little bit. The usefulness of this technique in extroverting a person is very limited. I won’t do this to you, Terry, but you can actually take about one preclear out of ten and knock him colder than ice with this method. It’s very simple.

A gentleman just asked me if there is any other method of extroverting somebody without processing. I know a yogi method which doesn’t work, but I wanted to show it to you anyway because I improved on it a little bit. The usefulness of this technique in extroverting a person is very limited. I won’t do this to you, Terry, but you can actually take about one preclear out of ten and knock him colder than ice with this method. It’s very simple.

Terry: Can I demonstrate it?

Terry: Can I demonstrate it?

LRH: All right. Just take a look at that oval there; you see that oval? Now, do you hear any noises? Do you hear that noise of the air conditioner?

LRH: All right. Just take a look at that oval there; you see that oval? Now, do you hear any noises? Do you hear that noise of the air conditioner?

Terry: Just barely.

Terry: Just barely.

LRH: You hear the noise of the air conditioner. Now let’s look at the oval and listen to the air conditioner at the same time.

LRH: You hear the noise of the air conditioner. Now let’s look at the oval and listen to the air conditioner at the same time.

Terry: Right.

Terry: Right.

LRH: All right. You can do those. Now, you feel yourself standing on your feet?

LRH: All right. You can do those. Now, you feel yourself standing on your feet?

Terry: Uh-huh. Yeah.

Terry: Uh-huh. Yeah.

LRH: Now, all three.

LRH: Now, all three.

Terry: All right.

Terry: All right.

LRH: All right. Now feel your clothes on you. Now let’s coordinate that.

LRH: All right. Now feel your clothes on you. Now let’s coordinate that.

Terry:Yes, I got it.

Terry:Yes, I got it.

LRH: Very nicely. Now, feel your hands.

LRH: Very nicely. Now, feel your hands.

Terry: Uh-huh.

Terry: Uh-huh.

LRH: All right. Now let’s put some little pain alongside of it. Do you feel that too?

LRH: All right. Now let’s put some little pain alongside of it. Do you feel that too?

Terry: Uh-huh. Yeah, they ‘re going around.

Terry: Uh-huh. Yeah, they ‘re going around.

LRH: Well, what’s happening now?

LRH: Well, what’s happening now?

Terry: Getting dizzy.

Terry: Getting dizzy.

LRH: All right. Just look at the oval and listen to the air conditioner, hm?

LRH: All right. Just look at the oval and listen to the air conditioner, hm?

Terry: Shouldn’t be the lighter setting.

Terry: Shouldn’t be the lighter setting.

LRH: How do you feel?

LRH: How do you feel?

Terry: Dizzy.

Terry: Dizzy.

LRH: That’s right. Okay.[to class] When a person is out of present time and you ask him to try to face his perceptics he will get dizzy, and about one out of ten will go out like a light. Now, what is he doing? He is starting into a boil-off, of course. It is just as simple as that. Just by concentrating on his exterior environment he will start to boil off because he is asking attention units to start up through all of this anaten, and the guy will all of a sudden go out. And sometimes it happens very fast!

LRH: That’s right. Okay.[to class] When a person is out of present time and you ask him to try to face his perceptics he will get dizzy, and about one out of ten will go out like a light. Now, what is he doing? He is starting into a boil-off, of course. It is just as simple as that. Just by concentrating on his exterior environment he will start to boil off because he is asking attention units to start up through all of this anaten, and the guy will all of a sudden go out. And sometimes it happens very fast!

Terry: Incidentally, I can see a little better now, though.

Terry: Incidentally, I can see a little better now, though.

LRH: Yeah. It has this effect. It is very spotty. It is one of those things like psychoanalysis: you work two years and then the fellow who used to be able to raise his hand only to his chest can now raise his hand to his shoulder. But there is a change; you can note a change.

LRH: Yeah. It has this effect. It is very spotty. It is one of those things like psychoanalysis: you work two years and then the fellow who used to be able to raise his hand only to his chest can now raise his hand to his shoulder. But there is a change; you can note a change.

Looking back over twenty years there have been lots of theories that went into Dianetics. I was exploring a theory one time that what happened was the perceptics got out of phase. That is to say, you have these various perceptics one right after the other, and this is actually the time track; the time track consists of a bundle of perceptics. The point was that at any moment all the perceptics should be coordinated, one with each other, and the reason people would get upset and sonic and visio would go off would be because they went out of phase. This doesn’t happen to be a very workable theory but it led to this experiment.

Looking back over twenty years there have been lots of theories that went into Dianetics. I was exploring a theory one time that what happened was the perceptics got out of phase. That is to say, you have these various perceptics one right after the other, and this is actually the time track; the time track consists of a bundle of perceptics. The point was that at any moment all the perceptics should be coordinated, one with each other, and the reason people would get upset and sonic and visio would go off would be because they went out of phase. This doesn’t happen to be a very workable theory but it led to this experiment.

I knew this yogi method of trying to concentrate on the present environment. A yogi will take a vase or something of the sort and concentrate until he can see all of the vase, perceive it all, and so on. He goes into communication with this vase very heavily, and what will happen, of course, is very simple: he gets dizzy, and it produces enough of a manifestation.

I knew this yogi method of trying to concentrate on the present environment. A yogi will take a vase or something of the sort and concentrate until he can see all of the vase, perceive it all, and so on. He goes into communication with this vase very heavily, and what will happen, of course, is very simple: he gets dizzy, and it produces enough of a manifestation.

I thought this was some sort of an explanation for it, but all I found out is that attention units are latched up on the time track and are trying to come up through the anaten.

I thought this was some sort of an explanation for it, but all I found out is that attention units are latched up on the time track and are trying to come up through the anaten.

The usefulness of this yogi method is very limited, but the usefulness of Validation Processing is not. It does what I hoped that yogi technique would do. It really will extrovert a person in present time.

The usefulness of this yogi method is very limited, but the usefulness of Validation Processing is not. It does what I hoped that yogi technique would do. It really will extrovert a person in present time.

By the way, when you start Validation Processing with somebody, immediately after you do it and you’ve successfully steered him up through the analytical chains he is liable to tell you the world looks brighter to him or his sense of touch has picked up or become exaggerated or something. This is really quite remarkable. His sense of touch is not exaggerated; it is coming up to about half of normal, but it has been so far retarded that he didn’t know how things felt when he was supposed to be doing that.

By the way, when you start Validation Processing with somebody, immediately after you do it and you’ve successfully steered him up through the analytical chains he is liable to tell you the world looks brighter to him or his sense of touch has picked up or become exaggerated or something. This is really quite remarkable. His sense of touch is not exaggerated; it is coming up to about half of normal, but it has been so far retarded that he didn’t know how things felt when he was supposed to be doing that.