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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- As You Return to Your Org (FEBC-11 Notes) - L710203a | Сравнить
- As You Return to Your Org (FEBC-11) - L710203a | Сравнить
- FEBC Org Board and Its VFPS (FEBC-12 Notes) - L710203b | Сравнить
- FEBC Org Board and Its VFPS (FEBC-12) - L710203b | Сравнить

LRH TAPE, FEBC - 12, 7102CO3SO, 03 FEB 71LRH TAPE, FEBC - 12, 7102CO3SO, 03 FEB 71





1.) The FEBC Org Board has all its VFPs written along the bottom of the Org board for Divisions and Departments.

1.) The FEBC Org Board has all its VFPs written along the bottom of the Org board for Divisions and Departments.

2.) Now, there are SUB-PRODUCTS and PRODUCTS and VALUABLE FINAL PRODUCTS. That is the gradient.

2.) Now, there are SUB-PRODUCTS and PRODUCTS and VALUABLE FINAL PRODUCTS. That is the gradient.

3.) Each department has a product. Each division has a product. These products are, technically, SUB-PRODUCTS which build up into the VALUABLE FINAL PRODUCTS (VFP's).

3.) Each department has a product. Each division has a product. These products are, technically, SUB-PRODUCTS which build up into the VALUABLE FINAL PRODUCTS (VFP's).

4.) A "Valuable Final Product" is one that you can EXCHANGE with the society around you for the wherewithal (or valubles) that the society has.

4.) A "Valuable Final Product" is one that you can EXCHANGE with the society around you for the wherewithal (or valubles) that the society has.

5.) It is something for which you can EXCHANGE the services and goods of the society.

5.) It is something for which you can EXCHANGE the services and goods of the society.

6.) Now that would seem "to be just MONEY" and in a society which is not really serving and not really delivering, one has to count totally on money.

6.) Now that would seem "to be just MONEY" and in a society which is not really serving and not really delivering, one has to count totally on money.

7.) But a fully trained auditor is a VFP because he can interchange with the society around you.

7.) But a fully trained auditor is a VFP because he can interchange with the society around you.

8.) A completed preclear is a VFP because he brings about an interchange with the society around you.

8.) A completed preclear is a VFP because he brings about an interchange with the society around you.

9.) And money is a VFP because it brings about an interchange with the society around you.

9.) And money is a VFP because it brings about an interchange with the society around you.

10.) In even a communism, where money is "outlawed", (but they have income tax) - this works.

10.) In even a communism, where money is "outlawed", (but they have income tax) - this works.

11.) You can understand the interchange by understanding barter or trade, which is something they don't understand in Switzerland.

11.) You can understand the interchange by understanding barter or trade, which is something they don't understand in Switzerland.

12.) In Switzerland money is money is money is money, etc. Someday, it will al as-is and they won't have anything!

12.) In Switzerland money is money is money is money, etc. Someday, it will al as-is and they won't have anything!

13.) "Barter" is a better expression of Economics any day of the week.

13.) "Barter" is a better expression of Economics any day of the week.

14.) Why? Because when money inflates and goes bad, people resort to "barter". Therefore it must be the basis of money.

14.) Why? Because when money inflates and goes bad, people resort to "barter". Therefore it must be the basis of money.

15.) You should keep this in mind in case the world suddenly goes Communist or Socialist or Facist or something else.

15.) You should keep this in mind in case the world suddenly goes Communist or Socialist or Facist or something else.

16.) Were your money goes out, you still have a barter type system which can still function.

16.) Were your money goes out, you still have a barter type system which can still function.

17.) A barter system is clumsy, so I'm not saying you should engage in it. I'm just showing you there are different coins than "cash".

17.) A barter system is clumsy, so I'm not saying you should engage in it. I'm just showing you there are different coins than "cash".

18.) Some of the PRODUCTS you have could become VFPs if the system of economy changes. (Typed Letters, Surveys, Mimeo, etc.)

18.) Some of the PRODUCTS you have could become VFPs if the system of economy changes. (Typed Letters, Surveys, Mimeo, etc.)

19.) But what you need today is MONEY. And the way to get it is turn out VFPs in exchange for money and exchange some of it for your Establishment and you are away!

19.) But what you need today is MONEY. And the way to get it is turn out VFPs in exchange for money and exchange some of it for your Establishment and you are away!

20.) It's a relatively simple system so it is useful. But there ARE other systems. And you can work them out.

20.) It's a relatively simple system so it is useful. But there ARE other systems. And you can work them out.

  • MONEY - is an idea backed by confidence.
  • MONEY - is an idea backed by confidence.
  • MONEY - provides a comm-lag between delivery and receipt of goods and for services.
  • MONEY - provides a comm-lag between delivery and receipt of goods and for services.
  • MONEY - is an anonomous exchange media.
  • MONEY - is an anonomous exchange media.
  • MONEY - is a VIA on exchange.
  • MONEY - is a VIA on exchange.
  • MONEY - is a representation of agreed upon purchasing power.
  • MONEY - is a representation of agreed upon purchasing power.
  • MONEY - is a representation of security of ability to have goods or services in the future.
  • MONEY - is a representation of security of ability to have goods or services in the future.
  • MONEY - is a group or social agreement of the ability to interchange and exchange with other members of the group or society in PT or in the future. (It's also a tacit (unsaid) assumption that the one having it has honestly produced or delivered a service in the past - although this is sometimes false) - some definitions of MONEY - WBR
  • MONEY - is a group or social agreement of the ability to interchange and exchange with other members of the group or society in PT or in the future. (It's also a tacit (unsaid) assumption that the one having it has honestly produced or delivered a service in the past - although this is sometimes false) - some definitions of MONEY - WBR
  • 21.) When you realize that every service in a barter system must be able to interchange with a commodity, then you suddenly realize your service must be REAL - and you must have an AGREED UPON value. In other words a pro-survival RESULT. (Would that session I gave be good enough to get a full-course dinner with?)

    21.) When you realize that every service in a barter system must be able to interchange with a commodity, then you suddenly realize your service must be REAL - and you must have an AGREED UPON value. In other words a pro-survival RESULT. (Would that session I gave be good enough to get a full-course dinner with?)

    22.) Money tends to obscure the fact that DELIVERY MUST BE OF GOOD QUALITY.

    22.) Money tends to obscure the fact that DELIVERY MUST BE OF GOOD QUALITY.

    23.) Remember that as a PRODUCT OFFICER.

    23.) Remember that as a PRODUCT OFFICER.

    24.) A STAT should consist of volume, quality and viability.

    24.) A STAT should consist of volume, quality and viability.

    25.) You should not neglect quality, but you can try to push it up so high you get no interchange at all.

    25.) You should not neglect quality, but you can try to push it up so high you get no interchange at all.

    26.) The ART formula applies to PRODUCTION.

    26.) The ART formula applies to PRODUCTION.

    27.) Art is a communication and you can try to push the quality so high it can't be understood - or worse - it never gets released.

    27.) Art is a communication and you can try to push the quality so high it can't be understood - or worse - it never gets released.

    28.) I've sees C/Ses do this on pcs - endless repair to get "just one more area handled before he goes on up the next grade". If you keep doing this too much, he will crash from over-repair and NOT going on up. It gets suppressive. YOU HAVE TO LET GO OF THE PRODUCT AT SOME POINT.

    28.) I've sees C/Ses do this on pcs - endless repair to get "just one more area handled before he goes on up the next grade". If you keep doing this too much, he will crash from over-repair and NOT going on up. It gets suppressive. YOU HAVE TO LET GO OF THE PRODUCT AT SOME POINT.

    29.) There has to be a transfer of comm particles called "products". They have to FLOW. There IS a time to LET GO of it.

    29.) There has to be a transfer of comm particles called "products". They have to FLOW. There IS a time to LET GO of it.

    30.) This is why you "raise the quality" as you "raise the volume". You don't STOP the volume to raise the quality. That's fatal.

    30.) This is why you "raise the quality" as you "raise the volume". You don't STOP the volume to raise the quality. That's fatal.

    Ex: Letter Regs all found checking out on policies and grammar, doing typing drills, filing CF perfectly, but NOT putting out letters. Why? They got two letters complaining about their quality - out of 462 letters - so now they are neglecting 460 people! Result - inflow and income will CRASH!

    Ex: Letter Regs all found checking out on policies and grammar, doing typing drills, filing CF perfectly, but NOT putting out letters. Why? They got two letters complaining about their quality - out of 462 letters - so now they are neglecting 460 people! Result - inflow and income will CRASH!

    31.) The way you do it is: YOU GET YOUR VOLUME and THEN MAKE IT OF QUALITY.

    31.) The way you do it is: YOU GET YOUR VOLUME and THEN MAKE IT OF QUALITY.

    32.) You have to do this with TECH DELIVERY and ALL of these products.

    32.) You have to do this with TECH DELIVERY and ALL of these products.



    34.) If you try to improve its quality without raising its volume, you will not even achieve viability, nor will you achieve volume.

    34.) If you try to improve its quality without raising its volume, you will not even achieve viability, nor will you achieve volume.

    35.) So it goes 1, 2, 3. VOLUME, QUALITY, VIABILITY.

    35.) So it goes 1, 2, 3. VOLUME, QUALITY, VIABILITY.

    36.) And each extends from the last one. And you should think in terms of that for all the products you achieve departmentally.

    36.) And each extends from the last one. And you should think in terms of that for all the products you achieve departmentally.

    37.) Now I will give the list from the FEBC Org Board, and I reserve the right to improve the list or the wording of these products:

    37.) Now I will give the list from the FEBC Org Board, and I reserve the right to improve the list or the wording of these products:

    38.) (Source) DEPT 21 - "The Technology of Dianetics and Scientology and its Products".

    38.) (Source) DEPT 21 - "The Technology of Dianetics and Scientology and its Products".

    (In other words, that is the KNOWLEDGE with which you are dealing. In an org, this is handled by the LRH Comm. who also gets back the Policy Knowledge hat from the GO.)

    (In other words, that is the KNOWLEDGE with which you are dealing. In an org, this is handled by the LRH Comm. who also gets back the Policy Knowledge hat from the GO.)

    39.) (Recognition) DEPT 1 - "Effective Personnel, Posted and Hatted".

    39.) (Recognition) DEPT 1 - "Effective Personnel, Posted and Hatted".

    (This includes the Org Board and Recruitment. These hatted staff are valuable in their own right as products. I used to lose the Secretaries I trained to millionaires as "Executive Secretaries". They knew the Executive lines and functions so well, they became quite valuable.)

    (This includes the Org Board and Recruitment. These hatted staff are valuable in their own right as products. I used to lose the Secretaries I trained to millionaires as "Executive Secretaries". They knew the Executive lines and functions so well, they became quite valuable.)

    40.) (Communication) DEPT 2 - "Communications Easily Accepted and Swiftly Delivered".

    40.) (Communication) DEPT 2 - "Communications Easily Accepted and Swiftly Delivered".

    (This can have volume, quality and viability. Remember, when you are sending out mail, that quality IS a factor in "easily accepted". But don't reduce your volume or message if, say 1 or 2 out of a 1000 complain. Because there are 998 who DIDN'T complain. I saw a magazine go broke once because 12 people out of 6000 got protesty about "hard sell". The magazine changed its policy and went to soft-sell and went broke.)

    (This can have volume, quality and viability. Remember, when you are sending out mail, that quality IS a factor in "easily accepted". But don't reduce your volume or message if, say 1 or 2 out of a 1000 complain. Because there are 998 who DIDN'T complain. I saw a magazine go broke once because 12 people out of 6000 got protesty about "hard sell". The magazine changed its policy and went to soft-sell and went broke.)

    41.) (Perception) DEPT 3 - "An Established, Active and Ethical Org".

    41.) (Perception) DEPT 3 - "An Established, Active and Ethical Org".

    (That is ALSO the product of HCO as a whole division. Look what that department contains: Inspections, Stats, Ethics. Neglect of any of these three will result in not having an "Established, active, and Ethical Org".)

    (That is ALSO the product of HCO as a whole division. Look what that department contains: Inspections, Stats, Ethics. Neglect of any of these three will result in not having an "Established, active, and Ethical Org".)

    42.) (Orientation) DEPT 4 - "Effective Promotion Pieces Printed and Sent Out".

    42.) (Orientation) DEPT 4 - "Effective Promotion Pieces Printed and Sent Out".

    (Effective means ANSWERED, and preferably answered with a BODY coming for service. So this means SURVEYS go IN and sloppy mags go "out" (not done anymore). You can figure the effectiveness by % response.)

    (Effective means ANSWERED, and preferably answered with a BODY coming for service. So this means SURVEYS go IN and sloppy mags go "out" (not done anymore). You can figure the effectiveness by % response.)

    43.) (Understandings) DEPT 5 - "Hats, Course Packs, and Tapes" plus these VFP's of the ORG:

    43.) (Understandings) DEPT 5 - "Hats, Course Packs, and Tapes" plus these VFP's of the ORG:

  • (When you don't have books out there, you are not exporting knowledge to the society. A book keeps on being a VFP, it gets read, and re-read and passed around and read again. And tapes - when an area went bad once, the "why" was found to be no LRH Tape Plays for 2 years in the area. So if Div 6 isn't playing tapes, or they aren't on study checksheets, or being sold, you will develop some trouble.)

    (When you don't have books out there, you are not exporting knowledge to the society. A book keeps on being a VFP, it gets read, and re-read and passed around and read again. And tapes - when an area went bad once, the "why" was found to be no LRH Tape Plays for 2 years in the area. So if Div 6 isn't playing tapes, or they aren't on study checksheets, or being sold, you will develop some trouble.)

    (I don't know why a student is not sold the materials of his course, or the tapes he hears, or staff can't be sold a hat when they leave. Sometimes it's more trouble than it's worth, but a P/O would be wise to examine it - as a possible new product.)

    (I don't know why a student is not sold the materials of his course, or the tapes he hears, or staff can't be sold a hat when they leave. Sometimes it's more trouble than it's worth, but a P/O would be wise to examine it - as a possible new product.)

    (And meters - we ARE getting them - over the dead bodies of the government agencies who are, I suppose, trying to protect their withholds from being found out by stopping the shipment of meters.)

    (And meters - we ARE getting them - over the dead bodies of the government agencies who are, I suppose, trying to protect their withholds from being found out by stopping the shipment of meters.)

    44.) (Enlightenment) DEPT 6 - "Income greater than Outgo plus Reserves".

    44.) (Enlightenment) DEPT 6 - "Income greater than Outgo plus Reserves".

    (The invoice machines are all going over to Dept 6, so the Reg CAN take money directly. They also get the address plating to correespond to CF. They take care of all the paying customers.

    (The invoice machines are all going over to Dept 6, so the Reg CAN take money directly. They also get the address plating to correespond to CF. They take care of all the paying customers.

    I found that the line of Reg-Cashier-Tech Services will not work smoothly because the Reg has the files and Cashier only has accounts. So the personal touch is missing.)

    I found that the line of Reg-Cashier-Tech Services will not work smoothly because the Reg has the files and Cashier only has accounts. So the personal touch is missing.)

    (This was found because our management org was close to a Service Org here. You must NOT put a management org REMOTE from a Service Org or it loses touch, gets unreality, and loses familarity with the scene.)

    (This was found because our management org was close to a Service Org here. You must NOT put a management org REMOTE from a Service Org or it loses touch, gets unreality, and loses familarity with the scene.)

    45.) (Energy) DEPT 7 - "All Funds collected from Services and Sales"

    45.) (Energy) DEPT 7 - "All Funds collected from Services and Sales"

    (Dept 7 COLLECTS, they are set up to collect all money in sight, owed, regged, APed, mailed in, etc. If this Dept. is not functioning, you will never attain viability.)

    (Dept 7 COLLECTS, they are set up to collect all money in sight, owed, regged, APed, mailed in, etc. If this Dept. is not functioning, you will never attain viability.)

    46.) (Adjustment) DEPT 8 - "Pleased Creditors"

    46.) (Adjustment) DEPT 8 - "Pleased Creditors"

    (Now you could please all the firms and people you owe money to by OVER paying them, but that isn't expected. In fact it would mess up their bookkeeping so they WOULDN'T be pleased. Sometimes a printing firm will send 3 bills and then a combined bill of all 3 and try to make you pay on all 4 at once - don't do it. Pay only what is owed or you give them a "withhold" of trying to rip you off, and that doesn't please them either - its "case".)

    (Now you could please all the firms and people you owe money to by OVER paying them, but that isn't expected. In fact it would mess up their bookkeeping so they WOULDN'T be pleased. Sometimes a printing firm will send 3 bills and then a combined bill of all 3 and try to make you pay on all 4 at once - don't do it. Pay only what is owed or you give them a "withhold" of trying to rip you off, and that doesn't please them either - its "case".)

    47.) (Body) DEPT 9 - "Adequate and well cared for Materias, Assets, and Records."

    47.) (Body) DEPT 9 - "Adequate and well cared for Materias, Assets, and Records."

    ("Adequate" means issued in sufficient quantity to do the job, and "cared for" means maintained. They have to keep up the accounts and records for Quarterly & Yearly summaries.)

    ("Adequate" means issued in sufficient quantity to do the job, and "cared for" means maintained. They have to keep up the accounts and records for Quarterly & Yearly summaries.)

    48.) (Prediction) DEPT 10 - "Adequately supplied Courses. Rapid and efficiently scheduled, routed, and handled Students and PC's."

    48.) (Prediction) DEPT 10 - "Adequately supplied Courses. Rapid and efficiently scheduled, routed, and handled Students and PC's."

    (That is Tech Services, and we have found it can get goofy and try to make half the auditors handle 90% of the pc's and leave other auditors idle, schedule by what the Reg says rather than by Reference Policy in OEC Vol 4, etc.) (Or they will get a list of PC's, and Class of Auditors required, from the D of p and then let the Auditors argue about the schedules between themselves. If you are having trouble with getting WDAH up in volume, you will probably find jams and arbitraries in Tech Services.)

    (That is Tech Services, and we have found it can get goofy and try to make half the auditors handle 90% of the pc's and leave other auditors idle, schedule by what the Reg says rather than by Reference Policy in OEC Vol 4, etc.) (Or they will get a list of PC's, and Class of Auditors required, from the D of p and then let the Auditors argue about the schedules between themselves. If you are having trouble with getting WDAH up in volume, you will probably find jams and arbitraries in Tech Services.)

    49.) The worst case I saw of this was an org that had 35 auditors all getting full pay, and some were only auditing 2 1/2 hours per week! The arbitrary was: The Registrar was scheduling the sessions with the additive of asking the pc "When do you want your sessions?" I just eliminated that and had the pc told to "be there Monday morning". Suddenly all the auditors were busy and the income shot up along with delivery. Then we had the problems of invoice machines breaking from overuse and the bottoms of cash drawers falling out because of too much money in them - but THAT'S the kind of problems I can HAVE! (Laugh) So you see how simple it CAN be.

    49.) The worst case I saw of this was an org that had 35 auditors all getting full pay, and some were only auditing 2 1/2 hours per week! The arbitrary was: The Registrar was scheduling the sessions with the additive of asking the pc "When do you want your sessions?" I just eliminated that and had the pc told to "be there Monday morning". Suddenly all the auditors were busy and the income shot up along with delivery. Then we had the problems of invoice machines breaking from overuse and the bottoms of cash drawers falling out because of too much money in them - but THAT'S the kind of problems I can HAVE! (Laugh) So you see how simple it CAN be.

    SIDE B

    SIDE B

    50.) (Activity) DEPT 11 - "Auditors who understand the data they have learned and CAN apply it."

    50.) (Activity) DEPT 11 - "Auditors who understand the data they have learned and CAN apply it."

    (Notice it doesn't say "certificates". An Auditor who can not audit is a liability. He is NOT a Valuable Final Product. And there are too many of those around. We have to RETRAIN them when we get them here a Flag.)

    (Notice it doesn't say "certificates". An Auditor who can not audit is a liability. He is NOT a Valuable Final Product. And there are too many of those around. We have to RETRAIN them when we get them here a Flag.)

    51.) It takes 2 WAY COMM, ACTUAL COURSE SUPERVISION, and NO EVALUATION FROM THE BULLETINS. They way to do it is to get the course taught that way.

    51.) It takes 2 WAY COMM, ACTUAL COURSE SUPERVISION, and NO EVALUATION FROM THE BULLETINS. They way to do it is to get the course taught that way.

    52.) It's very easy to make an Auditor. If you DON'T, it's not a VFP, it's actually something that can recoil on you from the "auditor's" messing up cases in the field.

    52.) It's very easy to make an Auditor. If you DON'T, it's not a VFP, it's actually something that can recoil on you from the "auditor's" messing up cases in the field.

    53.) (Production) DEPT 12 - "The WINS of Preclears and Pre-OTs."

    53.) (Production) DEPT 12 - "The WINS of Preclears and Pre-OTs."

    (It is trying to move people up to the PERSISTENT F/N. It is NOT trying to "reform" people to make them behave in a certain way.)

    (It is trying to move people up to the PERSISTENT F/N. It is NOT trying to "reform" people to make them behave in a certain way.)

    54.) As far as the HGC is concerned, it is WINS, quantity of, and this is expressed actually by the WIDTH of an F/N on a meter.

    54.) As far as the HGC is concerned, it is WINS, quantity of, and this is expressed actually by the WIDTH of an F/N on a meter.

    55.) We are getting more and more fantastic WINS on this line by doing retrain, retread, cram, and C/Sing of auditors. When you don't get big F/Ns and persistent F/Ns, it is only that the auditing or C/Sing was poor.

    55.) We are getting more and more fantastic WINS on this line by doing retrain, retread, cram, and C/Sing of auditors. When you don't get big F/Ns and persistent F/Ns, it is only that the auditing or C/Sing was poor.

    56.) If you give "quicky" lower grades in 20 minutes, you have ONE win. Whereas there are 30 or 40 wins to be gotten in that area.

    56.) If you give "quicky" lower grades in 20 minutes, you have ONE win. Whereas there are 30 or 40 wins to be gotten in that area.

    57.) I had a case who was "hopeless" - 179 hours of Life Repair, self-auditing for years, really messed up - how did I get a win on him? I pulled out a disused Power Process which cleans up auditing (PrPr 3) and used it. Wow! Big win!

    57.) I had a case who was "hopeless" - 179 hours of Life Repair, self-auditing for years, really messed up - how did I get a win on him? I pulled out a disused Power Process which cleans up auditing (PrPr 3) and used it. Wow! Big win!

    58.) This works out also for those who have gone up the OT levels without confronting them, but who flinched away from the data and false attested.

    58.) This works out also for those who have gone up the OT levels without confronting them, but who flinched away from the data and false attested.

    59.) You can give a case a WIN by straightening out the case and recognizing it HAS been straightened out. That is a WIN.

    59.) You can give a case a WIN by straightening out the case and recognizing it HAS been straightened out. That is a WIN.

    60.) Now you have the whole bridge from Dianetics to OT 6 to get MORE WINS on.

    60.) Now you have the whole bridge from Dianetics to OT 6 to get MORE WINS on.

    61.) Although a "completion" is a stat, the way you get to it is by a series of WINS on the case.

    61.) Although a "completion" is a stat, the way you get to it is by a series of WINS on the case.

    62.) So, from the Product Officer's viewpoint, it's "How many WINS is that HGC getting per person?"

    62.) So, from the Product Officer's viewpoint, it's "How many WINS is that HGC getting per person?"

    63.) Keep that flying and the enthusiasm will go out in all directions. (WINS also promote to others.)

    63.) Keep that flying and the enthusiasm will go out in all directions. (WINS also promote to others.)



    (This now has a "Hatting-College" in it as well.) (Also examiner)

    (This now has a "Hatting-College" in it as well.) (Also examiner)

    65.) When you don't understand what's happening, it's a good MAXIM t just "hold on to what you've got". This is the old "STO" (Staff Training Officer) area - programming, training & checking out Staff.

    65.) When you don't understand what's happening, it's a good MAXIM t just "hold on to what you've got". This is the old "STO" (Staff Training Officer) area - programming, training & checking out Staff.

    66.) (Review) DEPT 14 - "More efficiently produced org Valuable Final Products."

    66.) (Review) DEPT 14 - "More efficiently produced org Valuable Final Products."

    (This is a built-in "Establishment correction machine". It handles the Product 3, from "Org Series 20" (HCOPL) Has Review and c/Sing in it.)

    (This is a built-in "Establishment correction machine". It handles the Product 3, from "Org Series 20" (HCOPL) Has Review and c/Sing in it.)

    67.) This doesn't relieve Product and Org Officers of their responsibilities but it will probably cut a lot of miles off their pedometers when it goes in.

    67.) This doesn't relieve Product and Org Officers of their responsibilities but it will probably cut a lot of miles off their pedometers when it goes in.

    68.) (Ability) DEPT 15 - "Corrected org Products" + "Earned Certificates and Awards."

    68.) (Ability) DEPT 15 - "Corrected org Products" + "Earned Certificates and Awards."

    69.) Now we have a series of stats for an org which give you the volume of production, the quality of production, and the viability of the org. Your OIC (Org Information Center) stats give you all three of those when you know how to read them.

    69.) Now we have a series of stats for an org which give you the volume of production, the quality of production, and the viability of the org. Your OIC (Org Information Center) stats give you all three of those when you know how to read them.

    70.) If you just measured by products, you may or may not wind up with the answers. It's chancy.

    70.) If you just measured by products, you may or may not wind up with the answers. It's chancy.

    71.) Now "SUCCESS STORIES" and the "GI (Gross Income) devided by STAFF" have been the traditional stats of Qual, and when you dropped those it wasn't so well off. These two measure the WINS from public, and per staff member and the org.

    71.) Now "SUCCESS STORIES" and the "GI (Gross Income) devided by STAFF" have been the traditional stats of Qual, and when you dropped those it wasn't so well off. These two measure the WINS from public, and per staff member and the org.

    72.) The PRODUCT of Qual is the CORRECTED ORG PRODUCTS, or the "Products of the org Corrected". Thus it can be measured by SUCCESS STORIES and EARNED CERTIFICATES AND AWARDS. If they ARE earned, they ARE very valuable to the people who earned them.

    72.) The PRODUCT of Qual is the CORRECTED ORG PRODUCTS, or the "Products of the org Corrected". Thus it can be measured by SUCCESS STORIES and EARNED CERTIFICATES AND AWARDS. If they ARE earned, they ARE very valuable to the people who earned them.

    73.) (Purposes) DEPT 16 - "Effective PR and Advertising actions that attract members of the public to become Scientologists."

    73.) (Purposes) DEPT 16 - "Effective PR and Advertising actions that attract members of the public to become Scientologists."

    (So now we have gone EXTERNAL. If you want to understand Distribution Division, you must realitze its EXTERNAL, external into the public.)

    (So now we have gone EXTERNAL. If you want to understand Distribution Division, you must realitze its EXTERNAL, external into the public.)

    74.) Div 2, Dissem, is INTERNAL

    74.) Div 2, Dissem, is INTERNAL

    Div 6, Distribution, is EXTERNAL.

    Div 6, Distribution, is EXTERNAL.

    75.) When England dropped advertisements in books a while back, there was trouble. They didn't have the flow they had before.

    75.) When England dropped advertisements in books a while back, there was trouble. They didn't have the flow they had before.

    76.) When you drop advertising, you decrease CONSUMPTION, so this is where you count on consumption to be built-up - Dept 16.

    76.) When you drop advertising, you decrease CONSUMPTION, so this is where you count on consumption to be built-up - Dept 16.

    77.) This is NEW ZONES of CONSUMPTION.

    77.) This is NEW ZONES of CONSUMPTION.

    (Note: Advertising gradients:

    (Note: Advertising gradients:

  • DATA ABOUT IT. (Lectures, etc.)
  • DATA ABOUT IT. (Lectures, etc.)
  • 78.) (Clearing) DEPT 17 - "Hatted Scientologists."

    78.) (Clearing) DEPT 17 - "Hatted Scientologists."

    (It probably will take a few days to cognite on this - but then you are away.) (If all Scientologists are USING Scientology, or hatted to do so, they will create a good effect on the society. Conversely, a person who says he "is a Scientologist", but is not hatted, can be rather strange.)

    (It probably will take a few days to cognite on this - but then you are away.) (If all Scientologists are USING Scientology, or hatted to do so, they will create a good effect on the society. Conversely, a person who says he "is a Scientologist", but is not hatted, can be rather strange.)

    79.) The way to produce it is to get Scientologists to read the books, listen to the tapes - provide places and times for them to do so - hat them as FSMs, Volunteer Ministers, etc.

    79.) The way to produce it is to get Scientologists to read the books, listen to the tapes - provide places and times for them to do so - hat them as FSMs, Volunteer Ministers, etc.

    80.) (Realization) DEPT 18 - "ACTIVE Field Scientologists."

    80.) (Realization) DEPT 18 - "ACTIVE Field Scientologists."

    (These are the ones who do a lot of your field promotion. Furnish them with books to sell, materials, etc.

    (These are the ones who do a lot of your field promotion. Furnish them with books to sell, materials, etc.

    81.) By personal contact, these Field Scientologists do a lot of your selling for you.

    81.) By personal contact, these Field Scientologists do a lot of your selling for you.

    82.) The old "Sell a book and make a Friend" campaign was for these Field Scientologists. So ASSIST them. Thus, new groups and new people can be attracted to come in, and this is EXPANSION for your CONSUMPTION.

    82.) The old "Sell a book and make a Friend" campaign was for these Field Scientologists. So ASSIST them. Thus, new groups and new people can be attracted to come in, and this is EXPANSION for your CONSUMPTION.

    83.) So get the "Hatted Scientologist" in 17 and turn them into "Active Field Scientologists" in 18. OK?

    83.) So get the "Hatted Scientologist" in 17 and turn them into "Active Field Scientologists" in 18. OK?

    84.) (Conditions) DEPT 19 - "A VIABLE ORG."

    84.) (Conditions) DEPT 19 - "A VIABLE ORG."

    (Now the VFPs of the Active Field Scientologists are:

    (Now the VFPs of the Active Field Scientologists are:

  • This is for ANY Scientologist, not just "FSMs", although they could be one of those too. So you see how the VFPs and Departmental VFPs all go together to create VIABILITY for the org.) (And the ED and his Execs are the ones responsible for seeing this is done.)

    This is for ANY Scientologist, not just "FSMs", although they could be one of those too. So you see how the VFPs and Departmental VFPs all go together to create VIABILITY for the org.) (And the ED and his Execs are the ones responsible for seeing this is done.)

    85.) (Existence) DEPT 20 - "ACCEPTANCES of Scientology."

    85.) (Existence) DEPT 20 - "ACCEPTANCES of Scientology."

    (This is the "Office of the Controller" which contains the Guardian Office's Bureaux, A/G, A/G-F, etc.)

    (This is the "Office of the Controller" which contains the Guardian Office's Bureaux, A/G, A/G-F, etc.)

    86.) This can be several things:

    86.) This can be several things:

    • Combatting an enemy propaganda action. (PR, Intelligence, Legal.)
    • Combatting an enemy propaganda action. (PR, Intelligence, Legal.)
  • Getting in good press, etc.
  • Getting in good press, etc.
  • (It helps the viability of the org so adds to the other products.)

    (It helps the viability of the org so adds to the other products.)

    87.) The GO is basically EXTERNAL, and it detracts from their product to handle orgs internally.

    87.) The GO is basically EXTERNAL, and it detracts from their product to handle orgs internally.

    88.) Analysis: The GO failed and got infiltrated because it did NOT use Scientology Tech in handling EXTERNAL, but did a Q & A and used the METHODS of the enemy they were supposed to conquer, not realizing they had SUPERIOR WEAPONS in the Tech & Policy of LRH. They thus went "Off-source" and thus collapsed. Just before the final takeover of the Church, the GO were nattering about LRH and refusing to follow policy or trust old-time Scientologists. Of course this is fully covered now on the Excalibur and Upper OT Levels - the CASE reasons why it failed - but by adhering to Source data, they could have FOUND the plants and NOT BOUGHT the 3P on LRH & other Loyals.

    88.) Analysis: The GO failed and got infiltrated because it did NOT use Scientology Tech in handling EXTERNAL, but did a Q & A and used the METHODS of the enemy they were supposed to conquer, not realizing they had SUPERIOR WEAPONS in the Tech & Policy of LRH. They thus went "Off-source" and thus collapsed. Just before the final takeover of the Church, the GO were nattering about LRH and refusing to follow policy or trust old-time Scientologists. Of course this is fully covered now on the Excalibur and Upper OT Levels - the CASE reasons why it failed - but by adhering to Source data, they could have FOUND the plants and NOT BOUGHT the 3P on LRH & other Loyals.

    89.) So when you go back as FEBC's, give the GO reassurances that you will handle the org internally, so they don't have to walk up and down the corridors with Sherlock Holmes caps on, and CAN get on with their EXTERNAL work.

    89.) So when you go back as FEBC's, give the GO reassurances that you will handle the org internally, so they don't have to walk up and down the corridors with Sherlock Holmes caps on, and CAN get on with their EXTERNAL work.

    90.) Now, in Dept 19, you have the E/D, P/O, O/O, and P/O's PR and Messengers. That's their offices. And their products are:

    90.) Now, in Dept 19, you have the E/D, P/O, O/O, and P/O's PR and Messengers. That's their offices. And their products are:

    • E/D - Products 1, 2, 3, 4 of Org Series 10.
      (The E/D is the Planning Officer. He meets with the P/O & O/O on this in the triangular system. You must not lose sight of the fact that when he is ALSO the P/O of the org. He is DOUBLE-HATTED.)
    • E/D - Products 1, 2, 3, 4 of Org Series 10.
      (The E/D is the Planning Officer. He meets with the P/O & O/O on this in the triangular system. You must not lose sight of the fact that when he is ALSO the P/O of the org. He is DOUBLE-HATTED.)
  • P/O - Products 2, 4 of Org Series 10.
  • P/O - Products 2, 4 of Org Series 10.
  • O/O - Products 1, 3 of Org Series 10.
  • O/O - Products 1, 3 of Org Series 10.
  • (The O/O does "delegate" Product 1 to the HAS after a while, but is still RESPONSIBLE for it.)

    (The O/O does "delegate" Product 1 to the HAS after a while, but is still RESPONSIBLE for it.)

    (Many P/O, O/O functions are "delegated" to the proper departments, once established.)

    (Many P/O, O/O functions are "delegated" to the proper departments, once established.)

    91.) Now, a Finance Officer will soon come into Dept 21 (FBO or Flag Bannking Officer) whose product will be "RESERVES". But just to clean up a point now, this is MANAGEMENT reserves. The org reserves are set aside from their OWN allocation. This is what is counted on the Cash-Bills of the Org, NOT the Management Reserves.

    91.) Now, a Finance Officer will soon come into Dept 21 (FBO or Flag Bannking Officer) whose product will be "RESERVES". But just to clean up a point now, this is MANAGEMENT reserves. The org reserves are set aside from their OWN allocation. This is what is counted on the Cash-Bills of the Org, NOT the Management Reserves.

    92.) Now the P/O has all those VFPs of the Org & Departments, and the O/O puts the Organization there to obtain them. The Establishment is put there by the HAS - by delegation of the O/O.

    92.) Now the P/O has all those VFPs of the Org & Departments, and the O/O puts the Organization there to obtain them. The Establishment is put there by the HAS - by delegation of the O/O.

    93.) The FEBC projects, as you put them in, move smoothly and easily into BEING the actual department and its function.

    93.) The FEBC projects, as you put them in, move smoothly and easily into BEING the actual department and its function.

    94.) What do you do when an FEBC project is completed? Well, you start in AGAIN from the Major Target and DO IT ALL AGAIN - this time bigger and better!

    94.) What do you do when an FEBC project is completed? Well, you start in AGAIN from the Major Target and DO IT ALL AGAIN - this time bigger and better!

    95.) The projects are all numbered for ease in reporting, adding "R's" (Revisions) and to keep down the telex time in refering to them.

    95.) The projects are all numbered for ease in reporting, adding "R's" (Revisions) and to keep down the telex time in refering to them.

    96.) Now you all are on MOs (Mission Orders) and they are to be reported on regularly.

    96.) Now you all are on MOs (Mission Orders) and they are to be reported on regularly.

    97.) What is your relationship to the CLO? (Continental Liaison Office).

    97.) What is your relationship to the CLO? (Continental Liaison Office).

    98.) A CLO is there to:

    98.) A CLO is there to:

  • 99.) Iis not there to "send out work parties", or to "hold your hand" or necessairly to "shoot people". It IS there to help, give advice, & relay data.

    99.) Iis not there to "send out work parties", or to "hold your hand" or necessairly to "shoot people". It IS there to help, give advice, & relay data.

    100.) For that reason, you have in Dept 21 another post called the "Bureaux Liaison Officer" or "Flag Representative". ALL comm back and forth between Org & Flag or CLO should go through him.

    100.) For that reason, you have in Dept 21 another post called the "Bureaux Liaison Officer" or "Flag Representative". ALL comm back and forth between Org & Flag or CLO should go through him.

    101.) The exception to this is the GO traffic lines. They don't go through the Flag Rep., but can go direct to GOWW OR to Flag.

    101.) The exception to this is the GO traffic lines. They don't go through the Flag Rep., but can go direct to GOWW OR to Flag.

    102.) The other exception is the Finance Officer. These lines go direct also, to Flag FBO.

    102.) The other exception is the Finance Officer. These lines go direct also, to Flag FBO.

    103.) On Flag, there is an Aide to Supervise each of these Management areas.

    103.) On Flag, there is an Aide to Supervise each of these Management areas.

    104.) There are 3 basic "through this terminal" communication hats in Dept 21:

    104.) There are 3 basic "through this terminal" communication hats in Dept 21:

    1.) LRH comm - my comm. (I hope to get this going again as until now, the LRH Comms have been double-hatted and mostly off post.)

    1.) LRH comm - my comm. (I hope to get this going again as until now, the LRH Comms have been double-hatted and mostly off post.)

    2.) Bureaux Liaison (Flag Rep.) - Org/Flag comm.

    2.) Bureaux Liaison (Flag Rep.) - Org/Flag comm.

    3.) Finance Banking Officer (FBO) - FP & Financial comm.

    3.) Finance Banking Officer (FBO) - FP & Financial comm.

    105.) So Mission Orders are reported via Flag Rep & Management Aide CLO, to Flag, to me.

    105.) So Mission Orders are reported via Flag Rep & Management Aide CLO, to Flag, to me.

    106.) The CLO has a VFP in their Data Bureau of "Data Collected for Flag".

    106.) The CLO has a VFP in their Data Bureau of "Data Collected for Flag".

    107.) Flag Management has a VFP of "Workable Projects which increase the Volume. Quality and Viability of an Org", among others.

    107.) Flag Management has a VFP of "Workable Projects which increase the Volume. Quality and Viability of an Org", among others.

    108.) A CLO has: "Successfully completed projects which increased the Volume, Quality, and Viability of an Org" as one of its VFPs.

    108.) A CLO has: "Successfully completed projects which increased the Volume, Quality, and Viability of an Org" as one of its VFPs.

    109.) An Aide or Management, Bureau staff here at Flag sits there with the COLLECTED DATA (a VFP) and EVALUATES IT and HANDLES IT, WRITES A PROJECT, and gets it COMPLETED. When the Project is SUCCESSFULLY DONE, then IT is a VFP also.

    109.) An Aide or Management, Bureau staff here at Flag sits there with the COLLECTED DATA (a VFP) and EVALUATES IT and HANDLES IT, WRITES A PROJECT, and gets it COMPLETED. When the Project is SUCCESSFULLY DONE, then IT is a VFP also.

    110.) The Action Bureau is the "port of last resort" to an Aide or Management terminal. So, "a report a day keeps the mission away". But if it is a NO or FALSE REPORT situation, then a mission is sent to observe, collect data, and handle.

    110.) The Action Bureau is the "port of last resort" to an Aide or Management terminal. So, "a report a day keeps the mission away". But if it is a NO or FALSE REPORT situation, then a mission is sent to observe, collect data, and handle.

    111.) The Action Bureau then has the job of finding out IF there IS a situation, what the BUG is, or what the WHY is, and handle until it can be turned back over to Management.

    111.) The Action Bureau then has the job of finding out IF there IS a situation, what the BUG is, or what the WHY is, and handle until it can be turned back over to Management.

    112.) The Bureaux are helpful in other ways too. But we frown on them sending out "work parties to file an org's CF". An Org can NOT be made competent by "babying" it or "holding its hand".

    112.) The Bureaux are helpful in other ways too. But we frown on them sending out "work parties to file an org's CF". An Org can NOT be made competent by "babying" it or "holding its hand".

    113.) And we are trying to make competent orgs that can stand on their own two feet.

    113.) And we are trying to make competent orgs that can stand on their own two feet.

    114.) And this is the whole intent and purpose of this FEBC package - to make it go toward EXPANSION, each org at its own pact determined by its Execs, the ED, P/O, and O/O.

    114.) And this is the whole intent and purpose of this FEBC package - to make it go toward EXPANSION, each org at its own pact determined by its Execs, the ED, P/O, and O/O.

    115.) Your own COMPETENCE will determine this. It's up to YOU!

    115.) Your own COMPETENCE will determine this. It's up to YOU!



    *** END FEBC - 12 ****** END FEBC - 12 ***