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Lecture 62
Disc 66
A Group Processing Session Given on
8 February 1954
61 Minutes
Lecture 60
Disc 64
A Lecture Given on 8 February 1954
60 Minutes

And this is second hour of February the 8th, 1954, processing session.

This is February the 8th, 1954. The material which we have had up to this time is intensely causative. It itself is the woof and warp of thinkingness and so forth.

Now, I want you to make yourself comfortable.

What you should have very firmly of this material, at this time, is at least a picture of your preclear as a mass of communication lines which have innumerable C’s in them and innumerable E’s in them. And what you should realize is he can occupy any position of any C or any E and that he is searching, relentlessly, through this mass of communication material to determine what is the C that is making an E out of him.

And this is a Group Process you haven’t had run on you before, but it has a slight tendency, now and then, to make somebody pretty jumpy, pretty nervous, occasionally. And if it gets so you can’t stand it or something of the sort-make sure it’s at that level-why, Bob will take you in the side room there. Okay, Bob?

And you should have firmly in mind by now that automaticity is itself handleable by making the preclear do it. And that anything that is automatic is a source of randomity, which is to say, if something is automatic, it is unpredictable.

Mak voice: Yeah.

As an example of this: an automobile, as it goes down the road, breaks down. Well, the automobile is an automaticity for transportation. That an individual isn’t doing . it himself immediately poses the fact that he’s depending upon a bunch of automatic reactions, in terms of machinery, to propel him. And his prediction of them does not embrace the fact that the automobile may break down. If he were pervading the entire automobile, he would know what weak parts there were. But he’s depending upon this totally, you might say, as a piece of machinery and therefore he is not warned or he has no awareness or he has no prediction of a breakdown. So he is very surprised to get a blowout, a burned-out valve, a dead battery, any one of these things. And this, having been made automatic-it’s an automaticity which the individual has accepted-becomes of course a no-predict.

And straighten you out a little bit. And the next one, Dick will take. Okay?

Now, an automatic thing becomes a no-predict. When a person sets up an automatic machine to send him places, it then becomes unpredictable. And so he thinks of a place and it sends him someplace. And after a while he gets to wondering why every time he thinks of a place he goes someplace. And it’s simply an automaticity which he has set up to send him places. And he can’t predict it anymore, so he becomes aberrated and his mind starts racking around all over the universe.

Now, our main problem here, of course, is Assignment of Cause and that’s the process we’re going to run.

Now, you’ll see this manifestation, preclear after preclear. Just that, just that manifestation of which I spoke. A machine that sends him places. You’ll get somebody exteriorized and the next thing you know, why, you say, “Well, are you in Paris?” If you were to say, “Are you in Paris?” or something of the sort, he would be in Paris. If you say, “Are you in South America?” he’d be in South America. Therefore, we don’t ask positively where he is, because we’ll key one of these machines.

Okay. I want you to look around this room. Pick out an object-w object.

And so, there we have our problem in automaticity and randomity. Randomity is the ratio of predicted to unpredicted motion. That’s all randomity is. Automaticity is something that is set up outside the control of the preclear. It’s usually set up or accepted by the preclear but is outside the control of the preclear and is, of course-then has to run him to some degree. And therefore is his superior to some degree.

Now decide that s the cause of all of your difficulties.

Now, I point out a therapy originated by a fellow by the name of Batsmortar. It’s called Q therapy and this is a dramatization - a 100 percent dramatization. It ruins cases, by the way, simply because the individual sets up everything that audits him as an automaticity. So therefore he sets up all auditing as an automaticity, which then sets up all auditing as a randomity and so do these cases operate. You try to audit one of these cases that’s done this-has set up a “Q.”

Flinch away from it.

And he sets up a “Q” which then proceeds to audit the individual.

Refuse to look at it.

Now you try to audit this individual, you see, and this individual then immediately gives you a bad time. Why? Because the individual has auditing set up as an automaticity. Which means of course, then, that auditing is a randomity. So therefore it’s to be contested by him, he thinks.

Now get a whole lot of reasons why it’s the cause of your difficulty.

And so the case is put almost immediately beyond reach of an auditor by setting up one of these “Qs.” You see that? Elementary. You come along then to a group of people who have gone south on “Q” and you try to audit this group and you’ll have a bad time of it because auditing is a randomity. It’s been set up as an automaticity. There’s no value in the process, quite the contrary.

Okay. Let’s pick out another object.

It’s comparable to and actually is a takeoff from an experimental process of about 1946, whereby an individual-it was found that an individual could set up his entire conscious mind alongside of himself to give him answers. And this first experiment, mentioned in Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health, was actually a demonstration of automaticity, but wasn’t recognized as such in its total meaning. It took me quite a while to pick that up. Unfortunately that material, being released, was picked up just as such and was picked up as a therapy and has struggled along ever since, much to people’s horror.

Now decide that’s the cause of all of your difficulty, flinch from it, refuse to look at it and get all the reasons why it is.

Now, you can set up all kinds of things as an automaticity. You should realize that a preclear who is self-auditing is running on an automaticity of auditing. He is self-auditing. He must have set up something to audit him. This comes about from a scarcity of preclears and a scarcity of auditors. You remedy a scarcity of preclears by wasting them in brackets. Scarcity of auditors by wasting them in brackets. And you do a lot to smooth out self-auditing. Self-auditing is a case manifestation. It is a very bad case manifestation. It says the individual has set up a demon circuit as senior to himself.

Okay. Now look around the room and pick up one object, then another object, then another object, then another object, each time deciding it isn’t the cause of your difficulty. And light on the last object and decide it is.

Now, it doesn’t mean that an individual can’t audit himself as such, but there are very strange processes that are used in self-auditing. Self-auditing otherwise is also the assignment-continuous and continual assignment of cause.

Get all the reasons why it is.

Now, you should have that down fairly well. You should know, too, that we are trying to stretch a direct communication line from C to E, where the preclear is C.

Decide you better never look at it again.

An individual who is racking around trying to find an enormous number of C’s, of course, each time, is making himself E. So he’s running his case backwards. He is running himself to the E end of the line, not the C end of the line.

Decide you better forget all about it now.

Any system of communication, any network of communication, can be divided into the component parts anywhere on its courses of C and E. You can take a Western Union telegraph line which runs from New York to San Francisco and you can take that segment of it which goes from St. Louis to Denver, as C to E.

Okay. Now those of you who can, exteriorized, be at some distance from your body, be at some distance. And I want you to run now a little process known as the Guiding Light.

Now any communication line can have a C or an E on it, but when there’s a C where there’s an E and an E where there’s a C, we get a conversation, not a communication. A conversation is a specific kind of communication—it’s a double communication. Now, you should have that down very well.

Want you to mock-up a light, whether you’re in or out of your body, mock it up and get it nice and strong and get it pouring out lots of light. If it disappears right away, put it there again. Just keep putting it there. And decide that is your guiding light that knows all and tells you where to go.

And now we should have also some idea of what havingness is and this thirst for havingness. Now, I doubt many of you have gotten forward to turning an avalanche of outflow on.

Keep putting it there.

People, while they’re still connected with bodies, still hang around with inflow avalanches to too great a degree. And an inflow avalanche, however, is perfectly all right. Your individual, of course, is on an energy starvation basis.

Keep putting it there.

You know, some of the processes I’m going to run on you this week resolve these various problems in a very straight and specific manner, but that’s beside the point. The point we’re trying to make is that the individual’s concentration on his case is, of course, electing the case C and is putting him at E.

Put it there. It knows all and tells you where to go, your guiding light.

All right. Now, if this is the case (your individual being at E), we have an immediate problem, as an auditor, in assignment of cause.

Keep putting it there.

We’ve set up a reversed communication line and then we carry on with that reversed communication line straight on through a case, of course, we wind up with a reversed communication line. Which is to say, that your individual winds up with the processes still at E and nothing has been done to put him at C.

Now get a reverent attitude toward it. Your guiding light. Put it there. Just keep putting it there, regardless of any somatics or occurrences or anything else that happens there.

Now, impulses and so forth, in this degree—your havingness avalanche, you see, is, according to the definition of communication, putting the individual at E. You see that?

Now, those of you that are outside, put a guiding light near the body and keep putting it there, as a thing that tells the body which direction to take, to go and what will happen. Get the body with a reverent attitude toward it.

Now, the case progresses on up the line. You resolve the energy starvation of the individual and when that is resolved, then you will have to work on an output, which is to E, which is an outward avalanche. He must be able to outflow just this heavily as he is inflowed. If we don’t do that, of course, we haven’t put the individual at C, we’ve kept him at E.

Keep throwing it out there. And get it good and energized. And see if you can’t build it up now to a real blazer. Like a white-hot or radioactive cannonball, let’s get that up there.

Now, it’s quite natural for an auditor to try to keep a preclear at E. A preclear starts in at E with the auditor at C and the auditor is just liable to continue on with the same pattern and not change it. And it’ll wind up at the end of an intensive or something of the sort, with a preclear still at E and the auditor at C.

Keep putting it there, regardless of what happens.

Now therefore, we must reverse this process on the individual. We have to get an outgoing avalanche. We don’t necessarily have to pick up that manifestation, but we’d certainly better handle the problem. Because we are trying with a preclear to stretch a line with him at C, and at least his body at E. His body would be a very small portion of his environment to put at E.

Now decide that’s cause. And throw it away.

Now, another thing is agreement with the MEST universe is agreement of wavelength with the MEST universe. That is, in essence, a statement of agreement with the MEST universe.

Okay. Be some distance back of your body and give me three places where you are not.

A person is terribly convinced of the solidity of walls and therefore he starts to match up all of his networks with the walls, on wavelength. And all the energy he puts out is in terms of walls and when he exteriorizes, he puts a beam on something and the walls suck up the beam. And this is very upsetting to him, this gets him stuck on walls and ceilings and things like that and various weird things occur.

Those in the body still, give me those three places where they’re not.

And in addition to that, this statement could be made: an individual is as bad off as he has energy floating around, that is to say, ridges and so forth. He is as bad off as he has energy floating around. In spite of his insatiable appetite for energy, he is as bad off as he has energy stored in his vicinity.

Now find the three places that you can find where you’re most certain that you are not. Most certain.

There’s a direct index between the condition of case and the mass of energy which the individual has sitting there, in terms of ridges and lines and so forth. And we should recognize that the Theta Clearing of an individual must admit of his getting rid of something, i.e., a body.

Okay. While exteriorized or interiorized, do this process now.

All psychotherapy could have been summed up with the effort to get somebody to get rid of something. This puts somebody at the C end of the line over to the E end of the line, you see, and he can get rid of something.

Get the idea of walking away from the body, then finding nothing and then putting something there.

So rejection level-the rejection level of the preclear is quite important. And if you were working with the preclear and you were going to have him for a very, very short space of time, we would simply work with him to find a rejection level-something that would leave him rapidly. And then we would find other things which we could make him reject and we would have in that a total psychotherapy which is very superior to anything which has been done in the field of psychoanalysis. And yet, that was the goal of psychoanalysis.

And just repeat that over and over: Walking away, finding nothing, then putting something there so that you’ll have something.

I said in 16-G, and didn’t say much more about it, that we could solve psychoanalysis. Well, we have this thing called rejection level, and we find what the rejection level in the individual is and we get him to reject something. And in such a wise, we can at least put him at the C end of the line, no matter how tenuously and strangely and peculiarly he may be there. We can get him to reject something.

Walking away, finding nothing, putting something there.

If you go around to a psycho institution, such as the American Psychoanalytic Association, and audit the president or something like that, remember this because it’s a very workable therapy. It works within their frame of reference, too. You get rejection level. “What can you reject?” But if you were to go around and inspect a few psychos, you would find out that they would not even let go of their pocketbook. This is the normal course; they wouldn’t let go of anything. And they can’t let go of a word, because a word has enormous mass and a symbol has great mass, all things have great mass, thoughts have great mass and they can’t let go of these things. And they’re holding all of these things close to them.

Walking away, finding nothing, then putting something there.

Now, an individual is as bad off as he can’t reject. Well, that’s saying the same thing. An individual is as bad off as he can’t post something out there at a distance from him and send something, some impulse or thought, from where he is to where it is. This is C to E. See, rejection is just C to E. And you put there the preclear at C and get him to E.

Let’s continue that as a cycle: Walk away, find nothing and then put something there. It’s done best way out someplace.

Now, the reason you run incoming avalanches is because all of his screens are erected to resist the inflow of the MEST universe which is insisting on making an E out of an individual. He is at effect. So, you just break these down and solve his DEI progress into the fact that he thinks he desires all these things, see. That’s a Desire-Enforce-Inhibit curve which he has followed down and he has insatiable appetites in terms of MEST. Well, this is very weird. He shouldn’t have such insatiable appetites in terms of MEST, but he does and you run your avalanche in Acceptance Level merely to remedy that.

... Walk away, find nothing and put something there.

Now, you as an auditor are missing the story entirely if you run inflow, inflow, inflow, inflow and don’t immediately turn around and run some outflow on the individual. The outflow is what’s important. The only reason you are running the inflow is to solve the DEI cycle-Desire-Enforce-Inhibit curve. All right.

Continue that as a cycle, continue that as a cycle: Walk away, find nothing and then put something there.

The next point that you should have rather thoroughly is that your individual is usually doing, as a thetan, those things which are psychosomatic to the body. You get this fellow ten feet back of his head-the body is still coughing. It’s the thetan who can cough.

Now change it to walking away, find nothing to eat and put something there.

Works this way: The individual has put something there. He has both sides of the aberration. He’s holding on to both sides of the aberration, holding on to it firmly. And when he moves out of the body, he normally just keeps on holding on to both sides of the aberration.

Walk away, find nothing to eat and put something there.

This is a very simple thing to see. The second that you find somebody with a chronic cough or chronic liver pain or a chronic something or other and you move him ten feet back of his head . .. And you wouldn’t do this early in a process. But after you got him cleaned up and taken him on a Grand Tour of the universe and moved him in and out of a lot of things and so on, he’s in pretty good shape and his perception was in pretty good shape, you might do this, you see?

Now walk away, find no sex and put some sex there.

He still has this chronic somatic, let’s say. Well, you just have him have that chronic somatic while a thousand miles away from the body. And you have him start coughing. The second he starts coughing, himself, as a thetan, you see, then the body starts coughing. And he’ll find out he’s coughing automatically as a thetan.

And continue that cycle: Walk away, find no sex, put some sex there.

He’ll start coughing as a thetan. He’ll cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough. And now you say, “Stop coughing.” And he’ll go on cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough as a thetan.

Okay. Now let’s check over and find three places you’re not, good and certain that you’re not in those places.

And he’ll say, “Wait a minute, I haven’t got this under control at all.” You run into the automatic coughing machine on the individual.

Okay. Now let’s get some more places you’re not.

Now, that is the individual at work and his chronic somatics. These chronic somatics are things he’s put there in order to compel obedience on the part of the body or sympathy on the part of his environment.

Group Processing: Assignment of Cause

That’s his service facsimile. And we’re back to that one: the thetan carries this service facsimile around. Of course, the body can be minus a leg and various other things can be wrong with a body, but if it’s hurting him, the thetan is keeping the pain there. If it’s bothering him, if there’s a ghost leg there, then the thetan has got it there.

Some more places you’re not.

Anything which tends to become chronic, then, can be counted upon by the auditor to be held on to by the thetan or put there originally by the thetan. This doesn’t put all the blame on the thetan. You understand there is such a thing as bacteria. There are these acute ills to which a body is subject-broken leg and acute ills. But if these things persist-and what persistence, by the way, they do have, is the thetan.

Now let’s get some things you’re not, at this moment, causing.

Now, here’s another problem in C to E. He can be cause of something, can’t he? He can be cause of a pain in the body. And you’ll find a lot of preclears will sit around and simply run a lot of somatics. They’re just demonstrating that they can cause an effect upon the body.

And some barriers which you are not, at this moment, dropping in front of yourself.

All right. Now, let’s take up a factor that we haven’t taken up very much before and that’s the factor of control. This is a very old one, this is the fall of 1951: control consists of starting, stopping and changing. That which you can start, stop and change, you can control. If an individual, at any time, can bring something into a state of control, it’s because he has been able to start, stop and change it. If you want somebody to bring something under control, then you merely have him start, stop and change it for a while.

All right. Now be a good distance from your body-and those in the body can still run this. And mock yourself up going in one direction and then drop a barrier in front of yourself and stop yourself.

Let’s be very specific and make a very, very good application of this, just in the business of livingness, not in the business of psychotherapy or souls or anything else and let’s take a jet pilot. And this jet pilot we find is very spooky. He’s just been through a crash and it upsets him to think about airplanes and so forth and yet he’s a good jet pilot. And when he gets back to flying again, this will effect itself in caution, extreme caution on his part as a pilot and he will no longer be fitted as a combat pilot.

Then change your direction and a barrier in front of you again.

The boys, when they pass thirty-one, thirty-two, they are the best pilots that are around, but all-and in their own words-“the peaks are gone.” That is to say, they haven’t this sudden elan that carries them through emergencies and so forth. They still have a feeling of caution about it, which is to say, fear. And the more courage which they put up to go past this fear, of course, results in the same manifestations you see in Courage Processing. The particle “courage” simply melts down the resisting material, simply melts down the various things which are standing in their road on the way to cowardice and the next thing you know, they’re in shaking terror. How did they get in shaking terror? Why, by being courageous. That’s because they’ve had a crash, something of the sort.

And then change your direction and move off and then drop a barrier in front of yourself to stop yourself.

Now, the essence of that is they do not believe that they can control this jet plane. And if you were a flight officer, one who had charge of the rehabilitation of pilots, the thing that you should do-\ksc thing which a flight officer should do to get the boy back there pitching again, would simply be put him in a plane and have him start it and stop it and alter some kind of a painted pattern on the wings. Sounds silly, doesn’t it? And then take it down and taxi it someplace else and stop it and turn it another direction and taxi it and stop it. And start its burners and put them out. And start them again and put them out and taxi it down another runway and stop it-not even take it into the air, you see?

And have you back up and, as you back up, drop a barrier behind you to stop you from backing up.

This fellow is perfectly capable of taking this plane off. He’d think this is very silly, you know, for you to do that. And all of a sudden-he hasn’t taken it into the air at all-the results of the crash will simply blow up. I mean, there’s just no further effect from a crash there, handling the actual object.

And have you go in a new direction and stop yourself.

Now, let’s take somebody-more practical application-who has been in an automobile accident and who is very afraid of driving automobiles and who drives in a very slow speed and gets in the way of traffic and is more liable to have an accident going slow than going fast.

Then start yourself out again.

And what do we do with this fellow? We have him start and stop a car. We have him start and stop it at various speeds. We finally get him to get it up to sixty and then stop it from sixty miles an hour. Well, we start that in by getting him to go up to fifteen and then stop it again.

And drop a barrier in front of yourself and, this time, go on through it.

If you were going to teach somebody-now let’s put a more practical application on it and get it completely out of the field of difficulties-and if you were going to teach somebody to drive a car, you would take him out and have him start and stop the car and start and stop the car and start and stop the car and then change its course and then stop it and then change its course and then stop it again and start and stop the car and start and stop the car. And if you did that for a day or two, your man would never have an accident-never.

And drop another barrier in front of yourself and stop yourself. '

All right. Control is start, stop and change. It says that in Self Analysis, one of the original editions of Self Analysis. Now, this is very important to you because many a preclear who has not exteriorized, exteriorizes when his ability to control a body is rehabilitated. So you use Opening Procedure and you have him start, stop and change the body, just like he was running a car.

Now throw all that away.

Body is a carbon-oxygen engine that runs at 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit. Doesn’t run well without fuel. Your preclear that is trying to stick in the body and energize lines and do various things, when the body itself isn’t fed, is simply being robbed continually and is on a compulsive cause. In other words, every time he generates a little energy, the body takes it away from him. So the body is forcing him to be cause and this in itself is the dramatization of compulsive cause.

And mock yourself up as a frog.

An individual who is being forced to work for a family eventually will rebel as cause. He’s working to support a family and the family takes it for granted. And after a while, imagines that it should force him to support the family once in a while. And he will get the idea, eventually, that anything he does, they’ll just pick up the energy of. And he’ll rebel. He’ll at least rebel by being apathetic and not having a good time about it.

And change it to a frog with horns.

A society which forces an individual to work consistently and continually has put him on a forced-cause basis. And the individual, then, refuses to be cause and you have the actual story of psychotherapy and interiorization-exteriorization-the difficulty of a thetan in this universe. He is continually being forced to be cause so that he will then permit an inflow.

And get what a beautiful frog with horns you are.

The American workman of a certain social strata today works solely to eat and to have sex and to have a few beers. He’s been forced by the economic system to put out-he’s been forced into output. The second he’s forced into output, he’s forced into being cause. So therefore he won’t be cause anymore than he has to be and he will become starved for an effect. This starvation for an effect reflects itself in artificial entertainments-spectator sports.

And change it to a frog with a pair of earmuffs on.

A case that is bad off could be called not the “specter unexteriorized,” but the spectator. He has to have an inflow. And he actually has more appetite for inflow than he has joy in outflow. And when you get a person in this condition, he’ll ransack all over the place trying to find new inflows. And when you audit him, he simply dramatizes this. He dramatizes for inflows.

Now have the frog jump and halfway in the jump, stop the frog in midair and make the frog jump backwards.

Well, you can cure this up, as I have said before, by Havingness Processing by starting a heavy inflow and by keeping this inflow up so it’ll break down this energy starvation and so forth, in the bank. And then don’t forget that you’ve only done half of it and you may have put the individual even down Tone Scale. Now we’ve got to turn around and throw it back up again because we’ve got to have a rejection. We’ve got to be able to get a C to E, with a C where the preclear is.

Now change the frog into a poodle dog.

Now, let’s take some other manifestation. You say to the preclear, “Be three feet back of your head.” He can’t “be three feet back of your head.” That’s because he can’t move something with certainty. Again, we have a process of control. He cannot start and stop something, namely himself, and himself as a thetan. Your drills of Opening Procedure should of course, then, embrace start, stop and change, in terms of control. Control is the ability to start, stop and change something.

And with you as a poodle dog, make yourself wag your tail.

An individual who is afraid is only afraid that something will go out of control or that his body will go out of control. That’s all he’s afraid of, he isn’t afraid of anything else. All of his fear can be summed up into start, stop and change. He’s afraid something will change on him and he hasn’t predicted it or caused the change. Or he will be adversely affected by the change, which is to say, he’ll be stopped by the change or he’ll be started in some undesirable direction by the change. He is afraid things won’t stop or won’t start.

Okay. Now with yourself as a poodle dog, make yourself walk forward and put a barrier in front of you and stop you.

A person, by the way, can have a very aberrative object around in a car that won’t start. He isn’t sure the car will start. And you’ll find out he’ll start really going down Tone Scale. The car won’t start. He goes out, he puts his finger on the button, he doesn’t know whether the car is going to start or not.

Now have yourself go in a new direction and put such an unlimited space in front of yourself, as a poodle dog, that you decide it’s too weary and have the dog stop.

A piece of machinery which will start and stop with certainty under any given circumstances and at any finite speed and which will hold its course truly, is not aberrative-not even vaguely. But when they begin to have their brakes worn out so you don’t know whether they’re going to stop and when their motors start going haywire so you don’t know whether they’re going to start or not, they become very strange indeed.

Now start the dog off again and put an unlimited space in front of the dog, have the dog get exhausted and stop.

And when they become steerably uncertain, then you really have something. A fellow has a slight wobble on his front wheels and he has to keep compensating to keep from running off the edge of the road. A little wobble there-the kingbolt is a little worn and the steering radius rod is a little worn-he has this constant attention on the thing. He doesn’t quite know which way this car is going to dive.

Start the dog off in a new direction, put an unlimited space in front of him, have him get exhausted and stop.

If you were to take some individual who is having a rough time in life and go out and inspect the car he drove around in all the time and insist that he put it into-it doesn’t cost much, by the way, to put a car into condition so it’ll do these things-and insist that he have the radius rods tightened up and the kingbolts changed or fixed up so there’s no wobble in the front wheels so that his car will continue to generate so that the spark plugs are clean enough so that the car will start and so that his brakes are well enough adjusted so that he can stop, you would see quite a change in this individual’s physical manifestation. Also, you possibly after that might be able to exteriorize him. Has that much effect upon him. Something that’s moving him around all the time can evaluate for him very heavily. That which moves the individual around can evaluate for him because it’s starting and stopping and changing him. If anything can start and stop an individual, it can change him.

Now start the dog off in a new direction, put an unlimited space in front of the dog and have the dog say, “Oh my, unlimited space” and have him start going.

If you were to take a company of men and wished to put them under your immediate control as soon as possible, you would not drill them in the time-honored method used by armies. You would start them and stop them and start them and stop them and start them and stop them and start them and stop them and then you could change them anyway you wanted to.

Now throw yourself away as a poodle dog.

I (realizing this one way or the other) many, many years ago had a very recalcitrant crew. And I used to do things to these boys in the first few weeks that they were aboard on the basis of starting and stopping them. And they finally fell into line and would handle the ship the way they were supposed to.

And mock yourself up as a cat.

They came aboard with only one idea in mind. They were out of Portsmouth Naval Prison and they were shipped to me en masse as a crew. And I looked at them the first day I came aboard and I was very surprised because I had never before seen sailors this dirty and this slovenly. And I was very amazed. And I went down to the office where their petty officer had delivered their service records and started going through their service records and I found each one had been temporarily suspended, in terms of sentence or court-martial, in order to be put back into service due to the scarcity of men. I had a hundred convicts, in other words.

And have the cat get mad. Have the cat decide it mustn’t get mad and get very propitiative and tame.

And it was an interesting thing because it took me thirty days to beat those men into being men again. But I had no help in it. I had a couple of ensigns and we used to-well, they’re nice things to have around, they’re decorative when you have lady visitors. But even that gives you trouble because they cease to be interested in the ensigns.

Now have the cat get mad again.

Anyway, we got them into line, which is to say, a boatswain’s mate and myself. And the boatswain’s mate would go down and muster them according to my orders. And then when he had them all set and was all set to release them, why, I’d come out on the bridge wing and I’d say, “No, there’s a couple of more things,” you see. And that was a slight change, you see. And anytime any one of those men was given an order on the thing, I would release him and then I would say, “Well, come back a moment, I have something else.” And start them, stop them, dismiss them, recall them— unpredicted changes. I had enough unpredicted starts and stops and they came under very heavy control.

Now get propitiative.

And then you simply had to tell them, "Now, you boys are going to survive the war merely because I want to survive the war, not because you do, but because I do. And anybody who is letting the ship down of course is letting everybody else down, but particularly me. And I’m not as careless of life as you are and I want to survive the war and so, therefore, you’re going to survive.” And they had no other choice but to agree with me and it was a beautiful little ship.

Now get independent, have the cat get very independent now. Decide that you are the cat and that you’re a very independent cat.

Now, how is that done? That’s to start and stop them, start and stop them, then you can change them. Unpredicted starts and stops.

Now have the cat eat a fish and change into the fish and have a fish as yourself.

Well, that lays open to you a kind of a psychotherapy-a kind of a psychotherapy. Opening Procedure can be run in this fashion (it’s not recommended particularly): Where you have an individual who is heading for succumb at a mad rate and he’s not going to change, you can put yourself, with relationship to him, in a position where he has no choice but to change. By doing what? By starting and stopping him.

And have the fish start swimming and put a barrier in front of it and stop it.

Now, taking orders, tolerance for taking direction is a different subject than this. You see, that’s just a little bit different. This individual is so afraid of orders, he’s just sure he’s going to be killed if he obeys any kind of a direction. Well, that means he’s avoiding the entire environment. So you give him a bunch of easily followed through orders. You tell him to go find a place in the room and go put his finger on it, see? Spot it. And then make the postulate that he’s going to do this. He picks out a point in the room and so forth. He’s merely following direction and you put into his hands the ability to make the directions and carry them out.

And have it start swimming in another direction, put a barrier in front of it and stop it.

That’s a little bit different than what I’m talking to you about, in terms of control. You have an individual who is giving you a bad time, who is not easily controllable, who is on a compulsive communication basis and so forth, you start him doing things and stop doing things, in terms of Opening Procedure. And you’ll find out that he’ll become very rattled and rather antagonistic, at first, and then will sort of fall into the groove. Because people have been doing this to him for 76 trillion years and it’s rather easy for somebody else to come along and do it to him. He will come under your control sufficiently so that then you can deliver his control into him. It’s a shorter method, but one which requires considerable poise and judgment on the part of the auditor. And if it’s not working for you, then you better abandon it.

Have it back up and put a barrier behind it and stop it.

We say, “All right. Now, you see the center of the room there, pick out the exact center of the room. All right. Get up and go over there.” And when he’s halfway there you say, “Now stop.”

Now put unlimited water in front of the fish and have the fish get exhausted and stop.

He says, “Well I haven’t reached that point yet.”

And more unlimited water in front of the fish and have it get exhausted and stop.

You say, “Well, that’s all right. Turn around. Now go back to the point where you came from-there, back to the chair. All right. Now go to the center of the room.” Before he gets there again you say, “All right. Stop.”

And more unlimited water in front of the fish and have the fish say, “Oh boy, unlimited water” and start swimming off like mad.

He says, “I haven’t reached there yet.”

And throw that away.

And you say, “That’s all right. You see the corner of the room over there? All right. Now go to the center of the room.” Give him impulses to start, impulses to stop, then you cancel them. Rather dangerous process because you will knock him into an hypnotic trance if you’re not careful. But this is a process. It should not be suddenly wiped out of your curriculum simply because it’s dangerous. It has to be done fairly kindly. And the more kindly it is done, the more effective it is. But the individual will get into a relationship to you, eventually, at the end of the session or end of a couple of sessions, where you say, “You will now change” and he will. In other words, you can put it on a basis of you can determine that be can change and then he can finally determine that he can change.

All right. Look around the room now and pick out an object. Look around the room and pick out an object.

Now you get him to start and stop himself. After you’ve gotten him under your control and you get him to start and stop himself until under your control, he’s under his control. And then you can bring about a change. Start, stop, change are the component parts of control.

If you’re well exteriorized, just look around the environment and pick out an object, not just the room.

Now, the individual who cannot let go of his body is anxious about control of the body. Now, this is demonstrated because every few cases you’re going to be able to exteriorize somebody who doesn’t exteriorize at all by simply having him run a concept. “I can control this body from outside, I can’t control this body from outside, I can control it from outside, I can’t control it from outside.” And then all of a sudden, he can. Of course, that individual will move outside the body, feel immediately degraded and is liable to snap right back in. Or that individual will move outside, put his “hand” (quote) (unquote) on the wall and get stuck to the wall and other such things will occur. All right.

And pick out that object and decide it’s the thing that’s communicating with you, flinch and refuse to look at it.

This, in essence, going down the line of what I have been attempting to teach you during these last few weeks, should add up to you to be a fairly concise knowledge of beingness. And what I’ve been teaching you has included beingness itself, which is to say, the validating of life. Endowment. Livingness Processing, we were calling it. Endowing things with life and disendowing things with life. And disendowing the past, present and future, endowing the past, present, future. These are the best things an individual does.

Look around, find another object, decide it’s trying to communicate with you, flinch and refuse to look at it.

Now, occasionally, an individual gets stuck on an endowment of a certain point from the Know to the Eat, Sex band. He gets stuck somewhere on this range of Know, Look, Emote, Effort, Think, Symbol, Eat, Sex. He’s stuck someplace there on a stuck endowment. You see that?

And repeat that process, several times.

He’s endowing eatingness. He’s endowing effortingness. He’s endowing sexingness. He’s endowing something else than the whole band. He has a fixed endowment. He endows sex. That’s all he can endow, you know, only sexual subjects and then, so on. And he’s even down below that point and, of course, you’ve got that cycle continues on below itself. You realize that. We go down on a new Know, Look and so forth.

Now get very accusative and go round the environment, saying to any object that turns up, “You’re trying to communicate with me” and flinch away from it. Get very accusative about it.

That is not just one band, you know, that just sits there. None of these things are. They repeat themselves. After you get down to Sex, then we go down below that and we get into Know again. And then we go all the way down and we finally get all the way through to a lower manifestation of Sex. And then below that we get to Know. You got that. I mean, we covered that much earlier. We demonstrated this-just get these two things: Think, Effort, see. And then we go down below Effort and we get Think again And then we go down to a new level of Effort and so on. In other words, that’s a repetitive scale.

Run around, find all sorts of them.

Well, an individual is stuck somewhere on the Tone Scale on one of these things or more. And as you scare these things up and blow them into view, you’re actually endowing some of these things with life.

Okay. Now start spotting objects.

Now, I want to tell you here today, this Monday morning, what the preclear is dramatizing and why he cannot succeed easily in his auditing. We’ve long since examined the MEST universe in terms of barriers. The MEST universe is a game consisting of barriers. Well, an individual starts running into these barriers often enough so that he begins to have thought barriers too.

Now start spotting objects and be very accusative toward these objects. And each one you spot, say, “You’re pulling things out of me” and flinch away and refuse to connect with it. And find another one: “You’re pulling things out of me.”

Well, he gets communication barriers. He gets this slab of bacon on the rapier that I was describing to you one day. This slab of bacon on the rapier is a barrier. It is a barrier between his C to E. He’s trying to go through a ridge. What exactly is this ridge? This ridge is inevitably and always a failure. It’s a failure in one of two things: it’s a failure to endow with life or a failure to disendow. His communication, his cause to effect, have two general intents. Just as you have in automaticity mocking machines and unmocking machines as the two kinds of machines, so you have these two intents: to endow with life, to disendow with life.

Continue to find them, continue to go through that exercise. Any object you see, decide that very positively. And be very accusative toward it: “You’re pulling things out of me.”

And your preclear is dramatizing this. I don’t care what preclear you have where, he’s dramatizing this. And this is auditing and why he wants auditing. He’s trying to endow with life or disendow, that’s all he’s trying to do. He’s trying to endow his body with life or disendow it with no life.

Now get spaces, spaces that are pulling things out of you.

Well, why can’t he do these two things? As you run through these communication lines, he comes up and goes aground on the ridges which caused him to fail in this. Let’s say he had a dog that died and his grandfather died and during an operation he almost lost his own life. Where is he stuck? Well, if you want to get a hold of an E-Meter, you can pick these points up. Just pang, pang pang and that needle will just go rigid.

Now look around and find object after object.

You’re trying to pour livingness through communication lines, which are primarily blocked or barriered by just this manifestation: he tried to endow with life and failed and the lines are blocked. Because why? He can’t endow that area with life. Why? He failed. He knows he can’t, so he can’t get communication through it. He’s going nuts. He’s sitting there trying to get communications through these lines and he can’t get communications through these lines, so he’s blocked.

And get a big feeling of desire, on your part, and say to each one of these objects, “Please pull something out of me.”

Then there’s the other side of it. And you check out what’s the remaining part of the bank that remains unavailable to him and you will find that it is that part of the bank where he has failed to disendow. Somebody was being mean, hateful and destructive toward him and he decided to disendow them or kill them. And he tried to do this and the police and other things and so on said, ‘‘No, no, no.” And so he tries to get communications through there, which is to say, to pull back life from that area, and he knows he can’t pull back life from that area because that person is there alive, and “other people present” shows up in this manifestation. The fellow has somebody present: well, he tried to disendow that person of life one time and failed to do so.


All right. You see that communication system? Well, we see these slabs of ridges that are stuck there. Why can’t he get this communication system clean and clear? Why can’t he shoot his communications through these lines? Well, those are the two major blocks: He’s tried to endow with life and disendow with life. How is this processed? You can process it by duplication. You can process it by exteriorization-interiorization and mock-ups. Or you can simply blow it up by restoring his havingness, and then permitting him to reject. It’ll all blow up the same way.

Now, let’s hit the guiding light again. Mock-up a guiding light, anywhere, mock it up anywhere. “That is my guiding light, it knows all, it predicts the future.” That’s what you do with it this time. And keep putting it there. Keep putting that guiding light there.

But where an individual is having a great deal of difficulty in getting his havingness restored or is having a great deal of difficulty with havingness or life in general, it’s because his endowment-disendowment blocks are very great.

Just keep putting it there, the object being to get as much energy outflow from it as possible. I don’t care how dark that it may be or how bright it may be or anything else, just keep putting it there.

So, occasionally with profit, you can simply have him duplicate the operation where he fled from the body and tried to bring it back to life or some such incident, because it will go into an earlier incident. And just duplicate it and duplicate it and duplicate it and duplicate it and it will eventually burn up. And it’s his primary block. He tried to bring this back to life and he has this tremendous effort surrounding it.

And get it as bright and as hot-as bright and as hot and as dense as possible.

Okay. That’s what your preclear is dramatizing when he is being audited and that’s what your person who is self-auditing, particularly, is dramatizing. He’s run into one of these incidents and he’s stuck in it. He’s trying to endow this thing with life-this body with life. It isn’t as alive as he wants it to be or it’s too alive for him, one way or the other, and so he’s trying to change its life endowment. He’s trying to change the life endowment of his environment simply because of these failures where he’s tried to endow and disendow.

Put it there some more. You’ll probably find a specific place it goes, that it should be.

No more concise statement could be made, I do believe at this time, of that, than that. He isn’t as alive as he wants to be, he isn’t as dead as he wants to be. His entire life has become extremely involved in terms of endowment and disendowment. He has endowed many things with life, he’s now sorry for it. He’s trying to pull the life back out of them. Well, they’re there no longer.

Get how much it knows-how much more it knows than you.

And when we look at that, we can recognize what our preclear is doing and, recognizing it, have a better remedy of it. Because that is the ridge.

Get a reverent attitude toward it.

Now, he’s trying to do this, which is the same thing but differently stated. And this is the better generalized auditing statement of this. The other is the behavior statement, now this is the auditing statement. He’s trying to avoid having nothing there or avoid having something there. He thinks of the future.

If it flies in on you, just keep putting one where you put it in the first place and neglect the one that flies in.

Now let’s take fame and let’s analyze fame. We find out the individual is trying to put something far enough up the track so that even if he loses his body, he’ll still have something in the future. This is the main problem of the thetan-fame. He’s trying to endow something with life into the future, which he can then have. And this is his main difficulty.

Now see if you can’t put it there continuously, which is to say, not by pulses, but just pour the juice to it. Put it there continuously. And get how nice it is to have a guiding light.

In the past, he has endowed so many things with life or he’s disendowed so many things with life, that he feels then he can’t have in terms of the future, so he goes into the past to endow and disendow. In other words, he’s got something in the past and he wants nothing there or he has nothing in the past and he wants something there. And you can run this very simply. Oh, I’ll process it on you today.

Now make it brighter and hotter, denser. Have it crackle radioactively.

And as we review this material, we see that on this codification-it should be very easy to grasp, it should be very easy to sit there and know exactly what you’re looking at—the preclear. He’s endowed automatic machinery with life. He doesn’t want it now. It’s become his master-that’s the Frankenstein effect-and he can’t disendow it.

If it insists on flying in or flying away or doing anything strange, you’ve decided where it ought to be fixed and you fix it there. Let the things that fly away and fly in go to hell and just keep putting a new one there.

Well, why can’t he disendow his automatic machinery with life? Well, that’s because he’s failed so often in disendowing. The police do not permit murder. They don’t permit him to do various things which disendow with life. So he knows he can’t disendow with life, this he knows very well. So he can’t disendow his automatic machinery and it just keeps on running. Well, that’s very upsetting to him.

If you’re getting the idea something is about to blow you apart or your body apart or something of the sort, why, just keep putting it there.

His environment has many things in it which he feels antipathetic to his survival. And yet he feels he is endowing these things with life or he has endowed them with life and he can’t take them out.

Now if you had one of these turn up in processing-you had one of these turn up in processing or several of them, repeat the thing as an automaticity.

Now, he has tried to bring his body back to life and this is the case you’re having great difficulty with. He has tried to bring his body back to life and has only succeeded in doing so with great pain and effort. And the pain and effort was so great that when you ask him to bring his body back to life again, he simply dramatizes this incident. He’s trying to bring himself to life. And of course he can’t get anymore alive than he was, because he knows how much work that is-that’s the incident that he’s running into. There’ll be at least one incident there which will be very great.

One of you was ducking like mad from a bunch of these things one day. Just throw some more up there.

Now, every past death is such an incident. Therefore, End of Cycle Processing, whereby he’s dead and departs and dead and departs and dead and departs, has a tendency to knock this out. But other processes would have to be entered in there where he has got a dead body and it’s dust and he builds it right back up again and makes it into a live body. Well, that would be success. But your preclear has failed at this so often that you will have to be very cagey when you do this type of End of Cycle Processing. You have to do some very good auditing to get him to build that body up until it exists again.

All right Now mock yourself up flip-flopping, totally out of control. And enjoy it.

Now, what’s this darkness? This darkness is a person tries to disendow something of life and can’t do so, so he takes the secondary choice, which is to say, he covers it with blackness. Underneath every blackness there is an effort to disendow.

All right. Now get this flip-flopper flopping harder.

Now, we’ve tried to cover this problem of the preclear in various ways. Covering the problem of the auditor is also, to some degree, the problem of covering the preclear. That auditor is a good auditor who is willing to endow things with life - endow a preclear with life.

And get some more enjoyment of this.

A doctor is a good doctor when he does this well. He’s a bad doctor when he does it badly. I don’t care how many medicines he uses, how well trained he is, how much his existence has been spotted with solid A grades and pats on the head from medical schools, he’s a bad doctor if he cannot endow with life.

Okay. Now give me three places you’re not.

Now, there’s a gradient scale of endowing with life and one of those is healing, doctoring. That is a low order, that is repair. There’s a higher order than that, much higher, simply in taking things that are alive and making them more alive. That can be done in many ways. And then there are higher ranges than that, where one takes things which are obviously inanimate and animates them. And this is all the same scale.

Some more places you’re not.

Now, an individual who still is afraid of his fellows or still hates his fellows and so forth, thinks he’ll be able to take inanimate objects and suddenly bring them to life and do this type of necromancy. No, he won’t! Because he’s on the band which has to have a great deal of fluidity in endowment with life. And if an individual has had a lot of difficulty endowing things with life, he’s liable to be apathetic about it.

Now some places where another person is not. Specific person.

A great doctor is not a great healer, necessarily. He could also be a great healer, also. It would almost be a debasement of his talent simply to repair, repair, repair. If he was good enough, he would never have to repair. You see that?

And now some places where another thetan isn’t.

Now, when an individual has failed pretty well across the boards, he can’t even any longer heal. And when he can’t heal, he’s sort of out the bottom. Below that, the only thing he can do is kill. Disendow. This is the final despair. That whole bracket from kill down to be cruel, down to torture, down to be very covert, down to not wanting to be critical (which is about the lowest level on this band), down to no place.

Come on, you can find one.

And when one has run the band up the line pretty well-gets in the bracket of being able to heal. And as a case, actually, he can get up to a bracket where he can heal without symbols. And when he-you know, without that type of communication-and then when he gets up the band higher, he can just straight out endow with life. He can materialize things, in other words.

Okay. Look around anything-any part of the environment now and find something that’s quite real to you.

But there’s where materialization belongs: endowing things with existence. And it’s way up. If you think that some little character that’s running up and down South Alvarado is going to be able to forage through life and get there with snaps and snarls and sneers and minor cruelties and betrayals and so forth, well, you’re looking at sort of a beetle. You know, that’s about it. They can’t even endow themselves with life. And they try to take life from everything. They disendow, disendow.

Group Processing: Assignment of Cause

You may often ask yourself, does the mercy or the feeling of desiring to help my fellows and so forth, does this really mean a sort of a debased propitiation of all existence? And, yeah, that’s a sort of a propitiation of all existence. And it’s about two or three light-years higher on the Tone Scale than the fellow who has to kill to live. It’s way up. So don’t think you’re groveling out the bottom end of the scale merely because you want your fellow human beings to be happy. You’re not. You’re so far out of the reach of the understanding of the fellow whose main joy in life is going out and hunting something terrible and ferocious and harmful to him-like a duck-that you probably couldn’t look down from where you are at him with one of these superobservation telescopes they put in these jet planes they send over enemy territory. You find a great deal of difficulty in trying to understand this man.

And reach for it and withdraw.

Many of you many times have tried to understand such a person. How can he do this? And what is this all about? And we just don’t quite understand this and yet the fellow seems to be getting along all right. His mercilessness, his ability to rip and tear the guts out of anybody around him and to build up only for this or that and very narrow goals and very destructive in all directions and this must be the way to live, this is a tooth and claw universe.

Okay. Now let’s check off some places where your-your condition does not exist, some places where your condition does not exist.

Well, I point out to you something. Anybody with an ability to endow with life can go out and change the course of any tiger in any jungle. And there’s nothing better, in terms of killing, than a Mr. Tiger. He’s built on that basis. And he is not long for this world if somebody who really-really can endow with life or disendow with life, who can handle life itself (doesn’t have to go around on an obsessive murder and so forth), if somebody like that happens to come along and is three feet back of his head. Because you can make the tiger do anything you want to. It’s quite remarkable. But the tiger can’t make you do anything he wants you to. He can’t even imagine what he wants you to do.

Some more places where your condition does not exist. What do I mean by “condition?” I just mean condition, that’s all.

Now, remember that, when you face these cruel, self-sufficient, “they know they’re right,” destructive boys in life who think you are doing something mean and wicked and diabolical by trying to help out some fellow man. Just remember that, that a tiger never, as ferocious as he is, never has been able to and never mil be able to be three feet back of anybody’s head and make him do what he wants. His total control basis is stop-dead. And I mean that literally: he can stop things dead.

Now let’s check off some places where you don’t have to put some life into symbols.

Now, the creative point of the Tone Scale, the creative point of the cycle-of-action of the MEST universe is that point which is a beginning point. And there you have three-dimensional. You have space, you have three-dimensional view, you have space, you have all of these other things.

Now let’s find something real in the environment and reach for it and withdraw from it.

Note: The recording ends abruptly.

Okay. Now let’s get the idea-exteriorized is best; still do it, interiorized-let’s get the idea of walking away, finding something and putting nothing there.

And continue that as a cycle: Walk away, find something and put nothing there.

Continue that as a cycle: Walk away, find something and put nothing there. If you can’t put nothing there easily, cover it up with blackness.

Do it some more.

Now let’s find some places where you’re not, at this moment, going unconscious.

Some more places where you’re not, at this moment, going unconscious.

Now check that over to some places where you don’t need to go unconscious at this moment.

All right. Now be well outside-or if you’re interiorized, do it just the same-and look around the environment, look around the environment, pick out objects or people and say, “You’re what made me wrong” and flinch and refuse to look at it.

And then go find something else, “You’re what made me wrong” and flinch.

Find lots of them, now.


Now give me some places you are not.

Now give me some places you are not yawning.

And now some places you’re not dying.

All right. Now mock yourself up as endowing something with life.

And duplicate it.

Granting beingness to something and duplicate it.

And just continue to duplicate.

Duplicate it some more. Endowing something with life. And duplicate it and duplicate it and duplicate it and duplicate it and duplicate it.

Now throw that away. And get the idea of endowing something else with life. And duplicate that many times, rapidly.

Okay. Now throw it away.

Get the idea of duplicating this now, disendowing something with life. Disendow something with life and then start duplicating it.

If you’ve picked one that’s tough to do, why, knock somebody off one way or the other, cut their head off or something. Get the idea of cutting your own head off, anything. Get the idea of blowing your own brains out or something of this sort and then duplicate it and duplicate it and duplicate it.

Some more.

Now let’s check off several futures you don’t have to live. Several futures you don’t have to live.

And several things you don’t have to duplicate.

Now let’s find some things you can duplicate.


Let’s look around the environment now and find some things, level an accusative finger at them and say, “You’re the cause.”

That’s right. Run around the environment, “You’re the cause.”

Get all the reasons why they’re the cause, now.

Now start mocking-up people, now, saying to them one after the other, “You do this.” And then the next one, “You do that.” And then the next one-mock-up another one, “You do this.” Mock-up another one, “You do that.”

Just all kinds of people, one after the other, “You do this. You do that. Don t pay any more attention to them after you tell them, [pause] You do this. You do that.”

Let’s start mocking-up preclears, “You do this.” And then get another preclear and “You do that.” Another preclear, “You do this.”

All right. Now let’s check off some things you don’t have to be certain of.

Some things you don’t have to be certain of.

Now some places you’re not.

Now mock-up a whole mass of dots of light or people, whichever is easiest to get, with the idea “You’re my kind of people.”

Throw them away, in another mass. And throw them away, in another mass. And throw them away, in another mass. Each time, “You’re my kind of people.”

All right. Now mock-up these dots of light or people, whichever is easiest, or black spots and have each one of them with the idea to you "You’re my kind of people.” Terrific agreement here amongst them that you’re their kind of people.

Mob after mob after mob after mob, each time, “You’re my kind of people.” Or “You’re my kind of thetan.”

Okay. Now let’s get mob after mob of you, agreeing that you’re your own kind of people.

Okay. Now check off some things you didn’t do.

Some more things-great certainty now, only certain things-things you didn’t do.

Some more things you didn’t do.

Now some things you don’t have to know whether you did or not.

And now let’s get something you won’t have to do exactly right.

And some places you are not.

Some places you’re not unconscious.

Now be way away from here someplace and pick out people, one after the other-you’re still here, pick them out here-and theta-wise, point to each one, saying, “You’re the cause of what happened” and get the reasons why.

Person after person after person.

Okay. Now in front of you, mock-up a little object, a strange little object, that does something which will tell you immediately to go away or perform or do something. Don’t bother to obey it, just mock-up the object in front of you, some strange little object, giving you a sudden, surprising signal. It arrives and you do something.

Throw it away and put another one there doing the same thing and another one and another one and another one.

Okay. Now get the idea of going away, returning and finding nothing and putting something there.

All right. Now get the idea of somebody else going away and thenyow putting something there, in their stead. They go away, you put something there. They go away, you put something there.

All right. Now let’s get the idea of you going away and somebody else putting something there. And continue that as a cycle.

And continue that some more. You go away, somebody else puts something there, in your stead.

Note: The recording ends abruptly.