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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Comonent Parts of Beingness (SOM-07) - L550604D | Сравнить
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- Group Processing - Time and Location (SOM-08) - L550604E | Сравнить
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A Group Processing session given on 4 June 1955
Сессия группового процессинга, проведенная 4 июня 1955 года

All right. Too darn high-spirited around here, that's what I've got to say! (audience laughter)

We better get in some auditing before the night's over, I tell you. Daylight's wasting, time's burning. Time! If we only had enough time!

Well, along about this time in the afternoon is a very, very poor time to process anyone. I wanted to show you – I wanted to give you a little demonstration of how to run a preclear in case nothing was working on him.

This is a remarkable occasion — a remarkable occasion. The Group Auditing which can be done today will undo all the Group Auditing you've had. (audience laughter)

Ну что же, это послеобеденное время очень, очень плохо подходит для того, чтобы проводить кому-либо процессинг. Но я хотел показать вам... я хотел провести вам небольшую демонстрацию того, как одитировать преклира в том случае, если на нем ничего не работает.

Now, one of the more marvelous things about Group Auditing is that it seems to have some degree of workability. And this is very strange, because groups are all supposed to go into apathy. And Group Auditing doesn't let people go into apathy, which is one of the cruelties we practice in Scientology.

Now Group Auditing is a tremendously intricate affair. A good Group Auditor can do quite a bit for people. A bad Group Auditor can still do some good for people. All right.

Now, the basic, the fundamental that we work on in such a regard is find the reality of the preclear. Well, that’s pretty hard to do. So the next best thing, as in a group session, the next best thing would simply be: Let the preclear find out an auditing session is going on – that you’re there, he’s there and that auditing is being done.

Let's get a session going here because, as I say, time is of the essence. And right now and right away, I want you to take a look at the front wall of the room.

Так вот, та основа, та основа основ, которую мы используем в данной ситуации, состоит в том, что нам нужно найти реальность преклира. Это не так-то просто сделать. Так что лучше всего... как в случае проведения группового процессинга... лучше всего сделать просто вот что: позвольте преклиру выяснить, что идет сессия одитинга... выяснить, что вы здесь, что он здесь и что одитинг проводится.

You got it now?

Audience: Yes.

Now you see that as a possible modus operandi? Hm? Well, that sounds like an awfully good place to start, isn’t it? Hm? How about it?

Got it real good?

Такой образ действий кажется вам возможным? А? Очень похоже, что именно с этого и стоило бы начать, верно? А? Как вы считаете?

Audience: Yes.

All right. Is it there?

Where are you?

Audience: Yes.

Где вы?

All right. Have it say so and you agree with it.

Audience: Okay.

Audience: Here.

Did you agree with it?

Аудитория: Здесь.

Audience: Yes.

Good. Have that wall over there say it's there and you agree with it.

All right. Let’s locate something in the room.

Audience: Okay.

Отлично. Давайте найдем что-нибудь в этой комнате.

All right. Fine. Now have that wall over there tell you it's there, only have it tell you now.

Audience: Okay.

Audience: Okay.

Good. Now have the back wall of the room tell you it's there.

Аудитория: Хорошо.

Audience: Okay.

All right. Now have the floor tell you it's there.

Good. Good. Let’s locate something else.

Audience: Okay.

Хорошо.Хорошо.Давайтенайдемчто-нибудь еще.

All right. Now, we won't bother to stamp on it. Have it tell you it's there again.

Audience: Okay.

Audience: Okay.

All right. Good. Have it tell you it's there once more.

Аудитория: Хорошо.

Audience: Okay.

All right. Now have it tell you it's there, and you thank it for being there.

Well, fine. Let’s locate something else.

Audience: (laughter)

Ну, прекрасно. Давайте найдем что-нибудь еще.
All right. Have the ceiling now — have the ceiling tell you it's there.

Audience: Okay.

All right. Now thank it for being there.

Audience: Okay.

Audience: Thank you.

Аудитория: Хорошо.

All right. Once more, let's have the ceiling tell you it's there. (pause) Now thank it for being there.

Audience: Thank you.

All right. Let’s locate something else.

Good. Have it tell you again. (pause) Now thank it for being there.

Отлично. Давайте найдем что-нибудь еще.

Audience: Thank you.

Is it coming down quite as low when you do it?

Audience: Okay.

Audience: (laughter)

Аудитория: Хорошо.

All right. Now have your body tell you it's there. (pause) Now thank it for being there.

Audience: Thank you.

All right. Let’s locate something else.

Now have your body tell you it's there. (pause) Now thank it for being there.

Отлично. Давайте найдем что-нибудь еще.

Audience: Thank you.

Good. Now have your body tell you it's there. (pause) Now thank it for being there.

Audience: Okay.

Audience: Thank you.

Аудитория: Хорошо.

All right. Have your body tell you, "Sir," — or "Madam," as the case may be — "I have executed your command." (pause) Now thank it for having done so.

Audience: Thank you.

All right. Locate something else.

Now have it tell you that once more. (pause) Now thank it for having done so.

Отлично. Найдите что-нибудь еще.

Audience: Thank you.

All right. Now have it tell you once more that it's executed your command. (pause) Now thank it.

Audience: Okay.

Audience: Thank you.

Аудитория: Хорошо.

This seem odd to you?

Audience: Yes. (laughter)

Good. Locate something else.

All right. Now that we've got a good beginning on this, let's have the front wall of the room say to you, "This means time is passing." (pause) And you say okay.

Хорошо. Найдите что-нибудь еще.

Audience: Okay.

Good. Have that wall of the room say, "This means time is passing." (pause) Tell it okay.

Audience: Okay.

Audience: Okay.

Аудитория: Хорошо.

All right. Have the other wall tell you, "Time is passing. This means time is passing." (pause) Give it an okay.

Audience: Okay.

Locate something else.

Well, fine. Now have the back of the room tell you, "This means time is passing." (pause) Give it an okay.

Отлично. Найдите что-нибудь еще.

Audience: Okay.

Give it a better okay than that.

Audience: Okay.

Audience: Okay!

Аудитория: Хорошо.

All right. Now have the floor tell you, "Time is passing." (pause) Give it an okay. Come on. Give it an okay.

Audience: Okay.

Okay. Locate something else.

All right. Now have the ceiling and the lights in it tell you, "Time is passing." (pause) Give it an okay.

Ладно. Найдите что-нибудь еще.

Audience: Okay.

Well, all right. Now, does that make you feel good to know that time is passing that way?

Audience: Okay.

Audience: (various responses)

Аудитория: Хорошо.

That make you feel good? All right.

We're going to have the front wall of the room now say, "There is no time." (pause) Give it an okay.

All right. Locate something else.

Audience: Okay.

Отлично. Найдите что-нибудь еще.

And the back wall of the room say, "There is no time."

Audience: Okay.

Audience: Okay.

Good. And have that wall say, "There is no time."

Аудитория: Хорошо.

Audience: Okay.

Good. And that wall tell you that there's no time.

All right. Let’s locate something else.

Audience: Okay.

Отлично. Давайте найдем что-нибудь еще.

Good. Now the ceiling tell you there's no time.

Audience: Okay.

Audience: Okay.

Good. And the floor tell you there's no time.

Аудитория: Хорошо.

Audience: Okay.

All right. Well, that's fine. Now is that the truth?

Fine. Let's locate something else.

Audience: (various responses)

Прекрасно.Давайтенайдемчто-нибудь еще.

All right. Now let's have the front wall of the room say, "This means there is no time." (pause) Give it an okay.

Audience: Okay.

Audience: Okay.

Good. And the back wall of the room, have it say, "This means there is no time."

Аудитория: Хорошо.

Audience: Okay.

All right. And that wall to the right, "This means there's no time."

All right. Let’s locate something else.

Audience: Okay.

Отлично. Давайте найдем что-нибудь еще.

All right. And the left wall of the room.

Audience: Okay.

Audience: Okay.

All right. And the ceiling, "This means there's no time."

Аудитория: Хорошо.

Audience: Okay.

All right. And the floor.

Good. Let’s locate something else.

Audience: Okay.

Хорошо. Давайте найдем что-нибудь еще.All right. Now, just for a slight difference, have the front ,of the room say, "This means there is time."

Audience: Okay.

Audience: Okay.

All right. And the back wall of the room, "This means there is time."

Аудитория: Хорошо.

Audience: Okay.

All right. And the right wall, "This means there is time."

Audience: Okay.

All right. Let’s locate something else.

All right. Now have the left wall say, quite audibly — don't care if you hear it or not, but just say that it's saying it audibly — "This means there's no time."

Отлично. Давайте найдем что-нибудь еще.

Audience: Okay.

All right. And the ceiling.

Audience: Okay.

Audience: Okay.

Аудитория: Хорошо.

All right. And the floor.

Audience: Okay.

Well, fine. Let’s locate something else.

Well good. All right. Now let's have the front wall of the room, just for variation and difference, say, "This means there is no time at all."

Ну, прекрасно. Давайте найдем что-нибудь еще.

Audience: Okay.

All right. And the back of the room, have it say, "This means there's no time at all."

Audience: Okay.

Audience: Okay.

Аудитория: Хорошо.

All right. And the right-hand wall, "This means there's no time at all."

Audience: Okay.

Good. Did you?

Okay. And the left wall.

Хорошо. Нашли?

Audience: Okay.

All right. And the ceiling, "This means there's no time at all."

Audience: Yes.

Audience: Okay.

Аудитория: Да.

All right. And the floor.

Audience: Okay.

Well, all right. Let’s locate something else.

All right. Now how's that make you feel?

Ну, отлично. Давайте найдем что-нибудь еще.

Audience: (various responses)

Doesn't do anything to you at all? You're not feeling masses of energy, or anything like that, suddenly stop, are you? Nothing bad like that.

Audience: Okay.

All right, then let's have the front wall of the room say, "There's plenty of time."

Аудитория: Хорошо.

Audience: Okay.

All right. And the back wall, "There's plenty of time."

All right. Let’s locate something else.

Audience: Okay.

Отлично. Давайте найдем что-нибудь еще.

All right. And the right-hand wall, "There's plenty of time."

Audience: Okay.

Audience: Okay.

All right. And the left-hand wall, "There's plenty of time."

Аудитория: Хорошо.

Audience: Okay.

All right. And the ceiling, "There's plenty of time."

Good. Let’s locate something else.

Audience: Okay.

Хорошо. Давайте найдем что-нибудь еще.

And the floor, "There's plenty of time."

Audience: Okay.

Audience: Okay.

All right. Now, let's you say, "There's a floor there."

Аудитория: Хорошо.

Audience: There's a floor there.

Good. Now let's look over this right-hand wall and say, "There's a wall there."

Fine. Let’s locate something else.

Audience: There's a wall there.

Прекрасно.Давайтенайдемчто-нибудь еще.

All right. Is it convinced?

Audience: (various responses)

Audience: Okay.

Is anybody convinced?

Аудитория: Хорошо.

Audience: (various responses)

Did you convince anybody?

Good. Let’s locate somebody.

Audience: No.

Хорошо. Давайте найдем кого-нибудь.

All right. Now tell it again so that you convince everyone that there's a wall there.

Audience: There's a wall there.

Audience: Okay.

All right. Is everybody convinced?

Аудитория: Хорошо.

Audience: (various responses)

Did you convince anybody?

All right. Let’s locate somebody else.

Audience: (various responses)

Отлично. Давайте найдем кого-нибудь еще.

All right. Now let's look at this left-hand wall over here and say, "There's a wall there."

Audience: There's a wall there.

Audience: Okay.

Good. Did you convince anybody?

Аудитория: Хорошо.

Audience: Yes.

Well, all right. Now let's take the back of the room, "There's a wall there."

All right. Now let’s locate somebody else.

Audience: There's a wall there.

Отлично.Теперь давайтенайдемкого-нибудь еще.

Good. Fine. Now let's point to the ceiling and say, "There's a ceiling there."

Audience: There's a ceiling there.

Audience: Okay.

Did you convince anybody?

Аудитория: Хорошо.

Audience: Yes.

Well, all right. Well, good. Now we're getting real convincing.

All right. Now, did you?

Now without your body's hands, without your body's hands at all, I want you to point to your body and say, "There's a body there."

Отлично. Ну как, нашли?

Audience: There's a body there.

All right. Let's do that again. Point, "There's a body there."

Audience: Yes.

Audience: There's a body there.

Аудитория: Да.

Have the body say okay.

Audience: Okay.

Now point to the body again and say, "There's a body there."

All right. Now let’s locate somebody else.

Audience: There's a body there.

Отлично. Теперь давайте найдем кого-нибудь еще.

Have the body say okay.

Audience: Okay.

Audience: Okay.

All right. Point to it again and say, "There's a body there."

Аудитория: Хорошо.

Audience: There's a body there.

Say, "Okay."

Okay. Let's locate somebody else.

Audience: Okay.

Ладно. Давайте найдем кого-нибудь еще.

All right. Now have the body lift its thumb and point over its shoulder and say, "There's a thetan there," and you say okay.

Audience: (laughter) Okay.

Audience: Okay.

All right. Let's do that again. "There's a thetan there."

Аудитория: Хорошо.

Audience: There's a thetan there.

And you say okay.

Fine. Let's locate somebody else.

Audience: Okay.

Прекрасно. Давайте найдем кого-нибудь еще.

All right. Now let's point again, "There's a thetan there."

Audience: There's a thetan there.

Audience: Okay.

You say okay.

Аудитория: Хорошо.

Audience: Okay.

All right. Now this time, decide that it's just your body talking without any volition on your part, "There's a thetan there."

Well, okay. Let’s locate somebody else.

Audience: There's a thetan there.

Ну, ладно. Давайте найдем кого-нибудь еще.

And you say okay.

Audience: Okay.

Audience: Okay.

All right. Let's do that again. "There's a thetan there."

Аудитория: Хорошо.

Audience: There's a thetan there.

And you say okay.

All right. Let’s locate somebody else.

Audience: Okay.

Отлично. Давайте найдем кого-нибудь еще.

All right. Now you be somewhere back of the body and say, "There's a body there."

Audience: There's a body there.

Audience: Okay.

Have it say okay.

Аудитория: Хорошо.

Audience: Okay.

All right. Now you say, "I've just located a body there."

All right. Let’s locate somebody else.

Audience: I've just located a body there.

Отлично. Давайте найдем кого-нибудь еще.

Have it say okay.

Audience: Okay.

Audience: Okay.

All right. Once more, "I've just located a body there."

Аудитория: Хорошо.

Audience: I've just located a body there.

Have it say okay.

All right. Now let’s locate somebody.

Audience: Okay.

Отлично.Теперь давайтенайдемкого-нибудь.

Once more, "I've just located a body there."

Audience: I've just located a body there.

Audience: Okay.

Have it say okay.

Аудитория: Хорошо.

Audience: Okay.

All right. Once more, "I've just located a body there."

Did you?

Audience: I've just located a body there.


Have it say okay.

Audience: Okay.

Audience: Yes.

All right. Does it have the feeling of being better located by you?

Аудитория: Да.

Audience: Yes.

Can you get the body to get the feeling now that you'll get it if it doesn't obey you?

Well, all right. Let’s locate somebody.

Audience: (laughter)

Ну, отлично. Давайте найдем кого-нибудь.

All right. Let's find the front of the room.

Audience: Okay.

Audience: Okay.

Okay. Let's find the back of the room.

Аудитория: Хорошо.

Audience: Okay.

All right. Let's find the floor.

Well, okay. Let’s locate somebody now.

Audience: Okay.

Ну, ладно. Давайте сейчас найдем кого-нибудь.

All right. Let's find the ceiling.

Audience: Okay.

Audience: Okay.

All right. Let's find the left-hand wall.

Аудитория: Хорошо.

Audience: Okay.

And let's find the right-hand wall.

Good. Let’s locate somebody.

Audience: Okay.

Хорошо. Давайте найдем кого-нибудь.

All right. Are there six walls in this room?

Audience: (various responses)

Are there at least six walls in this room?

Audience: Okay.

Audience: Yes.

Аудитория: Хорошо.

All right. If there are six walls in this room, check over to yourself quietly some things that aren't in the room. (pause) Got some things that aren't in the room?

Audience: (various responses)

Good. Let’s locate somebody.

Let's get some more things that aren't in the room and where they aren't. (pause) Come on, where they aren't. (pause) Now you got that?

Хорошо. Давайте найдем кого-нибудь.

Audience: Yes.

Well, good. Now let's get some things that are in the room. Check them over, point them out. (pause) Got that?

Audience: Okay.

Audience: Yes.

Аудитория: Хорошо.

All right. Now let's check over some things that are not in the room. And check over exactly where they're not in the room. There's no giraffe there, you know. (pause) Got some specific places where things are not?

Audience: Yes.

Well, fine. Let’s locate somebody.

Good. Good. All right. Now let's check over some things that are in the room. (pause) Well, good. That's fine.


Now let's check over some specific things that are not in the room. (pause) If anything suddenly pops into view, tell an Emergency Auditor, he'll have it taken out. (audience laughter) (pause) All right. All right. Fine.

Now let's check over some things that are in the room. (pause) Okay. Now how you doing? Hm?

Audience: Okay.

Audience: Fine.

Аудитория: Хорошо.

Doing good. All right.

Now let's check over some people that are present. Some people that are present. (pause) Well, fine. That's real good. That's real good.

Fine. Now let’s locate the auditor.

Now let's check over some people that are not present. And exactly where they're not present, and what chair. (pause)

Прекрасно.Теперьдавайтенайдем одитора.

People that are not present and exactly where they're not present. I'm sure there's no grandmother in the middle of that table. (pause) All right. Good.

Now let's check over some people that are present. If I feel myself getting thin I'll know what you're doing. (audience laughter) (pause) Check them over, some people that are present. (pause) All right. Fine. Fine.

Audience: Okay.

Now let's check over some people that you absolutely know are not present. (pause)

Аудитория: Хорошо.

Let's get where they're not present, now, down to a micromillimeter. (pause) Got that? Well, good.

Let's check over some people that are present. There must be somebody here. (pause) Well, all right. Now, that's fine. That's fine. That's real good.

All right. Let’s locate the auditor.

Now I'm going to give you just a little bit more difficult one, because you've been very good. And let's check over some thetans that are not present.

Отлично. Давайте найдем одитора.

Audience: (various responses)

Now, only certainty goes here. Certainty only. (pause) Some thetans that are not present. Somebody hold up his hand when he's found one. (audience laughter) All right.

Audience: Okay.

Come on. Some more thetans that are not present and just get exactly where they're not present. (pause) Send you out of here tonight seeing thetans is the last thing I'd ever do! (pause) You found some, huh?

Аудитория: Хорошо.

Audience: Yes.

Well, good. Now let's check over some thetans that are present. (pause) Some thetans that are present. (pause) You getting some?

All right. Let’s locate the auditor.

Audience: (various responses)

Отлично. Давайте найдем одитора.

Huh? Check over some more thetans that are present here. (pause) Is there somebody present doesn't like that feeling? All right.

I'll tell you what we'll do now. We're going to check over some thetans that are not present — that we know for sure are not present. (pause) That give you a big feeling of certainty? Check over some thetans you know for sure are not present. Some spirits that you know aren't here. (pause) You can check over yourself, too, if you want to. (audience laughter)

Audience: Okay.

Some more thetans that are not present. (pause) All right. All right. Now let's check over some thetans that are present. (pause) Oh, is that getting easier?

Аудитория: Хорошо.

Audience: Yes.

Well, all right. Now let's check over, very laboriously — you have to do this laboriously and seriously to get the maximum benefit from it. (audience laughter) All right. Let's check over some thetans now that you absolutely are absolutely certain, completely and entirely, are not here. (pause)

All right. Now let’s locate the preclear.

You see, that also includes somebody who doesn't believe in thetans. You see? Say, you know, "Absolutely certain no thetans." And get that certainty run out. (pause) Okay.

Отлично. Теперь давайте найдем преклира.

Now let's check over some that are present. And see if it's easier to do. (pause)

Easier to do?

Audience: Okay.

Audience: Mm-hm.

Аудитория: Хорошо.

Well, all right. Now once more let's find some thetans that are not present. (pause)

Oh, let's look over the situation better than that, and let's get each thetan that isn't present this time and say okay. Every time you get one that isn't present, say okay about it.

All right. Let’s locate the auditor.

Audience: (a few scattered "okays")

Отлично. Давайте найдем одитора.

Oh, there must be more thetans absent than that! Come on! (audience laughter) (pause) Well, fine. Well, fine.

Now let's check over some thetans that are present, and each time say okay.

Audience: Okay.

Audience: (multiple "okays")

Аудитория: Хорошо.

All right. How's that going? Is it easier?

Audience: Yes.

Well, good. Let’s locate the preclear.

It's getting easier, huh? Well, fine.

О, хорошо. Давайте найдем преклира.

Now let's check over once more, some thetans that are not present. Giving each one an okay. A vote of absence.

Audience: (multiple "okays")

Audience: Okay.

Getting some this time? You getting a greater certainty on their absence?

Аудитория: Хорошо.

Audience: Yes.

Well, all right. Let's get some more that are absent. (pause) All right. Fine.

Good. Let’s locate the auditor.

I hear everybody running down on the thing. Let's check off some now that you know for sure are present, and salute them with an okay.

Хорошо. Давайте найдем одитора.

Audience: (multiple "okays")

Well, all right. Is that coming up a little bit on certainty?

Audience: Okay.

Audience: Yes.

Аудитория: Хорошо.

Huh? All right. Where's your body?

Audience: Right here.

All right. Let’s locate the preclear.

All right. Where's your body?

Отлично. Давайте найдем преклира.

Audience: Right here.

Okay. Where's your body?

Audience: Okay.

Audience: Right here.

Аудитория: Хорошо.

Well, all right. Where's your body?

Audience: Right here.

All right. Locate the auditor.

Well, okay. Where's your body?

Отлично. Найдите одитора.

Audience: Right here.

All right. Where is your body?

Audience: Okay.

Audience: Right here.

Аудитория: Хорошо.

All right. Point to it. (pause) All right.

Where's your body?

Audience: Here.

All right. Locate the preclear.

Okay. Where's your body?

Отлично. Найдите преклира.

Audience: Here.

Fine. Where's your body?

Audience: Okay.

Audience: Here.

Аудитория: Хорошо.

Well, all right. Where's your body?

Audience: Here.

All right. Locate the auditor.

All right. Where's your body?

Отлично. Найдите одитора.

Audience: Here.

Okay. Where's your body?

Audience: Okay.

Audience: Here.

Аудитория: Хорошо.

All right. Where's your body?

Audience: Here.

All right. Did you?

All right. Where's your body?

Отлично. Нашли?

Audience: Here.

Well, okay. Where's your body?

Audience: Yes.

Audience: Here.

Аудитория: Да.

Okay. Where is your body?

Audience: Here.

Well, fine. Now let’s locate the preclear.

Okay. Where are you?

Ну, прекрасно.Теперь давайте найдем преклира.

Audience: Here.

All right. Where are you?

Audience: Okay.

Audience: Here.

Аудитория: Хорошо.

Okay. Where are you?

Audience: Here.

All right. Let’s locate the auditor.

All right. Where are you?

Отлично. Давайте найдем одитора.

Audience: Here.

All right. Where are you?

Audience: Okay.

Audience: Here.

Аудитория: Хорошо.

All right. Where are you?

Audience: Here.

All right. Let’s locate the session.

Well, okay. Where are you?

Отлично. Давайте найдем сессию.

Audience: Here.

All right. Where are you?

Audience: Okay.

Audience: Here.

Аудитория: Хорошо.

All right. Where are you?

Audience: Here.

All right. Let’s locate the session.

All right. Where's your body?

Отлично. Давайте найдем сессию.

Audience: Here.

Okay. Where's your body?

Audience: Okay.

Audience: Here.

Аудитория: Хорошо.

All right. Where's your body?

Audience: Here.

All right. Let’s locate the session.

All right. Where's your body?

Отлично. Давайте найдем сессию.

Audience: Here.

All right. Where's your body?

Audience: Okay.

Audience: Here.

Аудитория: Хорошо.

All right. Where's your body?

Audience: Here.

All right. Let’s locate the auditor.

All right. Where's your body?

Отлично. Давайте найдем одитора.

Audience: Here.

All right. Where's your body?

Audience: Okay.

Audience: Here.

Аудитория: Хорошо.

All right. Where is your body?

Audience: Here.

All right. Let’s locate the preclear.

All right. Where is your body?

Отлично. Давайте найдем преклира.

Audience: Here.

Okay. Where is your body?

Audience: Okay.

Audience: Here.

Аудитория: Хорошо.

All right. Where is your body?

Audience: Here.

All right. Let’s locate the auditor.

All right. Where is your body?

Отлично. Давайте найдем одитора.

Audience: Here.

All right. Where is your body?

Audience: Okay.

Audience: Here.

Аудитория: Хорошо.

All right. Where does your body say you are?

Audience: (various responses)

All right. Let’s locate the preclear.

Okay. Where does your body say you are?

Отлично. Давайте найдем преклира.

Audience: Here.

All right. Where does your body say you are?

Audience: Here.

Audience: Okay.

All right. Where does your body say you are?

Аудитория: Хорошо.

Audience: Here.

All right. Where does your body say you are?

Good. Let’s locate the auditor.

Audience: Here.

Хорошо. Давайте найдем одитора.

All right. Where does your body say you are?

Audience: Here.

Audience: Okay.

All right. Where's your body?

Аудитория: Хорошо.

Audience: Here.

All right. Where is your body?

All right. Let’s locate the preclear.

Audience: Here.

Отлично. Давайте найдем преклира.

Okay. Where's your body?

Audience: Here.

Audience: Okay.

All right. Where's your body?

Аудитория: Хорошо.

Audience: Here.

Okay. Where's your body?

Good. Let’s locate the auditor.

Audience: Here.

Хорошо. Давайте найдем одитора.

All right. Where's your body?

Audience: Here.

Audience: Okay.

All right. Where's your body?

Аудитория: Хорошо.

Audience: Here.

All right. Where's your body?

All right. Let’s locate the preclear.

Audience: Here.

Отлично. Давайте найдем преклира.

All right. Where's your body say you are?

Audience: Here.

Audience: Okay.

All right. Where's your body say you are?

Аудитория: Хорошо.

Audience: Here.

All right. Where are you?

All right. Let’s locate the auditor.

Audience: Here.

Отлично. Давайте найдем одитора.

Okay. Where are you?

Audience: Here.

Audience: Okay.

Fine. Where are you?

Аудитория: Хорошо.

Audience: Here.

Fine. Where are you?

All right. Let’s locate the session.

Audience: Here.

Отлично. Давайте найдем сессию.

Fine. Where are you?

Audience: Here.

Audience: Okay.

Fine. Where are you?

Аудитория: Хорошо.

Audience: Here.

Fine. Where are you?

All right. Let’s locate the session.

Audience: Here.

Отлично. Давайте найдем сессию.

Fine. Where are you?

Audience: Here.

Audience: Okay.

Fine. Where are you?

Аудитория: Хорошо.

Audience: Here.

Fine. Where are you?

Allright.Let’slocatetheauditing command.

Audience: Here.

Отлично.Давайтенайдемкоманду одитинга.

Fine. Where are you?

Audience: Here.

Audience: Okay.

Fine. Where are you?

Аудитория: Хорошо.

Audience: Here.

Fine. Where are you?

Good. Let’s locate the auditing command.

Audience: Here.

Хорошо.Давайтенайдемкоманду одитинга.

Okay. How you feel?

Audience: Fine.

Audience: Okay.

Fine? Anybody feeling groggy?

Аудитория: Хорошо.

Audience: No.

You mean I haven't upset anybody?

Well, good. Let’s locate the auditing command.

Audience: No.

Ну,хорошо.Давайтенайдемкоманду одитинга.

Ah, the pity of it! (audience laughter) Well, I can try.

Now let's have this front wall up here give you a warning, and you say okay.

Audience: Okay.

Audience: Okay.

Аудитория: Хорошо.

All right. Have the back wall give you a warning.

Audience: Okay.

Well,fine.Let’slocatetheauditing command.

All right. Have the right wall give you a warning.

Ну, прекрасно. Давайте найдем команду одитинга.

Audience: Okay.

All right. Have the left wall give you a warning and you give it an okay.

Audience: Okay.

Audience: Okay.

All right. Have the ceiling give you a warning.

Аудитория: Хорошо.

Audience: Okay.

All right. Have the floor give you a warning.

Well, good. Let’s locate the auditing command.

Audience: Okay.

Ну,хорошо.Давайтенайдемкоманду одитинга.

All right. Have the front wall give you a very positive warning.

Audience: Okay.

Audience: Okay.

All right. Have the back wall give you a warning.

Аудитория: Хорошо.

Audience: Okay.

All right. Did it speak that warning?

All right. Let’s locate the auditor.

Audience: Yes.

Отлично. Давайте найдем одитора.

Did it articulate it and communicate it?

Audience: Yes.

Audience: Okay.

Well, fine. Have the right-hand wall do it.

Аудитория: Хорошо.

Audience: Okay.

All right. Have the left-hand wall do it.

All right. Locate the auditing session.

Audience: Okay.

Отлично. Найдите сессию одитинга.

All right. Have the ceiling do it.

Audience: Okay.

Audience: Okay.

All right. Have the floor do it.

Аудитория: Хорошо.

Audience: Okay.

All right. Now we're going to change the mood of this. We're going to have the front-hand wall give you a warning and you're going to say thank you.

All right. Let’s locate the preclear.

Audience: Thank you.

Отлично. Давайте найдем преклира.

All right.

Have it give you a very dastardly warning now, that rear wall. Have it give you a warning, you say thank you.

Audience: Okay.

Audience: Thank you.

Аудитория: Хорошо.

All right. Now have that right-hand wall give you a warning.

Audience: Thank you.

All right. Now we’re going to go into a much, much worse process. [laughter] Now that we know an auditing session is in progress, I’m going to ask you now a question which I’m going to expect you will answer to yourself and answer, possibly, several times over before the next question. One of those confusing things that put you right out of present time.

All right. The left-hand wall give you a warning.

Отлично. А сейчас мы перейдем к намного, намного более трудному процессу. [смех] Теперь, когда мы знаем, что сессия одитинга уже идет, я буду задавать вам вопрос и буду ожидать от вас, что вы на него ответите про себя и, возможно, ответите несколько раз, прежде чем будет задан следующий вопрос. Это такая запутанная штука, которая быстренько выводит вас из настоящего времени.

Audience: Thank you.

Good. The ceiling give you a warning.

Now, if anybody starts to scream, please don't get upset. Emergency Auditors are present, the city is full of hospitals and so forth. [laughter] And it’s somebody else’s responsibility anyway if some body starts going out of control, because we have to do with the spirit, not the body. So... [laughter]

Audience: Thank you.

Если кто-то начнет кричать, пожалуйста, не расстраивайтесь. У нас тут есть одиторы по оказанию экстренной помощи, город полон больниц и так далее. [смех] И в любом случае, если какое-то тело начнет выходить из-под контроля, ответственность за это лежит на ком-то другом, потому что мы имеем дело с духом, а не с телом. Так что... [смех]

All right. The floor give you a warning.

Audience: Thank you.

All right, now. Now that we know what to expect – now we know what to expect.

All right. The front wall give you a warning.

Ну хорошо. Теперь, когда мы знаем, чего можно ожидать... теперь мы знаем, чего можно ожидать.

Audience: Thank you.

Good. The back wall give you a warning.

What would happen if you were located?

Audience: Thank you.

Чтопроизошлобы,еслибываше местоположение было найдено?

Good. The right wall give you a warning.

Audience: Thank you.

All right. The left wall give you a warning.

Well, good. Give me some more things that would happen if you were located.

Audience: Thank you.

Ну хорошо. Назовите мне еще несколько вещей, которые произошли бы, если бы ваше местоположение было найдено.

All right. The ceiling give you a warning.

Audience: Thank you.

Fine. Let’s just check off some things that would happen, now, if you were located.

And the floor give you a warning.

Отлично. Теперь давайте просто перечислим некоторые вещи, которые произошли бы, если бы ваше местоположение было найдено.

Audience: Thank you.

Okay. Now have the front wall give you a warning.

Good. Good. That’s fine. Now let’s check off some more things that would happen if you were located. If you haven’t gotten one yet, get it.

Audience: Thank you.

Хорошо. Хорошо. Прекрасно. Теперь перечислите еще несколько вещей, которые произошли бы, если бы ваше местоположение было найдено. Если вы еще ничего такого не нашли, найдите это.

All right. The back wall give you a warning.

Audience: Thank you.

Okay. That’s fine. That’s fine. Now you know. All right.

All right. The right-hand wall give you a warning.

Хорошо. Прекрасно. Прекрасно. Теперь вы это знаете. Хорошо.

Audience: Thank you.

And the left-hand wall give you a warning.

Now – now, what would happen if you weren’t located?

Audience: Thank you.

А теперь... теперь, что произошло бы, если бы ваше местоположение не было найдено?

All right. The ceiling give you a warning.

Audience: Thank you.

Good. Now, what would happen if you weren’t located? Give me some things that would happen if you weren’t located.

All right. The floor give you a warning.

Хорошо. Что произошло бы, если бы ваше местоположение не было найдено? Назовите мне несколько вещей, которые произошли бы, если бы ваше местоположение не было найдено.

Audience: Thank you.

Well, fine. Now how do you feel about this warning?

Good. Good. Now give me some more things that would happen if you were not located.

Audience: Okay.

Хорошо. Хорошо. Теперь назовите мне еще несколько вещей, которые произошли бы, если бы ваше местоположение не было найдено.

Feel pretty good about it? Feel pretty good, huh?

Well, now I want you to say in response to the warning this time, "How nice of you."

Good. You got some now? Got some good things there? Fine. All right. Good.

Now let's have the front wall give you a warning.

Хорошо. Вы нашли несколько таких вещей? Нашли кое-что хорошее? Прекрасно. Отлично. Хорошо.

Audience: How nice of you.

Good. The back wall give you a warning.

Now tell me some things that would happen if you were located. Give me some things that would happen if you were located.

Audience: How nice of you.

Теперь назовите мне несколько вещей, которые произошли бы, если бы ваше местоположение было найдено. Назовите мне несколько вещей, которые произошли бы, если бы ваше местоположение было найдено.

All right. The right wall give you a warning.

Audience: How nice of you.

All right. That’s fine. Some more things that would happen if you were located.

Good. The left wall give you a warning.

Отлично. Прекрасно. Еще несколько вещей, которые произошли бы, если бы ваше местоположение было найдено.

Audience: How nice of you.

Good. Have the ceiling give you a warning.

Audience: How nice of you.

Well, that’s fine. Now, that’s just fine. Now give me some things that would happen if you were not located.

And the floor give you a warning.

Прекрасно. Просто прекрасно. Теперь назовите мне несколько вещей, которые произошли бы, если бы ваше местоположение не было найдено.

Audience: How nice of you.

Now, have your body give you a warning.

Good. And some more things that would happen if you were not located.

Audience: How nice of you.

Хорошо. И еще несколько вещей, которые произошли бы, если бы ваше местоположение не было найдено.

Tell it, "How nice of you."

Audience: (various responses)

Good. Some more things that would happen if you were not located.

Good. Now have your body give you a warning.

Хорошо. Еще несколько вещей, которые произошли бы, если бы ваше местоположение не было найдено.

Audience: How nice of you.

Well, good. Now have your body give you a warning.

All right. That’s real good. That’s real good. That’s fine. That’s fine.

Audience: How nice of you.

Отлично. Очень хорошо. Очень хорошо. Прекрасно. Прекрасно.

Good. Now have your body give you a warning.

Audience: How nice of you.

Now what would happen to you if you were located?

Good. Now have your body give you a warning.

Что произошло бы с вами, если бы ваше местоположение было найдено?

Audience: How nice of you.

All right. Have your body give you a warning.

Good. Some more things that would happen to you if you were located.

Audience: How nice of you.

Хорошо. Еще несколько вещей, которые произошли бы с вами, если бы ваше местоположение было найдено.

Good. Have your body give you a warning.

Audience: How nice of you.

All right. Now, fine. How’s that now? Huh?

Good. Have your body give you a warning.

Отлично. Замечательно. Как дела сейчас? А?

Audience: How nice of you.

Fine. Have your body give you a warning.

Audience: Okay.

Audience: How nice of you.

Аудитория: Хорошо.

Good. Have your body give you a warning.

Audience: How nice of you.

That working all right?

Good. Have your body give you a warning.

Это хорошо работает?

Audience: How nice of you.

Well, fine. Have your body give you a warning.

Audience: Yes.

Audience: How nice of you.

Аудитория: Да.

Good. Now have your body give you a warning.

Audience: How nice of you.

That working all right? Hm?

All right. Now, that's just fine. That's just fine. You're just doing fine.

Это хорошо работает? А?

You're a good group.

Now let's have this front wall complain to you and you say, "Poor thing."

Audience: Yes.

Audience: Poor thing.

Аудитория: Да.

Did you have it complain?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. You sure it’s working all right? There isn’t anybody collapsed? All right.

All right. Good. Now have the rear wall complain to you.

Хорошо.Выуверены,чтоэтохорошо работает? В обморок никто не упал? Ладно.

Audience: Poor thing.

That's right. Now have the right-hand wall complain to you and you say,

Now I want you to have the front wall – attend, now – I want you to have the front wall say to you, “We’ve got you spotted.” [laughter] And you tell it “Okay.”

"Poor thing."

Теперь я хочу, чтобы вы заставили переднюю стену... слушайте внимательно... я хочу, чтобы вы заставили переднюю стену сказать вам: «Мы тебя засекли». [смех] И скажите ей «Хорошо».

Audience: Poor thing.

All right. Have the left-hand wall complain to you.

Got that real good? Did you tell it “Okay”?

Audience: Poor thing.

Этоувасдействительнохорошо получилось? Вы сказали ей «Хорошо»?

Good. Have the ceiling complain to you.

Audience: Poor thing.

All right. Have the floor complain to you.

Audience: Yes.

Audience: Poor thing.

Аудитория: Да.

All right. Now have your body complain to you.

Audience: Poor thing. (laughter)

Well, fine. Now let’s have the back wall say, “We’ve got you spotted.”

All right. Now let's have the front wall complain to you. "Poor thing."

Ну, прекрасно. Теперь пусть задняя стена скажет: «Мы тебя засекли».

Audience: Poor thing.

Good. The back wall complain to you.

Give it an “Okay.”

Audience: Poor thing.

Скажите ей «Хорошо».

Good. The right-hand wall complain to you.

Audience: Poor thing.

All right. Now let’s have the right-hand wall say, “We’ve got you spotted” – looking right at you.

Good. The left-hand wall complain to you.

Замечательно. Теперь пусть правая стена скажет: «Мы тебя засекли»... глядя прямо на вас.

Audience: Poor thing.

Good. Have the ceiling complain to you.

Give it an “Okay.”

Audience: Poor thing.

Скажите ей «Хорошо».

Good. Have the floor complain to you.

Audience: Poor thing.

And the left wall say, “We’ve got you spotted» and give it an “Okay.”

Well, fine. Have your body complain to you.

И пусть левая стена скажет: «Мы тебя засекли», а вы скажите ей «Хорошо».

Audience: Poor thing. (laughter)

Once more have your body complain to you.

Process is known as “Dragnet.” [laughter]

Audience: Poor thing.

Процесс известен под названием «Облава».

Good. Have your body complain to you.

Audience: Poor thing.

Now let’s have the floor say, “We’ve got you spotted” and you say “Okay.”

All right. Have your body complain to you.

Теперьпустьполскажет:«Мытебя засекли», а вы скажите: «Хорошо».

Audience: Poor thing.

Good. Have your body complain to you.

And the ceiling say, “We’ve got you spotted” and you say “Okay.”

Audience: Poor thing.

И пусть потолок скажет: «Мы тебя засекли», а вы скажите: «Хорошо».

Good. Have your body complain to you.

Audience: Poor thing.

Good. And the front of the room say, “We’ve got you spotted.” Have it look right straight at you and say, “We’ve got you spotted.” And you say “Okay.”

All right. Have your body complain to you.

Отлично. И пусть передняя часть комнаты скажет: «Мы тебя засекли». Пусть она посмотрит прямо на вас и скажет: «Мы тебя засекли». А вы скажите: «Хорошо».

Audience: Poor thing.

Good. Have your body complain to you again.

Have it mean it. Stop playing around with that. Have it mean it.

Audience: Poor thing.

Пусть она скажет это всерьез. Перестаньте дурачиться. Пусть она скажет это всерьез.

Well, fine. Fine. Now let's have the front wall give you a complaint.

Audience: Poor thing.

All right. Now have the back of the room say, “We’ve got you spotted.”

All right. Have the back wall give you a complaint.

Хорошо. Теперь пусть задняя часть комнаты скажет: «Мы тебя засекли».

Audience: Poor thing.

Good. Let's have the right-hand wall give you a complaint.

You say “Okay.”

Audience: Poor thing.

Вы скажите: «Хорошо».

The left-hand wall give you a complaint.

Audience: Poor thing.

The right-hand wall say, “We’ve got you spotted.”

The ceiling give you a complaint.

Пустьправаястенаскажет:«Мытебя засекли».

Audience: Poor thing.

And the floor give you a complaint.

And you say “Okay.”

Audience: Poor thing.

А вы скажите: «Хорошо».

All right. You got that real good now?

Audience: Yes.

And the left-hand wall say, “We’ve got you spotted.”

Huh? All right.

И пусть левая стена скажет: «Мы тебя засекли».

Now we're going to have the front wall give you a complaint and you say,

"You've come to the right place." All right.

And you say “Okay.”

Let's have the front wall give you a complaint.

А вы скажите: «Хорошо».

Audience: You've come to the right place.

All right. The back wall give you a complaint.

Audience: You've come to the right place.

And have the floor say, “We’ve got you spotted.”

Good. Now let's have the right wall give you a complaint.

И пусть пол скажет: «Мы тебя засекли».

Audience: You've come to the right place.

Good. And the left wall give you a complaint.

And you say “Okay.”

Audience: You've come to the right place.

А вы скажите: «Хорошо».

Good. Now let's have the ceiling give you a complaint.

Audience: You've come to the right place.

And have the ceiling say, “We’ve got you spotted.”

Good. And the floor give you a complaint.

И пусть потолок скажет: «Мы тебя засекли».

Audience: You've come to the right place.

Good. Now have your body give you a complaint.

And you say “Okay.”

Audience: You've come to the right place. (laughter)

А вы скажите: «Хорошо».

Once more, have your body give you a complaint.

Audience: You've come to the right place.

All right. Now, have you reached the goldfish effect yet? [laughter] Hm?

Okay. How do you feel?

Отлично. Вы уже почувствовали, что вы у всех на виду? [смех] А?

Audience: Fine.

Good. Good. Let's just spot the front wall now.

Audience: Yes.

Audience: Okay.

Аудитория: Да.

All right. Let's spot the rear wall.

Audience: Okay.

Have you reached the goldfish effect?

All right. Let's spot the right-hand wall.

Вы уже почувствовали, что вы у всех на виду?

Audience: Okay.

Now let's spot the left-hand wall.

Audience: [various responses]

Audience: Okay.

Аудитория: [различные отклики]

Good. Let's spot the ceiling.

Audience: Okay.

Well, good. Now let’s have the front of the room say, “We have you spotted.”

All right. Let's spot the floor.

Ну, хорошо. Теперь пусть передняя часть комнаты скажет: «Мы тебя засекли».

Audience: Okay.

All right. Let's spot the back of your head.

And you say “Okay.”

Audience: Okay.

А вы скажите: «Хорошо».

All right. Is that a little easier?

Audience: Yes.

And have the back of the room say, “We’ve got you spotted.”

Well, fine. All right. How do you feel?

И пусть задняя часть комнаты скажет: «Мы тебя засекли».

Audience: Fine.

All right. How do you communicate?

And you say “Okay.”

Audience: (various responses)

А вы скажите: «Хорошо».

Good. Now, if you went around asking people how do you communicate instead of how you feel, what do you suppose would happen?

Audience: (laughter)

Have the right-hand wall say, “We’ve got you spotted.”

Well, let's find out. I'm going to ask you the question and you tell me.

Пустьправаястенаскажет:«Мытебя засекли».

How do you communicate?

Audience: (various responses)

And you say “Okay.”

Well, all right. How do you communicate?

А вы скажите: «Хорошо».

Audience: (various responses)

Well, all right. How do you communicate?

The left-hand wall say, “We’ve got you spotted.”

Audience: Fine.

Левая стена скажет: «Мы тебя засекли».

Okay. How do you communicate?

Audience: Fine.

And you say “Okay.”

All right. How do you communicate?

А вы скажите: «Хорошо».

Audience: Fine.

All right. How do you communicate?

And have the floor say, “We’ve got you spotted.”

Audience: Fine.

И пусть пол скажет: «Мы тебя засекли».

Well, good. How do you communicate?

Audience: Fine.

And you say “Okay.”

Well, good. How do you communicate?

А вы скажите: «Хорошо».

Audience: Fine.

All right. How do you communicate?

And have the ceiling say, “We’ve got you spotted.”

Audience: Fine.

И пусть потолок скажет: «Мы тебя засекли».

Well, all right. How do you communicate?

Audience: Fine.

Well, good. How do you communicate?

And you say “Okay.”

Audience: Fine.

А вы скажите: «Хорошо».

Well, good. How do you communicate?

Audience: Fine.

All right. Now how you doing on that, huh?

All right. How do you communicate?

Отлично. Как у вас это получается, а?

Audience: Fine.

All right. How do you communicate?

Audience: Okay.

Audience: Fine.

Аудитория: Хорошо.

All right. How do you look?

Audience: Fine. (laughter)

Doing better on it?

All right. How do you communicate?

У вас это лучше получается?

Audience: Fine.

Good. How do you communicate?

Audience: Yes.

Audience: Fine.

Аудитория: Да.

Good. How do you communicate?

Audience: Fine.

You notice any change doing this?

Well, how do you communicate?

Выполняяэто,вызамечаетекакие-то изменения?

Audience: Fine.

Good. How do you communicate?

Audience: Yes.

Audience: Fine.

Аудитория: Да.

Well, good. How do you communicate?

Audience: Fine.


Well, good. How do you communicate?


Audience: Fine.

Well, good. How's your case?

Audience: Yes.

Audience: Fine. (laughter)

Аудитория: Да.

Well, fine. How's your case?

Audience: Fine.

All right. In view of the fact that you’re doing so well, we’re now going to have the front wall say, “We’re just waiting for you to make a break for it.” [laughter]

Well, fine. How's your case?

Отлично. Ну раз это получается у вас так хорошо, теперь мы заставим переднюю стену говорить «Мы просто ждем, когда ты предпримешь попытку убежать». [смех]

Audience: Fine.

Well, good. How's your case?

And you give that an “Okay.”

Audience: Fine.

А вы ответьте на это: «Хорошо».

Well, all right. How's your case?

Audience: Fine.

Have the back of the room say, “We’re just waiting for you to make a break for it.”

All right. How is your case?

Пусть задняя часть комнаты скажет: «Мы просто ждем, когда ты предпримешь попытку убежать».

Audience: Fine.

All right. Where is your case?

And you give it an “Okay.”

Audience: Here. (laughter)

А вы скажите ей: «Хорошо».

Okay. Where's your case?

Audience: Here.

And the right-hand wall, “We’re just waiting for you to make a break for it.”

All right. Where's your case?

И правая стена: «Мы просто ждем, когда ты предпримешь попытку убежать».

Audience: Here.

Well, okay. Where's your case?

Give it an “Okay.”

Audience: Here.

Скажите ей: «Хорошо».

Okay. Where isn't your case?

Audience: There.

And the left-hand wall, “We’re just waiting for you to make a break for it.”

All right. Where isn't your case?

И левая стена: «Мы просто ждем, когда ты предпримешь попытку убежать».

Audience: There.

All right. Where isn't your case?

And you say “Okay.”

Audience: There.

А вы скажите: «Хорошо».

Well, okay. Where isn't your case?

Audience: There.

And have the floor say, “We’re just waiting for you to make a break for it.”

Well, good. Where isn't your case?

И пусть пол скажет: «Мы просто ждем, когда ты предпримешь попытку убежать».

Audience: There.

Well, good. Where isn't your case?

And you say “Okay.”

Audience: There.

А вы скажите: «Хорошо».

Well, good. Where is your case?

Audience: Here.

Well, fine. Where is your case?

And the ceiling say, “We’re just waiting for you to make a break for it.”

Audience: Here.

И пусть потолок скажет: «Мы просто ждем, когда ты предпримешь попытку убежать».

Well, fine. How is your case?

Audience: Fine.

And you say “Okay.”

Well, fine. What case?

И вы скажите: «Хорошо».

Audience: (laughter)

All right. How's the floor?

How does that make you feel? Make you feel all right? Does that make you feel calm?

Audience: Fine.

Какие ощущения это у вас вызывает? Вы чувствуете себя хорошо? Чувствуете себя спокойно?

Well, okay. How's the floor been treating you lately?

Audience: (various responses)

Audience: Very.

Well, all right. How's Earth been treating you lately?

Аудитория: Очень.

Audience: Fine.

Well, good. How's Earth been treating you lately?

Good. It makes you feel good and calm.

Audience: Fine.

Хорошо. Вы от этого чувствуете себя очень спокойно.

Well, good. How you been treating Earth lately?

Audience: Good.

Audience: [laughter]

Well, good. How you been treating Earth lately?

Аудитория: [смех]

Audience: Good.

Well, all right. How's your gravity?

Fine. Fine.

Audience: (various responses)

Прекрасно. Прекрасно.

Well, okay. How's your gravity?

Audience: (various responses)

Have the front wall now say, “We’re waiting.” [laughter]

Well, okay. How's your gravity?

Теперь пусть передняя стена скажет: «Мы ждем». [смех]

Audience: Fine.

Well, okay. How's your gravity?

And you say “Okay.”

Audience: Fine.

А вы скажите: «Хорошо».

Well, all right. How's your gravity?

Audience: Fine.

And have the back wall say, “We’re waiting.”

All right. How is your gravity?

И пусть задняя стена скажет: «Мы ждем».

Audience: Fine.

Okay. How's your gravity?

And you say “Okay.”

Audience: Fine.

А вы скажите: «Хорошо».

Okay. How's your gravity?

Audience: Fine.

And have the right-hand wall say, “We’re waiting.”

Well, all right. How's your gravity?

И пусть правая стена скажет: «Мы ждем».

Audience: Fine.

Do you realize if you can't keep serious, you won't stay down? How's your gravity?

And you say “Okay.”

Audience: (laughter)

А вы скажите: «Хорошо».

All right. How's your gravity?

Audience: Fine.

Andtheleft-handwallsay,“We’re waiting.”

Well, good. How's your gravity?

И пусть левая стена скажет: «Мы ждем».

Audience: Fine.

Well, good. How's your gravity?

And you say “Okay.”

Audience: Fine.

А вы скажите: «Хорошо».

Well, fine. How's your gravity?

Audience: Fine.

And have the floor say, “We are waiting.”

Fine. Are you sticking together?

И пусть пол скажет: «Мы ждем».

Audience: Yes.

Well, good. Are you sticking together?

And you say “Okay.”

Audience: Yes.

А вы скажите: «Хорошо».

Well, good. Are you sticking together?

Audience: Yes.

And once more have the floor say, “We are waiting.”

Well, good. How do you stick together?

И пусть пол еще раз скажет: «Мы ждем».

Audience: (laughter)

Well, fine. Are you sticking together?

And you say “Okay.”

Audience: Yes.

А вы скажите: «Хорошо».

Well, all right. How's your gravity?

Audience: Fine.

Well, all right. Where's your gravity?

And once more have the floor say, “We’re waiting.”

Audience: Here.

И пусть пол еще раз скажет: «Мы ждем».

Where's your gravity?

Audience: Here.

And you say “Okay.”

Well, all right. Where is your gravity?

А вы скажите: «Хорошо».

Audience: Here.

Well, all right. Where is your gravity?

And once more have the floor say, “We’re waiting.”

Audience: Here.

И пусть пол еще раз скажет: «Мы ждем».

All right. Prove it. (audience laughter) Okay. Where's the front wall?

Audience: There.

And you say “Okay.”

Good. Where's the back wall?

А вы скажите: «Хорошо».

Audience: There.

Good. Where's the right-hand wall?

And once more have the floor – there’s a prize of two dollars and a half to the first one who levitates [laughter] – have the floor say, “We’re waiting.” And you say “Okay.”

Audience: There.

И пусть пол еще раз... того, кто первым поднимется в воздух, ждет приз в два с половиной доллара... [смех] пусть пол скажет: «Мы ждем», а вы скажите: «Хорошо».

Good. Where's the left-hand wall?

Audience: There.

And have the floor say, “We’re waiting.”

Good. Where's the ceiling?

И пусть пол скажет: «Мы ждем».

Audience: There.

Good. Where's the floor?

You say “Okay.”

Audience: There.

Вы скажите: «Хорошо».

Good. Where's your body?

Audience: Here.

And now have the sky – the totality of the sky above you – say, “We’re waiting.” (Let’s run out Heaven while we’re at it.)

Good. Where am I?

А теперь пусть небо... все небо над вами... скажет: «Мы ждем». (Давайте пройдем в одитинге и рай, раз уж на то пошло.)

Audience: There.

Good. Where are you?

And you say “Okay.”

Audience: Here.

А вы скажите: «Хорошо».

Good. Where am I?

Audience: There.

And have the sky say again, “We’re waiting.”

Good. Where are you?

И пусть небо опять скажет: «Мы ждем».

Audience: Here.

Good. Where's this room?

And you say “Okay”

Audience: Here.

А вы скажите: «Хорошо».

Well, good. Where are you?

Audience: Here.

And once more have the sky say, “We’re waiting.”

All right. Where's the preclear?

И пусть небо еще раз скажет: «Мы ждем».

Audience: Here.

All right. Where's the auditor?

And you say “Okay.”

Audience: There.

А вы скажите: «Хорошо».

All right. Where's the preclear?

Audience: Here.

And once more have the sky say, “We’re waiting.”

All right. Where's the session?

И пусть небо еще раз скажет: «Мы ждем».

Audience: Here.

All right. Where's the session?

And you say “Okay.”

Audience: Here.

А вы скажите: «Хорошо».

All right. Where's the session?

Audience: Here.

And once more have the sky say, “We’re waiting.”

Okay. How do you feel?

И пусть небо еще раз скажет: «Мы ждем».

Audience: Fine.

Good. You feel pretty good?

And you say “Okay.”

Audience: Yes.

А вы скажите: «Хорошо».

You got a case?

Audience: (various responses)

All right. Now let's get down to the hell of

Okay. You're a very, very good audience. Very, very good group to process.

Ладно. Теперь давайте спустимся оттуда ко

Do appreciate the privilege.

Thank you very much. Good night.

it and let's have the floor say, and the middle of the Earth and everything below you say. “We’re waiting.” всем чертям и сделаем так, чтобы пол, центр Земли и все, что находится под вами, сказали: «Мы ждем». And you say “Okay.” А вы скажите: «Хорошо». Have it again say, “We’re waiting.” Пусть все это снова скажет: «Мы ждем». And you say “Okay.” А вы скажите: «Хорошо». Have it again say, “We’re waiting.” And you say “Okay.” Пусть все это снова скажет: «Мы ждем». А вы скажите: «Хорошо». Anybody that’s been jabbed by a pitchfork yet, tell an Emergency Auditor. Если в кого-то всадили вилы, позовите одитора по оказанию экстренной помощи. Have the floor and the Earth and everything below you say, “We’re waiting” and you say “Okay.” Пусть пол, Земля и все, что находится под вами, скажет: «Мы ждем», а вы скажите: «Хорошо». And have everything below you again say, “We’re waiting” and you say “Okay.” И пусть все, что находится под вами, снова скажет:«Мыждем»,авыскажите: «Хорошо». Once more, have everything below you say, “We’re waiting” and you say “Okay.” Еще раз, пусть все, что находится под вами, скажет:«Мыждем»,авыскажите: «Хорошо». And once more, have everything below you say, “We’re waiting.” И еще раз, пусть все, что находится под вами, скажет: «Мы ждем». And you say “Okay.” А вы скажите: «Хорошо». And now have everything above you say, “We’re waiting for you.” А теперь пусть все, что находится над вами, скажет: «Мы ждем тебя». And you say “Okay.” А вы скажите: «Хорошо». Again have everything above you say, “We’re waiting for you.” Пусть все, что над вами, снова скажет: «Мы ждем тебя». And you say “Okay.” А вы скажите: «Хорошо». And once more have everything above you say, “We’re waiting for you.” И пусть еще раз все, что над вами, скажет: «Мы ждем тебя». And you say “Okay.” А вы скажите: «Хорошо». All right. Now let’s say “Okay.” Отлично. Теперь давайте скажем: «Хорошо». Audience: Okay. Аудитория: Хорошо. All right. Okay. Отлично. Хорошо. Audience: Okay. Аудитория: Хорошо. All right. Okay. Отлично. Хорошо. Audience: Okay. Аудитория: Хорошо. All right. Okay. Отлично. Хорошо. Audience: Okay. Аудитория: Хорошо. All right. Okay. Отлично. Хорошо. Audience: Okay. Аудитория: Хорошо. All right. Okay. Отлично. Хорошо. Audience: Okay. Аудитория: Хорошо. Fine. Now, I want you to look at various parts of the room. Just various parts of the room, one after the other, and of each part say, “They got me located there.” Look at another part, say, “They got me located there.” Прекрасно. Теперь я хочу, чтобы вы посмотрели на разные части комнаты. Просто посмотрите на разные части комнаты, одну за другой, и скажите о каждой части: «Они обнаружили, что я нахожусь там». Посмотрите на другую часть комнаты и скажите: «Они обнаружили, что я нахожусь там». You've done this awhile, you ought to feel sly. Let’s have a few more parts. Spot them out. Each one, “They got me located there.” Вы уже выполняли это некоторое время, вы должны почувствовать себя хитрым и коварным. Давайте возьмем еще несколько частей комнаты. Найдите их. О каждой из них скажите: «Они обнаружили, что я нахожусь там». That make you feel safe? Благодаря этому вы чувствуете себя в безопасности? Audience: Mm. Аудитория: Хм. Hm? А? Audience: [various responses] Аудитория: [различные отклики] Well, take your finger and point it at, more or less, where you might possibly be. “They got me located here.” Теперь покажите пальцем примерно туда, где вы могли бы находиться. «Они обнаружили, что я нахожусь здесь». How’s that make you feel, huh? Now let’s indicate the spot again. “They got me located right there.” Какое чувство это у вас вызывает, а? Теперь укажите на это место еще раз. «Они обнаружили, что я нахожусь прямо там». Audience: [laughter] Аудитория: [смех] Okay. Хорошо. Now, let’s just spot various places where the body might have you located. Теперь давайте просто укажем, в каких местах вас могло бы найти тело. Where might the body have you located? Find a few? Hm? Где тело могло бы вас найти? Нашли несколько таких мест? А? All right. All right. Good. Отлично. Отлично. Хорошо. Now, let’s have the front wall – the front wall – say, “You’re located at last” and you say “Okay.” Теперь пусть передняя стена... передняя стена... скажет: «Наконец-то твое местоположение найдено», а вы скажите: «Хорошо». Good. And have the back wall say, “You’re located at last” and you say “Okay”. Отлично. И пусть задняя стена скажет: «Наконец-то твое местоположение найдено», а вы скажите: «Хорошо». And the right-hand wall say, “You’re located at last” and you say “Okay.” И пусть правая стена скажет: «Наконец-то твое местоположение найдено», а вы скажите: «Хорошо». And the left-hand wall say, “You’re located at last” and you say “Okay.” И пусть левая стена скажет: «Наконец-то твое местоположение найдено», а вы скажите: «Хорошо». And floor tell you, “You’re located at last” and you say “Okay.” И пусть пол скажет вам: «Наконец-то твое местоположение найдено», а вы скажите: «Хорошо». And the ceiling tell you, “You’re located at last” and you say “Okay.” И пусть потолок скажет вам: «Наконец-то твое местоположение найдено», а вы скажите: «Хорошо». Okay. How's that make you feel? Хорошо. Как вы теперь себя чувствуете? Audience: Good. Аудитория: Хорошо. Makes you feel okay, huh? Вы теперь себя чувствуете хорошо, а? Audience: Yes. Аудитория: Да. Hm? А? Audience: Yes. Аудитория: Да. All right. Отлично. Now let's have the front wall say, “Well, nothing can ever change anyway” and you say “Okay.” Теперь пусть передняя стена скажет: «Ну, все равно ничего никогда не меняется», а вы скажите: «Хорошо». And have the back wall say, “Well, nothing can ever change anyway” and you say “Okay.” И пусть задняя стена скажет: «Ну, все равно ничего никогда не меняется», а вы скажите: «Хорошо». Good. Отлично. And have the right-hand wall say, “Well, nothing can ever change anyway” and you say “Okay.” И пусть правая стена скажет: «Ну, все равно ничего никогда не меняется», а вы скажите: «Хорошо». And have the left-hand wall say, “Well, nothing can ever change anyway” and you say “Okay.” И пусть левая стена скажет: «Ну, все равно ничего никогда не меняется», а вы скажите: «Хорошо». Good. Отлично. And have the floor say, “Well, nothing can ever change anyway” and you say “Okay.” И пусть пол скажет: «Ну, все равно ничего никогданеменяется»,авыскажите: «Хорошо». And have the ceiling say, “Well, nothing can ever change anyway” and you say “Okay.” И пусть потолок скажет: «Ну, все равно ничего никогда не меняется», а вы скажите: «Хорошо». Good. Отлично. Now how’s that? Hm? Ну как это идет? А? Audience: Fine. Good. Аудитория: Нормально. Хорошо. It’s fine now, huh? It’s getting easier to put these thoughts out there, huh? Easier to put these thoughts out there and say “Okay” to them, is it? Сейчас все хорошо, а? Вам становится легче помещатьтудаэтимысли,а?Легче помещать туда эти мысли и говорить им «Хорошо», да? Audience: Yes. Аудитория: Да. Huh? Make you feel less groggy to do this? А?Вашесознаниестановитсяменее затуманенным, когда вы это делаете? Audience: Yes. Аудитория: Да. All right. In view of that fact – in view of that fact – I’m going to just run right up to the top of the scale and run some Meaningness Processing on you. Отлично. Раз так... раз так, то я просто поднимусь на самый верх шкалы и проведу вам немного «Процессинга значения». Now I want you to have the front wall say, “This means ” and you furnish it. Have it do it several times now. Have it say. «This means .” You know, “This means all cats are purple” or anything you want. Сейчас я хочу, чтобы вы заставили переднюю стену сказать вам: «Это означает», – вы сами добавьте, что она должна вам сказать. Теперь пусть она сделает это несколько раз. Пусть она скажет: «Это означает ». Понимаете? «Это означает, что все кошки пурпурного цвета» – или все что угодно. Got that now? Вы это сделали? All right. Now once more, and this is the proper way to do it: Have it say, “This means ,” you furnish it, and then you say “Okay” to that. Хорошо. Теперь еще раз. Вот как это делать правильно. Пусть она скажет: «Это означает» (вы сами добавляете, что именно), а затем вы ответьте на это: «Хорошо». Good. Отлично. Now let's have the back wall of the room say. “This means ,” you furnish it and then say “Okay” to it. Теперь пусть задняя стена комнаты скажет: «Это означает ________» (закончите сами), и затем скажите ей: «Хорошо». All right. Now have the right-hand wall of the room say, “This means ________.” Замечательно. Теперь пусть правая стена комнаты скажет: «Это означает ________». Give it an “Okay.” Скажите ей: «Хорошо». Good. Now let’s have the left-hand wall of the room say, “This means ________.” Отлично. Теперь пусть левая стена комнаты скажет: «Это означает ________». And you say “Okay.” А вы скажите: «Хорошо». Now have the floor say, “This means.” “...that all elephants have purple necklaces” – whatever you want. Got it? Теперь пусть пол скажет: «Это означает». «...Что все слоны носят пурпурные ожерелья»... все что угодно. Сделали это? And give it an “Okay.” И скажите ему: «Хорошо». Good. Отлично. Now have the ceiling say, “This means.” Теперь пусть потолок скажет: «Это означает». And you give it an “Okay.” А вы скажите ему: «Хорошо». Did you do that easily? Вам это было легко? Audience: Yes. Аудитория: Да. Just getting easier to do? Сейчас это становится легче? Audience: Yes. Аудитория: Да. Well, fine. Ну прекрасно. Now let’s have the front wall say – and this time we mean portent, prediction, you know. It means that such and so is probably going to occur or to happen, you know. And have the front wall – the state of it, you see; that it is in that position and condition, you see – “This means ,” you furnish it and then say “Okay.” Теперь пусть передняя стена скажет... и на этотразмыподразумеваем предзнаменование,пророчество, понимаете? Это означает, что то-то и то-то, вероятно, произойдет или случится. И пусть передняя стена... ее состояние; тот факт, что она находится на этом месте и в этом состоянии... «Это означает » (закончите сами), а затем скажите: «Хорошо». Okay? Хорошо? All right. Now let’s have the back wall say, “The condition of this wall means that.” You furnish it. Ладно. Теперь пусть задняя стена скажет: «Состояние этой стены означает, что ________» (закончите сами). And you say “Okay.” А вы скажите: «Хорошо». Good. Отлично. Nоw let's have the right-hand wall over Теперь пусть вон та правая стена скажет... о here say – its condition, “This means.” You furnish it, say “Okay” to it. своем состоянии: «Это означает ________» (закончите сами). Скажите ей: «Хорошо». Give it an okay? Вы сказали ей «Хорошо»? All right. Now have that left-hand wall over there tell you its condition, its color, anything you want – “This means ” and you furnish it. Отлично. Теперь пусть вот эта левая стена скажет вам о своем состоянии, своем цвете, обо всем, что захотите... «Это означает» (и закончите сами). And say “Okay.” И скажите: «Хорошо». Got that? Сделали это? Well, fine. Now let’s have the floor do it. Give it an “Okay.” Ну прекрасно. Теперь пусть это сделает пол. Скажите ему: «Хорошо». All right. Now let’s have the ceiling do this. “This means ________.” Отлично. Теперь пусть это сделает потолок. «Это означает ________». And you give that an “Okay.” А вы скажите ему: «Хорошо». All right. How you doing now, huh? Отлично. Как у вас сейчас дела, а? Audience: Fine. Аудитория: Нормально. You doing better? Лучше получается? Audience: [various responses] Аудитория: [различные отклики] Huh? Any small bells started ringing in anybody, or... ? А?Укого-нибудьчто-тоначинает проясняться или...? Audience: [various responses] Аудитория: [различные отклики] Well, real good. Now let’s have this front wall up here tell you that its condition means . You furnish it and say “Okay.” Ну, очень хорошо. Теперь пусть передняя стена, вот эта стена, скажет вам, что ее состояние означает . Закончите сами и скажите: «Хорошо». All right. Did you give it an “Okay”? Отлично. Вы сказали ей: «Хорошо»? Audience: Yes. Аудитория: Да. Well, okay to your “Okay.” Тогда вот вам «Хорошо» на ваше «Хорошо». Now let’s get the back wall there and have Теперь давайте возьмем вон ту заднюю it tell you that its condition means ________. стену, и пусть она скажет вам, что ее состояние означает ________. Good. Give it an “Okay.” Отлично. Скажите ей: «Хорошо». Did you do that? Вы сделали это? Audience: Yes. Аудитория: Да. Give it an “Okay”? Well, fine. Сказали ей «Хорошо»? Ну, замечательно. Now let’s have that right-hand wall over there say, “This means ________.” Теперь пусть вот эта правая стена скажет: «Это означает ________». Give it an “Okay.” Скажите ей: «Хорошо». (If you want to sell any old used and broken machinery and so forth, see one of the auditors.) (Если вы хотите продать какие-нибудь старые, подержанные, разбитые машины, обратитесь к одному из одиторов.) Have that left-hand wall tell you, “This portends and means ________.” Пусть эта левая стена скажет вам: «Это предвещает и означает ________». Give it an “Okay.” Скажите ей: «Хорошо». Did you give it an “Okay”? Вы сказали ей «Хорошо»? Audience: Yes. Аудитория: Да. Well, good. Now let’s have the floor tell you that it means ________. Ну, хорошо. Теперь пусть пол скажет вам, что это означает ________. Give it an “Okay.” Скажите ему: «Хорошо». Did you get that one all right? У вас это получилось? Audience: Mm-hm. Аудитория: Угу. All right. Now have the ceiling tell you, “This condition means ________.” Отлично. Теперь пусть потолок скажет вам: «Это состояние означает ________». And you give that an “Okay.” И вы скажите ему на это: «Хорошо». How you doing now? Hm? Как у вас теперь идут дела? А? Audience: Okay. Аудитория: Хорошо. Doing pretty fair? Совсем неплохо получается? Audience: Yes. Аудитория: Да. Uh-huh? This process making sense? Ага? Этот процесс имеет смысл? Audience: No. [laughter] Аудитория: Нет. [смех] Now, is anybody doing this: is anybody simply having it state a factual fact – “This means that I am at the Congress”? Теперь скажите мне, делает ли кто-нибудь следующее: кто-нибудь просит эти объекты просто утверждать действительные факты – типа «Это означает, что я нахожусь на конгрессе»? Audience: No. Аудитория: Нет. It won’t work. Now, we’ve got to have some very, very nice meanings, such as «This means that dresses will be twelve inches shorter next fall,” [laughter] “This means that kiddie cars are always worn by policemen” – anything of this character. Now, we have that? All right. Это не сработало бы. Нам нужны очень, очень хорошенькие значения, такие, как «Это означает, что следующей осенью платья будут на тридцать сантиметров короче» [смех]. «Это означает, что у полицейских всегда в моде детские педальные автомобили»... что-то в этом роде. Ну как, они у нас есть? Отлично. Now have that front wall, again, tell you, “This means ________.” Теперь пусть эта передняя стена снова скажет вам: «Это означает ________». Good. Give it an “Okay” Отлично. Скажите ей: «Хорошо». Fine. Now you’re doing better. Now let’s get that back wall and have that back wall – the actual back wall, now – say, “This means ________.” Прекрасно. Сейчас у вас лучше получается. Теперь давайте займемся той задней стеной, и пусть та задняя стена... настоящая задняя стена... скажет: «Это означает». And you say “Okay.” А вы скажите: «Хорошо». All right. Now let’s have that right-hand wall over there tell you, “This condition, situation, location, means .” Отлично. Теперь пусть вон та правая стена скажет вам: «Это состояние, ситуация, местоположение означает ». And you say “Okay.” А вы скажите: «Хорошо». Got that now? Сделали это? All right. Let’s get that left-hand wall. Its Отлично. Давайте займемся левой стеной. condition means ________. Have it tell you this. Ее состояние означает ________. Пусть она вам это скажет. And give that an “Okay.” И скажите ей на это: «Хорошо». All right. Now have the floor impart confidentially to you, that it means ________. Отлично. Теперь пусть пол скажет вам по секрету, что это означает ________. You give that an “Okay.” Скажите ему на это: «Хорошо». All right. Отлично. Now let's have the ceiling impart confidentially to you that it means, at this time and place . Теперь пусть потолок скажет вам по секрету, что в данное время и в данном месте это означает ________. Give it an “Okay.” Скажите ему: «Хорошо». All right. Now how’s that, hm? Отлично. Как дела сейчас, а? Audience: Fine. Аудитория: Нормально. Well, fine. You getting along better? Better than ever on this, hm? Ну, хорошо. У вас лучше получается? Лучше чем когда-либо, да? Audience: Yes. Аудитория: Да. Getting real easy to do this? Делать это становится очень легко? Male voice: Too easy. [laughter] Мужской голос: Слишком легко. [смех] Oh, it's getting too easy now? All right. Let's have the front wall say, “This sign means ,” you add it. “This sign means .” О, сейчас это становится слишком легко? Ладно. Давайте заставим переднюю стену сказать: «Этот знак означает » (вы заканчиваете мысль сами). «Этот знак означает ». Now you say “Thank you.” Теперь вы скажите: «Спасибо». Got that? Сказали? All right. Now let’s have the back wall say, “This sign means ________.” Отлично. Теперь пусть задняя стена скажет: «Этот знак означает ________». All right. And you say “Thank you.” Отлично. А вы скажите: «Спасибо». All right. Now let’s have the right-hand Отлично. Теперь пусть правая стена скажет: wall say, “This sign means ________.” «Этот знак означает ________». And you say, “Okay, thank you.” И вы скажите «Хорошо, спасибо». All right. Отлично. And let’s have that left-hand wall over there say, “This sign means ________.” И пусть вон та левая стена скажет: «Этот знак означает ________». And you say, “Okay. Thank you very much.” И вы скажите: «Хорошо. Большое спасибо». Now let’s have the floor say, “This sign means ________.” Теперьпустьполскажет:«Этотзнак означает ________». And you say “Thank you.” А вы скажите: «Спасибо». All right. And have the ceiling now say, “This sign means ________.” Отлично. И пусть теперь потолок скажет: «Этот знак означает ________». And you say “Thank you.” А вы скажите: «Спасибо». Okay. Ладно. Did you say “Thank you” very nicely now? Вы сказали «Спасибо» очень дружелюбно сейчас? Audience: Yes. Аудитория: Да. Have you ever thanked signs before? Signs, meanings and portents? Вы когда-нибудь раньше благодарили знаки?Знаки,значенияи предзнаменования? Audience: No. Аудитория: Нет. Well , you better do so after this. [laughter] It's how not to get stuck on them: “Thirty miles to Washington,” “Thank you.” Ну, после этого процесса вам, пожалуй, стоит начать это делать. [смех] Это помогает вам не застревать на них: «Тридцать миль до Вашингтона». – «Спасибо». All right. Ну ладно. Now let's find some places where you’re not being located at this moment. Теперь давайте найдем несколько мест, в которых вы не находитесь в данный момент. Just spot them. Places where you’re not – Просто найдите их. Места, в которых вы не located at this moment. находитесь в данный момент. Good. Fine. Now let’s get some more places... where you’re not being located at this moment. Хорошо. Прекрасно. Теперь найдите еще несколько мест, в которых вы не находитесь в данный момент. Good. That's fine. Хорошо. Прекрасно. Now – now just for fun, not because it’s a fact, start checking over various states and planets and parts of this room and anything else and say, “Well, I am being located over there.” А теперь... теперь просто ради забавы, а не потому, что это факт, начните рассматривать различные страны, планеты, части этой комнаты и что угодно еще и говорить: «Ну, я нахожусь вот там». “Well, I'm located there and being located over there.” «Ну, я нахожусь там, и я нахожусь вон там». Good, that’s fine. Now let’s check some more off. “I'm being located there.” “Being located over there.” Хорошо, прекрасно. Теперь рассмотрите еще несколько мест. «Я нахожусь там». «Я нахожусь вон там». Find some places behind you where you’re being located too. В том числе найдите несколько мест позади себя, в которых вы находитесь. Well, good. Good. That’s fine. Ну, хорошо. Хорошо. Прекрасно. Now let’s find some places where you’re not being located. Only this time, instead of selecting them out, you say so. You know? You say, “I am definitely not being located in West Virginia.” Don’t wait for something to tell you. You just look around, you know, and point it out and say, “Well, I’m not being located there, I’m not being located there.” Теперь давайте найдем несколько мест, в которых вы не находитесь. Только на этот раз, вместо того чтобы выбирать их, вы говорите это. Понимаете? Вы говорите: «Я точно не нахожусь в Западной Виргинии». Не ждите, чтобы что-то вам сообщило. Просто посмотрите вокруг, укажите на какое-то место и скажите: «Я не нахожусь там, я не нахожусь там». All right. How’s that working, hm? Хорошо. Как это работает, а? Audience: Good. Аудитория: Хорошо. That working good? Это работает хорошо? Audience: Yes. Аудитория: Да. Well, fine, fine, now, fine – fine, fine, fine, fine, fine; to all those places you weren’t, go, “Fine, fine, fine, fine, fine.” Ну, отлично, отлично, отлично... отлично, отлично, отлично, отлично, отлично; всем тем местам, в которых вас не было, скажите:«Отлично,отлично,отлично, отлично, отлично». Good. All right. Now let’s spot a myriad, a great number of places, one after the other, and say, “Well, I’m not being located there. I’m not being located there. I’m not being located there.” Хорошо. Замечательно. Теперь давайте найдем несметное количество мест, огромное количество мест одно за другим и скажем: «Ну, я не нахожусь там. Я не нахожусь там. Я не нахожусь там». Now, good. Now, let’s just say, for fun of it now, “I am being located there. I am being located over there. Now I’m being located over there. And now I’m being located over there.” Так, хорошо. Теперь давайте просто скажем ради забавы: «Я нахожусь там. Я нахожусь вон там. А сейчас я нахожусь вон там. Ну а сейчас я нахожусь вон там». All right. Now how’s that? Hm? Хорошо. Как у вас теперь дела? А? Audience: Okay. Аудитория: Хорошо. Hm? Hm? А? Good. Now let’s spot some places in the room where you are not. Отлично. Теперь давайте найдем несколько мест в этой комнате, в которых вас нет. And now some people in the room who are not auditing you. А сейчас – нескольких людей в комнате, которые вас не одитируют. Good. Отлично. Now let’s spot some preclears you are not being. [laughter] Теперь давайте найдем нескольких преклиров, которыми вы не являетесь. [смех] And now let’s locate the floor. А теперь давайте найдем пол. Locate the chair. Найдите стул. And this time really take a look at the front wall. А на этот раз внимательно посмотрите на переднюю стену. And now really take a look at the back wall. Атеперьвнимательнопосмотритена заднюю стену. Good. Now let’s really take a look at the right-hand wall. Отлично. Теперь внимательно посмотрите на правую стену. And really take a look at the left-hand wall. И внимательно посмотрите на левую стену. And now let’s take a good look at the ceiling. Атеперьхорошенькопосмотритена потолок. Good. And a good look at the floor. Отлично. И хорошенько посмотрите на пол. Now is there anything in this room at all that is comfortably real? Далее, есть ли в этой комнате хоть что-нибудь, что является приятно реальным? Audience: [various responses] Аудитория: [различные отклики] There is? Есть? Audience: Yes. Аудитория: Да. Good. Let’s find something else that’s comfortably real. Хорошо. Давайте найдем что-нибудь еще, что является приятно реальным. Audience: Okay. Аудитория: Хорошо. Fine. Fine. Let’s find something else that’s comfortably real. Прекрасно. Прекрасно. Давайте найдем что-нибудь еще, что является приятно реальным. Audience: Okay. Аудитория: Хорошо. Good.Andsomethingelsethat’s comfortably real. Хорошо. И что-нибудь еще, что является приятно реальным. Audience: Okay. Аудитория: Хорошо. Good.Andsomethingelsethat’s comfortably real. Хорошо. И что-нибудь еще, что является приятно реальным. Audience: Okay. Аудитория: Хорошо. All right. Tell me “Hello.” Отлично. Скажите мне «Привет». Audience: Hello. Аудитория: Привет. Well, okay. Hello. Ну, хорошо. Привет. Audience: Hello. Аудитория: Привет. Hello. Привет. Audience: Hello. Аудитория: Привет. Hello. Привет. Audience: Hello. Аудитория: Привет. Hello. Привет. Audience: Hello. Аудитория: Привет. Hello. Привет. Audience: Hello. Аудитория: Привет. Hello. Привет. Audience: Hello. Аудитория: Привет. Hello. Привет. Audience: Hello. Аудитория: Привет. Hello. Привет. Audience: Hello. Аудитория: Привет. Hello. Привет. Audience: Hello. Аудитория: Привет. Hello. Привет. Audience: Hello. Аудитория: Привет. Hello. Привет. Audience: Hello. Аудитория: Привет. Hello. Привет. Audience: Hello. Аудитория: Привет. Hello. Привет. Audience: Hello. Аудитория: Привет. Hello. Привет. Audience: Hello. Аудитория: Привет. All right. Отлично. How are you? Как у вас дела? Audience: Fine. Аудитория: Хорошо. Feel good? Чувствуете себя хорошо? Audience: Yes. Аудитория: Да. Good. Отлично. End of session. Thank you. Конец сессии. Спасибо.