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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Endowment of Livingness - Extroverting Attention (3ACC-58) - L540205 | Сравнить
- Group Processing on Certainty (3ACC-59) - L540205 | Сравнить
- Group Processing on Certainty, 8 Dynamics (3ACC-57) - L540205 | Сравнить

(C/S Booklet)
(C/S Booklet)



LECTURE 59 - Disc 63
Given on 5 February 1954
60 Minutes
Lecture 58 - Disc 62
A Lecture and Demonstration
Given on 5 February 1954
62 Minutes

February 5, 1954 - Earth time.

All right, and this is February the 5th, 1954. I’m going to talk some more here about the endowment of livingness. Endowment. And it’s just what we were coming up on here this morning-it fits in with some examples which we have just had concerning this and that.

Now, it may have occurred- or it might not have occurred to the cases that are well up the line-it may have occurred to these cases that I have been talking, in these theories and so forth, mainly about resistive cases and difficult cases and exteriorization cases and so forth. This is not true. It is not true.

I have told you constantly and continually at one time Concept Running was all we had. You know, I mean, it was as good as we could go, and it has a certain workability. Concepts with certainty do unbalance these inter-opposed communication lines, they do upset this.

The theory about which I have been speaking, consistently and continually, has been applicable all up and down the line of livingness.

There is some workability to these, but I call your attention to this: that running a concept is endowing with life; it’s endowing something with life. Right?

Now, the case which is doing well does better and better and better by an application of these very processes.

Now, the individual who is still handling his body with beams, who has just been exteriorized, who is just outside, you might say, rather tippily-you ask this individual to run something like a concept in an effort to exhaust or disendow, or do something of the sort, you know? I mean, something that’s going to take a moment or two.

You can take a preclear who is well exteriorized and is apparently in excellent condition, and can flit around and can do almost anything, and then just start in, “Now, all right. Now let’s get the most certain thing that you can get about yourself, about sex and so forth.”

A concept, you know, is something-the idea a fellow holds or inspects or examines very carefully. And we ask him to run a concept when he’s just outside of the body and what happens? He, of course, starts putting out energy. These beams which he still has firmly attached to the body (although he’s not looking at them yet, he probably hasn’t shifted off into the band where he sees them), these beams light up and everything that he has in common with the body has a tendency to liven a little bit. Now, what is occurring there is the individual is endowing the body again with life, merely because these communication lines are, in the main, connected to the body.

And this guy-you understand, the tremendous difference between a person interiorized in a body and exteriorized, a tremendous difference comes about because all he has to do while exteriorized is to change his mind. And he can get rid of almost anything simply by changing his mind. It’s very simple.

So, we have put a life endowment in the body. Therefore, the individual seems to be in the body more than he is outside of the body. Now, one of the neatest ways to de-exteriorize an individual will be to back him out of his head and have him run a concept. You see why that is? Back him out of his head, ask him to run a concept of some sort, the ridges in his head liven up, which gives them life, he grants them beingness, you know? And as soon as that occurs, he then appears to be more alive in his head than he is outside of his head. Elementary, but there is a very simple situation.

So you say “What’s the most-thing you’re certain of about children?” And he says-all of a sudden, he says, “Huh?” (That’s very peculiar.) “Oh, they aren’t so bad. You can take them or leave them-eat them, not eat them,” something of the sort.

Now, when an individual has just been exteriorized, you want to get his attention onto the environment; get his attention off of that body and onto the environment so that you will endow the environment a little bit.

But the reactions you’re getting off of the case are very fast reactions. The person will suddenly recognize that he has his certainty on some basis or another and he’ll simply flip it over onto another basis. This individual is able to release a lock with ease.

Now, one of the reasons the individual has had a hard time exteriorizing or has been in a body, is because he hasn’t been able to grant any life to the environment, you see that? And not being able to grant life to the environment, why, he’s had a bad struggle of it. He’s disendowing the environment, you might say.

Now, let’s take another process which I’m going to run on you right this moment and this process is itself, of course, one of the Time processes. But this can be run with great gain in perception and so forth, on a person exteriorized.

Do you know that an individual who is really seeing a scene alive-you know, the scene is just vibrantly alive, a beautiful morning or something like that. He is existing just as much in those beautifully colored clouds and in those mountains-he’s just as alive in those as he would be if he were thinking about it in his body. This is the ne plus ultra of conceiving beauty. You have to endow the MEST and whatever else the person is-might be looking at, such as mock-ups or something of the sort. They have to have a certain endowment. He has to give them a certain endowment in order for them to be sharply perceptible.

Now anybody present who is exteriorizing easily-those present just should be exteriorized or be well outside and others just right where they are, they can do it. And let’s get this now.

Now, this “feeling aliveness” is something which a preclear desires very much. He’d love to feel alive. Well, as a secondary solution, he makes the body feel alive because he himself doesn’t feel alive, you see? He doesn’t have any large concept of his own power or force.

Give me some objects which are not this moment shooting at you. Coming in at you. Or shooting at you.

And feeling alive, he has a good certainty where he is. But not feeling alive, he doesn’t have a very good certainty of where he is. This is elementary. Certainty, knowingness, life-these are similar manifestations. All right, we exteriorize somebody and run a concept-the next thing you know, boom! Why, the body is more alive than the environment is and therefore the body is more feel able-you know, he can feel the body. Let’s say his perception is very poor, very bad. Well, he’s depending on sense of feel to know where he is.

Got some?

Well, if he’s depending on the sense of feel to know where he is, he’d certainly better get some sensation into the walls, not by directly putting sensation into the walls, because this again is asking him to handle a lot of energy. So the best techniques on this sort of thing are Straightwire techniques, very light, sharp, Straightwire techniques, which give him a different environment,

All right. Now get some that you’re not trying to throw away from you.

Now, I’ve done this process for you several times. If you’ll notice, I generally throw in a different body. You know, “Get the lion you just exteriorized out of.” You know, “Pretend you just exteriorized out of a lion,” something of the sort.

Now get some that you’re not trying to keep away from other objects. Get some other object and get some objects that you’re not trying to keep away from it.

You’ve thrown aside the individual’s beam patterns-made him create another set of beam patterns. But even then, if you ran concepts with regard to the lion, why, you’d re-energize the body-throw the same thing to work. So we give him an entirely different kind of body.

Now get some objects you’re not trying to make leave this same thing.

Now, we never ask the individual to look at his body. This is more and more fatal-as we go along, we see this as a more and more fatal process. Ask the individual to look at his body. It’s even probably better processing to tell an individual to “Be three feet back of his chair” than “Three feet back of his body.” It’s probably better processing.

Now some objects you’re not trying to keep away from this thing.

Now, not a must or mandatory, but I mean, if we’re going to carry this all the way out, you’d tell an individual, “Be three feet back of his chair.”

Now some objects you’re not trying to make leave this thing.

All right. Now, the dwindling scale of aliveness-the dwindling spiral of aliveness is a smaller and smaller perimeter of aliveness. You see this. An individual one time was alive out there about eighty miles or eight light-years or something, in all directions.

Now get something you could make leave this thing if you had to.

Now, because there are various things in those areas which he objects to, his perimeter of aliveness, his “zone”-we’ve been calling these various things “zones”-his zone of aliveness is decreasing year by year, life by life, until at last, he’s only alive in a body. Now, that’s an incredible situation: for a person to be alive only in a body. He thinks he has to be alive in the body to handle the body.

Now get some that you could make come in on this thing if you had to.

Well, that means he must be pretty well crushed in by the universe. One of the reasons we try to start this avalanche rolling is simply to crush through the protective screens. And by feeding the energy starvation which he has conceived that he has and so forth, by feeding it, we crush through the various screens which are compressing this zone of aliveness.

Okay. Now give me some places you are not.

See, the whole MEST universe, he feels, is crushing in on him, on that zone of aliveness, and yet he has a hunger for the MEST universe. Well let’s solve these two things at once-feed him enough energy and so on and get away, break up, throw away those screens which the individual has erected against the continuous and constant inflow of the MEST universe.

And now some places you’re not trying to protect, [pause] Some places you’re not trying to protect.

Now, your V case and other such cases simply have these screens right up close, that’s all, and reversed. And they’ve got these screens there which are preventing the MEST universe from knocking them to pieces. And their control mechanism is worse and worse and more and more and more and their zone of aliveness is smaller and smaller and smaller and smaller and smaller, in their immediate vicinity. Until at last, in a V, you normally have only a small portion of a body still alive and that zone of aliveness.

And now some things you don’t need a deed of title to.

Now, actually, this goes out in terms of the dynamics, you can plot the dynamics this way. Let’s draw a little tiny circle around the preclear’s skull-inside it or outside, it doesn’t matter. And we’ll say now the area, or the mass of this little circle, would be the First Dynamic.

And now some things you wouldn’t mind looking at if they appeared suddenly.

Now let’s draw a concentric circle just a little bit further out. Let’s take a concentric circle out there about a yard and draw that all the way around. Actually, these things go more to the front, where an individual is in a body, than to the rear. It’s not a regular circle, it dents in at the back. But this is the Second Dynamic; it’s out there about a yard.

And some things which if they appeared suddenly would not immediately drive you away from or out of something.

And now we go to the Third Dynamic and that’s out there twelve, fifteen feet; we’d have a circle there-twelve, fifteen feet. And that would be his zone of aliveness-not just Third Dynamic, that would be his zone of aliveness.

And now let’s fix your attention on something.

Now this individual who was alive out there, twelve or fifteen feet, would have a fairly good (just arbitrarily plot this, give you the picture), he’d have a fairly good Third, Second and First Dynamic. See, he’d be fairly good on that. But he’d be terrible on the Fourth and he probably wouldn’t be too good on the Fifth. And he probably would be having kind of a rough time with the Sixth, and as far as the Seventh was concerned, he could be brought right to his knees with threats of spirits and hidden influences. And in terms of the Eighth Dynamic, well, certainly he might go out there fifteen feet, all right, but that Eighth Dynamic going out there-infinity in all directions, that’s just completely beyond his comprehension, see? So he’d just-all he could do would be kind of succumb apathetically and not-know on the subject of God and infinity. So that would be the picture.

Now let’s unfix it.

Well, let’s say that your individual has his fourth zone alive. Well, now, if he’s got his fourth zone alive, oh, for gosh sakes, he’s at least got this sphere covered fairly well, called Earth. His zone of aliveness is out that far.

And now let’s fix your attention on something.

And now, let’s take the Fifth and he also has other types of Earth alive and thinks that if life forms were elsewhere in the universe and so forth that he could cover these to some slight degree. And now we get the zone of aliveness of the Sixth Dynamic, we go out to the limits of the MEST universe, as his zone of aliveness. Now boy! A guy that would be a zone-if he were really alive out there to the Sixth-see, that’s pretty far.

And let’s unfix it.

Well, he’d have to start taking in all of life in any universe to actually get into the Seventh Dynamic. And to get into the Eighth Dynamic, he would have to take in all universes, all things, everywhere, as a potential aliveness.

And put your attention on something.

Now, if you just ask a preclear sometime to expand his awareness, if you ask a preclear to expand his awareness to some distance, he may shudder or he may do it. It’s quite interesting. It doesn’t require a long communication ritual or formula for an individual to do this at times. You just say, “Be alive now throughout this room.”

And take your attention off of it.

Well now, you’re actually asking him to do that when you say, “Be the space of your body.” “Be the space of the room.” And there you’re increasing his zone of aliveness. Now, you can take a thetan anytime and ask him to do this, but remember that when you’re asking him to be the space of his body, again, we’re liable to liven up and give more personalness to the body itself than is immediately desirable.

And put your attention on it.

So, if you’d said-limit this technique-“Be the space back of your chair.” “Now be the space of the room.” “The space back of your chair.” “The space of the room,” we would actually be doing a better process. Because you’re getting his attention on the environment.

And take your attention off of it.

Well, one of the exercises you could give an individual-this is not good processing, but I mean, one of the exercises you could give somebody, this one I repeat is not very good processing, merely because it doesn’t have much workability-is get him to find a nothing and have him start granting personality to it. You’re asking him to grant personality in the absence of mass.

And put your attention on something.

Well, actually, when you exteriorize somebody you’re asking him to grant personality to nothing. You know, be nothing, have no mass by which somebody else can discern personal traits, and then have a personality. Now, when this individual is entirely dependent on other people assigning him a name, a personality and so forth, you’re asking him to do quite a trick, aren’t you? You’re saying, “Well, now you be back there with no face and no clothes and so on and let’s have a personality.”

And take your attention off of it.

Well, it’d be bad processing to ask somebody to-really, not good processing (not necessarily bad, but not good pro cessing)-to ask him to mock-up nothing and assign personality to it. There’s an easier way to do this. You ask the individual to put an emotion in something and then feel another emotion himself.

Okay. Now let’s mock-up somebody and have this person’s attention fix on something.

Now I’ll give you an example of this. Now, I’m not addressing this to anybody in particular, the patter that went along with this would be something like this: All right. He’s three feet back of his head, see, and uncertain perception. But he has-you say, “Pick out the realest thing in the room to you.”

And now unfix from it.

And he finally selects-if he selects his body, shift his attention to something else - but he finally picks out a pillow.

And fix on something.

And you say, “All right. Now put some apathy in the pillow.” “Now while the pillow is feeling apathetic, you feel some boredom.” “Now while the pillow is still feeling apathetic, you feel some resentment.” And here we go, just that sort of a drill.

And now unfix from it.

Now you make him, for instance, hold some resentment and change the emotion in the pillow. But if you did this very long, you’d be granting personality to the pillow and you’d find the individual actually could interiorize into the pillow and feel quite personal. Very amusing. But he’s stacked up the pillow with enough beingness so that he can be it.

And now fix on it.

Now, you’re liable to give too much weight to this granting of beingness and endowment, because an individual can endow and disendow with great speed. You’re liable to give too much importance to this.

And now off of it.

But it is important, and very important, where you ask the individual to run a concept, while he’s exteriorized, because it alivens the beams and here we go. The beams liven up, the body livens up and all the computive machinery which the individual has set up goes alive and, of course, the body then has more life than where he has.

And now on it.

So don’t put his attention on the body. Now, when we say don’t look at the body, it isn’t that it’ll scare him to death or something of the sort, it’s just that when he looks at the body, he is to some degree energizing it.

Now off of it.

Now, there are people who have gotten out with great certainty and then been fixated by the auditor on the body-you know, look at the body, do this or that to the body. The auditor is so sold on psychosomatic ills ... This is the reason why, by the way, the basic reason why psychosomatic illness is not something you address with Theta Clearing in the early stages. You just skip it. Because this person exteriorizes with some certainty-he’s in pretty good shape-and then the auditor says to him, “Now how about fixing up the body?” And of course he’s-the preclear starts energizing the body and the next thing you know his perception goes off. He can’t understand exactly why this occurred, his perception went off. No, he reinteriorized! Body became more alive than he was.

Okay. Let’s throw that person away.

Now, we used to run this process of pat the body on the head and say, “Poor body.” I haven’t done that for some time. This does have an effectiveness, because it does get the preclear to determine a separateness. And the reason why he has an identity with the body is his continuous coexperience with the body-coexperience with this one body. And this sympathy has a tendency, on a lot of cases, to suddenly break down-the sympathetic rapport, you might say, with the body, breaks down and sometimes with an awful crash.

Now let’s mock yourself up walking in a certain direction or moving in a certain direction and erect a barrier in front of yourself.

Well, it’s not necessarily bad processing to say, “Poor body,” but it’s not optimum processing, either.

Now walk in another direction and erect a barrier in front of yourself.

Best thing to do is contained right there in 8-C. You can run all sorts of things out of 8-C which assist stabilization, but the closer those things come to energizing concepts in the body, why, the worse the process is. Locationally is very good. Locational processes are the best, because you’re trying to stabilize him somewhere.

Now get yourself walking in another direction and erect a barrier in front of yourself.

Now, if you were to ask somebody to be three feet back of his head and then find some raw dirt and paw it, that’s not a bad process, that’s a pretty good process. You’ve immediately asked him to do what he’s going to do in the course of his interest, very shortly, anyhow.

Now have you try to back up from something and erect up a barrier behind you. Have you try to back off from something else and you put a barrier behind you. And have you try to back off from something else and put another barrier behind you.

A thetan does the weird thing of going around and looking at MEST. Oh! He gets so fascinated with a grain of sand. He gets very fascinated with this and with that. You’re liable to exteriorize somebody sometime and he sits in the-the body is sitting there in the chair and nothing is happening, you know? You get no response, something of this sort. You sent the fellow someplace and after a while you get very curious as to what he’s doing, that he must be fooling around someplace. And you feel he must have either fooled around or doped-off or done something.

All right. Throw all that away.

Well, you find out he’s outside in the yard or he’s landed on a beach someplace and he’s busy looking at something. He’s watching something. And what’s he thinking? He’s not thinking a darn thing, that’s what’s curious. It’s pure interest, with no computive activity. He’s just looking.

Now have you walk forward and throw a whole bunch of people in front of you to stop you.

Now, one of the things I’ve seen a person do, shortly after exteriorization, I mean after the session, they’ve been someplace by themselves, lying down on the bed and drifted off themselves and gone out someplace into the Indian Ocean or someplace and fool around with some of their lines. And take their-they’ll tell you this, they name them themselves-their anger line and shove it down into the water and let it bubble for a while. And curious things like this. Well, these things are not very computive. They go get interested in something or they turn something on or off in this fashion.

Now try to walk in another direction and have a whole bunch of people appear in front of you and stop you again.

Now, the essence of processing and exteriorization and interiorization is, of course, location. The essence is location. You’re asking a person to be in a certain geographical locale and his ability to handle himself in this universe depends upon his ability to be in all geographical locales in the universe. Let’s take one of those Prelogics wherein we find that theta locates things in space and time and creates space and objects to locate in the space. Those are the Prelogics. Now, that’s quite important and it has everything to do with this exteriorization.

Now try to walk in another direction and have a bunch of people pop up and stop you again.

Now, the foes of location are all those manifestations which, whether they’re cousins or brothers, append to gravity-magnetism, certain things like that. The thetan gets into an area which pulls on him. And he is as difficult to exteriorize and interiorize as he believes in gravity and believes in magnetic influences and so on. And when he believes these things very strongly, this is a matter of consideration, then they can have a considerable influence upon him. So he is very happy to be ten thousand miles out from Earth but feels a little afraid of coming any closer. That’s because of the gravity of Earth. You ask him to go inside and outside and inside and outside a mass of any kind and the first thing he runs into is this thing called “gravity” or “pull.”

Now try to walk in another direction and have a wall of sound stop you.

Now, this can be done this way: You can say, “Now, be near the Moon, near the Sun, near Earth”-not exteriorization-interiorization, just near gravitic masses. And he flips from one to the other, round and round, round, round, round, round, round, round, round.

And try to go in another direction and have another wall of sound stop you.

And “Doggone,” he says, “this is funny!” He says, “I have a hard time getting away from these things.”

And in another direction and have another wall of sound stop you.

Well, that wears off rather quickly and then you interiorize him and exteriorize him from things. And he has a hard time interiorizing and a hard time exteriorizing at first and then that wears off rather quickly and he can interiorize and exteriorize at will.

Now start to walk backwards and have a wall of sound hit you from the rear and stop you.

Well, what’s happened there? His consideration called gravity or magnetic pull has deteriorated, so he doesn’t believe that he has such a pull on him anymore. Another thing, of course, is he’s packing around mass, which is in itself, is attractive to that. Almost anybody discovers, where you process this, that gravity is a consideration. This becomes suddenly a big certainty with them and they begin to feel very foolish for having been caught in theta traps and so forth. The idea of being caught in a body becomes rather silly. In the first place, how could they be caught in a body? Well, it’s just the continuous endowment of that body with life and their own personality which pulls them down to that immediate area, but aside from this point, gravity is a consideration. People become very certain of this.

Try to back up again and have another wall of sound hit you from the rear and stop you.

All right. Now let’s take up the other problem of the thetan (besides the problem of location): you might say this is a consideration problem, again, like gravity, and that’s what he feels he doesn’t know.

Now try to walk forward again, have a wall of sound hit you and walk right on through it.

A thetan can be deteriorated only by not-knowingness. What he feels he doesn’t know.

Now walk forward in another direction and have a wall of sound hit you and walk right on through it.

Now, I have exteriorized several of the roughest cases you ever walked into, just with not-know. And done it more or less in this fashion: “Now, find, somewhere around here, three areas of blackness that you don’t have to know about.”

Now go in another direction, hit a wall of sound and walk straight on through the wall of sound.

And we go on from there with blackness. “And now give me three people you don’t have to know what they’re doing and three more you don’t have to know what happened to them” and desensitize his compulsion to know. His compulsion to know is a compulsive admission that he doesn’t.

Now another direction, go through a wall of sound.

Now, this is just a matter of consideration, of course. As long as one has a compulsion to know, he is admitting to himself that he doesn’t know. See that? So, you just get things he doesn’t have to know about.

And throw all that away.

Well, I’ve taken a fellow who was very badly off and who was rough to exteriorize and so forth and found out that all the processes that were being run on him were processes which pointed up his not-knowingness. You see that? I mean, he’s just been audited in the direction of not-knowingness-sudden surprises, sudden find-outs and so forth.

And let’s walk forward and have a wall of people suddenly stop us.

Well, let’s just take and ease this thing off and find some things he doesn’t have to know about. And that stops, to a large extent, his continual, relentless search through the bank to find the C ends of these C-E lines.

And you go right on through the wall.

As long as he’s racking around through the bank trying to find C here and C there and C someplace else, all exterior to him, he’s just convincing himself of his own effect-himself as an effect. A black case is being effect. The only reason he can be at effect is because he doesn’t know. Knowingness and not-knowingness pulls an individual, too, out of energy, and that’s a desirable thing.

And another wall of people to stop us and you go on through the wall.

Avalanches are all right, but after they’ve served their purpose, you can turn around then and turn on the outward avalanche and you’ve just about done it and-as far as energy is concerned. You don’t have to pay any attention to energy after that, you just get him out into knowingness and sightseeingness and he just goes around and gets interested in the universe. And his potentialities come up along the line and then his communication capabilities and the rest of the 8-0 (which I have listed for you) capabilities are worked with there. But these are abilities minus energy, for the most part.

And another wall of talking people stop us and you go right on through the crowd. Move them out of the road, get through it somehow.

Now, an auditor who puts the preclear continually at the E end of the communication line or actually validates the fact that there is a C end or an E end of the communication line during auditing, is doing a poorer job than one who simply neglects this factor.

And another wall of people. And this time pick up a couple of textbooks full of information and walk on through the crowd.

He’s working with the preclear rather than trying to make the preclear an effect of his own auditing. Now, those individuals process most poorly, who simply specialize in processes which make the preclear into a terrific effect.

Now let’s be stopped by another wall of people and pick up some enormous textbooks and walk on through the crowd.

Let me give you an example. I know by the way, I probably know-oh, I could probably sit here and list about fifty different phenomena which can be turned on in an individual with considerable violence. You won’t turn them on doing the processes you’re doing, but they require rather special mechanics in order to turn these things on, but boy, do they make an effect out of a preclear. And let’s take, not one of these fifty I just mentioned, these are just mental phenomena, but let’s take a mental-physical-you know, and let’s take that as a difference, mental-physical-a thetan plus body sort of a thing.

And have another wall of people appear there. And shoot them all down with machine guns and walk through the crowd.

And we find out that there are a few practitioners around-we won’t call them auditors-a few practitioners around who will specialize in making the preclear into an effect. Well, so does the Catholic Church try to make the individual into an effect continually.

Okay. Throw all that away.

Well, what is this phenomena? It’s trying to put somebody on an E end of a communication line, you know? Big effect. You turn on terrific somatics in him, you give him a lot of things that are new and strange and odd and so on and wham, wham, wham, you see? And you’re just putting him more and more on the E end. And he says, “Look what this auditor or what this practitioner or what this priest can do to me.”

Give me three places where you’re not.

And this is remarkable because he has a sort of a hunger. Just as he has this hunger that is the source of this avalanche, so he has this hunger to be an effect-he thinks. That’s the D-E-I cycle. So, an individual quite often will sit there very willingly and be that effect, but it isn’t making him any better. It’s very spectacular, but it’s actually making him worse.

Three places where you’re not unconscious.

CO2, electric shock, are manifestations of this. There’s people around who are just screaming psychotics, actually, who’ve just got to give people CO2. They’ve just got to, they’ve just got to, they just got to!

Give me three beings that you are not.

I said to one of these fellows one time, I said, “What the hell is the matter with you? Why don't you go out and beat up sheep or tease lizards or something. What do you want to fool around with C02 on preclears for?”

Three unconscious mock-ups that you’re not.

“You’ve got to create an effect on somebody that big, why, why don’t you go be a cop and beat up bums or something? You don’t have to get into the field of psychotherapy to do this.”

Now three places where you are not being stopped by people.

“Oh, you’d just be afraid of CO2! You’d just be afraid of C02!”

Some places where you are not stopping people with noise.

I said, “Have you ever taken one?”

Some more places where you’re not stopping people with noise.

“Yes, yes, I take them all the time.” He was “sane.”

Now give me three places in this universe that you could successfully inhabit.

The odd part of it is, is this boy was one of the super-super no-audit cases early in Dianetics, you know? Boy, the boy who could get him down on a couch hadn’t been born and yet he had gone into this “got to have an effect, got to have an effect.” He was just superdramatizing the need for a delivery of impact and so forth. Hunger. A hunger that becomes an obsessive psychosis. There is not a psychiatrist in the business who handles electric shock who is even vaguely, in anybody’s classification, sane. They’re not even vaguely sane, these boys.

Get some certainty, now, that you could inhabit.

You possibly wouldn’t agree with me on this, but it would only be because you hadn’t talked to these boys. They-just non sequitur, they disassociate and so forth. Yet they walk around and go about their business, yeah, with a certain mannerism that is interesting to the public. But I have seen one of these fellow’s eyes light up and just become almost scarlet with glee over having been phoned that Mrs. Bumjohn has just now gone into another break and they’re going to get her in there and give an electric shock, you know! [gasp!] Gee!

And now some places in this universe that you could guard.

Also, some of these boys get so bad that a patient merely walks into the office and they’ll sit the patient down and give them an electric shock without the patient’s consent. Now, by the way, these boys know full well that an electric shock never helped anybody. They know this, you see. I mean, they’re not dealing on an uncertainty here. Really curious, isn’t it?

Some certainty, now, places you could guard.

I’ve had them explain to me, “Well, if people in this sanitarium”-the chief electric shocker in the sanitarium explaining, “well, if people in this sanitarium weren’t given electric shocks, they would get out, uniformly, about three weeks earlier, according to our records and statistics,” happily.

Now some places where you wouldn’t be thrown in jail.

And you say, “Well, why do you give them electric shocks then?”

Some places where you are not being audited.

“Oh, well, that’s the therapy which is-should be given to them.”

Now give me the most certain thing that you can get on the First Dynamic. The most certain thing you can get regarding your sanity.

“Now wait a minute, why should the therapy be given to them?”

The most certain thing you can get about your power or force.

You see what you would be arguing against there is you would be arguing from the goal of “make them well.” And this doesn’t have any bearing on it. All we’ve got is a dramatization here of “deliver an effect.”

Again, the most certain thing you can get about your power or force.

Well, all of this dissertation is not trying to damn psychiatry, it’s just trying to show you how a practitioner can get to a point, finally, of anxiety about producing an effect upon an individual, where he will do nothing but produce an effect upon an individual. And that puts your black case, particularly, at the E end of the line. The trouble with your black case, he is at the E end of the line. That’s where he is. That’s where he’s sitting.

The most certain thing you can get about sex.

Now, there are a lot of little funny drills and things like that can be used on black cases which unfortunately validate flows, but let’s just take this C to E communication line and realize that the fellow is at E, that we have to do something about putting him at C. Well, let’s take the simplest-not necessarily the best-the simplest flow process that we could give him.

About children.

Let’s just be-extrapolate a process right here and we find the C to the E end-he’s at the E end, we want him at the C end, so what will we do?Well, let’s just have this occur: Let’s have him chuck objects away from him, regardless of what happens to them. I mean, you could do this with Opening Procedure: give the fellow a deck of cards and have him throw the cards, one by one, to the other side of the room.

About groups.

That’s using live bait, not by mock-ups or anything. See, it would be an indicated process. The fellow would then be at the C end of the line. Now, I don’t know how many decks of cards he’d have to throw away from him before he started to throw an improvement and so forth. And, as a matter of fact, I’ve never made the experiment of just handing preclears decks of cards and having them pitch them away from them in various directions-never done this. But I have done this: I’ve had them pitch things away in mock-up and with each time, a bit of resurgence in the case.

About Man.

Now, you can do it with Rejection Level Processing on one of these cases. You can just fish around till he finds something that flies away from him and then something else. And you’ll find that such a case is “it mustn’t happen again” to such a degree-you know the case mustn’t let it happen again. And if the case mustn’t let it happen again, why, there you are. The fellow will be able to pitch one object and he’ll never be able to pitch the second object. So we’ll have to change the second object slightly, so that it’s really not exactly the same duplication, you see. And then sneak up on him by changing it back to what the first one was. And we find out that we’ll break down this “mustn’t happen again” in terms of outflow.

About insects.

So, here we have rejection avalanches. Now, after you’ve run your inflow avalanche on a preclear, you can run a rejection avalanche on a preclear. These exist; they’re the damnedest things. And the reason you run your inflow avalanches is so that you can get a rejection avalanche going. You have to fish around, now, and get his rejection level. What is it that this individual can reject? And with such a case, you have this tremendous fight on the part of the case to get something away from him. He’s got to get something away from him, that’s all. It’s all too close to him, it’s crowded in too hard; his screens are smashed in up against him and so forth. And now you, with avalanches and acceptance level, you’re trying to start an avalanche on an inflow. Well, that’s all right, because those screens do have certain things that will inflow on them, and it is true that the individual will benefit from these energy masses which come in. Perfectly true.

About insects.

But if he can’t do this with any certainty, he doesn’t know whether he’s doing it or not, he can’t see these things, which is quite routine and ordinary in such a case, we’d better start the reverse avalanche-a rejection avalanche on him, at least on the terms of one at a time. Let’s get things that fly away from him..

About insects.

Now, some of the darnedest things will fly away from him: solid gold Cadillacs, for instance, will fly away from him, and beautiful women will fly away from him and pleasant surroundings will fly away from him, and a lot of good things will fly away from him. But also, you can get a rejection level on most of these that will fly away from him too, that is very bad-you know, very low rejection level.

About wild animals.

Now, you won’t get such things as bones and dust to fly away from him, because that’s too desirable, that MEST universe. But you’ll get Other things-particularly types of life which are too upper-upper-upper for him. You know, oh, a gorgeous horse, very valuable horse, something like that; and boy, this horse will go away from him, swish! Gone!

About shellfish.

You try to get another horse to go away from him and you’re running up against “it mustn’t happen again,” in other words, the superbrace, the supercontrol and that sort of thing. Well, you can have a slightly different horse flash away from him.

About domestic pets.

Now, this boy, if he’s having a hard time with rejection level: you ask him to be three feet back of his head, you’re actually asking him to reject his body.

About other worlds.

I just ran a preclear here before class and he says, well, there’s one thing he’s not trying to get rid of is his body, that’s for sure! That’s right. But there are things that he could get rid of and after a while he could get rid of a body, too.

About space.

So you’d build him up, working him almost on a Straightwire basis, rather than a mock-up basis, looking for things he’s certain he could reject. And then we finally start rejecting them in mock-ups and we look for this automatic outflow. And we can turn on one of these reverse rejection avalanches.

About energy.

Boy, the stuff sometimes leaves these people like a hurricane. -You know, they’ve got everything braced to keep something from coming in. Well obviously, a little bit earlier than they braced themselves, a lot of things came in which they’re still trying to get rid of. Individual still can’t do something like this: waste some courage in brackets, waste some courageousness in brackets, but don’t drop his tone right on down to nothing. This individual’s tone can be dropped down pretty far.

About sand.

One of the things that would cheer him up no end would probably be a throw-away process of some sort. I say I’ve never tried this with a deck of cards, but by theory, it should be a process that would cheer up a case that couldn’t reject anything, quite remarkably. You just have him sit there and throw cards.

About radioactive masses.

Now, you could have a preclear sit there and throw cards with his hands, with his MEST body’s eyes wide-open, you could have him do this, without his being sure he was throwing the cards away. You’d be quite surprised at this. A lot of these people that are running on Opening Procedure right now are checking everything merely against the MEST body, you see? Their dependency on the MEST body is terrific. You ask them to run Opening Procedure with their eyes closed and you get a considerable difference. It’s what they as a thetan are sure of.

About clouds of gas.

Now, let me give you an example of one of these cases that we call a circuit case. I worked this individual on wasting courage and wasting enjoyment in brackets, for a very short space of time. He was in his body. And then I got the “Certainty he couldn’t create anything” and “Certainty he wasn’t creating the energy,” in brackets. And fooled around with this case in that fashion and have got some of the terror off of the case and something like that.

About distance.

And then started in on the basis of just pitching things out from him in mock-ups. Got his rejection level going, in other words. And it was quite curious, but we had rejected two or three things and he couldn’t reject twice. So we started this business of changing the items which would fly away slightly so the second one would fly away, too.

About time.

And all of a sudden, the individual said that it was getting so dim, and everything was going down so, that he just sort of felt like he was suspended in nowhere. And so I ran Time Straightwire. That is to say, two particles-it’s quite important little process. “Two particles he isn’t trying to hold together.” “Two particles somebody else isn’t trying to hold together.” “Two particles he isn’t trying to push apart.” “Two particles somebody else isn’t trying to push apart” and so forth.

The most certain thing you can get about distance.

I ran this on the way and all of a sudden he started to get three-dimensional pictures of things flying away from him. It was all of a sudden a depth to the field. He was starting to run backwards through all space opera. You know, the terrific brace of putting space wagons through the sky and all that sort of thing had jammed everything up on his face, you might say. And I started to run this time process on him and the space opera started to run backwards. In other words, planets were going away from him and roads going away from him and all sorts of things were flying away from him, in front-that had formerly moved in on him.

About time.

And this was quite amazing to him. We did that for a very short time and then the fellow says, “You know, I better let you in on something.” He said, “This funny kind of a visio I’ve had is actually my head. And I’m way down here at the bottom and I must be about the tiniest particle that ever was and all I’m doing is just sitting here watching all that crazy stuff go on up in the upper part of the head.”And he said, “I’ve always had the feeling that I was alive up in the middle of my head someplace and I’m not there at all, I’m way down at the base of the neck looking up into the head. And this funny front visio that I have and so forth is the head all right.” He says, “I’m sure of that, but it looks like it’s about a thousand yards in diameter.”

About distance.

This fellow’s occlusion was the darkness, inside his skull. He sort of had the feeling that he’d like a flashlight or something. If he had a flashlight, he was sure that he could shine it around on various parts inside the body’s head and locatesome of the objects, you know, like the eardrum inside and so forth and he’d know better where he was. It was kind of weird. He saw nothing peculiar in his request. He actually thought, I guess, I’d reach inside his ear or something and hand him a flashlight.

About time.

Well, that’s how one of these cases went. It was an interesting thing getting him exteriorized, because to get exteriorized he would have had to have gone about-oh, I don’t know, four or five hundred yards back to be three feet back of his head. His sizes, you see, were all out of gear. And he all of a sudden remembered one time getting a rather terrified visio when he was about twenty, somewhere in that age, he was very terrified by this visio. He was having a quarrel with his parents and he all of a sudden saw this terrific old man’s head right in the middle of the room and it must have been, oh, about eight feet from the jaw to the brow, you know, a big, huge, old man’s head.

About distance.

Well, that was his idea of what his head must look like; see, he’d never seen his head. His proportion-his relative sizes was all out and so, of course, you ask him to be three feet back of his head, he quite often would move three feet back, according to his proportion, which was three millimeters. And this would not take him outside of his head and he would just get kind of apathetic about it. But we had to cure up on him or touch the process which refocused distance for him a little bit. See? We had to get distance before he could recognize this.

About time.

Well, what process did this? It was just Time Straightwire. Just that little process: two particles you’re not trying to hold together and so forth. And when we did that, he did discover himself.

About this universe.

By the way, by the next session he was completely lost again. We didn’t get him out that time, with any this and that, because the room was too big and he found out he had to look too far to see everything and the head was too big and it was all thataway. And the next time, however, we got him out by getting him reoriented. We got parts of the head he had some idea something was going on in. You know, parts of the head where the hearing took place and so on. A lot of stuff rolled off about hygiene and anatomy and stuff like that, that he’d been very harshly trained in. And then we got him outside of his head. But he considered himself to be a little black coal or something of the sort that was incapable of putting out any light or any beams or anything of the sort and he was just microscopically small.

About spirits.

So we had the body get enormously large and then enormously very small and then very large and very small-in mock-ups. And we gave him, by the way, a phony body to do this with: One that had a pumpkin head and an oil drum for a torso and so on. And we made this body. This body very easily, by the way, got to be a thousand feet tall.

About ghosts.

He was trying to keep the body from getting that tall, and most of his control was trying to keep the body down to size. He was really scared of his body. Wasting courage in brackets had unlatched the flinch mechanisms which were right there. You know, I mean, these permanent flinches which he had and so on.

About other thetans.

Well, this person exteriorized and then we went immediately into this type of process which I was telling you about earlier in the lecture, which is simply the process of, “Three places he’s not” and “Three places he doesn’t have to be.” “Three buildings he doesn’t have to be in at this moment,” anything on that order which is locational, those processes which are locational and interior-exterior. And then, also, things which he felt he could reject at the moment, felt he had power enough to reject.

About God.

We found out finally that he had power enough to reject a silence and that was pretty good. And such oddities and nonsenses as this came through before he actually could reject something. We started an avalanche on this boy quite accidentally. He got to wondering whether or not he could reject a baseball. And all of the compressed baseballs and boxing gloves and everything else which had-and bullets-which had ever tried to hit him, suddenly, just on momentum, started flying away from him. He finally just overbalanced everything that he was trying to keep from hitting him and they went in reverse. He never saw such an avalanche in his life as all this stuff going in reverse. Some of the material going on through and departing the other side and some of the material then going from way off, after it had gone through him, and coming back through him again and departing out front.

About the devil.

These were the manifestations, by the way, of regret. Regret runs time backwards. When you run time backwards, motion is going to go backwards. Your boy who is black is trying to run time backwards, so you get him to reject and you’ll find things backing up in terms of time.

About infinite space.

Not-knowingness, of course, entered into the processes in that particular case. "Three things you don’t have to know at the moment, three things somebody else doesn’t have to know at the moment,” that sort of thing.

About God.

Now, our main difficulty is emphasis of importance: which technique is more vital, which technique is less effective? It isn’t a very delicate scale-could be, but it’s not. Where do you enter in these mild little Straightwire techniques on location? It’s when you’re trying to get a person certain of his location. That’s right where they belong. And when you’ve got him up there on a big certainty on his location, that sort of thing, that’s the time to start chasing him around and doing the Grand Tour.

Now get the most certain thing you can get about sex.

But you’ll never go very wrong if you keep his attention on the environment or the nothingness of the environment-alternating it. Keep his attention on outside and other things and so forth and keep his attention off of that body. You can do a type of technique which puts attention on the body, then off the body, then on the body, then off the body, but that in itself is a validation of flows. It’s workable. It’s a less vital technique.

About eating.

Now, you’ll be surprised at some of these cases. Some of these cases, it doesn’t seem to matter what you run on them, the fellow just keeps on going. Well, he wasn’t having very many problems to begin with. Now, you get touchy on a case which is occluded and so forth, you get touchy about what you do. And because you feel this person is in such horrible condition that we ought to do something terribly drastic, we very often use drastic means.

About symbols.

Well, it’s the one thing this person can’t take, and the one thing you should never do to an occluded case or a case that is having difficulty, great difficulty in exteriorizing, is validate his being an effect. You just never should do that. Because that’s right where he’s sitting and why it’s occluded and why he has a hard time exteriorizing, because he’s on the E end of the communication line.

About thinking.

So let’s put him-at all times we possibly can, let’s validate his being on the C end of the communication line. Let’s have him string that straight wire from C to E, from himself to the body and himself outside the body.

About effort.

Well, how do we do this? By letting him string wires to the environment until he has, to some slight degree, beefed up the environment to a point where he can own something, where he can have something outside of himself.

About emotion.

This person, by the way, doesn’t own very much. He doesn’t have very much.

Most certain thing you can get about apathy.

Now, I want to give you, just here, just for a moment, a sample of the kind of processing you would do with somebody who was getting uncertainly exteriorized or uncertain about exteriorization.

About ownership.

LRH: [to student] All right. Pearl, be three feet back of your head.

About protection.

PC: Mm-hm.

About hiding.

LRH: All right. Give me three places where you are not.

About grief.

PC: On the microphone, in the corner and standing there.

About apathy.

LRH: Good. Give me three places where you’re not thinking.

About protection.

PC: In the kitchen and the microphone and ashtray.

Most certain thing you can get about ownership.

LRH: Good. Now give me three places where you don’t have to go at this moment.

About hiding.

PC: [answers]

The most certain thing, now, that you can get about fear.

LRH: Good. And give me two particles, now, that you’re not trying to pull apart at this moment.

About grief.

PC: Well, I’m not trying to hold two microphones apart.

About apathy.

LRH: Good. And two particles you’re not trying to hold together at this moment.

About protection.

PC: I’m not trying to hold the ashtray together.


LRH: Good. Now give me three places you’re not.


PC: [answers]

The most certain thing you can get about anger.

LRH: Good. Now give me three things you don’t have to do at this instant.

About fear.

PC: I don’t have to go to town, come home and drink tea.


LRH: Good. Now give me three places you don’t have to be at this moment.


PC: I don’t have to be at home, in the kitchen or in your auditing room.


LRH: Good. Now be back there about ten feet back of your chair and let’s mock-up or get the idea of a cat’s body.


PC: Mm-hm.


LRH: Got that? Now. Let’s pretend you’ve just exteriorized from this cat. All right. Now duplicate him.

Most certain thing, now, you can get about resentment.

PC: Mm-hm.

About anger.

LRH: Duplicate him.


PC: Mm-hm.


LRH: Duplicate him.


PC: Mm-hm.


LRH: Duplicate him.


PC: Mm-hm.


LRH: Duplicate him.

The most certain thing you can now get about boredom.

PC: Mm-hm.


LRH: Duplicate him. Throw the duplicates away. Now duplicate the cat’s eyes.


PC: Mm-hm.


LRH: Duplicate them.

The most certain thing you can get about enthusiasm. Conservatism.

PC: Mm-hm.


LRH: Duplicate them. Now duplicate them for use.


PC: Okay.


LRH: All right. Duplicate them. Duplicate them.


PC: Mm-hm.


LRH: Duplicate them.


PC: Mm-hm.


LRH: Duplicate them. Duplicate them. Throw them away. Now, let’s get three barriers that are not in front of you at this moment.


PC: A wall, a table, a butcher...


LRH: Good. Now, let’s get three things you don’t have to run away from at this instant.


PC: Okay. A screen, a cow, binder paper.


LRH: Good. Now let’s get three things you don’t object to having at this moment.


PC: Mm-hm. A body, a chair, a car.


LRH: Good. Now let’s get something you could throw away.


PC: My car.


LRH: Could you throw that away?


PC: No. [laughs]


LRH: All right. Now let’s get some more things you could throw away.


PC: My phone, my luggage.

Most certain thing you can get about tiredness.

LRH: Mm-hm.


PC: [answers]


LRH: Good.


PC: Much better.


LRH: Good.


PC: I could easily throw the body away. [laughs]


LRH: You could throw the body away too? Okay.


LRH: All right. Give me three places now that you wouldn’t mind-in the environment-that you wouldn’t mind having alive.


PC: I wouldn't mind having any of it alive.


LRH: Okay. All right. Now, let’s get three specific ones in particular that you wouldn’t mind having alive.


PC: A microphone, ashtray ...


LRH: Good. Now, let’s get a nothingness somewhere around you.


PC: Mm-hm.


LRH: Let’s duplicate it.


PC: Mm-hm.


LRH: And duplicate it.


PC: Mm-hm.


LRH: Duplicate it.


PC: Mm-hm.


LRH: Duplicate it.


PC: Mm-hm.

Courage. Cowardice.

LRH: Duplicate it.


PC: Mm-hm.


LRH: Duplicate it.


PC: Mm-hm.


LRH: Duplicate it.


PC: Mm-hm.

Most certain thing you can get about agreement.

LRH: Duplicate it. Throw them away. All right. Now, what’s the realest object in the area, to you?

About disagreement.

PC: You.


LRH: Okay. Get another object in the area.


PC: The microphone.


LRH: Good. Now let’s put the emotion in the microphone of - oh, I don’t know, what emotion should you put in the microphone?

The most certain thing you can get about cause.

PC: It has to be fear.


LRH: You want to put fear in the microphone? All right. Put some fear in the microphone and while the microphone is feeling some fear, you feel some boredom.


PC: Mm-hm.


LRH: All right. Now, while the microphone is feeling fear, because you get to keep the fear on the microphone, you feel some resentment.

The most certain thing you can get about cause.

PC: Mm-hm.


LRH: And now you feel some apathy.


PC: Mm-hm.


LRH: And while the fear is still on the microphone, you feel some grief.


PC: Mm-hm.


LRH: And while the fear is still on the microphone, feel some exhilaration.


PC: Mm-hm.


LRH: All right. And with fear still on the microphone, you feel like youre a very personable person.


PC: Okay.

Most certain thing you can get about communication.

LRH: Is that hard to do?

Most certain thing you can get about smelling.

PC: Oh, yes.

About hearing.

LRH: All right. Now, let’s change the emotion on the microphone.

About speaking.

PC: Mm-hm.

About others speaking.

LRH: What did you change it to?

About noise.

PC: I made it happy.

About music.

LRH: You put it in apathy?

About Brahms.

PC: Happy.

About sight. Most certain thing you can get about sight.

LRH: Oh, happy!

About being seen.

PC: Mm-hm.

About sight.

LRH: All right. Let’s have the microphone be happy and while the microphone is being happy, you feel angry.

About being seen.

PC: Okay.

About existence. Most certain thing you can get about existence.

LRH: While the microphone is feeling happy, you feel excited.

Most certain thing you can get about knowing.

PC: Mm-hm.

About ignorance.

LRH: You really feel excited, huh?

About data.

PC: Mm-hm.

About knowing.

LRH: All right. Now, while the microphone is feeling happy, you feel serene.

About being right.

PC: Mm-hm.

About being right.

LRH: Now, while the microphone is still feeling happy, you feel apathetic.

About being nothing.

PC: Mm-hm.

About being wrong.

LRH: And while the microphone is happy, you feel in grief.

About knowing.

PC: Mm-hm.

About acting.

LRH: Now, while the microphone is still feeling happy, why, you feel enthusiasm.

About having.

PC: Mm-hm.

About knowing.

LRH: Now, while the microphone is feeling just as happy as it’s been feeling, you feel much happier.

Now, all right. Get with some certainty three masses in which you are not interiorized.

PC: Okay.

Three masses from which you do not have to exteriorize.

LRH: Got that?

Three things which you’re not being called upon to abandon.

PC: Mm-hm.

Which you’re not being called upon to own.

LRH: Okay. Now while you’re outside there, let’s name yourself. Give yourself a different name.

Some things with which you’re not playing catch.

PC: Stella.

Some items or objects which you are not trying to start.

LRH: All right. Now name the ceiling something.

Which you’re not trying to stop.

PC: Sunny.

Which you’re not trying to change.

LRH: All right. Now name the floor something.

Which you’re not trying to start.

PC: Ben.

Some things which you’re not trying to stop.

LRH: Good. Now let’s give the microphone a name. Jeff

Some things which you’re not trying to change.

LRH: Good. Let’s give it a personality. All right. Now, while the microphone has. that personality, you take on a different personality.

Some things which you don’t have to control.

PC: Mm-hm.

Some things which somebody else doesn’t have to control.

LRH: All right. Now while you’re exteriorized, put the personality you generally have right there with yourself. Just feel like yourself.

Some things which are not funny.

Note: The recording ends abruptly.

Some things which somebody else believes are not funny.

Which you believe are not funny.

Which somebody else believes is not funny.

Which you believe are not funny.

Which somebody else believes not funny.

Which you don’t believe are funny.

Now let’s find some things that are not wrong.

Let’s find some things which you consider right.

Some places you don’t have to go to at this moment.

Some illnesses you do not have at this moment.

Some hard items with which you are not playing catch.

Some things that are right with your body.

Some things that are right with you as a thetan.

Some things you don’t have to resist.

Now let’s recall something that is real to you.

And let’s find some raw dirt someplace and paw it.

Okay. Be where you please.

Find the realest thing you can find in your environment.

Reach for it and withdraw from it.

Okay. Brighten up your perception a little bit? Brighten up your perception?

Okay. Now there’s an example of processing which can hit both strata.

Now, who, that was already certainly exteriorized, got a bigger lift from the processing itself? A lift.

Good. Okay.

All too much we grind away on the exteriorized thetan, on a thetan, in terms of the MEST universe. Just as if this was all there was to know.

Now I’m going to give you some processes which those who are not certainly exteriorized can do in a vague, mild way and should try to do.

Okay. Now be some distance from the chair. Take a look at the foggiest part of the environment. You know, anything that looks a little unclear to you and duplicate it.

And continue to duplicate it, many times.

Duplicate its fogginess or its uncertainness.

A lot more times.

Okay. Throw it away.

Now let’s find or make a nothingness.

And duplicate it a great many times.

Throw it away.

Okay. Find a MEST object and get the idea of stopping your sight on it so that you can see it.

And just continue to put your sight out on it and stop it and put your sight out on it and stop it and put your sight out on it and stop it and put your sight out on it and stop it. Stop your sight, not the object.

Continue to do that.

Okay. Now confront this object and just look straight through it.

And look through it again.

Now find another object and look straight through it and another object and look straight through it and another object and look straight through it. And just continue that as an exercise.

Now find a barrier. Find a barrier, a good formidable barrier. Look straight through it.

Find another barrier and look through it. It doesn’t matter if you’re doing it imperfectly at first. Relax.

And another barrier and look through it.

All right. Now find some MEST object that you can feel. A MEST object that you can feel.

Now feel it.

Now feel at it and pass straight through it, feeling nothing.

Feel it, feel through it. And continue that exercise. Feel it, feel through it. Feel it, feel through it.


All right. Now be where you please. Be where you please.

The formidable character of barriers sort of breaking down on you? Hm? Breaking down a little bit? Anybody have any difficulty with that last one?

Female voice: Well, I liked the first one better, it’s easier.


All right. Now this next one, those who are not certainly exteriorized should not do, because this is some Change of Space and Exteriorization-Interiorization. So just relax and take this as an example how you process somebody doing this. And those who can certainly exteriorize, let’s do it.

Now let’s be way back.

Find a barrier.

Now be on the other side of it.

Be on the first side of it.

Second side of it.

First side of it.

Second side of it.

Now whiz, whiz, whiz, just back and forth, picking up speed, going through the barrier each time.

Okay. Be on this side of it.

And now let’s take up space as a barrier.

You measure off a big distance. Just look around you and find what you conceive to be a big distance. And get something to mark the finite end of this distance.

You know, “Gee, this is a long way off.”

Now mark where you are and mark the other end of the distance.

Now be in the place where you measured the distance.

Now just be in the position at the other end of the distance.

The first position.

Be at the end of the distance.

Now just continue to swap those two positions, one after the other, each time getting what a tremendous distance this is. Just be in one point and then be at the other point. Don’t move through the distance, just be at one point and then the other point, [pause] Okay.

That working all right? These two points collapse on anybody or anything like that? They came together? Did they separate again?

Well, let’s do it some more till they separate if they have come together.

Female voice: I was at both ends at once.

Okay. You’ve just gotten off into duplicating yourself easily.

Male voice: Yeah well, that's what happened. I moved them together because - I didn't move them together - I didn't have them in the same place and be in one place and then the otherplace. Then I moved one to the other so I had them in the same place and just switched one to the other.

Now did you measure a MEST universe distance before you did this?

Male voice: Yeah.

And then you put those two points together?

Male voice: Yeah.

Well, you just blow that up and let’s do that all over again.

Let’s get a big distance now and mark it by a planet or a star or something. You got that?

Male voice: Yeah.

All right.

Let’s get another distance marked by a planet or a star.

Male voice: Mm-hm.

All right. Be in the first position.

Be in the second position.

Male voice: Mm-hm.

The first position.

Male voice: Mm-hm.

The second position.

The first position.

The second position.

Are they coming together?

Male voice: Tending to, I think.

Oh, they feel like they’re stretching together, huh?

Male voice: Yeah.

Well, just be the whole space between them.

Male voice: Yeah.

Is that easy to do?

Male voice: Mm-hm.

All right. Now be the space “one” position.

Male voice: Mm-hm.

Be the whole space.

Be the space of the other position.

Male voice: Mm-hm.

You got that?

Male voice: Yeah.

All right. Be in position one.

Position two.

Male voice: Mm-hm.

Position one.

Male voice: Mm-hm.

Position two.

Male voice: Mm-hm.

Okay? That a little better?

All right. This next one now. Now let’s be above the North Pole-Earth.

Let’s be above the Moon.

Now be above the Sun.

Above Earth.









Earth. [rapid delivery of commands]


















Earth, [very rapid delivery of commands] Moon.


















What happened?

Female voice: Felt like I was standing still and those things were just-vhoom!...


Female voice: It’s fun!


Female voice: Everything is spinning.

Good, all right.

Now let’s be above Earth.

And now let’s locate where the other side of Earth is.

And be in the first position again and this time mock yourself up as a dive bomber and dive straight through Earth and out the other side.

Now let’s dive back through Earth again.

Now let’s dive back through Earth again.

Now let’s be in the center of Earth and have a number of objects fly off the surface of Earth into the sky.

Now right while you’re in the center of Earth there, just look all around and find no Earth at all.

Now find only the thinnest crust of Earth, the rest of it hollow.

Now find it all solid.

Now just a crust. Be in the center now. Just a crust.

All solid.

Just a crust.

All solid.

Just a crust.

All solid.

Not even a crust.

All right. Be right there and look at the Sun.

Now put Earth there again.

Okay. Now let’s be outside of Earth.

Center of Earth.

Outside of Earth.

Center of Earth.

Outside of Earth.

Center of Earth.

Outside of Earth.

Outside of Earth.

Center of Earth.

Other side of Earth.

Center of Earth.

Opposite side of Earth.

Center of Earth.

Opposite side of Earth.

Center of Earth.

Opposite side of Earth.

Center of Earth and own Earth.

Now feel some courage about Earth, in the center.

And be outside it and feel some courage about it.

And the center of it and feel some courage about it.

And the outside of it and feeling some courage about it.

And the center of it.

And now be up near Mars.

Now be in the center of Mars.

Outside of Mars.

Center of Mars.

Outside of Mars.

Center of Mars.

Now make something fly off the surface of Mars into the sky.

Something else.

Something else.

Something else.

Something else.

Something else.

Something else.

Now be outside of Mars.

Now let’s mock ourselves up as a dive bomber and dive straight down to the surface of Mars and right on through into the center of Mars.

And feel the density of it.

Now zoom right out of the center of Mars, pass the surface of Mars and way out into the sky beyond Mars.

Now duplicate Mars.

Duplicate it.

Duplicate it and enjoy it.

Duplicate it and enjoy it.

Duplicate it and feel courageous about it.

Duplicate it and feel courageous about it.

Duplicate it and feel courageous about it.

Duplicate it and enjoy it.

Duplicate it and enjoy it.

Duplicate it and enjoy it.

Be way out from the solar system.

Throw away those duplicates down there. Make them disappear. Way out from the solar system and duplicate the solar system.



Duplicate it and enjoy it.

Duplicate it and enjoy it.

Duplicate it and enjoy it.

Duplicate it and enjoy it.

Duplicate it and enjoy it.

Duplicate it and feel courageous about it.

Duplicate it and feel courageous about it.

Duplicate it and feel courageous about it.

Duplicate it and feel courageous about it.

Duplicate it and enjoy it.

Duplicate it and enjoy it.

Duplicate it and enjoy it.

Duplicate it and enjoy it.

Change it.

Change it again.

Change its color.

Throw it all away.

Okay. Be in the center of this galaxy. Any approximate center.

Look in all directions.

Now look in all directions, find no galaxy.

Look in all directions and find a galaxy.

Look in all directions and find no galaxy.

Look in all directions and find a galaxy.

Look in all directions and find no galaxy.

Look in all directions and find a galaxy.

Be at the far end of the galaxy from here.

Be here.

The far end of the galaxy.

Duplicate it.

Duplicate it.

Duplicate it.

Duplicate it.

Duplicate it.

Duplicate it and enjoy it.

Duplicate it and enjoy it.

Duplicate it and enjoy it.

Duplicate it and feel courageous about it.

Duplicate it and feel courageous about it.

Duplicate it and feel courageous about it.

Duplicate it and feel courageous about it.

Now duplicate the nothingness in it.

And duplicate the nothingness in it.

And duplicate the nothingness in it.

And duplicate the nothingness in it.

And duplicate the nothingness in it.

And duplicate the nothingness in it and feel courageous about it.

Do it again and feel courageous about it.

Do it again and feel courageous about it.

Do it again and feel courageous about it.

Do it again and enjoy it.

Do it again and enjoy it.

Do it again and enjoy it.

Do it again and enjoy it.

Throw away all your duplicates.

Okay. Be in your own universe.

Mest universe.

Somebody else’s universe.

Your own universe.

MEST universe.

Somebody else’s universe. Come on, you can find one.

Own universe.

Mest universe.

Somebody else’s universe.

Own universe.

MEST universe.

Somebody else’s universe.

Okay. Mock-up some space.

Put a dog in it.

Change it to a cat.

Change it to a horse.

Change it to a thetan.

Change it to you.

Okay. Do what you please with it.

Find some sand.

Taste it.

Smell it.

Find nothing there.

Find something there.

Be somewhere in the vicinity of this room, take two particles and mock them up, pull them apart.

Push them together.

Pull them apart.

Push them together.

Pull them apart.

Push them together.

Pull them apart.

Push them together.

Pull them apart.

Throw them away.

Get something to fly away from you.

Something else to fly away from you.

Something else to fly away from you.

Something to fly to you.

Something to fly to you.

Something to fly to you.

Find some sand and paw it.

Get some sensation from your body.

Get no sensation from your body.

Get some sensation from your body.

Get no sensation from your body.

Have your body find the floor beneath its feet.

End of session.