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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Anatomy of the Theta Body (HCL-21) - L520416a | Сравнить
- How to Audit a Theta Line, Parts I and II (HCL-22) - L520416b | Сравнить
- How to Search For Incidents on the Track, Part I (HCL-27) - L520416c | Сравнить
- How to Search For Incidents on the Track, Part II (HCL-27a) - L520416d | Сравнить
- Theta Body Demonstration (HCL-Demo) - L520416e | Сравнить

CONTENTS HCL-22 HOW To AUDIT A THETA LINE, PARTS I AND II Cохранить документ себе Скачать



An auditing demonstration given on 16 April 1952A lecture given on 16 April 1952 (according to R&D).
New R&D Vol. 10 page 415-439.[Based on both new R&D 10 and the old reel]
[This was given at the end of the HCL lectures and so we have assigned the desiganation HCL-DEMO to this lecture][Lecture number 374 in the Flag Master List, given on an unknown date in March of 1952.]
[This is based on the New R&D volumes only. We do not have a copy of the tape.]

[A more abbreviated version of this transcript appears in Booklet 17 of the professional course lecture series, which implies that this tape was at one time designated lecture HCL-17. The booklets are not literal transcriptions but in this case we have used it as an additional source because we do not have the tape.]I'd like to talk to you now about how to audit an entity or a theta line.

[In booklet 17, the end of this session leads into the middle of the session in lecture 27A which was also given on 16 April. Therefore this may be a fragment of HCL-27A.]

The exploration of the theta lines has been underway for a very long time. It has been underway, certainly, thousands of years and, with myself, has been underway now, oh, better than fifteen years intensively.

[This is tape number 388 on the Flag Master List and marked as 5204C16B meaning it was the second lecture of April 16.]

This machine, the electropsychometer, has been acting as a pilot since about the first of January 1952. Very early I wanted a pilot; I had to have some method of metering prectears which was not dependent at all upon opinion or judgment. And I went out and looked at the existing lie detector equipment and I could not find anything which would do a job of work.

[The recording begins with the demonstration already in progress.]

Now, Volney Mathison out on the Coast heard a talk out there one day, and I mentioned this fact. RCA had told me, Bell Labs had told me, numerous engineers had told me, that by the time you took a current and built it up stage by stage through battery set and battery set and battery set, you'd have to put somebody in a wire cage (a lot of people ought to be there in the opinion of engineers, anyway), and you put somebody in a wire cage of copper screening so as to cut down the interference, and one of them suggested that you hooked the needles into his brain tissue (I looked at him quickly to see if he was joking - he wasn't), and this way you possibly might be able to get a read - which would still have variation and fluctuation ad infinitum.

I had one of the fanciest electroencephalographs made and it didn't do anything very much, police detectors didn't do anything very much, and Mathison went to work and he floated a current within a current.

LRH: Dead, huh? You dead?

This machine is relatively simple, but it's a current floating inside another current, and actually gets from a tenth of a millionth to a fiftieth of a millionth amperes, something like that, per current. I haven't the technical data on this machine at my fingertips.

PC: Nope.

But what it actually does is throw a current of electricity through meter worksthe body and this will hit the various centers which connect up with the memory, and so on. And what happens is a facsimile moves in or out as the memory or the beingness of the person is restimulated, and so this little tiny trickle of electricity is shut off or let go. And so you get your difference of responses on this machine. And it's very simple in its operation, but it is considerably different. And I am, by the way, very much indebted to Mathison just on this basis of all of a sudden having a pilot.

LRH: Which one of you is alive? Which one of you is alive?

Well, as soon as this pilot was available I tried to work with it; but during a present lifetime, even then its responses, if you just take one lifetime, are not very terribly marked. Grandfather's death will fall a couple of degrees - couple of divisions. Don't get me wrong: you can find out a great many things about this lifetime, such as you can find out whether or not somebody is loyal or disloyal, or something of the sort. It is very valuable for this lifetime, but I'm talking about auditing now.

PC: Center.

Well, when you look over the last trillion years, the incidents you're looking for are incidents which drop this machine a dial, a half a dial, five dials, ten dials - in other words, this machine really acts up. And the incidents which we are trying to audit and the reactions which we are trying to get and find, locate and pin down are traceable very easily on this instrument.

LRH: Center is alive?

I know I can be accused of putting in plugs for this electropsychometer but actually they're not plugs. It isn't possible to look back through the past as an uncleared individual without this machine.

PC: Yep.

You get somebody up into a state of Theta Clear, why, he can take a look and read somebody else's mind very, very readily and very rapidly - probably much more accurately than this machine can.

LRH: Good. Just realized it?

But how do we get anybody up to the state of Theta Clear? Well, we've got a pilot. Now, this pilot went in ahead of the research line and so the auditing procedures which have been developed have been developed right along the same line as the research line. They follow as a parallel line. What we have, actually, is a series of incidents and reactions which are easily traceable on a psychometer. And the psychometer also lends reality to the preclear and, additionally, lends a great deal of certainty to the auditor. Because the auditor can be auditing any one of at least seven entities. And this is where the psychometer comes in very handy. He starts auditing one entity and the machine is operating.

PC: No.

Now, he audits the preclear with the electrodes in the preclear's hands. And it doesn't matter too much under this type we are doing now whether the preclear looks at this needle or not. You hit the incidents that are the incidents and that needle will fly; he can't stop it.

LRH: You knew that all the time?

And so he watches the needle as he's auditing along, and so on, and he knows whether or not his prectear is doing anything. And your preclear, for instance, may go into a boil-off. Is he in a boil-off or is he asleep? Now that's a question. Now, you've sat alongside of a preclear sometimes for hours while he was (quote) 'boiling off' Only he wasn't! He was asleep.

PC: Apparently not.

What's the difference between a boil-off and asleep? He keeps moving through the incident in a boil-off, and you get characteristic needle fluctuations that shows that he's hitting holders and bouncers and everything; he's going through this incident and the needle fluctuates up and surges down and goes back and forth, and maybe it does it more slowly when he's so dopey. But all of a sudden you start to get a little gradual tone rise; then the machine quiets down. And you go down to the foot of the bed and give him a good sound kick on the soles of his feet. The machine will do a jump, and you come back and sit down in the chair and say, "All right. Now let's start in at the beginning of it again." "Rrr-rurr-rw-ruff"

[Booklet 17 begins here with "FIRST DEMONSTRATION", "AUD: Does any of your theta bodies have any MEST bodies anywhere else?"]

"All right, let's pick it up now at the beginning, and go all through it again." And you watch that needle and the needle will flick and move, and it'll show you he's moving on the track, and he's goin through the incident and everything is fine, and then all of a sudden it'll bog again. Shake him out of it.

LRH: Mm-hm. You knew that.

In such a wise, you can get auditing done. But about 80 percent of your boil-off, so-called, is actually sleep. And the sleep doesn't do anybody any good, but the boil-off with the incident in motion definitely does. So that's the first thing this machine does for you, is save all the time you've been sitting alongside of the preclear watching a (quote) boil-off (unquote).

All right. Do you - does any of your theta bodies have another MEST body anyplace else but here?

Now, tie next thing that it does is tells you if you've slipped off an entity and into another entity - if you slipped off one theta line and into the other theta line. That's the next thing it tells you. The reason this another in auditing happens is very simple. You're just getting fine needle reaction, you re getting surges down that shows you're hitting things and that you're really auditing, and this entity, this theta line that you're addressing, is just clearing up just dandy, and all of a sudden the machine said, 'Mmm.' The fellow says, "Well, and so-and-so and so-and-so.' "Well now, let's go through it again."

PC: Yep.

"Oh, I am. So-and-so and so-and-so." Machine just sitting there - see, movin a little drifting - that's all.

LRH: Mm-hm. Which one has a MEST body somewhere else?

What happened was, is you slid off the entity that you were auditing and you went in over on another entity. His beingness became somebody else at that moment and when his beingness became somebody else, what you're trying to clear up on the case isn't clearing up. And in such a wise, you can audit an engram half out of a theta line, and then go over to another theta line and audit the engram half out of it. And then jump into a completely disrelated theta line and a completely disrelated incident and go auditing merrily on that, and what have you accomplished? You've accomplished a complete confusion on the part of two or three theta lines, and you haven't cleaned up any one of them. And so you will do this just so long and you'll get a perceptic shut-off on your preclear.

PC: Left outside.

This prevents it from happening. Why? You see how the entity is operating that you are auditing; you see how the machine is moving and how the entity is going through the incident, and you see that this incident is getting about a ten-point drop. He goes over certain points of it: it's a ten-point drop and it's an eight-point drop and it's a fifteen-point drop and it's a ten-point drop, and all of a sudden you're only getting a half-point drop and a half-point drop and a half-point drop. Well, he might have hit a sticker; he might have hit a holder in that entity, but the chances are he didn't.

LRH: The left outside has a body someplace else, huh? Is that right? Yeah.

So you say, "Well, let's roll through that again," and then if you keep getting your drops characteristic, you're still on that entity. But supposing you just all of a sudden just suddenly start to get a little surge up, and it sort of idles around and so forth. Well, instead of auditing the right outboard theta line, you're suddenly auditing the left side. The machine characteristic will shift very markedly. Therefore the preclear can't lie to you, and he can't sit there and audit something else. And very often any preclear has an entity sufficiently neurotic to start lying to the auditor. He'll say, "Oh, yes, I'm running it. Yeah ha. Yeah, I'm going right through it. I'm just doing a fine job of it. Yes, yes. Mm-hm. Mm-hm." What he's actually doing is scanning out yesterday. He will lie there on the couch and scan out yesterday, and he'll scan out something else. And what he's doing is just - one of his theta lines is just holding you off and the other one is running through inconsequentials. And you can just spend hours and hours and hours doing this.

And what's the body like?

The next thing it does for you, it tells you: "What kind of an incident am I auditing?" If you are auditing a facsimile, You're getting smooth sweeps, react on the meter smooth sweeps - back and forth, up and down. Drifts down, coasts, goes back again. That's a facsimile, that is a memory you are auditing; you're auditing the thought, emotion, and effort out of a memory.

PC: About three inches taller.

If you're auditing a between-lives incident - and that's very important to audit - this machine hunts. It comes down ten points and goes flick-flick-flick-flick-flick - the needle does-and then goes up maybe three points, flick-flick-flick, and then down five, flickflick-flick-flick, and then way up, flick-flick-flick-flick, down, flick-flick-flick-flick. Hunt. Hunt. And if it's doing it on a small level of let us say about five points on this scale or a small arc on the scale, that hunt-hunt-hunt is doing it on a wider scale and is still hunting ferociously, it's a between-lives of an earlier period. And if it"s swinging about fifteen of these points of arc and clicking at the end, and going over and click over and click, and click-click in the middle and then click, and then it's click again, you're auditing before universe.

LRH: About three inches taller? Mm-hm. What's it do normally?

So you can tell immediately what he's in and you can also tell what part of his body is in it, because you ask him, "Is this your right side? Is this your all-the-way-out right side? Is that what's running?" And the machine is absolutely still. No, it isn't.

PC: I don't know. Doctor?

You say, "All right, which side is this? Is this the center that's doing this?"

LRH: Doctor? Used to be a doctor?

Machine drops. "Yeah. All right, it's the center. Well, let's shift over to the right side and audit the rest of that engram out." And immediate your machine starts acting again.

PC: No, is.

This is in the interests of cleaning up a case sometime between now and judgment Day. You understand that many entities will get the sudden idea that they are about to be handed their discharge papers and cut loose and sent hither to and forevermore. And they will suddenly start saying, "Hmm! Let's see, this is Dianetics, huh? Tsk! Well, let's see. Now, this guy is pretty easy to fool." And so they start to work on you.

LRH: It is a doctor? Oh, you got another body on earth?

That's a fact. And by the way, that may be the history of a great number of preclears who have an awful lot of auditing and who don't seem to get well. You've got an entity in there that says, "No! No! No! No!" And the rest of the preclear is saying, "Oh, yes. Yes, sure, sure. Mm-hm."

PC: No.

But this entity is saying, "No, no, no, no, no. Hm-mm! Not on a bet!" And so every time the preclear starts into something, the entity will knock him to sleep, and you get what is known as a very phony boil-off; the entity just puts him to sleep, that's all. It objects and it hits the sleep centers, and out he goes - swish.

LRH: Got another body on earth, or you're splitting a body with somebody? Well, that's okay.

Well, this machine will detect it, and this will tell you why a preclear is balking. You can go over a preclear anatomically, thetawise, and you can say, "Now, are any of your theta lines blocking auditing?" And the machine doesn't say anything. It just sits there quietly and doesn't do anything at all; it just wobbles a little bit.

PC: Yep.

And you say, "All right, is your right-all-the-way-out right side doing it? Mm-hm?"

LRH: The left side splitting a body with somebody?

No. No action.

PC: Yeah.

"Is it the inboard right side?" No action.

LRH: Yeah. Okay.

"Is it the center?" No action.

How about a body elsewhere? Does the left side have a body somewhere else?

"Is it the inboard left side? There." Zing!

PC: No.

"Is the inboard left side stuck in an incident?" Zing!

LRH: No. How about the right side? Does it have a body somewhere else?

'What is the date of this incident?"

PC: Yep.

Oh, and the fellow says, "Oh, it says - it says 1670." No reaction on the needle. You say, "Is it some other date?" Ask that portion - that entity - "Is it some other date?"

LRH: Mm-hm. The right side have a body somewhere else, huh? And where's that body?

All of a sudden he says, "Well, it's ... I get about a thousand." The machine just quivers a little bit.

PC: Well, that body is a long ways off.

You say, "A thousand B.C.?" Just quivers a little bit.

LRH: A long way off.

"A thousand A.D.?" Zing! You've got the thing spotted. Now you know what you're auditing, very rapidly. There's a theta line which is stuck on the track, and it's going to be stuck on the track and it's going to keep every other theta line there from operating until it's released and brought up into present time. And so you just take the blocks off the case, one right after the other, until you've got all the case up in present time.

PC: Yeah.

And by the way, a lot of these, when they get up to present time, say, "What the devil am I doing here?" and leave - just like that. "Well, I've gotten out of that one."

LRH: Where would you think it was?

So, you can keep check on the thing. Well, we've never had any way to keep check on - and as a matter of fact, our auditing techniques were being addressed on the theory of whole beingness.

PC: The first one was Mars.

The people that you cleared up were cleared up in two ways: One, you were auditing the central, and somehow or other got it on by getting back early in a person's life, a childhood. That's why childhood is important, is because it will flick on the center sometimes. If you can get the childhood bank you've got the center on, because it's holding the childhood bank. So that's this address: it isn't childhood memories; it's what time of life was the center in evidence. So you get the center on and the person right away brightens up. Very simple.

LRH: The first flash is Mars?

Now, the other thing we were doing was somehow or other exorcising. We were! High in tone, your auditor would simply scare some of these theta lines either into apathy or out.

PC: Yeah, that was what it was ...

Now, you take a theta line which is holding a case of arthritis in very solid arthritis. This theta line has the right side beautifully paralyzed as far as holding is concerned, and the calcium deposits are gathering apace. And you, as an auditor, drive the right side down in tone and bring the central preclear up in tone to a point where you've unbalanced it and the right side goes into apathy. The second it goes into apathy, of course, it releases and you get a disappearance of arthritis. All you've done - that is a mild exorcism; that's just nullification exorcism. And some of you have merely looked a demon in the eye and said "Phew! and he's gone. And you audited the fellow only a half an hour and all of a sudden he was well. Wasn't that interesting? There he is; he's well.

LRH: What a coincidence, Mars again! My, that's coincidental. It's been a coincidence now for an awful lot of preclears, except one had to break the chain - only I think he's a traitor to the cause.

The cases which we've had trouble with are the cases that are playing a game with us. Poor case doesn't know it's playing a game with us.

PC: When I said "long ways off" it was Mars.

But there are two or three entities present and they'll cross over, and you 'II start to audit one and you'll find yourself auditing another one, and then you'll be auditing another one. And about the time that you're really getting in there someplace, all of a sudden you're auditing another one. And the result is that some of these have the "I can't know, I won't know" and "I won't tell" - some of these entities have these in such strong restimulation that a person has this strange idea that he could tell if he could tell, but he can't tell, because every time he starts to tell he sort of forgets. Or every time he starts to come up with any part of an incident, it all of a sudden blanks out on him. Or he tries to get the perceptic that matches the incident, and somehow or other something just moves in across it. Well, this is just entanglements of these theta lines. They're just cagey.

LRH: Mars, huh?

Now, an unknown datum can produce too much randomity - too, too much - and that is the case here. Not one of these theta lines was actively aware that a personality existed except itself. They were not aware, one theta line to the next, that there were other personalities or theta lines present. And you simply start identifying them, one after the other to each other, and they come way up in tone, one after the other, because they know what's going on. They know that somebody else was there, and somebody else and somebody else and somebody else. And the prectear gets much cleverer.

PC: Yeah.

Well, you might leave a couple of them that were the bad psychos in him - you might leave these way stuck on the track, and therefore he has somatics and so forth. But the usual thing is that he just becomes a lot more cheerful. This point alone, in other words, produces a marked advance in the case: the identification of the theta lines, one to the other.

LRH: Well, you don't mind it being Mars, do you?

The best way to identify them, of course, is show them to him. And he'll start thinking about the thing and so on, and he'll all of sudden recognize this and that.

PC: No.

These theta lines can be neurotic enough to hold on a somatic and to throw the somatic on violently every time the preclear starts to get rid of an incident. He starts to get rid of an incident; this line says, "He's starting to get rid of his 'soul' and that's me. We will show him - crunch!" and picks up pain out of its own memory bank and turns it on. Just like you might spank a small child that was causing you trouble. You want to administer pain. So this theta line will think, "Pain, pain," and turn on a somatic. And here you get a chronic somatic that just rides there and rides there. And you run this on the case and you run that on the case, and you run something else on the case, and somehow or another this chronic somatic just won't go away. Well, that's because every time you start to get in close to this theta line it gets very cagey and turns on this somatic. But it's not going to be located.

LRH: Do you have a body there?

Now, it's your job on a chronic somatic to locate what being it is that's turning it on - what theta line it is that's turning it on, which is to say - and getting that thing unstuck out of the incident so it's rational enough to find out whether or not somebody else is present and find out what it's doing. And you will find out in each case that it is stuck somewhere on the track in something very violent. And it's rather easy to audit out and at that time the chronic somatic will cease.

PC: Yeah.

Now, this is really pinpointing your case. Here somebody comes in to you and they have a chronic somatic. Well, you have three choices. You throw the entity that is giving this person this pain or illness into apathy; that's the worst choice. The optimum choice is to be so clear yourself that you just simply move through and in this entity and it goes phew! and it's gone. You say, "Well, all right, that's twenty-five dollars, please," and the preclear walks out the door.

LRH: What's it do?

And the technique which is available to you and most useful to you now, is simply identify the thing - preferably on an electropsychometer - identify which entity it is and what it's stuck in and then just audit it through what it's stuck in, regardless of how silly or how strange it seems. Whatever the incident is - audit it through, audit it through, and get this entity at least out of that somatic, if not into present time. And your chronic somatic will go away.

PC: First thing I get is "run things."

That means that a psychosomatic illness can be treated selectively by an auditor - very selectively.

LRH: It runs things, huh?

You take glasses. Now, there's the facsimile field of auditing. Memories have pain in them; you audit out the facsimiles which have the pain, and the pain or disability goes away. That's techniques as we have known them; you see, you have to know the same techniques in order to work one of these entities.

PC: Runs things, ruler, driver - not driver, no ...

All right, let's take glasses. In the facsimile level, glasses mean that one of these entities, at least, is over into a monitor valence of some sort or another, probably in Facsimile One. You will find some part of this preclear is in Facsimile One, and it's being a monitor valence and the glasses are what the monitors wear in Facsimile One. And a person is safe as long as he wears glasses, and if he takes his glasses off he's not safe anymore.

LRH: Was it a ruler once?

But what about this? We've known for a long time that if you could get a person's tone up, the somatics dropped out. There's billions and billions and trillions and quadrillions of facsimiles - painful ones, severely painful ones. Well, you can't audit all of these. Well, how do you get a preclear's tone up? Well, auditing a theta line or auditing a theta incident advances tone very rapidly and tends to stabilize it - until you go to the next entity, and then you'll find the tone will drop a little bit, but not as far as it was before. And then you audit that tone up and you'll find out he comes up. It is nothing, in two hours to four hours, and certainly in ten hours, to take people off the top of this machine by auditing theta-line incidents. You can't do that by auditing facsimiles; you've got to audit an awful lot of facsimiles before you get tone up to that degree.

PC: Yep.

So what happens? Let's take Facsimile One now. It's important to know that Facsimile One is there, because so many people are stuck in it; so many people go over into the monitor valence of it; so many people are in the victim valence of it and holding forth regardless. Do you have to audit this thing? Not if you find out which entity is holding on to it. And then not if you find a theta incident -that is to say, some incident a little bit earlier, like a joiner, that makes this entity hold on to incidents and facsimiles. There's just this one entity now, you're asking, "Why do you hold on to facsimiles?" And all of a sudden you find that there is a reason and you audit the line through that reason and blow Facsimile One. Cute - very tricky.

LRH: Good old days, huh?

Now, you can audit Facsimile One out from beginning to end over and over again, and you can make sure that you audit it out of any being that had it in its bank.

PC: No, now.

There's at least seven banks you will find Facsimile One in - that's why it's so deadly. I amend that. There are at least five banks or four banks; there are a couple of additives afterwards. Facsimile One took place about a million to a million two hundred and fifty thousand years ago.

LRH: Now?

So, we have much more recent material that has been poured in, and much more recent matters of interest to us.

PC: That's what I get.

When it comes to auditing a theta line, you are playing tag with a will-o'-the-wisp, because one of these - if you can't see them yet, one of these theta lines can be very, very cagey, and they can cross over and cross you up and so on. Most rapid job you can do there, therefore, is a machine job, and you just start hitting them one after the other until you have all of these entities up in present time and particularly until you have the center one up in present time. And this is the one you take in preference to any other.

LRH: Mm-hm. The machine doesn't.

Now, therefore auditing procedure as I would recommend it at this time - which is subject to change - auditing procedure would be simply this: You clean up theta lines only to the point where you can handily and easily reach the center. And then you clean up its line as far back as is necessary to keep it from holding on to other entities. And then you'll find your preclear is in much better state; therefore you should just go back and clean up then, this central being up to a point where he's a Theta Clear. And that would be a procedure. There may be a faster way of blowing a theta line; that's why I say it's subject to change because there may be this faster way of blowing a theta line. I don't know of one at this time beyond complete rehabilitation of the center. And sometimes you can't just say to the center "All right-be," 100 percent .. Sometimes, by the way, you can, though. You can suddenly say - you locate the center for the fellow and you show him on the machine - "Now that's the center."

PC: Okay.

"Oh, is that me? Oh, is that how I feel? Oh, gee! Yeah."

LRH: Tell me, is this body alive?

"Well now, just get that in communication with every part of your body. Now, get it in communication with all of the MEST universe." Boom! Terrific change takes place. But unfortunately this can't be done all the time, so the other procedure is to clean up the lines which are keeping it from happening, and then just to the point where you can clean it up, and so you get the person up the line on that.

PC: No.

Now, theoretically all the other beings ought to blow immediately that this thing decides - this center being, you, which is really you, by the way - will decide.

LRH: Oh, the body's dead?

Now, your preclears can give you a bad argument every once in a while. They give you a very bad argument. They will say to you, "Well, I can't audit that, because if I audited that" - they will have the idea that "If I audited that, something horrible would happen to me." Well, you're not talking to the prectear; you're talking to the facade in front of the facade of the preclear. In other words, you're talking to a couple of theta lines deep before you're reaching the central being.

PC: No.

It's an amazing thing, but I'm sure that you'd have this happen if you were working around sanitarium people or something like that, or working on - oh, some very, very, very neurotic people: you would find them a being which was not their central being but which was saying it was their central being. In other words, it'd fool you. So you'd be busily giving them over into the hands of some lesser line which was psychotic as could be, and you want to avoid that if possible. It's not terribly important, but you want to avoid it, because your central being is not going to blow out; this would just make the case a little bit longer.

LRH: Body isn't dead ...

Now, you actually could become, theoretically, this expert, that when you find a body has suddenly been vacated - the fellow says, "Well, goodbye. Phewww!" - you look at this body lying there and you say, "Is anybody else here?" You don't get any response on the machine, starts turning kind of blue, you listen to the heartbeat and it's slowing way down, and what happened was even the genetic-line body's soul blew, and - well, shoot them with some adrenalin or something like that and pick up an idle spirit (there'll be a lot of those around) and shove them into the body real quick and say, "Hey, here's a body. Quick, rumpf! and stuff them in right quick and get the person animated again.

PC: No.

I just give you that. Don't delay too long on it, because in hot weather you know how it is. (audience laughter) Of course, there are many people here, as I say those words, that think I'm serious. Well, I am. (audience laughter)

LRH: ... isn't alive, yeah. Where do you imagine it could be?

Let's take another very, very short break and let me give you the rest of this - if you want me to.

PC: Between times.

LRH: Is it lying in a box?


PC: No.

A lecture given on 16 April 1952

LRH: Is it lying in a pit?

[tape continues]

PC: No.

LRH: Is it sitting someplace?

& [There is an unitelligible sentence here on the tape which does not appear in the R&D transcript]

PC: Standing.

Well, now I'm going to tell you something about what can be done with a theta line. You understand I'm only talking about what can be done with a theta line.

LRH: It's standing.

What can be done with a theta body? The first answer to this is "What can be done with a human being?" Anything that can be done mechanically with a human mind can be done to the theta mind - to a theta being - except these strange complexities of cross theta lines. That is to say, one theta line being cleared and another theta line coming across and stopping it from being cleared. All right.

PC: Yeah, that's what I get.

Let me tell you some of the things that can be done to a human being, and understand that I'm still talking about theta bodies because there's not any difference except a human being and his mind as he exists today - Homo sapiens - it's just more of them.

LRH: Oh, you poor devil. It's standing, huh? Where is it standing?

YOU can hypnotize a human being or drug a human being and move him as a theta body, in all or in part, to remote distances and have him observe or act or communicate and move back to his body again. This has been - he has many descriptive phrases, such as "astral walking.", It's of no importance what you call it. The point is that you can actually hypnotize yourself, which is one theta body hypnotizing another theta body inside yourself, and send that other theta body off to some vast distance and observe something and have it come back and so on.

PC: Standing in a hall.

This is very common. Your hypnotist knows this manifestation very well. You take somebody, hypnotize them, send them down to where somebody else is having a dinner party. And you count the people at the table and get the order of seating and what is going on and what is being eaten. And then come back and wake up and get on the telephone and tell them. It's very upsetting to them.

LRH: Standing in a hall.

You can, by hypnotizing yourself - that is the usual mechanism by which this is done - send one of you over to somebody who is sleeping and say to that somebody, "Now, you want to call me at 10:15 in the morning and say, 'I have a wonderful idea' and you will have a wonderful idea. Now be sure and tell me this." And you'll come back again, and 10:15 in the morning the person either has an impulse to call you, or they will call you, or they won't. But the oddity is that it's at 10:15 that they call and they do say to you, "I have a wonderful idea." It all depends on how good you are at astral walking, how positive are your results.

PC: Waiting for a turn.

Now, you can astral-walk some theta body clear across the United States or clear across the world and find out all sorts of things. And as a matter of fact, you can even dictate to it as to what it's supposed to do and get information from it while it is at this remote place. I am now talking to you about very, very elementary manifestations. These are quite well known.

LRH: Waiting for its turn, to what?

Self-hypnosis, as I say, is one line hypnotizing another line - in you. When a person is hypnotized, what happens is the control center which is uppermost - the control being which is uppermost - is put into some sort of a sleep and another being that isn't normally available is thereby exposed to view. And that other being is almost always neurotic or psychotic or very literal. And the second being can be told things. And then the person is awakened, which is to say the theta line which was put to sleep (which is normally in control) is awakened. And sitting back of that is another theta body, see, and it says, "Now, you will do so-and-so and so-and-so, and you're not supposed to remember it," so forth.

PC: Report.

Just think of a lot of little kids playing a game and this is about the manifestation you get. You see? So that's a posthypnotic suggestion and that is also an engram in operation.

LRH: Does it think you're dead?

A person is operated on. All theta bodies are asleep except one; this one observes everything there and then you run the person through the operation. What you've done is wake up six bodies if you run him through it thoroughly. See how that would work?

PC: Nope.

Now, awareness means awareness of what? What's awareness? There are a minimum of seven awarenesses. Which one of these awarenesses are you reducing when you give a person anesthetic? And how many of them are you sending away? How many of them are you holding on to?

LRH: The heck it doesn't. (audience laughter) When did it think you were dead?

Now, get valence. There are two valences. There is a command valence which shifts from one theta body to the other. It isn't the words that do it; it's the fact that a person is shifted on theta bodies because somebody told it to shift. Running back through incidents, you will find peclears out of valence. Well, that is to say, you're running a theta body which wasn't the theta body to which this happened, but the theta body which observed it happening to the other theta body. Get the idea?

PC: Earlier.

It happened to theta body A, and as you run him through the incident, you're running theta body B through the incident, so theta body B goes through the incident. And where was it where the incident took place? Well, oddly enough, time and space have very little to do with this, and so theta body B thought nothing of standing out in the middle of the room and watching it, particularly if there was charge on it.

LRH: Thought you were dead earlier. During an operation? Did you ever die in an operation? Did ...

Somebody comes along and hits the little kid in the jaw. Theta body B said, "No!" saw the blow coming and stepped out. Theta body A stood there and took it. Bow! You run the person back - they don't have any somatics, they tell you quite happily. "I don't have any somatics. No, I see myself."

PC: No.

You say, "Well, this is some illusion. It's-all-illusion - it's-all-delusion - and - let's-all-be-illusive-and-delusive - and-let's-grant-no-reality-to-anything - and-that's-the-way-we-all-stay-insane." Boy, that's a philosophy. (All those words that I just uttered have hyphens amongst them.)

LRH: ...ever think you died in an operation?

When you run this prectear back through again, you're running the wrong theta body back through. Now, you tell the right theta body to go through the incident and you get the somatics and so forth. But this right theta body may be so frightened by this time of existence and so on, that it takes a lot of persuading.

PC: No, I haven't had any major one, except tonsillectomy maybe ...

Now, how do you get a person to run through an incident in valence? Find the theta body that the thing happened to - the theta body in control, the theta body which has the memory bank containing the incident and all of its somatics - if you want to run the incident. Find it, run the preclear through enough data until the incident unburdens on the theta line that the incident happened to.

LRH: Tonsillectomy?

Now, you try to run childhood out of somebody and they've shifted into five consecutive different theta bodies since - the fifth body over there didn't even know the person had ever been a child. It was just out, it had nothing to do with the childhood, it was just there, and it was going around saying, "Hm-hm-hm-hm-hm-hm." He wasn't even aware of time passing or something of the sort. And one day have the entire load and control of the human body dumped on it; one day it suddenly found itself in control of everything.

PC: Yeah.

You know, dental operation, a couple of theta bodies got something in restimulation and so got a toothache, and so the thing to do is to go down to the dentist and have the dentist - anesthesia, pry, squeeze, yank, stamp, knee in the guts, you know, with lots of words. And the theta body which is in operation up to that moment says, "This is too thick. Another life, and it's still happening! I quit." And so it does. It says, "Well, here I am asleep.' And it stays asleep.

LRH: How about a tonsillectomy? Did it think you died in a tonsillectomy?

Now this person teeters around after the operation and says, "Well, I feel different somehow." You try to put this person back through the operation and they're out of valence. Now, if you will notice closely, they can call themselves the dentist as they go through the operation; they can go into the dentist, and so on. This is another manifestation of which theta lines are completely capable-of stepping into other people. And they do. They just simply step into somebody else.

PC: Could be. Getting it strong on that.

If a theta body, a theta line, is very mixed up and can't get control of the person in any other way, it will step into person B and activate some theta line in person B so as to do something to person A. You get that?

LRH: It just thinks you're dead?

Here's a theta line that's in person A, and person A is not under the control of this theta line; this theta line is quite psycho and very possessive, or something of the sort. This theta body will step around into another person and motivate them into getting angry at A. And then yap-yap-yap-yap-yap- Somebody will say, "I wonder why I am so angry at him. That was silly," but go right on saying, 'What's the idea?" and so on.

PC: Yeah.

And person A all of a sudden says, "Hm! Somebody is angry at me. Why are they angry at me?" And gets good and mad, and so you get a fight started. Because theta bodies are just people and they will start fights and they will argue, but sometimes they go about it circuitously. You find a mention of this in the first book, by the way.

LRH: Okay. Sort of missing. Well, what's it doing right now then?

Now, the manifestation, then, is that a theta body is not locatable in time and space except as it thinks it is. It believes it's here and therefore acts on MEST here. Or believes it's there and therefore acts on MEST there. Believes it's supposed to stay inside (and by the way, that's a big aberration to have to stay inside the body, they're not supposed to leave, and so forth - most of them have this aberration) and so stays inside or goes into another body and stays in there. A person can lose his theta lines.

PC: Waiting.

The only one that seems to have any constancy at all is a very old stable line, which is the center line. And that's quite stable, and when de-aberrated that line is very active - original line. All right.

LRH: Waiting. How long has it been waiting there?

Now, when you look at this manifestation, what is it possible to do with a theta body? And the answer is anything. When you look at human behavior, what's possible? You can have one insane person pervade a whole group. You can have all sorts of things taking place.

PC: A thousand years, roughly.

But back in the bad old days of sorcery, somebody wanted to get rid of somebody else - you see, you're not supposed to do that anymore, either. That's awfully hard to track down by law, and so forth. Here's a fellow 3,000 miles away from another fellow and the other fellow dies. And so all of a sudden we found that we didn't believe in ghosts anymore or we didn't believe in spirits anymore. A lot of things happened in this society to prevent this.

LRH: It's been in the area thousands of years?

But it's very possible to take, say, a child here and take one of the theta lines of the child, hypnotize the line and send it someplace else and invest somebody else and have that child be that person. You take somebody in apathy walking down the street. If you were very able theta-wise and you could get in and out of yourself at will, there's no trick at all of ust suddenly stepping into that person and making him think and do exactly what you wanted him to do. That's right. It's against the law that has been imposed on the aberration track, because it was found out that all of these lines had to be kept in one place in space or time before YOU could punish anybody. And it was very necessary to punish people, so you cou nail them down.

PC: Yeah.

What I'm talking to you about, you actually know natively that you can do; you feel a quiver on it, but it's against the law. And what's law?

LRH: It hasn't been waiting in line thousands of years?

Compulsion - that's it, compulsion. You're supposed to stay inside and you re supposed to be good. And you're not supposed to influence anybody else and you're not supposed to send any of these theta lines anywhere else and do anything to anybody else's body.

PC: No.

Now, I'm not advocating that you do. I'm not advocating that you do at all, but I am telling you that these are possibilities and potentialities inherent in the theta line.

LRH: Has it been waiting in line thousands of years?

You can go down to the library and you can pick up books about India, books about many things, and you'll find this and that happening. Think of what I have told you in these lectures and add it up on this theta line, and you will see all of a sudden a lot of these things suddenly clarify; they all of a sudden will jell.

PC: No.

People knew that you could take these lines and do things with them, and in the past they did. They did with a fullness and abandon which is very wonderful to behold. They would transfer theta lines and they would influence lives and they would cross things up in a most wonderful and remarkable fashion.

LRH: No. All right. Has it been up there thousands of years?

I wonder if I mentioned the word "building roads" to you - building roads in the sky, and just building roads and building roads and building roads, and building roads around sort of towers, and building roads across vast pieces of space, and building more roads just endlessly a nd endlessly - any of you feel tired when I tell you about that?

PC: Yeah.

Well, once upon a time some of the human race got caught a pushed into bodies and built roads. That's one of the joiner incidents.

LRH: Is it in good repair now?

You can run somebody back into this one and they get pretty tired, because it was a static. A person went on and on, life after life after life after life after life. You see, they knew that there was such a thing as life consecutiveness; they knew all about that, they could observe that. The fact that we don't know about it now is one of the control measures.

PC: No.

And so they went on life after life after life after life doing the same job and the same cycle in the same place, on and on and on, under very heavy control. And so you'll find that section of the track is quite aberrated.

LRH: Could you monitor that body from right where you are right now?

Now, how did they do this? How could you possibly catch a theta body? It's air, sort of -, it's worse than air, it's just nothing. How do you lay got trapped hold of it? Well, you can attract it by its feeling of ethics. You can attract it by its curiosity, or any other way that you can influence a human being into doing something that you know very well is bad for him.

Could you make it do something?

You invite his interest; you give him a lot of bow-row-rowr-rowr. And remember, in those days theta bodies were not invisible any more than they're invisible now.

PC: Thought I get - first thought I got on that was no, but I think I could.

So, your theta body could be attracted to a body for some very noble purpose or something of the sort, and then the purpose would get ignoble suddenly. Something would happen; a switch would happen. When this would occur, somebody would be trapped, because a theta body could be put to sleep. It could be put this way, it could be pressed that way.

LRH: Oh? Could you do something to it? Make it do something?

And some genius somewhere along the line picked up a wave that was very close to the wavelength of one over infinity. And it's so close to theta that it'll affect theta; it's the same wavelength as emotion. Emotion is one of those very, very short wavelengths. It'll affect a facsimile or a theta body or the MEST universe, so it makes a crossroads.

PC: No.

If you had a wave - electronic wave - in that area or part of the band, all you would have to do would be to shove it at a theta body and you would get some sort of a result resembling unconsciousness, or the theta body could not get away or something of the sort. In other words, there's a part of a band, such as emotion - there's an electronic approximation of it possible - by which a theta body could be trapped. This is initially how it began to happen.

LRH: Why? Why can't you make it do something?

And then how did you keep somebody there? How did you keep them from getting away? Well, these are big problems. It took giant brains to figure out these things.

PC: First thought I get on this is "I don't want to."

One of the ways you could do it would be to take some of the physical body and get the theta body attached to it. Take a portion of it; keep this portion in pawn, in hock. Put it in a little field so that it would live, you know, and put it in - like Alexis Carrell and Lindbergh figured out, keep the cells growing happily. And then, if you did something wrong over there a couple of miles, just - tsk! - stick it, and you'd hurt over there a couple of miles away because you were told you would. You had to be educated into physical universe pain. Well, that sounds very wild, but it's a possibility. And all I'm telling you about are possibilities, right now.

LRH: Oh, go on. Give it a nudge. Give it a nudge.

Now, there is the distinct possibility of doing this with a theta body: here is a theta body or several bodies in a MEST body. Here's a MEST body, much like you or I, or maybe one-eyed. Here's this NEST body and this MEST body is in perfectly good condition. And one day it walks along the road and sees this sign - says "Volunteers" or something of the sort, "Big Project - Big Project." And walks inside the building to find out what is this big project and there is the most gorgeous glowing block of stone which is hanging in midair - much like Mohammed had - except it emanates. He's gone. You walk in - bing! That's it.

PC: All right.

Then somebody (and this is theoretically, of course), somebody could take you and put you over in a building, you know, and they could shoot you full of narcosynthesis and say, "Now, you'd better, for your own good and because you have this big mission to accomplish, go to such-and-such a place and take the body which you see there, and work with it to accomplish so-and-so. And when that body dies, you will return here. And we will take very, very good care of this body here all the time you are gone. And you needn't worry about this body, because we will take good care of it. And you'll go down there and you do so-and-so and such-and-such and all will be well."

LRH: Give it a good nudge - solid nudge.

Well, all right. This individual, theoretically, could leave then. Theta body leaves - goes down here, leaves a little bit of theta there, you know, keeps the body ticking over, and comes down here to this area and takes over this other body. Of course, this other body always seems sort of unreal (there's already a soul in it). But it seems sort of unreal somehow but he works with it. And he doesn't quite know what he's doing, and he goes on. He's supposed to keep the body from pain, and he's supposed to do good, and he's supposed to do that and he's got a big goal and so on. And all of a sudden, one day, gets himself killed. Hah! He's supposed to report back now!

PC: Okay.

So he reports back; he walks in and he gets into the body, the body wiggles a little bit and the guards come along and they say, "Hah! There's another one." They pick him up and take him in. "Now, what did you do? What's it like? Give us a report. Now, all right. Mm-hm. Hm, that's very interesting. Mm-hm. Very interesting. Are you sure that's what you did? Yes, yes. Go on. Are you sure you know what you're doing? Mm-hm. You sure you were there? Mm-hm. Mm-hm. How do you know that was good? Well, why did you do it? Now, we going to open and write it down here in a big book, and I think you'd better go back again and see if you can't do better this next time. Well, forget it!" Bang! The person forgets it.

LRH: Hit it harder.

Then they take him over in the next room and shoot him full of stuff again. And they say now, "Yappity-yappity-yappity-yappity,yap," and "Here's what,you're supposed to do; you're supposed to go down there and get the next body you can come across down there, and it's all fixed up and you're - all good shape. And this time your goal is to organize a church. Yeah, you're supposed to organize a church in this life. So, goodbye."

PC: All right.

The person would appear down here as a baby - the line already has a soul in it - would appear down here all of a sudden as a baby, and go along and try to organize this church and try to organize this church.

LRH: Now, make it turn around and slug the next guy in line.

Now, the funny part of it is that he could be a composite mass of bodies, that is, theta bodies, which was - just amounts to one personality, and they could all be shunted simultaneously. So there he goes.

PC: Okay.

And he organizes a church and he organizes a church and he organizes a church. Only he doesn't organize a church very well and one day he gets killed. So, he's loose, he's outside of the body again and he - this is strange - he thought he belonged in that body. The second he gets out of it he realizes he doesn't belong in that body, but he's very foggy - when he gets out of it, he gets just awful foggy. So he goes back again and he - this body twitches and one of the guards says, "Well, come along with me," take him down. Write down in a big book, "What did you do? Why? Oh, you didn't do that! Yeah. Well, are you sure that was right? Are you sure that was what you were told?" Confuse, confuse, confuse, confuse. "Well, forget it. You'll have a to go down again."

LRH: All right, let's slug somebody else now; let's start a riot. Anything wrong with starting a riot? See, you realize it will probably get killed, don't you? Would it be bad if it got killed?

"But you told me I wouldn't have to go down again!"

PC: Yeah, seems to be.

"Well, forget it. So-and-so and so-and-so and so-and-so. Yeah, your goals this time is to go down and be very good in the hay business." Well, the fellow goes - very dopey about this whole thing and he goes down, and sure, this is all he's supposed to know. He's supposed to be in a body, supposed to go through this routine and goes to the other end of the line. And how long could it go on?

LRH: Would it be bad if it got killed?

Well, it could go on until such a body fell apart. That's the truth. Because you could keep a body - even with methods of food preservation we have here on earth and mechanisms which we have right here on earth at this time - you could probably keep a body ticking over for hundreds of years. Theoretically, you could keep one ticking over for thousands of years.

PC: No.

Then one day he goes back and he says, "I have no body." So he kind of shuffles down the hall - that's where he's supposed to go - and he shuffles down the hall and nobody sees him. But he stands around for a while and he says, "Well, I guess this is time I go back there again" and - pop! keeps going through the cycle endlessly, endlessly, over and over, but now with no implanted goals, and so he gets pretty aimless. He'd sure be puzzled, wouldn't he?

LRH: It's getting a little hunt here now; that's just fine. Would you be free if it got killed?

You could do such a trick if you wanted to control a planet, if you wanted to control a people or if you wanted to get something done for your own purposes. And if you were very good at electronics and that sort of thing, well, just a hair better than we are now, you could do this. You actively could accomplish this by shifting theta bodies around with astral projection.

PC: Maybe, yeah.

(Recording ends abruptly)

LRH: Mm-hm. You're not too worried about it, though? They ever tell it to tell you what to do?

PC: No.

LRH: They ever tell it what to do?

PC: Yeah!

LRH: Mm-hm. That's not as bad, huh?

PC: No.

LRH: No? Pretty good, huh?

PC: No.

LRH: Hm, fine. Look, if you didn't have to report back there, could you go someplace else?

PC: Yeah.

LRH: Mm-hm. Would you be free?

PC: Yeah.

LRH: Well, is that bad?

PC: No. (yawns)

LRH: No. Well, let's take a look at this again. Where's the body now?

PC: Here.

LRH: Did it just come back? The theta body just come back here?

PC: Yeah.

LRH: Yeah. Where's its body?

PC: Here and there.

LRH: Where's its NEST body?

PC: Here.

LRH: Mm-hm. Its MEST body is here. Is there a MEST body there?

PC: No.

LRH: What happened?

PC: It's gone.

LRH: Was the body gone all the time?

PC: Yeah.

LRH: Hm. What's it been doing, one of these perpetual stand-in-lines?

PC: Yeah.

LRH: How long has this been going on?

PC: Thousands of years, maybe.

LRH: Thousands of years. How long ago did this NEST body die?

PC: The number I get on it is thirty thousand.

LRH: About thirty thousand years ago. Long time ago, huh?

LRH: Not a long time ago?

PC: No, thirty thousand years.

LRH: Oh, that's not a long time ago, that's right. Well, is it glad to be back here? Is he stuck in an incident?

PC: Yeah.

LRH: What incident is he stuck in?

PC: What I get is Emanator business.

LRH: Got "none of your business," huh?

PC: I said Emanator business.

LRH: Emanator. He's stuck in the Emanator business?

PC: Yeah.

LRH: Well, you can audit him out of that, can't you?

PC: Yeah.

LRH: Well, tell him to come up to present time.

PC: All right.

LRH: Can he?

PC: First thought I get on it is no, but I think it can be done.

LRH: Mm-hm. How about getting him to remember something absolutely real?

PC: (pause) All right.

LRH: Does he find something that's real to him?

PC: Yeah.

LRH: Mm-hm. How about something else?

PC: (pause) No.

LRH: Can he find something else? What was the last real thing he got?

PC: Making an emanator.

LRH: Mm-hm. Overt act?

LRH: Mm-hm. Does he feel guilty about it?

PC: Yep.

LRH: Some other being now answering than him, huh?

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: How about letting him answer?

PC: All right.

LRH: Now, I'm going to address him very directly. You glad to be back here and off the rat race?

PC: Yeah.

LRH: Do you recognize it was a rat race?

PC: I get a "yeah" on that.

LRH: Mm-hm. How do you feel? Did you know anybody else was here in this body?

PC: No.

LRH: Mm-hm. All right, let's rapidly check: How many others are here in this body?

PC: Twelve.

LRH: About twelve? Mm-hm. How many of those are supernumerary?

PC: (sigh)

LRH: How many of them could you just get rid of right this minute?

PC: About four or five.

LRH: Well, shell them out.

PC: Hm.

LRH: Don't want to?

PC: Just a sec.

LRH: Hm?

PC: It takes time.

LRH: It takes time. All right, go ahead. Kick them out.

PC: It's been a favorite one.

LRH: All right. What did you get?

PC: Seven.

LRH: Mm-hm, okay. What were the others from? Overt acts or something?

PC: Yeah.

LRH: Which one was responsible for holding them in?

PC: What I got is center.

LRH: Mm-hm. Center wanted to accumulate them?

PC: Yeah.

LRH: The stomach soul wanted to accumulate them?

PC: Yeah.

LRH: Right side wanted to accumulate them?

PC: No.

LRH: Left side wanted to accumulate them?

PC: Yeah.

LRH: Mm-hm. All right. Well, there's some more of them around. Tell me is there another one here that has a body up there?

PC: No.

LRH: Don't find another one, huh? How about the right side? Does it have a body anyplace else than here?

PC: No.

LRH: No? Well, I guess we got you. Let's get somebody else.

[At this point there is a gap in the original recording. The demonstration resumes with a different preclear.]

[Booklet 17 says "SECOND DEMONSTRATION" at this point.]

LRH: Okay. You way back on the track?

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: How many million years?

PC: Oh, about fifteen, twenty.

LRH: Fifteen, twenty million years?

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: How about longer?

PC: Hm, could be.

LRH: She's way back. Which one of you is way back?

PC: Hmm ...

LRH: Center?

PC: No, about three of me.

LRH: About three of you is way back?

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: Notice that emanation, that wide hunt there? That's way back. It got pretty narrow by the time they got to this last show, last thirty-rhousand-year show. Well now, tell me, any one of these theta bodies - does it have a body elsewhere?

PC: Mm-hm, two.

LRH: Has two.

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: Which one of them?

PC: Which one of them what?

LRH: Which one of them has a body elsewhere?

PC: Two of them have.

LRH: Well, which two?

PC: Oh! The left inside and the right center, the right of center.

LRH: just to the right of center?

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: Okay, where is this left inside body?

PC: Sirius.

LRH: Mm-hm. Well, is it having a good time?

PC: Mm-hm. Always has a good time.

LRH: What do you know!

Anybody got a body of yours in pawn?

PC: No. (laugh)

LRH: Hm. That's the trouble with dames; they get exempt on these things a lot of times. (laugh)

All right. Well, how about Sirius, is it nice up there?

PC: Mm, could be better.

LRH: Mm-hm. Could be better. What's the planet's (snap) name?

PC: That's the only one I know about.

LRH: Mm-hm. Well, guess we're not going to get too much information here on the subject of. Are they all kind of stuck on the track someplace or other this way?

PC: Mm, those two are pretty well stuck.

LRH: just two are.

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: Well, can you free them up? Which is the first one that could be brought up to present time?

PC: The right of center one.

LRH: The right of center one, huh?

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: What's holding it back?

PC: The agreement to come here in the first place.

LRH: Oh. Can you click that?

PC: I've been trying all day.

LRH: What's the matter? Is it sorry it came here?

PC: Mm.

LRH: Not sorry enough.

PC: (laugh)

LRH: Did it come here because it's got another one here?

PC: Mm, got a couple of friends there.

LRH: Got a couple of friends there?

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: Mm-hm. Couple of your theta lines that are with you right now?

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: Mm-hm. Well, what if those left?

PC: Probably go too.

LRH: Well, which one of those won't go?

PC: The stomach one.

LRH: The stomach one won't go.

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: Why won't it go?

PC: It's happy, I guess.

LRH: Is it happy?

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: Mm-hm. Not unhappy. Hm, one big happy family.

PC: (laugh) Yeah.

LRH: Is that right? Evidently.

PC: I've got a nice somatic right here.

LRH: Oh, that one is putting up a protest.

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: Well, is that a man or a woman?

PC: Always women.

LRH: It's always women?

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: Mm-hm. Okay, what's the matter with that one?

PC: Doesn't want to be bothered.

LRH: Does it hurt somewhere? Hm?

PC: Doesn't want to be bothered.

LRH: Doesn't want to be bothered.

PC: Hm-mm.

LRH: And when you try to bother it, what's it do?

PC: Demonstrates it doesn't want to be bothered by acting up.

LRH: By doing what?

PC: By turning on a somatic.

LRH: Turning on a somatic? Why don't you move in on it and boot it out of that somatic? Come on, just move in on it and boot it out of that somatic.

PC: (pause) It's gone. The somatic has gone off

LRH: The somatic is gone. Bring it all the way up to present time.

PC: (pause) Something is blocking it.

LRH: Hm?

PC: Something's blocking it.

LRH: Something blocking it ...

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: ... from coming up to present time?

[At this point there is a gap in the original recording.]

[Booklet 17 omits this brief demo and skips to the next one.]

PC: ... the tongue and stuff removed.

LRH: Hac vocal ... Oh, had your tongue torn out.

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: Hm, makes difficult communication in MEST bodies.

PC: Yeah, a little difficult.

LRH: Well, does it recognize that there is - does it have a home?

PC: No. It's sticking pretty close to the center ...

LRH: Mm-hm.

PC: ... and follows it around.

LRH: Doesn't it have a home someplace else?

PC: Oh Yeah, of its own, but it hasn't been back in a long time.

LRH: Why can't it go back?

PC: Hm, kind of likes it where - being on the right of the center one.

LRH: Turned a somatic on.

PC: Yeah.

LRH: Doesn't make it very friendly.

PC: No, but if you have one that turns on the somatics, well, I'll leave it pretty much alone.

LRH: Mm-hm. Will leave it alone as long as it turns on ...

PC: Not after this: I'll get after it.

LRH: Okay. How do you feel now?

PC: Good.

LRH: Good?

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: Good. Okay.

[to audience] Somebody else here.

Male voice: Okay.

LRH: Okay. This gentleman has very kindly volunteered. Well, how are all "you all" tonight?

PC: Fine.

[Booklet 17 says "THIRD DEMONSTRATION" at this point.]

LRH: That's good. Let's get right down to the root of this matter. Which center are you running on? Which theta body are you running on?

PC: Right center.

LRH: Hm?

PC: Right center.

LRH: You're running on the right center? How about the center center?

PC: Sometimes.

LRH: How about the right side? Run on the right side?

PC: (mumble)

LRH: Mm-hm. Inboard right side? Outboard right side? Outboard right side?

PC: Inboard right side.

LRH: Inboard. Mm-hm. You sort of shift around, don't you?

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: Yeah. Any reason you have to? Can't your center be trusted? Can it be trusted?

PC: Sometimes.

LRH: Sometimes.

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: When did it fail last?

PC: Which one?

LRH: Center.

PC: Which center?

LRH: Right here.

PC: Oh, the center one.

LRH: That's what I thought: sound asleep.

PC: For some time.

LRH: Yes. How about waking it up? Move over into it. Be it.

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: Got it? How does it feel?

PC: Pretty good.

LRH: Any somatic turn on?

PC: One that usually does when I try to shift over into it.

LRH: Oh, well, where does the somatic turn on?

PC: Through the center of the head.

LRH: Through the center of the head.

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: What part of the center of the head?


LRH: Through the top?

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: That's the somatic that knocked it out? Is this Facsimile One - what we ve been calling Facsimile One - getting a camera turned at you, a band put around your head and bap-bap-bap?

PC: Could be it.

LRH: So how does the center like the noise whirr bap-bap, whirr bap-bap, whirr bap-bap? Like this?

PC: Not too well.

LRH: Not too well. Well, are there three points up there on top of your skull or just one?

PC: Well, it's elongated.

LRH: Mm-hm, like the soft spot in a baby's head?

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: Oh. Is this a lock on Fac One?

PC: Mm.

LRH: Or is this before Fac One? Before? Earlier on the time track? Earlier.

PC: No.

LRH: Huh? Yeah. What did you do, get killed when you were a baby? Hit over the head or something? Fall out of your crib? Hit over the head?

PC: Hit over the head.

LRH: Hit over the head.

PC: Something like ...

LRH: What hit you over the head? Somebody hit you over the head?

PC: A mace.

LRH: Hm?

PC: A mace of some sort.

LRH: As a baby?

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: Did you hit a baby over the head with a mace? (audience laughter)

Did you?

PC: Could have.

Male voice: I doubt it.

PC: Yeah, I don't think so.

LRH: YOU better not know, had you?

PC: No. Now that doesn't ...

LRH: Mm-hm. This looks awfully between-lives to me all of a sudden.

That center got a body between lives?

PC: Yeah.

LRH: Is it alive?

PC: No.

LRH: Does it know?

PC: Can't know.

LRH: Can't know. How about the right side? Does it have a body between lives? How about the left side, does it have a body between lives?

Ahh, the left side, huh? Left side.

PC: Left side.

LRH: What is the viewpoint from that body? Take a look; step into the body and look. (pause)

PC: I have a hall of cylinders.

LRH: Hm?

PC: Seemingly, plastic cylinders.

LRH: Plastic cylinders, it sees some cylinders?

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: Is it standing or sitting or lying? What is it?

PC: More or less suspended.

LRH: Suspended.

PC: Mm-hm, upright.

LRH: Suspended upright?

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: In a cylinder7

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: Mm-hm. Are you inside the body looking, or are you outside looking at the cylinder7

PC: Well, I'm in a body looking at others.

LRH: Are you in your own body?

PC: Yeah.

LRH: You in your own body?

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: Looking at others. That body alive?

PC: More or less suspended animation.

LRH: See that still needle reaction? Well, that's exactly what that says, and exactly what that means: suspended operation. Go on, kick him to life. Go ahead, move. Move some more. Move enough to knock the cylinder down.

PC: Hm.

LRH: What happens?

PC: cylinder broke.

LRH: Okay. Now what happens? (pause) We'll give it a couple of minutes.

(pause) What happens now?

PC: Body died.

LRH: Hm?

PC: Body died.

LRH: Yeah. Feel bad?

PC: A little bit.

LRH: Does it feel bad?

PC: It, the body?

LRH: No, the theta body of it.

PC: Hm-trifle; it was sort of attached to it.

LRH: Mm-hm. Was it told that the body would be cared for?

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: How long had that body been there?

PC: Thirty-five thousand, approximately.

LRH: About thirty-five thousand years. That's right. All right. Were you handled and controlled through that body?

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: You just realize it?

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: Is it a good thing the body is there? Was it a good thing the body was there?

PC: No. Good thing it's in the condition it is now.

LRH: Good. What do you know? You have a little doubt on that yet? Did that side keep going back to the body all the time?

PC: No. Well, conflict there.

LRH: Conflict.

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: Are we talking to some other theta body now? There is another between-lives body here.

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: Which is the next between-lives body?

PC: Right outboard or something ...

LRH: Right outboard. Mm-hm. Right outboard. All right, this right-outboard body, where is it? Take a took at it.

All right, what's it look like?

PC: It seems like a blank cover.

LRH: Blank?

PC: Light coming in from the right.

LRH: Light coming in from the right. What is the light coming from, a window?

PC: Apparently. It seems like another tank, only this one's horizontal.

LRH: This one's a horizontal tank?

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: Well, is there a window there or a port that you look through or something?

PC: Right side is - of the tank apparently plastic. It's transparent.

LRH: What comes in through there? Anything? Light coming ...

PC: Light.

LRH: Anything else?

PC: Vibration.

LRH: Are you inside the body?

PC: I wasn't.

LRH: Let's slide in. How's it feel?

PC: Moist, I think.

LRH: Moist?

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: What's the vibration like? Can you feel it?

PC: Mm-hm, slightly.

LRH: Mm-hm. What would happen if this body moved?

PC: Vibration would go off ...

LRH: Go ahead and move. Find out.

PC: Some clamps on it.

LRH: Some clamps on it?

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: Well ...

PC: Not exactly clamped down, but held.

LRH: It's held down.

PC: Little bit.

LRH: Well, can it struggle against them?

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: Go ahead, make a little struggle. (pause) What happens when you struggle?

PC: Vibration gets stronger at first.

LRH: Mm-hm. Struggle again. (pause) What's happening?

PC: Trying to move.

LRH: Good. Try to move it some more.

PC: I got the right foot free.

LRH: Got the right foot free. Go ahead, move it some more.

PC: (pause) Fluid seems to be going down.

LRH: Mm-hm. Move it some more. (pause) Make the grade? Can it get up?

Can't get up?

PC: Doesn't seem to be able to, no.

LRH: Mm-hm.

PC: Vibrations stop and the fluids drip out.

LRH: Mm-hm. Now what's happening?

PC: Body is rather - decomposing rather rapidly.

LRH: Hm, is it?

PC: Seems dead.

LRH: Much of a quiver to dying? Glad to die?

PC: In a way.

LRH: In a way.

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: Not much emotion about it?

PC: Hm. No, it's apathetic.

LRH: Apathetic?

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: Is this theta-body line apathetic?

PC: Great degree.

LRH: Mm-hm. What it says here. All right, bring it back. Now ...

PC: Okay.

LRH: ... what's the sensation in that side?

PC: There was a tenseness or - all along the side of the hip.

LRH: Mm-hm. Is the tenseness still there?

PC: Slight degree.

LRH: Mm-hm. Tell it to come up to present time. It stuck someplace else than in this death?

PC: No.

LRH: Or is this a heck of an imposition, to knock it off and then have it come back here and tell it to be cheerful? Feel sad about that body being gone?

PC: It wouldn't help much.

LRH: Nope. Tell me something. Did they tell you originally that they'd really take good care of this body?

PC: Oh, yeah.

LRH: Has this side been reporting back there between lives?

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: Boy, this is that awful still needle, that you get on something like that. It - just been doing this for a long time, hasn't it?

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: Would you consider this a rut?

PC: Rather deep.

LRH: Rather deep rut. Do you have to go through this rut anymore? Ask it if it has to go through this rut now.

(Recording ends abruptly)
[At this point, booklet 17 continues without a break, as if part of the same session, with material from the demo session near the beginning of lecture HCL27A. Considering that this demo and HCL 27 and 27A are all on the same date and that there are gaps in these early recordings, it is likely that the above is a fragment that belongs within HCL27A.]