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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Evolution and Use of Self-Analysis (4ACC-72) - L540329 | Сравнить
- Introduction (5ACC-00) - L540329 | Сравнить

RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Развитие Самоанализа - Л540329 | Сравнить
- Развитие и Использование Самоанализа (выборка) - Л540329 | Сравнить

CONTENTS INTRODUCTION Cохранить документ себе Скачать



This series of twenty-six remarkable lectures and seven Group Processing sessions was given by L. Ron Hubbard between 29 March and 7 May 1954, to the students of the 5th Advanced Clinical Course.

This series of twenty-six remarkable lectures and seven Group Processing sessions was given by L. Ron Hubbard between 29 March and 7 May 1954, to the students of the 5th Advanced Clinical Course.

These materials define the mechanics of universes and detail the ongoing struggle between theta and MEST, giving answers to many riddles which keep a being pinned at effect. The progression of world events in 1954, outside of Scientology, was such that L. Ron Hubbard's development of the technology to free mankind spiritually became more vital daily. In this year of 1954, the various national governments of Earth were working diligently to turn the planet into a series of armed camps, ready to enter a final rush toward extinction for the race of man. The United States and Canada activated a plan to place radar stations across the far north of the continent to warn of enemy aircraft or missiles crossing the Arctic; French forces were defeated in Vietnam, paving the way for the communist takeover of the northern portion of the country and the later Vietnam War; Colonel Abdul Nasser seized power in Egypt; the first nuclear submarine, Nautilus, was launched; and a hydrogen bomb test devastated a small island in the South Pacific, demonstrating the ultimate of man's destructive technology.

These materials define the mechanics of universes and detail the ongoing struggle between theta and MEST, giving answers to many riddles which keep a being pinned at effect. The progression of world events in 1954, outside of Scientology, was such that L. Ron Hubbard's development of the technology to free mankind spiritually became more vital daily. In this year of 1954, the various national governments of Earth were working diligently to turn the planet into a series of armed camps, ready to enter a final rush toward extinction for the race of man. The United States and Canada activated a plan to place radar stations across the far north of the continent to warn of enemy aircraft or missiles crossing the Arctic; French forces were defeated in Vietnam, paving the way for the communist takeover of the northern portion of the country and the later Vietnam War; Colonel Abdul Nasser seized power in Egypt; the first nuclear submarine, Nautilus, was launched; and a hydrogen bomb test devastated a small island in the South Pacific, demonstrating the ultimate of man's destructive technology.

As mankind worked to develop more ways and means of destruction and annihilation, Ron worked ceaselessly to develop the technology of sanity and freedom and to create the future which man had become convinced would never exist.

As mankind worked to develop more ways and means of destruction and annihilation, Ron worked ceaselessly to develop the technology of sanity and freedom and to create the future which man had become convinced would never exist.

In these lectures, Ron reveals the dynamics of how a thetan gets trapped in universes other than his own and thus becomes subject to the mechanics of that universe, apparently losing the power of his own postulates. He outlines the remedies for these conditions, and provides abundant examples and applications of this data in the context of day-to-day living.

In these lectures, Ron reveals the dynamics of how a thetan gets trapped in universes other than his own and thus becomes subject to the mechanics of that universe, apparently losing the power of his own postulates. He outlines the remedies for these conditions, and provides abundant examples and applications of this data in the context of day-to-day living.

This Advanced Clinical Course was given in an intimate and informal setting on the premises of the Church of Scientology in Phoenix, Arizona.

This Advanced Clinical Course was given in an intimate and informal setting on the premises of the Church of Scientology in Phoenix, Arizona.

It is our great pleasure to present the Universes and the War between Theta and MEST Lectures.

It is our great pleasure to present the Universes and the War between Theta and MEST Lectures.

The Editors, 1989The Editors, 1989