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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Beingness, Justice, Identity (3ACC-23) - L540114 | Сравнить
- Labels - Beingness and Justice (Continued) (3ACC-23) - L540114 | Сравнить
- Labels and Beingness (3ACC-22) - L540114 | Сравнить
- Labels in Society and Preclears (3ACC-21) - L540114 | Сравнить



5401C14, 3ACC-23
(alternate title: Beingness and it's application in terms of communication)


[Freezone transcript, not done by Fzba, we do not have the reel to check this one, if someone does, please verify. Checked against Alphi Hart's notes]Lecture 22 - Disc 25
A Lecture Given on 14 January 1954
38 Minutes
[The transcript below begins with an erroneous segment from 3ACC-24 (see the correct transcript for that tape, previously posted). Since tapes 3ACC-22 and 23 are a single lecture in two parts, Alphia Hart's notes treat them as a single unit. So here is the beginning of the notes which probably correspond to 3ACC-22, but might also cover a missing beginning to 3ACC-23.]

This thing we’re talking about, about unwillingness to be an effect, would be unwillingness to grant beingness, also.

Psychology has contributed only one thing - that human beings are not mice. The GE is an animal that has been brought up in spite of itself by a thetan.

As long as you think that there’s a finite quantity of beingness that you can grant, then of course, you can’t spare any to be the other thing which you want to create. Because the only thing it’s ever going to be created of is your beingness. (Just using that “beingness” kind of loosely as a term, it’s the best thing that describes it.) Do you see that adequately?

Areas where food is short replace eating with hunger. For one "goofy" on the subject of sex, have him find places where he can't survive, because the decision he can't survive is concurrent with his decision he can't create. One who has decided he can't survive usually goes into the hectic application of sex.

You materialize things with your own beingness. You see this MEST universe out here well enough if you are willing to have enough beingness to grant it beingness. You will be heard as easily in an auditorium as you are willing to put beingness out into the auditorium. You won’t be heard any better. I don’t care if you have the loudest voice in the world going through the loudest air horns.

(Add to the "applause scale" in Martha Courtis's book: Eating and Sex)

Note: The recording starts with the lecture already in progress.

Actually, ridicule, betrayal, etc. are all attention. The most awful thing you can do to anybody is to ignore them.

All right. Intention to materialize something, intention to have something, intention to do this means also “willingness to be something.” And also, it means that you must have some kind of an idea of the unlimited quantity of beingness there is of you to dispose of.

Knowingness and Beingness are two different kinds of operation. They're easy to confuse. Beingness and Awareness cross with Knowingness, but they're not. Beingness is the first tiny enterance into energy - and knowingness is not. It's part of the dwindling spiral.

Now, right as you sit there this moment, you have a feeling of being alive, don’t you?

A preclear even has some enjoyment out of being bored. Below that, at antagonism, they can't enjoy anything.

Audience: Mm-hm.

Beingness conforms to .5 on the Tone Scale: he looks up at the rest of the Scale, and evaluates Enthusiasm as grief expressed too loudly, and knowing all things to cry about.

Hm? You have some feeling of being alive?

The less efficient a police organization is, the more it dabbles with identities. It gets to the level where all it's interested in is using the identities to collect taxes. If you go into a police station today to report a robbery, you'll probably be sorry you ever closed terminals with the police.

Audience: Mm-hm.

Putting tickets on the windshield of a car is illegal, according to our own Consititution, which requires personal service. Police get away with it because people don't want the bother of going down and getting a trial date set; so they send in the amount of an arbitrary fine. This is duress and extortion - so there's no difference between a criminal and a cop.

Well, what is that feeling, huh?

As beingness runs down, justice runs out. You'll find a preclear as low on the Tone Scale as he cannot enforce justice.

Well, let’s examine that feeling. Let’s feel it. Well, do you know that you’re totally sold on the damnedest thing? And this, by the way, I’ve told a couple of people about back down the track one way or the other and they all of a sudden turned on like you’d panned. So, it’s just this: you know that feeling you’ve got there in your body? That’s a feeling which you once had in the walls of rooms in which you were. And you felt much better than that.

Technique: Have the preclear name some things he can do to others; name some things he can't do to others; name some things others can do to him; name some things others can't do to him. This may demonstrate to him that anybody can do anything to him, and he'd be powerless to prevent it - especially if he's dead.

When you talk to somebody for quite a while sometimes, do you have a feeling like they are “aliver”? Well, what do you think you’ve done?

Have him mock himself up where anybody can communicate with him; then mock himself up where nobody can communicate with him unless he wants them to.

You’re kind of living in them too. Do you see that? This granting of beingness. This mysterious quantity. It’s almost as mysterious as the ether the boys used to talk about.

[At this point the notes correspond to the beginning of lecture 3ACC-23 given below (after the erroneous section of 3ACC-24) - see the actual transcript from this point forward]

Well now, examine your chair. Just kind of get a feeling of the (quote) “personality” or “personability” or “beingness” or “aliveness” or “awareness” or whatever else you want to, of your chair, or its lack of it. Is it alive or dead?

[The beginning section of this transcript is actually from lecture 3ACC-24 (which has been checked against the reels) - see that transcript beginning around line 235. It is unknown whether the transcript was mixed up or whether the tape itself was overwritten. The erroneous section is included here to aid in sorting this out if and when the reel is found]

Audience: [various responses]

..did locational drills. And just did a tremendous number of locational drills, and did goals on the person. And then did the grand tour.

Mm-hm? Well, are you unwilling to be a chair or willing to be a chair? If you’re perfectly willing to be a chair, the chair will come to life.Let’s take the front wall of this room now. Does that feel alive or dead to you? Now, be willing to be the front wall of the room. Just be willing to be it and just stand there forever. I didn’t say exclusively. Be willing to be it and stand there forever. Quite like that?

But the whole thing, the whole thing was a rather easy job of auditing except those first few hours. That was brutal. I'd rather have been shot than leave my body sitting in that chair, leaning up against the chimney, looking down through the roof saying, "Three, OK. Um, yes, yes, it was very interesting. Um, um, that's very interesting. Now can you remember... Up against what?" "Yappity yappity yappity yappity yappity yappity yappity yappity yappity yappity yappity yappity yappity yappity yappity yappity yap yap, yap yap, moomouwm." Comm lag.

Audience: [various responses]

Now there's the other kind of a comm lag where they go silent. And this silence is about the same breed of cat, it's just the other side of the apathy band. You know a person can be in perfect apathy and still use their voice to defend? I talked to you yesterday about defend, you know? Well, this is just another symptom of defense. A person can throw up such a barrage of words that you plain ordinary never get through this barrage of words, that's all.

Now, let’s just be willing to be it. Kind of experimentally, be it now. Now, look at it and tell me whether or not it’s alive or dead. Does it look brighter or dimmer to you?

So, where our difficulty lies with a preclear is getting in that original communication, and that's your trouble with a psychotic, you see, getting in that original communication. But how long does it take to take a case from all the way south to theta clear? Well, it would find most of its time occupied in the lower band. You know, the first jump would be the most difficult one, and then the jumps happen with greater rapidity.

Audience: [various responses]

Well, there are very probably techniques which, as we swing along, will find our people more and more receptive, and more and more, well, easier and easier to communicate with, and will find things in a far better state of auditing in general. Probably there's a lot of things that we're using crudely now we will refine in their uses. But there isn't too much reason to, there isn't too much reason to go around hoping. And let's just look at what, I mean hoping, you know, that all of a sudden well we'll drift along, and, "We won't study this because Ron's going to come up with something that is newier and brassier." That was perfectly true a few months ago.

Well now, you don’t grant beingness by granting something energy. And when they start to buck around on the preclear and jump up and down and do strange and weird things, why, you’ve granted them energy rather than beingness. The funny thing is that energy materializes out of beingness, but beingness itself is not energy. It’s just this feeling of aliveness with which you are actually entirely conversant. You look at a dead man and if he's sprawled around bad enough, you’ll get a feeling of complete emptiness to him. You know, he’s really dead.

The funny part of it is right now we find ourselves using, though, such a process as Self Analysis. Funny. Gee, that's been around now for over a year, the way it's now written up. Alright, what are you going to do with this preclear who doesn't make a good jump? Let's take a preclear who's occluded, doesn't exteriorize, has no certainties and so on. If you audit that preclear for fifteen minutes and the preclear is not feeling well, doesn't feel at all in company with life, you can do a lot of things. But the odd part of it is, one of the more beneficial things you can do it just reach for a copy of Self Analysis.

Well, the first time I read about that and so on, I thought, “My, that’s a very descriptive phrase.” And so I put it in a lot of stories and so forth. And this was all very well until I found out that dead men were supposed to be dead because we’ve agreed they feel dead. See, we know how they feel because we’ve also felt dead and so forth. And they bother people to the degree that people feel they have to feel dead. That’s the amount they bother people.

Now this, mind you now, this preclear is occluded, can't get mock-ups, has no great certainty on anything and so forth. That's quite interesting. What you do is at least get him to make the gesture toward havingness.

Now, if a person feels entirely dead himself, he doesn’t mind dead men. You know, they feel like he feels, so it doesn’t matter. He just doesn’t have a perception of a dead man. But a person can be tremendously alive and he looks at dead men-and there’s the dead men, dead, you know-and they don’t feel dead to him. And although the bones are busted up and there’s some holes in them and that sort of thing, they just wouldn’t feel dead to him, that’s all. Why? Because they’re part of the MEST scenery. MEST scenery is kind of alive, it’s perfectly vibrant and alive to him. So why should a dead man feel dead?

Alright, if this person has the gesture there ready to deliver, you know, put up a mock-up, you getting an idea doing something, you at least get an associated chain of thought going. Then you get a little mass added to the case. Quite interesting, isn't it?

Well, when you remove that up one more step, you bring the dead to life, not by putting the same thetan back in them, but by being them. By also being them. And when I say also being them, you probably will understand a great deal more than just by saying “being them.” Nearly everybody gets hung up on this and the center of the puzzle is simply this: being something exclusively, which is the psychosis called the “only one,” from which most... If the thetan is suffering from any kind of a wingding, it’s that one. And that is a scarcity of beingness. It goes down deeper, then, into a scarcity of attention. After he has spread his beingness around, he feels he doesn’t have enough attention, so he couldn’t possibly concentrate from several viewpoints simultaneously and manage several living objects well.

Now, some of the somatics that go through as a person is just gesturing at putting up these things is fantastic. That's because his havingness is being rebalanced or unbalanced, and so on. But you can change the case, that's the main thing which you are trying to do anyway. I hope you're trying to do that.

And as long as he feels he couldn’t do this-you see, then he’d have to give attention from these objects and that would confuse him with what he’s doing, because “everybody knows you can only do one thing at a time”-and so we’d get into this kind of a situation, you see? We’d have a problem of the scarcity of beingness. And as soon as we got into this “only one” problem (label-any other way you want to call it, but “only one”)-soon as the fellow gets the “only one” problem, why, he feels that he can’t grant beingness. He restrains himself because if he did, it would kind of come to life and he’d have to have some attention from it. Now, I’ll give you an idea of that.

Now, where, where do we have, where do we expect then our case to bog, or where is the toughest point of auditing? Well, it happens that it's right at the beginning, right there at the beginning of the case. I'm sorry that it is that way, but it is. Right at the beginning. Now you people could feel very discouraged about one preclear or another who insists upon being too this way or too that way, you know, doesn't quite increase and so on. Well, with such a preclear you're making what we would call long haul. And you're making some kind of a break up through the level.

Now, let’s look at the room from this forward wall. Let’s be the forward wall and look at the room.

Now you're going to slow yourself down to the degree that you get anxious and start pressing. You know, the fellow that; you know the fellow that presses on the golf club, he never gets on the green? Well you're going to err more times in auditing in that direction than in any other. You're going to be pressing on that golf club, and beating out techniques, and thinking it's a fancier technique that's needed, thinking it's a fancier computation, and all the time it's right there on the stove, the old frying pan that this preclear ought to be cooked in, it's just an ordinary frying pan. It's just exactly what you're doing. Your speed picks up markedly when your understanding of this point picks up. And one of the reasons a preclear doesn't operate, and one of the reasons that an auditor doesn't operate very easily on this early span or the early run, one of the best reasons why he doesn't, has to do with his urgency. You know, he gets this feeling of urgency from the preclear, or he gets the feeling that nothing can be done from the preclear.

Now be where you are and look at the forward wall while the forward wall is being there looking at you.

Here's the big point, the urgent, urgent. You know, it's very urgent, it's an emergency proposition. Well now, let me tell you how to handle an emergency. Be efficient. That's how to handle an emergency. I've seen more emergencies go to hell and really deteriorate, simply because everybody had to be effast, and it didn't occur to anybody to be efficient. I well recall one time an engine had a shell in it. And boy, everybody was rushing around there, trying to put out a resulting fire, and man, they were running around there with empty extinguishers and empty buckets of sand, and they couldn't find the bales of rags, but when they did find them they couldn't find knives to cut bales of rags and so forth. And do you know what was sitting immediately above that engine? Immediately above the engine was the valve which flooded the engine room with spray.

You get an idea that this would be too much attention you’d have to spread and that it’s liable to be confused. Possibly. Or possibly, you’ve suddenly mastered the knack, which I hope you have.

I listened to this hubbub going on down there, just time after time I called down through the speaking tube and say, "Do you got that fire out?" expecting the tanks to go up at any moment or something to happen saying, "Do you got that fire out yet? Is it under control?" And then give a couple more conning orders, "Just stems over to the..." So finally I took the coolest looking fellow I could see on the bridge and so forth, and I said, "Go below and put that fire out." He came back a couple of minutes later, just that, a couple of minutes later and he said, "The fire's out, sir." "What happened?" He said, "Nobody had pulled the sprinkler cord.

Actually, it’s much easier to sit around in about eighteen or twenty objects, each one with an independent viewpoint, and look at something, because boy, you sure get an all-side view of it. And you sure get a lot of understandings of it. Now, that is what is meant by multiple looking-multiple viewpoints.

Well I swear, they were fooling around with that fire for about twelve, fifteen minutes. See, it was an emergency, and people get wasteful of time in the face of an emergency. And you as an auditor, when you feel yourself getting very, very anxious about this case, and pressing very hard on the case, do you know what you should do with that time? Just a little discipline for you, just reach back and pick up a copy of Self Analysis. Now that you have do so doesn't mean you're rattled on the case, you understand, but this is probably what the case needs. The case actually is benefitted by the feeling that there's something slow going to be done. It gives him the reassurance too, well it might not all have to be done by five o'clock. See that?

Now, a person does this one: he puts out remote viewpoints. That’s different than multiple viewpoints. A remote viewpoint is something he puts out someplace so that he can look at something. He’s not willing to be what he’s looking from, he is still himself where he is sitting, but he’s just unwilling to put out any more than the viewpoint. Let him put out some beingness, be the object and look from it, as it, and you don’t get a remote viewpoint.

So, here's something for you to, to; here's a security for you to depart from. I recommend very thoroughly to you this, and I recommend it in, in the face of an awful lot of data. I've seen that however deteriorate when an auditor didn't, well when he had too much urgency, that's all. There's too much emergency in the air, and so on. They don't pay attention to that little book.

Now most people-most thetans have this business about remote viewpoints. Instead of exteriorizing, they throw out some remote viewpoints. That’s a way of hiding. If people find the viewpoint, they can’t then find you. That’s real cute, isn’t it? So that’s a method of dodging and you have to watch for that one, because this fellow is, again-he’s in a worse condition than simply looking from one viewpoint. That’s what you call a deteriorated condition-remote viewpoints.

I'll tell you the routine course of a preclear in bad shape applying to my office for assistance. First thing I do is write them a letter; I've gotten down to a point where there's a pattern of these letters. The first letter says, "Well here's a copy of Self Analysis. Get somebody to read it to you," or read it to the person who is in trouble, either way. "Now tell me how you make out." The second reply is to the effect that the person has now gotten worse, and what are they going to do? So the letter that goes back in answer to that is is, "Get the copy of Self Analysis and use it." And the next letter that comes back is in a reply to this copy of Self Analysis, they have received it, but they think it's best to take the person to see somebody in Salt Lake City, or on the moon, or someplace. And then finally, you'll get a letter in; months have gone by by now. And they write in to you and say, "Well, the person, we took the person to Salt Lake City, and we finally wound up and saw a psychiatrist. He's been in and out of the sanitarium now, and has had five electric shocks, and so forth, and now what do we do?" And you write back and you say, "Please open the copy of Self Analysis and begin on page, I think it's sixty-six, and start in."

Now, there’s no reason to get confused about it, because this is a confusing subject. You just find out that every time somebody is handling remote viewpoints, that if you’ll just ask him to practice being a few things-I don’t care if he’s interiorized or exteriorized-you just practice being a few things, why, you’ll find this remote viewpoint condition having a tendency to clear up. Mostly because you’re making him willing to look from and actually give attention from several objects. Not at once. The way you’d do this is to start him in being single objects and then multiple, have him be two objects at once.For instance, you have to be, actually, two eyes at once in order to see with two eyes. That isn’t just one you, you see, standing there and looking through two eyes. If you’re going to use two eyes, you would essentially have to be the beingness of two viewpoints. But a person doesn’t get upset about this, because that’s normal and agreed upon and so forth. Well, every once in a while, a fellow is so thoroughly agreed upon this-he’s stuck in being two of himself-you exteriorize him and he feels like he’s going to pull apart. And this is very upsetting to him because he knows he can’t be more than just that spot he’s in.

Six, seven, eight months is a lag on this. And they finally do, and the person finally bails out of it, if they do it at all. But by not reaching for the technique that has some resolution for the case, they sacrifice six or eight months. Now this is what? This is a psychotic communication lag, isn't it? That's all.

Well, that’s why there’s no ceiling on an Operating Thetan. There isn’t any ceiling on it. The world is as alive to a child as he can see it from many viewpoints. If you were to ask a little kid-three, four, five years of age, who was in pretty good condition-to take a look at the yard from the fence while he was looking at the yard from his body, he would do so, and probably not get the two even vaguely entangled. Why? Because he can compartment his own beingness.

So if you know that this is a symptom, an emergency and waste; do you know the amount of waste there was in the war? When they waste time they have to waste havingness and everything else. They finally wind up; in any emergency homo sapiens winds up much worse off ordinarily, than if he'd just stood back and let the damn house burn down. Do you see that? That an emergency attitude is one which worsens, not which one which betters the situation. Honest.

Well now, this is condemned and feared, because it gets fixed sometimes and becomes a psychosis. It becomes used, as anything else will become used, as a forced, enforced method of escape.

In most fires it would actually be better if they just stood back and let the house burn. I've seen a fire take place on a street, and the only efficient thing that was done about the whole thing was to turn some water on the two or three neighboring houses, so they didn't catch fire too. That was efficiently done. And that was done by the people who owned the two or three neighboring houses, usually, and was done with a garden hose. But here are all these firemen all over the place, and here are these tremendous streams of water. And here are the axes and the battering rams, and so forth. And inevitably you always; go back to the place the next day and take a look, it is burned to the ground. I mean, there's nothing salvageable about it. Well now, it didn't much matter how much effort was put forward into the fire ordinarily, the result is about the same, with this difference, is the more emergency there was about it the more additional property to that property was injured. I have seen the most wonderful things happen in fires. One time I saw a lady in the fifth floor of a building which was on fire. She was completely neglecting the fact that she had better come downstairs, and bring that baby with her. And she had some Heppelwaite or something, china, or whatever you call it. And she did it all up in a blanket, and she took it out on the fire escape. And without even saying, "Stand clear," to anybody below, dropped it five floors. Yet she just had seconds left.

What’s the best way of surviving? Well, you’ll survive better as five people than you will one person. So that computation, when added up to a prevention of being killed, leads to disaster. What’s the intention? The intention is to dodge, not to live.

[a dozen lines from the end of 3ACC-24]

And we get back behind the scenes and we find out that if a fellow wants to live more and live wider, he has to be less afraid of being dead. It’s actually just a matter of viewpoint and intention whether you take the motorcycle down the road or the motorcycle takes you down the road. Or whether your automatic bank runs you or you run your automatic bank.

[A this point the transcript takes up properly with material from 3ACC-23]

Now it’s very amazing to you and you very often consider that it’s a very terrible thing that all these automatic machines are sitting around, because they appear to have beingness. They’re alive! Let’s take the entity problem. They’re alive! Oooh! You know, they think, they do all sorts of things.


Well, how do you think they got that way, huh? You put them up at a time you were willing to be you and a machine. And then you were only willing to be you. But you’re still out operating the machine. You see that? Lots of you is scattered all over the shop, no longer used by you, but is used by you against you.

.. to you that wanted to. Duplicate it. Now mock yourself up in the condition where anything that wanted to could communicate to you. And duplicate it. Now mock yourself up in a condition where nothing could communicate with you if you didn't want it to. Do that again.

Now let’s just take granting of beingness and transpose it into willingness to be and 7 willingness to feel life from things and we’ve got the problem pretty well solved. See that?

Now how many on the first one got dead body? Sick body? What it is of course is a dead body. Now here is the boy who has gone into an identity. The most identity there is is a dead body. That's unfortunately true. The most identity there is is something which is completely motionless, and identity and motion are themselves a direct index.

I’ll give you an example. There was a fellow who had a rather persistent cough and a lot of these covert techniques wouldn’t turn it off. So, I spotted the fact that Papa coughed almost incessantly and Papa was always giving him orders. This fellow was already exteriorized, but he still had a cough-which is an oddity, by the way. But it’s just because he was holding one type of beingness in suspense. Papa was so obviously the person who assigned beingness that it never occurred to him he could be the beingness of Papa. So he had to resent Papa, he couldn’t duplicate Papa. Papa duplicated him, but he couldn’t duplicate Papa.

As the identity increases the motion decreases, 'til you get complete stillness. Now if you want a terrifically imposing identity, you just fix yourself in one spot very fixedly, and you'll get an identity. Now the more thoroughly you fix yourself the more identity you'll get. Now that doesn't seem to hold true, because you think of a dead body as not having any right to use his name. Even though he has the name, Bill, he hasn't any right to use that name, but wait a minute. He has no right to motion. He has a right to a name but no right to motion. And anybody can find him, anybody can communicate with him.

So I took him way up somewhere a few thousand miles up, where we could get real good mock-ups, and had him mock-up Papa twice, both mock-ups facing the same direction on a same line, you see? Just like you had a communication line with Papa at C facing E and Papa at E again, facing away from C. Just have Papa repeat it. Because that would be the way the image Would come in. You see, it would be—Papa would be reversed at E. And then had him be Papa and give the E an order. And then be the E and repeat the order. The only thing that bothered him after a while was he couldn’t think of any other orders. But we just had him be at C, you see, and give an order like “You do so-and-so” and then be the image at E and say, “You do so-and-so.”

For instance, as long as there's the slightest bit of life in an individual he can protect or defend the body in some fashion. In other words, the body cannot be communicated with totally. For instance, damp might not be able to communicate with it, Earth might not be, dirt, these things can't communicate with it. He's protecting it to some degree, you see? He could still remove it into the situation, one way or the other, where he had some protection. But if that body is dead, immobile, then Earth, and rain, and anything can get to any part of it, to the deepest part of its structure. Mold; animal runs along, it can run over it, anything can touch it in other words. Somebody comes along after the battle, the body's lying there dead, why, they generally just pump a few volts into them, or wack them with a acute force, something of the sort. They quite normally treat bodies very disgracefully after a battle. They recognize this. In modern times they plow them into trenches and send empty coffins home to the folks. But there is the end product of MEST universe communication. Do you see that? And it's an identity. And identity tends in this direction.

Well, his cough evaporated. Cough, obviously, was some method to resist a communication. Must have been a communication from in front and, in view of the fact that it was the body and the fellow could exteriorize so easily, the GE itself had been granted-the front of it had been granted-beingness by Papa. There was kind of a reverse image of Papa standing on the front of the fellow’s body, you see? And he was unwilling to be this beingness. As long as he. was unwilling to be the beingness of Papa, he was unwilling to be the exact front of his body. So if he was unwilling to be the exact front of his body, of course, he’d just keep on coughing. Why? It was Papa’s cough.

Why does the FBI know you, I fooled you. You just thought I was yapping about law and order. I'm not yapping about law and order, there isn't any law and order, that's what I'm yapping about. Why's the FBI want every criminal's fingerprints every place in the land? So they can communicate with them, of course. You see? So the better the fingerprint files, why, the better the communication. So when the communication is utterly perfect, and they can reach him at all times, and no communication whatever can be prevented in the FBI, then they think they have a good police system. They haven't got a police system, they got a death system. See? And a society degenerates to a point where that system itself considers every citizen within it having no right to move without state permission. And you have this along the iron countries today. You have no right to move unless you have the permission of the state. You haven't any right to walk without permission of the state really, because you're stopped, and your papers requested every few blocks. Interesting, isn't it?

Now, let’s add this up to the same thing as automatic machinery. The machinery-you’ve set yourself up. You know, one day you just move over and you’re a machine, see, and you’re going to run the body and now you move back into the thing that’s going to be run. And this makes it all nice and smooth and even. The only trouble is, it’s in reverse. But you apparently have-eventually, you have somebody who has a lot of demons standing around giving him orders.

That's all on the basis of cutting down motion, cutting down motion. And the more motion cuts down, why, the less freedom there is. So this is other determinism, and other restriction, which of course winds up in the no-freedom of death. Death is the no-freedom level. That's why we have the tone scale. The tone scale is really just the tone scale from life to death.

Who are the demons? Who are the entities? Who are these things? Who are these automatic machines? They’re him. They’re him, with a fixed idea.

Now it so happens because of the thetan that there are levels below death, as you conceive it. But these are not communication levels worth a nickel, because the truth of the matter is - and this will pick you up as your spirits sit there and sag, you poor people, having stuck you in a few past deaths - get this one; the only thing MEST can communicate with is MEST, and you're not MEST. So it must work out on the basis of protection that you're doing, and if you're mobile at all, if you're mobile at all it must be that you're capable of some protection. And the degree of protection of which you are capable is the degree of mobility which you can achieve with that MEST which you're trying to protect. You see that?

Well, a wonderful way for a thetan exteriorized to set up an automatic machine is just be in one place and say, “This place is in relationship, now, to the other me. And now I have the fixed idea that I must at all times remember to brush my teeth and I will tell myself to brush my teeth. I will tell that other being to brush my teeth, at all times. And now this will resist all effects and go on forever and I’m here.” Then he flips back into his other beingness and cuts the line. He’s made another chess player. Except this isn’t a chess player, this is a tooth-brusher. And after that, he feels nagged if he doesn’t brush his teeth.

Alright. Then let's see that the MEST universe, it could be said this way, like I was saying it before, which was why you got so depressed, that the MEST universe can at any time communicate with you directly. Well it can communicate with thetan plus body pretty well, but it can't communicate with a thetan, except as he chooses.

Well, of course, you can say, “Well, that’s his mother or that’s his father or that’s somebody else brushing his teeth.” Well, if he didn’t have such a machine himself and if he hadn’t agreed to it and set it up himself, it wouldn’t be there. Wouldn’t be any tooth-brushing machine in the bank.

Now the individual who steps out of the body and then can't see anything right is simply really exercising his methods of protecting himself. He isn't in communication with the MEST universe because he conceives communication from the MEST universe to be dubious, at best. You know, it has dubious value. MEST can communicate with MEST. It's all very well to say the MEST universe is composed of consecutive spaces, so therefore any part of the MEST universe can be in communication with any other part of the MEST universe. This shouldn't make you unhappy. You would think it was a funny football field where goal post one couldn't communicate with goal post two because they were on two entirely different planes in two different towns. That's be a real silly game, wouldn't it? So if there are uninterrupted spaces between here and Jupiter, or uninterrupted spaces between here and the next island universe, why, of course there can be no game. It's just the game is pretty big, and can get pretty vicious. But it's a big playing field. But just as a football player can go over and sit on the side lines, so can a thetan go over at any time and sit on the side lines, as far as the MEST universe game is concerned.

Now, when you insist, always, that you are talking to another being, somebody else-when you always insist you’re talking to another being, that this person is another beingness-people start to get kind of hateful to you. Gets kind of to be an ornery problem. Why? Because they’re kind of occupying your space and all that sort of thing.

Now, what the thetan's been doing, he's rigged himself so that this can be a fairly covered up fact, so that he won't have to remember past lives, so that he won't have to have any identity in those lives, because he's really as immobile, he believes, as he has identity in those lives. There's nothing wrong with remembering those lives, but the more identity you kick up for him in past lives, the less mobile he becomes, the more times he's stuck on the track, if he considers that an identity, as a symbol, is in itself valuable. So we come back to the definition of a symbol. A symbol is an idea wrapped up in energy, which is mobile, which takes of course space. It's energy in space, but it has mobility. It definitely has mobility.

Well, one thetan can’t occupy another thetan’s space worth a nickel as far as the two thetans are concerned, because they don’t have any mass. You have to have mass to occupy space. You could put five thousand thetans on the head of the pin and they’d all be individuals. Just as you could put five thousand automatic machines all the way around a guy and he could still occupy a cube of space one millimeter by one millimeter by one millimeter. He could still be five thousand machines.

Now it's an idea wrapped up in energy. So anything can communicate with it, of course. In the MEST universe, anything can communicate with a symbol. Anything. The book down at the library can be thrown out back and a horse can see it. He doesn't have to be able to read to communicate with the book. Well he'd have to be able to read to communicate with the deep significance of the book, but we're not talking about significances. We're just talking about a book. And here's a book, and a horse can look at a book. So can some dead leaves look at a book. Any shaft of sunlight, or any drop of rain can communicate with that symbol.

This is not very imponderable if you just consider the idea of a static not having quantity connected with it and a thetan not having quantity connected with it. One of the best ways to disabuse a thetan of having quantity is to make him pass through a force screen of some sort-move through it. The heck with it, he can’t move through this force screen as long as he’s carrying a lot of mass along with him. Because force screens can only act upon mass. And if he thinks he is being mass instead of granting the beingness to the mass-you know, he is the mass, you know, fixed, no further ramifications on it at all, he’s fixedly the mass—why, force screens, then, can affect him. It’s the only way they could affect him.

So anything in the MEST universe can communicate with a symbol, really, except for this: Except for the protective instinct of life. Now you think life is destructive, but it isn't life that you're fighting. Many people think they're fighting life, and they are hard to live with to the degree that they think they have to fight life, that they think that life is their randomity. They're ... to live with as they haven't chosen life for their randomity, and recognize rather clearly that this playing field itself is a liability. Now the only liability there is to this playing field is that it is consecutive spaces, and can communicate from one corner of it to the other consecutively. And the only liability a thetan has, that he loses his ability to protect those masses or symbols which he is shielding from communication. See that?

But actually, his individuality depends upon his not having any mass but granting beingness all over the place. You don’t have to become that thing to which you grant beingness. But you have to be willing to be it, also, as well as you.Now, if you’re willing to be the whole MEST universe and you, too, you’re an individual adrift in a very live, very large playing field. But if the rest of the MEST universe is just something else and you’re “agin it” and that sort of thing, well, the end product is a very grim one. You simply become smaller and smaller and smaller and smaller and less willing to grant beingness to anything.

So he is as able as he can protect. There's nothing wrong with protecting and defending. An individual cannot possibly exist without some ability to protect. It's a funny thing that there's one thing that isn't a dichotomy in all of this, and this too works out very interestingly in terms of an interesting comment. You can if you wish run on a preclear your problem. You know, you just say, "The preclear's problem is this, and the preclear's problem is that." We use it all the time very loosely, because that's our frame of reference here in this particular culture. But do you know that if you were to double terminal "my problems" you'd probably get no action? You get no big action, you just double terminal out there, four times. You can try it on a preclear if you want. Because I am telling you about it it might or might not work on you, but you get four terminals, "my problems," and you just don't get much action out of it. Nothing, nothing violent. But you put up "other people's problems" as four terminals, put it up there four times. Try it. I don't see a lot of sighs around here. Getting a little action out of those mock-ups?

Now, how did-let’s just provide that somebody did-how did Lazarus pick up his bed and walk?

Now put up "my own personal problem." Now which one had the most action connected with it? (... others ...) Yeah, a lot of action on that, other people's problems, 'cause that's all the problem you got. There isn't any other problem than the other person's problem. This works out very basically from this business of protection, communication. Now by our definition communication is any particle flow. That's communication. So we find out that a bullet or a Western Union telegram or anything else; as a matter of fact, a thetan doesn't much distinguish, mostly because good and bad are a matter of consideration. Well he can start to consider that bullets are valuable communications and good communications, and Western Union telegrams bad communications, even though they tell him he's won a million dollars in a lottery. You see, we've got that consideration enters in there that fools a lot of people. They think there are contra-survival and pro-survival elements, just because of the judgement they're utilizing, and a frame of reference in which they are working out the immediate problems with which they're dealing.

Female: He brought his bed, his own bed.

If a bunch of boys get together to destroy a company of the enemy, believe me they are not going to consider any beneficial fact a good fact. The only good facts they have there are destructive facts. So they come up and they say, "Well alright, let's fix up some hand grenades so they have a one half second fuse. And let's fix them with the enemy labels, and leave them in the enemy supply dumps. That'll do for a few of them, and let's see." And everybody would sit around, and after somebody tossed that one up, why, they congratulate each other you know. "That's a good one, that is. That's real good," and so forth. Well, it's just a matter of viewpoint, a matter of beingness. It's what company or what army they belong to, what fact is good.

Worse than that. The fellow that treated him was Lazarus. We don’t know whether Lazarus, the thetan, having shoved off-we don’t know whether he was still Lazarus the thetan, but we know this body picked up a bed and walked, see?

Now they find this pile of hand grenades with one half second fuses in their own supply dump, and a half a dozen of their boys use them. Now that's a bad fact. No good at all. It's what they're protecting that makes things good or bad. And what they're protecting against that makes the bad. And this breaks down to just the business of beingness. What are they being specifically? What are they being? Are they being themselves or being the enemy soldiers?

Now, once in a great while back down through the Middle Ages, some saint’s statue or something of the sort has stepped off the pedestal or spoken. There’s no doubt that this has happened, you see, because it’s too easy to make it happen. If you’re just completely willing to be the saint and then completely willing to alter the basic material of the statue till it can be mobile, of course, any quantity of statues will walk and talk. See? This is not a difficult problem.

Now once in a while some fellow sails in at a high tone, and he looks over this game and he says, "Isn't that interesting. Those fellows are being blue shirts, and these fellows over here are being green shirts. Hm." A lot of nice guys on both sides. He'll say, "What you guys fighting for, huh?" Well they've got lots of reasons. Yeah, they'll have, they have more reasons than anything else. Well this guy was fairly high toned, won't interfere particularly with them fighting, but he's liable to point out to them how they could make a much better game out of it, because it basically looks like a game to him, you see? And he finds that the green shirts keeps all their troops waiting for two years before they let anybody fight, and this spoils the game. And the blue shirts do something else, and that spoils the game. And he says, "Gee whiz, you know something? I'm going to let you fellows in on something. You're geared, according to your time ratio to have a game here, and I don't find you doing anything. Why don't you have a game?" You know, that doesn't seem right to him, they don't have a game.

This problem is really as difficult as you make it difficult so that other people won’t give you continuous surprises, such as making houses greet you and say, "Good morning.” The world can get readily and rapidly a bit too random for a lot of people. And that’s the way to get random. You’ve been going to church for a long time and one day you go to church and the altar yawns. And the congregation screams! Merely because it’s unexpected.

Alright, some other guy drifts in, and he's in real apathy. He's been whipped. He knows he can't protect anything. He's just sure the green shirts and the blue shirts alike will turn on him. Even if he's a green shirt he knows the green shirts will fight him, if he's a blue shirt he knows the blue shirts will fight him. And he goes in and he says immediately on this level, "Well, killing is wrong, and everything is wrong, and fighting is wrong, and you shouldn't do that. And what you should all get is at Beastianity or something." That's strictly from a self protection method, because he knows he can protect nothing, he has to have no action. So you get a mockery level on the tone scale, which is the mockery level is a high level on the tone scale. You see they look alike at a first glance. You have to distinguish between the two, and the distinguishing thing between the two is how much motion is being called for.

Now, these people who go around trying to “feel the atmospheres” of places, are trying to be the effect of places. And if you go-this is horrible-this is terrible that I have to tell you this, because it probably will hit awfully close to home in several places-but the fellow who goes around and tries to feel the atmosphere all the time without putting any there, of course, winds up by not feeling any atmosphere. And the world gets to be very drab and very dull and very unexciting after a while, because all things kind of seem the same to him and there’s no interest in it and so on. The dark night full of sage-he remembers this as something very wonderful that he has experienced when he’s young. And he gets back into the same area again and he tries to feel the dark night full of sage. Of course, he winds up by feeling an engram, you might say, a facsimile of what he felt before. Because he’s willing to get back there and be the effect of what he was in the past. Well, if you want to be the effect of the past, go ahead. But the only time you’ll ever live in is the present.

Some fellow who is talking very, very benignly, but calling for no motion of any kind whatsoever, and no action of any kind whatsoever, he's on the mockery band. But somebody could talk very, very benignly way on up the scale.

Now he could just artificially do this all over again simply by being the night, being the sage, being the smell of the sage, then being himself. And believe me, he’d get a good, beautiful, romantic scene. In other words, put it there and then get it back.

Now a thetan is in good shape and having a good game on this percentage. He's using fifty percent of his activities as attacking, and fifty percent of them as defending, or protecting force. He's so composed that about fifty percent of his activity has to do with attacking, and about fifty percent has to do with defending. And he'll have a good game and a well balanced game, and he'll go on and he'll have a lot of fun, and lots of things will happen. And the reason I give you this is because it's a figure that holds good in almost any sport, including war. That's a good, good average.

Now, fellows build in automatic forgetters. They are the night, are the sage, are themselves, so that they can experience the night and the only conscious experience which they permit to the surface is: “Doesn’t the night smell wonderful!” Well, there has to be two forgetters in there before the night feels wonderful. You see, they have to be the night and then forget that they were the night and then they have to be the sage and forget that they are the sage, then they have to be themselves and experience it. See? Get how tricky this is.

For instance, if you imbalance infantry and make them a ninety percent holding force, they're going to lose. Look at France. They made France into a hundred percent holding force in the Maginaw line. You can't handle infantry like that, that's all there is to it.

Fellows are putting forgetters into themselves all the time. They don’t know what their left hand, right hand is doing. Problem. Because they’re sold on the idea that it’s better to be an effect than to be at cause. So they’re trying all the time to be a good effect, trying not to be a bad effect, trying to be a good cause, trying not to be a bad cause. And they’re getting highly selective, on what? A basic consideration. And that consideration is only this? that there is badness and goodness. See? Badness and goodness don’t exist unless you can consider they exist. Beauty does not exist unless you can consider that it exists. Beauty and ugliness are agreed-upon concepts.

Now let's take a besieged castle. The odd part of a besieged castle is it has to do so much attacking. You say, "But it's besieged, it's ringed around by its attackers, and it can't possibly do any attacking because it's ringed around by its besiegers and so forth," and that's a sort of definition of the game. Well, if you look into history and the wars that had to do with siege craft and so forth, you'll find out that about the deadliest thing to sting would be some kind of a castle like that, because if it just sat there and defended itself it would fall. The besiegers could sit there and their supplies could come in, and they could get supplied and they could get squared around, and nothing would happen, and everything would be very calm in the countryside, and it could be plundered at will, and people would just sit there in the castle you see, and wait to be eaten up. And maybe the castle could defend itself, but there is no time limit on how long a besieger who has full run of the countryside can beseige.

And by the way, they are probably the most thoroughly complexly codified agreements which you have in the bank. They’re aberrative mostly because of that, not because beauty is the all and everything. Do you see that? They’re terrifically codified. And then you have to forget about them so that you can experience them. The one thing that you think you have to do is experience beauty. Of course, that makes you the effect of beauty all the time. Well, if you don’t make any beauty, you can’t experience it.

So those castles became unbesieged, which themselves would spend about fifty percent of their time holding the castle, and the other fifty percent just raising hell with the besiegers. How'd they do this? They'd have sally force, small group of men slide out in the middle of the night, and the next thing you know, why, eighty baggage wagons go up in smoke. And then there's a small group of cavalry go out, and they just cut the communication lines to pieces. Then the next thing you know, the besiegers are besieged on the other side, and they're caught in between by a fairly sizable force, one way or the other. And boy, it got real random.

Well, getting back to what I was talking about at first, if you let the society grant you a beingness and then you agree to be fixed in that beingness, as a label, the whole thing caves in on you and eventually you die as that identity. Because that is the road to death: accepting a label and then being only that label. That’s the road to death.

Siege warfare is an interesting study, mostly because it has ceased to exist almost, and it appears to be an entirely new picture. But what do you know, our old pal, our old pal Hitler didn't know anything about siege warfare. He decided that you could neglect arms posts; he decided you could neglect force. And he did with great success, because he was fronting generals who didn't know how to use them. And then as the war progressed, the boys realized what he was doing, so they started specializing in siege warfare and a few other things like that, and the great warmachs were naught. You know? He just took armed points and that sort of thing, and just cut his communications and everything else to ribbons. And so this huge machine depended entirely for attacking and no protection, oh boy. It lost.

The road to life is to make everything live. You couldn’t be simpler than this. Make everything live. Little kids go around, houses actually tip their caps to them.

In any game of life that'll happen. If in business you simply were to sit still and take only the inflow, and never do an outflow, you'd starve in a very short space of time. So we get this whole picture of balanced flows, which this universe has so pat. Outflow, inflow. And a good game is fifty percent outflow and fifty percent inflow.

One of the happiest fisherman I ever met, by the way, used to make a run up through some very narrow fjords and so on and he knew every rock on the way. But he didn’t put it that way. He says, “You know,” he says, “every rock all the way up there, every one of them knows me. Every bird knows me. Every rock, every bird.” He obviously was consciously the whole time granting them beingness, he knew he was granting them beingness, this had never slipped the cogs. It was just a big joke with him-good fun.

Now you get a preclear to come along, and the preclear will say to you, "You know, I outflow all the time, and that makes it possible for me to hold off and defend myself, one way or the other." Huh-uh. You won't find him in very good shape. We'd call this a stuck flow or something of the sort.

So we get down to the fact that if you can’t create, really, to some degree, you can’t live. And a fellow who has made up his mind he can’t create in certain departments and that certain things are wrong with him so he can’t create certain things, of course, goes off in terms of beingness, just incidentally goes off in terms of beingness, because that’s one of the things he can’t create. He can’t create selectively.

This fellow must have some ability to attack in order to protect. Just to protect he has to attack. So the fellow who says, "I'm going to sit still the rest of my life and have tea," has just signed his own death warrant. You see why he has? He's still going to be in this universe. Well, there's your problem with a preclear is how much can he defend. The other part of the problem is how much is he trying to. And that gets to be grim.

And you would be amazed that nearly every human being has agreed with himself many times over that he can’t create this item, that he can’t create that item, that he can’t create something else. When he can’t create enough, he gets onto the second part of the curve, which is survival-which he must make everything persist. When he has to make everything persist, then his mock-ups come back after he’s banished them and the blackness persists and all sorts of things happen. Then he slides over on the curve and he starts unmocking everything because he’s made unmocking itself-by validating survival, he has made unmocking his randomity. So every unmocking machine in the bank will eventually turn around and start to unmock everything he’s got, merely because he is them, still, and he is then his own enemy. You see how that would work? And you’ve got your occluded case, actually, just on that cycle.

If Japan had not fallen when Japan fell, Japan could have won the war in the next wave. Because Japan spread herself all over the Pacific in such a way as to convince the US forces into a raiding force, then it became elementary to roll up the Japanese from island to island. Became elementary. Why? Because Japan was spread all over the islands, of course. Well now, all things being equal and atom bombs aside, and if the somewhat like manufacturing abilities had been more of a parity between the two, by the time the US had rolled up Japan back onto the home island, she theoretically would have left a very heavy raiding force, very compact, which could still have raised hell with the US forces. And we could have gotten this where first the US is spread all over the Pacific, Japan rolls them up with a raiding force. Then, the US is all compact now, so it rolls up all these Japanese spread all over the Pacific. Then the recurring wave of that, if it hadn't had been for the amount of destruction which was done, would have been simply for Japan to now be compact, and come back and roll up all the forces it had left, having been buttered all over the Pacific. So we get your give and take, back and forth.

Okay? Well, I won’t belabor this any further. I’ll leave you utterly adrift probably. No, I think there’s a guy or two knows what I’m talking about.

Now your preclear's gotten himself spread out all over the universe, one time or another, and he's still got fixed ideas about what he's trying to defend all over the track. And, our problem with such a preclear who is quote, buttered all over the universe, is that this individual has recognized his failure to protect on practically every playing field with which he has a communication. And he's in communication with playing fields rather than knowing about playing fields. He's in communication with other planets. He's in communication with all sorts of things. Fixed. And you'll find such a preclear with enormous corded communication lines wrapped all around him and everything else, he's long on communication and very short on being able to protect and defend.

One of the most interesting exercises that you can pull is to have the environment, selectively one point and then another point of the environment, telling an individual there’s something wrong with him. And then having various selected parts of the environment telling the individual that he mustn’t be. Mustn’t be-nothing in specific, just “mustn’t be, mustn’t be this, mustn’t be that.”

Well when you look at the fact that his beingness, his beingness is as good as he can grant beingness to other things, if he has the idea he has to protect everything to which he has granted beingness or is granting beingness, if he then has to protect it, he isn't going to grant beingness to anything. And so we get a pattern of case, and this is a patterned case. You'll find this case many times. He's buttered all over the place. You ask him where he is not, or where he's not thinking or something like that, and he has a difficulty in telling you. Great difficulty, great communication lags on the thing.

[At this point there is a gap in the original recording.]

Well you say, "Alright, now be the bed." He can't be the bed. It's the same thing. He has the idea that if he is anything, then he has to protect it, and he knows he can't protect anything. And what you call an apathy case would be a fellow who not only can't attack, but can't defend either. So we get this thing rolling up in this fashion. A fellow starts out about, he starts out all attack. A hundred percent attack. And then he gets some things to hold to, and that breaks down gradually 'til he's fifty percent attack and fifty percent protecting the things he holds. Now he gets so many things to hold he figures there's a scarcity of an ability to attack. He figures there's a scarcity of attention, you see? And he starts down to a point where he's only defending now, he's gone up to about a hundred percent defense, and then that comes down the line to less and less defense. They're still his, but he's not defending them.

So this makes him grant beingness out very broadly and gets him into practice on granting beingness. So you have these various accusations.

And this rolls on back to where he's only defending fifty percent of what he has. And he's only defending twenty percent, and ten percent, and here's where you start into your apathy case par excellence. Next thing you know he only has a body. And that's all he can grant any being to, and that's all he can defend. Well boy, the thetan that only owns a body is in horrible condition. He won't be able to get mock-ups or anything else. He can't get a mock-up of things which are not his, or things which will not potentially be his. So, we get this problem of invested beingness of communication, of identity pretty well wrapped up. You see that? See how it could deteriorate?

And there’s this specialized case in Scientology in which you might be very interested, is: “You aren’t Clear.” See, you have mountains and valleys and people in far places and so forth looking at the fellow and sneering and saying, “You aren’t Clear. Something wrong with you.”Now, on a black case, by the way, wasting the machinery that makes blackness and getting him to know that he’s wasting it, in brackets, is tremendously effective. It’s very effective. Wasting machinery in brackets.

Now it would start out of course at a higher echelon than I gave it. It'd start out just knowing about things and not attacking anything. And he'd have to split the universe into two halves, the blues and the greens, before he could really engage in any kind of a random game. His knowingness at that moment would have to drop to fifty percent. See that?

Now, I gave you this process about the communication line, the inverted flinch, so forth, yesterday on this case. I want to give you the idea and a notation on that. That’s a long technique, that’s not a short technique. You just do it in brackets. I gave it to you there. The fellow receives a communication and flinches. And the essence of the technique is to have the individual himself, after he has flinched-you know, he receives this piece of paper or bullet or something in the face-just have him determine what he’s going to receive, then have him point the direction he ought to go. Select a new direction each time that he ought to go. He’ll also have directions where he’s supposed to go straight at the individual who hit him.

So actually there is really just an intellectual philosophy that goes along right with this is how would you lead a peaceful life? Well there is a way to lead a peaceful life, know all there is to know about everything on the process of being able to be everything. Now you could know all there is to know about everything in terms of symbols and data, but be unwilling to be anything. And you'd be at the bottom of a scale, because you'd be dealing exclusively in symbols. You wouldn't be dealing in real beingness.

Female voice: Can you say that again, please?

But life has a mechanism which solves this. After a body is ditched, dead, why, the thetan says, "OK. Now I'm on a no ownership, no attack basis," and he doesn't know much but he's got some kind of a system, and he just jettisons all this. You know, just cuts the communication lines as nearly as he can, and he grabs this next body and he says, "Now I have that force which is, potentially can attack everything, and own everything." Pardon me, me says at first it can own everything. A little baby owns everything. And then he gets along to a point where he can attack everything, then he's into his teens. And then he goes from there into defending family, he's got a unit he has to defend, he can't attack any further, and then he sort of starts to fall back and he can't even defend his family, and he gets back to a standard homo sapiens. There's your banker usually, your drug clerk, your bus driver, and so forth. He really, he'd have a little bit of a hard time defending his body, truth be told. You ask him very closely about it, he'd tell you there were quite a few things that could knock in his body. Well that's a funny state of mind to be in, you know? The body shouldn't be the last point of ownership.

This is the inverted flinch-the double flinch. The communication line technique I gave you for a black case. He receives a communication-this is done in brackets-and then he flinches, knowingly. .. He selects what kind of a communication it is, he receives it, he flinches (you know, inverted flinch or back flinch) and then points out the direction he’s supposed to go. Kind of mocks himself up going in that direction, you see-but points out the selective direction. He selects the direction he’s supposed to go. And this gets him to be the automatic machinery which sends him places.

Now you ask the fellow to exteriorize from this, exteriorize into what? Into where? Well he's on a, he's defending, he's defending the small area immediately ahead of ...

Another technique is-on this same line-is being the thing which tells him what the future holds and being the thing which is being told what the future holds and being the past which is helping the thing in the future tell him what the future holds or being the past and being neglected or being the past, being the present, being the future.

[end of lecture]

Now, do you rig this up necessarily exteriorized or interiorized? No, you don’t. It just doesn’t matter. You don’t tell the fellow not to go outside and look and you don’t tell him to stay inside and do this. You just tell him to be these various things. “Now be the future telling you in the present-be you, the future, telling you, the present, what the future holds.”

[The following notes on the final section of this lecture are from the ACC notes (published 1955) of Alphia Hart, D. Scn. who attended this ACC. These are notes rather than a complete transcript. We begin with the notes corresponding to the last paragraph above]

Guy’s parents turn up on the various warnings and forebodings and so forth. All this stuff starts spilling off. But it’s spilling off the automatic machine, which he laid in the first place to tell him what the future held. First he laid in a machine, though, that would tell him what-to refuse to know what the future held. The first machine that’s laid in there is the machine that tells him he doesn’t know the future. That’s to add randomity. But you peel it on down that way.

Ask him to exteriorize from this and you're asking him to give up all that he as left to defend - a little spot in the head.

On a guy who is exteriorized, you have him be the future and refuse to let him, the present, know what’s going to happen. And then be him, the present, being refused knowledge about the future. And then have him be the past, burying bad material about him, the present. And back and forth, back and forth, back and forth.

The MEST universe communicates with you billions to one over that with human beings. An individual sold on the idea he is a symbol can't protect anything - because he can't be the other force.

Or you be the past, being the adventures that he can live again when he’s old or something like that. Being the adventures he’ll have to have when he gets bored-lots of variations on this.

An individual who is shipped is trying to protect by being ugly and abhorrent. He's unable to attack, and his defense is covert. A blind man knows he can't defend his body, so fixes the body up so nobody will want it.

It’s a little guiding rule, however, that the less significance you put onto a basic concept, 16 the more rapid the technique-the less significance is added into the idea. You just said to the fellow, “Be the future. Be the present. And be the past” and if he did this for a little while, if he’s in fair condition, he’ll all of a sudden pick all this stuff up himself. And you just push it along a little bit faster by telling him to be the future and do so-and-so and be the past and do so-and-so. But if you were to just tell him, “Be the past. Be the present. Be the future. Now be the future looking at you in the present” and back and forth this way, you would work out the very information which I’m giving you. And this information would turn up. But it might take you so much longer as an auditor in some cases that it wouldn’t be worth your while.

Most preclears hard to exteriorize are afraid of others being them. He starts out wanting others to be him and winds up afraid they will be.

Very often, the fellow you’re asking to exteriorize is being the past. He isn’t going to exteriorize into the present if he’s being the past. And some of the others that you’ve run into are being the future. And you try to exteriorize them and, of course, they can’t exteriorize because they’re in the future. Fellow has to be in present time pretty well in order to exteriorize. Okay?

To run beingness on a preclear not willing to be anything but himself, keep racking around until you can find something he's willing to be. Have him be it, then himself - and when he can be that thing, find something else he can be. If a person can't be the beingness of something, he can't know much about it. Even cars have geingness - granted beingness by their manufacturer. A person who can BE a car can pervade it and keep it in working order.

By the way, some people get a terrific fear on this, the second you start to make them make something alive. Well, you handle that with kid gloves.

You can deteriorate the inclinations of anything by consistently being it.

And by the way, the worst cases you’ll run into will be those cases which will tell you ... You say, “Now put a concept in that pillow over there.”

To make the world bright to somebody: LOOK!

And they say, “That pillow can’t think!”

[The following, included here in Alphia's notes but separately titled might have been part of the above lecture or might be from something else given on the same day]

You say, “Uh-oh!”-to yourself-“Gee, this guy doesn’t have beingness out to the distance of that pillow and it’s only seven feet.” Tisn’t so much size, but you know-the one thing he knows is that he has to be an effect of the MEST. That’s what tells you that. He’ll argue with you and say it isn’t alive and so on.


And also, you run brackets on this, remember. He has to be the MEST being alive for other people too, you know, not just for him.

Don't audit when the preclear is tired, or sleepy, or if it's late. Check to see if he's having nightmares, and if he is, give him B1. It's best taken in milk. Fifty milligrams is necessary, but 200 is better.

Well, if I can’t tell you anything else, let’s take a break and get to work.

If the guy has "jelly legs", you've keyed in gravity. It doesn't help to run it out because you're running the GE. Give him a slug of B1. You've hit the thetan agreement line with the genetic agreement line.

Also, check up on what he's eating.

Changing auditors is bad.

These are 1950 rules - and they're still important. If you don't step outside these rules, you can do almost anything to a preclear. And if an auditor pays attention to these rules, he'll probably have little trouble.

Protein is no longer a factor to make them spin or not spin. You probably could eat yourself thin, but not diet yourself thin. Wounds heal on a protein diet - not on carbohydrates.

[end of notes]