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CONTENTS OPENING LECTURE Cохранить документ себе Скачать



A lecture given on 1 January 1960A lecture given on 1 January 1960
Transcript of lecture by L. Ron Hubbard SMC-2 „State of Man Congress“ lectures.[Based on the clearsound version only]
[Clearsound checked against the old reel. Omissions marked „&”.]

Thank you.

It's a scroll!

I either have an awfully efficient claque or you're very glad to see me.

Oh, wow! I better not read this. Well, I'll just post it and won't read it. Okay?

How are you?

Audience: No. Read it.

Audience: Fine.

Says, „To L. Ron Hubbard: In behalf of the peoples of this planet, as a token of our gratitude for your tremendous gift to mankind and in celebration of the consolidation of Scientology throughout the world this past year, we present this globe to you the first day of January 1960. The Central Organizations of the world.“ And they are listed.

Female voice: How are you?

That's very lovely and that's very unexpected and probably completely undeserved.

Oh, I'm jet happy. Actually, during the last thirty days I have covered more space - during the last sixty days I have out - Columbused Columbus and out - Magellaned Magellan. Except I didn't discover very much terrestrially, that is.

The - you got a congress yet?

Well, I'm awfully glad you're here for this congress. I'm very glad to have the opportunity to talk to you, because, believe me, this is going to be a congress. I'm sorry to have to tell you that, but postulates are working lately, so I might as well postulate that one, huh?

Audience: Yeah. Yes!

Well, you never saw quite so much happen since has happened last July. There's been a tremendous jump forward, and if you think there's ever been a technological breakthrough, you ought to look at this one. Now, you'll be glad you came to this congress, just as I'm glad you're here so that I could tell you about this, because we got it licked.

Well, hello.

Every once in a while I tell you, „This is it.“ Well, that's - and always before it's applied to a few of you. But you know something? I am getting so much fun out of auditing lately I can hardly keep my hands off cases. That's a fact. I mean, I can just hardly keep my cotton-picking hands off of them. It's - requires self-control.

Audience: Hello!

I see somebody limping along, you know, saying, „I'm Clear, I'm Clear,“ you know? And I say, „Rurfff! Sit down in that chair. Ha-ha, ha-ha. Ha, ha, ha. Hhhh. Pick up those cans. Ha-ha, ha-ha, ha. Now! Oh! 6.5 on the tone arm. Ha-ha-ha, ha-ha.“


„Well,“ he says, „I am this way in the morning.“ „Usually,“ he says, „I go down throughout the day.“ And then I restrain myself, keep my blast gun in its holster and make myself agreeable and ask the proper questions. And that's one more case chalked off.

Audience: Hello!

Well now, I'm not going to do it two and a half billion times. That's where you come in. Now, I know that there are some good people have come here who have never looked at Scientology before. I'm always told with some horror by an auditor who has just brought some people to a congress that he had two people with him who had never heard of it before and would I please be just a little less technical. And I'm always happy to be just a little bit less technical. But what was the matter with him that he didn't get them in?


But you good people that are here, who have never really taken much of a look at Scientology before, why, we'll try to keep you filled in and we'll try to take it easy on you. But that doesn't mean you don't have to do the Group Processing I'm going to give in these next three days. Because I'm going to group process you a couple of hours the next three days, if that's all right with you. So don't feel exonerated. Just because you don't know anything about Scientology doesn't mean your case is untouchable.

Audience. Okay!

I've just been out with the untouchables and they can be processed, too. I almost said „processed,“ you know? You know, that's probably the biggest problem we have in Scientology, is keeping this word „process“ straight. I get into the sterling areas you know and it's „processed,“ and I get over to the US and it's „processed,“ you know? And I get confused about the whole thing, so I'm not going to talk American or English; I'm just going to speak language, if it's all right with you.

Thank you.

Male voice: Okay.

Audience: Thank you!

Well sir, we turned on some beautiful weather for you here. Took a little doing - took a little doing, took a little pull, but we made it. Understand you even had a white Christmas in Washington, and you certainly had one up to the north, didn't you?

All right. Remember „Okay, Mama“?

Audience: Yeah. Oh.

Audience: Yes.

Well, we try to oblige. Try to oblige.

You know, I think they still talk about that in this hotel. Well, that's a real nice globe. That's a real nice globe.

Of course, things don't run always perfectly in this universe - not always perfectly. There are occasional little slips. You hear the grate of the cog-wheels, you know, and the - sort of an arcing spark over here in one of the capacitors once in a while, but just ignore it, just ignore it. Because I assure you it's all for the best in this best of all possible universes. It's all been planned.

& There's a display back there someplace of photographs but

And it was my great pleasure to process the fellow who drew up the plan for the Ice Cube and Fac One. Did that recently. I'm having lots of adventures. He felt bad about it. The same fellow was on duty at Jerusalem when Rome decided to lay aside its policies and persecute the Christians. How's that for fate? These guys just seem to get themselves in the right spot at the right time.

I think this globe had better go in my Washington office, don't you?

Well - also have had some other adventures - found Karl Marx, for instance.

Audience: Yes.

Female voice: You did?

All right.

Yeah. He's sorry, too! As a matter of fact, Karl Marx gave me a signed confession; runs briefly to the effect: „To L. Ron Hubbard: I shouldn't have done it. I will do everything possible to undo it. Give me a break. Signed, Karl Marx.“ It's quite remarkably Karl Marx's signature, too.

& There's a display of photographs back there concerning some plant experiments and concerning some other things and of course I know there's some pro photographers around. I see one down here, John McCormick, he's a pro and he'll probably sneer you know, but that's alright. Is Wing Angel around here? Where's Wing? Oh, hiya Wing!

But anyway, there's lots been doing lately and there's lots of road ahead. If there's ever been a point where we jumped off this is it. You know, we jumped off in 1950 - something on the order of the Christians going into the Roman arena. And those psychiatrists were very hungry lions; they were very hungry, very hungry - very proud, very proud lions, beating their paws against their somewhat mangy chests, saying, „We are the bosses of this here arena.“ That's what they thought.

& Voice from Audience: Hiya Ron!

And today I hope that you will get information which will permit, in another year, a Scientologist to say, „Scientology processes more psychiatrists in any given year than any other psychotherapy.“ That'd be fun, wouldn't it? Nice ad in The Saturday Evening Post.

& I was going to say as long as Wing's around, why, he'll defend my photography.

Male voice: They said it couldn't be done.

You really can't tell how glad I am to be here. I - you would be utterly amazed how „no-havingness“ the world at large is. You'd just be fascinated. It's just one large area of no-have. And in America we have so much, and there's so much we can do with it - if we just had a government.

Yes, that's right.

Oh well, we'll pass over that nostalgic moment. It is, however, rather typical of free peoples that their governments stink. It is.

But with all of the stumbling around that we have done together, we've made a lot of progress even so, even so, Actually, if we hadn't done all the stumbling around that we did, we wouldn't be able to kick off now onto a resolution of cases 1, 2, 3, 4. Tremendous amount of technology had to be known. A tremendous amount of this, that and the other thing had to be dug up, exhumed, laid out. Fortunately, it didn't stay laid out, it came to life. And wherever we have erred and strayed away from the levels of perfect effectiveness we have at least erred in good faith. And similarly, why, I've been the first to correct the errors. As soon as I found one come up, why, I'd correct it in an awful hurry.

But governments should be less, not more. And this is no third dynamic speech I'm giving you here. Probably have to be edited off because I mustn't and probably completely be untrue to the United States Government. I have to support them abroad.

Now, some of you are under the delusion that 1960 has arrived. And I imagine some of you were traitorous enough in the last twenty-four hours to wish people „Happy New Year“ to take place at midnight last night. And you shouldn't have done that. You shouldn't have done that for this reason: is New Year's begins at the end of the congress. And it always has and always will.

People come around and say, „Why did they do this?“ You know, „Urhurerha!“

Well, we've had ten years here, and we've kicked off the decade of 1950 and I think perhaps when history rolls around and they begin to write down all the lies, they won't be able to avoid something. They can talk about lutniks and sputniks and all that sort of thing as having happened in this last decade but there was something else happened a little more important than that: is man got his first toehold on the path to freedom, and I think that was important to man. I think it was a lot more important to man, by the way - not blowing our own horn or anything like that - it was a lot more important than having a piece of iron go gallygagging around the moon, because there's pieces of iron been going around the moon for a long time.

Of course, my private opinion is, „Huh-huh, God knows!“ And I'd say, „Well, actually, the American people are one thing and the American government is another. And the American people are just as much at odds with their government as you are with yours.“

Well, we've had quite a decade here, haven't we? We've been over the jumps and around the tight curves and so on, and some of us look a little bit older, but not much. Some of us may look a little older but we feel a lot younger I think that's definitely the case. Some of us wish we'd had more processing in this last decade, but this is a time to wipe out all the regrets. Why regret the 50s? We can find what there is to applaud in them and let the rest go by the boards.

And they say, „Oh, they are? That explains it.“

It was a rather dull decade actually as far as the world at large was concerned. Nothing much happened. Except us - we happened. And for ten years, why, we've been holding the fort, driving people into apathy because we were still here. It's a very, very bad thing, I realize, to drive people down as deeply into apathy as we have driven people into apathy about this fact, but I think it's a matter of annual congratulations on the part of a great many people throughout the world that they have finally finished off Dianetics or Scientology. And they congratulate themselves to this effect, and then they wake up to a new year and we're still here.

But we have a lot of fun - a lot of fun in America wondering what we're going to do with our production and things like that.

And lately it's been dawning - it's been dawning upon people - that we're not only just here but we're apparently multiplying at a greater rate than we should be multiplying. And that, of course, is the point that drives them into utter apathy.

Well, this problem is not extant abroad. They wonder - wonder how they're going to do without their production. And about the only little cross you have to bear is the nonsense that comes out of - of the State Department and so forth.

The only crimes that you can commit in this universe, as you know, is being there and communicating. Those are the two crimes of the universe. Did you realize that? There are only two crimes: being there and communicating.

For instance, I wonder if you know that all the United States Government down here (Christian Herter and the rest of them) would have to do is just say to England and France and Germany and the rest of them, „We want to sign a treaty by which an American passport would be a free passport in your country equivalent to citizenship, and an American citizen would be bound, while in your country, by your laws, and we want to sign this as a treaty. Here's the line.“

Look it over for a moment, you'll find out that the only thing the police want to know is, „Were you there?“ If you weren't there, you weren't guilty. And the other one is communicating. If you think of all the numbers of people that are guilty of crimes of omission - the tremendous numbers of people that are guilty of crimes of omission who get by with it, you know? They just go right on along the line, you know, guilty as can be, and nobody ever says a word. But if they actually said something or fired something or threw something or something like that, why, then they were guilty. So that is the crime of communicating.

And they'd say, „You do?“ And that'd be that, see?

So being there and communicating was probably all you were ever punished for when you were a little kid. Didn't much matter what you communicated. You probably found out that if you didn't communicate anything, people overlooked it. Haven't you noticed that? That's practically the total training of a US general. He's not supposed to be there and he's not supposed to communicate, and if he does nothing, why, he'll make it. That isn't said bitterly; it's just said as a comment on a passé, decadent civilization that has fallen away from us.

Sounds funny, but we're in exactly the same position the Roman Empire was in a couple of thousand, twenty-five hundred years ago. Who wouldn't be a citizen of Rome?

But wherever - wherever you see - wherever you see a piece of land on a map these days, you find Scientology. That's a rather interesting fact. I'll give you a demonstration of that a little bit later in this congress, because it's worth demonstrating - very, very well worth demonstrating.

And although there were a few countries around saying, „Well, maybe we'd better not have very many citizens of Rome around because there won't be much left of us,“ they never said it very loud, and they never really objected. The Roman civilization covered Earth. This is the next civilization after the Roman civilization to cover anything. And we're the proprietors of that civilization.

We're doing very, very well.

They wonder down here - they wonder down here in the State Department how they're going to handle international relations. Well, that's the trouble - is they think there are international relations. There aren't any international relations, there's just Americanism.

Now, of course, the United States has a slight insularity. It's an isolationism that it should have maintained perhaps - 1914 and other times - perhaps it should have maintained this isolationism. But not having maintained it, now is not the time to maintain it. Do you follow me? I mean, having communicated, the US has to follow through.

Countries have even stopped defending their own cultures. And it'd be a wonderful thing, be a wonderful thing, if an American passport was as free as an American is made in any country on Earth. But the American passport is not as free simply because somebody in the State Department hasn't found out yet.

The United States today has international obligations greater than that of any other nation on Earth and someday will find out about them. From the Sunday-Monday line to the Sunday-Monday line, all the way around the world, you see the American civilization going out as a vanguard to American activity.

We actually - we actually have Earth squared. There it sits. It isn't mine, it's yours. And wherever we are and whatever we're doing, it's too bad we're not backed up by the government, too.

Last time I was in Australia it was an English colony, an English possession. It's not now! Buicks, ice-cream cones, so forth - it's an American possession. It is! Frankly, it's an American area. And the Australian is not unaware of this fact.

Well, enough of that. It's a bit of worry on my part and the rest of yours part. There are several of you been abroad recently. And it's quite interesting - quite an interesting experience.

Now, the last time I had correspondence with Australians was just after the last war and they were still very resentful of all the Yanks that had been down there. So this time when I was in Australia I said, „Well, you know, I - I'm an American and...“

One of these days, why, you'll find Chicago everywhere. Or New York. But not, please, California. That's my Iron Curtain. No kidding, I'm very fond of California, and someday I'm going to take it back. Actually, California is doing marvelously.

„Oh, you are?“

& You know, I'd like to introduce just a few people here very rapidly at this congress, just to show you it is a congress. OK? May I?

And I said, „Well, I know you boys were pretty well beaten in by all the troops that were here, you know, and - during the war“

& Audience: Yes.

„Yeah, we sure needed them! We sure needed them.“ Well, this was a different tone of voice than I had been hearing before. „Yeah, a great people, the Americans.“

& Alright. Now, let me introduce first a couple of very brave spirits who adventured down past the Sunday-Monday line, came through the various domains of Neptune both south and north, and who learned that you can work while standing on your head, and who actually didn't... At this moment if it weren't for the Washington course going to be taught right after this congress, this pair would be lolling in deck chairs underneath the tropic sun, drifting homeward you know, mile by mile at seventeen knots or something like that. Instead of that they came home by jet, phwew.

And then I started looking around and I found American methodology operating their airlines and Buick cars on the roads, and American architecture - which, by the way, I didn't realize was American architecture till I got back here. You keep changing it, you know? They're right up to date.

& Now you know, if you don't travel by jet, you're fired. People say they can't notice this speed but they're not me. I notice every mile of the five hundred and seventy-six miles an hour of it. And the only thing I object to is the number of locations that get stacked up on one location. Get the idea? We left, we left London airport at eleven and got into New York at one. Well, of course there's the time lapse there, but you never can quite figure this out.

And everywhere you look in Australia, why, you see American merchandising, American stores, American the rest of it. And just recently they lifted all of their trade barriers for America and left them in for England. Mm! And cut out - within the last thirty days - cut out American currency-exchange restrictions making it probably the only area in the sterling area that is now - will inevitably go totally dollar.

& Well, I'd like to introduce this pair to you because they're here actually at some sacrifice, because as I say they could be underneath the tropic sun right this moment and they aren't, and that's Dick and Jan Halpern. Stand up. And I'd like to introduce John McCormick. John's one of the good things of California, he really is, he really is. And others, just so many people here that are good people and old time people. Golly. I have to introduce practically everybody in the congress.

No, America is conquering the world and hasn't found out about it yet. It's quite remarkable Quite remarkable There's so much to do here in America and there's so much doing and there's so much activity and so on that nobody looks around and finds out that Gregory Peck and some others have been plowing a pioneer trail.

& Well, let me introduce Wing and Smokey Angel. Let me introduce Jack and Melodie Horner here. And Tom Maxwell. And Mr. and Mrs. Bezazian. There're just so many people to introduce to you that I'm just going to have to carry this out the rest of the congress. Right now, let me introduce you to you. Hello!

For instance, I was a judge in ... It's very interesting but East Grinstead, Sussex, doesn't quite understand why I can't vote in England. They're having a hard time understanding that. They don't believe it, you know? They think I'm kidding them or something of the sort. And I had not yet been elected as chairman of the county council - not yet But if I'm not careful I will be.

& Audience: Hello.

There are two reasons for this: one is the HCQ WW's headquarters, of course, is a very beautiful old manor house, and has to a large degree dominated the politics and so forth of the area for centuries. So it's a grooved communication line.

Okay, let's get down to something here that's very important, shall we? Let's get down to some technology. Now, I was going to save all this technology until day after tomorrow. Do you think I ought to do it?

But much more interesting is the fact that an American is supposed to know all about everything. So I get drafted for the Road Safety Council. They really didn't know what they were letting themselves in for. And as soon as they drafted me for the Road Safety Council, what was the next thing they did? They made me road safety organizer. Well, he's the fellow who dreams up and executes all the programs while the rest of the committee sits there, you see? That's pretty dangerous.

Audience: No.

Old Burke Belknap, years ago, developed a test which you have today as the Aptitude Test. Well, that's a total swindle, that title. I'm not responsible for the swindle, Belknap is. No responsibility for that.

Because if I saved it till day after tomorrow, you know what would happen? I wouldn't have time to cover it. So if give it to you right now all in - all in one package, it'll take me the next two days to explain it. Okay?

[Burke Belknap: An early Dianeticist and auditor. He was on the first professional course for auditors given in 1950. - From the glossary included with the transcript.]

Audience: Okay.

And Belknap (with some tiny assistance from around about the place) dreamed up something that demonstrated an auto accident-prone in order to turn this over to the Arizona Highway Patrol and make them test everybody in the - in the place that came in for a driver's license. And it would show up at once the fellow that was going to have an accident. And that's your Aptitude Test. And the whole thing is based on just that. If you notice, it speaks of cars right in the beginning of it.

Would you like that right now?

Well, that Aptitude Test has been - just been sitting there waiting to fire for years. And all of a sudden a safety committee says, „Wouldn't you like to be a member?“

Audience: Yes.

And I said, „Well, ahem, upon my soul, ahem, ahem, ahem, ahem, well, ahem, rather, ahem, civic duty, ahem,“ and accepted, you see?

Let's get this off to a high whine like the turbojet racing cars you were telling me about thirty thousand years ago. If anybody restimulates on that one, I'm sorry.

And for the next few months, I can tell you in confidence, why, we'll just run a standard American safety program. Now, they put me in there, because as an American I, of course, know everything to know about road safety because America has more accidents - no, that's ...

Ladies and gentlemen ... I had an old friend once back in Athens who had a slave. He had a slave and this slave's name was Diogenes. And the slave used to live in a barrel. And there were very many stories concerning this slave but, actually, he was trying to find, according to modern books, an honest man. And he used to go around in daylight with a lantern, looking for an honest man.

So what they did was buy Americanism. But they're going to get Scientology in six or eight months, because I'll start persuading the traffic division to administer this Aptitude Test. And as soon as we've collected some statistics, we will demonstrate conclusively, you see, that if you test them before you license them, you pick out the people that are going to have an accident and then you don't have accidents. And when we get all the figures compiled, then we will see that it gets to have the force of law in England and then we can point out to the United States that England, the pioneer of all such things... And one fine day, why, you'll have the Aptitude Test being administered in the United States before anybody grants a license.

Now, because of the length of this microphone cord, I can't pass amongst you.

These things are rather devious, but they're - we're straighter than most deviousnesses.

I might find an honest man!

But anyway, you would be utterly amazed at how American civilization is spreading out across the Earth - and it is American civilization - and how it is less and less resented, less and less resisted.

Certainly, in the last twenty-five hundred years there has been no better opportunity or no group more eligible to deliver one up than this particular group right here and now. None more eligible - but on the other hand, I might pass amongst you m vain. And that would be very sad. That would be very sad.

There was a time when people were saying, „Well, that's - that's the way it ought to be done, you know, because that's the way we've done it here in Northern Ireland for the last begorra and begods, so that's the way it should be done.“ No, they wouldn't say that now. They'd say, „Well, unless there's an American system that has improved on this, we will do it our way.“ That's kind of the way it goes.

But the next congress, I will be able to pass amongst you and find nothing but honest men and women. Because actually it's as much as your life's worth not to be honest.

Now, in this country, why, we're educated to some degree to believe that Russia is doing something or is reaching someone or is - has something to do with the world at large. And they do have a certain philosophy that appeals to the have-nots, and are quite popular in Asia, but the only reason Americanism isn't spreading into Asia is somebody dropped an iron curtain. I don't know who dropped the iron curtain, but it wasn't the Russki. He didn't have strength enough to even drop a flatiron.

If I ever run into this friend of mine, like I lately found Karl Marx - if I - if I ever run into this friend of mine, I'll tell him that Diogenes can come back and start looking and maybe with some success. Because processing today is fundamentally „fundamentalized“ and basically „basicalized“ on just this single horrible fact: Them as ain't honest won't get cleared, bud.

But it's rather a shame that there are certain parts of Earth that aren't getting a treat of this tremendous bath of popcorn, Coca-Cola and so forth. But it's only those areas that our State Department has determined shouldn't have it. We're cause with regard to this.

What do we mean by honesty? In this particular regard, we mean somebody who has nothing to hide.

Now, the Russian - the Russian can only confuse things, and that's his specialty, and he doesn't really have any other specialty. I hate to have to be that blunt about it, but he can go in and deprave, confuse, upset and mess up something. And on a higher technical level, where he devotes a tremendous amount of slave labor and dedication, all mixed up together and confused, to some project, he can get rid of some technological wonderworld thing. But his civilization is so starved today that he has to take new countries in order to feed his own country.

& Step Six phenomena went astray and Step Six phenomena was simply that the pictures and masses of the bank got bigger and bigger, and more and more vicious, and more and more violent, and more and more crushing, and more and more, until the person was finally practically rubbed out. The more you ran Step Six on some people, the worse they got. And that little bug alerted us to what we have now.

The poor Russian is more to be pitied than censured, because you make anybody hungry enough and he's liable to do almost anything. Did you see that after his visit to the United States that Khrushchev said, bluntly and flatly, that he would even go to the devil to arrange dollar credits, and therefore had been to the United States. Did you see that?

& I could do an awful dirty thing here. I won't, though. I could do something terrible. I could ask for a show of hands of those people injured by Step Six, but I won't and don't raise your hand, you'd be telling on yourself. Step Six phenomena isn't what increased the bank. It wasn't running „keep facsimiles from going away and holding them still and making them more solid“ that made the bank worse. It was that it was being run on somebody who was hiding something from the auditor he didn't dare tell the auditor about. And that's the totality of it.

You almost never get any European news in America because your outflow from America is so great abroad that there's hardly anything can get back over the lines.

Every preclear you have lost - that is to say who didn't finish his intensives or his processing and go through to Clear - every preclear that you've had difficulty with, every person who has ever blown a course, every person who has ever blown a session, did so because they had something to hide! And until those somethings are cleared up they will never be Clear!

But Khrushchev wanted credit. He wanted food, and he wanted various things to try to straighten out the mishmash that communism has made out of their own civilization. And if - unless somebody gets knuckleheaded and keeps on talking about war and the necessities of war and how if you don't have war you don't promote enough generals, or whatever other reason they have wars for. I've studied this very carefully, and I find out that it's normally a matter of numerical order of promotion that causes war. I think that's probably the most fundamental, reasonable, logical reason why we have wars. Because, you see, they get their orders of seniority mixed up, you know? And in a war they can expand their promotion lists, and it permits them to straighten it all out. You get the idea? I think that's about it. I looked into it - looked into it.

And if we were a religious organization going to town on the sin of man, we would at this moment have it made! We could convince with what violence, with what brimstone that you sinners had better come clean, or hellfire and damnation was going to be your lot! Man, we'd have it made.

Of course, I'm no student of international affairs. If I were a student of international affairs I would have been locked up a long time ago.

Fortunately, we're not. So we can get something done. The greatest overt act in the world is making other people guilty of overt acts. That is the greatest overt act in the world - about which, more later. So don't think at this moment that I'm trying to make you guilty of overt acts! The only thing I'm trying to do to you is get you Clear! That's all I've got in mind. And that's why no resistance, no attack for ten years has been able to get anywhere on Dianetics and Scientology. Because basically, as far as the subject is concerned, there was nothing to hide. That's why we're still alive.

But American - the American civilization today is taking Earth. And you'd never find out about it reading your newspapers in this country. You just never would find out about it. It's - you have to scatter around the world to take a look at this oddity. Once upon a time, why, there were various manners and customs. And about the only thing that has remained are certain things that are unmistakably French. These French things have remained. But otherwise, hardly anything else is stable.

Oh, that doesn't say that I have told you all. That doesn't say that there weren't times when I could have slipped you some hot dope concerning me or conditions or organizational wiggle-waggles in efforts to stay alive. And that doesn't say that I myself am not guilty occasionally of withholding something from you, because I am guilty of withholding quite a bit from you. But what I am withholding from you, basically, is how rough it's been. I've tried to keep a good public presence going. That's very often been very rough. And that I've withheld. But as far as any deep-seated, cross-purposed, tangled-up pitch no, we had nothing to hide there.

The French do certain things, you know? They set tables in a certain way. Did you know that? You know, they set tables in an exact way, and they're the people that are responsible for your getting that number of spoons, knives, forks and plates and glasses in front of your plate - See, I don't know if you realized that. It's a great contribution.

For instance I could tell you a lot about me. I could tell you a lot about my whole track. And some of it the psychiatrists would at once start saying, „You see, we told you. We told you so. He believes he's...“ But I'm not that one. I just set that one up. But as far as anything withheld on the standpoint of our goals, as far as any errors along that line that had to do with technology, as far as data or anything else that could make anybody better or Clear or make a better civilization, that's never been withheld and it's never been an overt act. Therefore, We're still here And that, incidentally is the only reason we're still here. Because don t think with as much shotgunning as there's been, that we would have survived it else.

I remember when we first trained them to do it in Paris I remember when we first trained them to do it there in Paris, and they said, „This will be a great contribution.“ They've been contributing it ever since.

Now, where a case left your session and told you that you were a very bad auditor and told you that you shouldn't have been doing it, there was enough truth in the matter for you to say, „Yes, he's right. I'm not as good an auditor as I could be. My TR 4 stinks. So therefore, he is justified in what he is saying, and therefore I will let him go. I'll go back to school and learn how to do it a little bit better or maybe I won't audit quite so much. Or maybe I'll audit only easy cases or some other such thing,“ and there were lots of reasons - lots of reasons - reason, reason, reason, reason, reason - why he should have blown session.

But aside from little oddities of that character which Americanisms have. imbibed, and aside from the fact that all the food in Amenca is really Spanish ... That's right, American cuisine is Spanish cooking, did you know that? Great oddity Just like all American cowboy gear is Spanish. We've borrowed from various civilizations here or there, but when it all gets put together and they really want to get the show on the road, it's an Americanism. You see the difference?

But there was a reason that underlay all those other reasons! And that underlying reason added up entirely and completely to just one reason: As a person, he had something to hide. Something he didn't dare let you know about, he felt. Now, in that the preclear made a tremendous mistake. Of all the peoples of Earth, of all the groups of Earth, the one least likely to mess somebody up because they found out something about him was a Dianeticist or Scientologist. These people have my confidence and have had my confidence for ten years. So therefore, it must have been pretty bad if he couldn't even tell us about it. It must have been pretty bad!

Once it's all put together, packaged, a going concern, and somebody is doing something about it, it's an Americanism.

But a lot of these things are like the microbe seen through a number of magnifying lenses. And the fellow said, „I did so-and-so,“ and then he puts a big lens over the top of it and he looks at it - „My Cod! That microbe looks big!“

Now, you wonder why I'd spend so much time abroad. Well, you could censure me for that. You could if you wished, because it's a little bit reprehensible of my - on my part to put in as much time outside the borders of the United States as I have put in in the last ten years. But there's a good reason for it, as you should realize. And that is, with as much arms and ammunition drifting around, as much atomic fission and other things in the offing, the ability to govern must be supported and must be spread around. And you cannot govern people unless people are governable.

And then he thinks, „Well, I actually shouldn't tell anybody, really, about this, and somehow or another I will get along without having done so, and that will be smart of me because I will get by - I will get by anyway, and then someday I will be Clear enough maybe to just as-is the whole thing.“ Swsh-swsh.

They've been trying to give people down in the Cameroons here for some time some independence. Have you noticed that? Every time they say „independence,“ the people in the Cameroons, they kill off another thirty or forty natives. There are some five thousand people have been killed in the Cameroons just trying to establish civilization in the Cameroons, because nobody ever started at a basic, which is to have somebody there to give civilization to. That's been neglected. They took people who were totally dedicated to certain tribal procedures, took those people and said, „You're free.“

And the moment that he did that, he took another great big magnifying glass and put it on top of the stack. And now he looked at this microbe, you know? Microbe is about that long by now, you know? Has hair, teeth. And he said, „Well, I'm a pretty bad fellow, but I'll fool them all. I'll fool them all, and I'll get auditing in spite of this and I'll go on and do good. And I will do enough good that it won't matter!“

And they said, „Free. Free? Free. Ah! You mean there's no police anymore.“ Boom! Boom!

And of course, by that time you got this great big magnifying glass put over here - clank. And the microbe was now much bigger than he was. Everywhere he looked, he could see the microbe.

America - America actually has - aside from ourselves - has very little cultural message to offer the world. And we're grooving that down.

And one of these fine days you're going to get hold of that fellow, you're going to take this little microbe hunter, this E-Meter, you're going to put him on the cans and you’re going to find that microbe that diseased his character.

Now we can spend some time on America. We're going to look around the country now and see if we can't find a proper place for a central headquarters. I haven't much hope that we will find one immediately and exactly, but that is one of the things which I have got to do here before the middle of summer Got to find a little better locale and straighten the thing up and so forth where - that can handle a little traffic. Washington can handle quite a bit of traffic, but not nearly as much as the traffic you're going to get on the back of your neck.

He's going to say, „Oh, no, there's nothing there! No, no, no, no, no. That's me breathing. I can very often control the needle because I'm really OT. And whenever you say 'women' and it dives, that's emotional response because I like them!.“

Now, therefore, it's necessary that we arrange our own communication lines. You possibly think that one nation can live alone. Well, it can't. Or that one race can live alone, but it can't. Or that one person can live alone, but he can't.

But you're not going to be fooled now You're going to reach under all these magnifying glasses, you're going to pull this thing out and dump it in the carbolic acid. And that'll be the end of that man's case and he won't blow sessions anymore. He'll just sit there and go right on straight through till Clear. And that's the way it is.

This sort of thing is best explained by the eight dynamics. And we look over those eight dynamics and we start finding some things out with what we know now, not only that demonstrates the accuracy of the original plotting of the dynamics (which is only a matter of pride), but which demonstrates a very, very great workability in terms of clearing people. We've been trying to clear people on the first dynamic, and we can clear people on the first dynamic, but they're not clear on the second and third, let me tell you.

The worst case has the most overts and withholds on all dynamics.

And what I've arrived at this congress with was how to clear them on the first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth dynamics. A small contribution.

Let me call something to your attention. Only those cases only those cases which did not advance at all, one iota, never recovered anything, never got better in any way, shape or form, harmed us. They were the people who chopped us up. Why didn't they ever advance?

Yes, it is very interesting to hit a jackpot. Did you ever walk up - you've been in Las Vegas, I'm sure, or Maryland or some of these other gambling hells, and you have a quarter that you don't quite know what to do with and you just feel in the mood to waste quarters, you know? And you walk over to a machine and you say, „Well, that machine looks like the most losing machine in the place. I'll put my quarter in it,“ you know? And you throw your quarter in it, you know and you pull the one-armed bandit's arm, and it goes all over the floor.

Look at the penalty these people were paying - to never get out of the mud at all. Ah, what a pathetic thing. And no Dianeticist or Scientologist would keep them in the mud. And if we'd just known the value of this data that I'm giving you - if we'd just known that this was at the bottom of all of that, how easy it would have been. But as poor old Joe Winter who went this route once said, „What wonderful six-foot rearview mirrors we have with a little, tiny peephole in front.“

Of course you say, well, you're the one who expected to win. But you didn't expect to win, not if you were playing a one-armed bandit. Therefore the surprise is very great.

But that's the history of the failed case, that's the history of the failed student, and that's the history of the enemy of Dianetics and Scientology.

Well, I didn't have that much surprise in just the last few months in sorting this thing out - not that much surprise - but it's sort of like that. There was one thing - one pair of things which unlocked a lot of gates and doors, and let a lot of theta flow around. The main thing in letting it flow around is not to be caught in the whirlpool. That's why you have to be a good auditor.

He is our enemy because at any time in the last ten years we had the ability to find out. And only those people are against us who have something to hide. And this is not an opinionated, political datum. It's cast-iron technology, and for dramatic purposes, lends itself extremely well. But it is simply coldblooded, advanced Scientology and nothing else: That a case that has something to hide will run - find some excuse to run - and then will sit and jabber, jabber, jabber about how bad you are or we are. And that case dramatizes what's wrong with the case, which is to say overt acts against the various dynamics and will dramatize it by saying there's something wrong with the auditor, something wrong with Scientology, there's something wrong with the way it is, there's something wrong... Well, we're not perfect - but we're not trying to hide anything.

But we're now not in a position where we are dependent on a national government, and that's why I've been abroad. The original plot was a very simple one. And that was to say that if people antipathetic to us as well as the best interests of the United States, and vice versa - if people who were so dedicated to vested interests of keeping everything down and keeping everything under their heels - if these people continued to be the sole source of regulation of our affairs and activities (as they would if we were only under one government), then we were limited to a marked degree in that there were certain things we could not do and certain experiments we could not engage upon because they were illegal from a standpoint of; let us say - well, the laws of the United States.

I took such a case, and because he had done something to the organization, I didn't restrain myself from being punitive. I have a well-grooved pattern on being punitive, as lots of people have. You know, if people do something, you're supposed to do something to them, you know? And it's just my standpoint: The guy elects himself a victim, so I say, „Well, all right. You're a victim.“

They tell you that you mustn't heal anybody. That it's against the law to heal any... Take California. I hate to bring it up, but take California. There are twenty-five diseases that you go to jail for curing in California. And I saw the original law on it and, although I read it carelessly, of course, and could be wrong, it appeared that even if a medical doctor cured them he would be sent to jail at once. They're cancer, tuberculosis, other serious illnesses. And the curing of these things was definitely against the law.

But this fellow said this was bad and that was bad and the other thing was bad in his immediate area and it was all bad, bad, bad in his immediate area, and I said, „Then why haven't you done something about it?“

Now, I'm possibly exaggerating it. It probably said that you mustn't say you had cured them. If you cured them you must keep it quiet, or something like that. There are probably some ramifications to it, and undoubtedly the law has been modified today to read that only the members of the I Will Arise Communist Association of Northern Sacramento is permitted to cure them, or something like that... But the point is that it was illegal to do certain things in certain areas of the world.

And he says, „Well, I couldn't. Not in the position I was in. I wasn't in such a position, I was in a junior position. l wasn't - there wasn't anybody anyplace in the whole organization, and I couldn't have said anything to anybody.“

We didn't have a prayer in certain research lines if we continued to be governed totally by a hidebound idea of certain things should be cured and certain things mustn't be cured and certain things must be looked in - mustn't be looked into, and other things mustn't he looked into and so forth. And we - we were in a situation in 1952 whereby our communication lines and everything we were doing could have been cut off by the vested interests in sickness in the United States. We were in that position in 1952.

I said, „Why haven't you done something about it?“

Now, you can discount it. You can say, „Well, it wasn’t as serious as Ron makes out, it didn't kill me.“ Something of that sort, but nevertheless there was that danger. And the only solution which I could make workable at that time was put a communication into the United States from abroad.

He says, „But“ - boom!

I knew that this itself would have an apathizing effect. That even though every single auditor in the country was thrown in the ditch, even though every publication were burned, even though everything were done to end it all in one country, it could still come in from another country. And that was a preventive measure which would inhibit the inhibition of the research, investigation and application of the principles of the mind which we at that time were engaged upon.

We haven't seen him since. Because any thetan has the potentiality of doing anything to correct anything anywhere! And he knows it. And what he does every day is the sin of omission in that he doesn't straighten it all out. And that, any case, no matter how honest, is living with at this moment.

Now you can rate me, if you want to, for undue caution. But remember, I was the guy in the middle of the arena. And every time lions jumped, somehow or other a claw hit me. Get the idea? Every time somebody started getting careless with javelins, I felt the wind of them. So whereas the individual Dianeticist might not have - have thought too much of this, he perhaps wasn't carrying the accumulated burden.

Now, if you can stand truth, you'll live. And if you can't stand truth, you won't. And the dead ones of this planet who are walking around zombielike in the dark shadows and slippery alloys of the world can't stand truth.

Well, to lessen that burden, I mixed up our comm lines and made it a very, very upsetting thing to anybody attacking us - to fix it up so that no agency could operate totally against us in one country and wipe us out. And that was the strategy. And I went to England and put in communication lines in England.

And there's been an operation here on Earth which has totally dedicated itself to making truth about yourself totally unpalatable. Now, I won't mention any names and never do mention this particular organization, but it's specialty is 100 percent making you guilty of an overt act. It tells you what sin is. Out of what black morass do they tell you what sin is? If they'd used a handkerchief more often, their own noses would be clean enough to tell you what sin is.

Now, at the same time, a great deal of interest had been generated in England. The first book had been published there, even if indifferently, by a publisher and a tremendous amount of enthusiasm was generated there.

One of these days we're going to have a collection fund. We're going to get it together to buy handkerchiefs for this organization so they can have clean enough noses to tell the rest of us what overt acts are. Sound like a good project?

Now, all of this activity in England had gotten to a point where several organizations were at each other's throats. There were several organizations, and several groups, and they were all in disagreement with one another. And it was very easy for me to get an invitation to straighten this out. And having put in an organization there, we were able then, by making it totally self-supporting, to make it a cross-action with the United States.

Now, I don't mean to be necessarily hard upon your bank. But the last few thousand, few hundred thousand, few million, few billion years have been „kind to the bank“ period! And now I think we can afford a new slogan! Because „be kind to the bank“ hasn't worked. And „use the bank to control“ hasn't worked.

Now, don't think that the United States interests did not at that moment get very busy. As a matter of fact, they got extremely busy. They had the tag end of the socialist government to operate with. The last dregs of socialism and so forth were just at that moment dripping out of the veins of Great Britain, and they promptly labeled practically everybody and everything that had anything to do with Dianetics and Scientology as very evil and very bad. And we were practically blacklisted for three or four years. Eventually cleaned it up with two members of the House of Lords, several people in Commons, and just recently, why, the British government said, „Hubbard? Hubbard? Why, yes, he can have a visa as long as he likes. Yes. Fine chap, fine chap, you know.“ So we even lived that one down.

So our slogan here for a number of years has been a mathematical formula which says „no bank = people.“ Works, too. But how do you get no bank? How do you take the Freudian unconscious, reconscious, deconscious, munconscious and „unconscioulize“ it? How do you pick the id out of the lib? How do you get rid of the reactive mind? How do you scotch and scrap off, wipe out and erase the facsimiles and engrams which bedevil man's days and nights? How do you do this?

But things were being booted into England to knock out Dianetics and Scientology from the United States. Well, we finally got that straightened out.

Well, for ten years we've had a lot of technology. For ten years we've been able to do a lot about it. I don't think there's very much phenomena left in the bank that we haven't discovered one way or the other, one time or another. Phenomena that we haven't looked at is practically nonextant. But what held it in place? Why did it continue to stay there? Why, with all of our hard work, did we still have people being uncleared? What reward was this for the labors we invested as auditors to have somebody sitting there still going, „Nyaaah.“ Well, why did it happen? Why did it happen? Why did we still have aberrees when we should have had Clears, hm?

But nobody could quite make the grade. If at any moment Scientology had been wiped out in the United States, it would have still come in from England. Furthermore, if it had been wiped out in England, it could still have come in from the United States. Interesting, huh?

Well, I'll tell you something. This phenomenon has been running alongside of my auditing for a very long time, and I've just been sufficiently unobservant to see it until recently.

Now how would you like to be some vested interest that didn't like us? That would be a tough spot to be in, wouldn't it? Well, they were outgeneraled. And gradually no funds could be procured anymore to squash us. Actual funds were being procured and solicited.

I was auditing a fellow in the - as you'll hear on one of the tapes, if you ever hear the tapes of the Melbourne ACC. And I'm auditing this fellow in an auditing demonstration. I say, „All right. Tell me something that you could let me know“ - or „Think of something you could let me know. Now think of something you could withhold from me.“

„What's this? Somebody trying to set man free? Ha-ha! Not while we're still alive and kicking,“ these fellows were saying. So, the same thing - if you don't think this isn't a repetitive cycle... We've gone on and on and on to other countries, and things are straightening out here and there, but what do you know, at this very moment this same thing is happening in Australia. And anybody who was with us in 1950 would do as I'm - I do every time I look at the Australian attacks on Dianetics and Scientology: you would start to laugh because it's now gotten funny. The same stories, the same lies, the same thing just as though somebody had taken it off of a big blueprint, see? They're publishing the same newspaper stories and they're telling the same lies about Hubbard, you see. They're telling the same lies about auditors, producing the same arguments. And it's all coming out of an area in Sydney - only, by this time we know what to do about that sort of thing.

And he answered this several times, very glibly. Po-pollok, pocketa-pock, pocketa-pock, pocketa-pock. „Yes, I could withhold that from you.“ All of a sudden he says, „You know, withhold from you? You know that takes some doing!“

And we, of course, have Australia in a clamp. Not only is Australia now so connected with the United States that any time it got wiped out there it would just come in from the United States, but would also come in from England. And if England and the United States were wiped out, it would also come into Australia from South Africa. The South African organization is as large as the British organization - and other areas it could also come in on.

That was probably the only reason my auditing was faster than other people's. Matter of altitude or something like this that the person couldn't withhold things from me. That was why - people got Clear and I never paid any attention to the fact. I just thought they told everybody these things, you know?

Furthermore, we have all of a sudden dreamed up the technology to end all technologies, and it ends this sort of thing. But this type of internationalism was to pave the way against the time we would have the answers to these things. And we find ourselves now a very international organization. We are traveling along and actually aiding and abetting the American culture which is spreading out across the world. We are doing a great deal in this particular direction.

But I used to get more Freudian traumas dumped in my lap about their sexual irregularities when they were three. You know, it's really amazing to have a fellow who devoted his entire life to exploring sexual irregularities at the age of three. I'm glad that he did because he gave us some dope and left a tremendous area with some knowns in it instead of totally unknown. But nevertheless, now that you look back on it, it's awfully hard to be sexually irregular when you're three. And I apologize to those younger thetans that are in our midst here for making a crack about it.

But we're in an interesting position, because abroad - abroad they have a tendency to believe, you see, that America is this smart. And that if this Scientology is part and parcel to American culture, then of course all of the mental healers and everybody in America who know anything about the mind, you see, they're naturally all Scientologists. And I never saw such a puzzled man in my life as an army major general - US Army major general in London, that I got full reports on - having to explain Scientology to a group of British medical doctors. Had he not done so, he would have been labeled a fraud.

But wherever a pc sits down and starts telling you all, all you have to do is listen. Well, that doesn't say necessarily that they have to tell you everything they ever did and all the crimes they've ever committed and all the irregularities they have ever gone through in order to get Clear. That doesn't tell you that, but it tells you that those fellows that don't make very much progress in auditing or that the auditing is slow on - it tells you that those people are sitting on one that would blow the head off the purity league very easily. And you realize, of course, that more - most purity leagues are very hardened people.

Now, it isn't that we're doing anything very slippery; it's just the way the world goes. It's just the way the world turns. These are the things that happen around the world. And in ten years, we've girdled the globe. And we've done it so well, it's about time we took our source point. It's about time we finished up taking America.

Now, the person who makes no advance at all, who never gets anyplace at all - oh, now, look! I'll have to let you in on this -amongst us Scientologists. I'll just have to let you in on this: The person is guilty of a crime for which they could be jailed or punished in this lifetime if it were divulged.

Because if anything were started now to finish off or stop our taking America - it's something like old infantry tactics. You had certain enfilade fire. Have you ever heard of enfilade fire? It comes in from all angles. Well, that's what would happen. I mean, we're not in any precarious position at all. Nothing could be done today to stamp out Dianetics and Scientology, nothing. I don't think anybody could even whip up a - a penny in the United States to support an attack against Dianetics or Scientology.

Now, when you get into that level, you've had it. In other words, he robbed a bank or something. But the crime is serious, and the person could be arrested for it or punished for it in present time if it were revealed! And this fellow, by the commission of that crime, trapped himself as far as auditing was concerned, unless he actually does straighten it out one way or the other and get it cleared up because his case isn't going to move that far until he does!

I think the Los Angeles radio stations and so forth that occasionally break loose on it - I think they're going to get in line. If you notice, within the last twenty-four hours the attorney general of the United States started preaching about cleanup radio - he's hearing me just one year late - using radio licenses to clean up attacks of a scandalous nature upon worthy objects.

For ten years we've seen this phenomena and we wondered what it was all about. We wondered why we couldn't audit anything on this fellow. He just, you know, sat there, you know. „Yes,“ he'd say, „yes.“

We'll make it. There isn't any question now about making it. We can make it technologically, we can make it personally, we can make it on the various dynamics, we can make it internationally, we can make it around the world without any trouble and we can make it in America in Oshkosh and Pumpkin-Center and Washington, DC and New York City and other hick places.

And you'd say, „Double match terminal a couple of dogs now.“ He would. „Yes,“ he'd say, „Yes.“

The only question is, is how fast. And that question depends to some degree on me, of how hard do I work - that's only to some degree. But to a very, very marked degree depends on you: How much work are you going to do about it? Now that's very important.

End of session come along: „How do you feel?“

Now, I'm not trying to hang you with a tremendous responsibility, I'm not trying to say that here at this congress the only thing I should do is to just pound it into you that you're responsible and that you ought to do it and that I don't have anything to do anymore because I've dreamed it all up, you see, and you should get out there and pitch and you should do this and you should do that. And you look at yourself and look at your small zones of influence and you say, „Well, I - what could I possibly do?“ you see, „I mean...“ And it makes you feel sort of frantic. I'm not trying to drive that home. All I'm trying to do is to invite a coordinated activity. All I'm trying to do is to help us feel our way through this immediate problem.

„Oh, I feel terrible.“

We are facing a culture which is cultured in everything but the humanities. For instance, I was reading on a soda-water bottle last night, I - lying in bed and I had a - had a drink before I went to sleep, and I was looking there - sort of dazedly just before I turned out the light, you know - and it says, „This soda water is made by a special formula patented by the soda-water bottling company.“ And I thought, „Oh, my God, they've even now got a special formula for soda water!“ Yes, it's all taped, you see? It's all grooved. Everything is all patented. And we know what carburetors should do and what this should do and how all the technology goes together and how all of the formulas should work. And we know everything except how to be civilized.

„Thank you. That's it.“

And that is our small section of this problem, and that is our small contribution to this particular culture. Because Americanism flowing around the world and back and forth across America (and it's come a long way - culturally and mechanically only) would come to nothing. We would not wind up with a cultured or civilized Earth just because the special formula for soda water got to South Africa. We wouldn't get anyplace.

Why? Why? Why? Well, we already know the technology: He's auditing across a present time problem. And it comes under the heading of the technology which we already have, which is a present time problem or an ARC break.

The only way that this planet can get anywhere now is for these communication lines, well plowed in along the mechanical lines on mechanical subjects and so forth - if these also carried - they do, you know, to some degree carry a message of freedom, of this, of that. Americans are supposed to believe certain things and all that. All these things are perfectly good. But they would have to carry a much more concrete message, a much more definite understanding of man, in order to be valuable to man at large. And in that way alone, we could avoid war We could definitely avoid war. War couldn't exist.

Now, he can't go into two-way communication with the auditor so he never goes into session! He's never in-session because he can't be in two-way communication. And he can't take his attention off of what his attention is fixedly on and put it on any other part of the bank because he has a present time problem all the time, whether he realizes it or not. He doesn't know it, he just kind of „knows“ it, you know?

Now, I'm not saying that we would eventually become the government of Earth or anything stupid like this. I'm just saying that we should put on the communication lines of Earth the message that man can be civilized, can be free and can understand himself and can get along with his fellows. And if we put the technology of how to do that on these very same communication lines, then we'd win, you'd win, man at large would win and we would have for a change in this downgrading universe a win and a big win.

And his attention is always fixedly on this thing. But it's the one thing that he can't reveal which makes a total plug to any auditing happening. And there it is, and it just locks him up just as nice as though they'd thrown him in jail.

Now, we have an opportunity to make that win now. Actually, it's all set up. It's set up with almost great perfection right at this present moment.

I can tell you something. It'd be better off to be in jail than never have Scientology work. Wouldn't it? Because that means you're going to be in jail from here on out. Locked up in a ruddy head with no freedom and no power. That - I tell you, that's a sentence, isn't it? Not even until death do us part. But forever and ever and ever as long as ye shall erg. That's how long. Fellow's passed sentence on himself already.

Later lectures, I'm going to tell you how we are already knocking-off one of the principal goals of Scientology, and I'm going to show you how you're knocking it off. But right now, let me say that we've got a big opportunity here. And the reason I'm glad to be able to give you this congress is to be able to hand along to you what I have found out and what has been put together here in just the last few months that is highly advantageous in driving this thing home. We are tremendously rich in communication lines. We are actually - our ranks are a little thin, but we're really pretty rich in people, by quality not by numbers. And I think we can do the job. I don't think it's a very difficult job to do from here on out as long as we make up our mind to do this job.

But that doesn't give him any right to give the auditor the bad time that he gives an auditor, does it? Hm? Because he now blames the auditor for what he himself won't divulge, and he says it's the auditor's fault.

Now, we've had a decade of work along these lines. We've had a decade of training, of codification, of know-how. If there's any know-how left to pick up - which of course there is - but if there's any know-how that we absolutely, essentially have to have just to do this job, then I at this moment don't know about it. Because what we have right this minute and that I'm going to tell you about in this congress, is plenty good enough.

Well, basically, technologically, it has been our collective fault for not getting our cotton-picking fingers deeper into his cotton-picking reactive bank with one of these things.

So thank you for being here, and I'll be back shortly.

Now, these things are now available - actually are manufactured on every continent. Nice gimmick. And they'll tell you what the score is. And they'll go for broke. And there's things now - there's by the way a new booklet on this, a new electrometer booklet - and I'm going to give you addenda to that booklet right here in this congress concerning the functions of this here particular gimmigahoogit with the electronic whizzlebubs.

Thank you.

There's a lot of things to know about this thing. And one of them is that the person who has the greatest crimes has the least responsibility on all dynamics and at first registers the least on a meter. The meter only registers those things he still has some slight responsibility for. So there's ways and means of walking around a case on one of these meters we didn't know about before. And the greatest condemnation, you might say, of a case is that it didn't react on a meter. Case didn't react very much on a meter? Well, the auditor knows where to go from there.

[End of tape]

Another thing is - I'll tell you more about it later - but the needle is not as important as the motion of the tone arm. The motion of the tone arm is a better detector than the needle. Interesting, huh?

Now of course, this machine here - you young sprouts that are in the audience will probably live in a civilization where to get a job you'll have to be checked out on an electrometer, and where they won't have unreasonable and destructive revolutions for the excellent reason that most of the criminals are missing out of the society.

& By the way, I get in some good licks unexpectedly once in a while. I was riding with a fellow who was in charge of one of the largest mills in northern England on a jet plane and I was talking to him about this and that. And as close as I could come to telling, making him understand about what I was doing is I was finding out about people. And he could understand this. And I asked him if he had any communists working for him in his company and organization and so forth. „Oh,“ he says, „Oh yes. A few, you know, shop stewards and things like that.“ And I said, „Well, you having any trouble with any strikes or anything like that?“ „Oh yes, yes, terrible trouble with strikes and so forth.“

& I said, „Well you know, I found out something very funny recently. The communists always have criminal backgrounds. Every time we find a communist we find somebody with a criminal background.“ And this fellow said, „What?“ And I said, „Yes,“ I said, „It just goes together,“ I said, „It's a funny thing we found lately. I thought you might be interested.“

Now look, there are a lot of people in the society (quote) „doing good“ or „trying to change the society“ because they themselves owe a debt to society which they are trying to pay in an oblique way.

I'll tell you something very funny: that is simply a compulsion that never gets anyplace. All of us owe a debt to society as far as that goes. We owe our services on all dynamics. But when we have to give them under compulsion, they don't work very well. So this idea of „the fellow is trying to do good because he has been so bad“ generally winds up with us all in the soup. The funny part of it is, he'll do ten times as much good, a thousand times as much good, if he himself doesn't have to do any good at all. Quite remarkable.

So there's no reason for this mechanism beyond the fact that certain individuals individuate and fall away in the society, fall away from the dynamics to such a degree that they become something else than human, become something else that isn't alive, that's sort of a synthetic something that crawls through life and tries to get along.

When you try to audit a person who is guilty of too many overt acts, he makes no progress. When you audit a person who has a few he had better not say, he makes slow progress and is once in a while a little blowy, once in a while tries to leave, once in a while tries to get out of school or get out of a session. And we've long since known that when we got somebody with hardly any up the line he'd tell us those.

It s an old HGC phenomenon: The fellow comes in and he says, „Sh, I urnm mmmm-rnmrnm-mmm ...“ And he goes out saying, „Wtsch! Tell anybody you want.“ Get the idea? I mean he had a change.

Well we knew that, but the reverse was actually what we were looking for. We were looking for the fellow who was doing this, you see, to find the fellow who was causing any trouble, to find the fellow who wasn't doing constructive things, to find the fellow who wasn't getting the show on the road. That was the destructive person.

You are looking here - and we will go into it much more later - but you are looking here at something - something that has very far-reaching ramifications, something that goes out across a great many future millennia. You're looking at something here which has meaning.

It only takes one cognition on anybody's part to just go for broke and make it true - a world without criminals, a world of effective people. The only cognition you have to - is it isn't necessary to have overt act-motivator sequence as part of the game! The second you have a subjective reality on that, you just drop the rest of it as though it's hot chestnuts, just brrrr. As a matter of fact, the overt act-motivator sequence game - „You're guilty, we'll punish you. I'm guilty, you punish me. I'm a victim, therefore you've done so-and-so. You're a victim, therefore I've done so-and-so“ - this isn't even vaguely necessary to any enjoyment of life or any game of any fun!

You just look it over, and you'll find out that all the games you've enjoyed had nothing to do with the overt act-motivator sequence. Very funny.

It's the overt act-motivator sequence which puts the end to all games. Doing things to people and having to punish them and be punished by them and all of this sort of thing is a sort of a sordid, last-ditch activity which people hope somebody will mistake for a game. But that's about as far as they get with it. They really don't have a game at that level. So it actually is antiquated. There's many things you can do without going into that.

Now, if these statements of mine have upset anybody, I am truly sorry - for their case.

For instance, there was a little girl who wasn't making very much progress. She was a - she was a civilian from out in town, she wasn't a Scientologist. And she wasn't making very much progress, and I noticed her face was getting sort of sunken and she was getting a little bit haggard under auditing and was really going along with it all right, but somehow or another wasn't quite getting much benefit from auditing and so forth.

So I sat down at her desk the other day and I said, „You know, girls do a lot of things in life. They think they're all very reprehensible. Matter of fact, I wouldn't be a bit surprised but what you don't think that you've done something that if Doctor Hubbard heard about, he'd sack you.“ I said, „Well, the funny part of it is,“ I said, „I don't think you could do anything that bad. Next time you're audited, why don't you tell your auditor all about it?“

So she did, and her case went zoom! It was very reprehensible. Something on the second dynamic at the age of eight. Pretty bad, you know? But she was sitting on a big withhold.

Now, a person's overts and withholds on any or all dynamics are the only reason their cases stay bogged! And it gets back to the definition of Operating Thetan which is „willing and knowing cause over matter, energy, space, time, form and, of course, thought and postulates“ - Operating Thetan.

The horrible thing we have to face up to, if we're going to get anyplace, is; We done it. And I'll talk to you later about responsibility. We're actually not trying to hang people left and right with this thing called responsibility.

But we are saying just this and I am telling you just this: True recovery of one's beingness goes along with one's realization that he has been the cause of any difficulty he has ever had. And that's an awful tough bullet. That's so tough that you probably won't make it for hundreds of hours of auditing.

It's all very well for you to step up very happily you know, and say, „Well, that's right. Ron says that. And there's nothing to it, and I'll get down here in the auditing chair, and I'll sit here. Ha! Now, what can I be responsible for? I can be responsible for all the difficulties I've ever had.“

And the auditor says, „Well, all right. Well, just tell me one you could be responsible for“ „Well, I could be responsible for... No, I couldn't be responsible for that difficulty at school! That was her fault!“ And there derails that set of flatcars right off into the woods, see?

No, we got lots of them - lots of things we're not willing to take responsibility for, but it isn't responsibility we're trying to hang people with. We've got lots of them.

And right away, glibly, we say, „Is that all it takes to be Clear? Who'll listen to me? Who'll listen to me? Listen, I - I'm willing to take responsibility for everything. I caused all of my own difficulties. Boy, I was“ - boom! And you collapse on that point.

Now, the point I'm trying to make is simply this: That the state of Clear is the state of being admitted cause on all dynamics. And you have been, but you haven't admitted it. And that's the auditor's job; to get you to.

Thank you.

[End of tape]