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A lecture given on 26 March 1953 A lecture given on 26 March 1953

Second hour. This is fourth night. Carrying on, now, very strictly, with processing.

This is the fourth evening lecture, the first hour.

Title of this lecture might as well be "Present Time." We have seen here that logic, that communication, that trying to stop motion, trying to start motion, so forth, (particularly the opposite sex), tie in to be very strong processes.

The first little bit I would like to give you here is very much to the point. It belongs at the end of this series, but I'll give it to you now. It's sort of a surprise, out-of-position few remarks which possibly, for that reason, might sink in as deeply as they should sink in.

We have seen, additionally — and maybe not as clearly as you will in this hour — but the sixth dynamic is the best target that you can hit. You've seen that pretty clearly and you'll see it much more clearly.

This has to do with how and when to audit. And I'm not going to talk very long about this, but I'm going to talk very directly to the point.

Now, how do these things tie together? Why? What? Well, let's take present time and consider present time in terms of beingness. And we'll find that communication and beingness are the same confounded thing. Now that's very, very interesting, and would appear that I am closing a couple of terminals much tighter than they could be closed. But it happens to be true that communication and beingness are the same thing. And when they cease to be the same thing, a communication line results — the line, a communication line, then.

The auditor has as his goal bringing the preclear to present time and stabilizing him there. That definition for auditing, you see, would apply to auditing a person who was never going to be a Theta Clear, or would apply to a Theta Clear. So it would apply to somebody who was merely getting four or five sessions to get rid of his sciatica or something, and it would also apply to somebody you were theta clearing.

And you'll see these things in auditing, by the way. They're not anything very strange or esoteric or something of this sort. They're as quite as solid as that light cord, and when you process them with some admiration, they start to swell up like a sponge. And the next thing you know, you have your pre-clear with large masses of white energy all around in front of him, and he doesn't quite know where they came from. You wonder where this energy is and where he's stuck — he's stuck in present time. You've just blown up an enormous quantity of black energy into white energy, and it swelled up on you. That's all that happened.

It does not take very long to eradicate a psychosomatic ill, not with techniques such as Matched Terminals. The fastest techniques, however, for momentary processing — eradication, few minutes — was Creative Processing in Scientology 8-8008, which is simply giving the person mock-ups which is vaguely — any mock-up which is vaguely similar to the condition. You'll find immediately, for instance, they can't touch their father or they can't touch their father-in-law. Or they can't — there's somebody in their immediate vicinity in which you will find most of the enturbulation, and it will be a communications difficulty with that person.

You — very often you'll get these boys — they'll get completely glassy-eyed, they'll see all kinds of things right in front of them and they get all sorts of weird ideas as to what's going on. Why? It's just because of communication lines — not terminals, not facsimiles, but lines.

So you can put that down as a definition of what's wrong with a preclear from whom you wish to eradicate a psychosomatic illness. It is a present time communication difficulty with some individual. And the easiest way to solve it is simply to do mock-ups on a gradient scale, until you have that individual in full view in front of them and they can create or destroy that individual at will, as a mock-up. And then they will find that they will be able to turn on enough sweetness and light for this individual to straighten out their difficulties.

A line looks like a yellow ribbon — long, long, wide, yellow ribbon. Now, you don't have to tell your preclear that; he'll tell you about them. You'll see them yourself, not because I told you. A line is a secondary stage — tertiary, actually. There's beingness.

If you were just doing counseling, just old-time counseling, marriage counseling, how would you go about it then? You would treat it as a present time problem. You would not worry about the past; you would not worry about the future; you would just treat it as a present time problem on the immediate assumption that there was a communications difficulty in present time with another individual. That does not get to the basic root of the case. That does not make a Theta Clear out of them. That doesn't make a Clear out of them or anything of the sort. That just does what the boys wished they could do for the last few centuries in terms of human behavior. That's all that does.

Now what — why is it, then, that communications and beingness are the same when communications are at optimum? And why is it that communications, when they are not optimum, become a line?

But that, as what you might call an office technique is, on this highly generalized basis, the technique which you would find it most profitable to employ.

Now, we could do this, we could say: There's beingness, there are terminals, there's a line — order of evolution. The gradient scale in this universe has space, terminals, energy. All right.

When you have a person who cannot get a mock-up just on this very short process — you're going to see them maybe an hour a day for a few days or you're going to see them for a two-hour session or something of this sort — what would you use? Without any further survey into the situation, I'll tell you what to use: It's the next-to-the-last list in Self Analysis — "Something really real," and so forth.

Those anchor points I mentioned — you just tell this V to keep throwing out those anchor points and bringing them in, throwing them out and bringing them in, masses of anchor points out and in and all of a sudden he says, "This thing over my face is Grandma." That's communication.

Get them into communication with the fact that they've lived before and they'll be much happier. That's all. Because if they can't get a mock-up, the chances are pretty good that they're out of communication with themselves. And the fast way to put them into communication with themselves is to demonstrate to them that they have lived. It sounds idiotically simple but it is nevertheless very, very pertinent here — they have lived. Now, that would be your patch-up techniques.

You've discovered an old closed terminal. There was terrific affinity between two people, and they occupied approximately the same space as far as their thoughts were concerned. And then one of them died. Well, some-thing happened before that happened. You found that the — somebody stretched the terminals apart and this is your evolution of loss when it's very aberrative. Evolution is a very simple evolution.

Now, what would you do with this person if you didn't have too much time and he couldn't get mock-ups? He can't get any mock-ups, so you give him the next-to-the-last list in Self Analysis. That's that.

Let's take a case here of a daughter and a father. And the father's very fond of the daughter, and the daughter's very fond of the father. And the two of them just get along just dandy, and they occupy almost the same space. You get the idea? They see the things from the same viewpoint.

You can memorize that list — very easy. You could just ask him those questions in that sequence. And then you go back to the beginning of the list, and you ask him those questions in that sequence. And then you go back to the beginning of the list and you ask him those questions in that sequence. And the first thing you know, their life stretches out, and they have a time track. And they say, "What do you know! What do you know! I have lived before!" In other words, "I am surviving." That's all it tells them. "I am surviving." Now they're convinced they're surviving and they're much happier.

There isn't any space, anyhow; you might as well just kick that out the window. They're just — it's an illusion. And it's a good illusion. The GE holds this space out here like mad. Boy, is he fixing terminals hard! But when we're dealing with the thetan — it's very easy for you, for instance, as a thetan — if you're operating well — to be here and take a look as Lord Nelson would see the scenery from his statue. This is no trick. You see, you might as well have the statue here, or you be there — it doesn't matter. If your communications are good, you just simply project your anchor points from Lord Nelson's nose, and then you will then see everything Lord Nelson would be looking at if his statue could see.

As a matter of fact, they'd be sufficiently enough happier to go around and tell all their friends they were now cured — whatever that means. You see? Because you have done what? In each case, whether you use a built-up mock-up or whether or not you use this next-to-the-last list, you have done essentially the same thing: You have changed the communication status of the individual. You have made it possible with the first technique for him to communicate, now, with somebody in his present time with whom he has had communications difficulties — pam! You just pick the main person — the most difficulty he has in present time — you just process that out and you've got it.

Space and location here in the MEST universe, you see, isn't any different from any other definition of space. This space isn't peculiar. It just happens to be fixed more solidly by the GE, and you are accepting the GE's viewpoint, so you see the same space that the GE sees. And in order to see what the GE sees when you're outside of the body, you've got to have a very high affinity, so that you can very easily be GEs to get the same space viewpoint.

And on the other one, you're saying, "Look it, you're in communication with yourself for the first time. The way you got in communication with your-self is you've got a past. What do you know! You just are sitting there assuming that you have a past; you didn't know you had a past, and now you are certain you have a past and now you're all set." You don't tell them that but that's — you might as well be saying that, because that's what they'd be saying if they really knew what was happening to them.

I just — you can go over that several times. It doesn't sink in exactly yet. But you see, there really isn't any space for a thetan, unless the thetan puts out anchor points. The GE is making the space. Now, it's nothing at all for the thetan to go on perceiving this universe if he's in good shape, but he has to be able to be bodies easily. Then he sees the same universe. Otherwise, he's making one of his own.

Those are two techniques, then, aren't they? They take in both kinds of cases that you will get, unless you get a real, roaring, full-blown psychotic. And the way to handle a full-blown psychotic, to straighten him out, is to kill him or cure him. Psychiatrist chooses the former; I hope you'll choose the latter.

This is the illusion of space. It's an idea. And it's a very fixed idea on the part of a great number of things that are in agreement with one another. And they're all so solidly in agreement that you have an identical space and an identical time stream. And that is life on the cellular form — cellular, molecular level. And you have this, then, as a — with a fixed idea of this space.

A full-blown psychotic is something that I wouldn't take on. I have processed my last psychotic, and I did so, actually, many years ago. And since that time I've paid no further attention to them. I have a case file on psychotics that's very large. It's probably in — somewhere in the vicinity of about, oh, I'd say four or five hundred psychotics. That's a big practice, by the way. A psychiatrist doesn't get that much in years — four or five hundred psychotics.

You want to be in this universe, all you have to do is to be able to be any part of this universe, and you'll have the same anchor points. But if you don't want to be any part of this universe, you can't see as a thetan. You will only be able to see when you are smack, bang, identified, solidly, with the GE. Or a rock. And you'll see everything a rock can see, which isn't anything.

One series of cases of eighty-five psychotics — I broke the psychosis on eighty of them; the other five, long-term duration sort of a thing. There were environmental difficulties in processing them, rather than the severity of the psychosis.

All right. Now, you get this? This just may stretch your wits a little bit on a theoretical basis, but let's look at the definition of space. Now, it isn't that this definition was something I made up to confound my brethren in the field of physics. They've never defined it. Happy boys, they work with it all the time, and they never defined it. They just kept saying, "Space. And space is energy. And energy is — forms into matter and time. Then there's time too. The — leave time out here someplace."

So, in all these respects, if you confront a full-blown psychotic, there's one thing you should do — is you want to find out where you're going to put this psychotic, and who's going to take care of this psychotic? That's the first question you ask. That psychotic is not your responsibility. And the reason he's not your responsibility is because a psychotic can take up, of an auditor's time, weeks and months of constant, nerve-racking upset. It might be that you ought to go out and find a psychotic, just to learn this thing at firsthand. It might do you a great deal of good as an auditor to just simply go out and find somebody who's really raving, and get in there and pitch. Allocate two months of your life to it, because you won't be satisfied until you've got this person all the way out of the woods. This person has so many present time difficulties with communication that they include you. And that's what I call psychosis.

"But what is motion?"

That makes an awful lot of psychotics walking the streets out here, doesn't it? You walk up to some fellow, and you say, "How are you today? It's a nice day, isn't it?"

"Well, motion is a change of energy in space."

And he says to you, "I was just down to the bookmaker's."

"That's good. What's space?"

And you say, "Well, what have you been doing, going to the races or something like that?"

"Space is what you change energy in."

And he says, "My wife hasn't been back for days."

"Oh? What's energy?"

You're not there as far as he's concerned. He's inaccessible.

"Well, energy is a change of motion in space."

In families where you're processing a preclear, and they all of a sudden tell you that some member of the family objects to their continuation of processing, if you were to go find that member of the family, you would be looking at a psychotic, not a full-blown psychotic but, by definition, a psychotic — one who is not in communication, even vaguely, with present time. They do not know what's confronting them in present time. That's a psychotic, that's all.

"Well, go on now, what's space then?"

You — this person, you find out, is probably — well, let's say it's the mother-in-law, and the mother-in-law says, "Ah, he's just — John is the son — and he shouldn't — just shouldn't be part of this — something like this mm-mm-mm . . . There's always been insanity in his family anyway and mmmm-mmmm . . ." And she's making all this trouble.

"Well, space is ..."

If you were to go over and talk to this lady, you would go in and you would say, "How are you today?"

You get the idea? We're going round and round and round. We've got three items each one of which is being defined by the other two: Space is defined as the interaction between energy and time, time is defined as the inter-action between energy and space, and — and energy is defined as the interaction between time and space. And they got nowhere. They could handle MEST. They haven't defined this nor gotten out of this rat race.

And she would say, "Frying pans," if she said anything. Or she would maintain a communication lag which was a set lag.

Now, I refer you to Scientology 8-8008's text. It goes into this very, very swiftly, and that's: viewpoint of dimension. It's a viewpoint of dimension. What's the dimension? Well, that's what you have a viewpoint of. That's all. You've just got an idea that there you are, and out there is a point, and therefore you can see from here to there. That's very easy, isn't it? If you don't have a point out there, you can't see from here to there. What's that point out there? That point out there is a terminal.

You got — or if you tried to talk to her, even vaguely, something dreadful or drastic would happen. In the course of conversation, you'd find yourself fighting. You'd go back over the conversation, you'd try to find out where you got into a fight. You can't find out. No, they just decided to fight, that's why you got into a fight. They were, all of a sudden, were confronted with a leopard with purple spots, and they started to fight this leopard.

How many kinds of space are there? Well, there could be, basically, two-dimensional space. That's something with length and breadth, but no width. Highly theoretical, but nevertheless, it could exist.

Till you've looked into these people's heads, you don't appreciate that because they're accepted and tolerated in the home, and they go around and pat the kids on the head and trip them up, and tell them fancy stories and scare them to death at night when they go to bed. And Mama and Papa or somebody, they don't know what's wrong with their kids. Well, they just haven't got the full time track on the kid, that's all.

One-dimensional space could not exist. One-dimensional space would be defined by something which has no dimension and the whole thing falls down. But you can say it has length and breadth. And the three-dimensional space is easy to define. And four-dimensional space is an idiot's nightmare. And you get up to fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth, and you can go anyplace you want to from there just in terms of viewpoint of dimension.

Now, that could happen to old Uncle Joe who's a harmless old coot who sits around and never says anything. Never says a thing, never says a thing. Yeah, he's very easy to have around the house. He never says a thing up to the time when he burns the house down.

And you don't have to get snarled up about anything at all. If it's an idea — even the physicist starts out and he says, "Well, it must be all an idea or an explosion or something that started all of this. And we don't know anything about it so, therefore, we'll leave that up to somebody else and we will go on solving physics." (The jerk!) He wasn't going to get anyplace, by the way, until he suddenly took himself by the nape of the neck and said, "All right, how do we break this idiotic race track? How do we break this thing? We just keep going round and round and round in this same rat race!"

You'd be surprised how many forms this takes. But your definition of the thing is a definition which is going to hold good: What's his communication value in present time? That's all. If his communication value with present time is such that he is not talking to the person who's standing in front of him, or who won't talk to the person he's — who's standing in front of him, or if he is shut off and inaccessible in general, you have a psychotic because he's not communicating with present time. And on that person's time track you will find a history of psychotic breaks which the family wouldn't let you in on the first time. And on the future track you'll find burned-down houses and wrecked cars. There's your — there's the picture.

What's space? Space would be a viewpoint of dimension, which tells you immediately that the MEST universe is alive. Hideous thought, isn't it? Wait till you process some preclears on the techniques we're using; you'll know it's alive — a kind of dumb, stupid aliveness, all with its anchor points pulled in like mad and jammed tight together and trying to say, "Stay away from me" and "Hold them apart." But it's alive. All right. For all intents and purposes, you regard it that way in processing, anyway, because it's based on a view-point of dimension.

So when I say leave psychotics alone, I say just that. Leave them alone. Never going to do you any good, never going to do society any good to amount to anything unless you stand there prepared to invest a great deal of processing time — because a communications break of that sort is very difficult to repair because it takes you and your personality to repair it.

Now, it happens that — I just threw that in one day, into the works, to find out what would happen and everything fell flat out in the way of answers. I just kept pitching this thing into the works and it kept falling out. Pitch it in and it would fall out. Anything that works like that is — that's for me. I mean I — if that hadn't worked, we wouldn't have anything to do with it, and we wouldn't be talking about it now. But what do you know! It just all of a sudden up and solved communications a short time ago — boom, how to solve communications.

Here's this situation, they say, "We've always had psychotherapy for children." (They haven't.) But they say, "We've always had psychotherapy for children. If we could give individually, to each child, fifty hours of attention and so forth, why, we'd have all these children straightened out. But nobody's got that much time, and so therefore we can't straighten out these children and that's why there is no child psychotherapy." That's the way they put it.

All right. You put out dimensions, you say, "Pam, pam, two dimensions out here, I got space. Good." It's two-dimensional space, see — two. All right, now we put a couple of more below them and we've got three-dimensional space. We've got a viewpoint of space. Good.

There's truth in that, if you had a process. You couldn't anymore start in from here and give fifty hours of Dianetic processing to every child in England — you just start adding it up. They're getting born faster than that.

All right. Where do we go from there? Well, if we've got space here, then it must follow that we know something about the anchor point out there because we put it out there, didn't we? Well, so therefore, that's easy, and the next step isn't very tough. You say, "Well, all right, if I know that anchor point's out there, and it's out there and I'm here, then I can find out every-thing there is between here and that anchor point." And we've assumed that there's such a thing as "between here and that anchor point." And so you get a line. You have to have a line there — you think.

Did you ever read Robert Ripley's Believe It or Not? Robert Ripley proves to you conclusively that Chinese walking four abreast past a given point in review would never finish passing that point. You could be standing there watching a parade of Chinese walking four abreast in front of you, and there'd be new Chinese all the time, and they — you'd never get the Chinese race past that point. They multiply faster than that; there are just more being born than that. And he never explains just how they're going to do this while they're walking. But anyway — the point is .. .

Now, you get these lines all networked and interwoven all over the place on all the anchor points that the GE has out, and it gets very interesting indeed. The GE has a couple of anchor points out there. Sometimes the thetan — you're working with Theta Clearing on somebody, and the fellow will say, "You know, every time I go around this body, I could put up all the anchor points there are, but there's one great big ball out thataway and there's one more out thataway, to the left and right and above my head, and they're the two things around this body I don't seem to be able to do anything with. I push them out of line, and they come right back into place again. I can push that out of line, it comes back into place again. I can mock them up and do this, but that isn't the same thing. I keep pushing these things out and bringing them back." That's the GE's anchor points.

So you couldn't tackle this problem in the form of the individual child. Well, there are more adults around to be processed than there are children, or at least as many. Well, what's this make? This tells you, you're either going for broke, or you're trying to make a few bucks. And there isn't any intermediate point. We're not going to make a pretty good thing out of Scientology by processing a few people. It's never going to go over the top by processing a few people. Nunca. Never. But it can go over the top by processing a whole lot of people.

Now, if you really wanted to wind those up, the GE — you can snap them or something — the GE would probably disappear. I don't know, I never did it. Well, anyhow. It was very strange to forecast that such a thing would be, and then have preclears of their own free will telling me all about this all the time.

Well, just how we solve that problem, just — we'll be thinking it over one of these days and we'll have the solution to that, because what have we got right here? We have a Group Processing process. We can process groups--poom.

All right. We've got this dimension, and a person doesn't feel that he is until he's got some space. That's the end of it. A person can't make any space, he isn't. That's because he's on to the concatenation of ideas which lead to the solidity known as this universe. All right. If he is, he has space. If he isn't, he doesn't have space.

We could process as many people as are in this room tonight. They all walk out of here and they feel fine. They go to work tomorrow morning and say, "Where's my lumbago?" They just wonder about that. There'd be five or six of them that'd say, "I never knew I had lumbago before." But they could always come back. But they could always come back for the next evening's processing.

If your preclear is having a rough time with space, (and any preclear who is below III on the Steps — from Step III down — is having some kind of a rough time with space) there'll be spaces he can enter and spaces he can't enter, and there'll be spaces this way and spaces that way, and he'll put things out and they'll fall in on him, or he puts things here and they fall out away from him, and he's just having a tough time all the way around about space.

So it could go about this way, you know? You could make a Theta Clear and you could polish him up and get him to the level of Operating Thetan so good and so high he could just simply go out and solve all the problems of the world. Would he solve the problems of the world if you did that? No. No. He'd just fix it up so people were cared for and were dependent now upon a thetan, a thetan named Bill or something, graduated from the school a few months before. Yeah, you see that? That isn't a workable thing.

Or if he tries to do Give and Take Processing, he starts to move in the opposite sex or something, and he can only get them to move in within four feet of him and then they stop, and he can't get them any closer than that. He's having trouble with space. He can't move a particle through space. And that's his total trouble. That's a fact. That really is his total trouble.

Man has got to walk out of the hole he's in as man — not as a couple of guys. You'll find that will work out that way eventually. He's not going to get out of the hole he's in plastering himself and his neighbors with atom bombs and electric shocks and super-welfare-statism and fascism and all kinds of weird isms. He's not going to do that.

But that is, in its essence, communication. It is a particle moving in a dimension. That's communication. Various kinds of particles, but there's only one type of dimension in which you're interested. And these particles move in dimension, and that's communication.

So an auditor, by the way, has just as much responsibility for this as anybody else, you know? Interesting, isn't it? He has just as much responsibility for this as anybody else.

And when you get lots of particles moving in dimension, heavy flows of particles moving in dimension, they look like lines, but they're particles in a dimension or in several dimensions. And these communication lines are there.

The main difference between myself as an investigator and others is I think I took more responsibility for what I was doing. That's just about it. And it becomes a problem to me why somebody else doesn't take this much responsibility. I've sort of got blinders on on the subject or something of the sort.

Now, they hook up with the GE — I'm very sorry about this one — I'm very sorry about this one. I apologize for this one, deeply, because I was going to be a good boy and I was going to keep my hair combed and so forth, and I was going to leave alone everything that even vaguely resembles space opera or evolutionary lines, or clams, or anything that upset the public, you see? I was going to leave all that alone and this was all going to be very simple, and then l ran into the life continuum communication line!

I think about it. Gee-whiz, it's — here's all these school kids and these school kids have been having a rough time and all of these kids packed into rooms, lousy curriculum, master just in horrible shape. Why? He's got too many students, he's got too many bosses. He — these kids come from homes that are all upset and backwards and so forth. It's a big problem. Big problem.

Oh, nuts. You might as well go out and shoot yourself right about that time, as far as the public credibility is concerned. Who's going to believe it? Nobody. But you, as an auditor, are going to have to work with it.

Well, one of the solutions to this has to do with the fact that if you were to take the present time age bracket between six and twelve and straighten it out, Scientology would have won, hands down, in about fifteen years. You see, that's — it all becomes a very easy thing, doesn't it?

And that's, simply, the GE is so thoroughly out of present time, he is such a mass, such an accumulation of facsimiles, that if you were to bring him all the way into present time, what would happen to the GE? He would be cleared, and he wouldn't be there, and the body wouldn't be standing there. Because he's a composite and held together by facsimiles. All right. So you can't bring this GE all the way to present time.

Well, the auditor's level of responsibility is not a small one. It gets bigger. And the reason it gets bigger is he has the data. And when he has the data, now he's got some responsibility in the matter. It isn't a responsibility to find out how many pounds he might be able to make. (You know, I was making more money in Hollywood in a month than I think I've made in three years in Dianetics. That's no kidding. So money hasn't got too much to do with it. After all, you — what do you do with this money? You go out and you buy some MEST and it gets you into more trouble.)

So he's having a — the preclear's having an awful lot of trouble trying to get out of his body. So you say, "Well, let's see, we'll just kind of do a little bit of wrong auditing here. It'll come out all right, and we won't tell anybody we did it. We'll just sort of address the past with this GE." We feel we have to do this because it's so easy, and it's so obvious what's wrong with this person: this person is in his Aunt Mary's valence. And therefore, we'll just get him out of that valence. It's a very easy technique and we can do that, and we'll get him out of that valence, and so on, and then bring him up to present time, and everything will be fine.

But here you have the information and you should know how to use that information. And we're trying to keep some sort of a show on the road here, but each one of you has got a show — truth of the matter. And you go around processing a psychotic whose papa happens to own the — Vickers or ... I'm not saying that's the case, but I mean some big guy and he gives you five Rolls-Royces for bringing little Dorothea out of her eighty-ninth spin. You can do that. Well, sure you can. Sure you can.

Will it? Oh, brother! As long as you were auditing engrams out of the GE, you could get away with it, because you were auditing pictures and pack-ages and those things could impose against the thetan, and the thetan could mirror them and so the thetan could then take the GE's single package and by mocking himself up as the package the thetan could then create a two-terminal situation and erase the incident and the GE would feel much better. That's all right as long as we were handling that. But if we start to handle lines with Admiration Processing, we're in trouble. Because there are just so many hours in the next three millennia and it takes a long time to double-terminal the GE's life continuums.

One of the "solutions" that was put forward to me a long time ago was put forward to me very interestingly by a couple of boys — wouldn't you know it — in Hollywood. They said, "Well, why don't we get four or five millionaires and process them all up to Clear. All of us auditors pitch in on it, and then we'd have plenty of money, and that would be the end of the problem." And I said, "Be the end of what problem?"

They're not the thetan's life continuums. And that's the first thing you'll forget, and the very earliest thing that you're going to grab back onto in a hurry after you start auditing somebody — is the thetan isn't the GE, and he isn't doing the life continuum, but he's attached to something that is doubleterminaling with him and is doing a life continuum.

And he said, "Well, the problem about money."

Now, we can solve all this, you see. It's very solvable, but you're going to run into this manifestation. I'm sorry, and as I said, I tried to be credible and so forth. The GE is hooked up not only, evidently, with his own past as he skips along from generation to generation, but he's hooked up with the protoplasm line. And the protoplasm line thinks it's on a communication channel.

Yeah? There isn't any problem about money. Truth be told, any good printer can make more money than the government can. Anyway, when you get yourself a nice — you confront this thing called security, very often it kind of digs you in behind the ramparts, you know? And you say, "I've kind of got to hold the fort here somehow or other, because, let's see, I need to make two pounds, because two pounds is two pounds and if I don't make two pounds ..." — so on.

And the communication channel can be discovered by an auditor using Double Terminal Processing. That's fascinating. That's fascinating. That means you got buried when your grandfather died. Isn't that interesting? Isn't that horrible? You got buried when Grandpa died.

I tell you something very funny: Money is an attention unit. A crown, a dollar, a mark, a franc is simply an attention unit. And do you know that money can be regarded as attention? And it follows exactly the laws of attention. Isn't that peculiar!

If you run into some preclear and you have to process this out of him, you just insist that you're going to have to process this out of him, you'll say, "Why the hell didn't they cremate the old boy?" Because your preclear's been on a communication line to the disturbances of the grave.

There is the lucky fluke of the guy who all of a sudden opens up a safe or something and finds he has eight billion dollars or something and he says, "Now, I'm going to take this out one dollar after another, and I'm going to keep myself the rest of my life."

I'm sorry about this. Honest, I'm sorry. It's real rough. Preclear's been walking around all this time and he has this odor of mildew. He doesn't know what he's going to do about this odor of mildew all the time. There, he's got an odor of mildew. It's Aunt Jenny — she's mildewed. They should have given her mothproof clothes when they buried her. I'm not kidding. I've been testing this, and that's just very sad. I mean, I'm sorry about it.

Every once in a while the police tear up some old home and they find some guy died of starvation, and he had eight hundred thousand dollars parked up in paper sacks, or something of this sort.

Fortunately, you don't have to tell anybody about it. And if you audit it — if you start auditing some preclear and this thing flies into view like mad and so on, it can be audited out by Double Terminals and Admiration Processing on three levels. And it can be audited out and it can be audited out probably with great benefit. And in some cases it very well may be have to be audited out.

Well, you as an individual will make as much money as you attract pro-survival attention. You can just absolutely — you can plot how much money any man is going to make just with that. You can plot them as they walk into a processing session. This fellow is going to make so much; his life potential, from here on, in terms of currency is going to be just this much. It'll be your communication lag index, because he can get as much attention, prosurvival, as he's in present time.

And all you do is mock up the guy facing the guy that's dead. That is to say, you mock up the dead man twice in all of his postures and positions.

Nobody ever got any attention out of present time that was prosurvival. It was contrasurvival attention; the police arrested him, or something of the sort. You get the difference of this?

Now, this is going to be very tempting — auditing this is going to be very tempting to the auditor. Because now I . . . One of the first things you do with a V, is tell him to put his anchor points out and in. And if he does this a few times — throw his anchor points out and put them in again — he's going to go into his first communication block, which is going to be the last or first life continuum which he's doing. It's going to be one of the life continuums he's doing. And he's going to have a facsimile clasped right over his face — it's a hidden influence, you see? He's hiding it from himself, and so forth, and he — you'll find him in the damnedest places. You'll find him under the sofa of his boyhood home, you know, and that black thing in front of him is the curtain, the sofa curtain.

Money flows toward points which attract prosurvival attention. All you've got to do is stand up there and keep on being prosurvival, and be prosurvival in a widening communicating sphere and you will just have to start throwing this stuff away! You just turn your back on it. It gets a little bit tough after a while. You just have to turn your back on it because money gets you in trouble faster than anything I know. More people start jumping you the second that you — they think you've got a few bucks. It's wonderful. I mean, insurance brokers — all your time's taken up with trying to fight off securities salesmen, if you've got money.

You know, this is silly, but this is true. And you'll find him in the damnedest places. Well, don't be surprised where you'll find him. You'll find him in the fireplace, you'll find him in the kitchen stove, and you'll find him someplace around where he best knew this person on whom he's doing a life continuum. And he has sort of hidden himself there, and he's being the other person there. It's cute, isn't it? Real cute.

But this is something you kind of ought to put down. You make money as much as you get attention, and you get as much attention in a society, as far as you put your communication lines out. And if you don't put your communication points out in a society, there isn't any flow-in in terms of money. That answers the buck, but it answers something else at the same time. It tells you to put out those communication lines. Put them way out.

And he will be in a place where he wasn't supposed to be in that area. Get that? In other words, he got a closure of terminals. It'll usually be some black or dark object in that area where he isn't supposed to be, and he was warned against being there — he's warned against being there. And so when he says, "Well, I'll do a life continuum on so-and-so," well, he does. And the next thing you know he's hidden from himself and so forth. He's hidden all right.

You take the data which you have and try, just try and work for ten hours a day giving it away. You'd be in trouble. You won't be able to handle that much money — that's all, in terms of attention. Just try ten hours a day to give it away.

You say, "Now put in and out your anchor points. Now put in and out your anchor points. Now what do you see? What do you see?"

You try to sell it, you're in the position of a guy trying to sell gold pieces for pennies. Nobody will buy gold pieces for pennies — they just don't do that. A gold piece is a gold piece; and nobody sells them, and so forth.

He looks at you kind of ashamed and, "Well, it's Aunt Jenny. Of course, I see Aunt Jenny."

An orderly practice actually is not indicated for a Scientologist. It's dull.

And you say, "Well put it out — anchor points in and out. See if you can remove that thing from your face."

In the British Isles, America, and so forth, there are knitting societies, ladies' aid societies, Holy Rollers, anything you want to mention. They're just groups of people and they get together and sometimes they even plan to do something. (They never do anything.) But you have these tremendous resources in terms of all these mobs of people out here, just all this raw material running around. But if you're — you have a tendency to be out of communication with Homo sapiens, you're never going to reach them. So don't have a tendency. Get in present time and put those anchor points out. Because the next thing you know, you'll find yourself doing this and doing that.

"Well, I can't move it very easily."

Now, another thing, right under the heading of "How to Audit," how to audit is your job; explaining what Scientology is all about isn't. You will bog yourself down faster!

"Why can't you move it very easily?"

Now, supposing you were an electrical engineer and you had a fixation on this idea: that you had to go out and everybody you talked to, you explained the whole subject of thermodynamics. And everybody you talked to, you started in at the beginning, and you explained thermodynamics to them. You're not in communication. You're not even vaguely in communication. You start telling people what Scientology's all about and you're going to go out of communication. You might as well start in on thermodynamics. They know they haven't got a mind, and if they had one it would be too complex to solve. They know all that.

"Well, it's the curtain in her closet." In other words, he's just stuck him-self there on the track. And this is where you'll find the boy. All right.

In order to bring them up at all, all you have to do is demonstrate results. For God's sakes, be an expert. Now, I've told you about a navigator — navigator, the mystery of the bridge and all that sort of thing. Practice that all you want to; it's perfectly healthy. Because you're at a level now where your basic tenets — the basic tenets of Dianetics are extremely acceptable. We'll try to get out a little pamphlet so you can kind of give this to somebody — quick, you know — and he can read it over if he wants to know about it. But you're the fellow who makes it work.

Now, this would indicate, then, that the way to get rid of this, of course, is to double-terminal Aunt Jenny on three levels, which process I have yet to cover with you. We double-terminal her, get her facing each other in her characteristic pose, and take her down through the levels of sinking through grief and apathy into death; and we double-terminal her down here dying, and being dead, and being buried. And you say, "Well, gee, how many years ago was that? Well, we've got twenty-five years of grave to audit out here. That's good. That's — it's all. So we'll just double-terminal in there. Hope nobody dug her up in the meantime or something of the sort because we'll have to run that out." And I'm sorry, but that's just what happens.

And there's lots more of this, you understand? And you go around, you know, and you try to explain to everybody about gradient scales, and you try to explain to them about state of MEST and well, you're not in communication. And all you demonstrate to them is that you just — there's no communication level possible here. So you don't get attention.

And so we've got — what are we doing? We're auditing the GE. Undoubtedly, you'll be able to get away with it, but it's slow, slow. And you're not obeying one of the first goals of the auditor, which is to hell with it, locate present time!

How do you get attention? Well, it takes a fairly overt fellow, which you ought to make out of yourself, a fellow who is slightly gregarious. And just for the sake of your own therapy you ought to learn to walk up to a person in the street and say, "How are you? What is the matter with your left eye? Oh, is that so? That's very interesting." And give them your card, or have them sit down on the park bench and fix up his left eye.

Where's present time? Well, it's not in Aunt Jenny's closet. It's not in the bathroom of the boyhood home. It's not in the coal scuttle where somebody used to spit all the time — he mustn't get in that, you see. It isn't in any of these places. No, sir! And it isn't on that doggone fool communication line. In spite of the fact that it'd be very attractive to you to go ahead and do so, you're still patching up the GE.

That takes brass, doesn't it? That means that every third or fourth fellow that you meet might be willing to get his eye fixed up. But that means there's going to be two or three there that you run into that are going to say, "Who the hell is this nut?" Well, you have to be able to take that. Until you're able to take that, you're not in good shape. It's actually a test of where a guy is on the Tone Scale.

Remember this: If a thetan gets tough enough, big enough, so forth, he patches up the GE simply by putting the GE under command and says, "Here you are, fellow, now let's snap out of this hop and get going." And the GE gets going.

You should be able to walk down into the ward of the fanciest hospital we've got around here, walk down into the front office, and say, "Well where is the doctor on watch? I'm a Scientologist and, ah, I want your last accident case. What's the name — what's the name of the last accident case? Jones, yes, Jones — yes, I want Jones." Simply go up and run out the incident out of Jones. You'd be surprised how many times you would find yourself somewhat dazedly sitting there running the incident out of Jones. You would be amazed. Takes brass.

Now, it's very possible, every once in a while — I won't conclude completely that it'd be — it's unnecessary and never should be done to double-terminal up one of these life continuum people, but you're going to find the damnedest things. So you just might as well be prepared to believe anything when you start to double-terminal up the people on whom the GE is doing a life continuum. Of course, you know, you needn't believe it either because the GE is stark staring mad. If anything ever was crazy, it's the GE. And, of course, he'd have delusions about it.

You have to be willing to accept any of God's quantity of kicks in the teeth. And you can accept them very easily, because anybody that'll kick you in the teeth on a mission like that is so far out of communication he hasn't got enough horsepower even to ridicule you. What are you afraid of him for? That's all.

But we're dealing with an idea so we might as well say it's true. An idea is true. A delusion is true, then, if somebody believes it completely. Look at — look at capitalism. The best way to preserve capitalism is to make every-thing scarce and make the capitalists hate it. It preserves it all right, in embalming fluid.

Actor always figures, you know, that an audience that won't applaud for him, and so forth, is just stupid. Well, you can figure the same way, only you'll figure right. Any fellow that's saying, "Now, let's see, these are my patients . . ." — he's having a bad time for himself.

All right. When we go in for this type of auditing, then, the sky's the limit because you're auditing the GE.

I walked into a health center once — a great big county health center and everything, and I said, "Where's your resident doctor, man in charge, and so forth?" I went up to see him, I said, "How do I get your charity list of patients here? Psychosis, neurosis, things like that — charity patients and so forth."

Now, I'll give you a very brief resume on how you would do that kind of auditing. You would simply take the preclear, you would just locate who he's probably doing a life continuum on, and you would — you wouldn't even have to find him — tell him to put in and out his anchor points, you see. And you just mock this person up twice in a characteristic position. You just mock that person on whom he's doing a life continuum up twice, and just hold that mock-up, and change it every time its mood seems to change. And you just keep putting in new mock-ups every time the old mock-ups tend to disappear. And you just keep doing this and doing this.

And he said, "Well, you have to see so-and-so down the hall."

You can also put up two mock-ups, that is to say, two terminals of this person. And one of them keeps turning black — you can actually use Black and White Processing, just by simply if it turns black, why, tell them to turn it white. And he'll have two white terminals facing each other, and they're just as good or better.

And I went down the hall and I said, "They just sent me down here from the front office. How many people do you have on charity here?"

All right. You just run that, then, right down the line, sympathy of burial, to the grave. That's all. And just carry it until it's done. Anything else pops up into view or something like that, why, don't bother to change off to it. You do it just as relentlessly as you did an old engram.

The fellow says, "Why, we've got so many people and so forth." I said, "You got their names? Got their names?"

Would you then have to do very much about this? No. It's just put two terminals there and make sure that the preclear keeps them there and runs them through this sequence down to the burial and the grave. That's the way you would do a Matched Terminal on a life continuum. That is a technique — not a recommended one. Now, I told you, more or less, what you discover if you did this — and the sky's the limit on it.

"Well, they have their names down in the office down there."

Don't go around telling people this is what auditing is, though. This is what GEs are, damn them!

I went down to the office and I said — down there, I said, "This guy just said to give me the names of all the people you've got on charity." So they did. And I went back up to the top office then and I said, "I'm going to take these people and straighten them out and so forth. And my name and address and telephone number is so-and-so. If you get any more in, let me know, won't you?" Shook him by the hand and walked out. Processed about twenty people; they all got well.

All right. Now communication, then, consists of handling anchor points. And that can be flows of anchor points, or showers of anchor points or great big masses of anchor points, or a chunk of an anchor point. That's communication. It isn't what happens between two anchor points that is a communication; it's what happens with anchor points.

About six weeks later I received a telephone call. "You didn't say you were a doctor and something very mysterious has happened — is you cleaned up our charity list. There isn't anybody on our charity list now."

Now, the first mistake that you could make is to say, "A communication line goes between two anchor points." That's — this is really a terrible blunder contained in that phrase. To explain this to somebody, you could say, "Well, what's a communication line? Well, it goes between a couple of terminals." You just throw it out like that and they say that's satisfied. But that isn't good enough for you as an auditor. No, sir!

I said, "I know."

The communication line is the behavior of terminals. That's all a line is. What's the terminals? The terminal is the line is the terminal. Don't think that you have terminals, then, without having lines.

"Well, what did you do?" This is what's known as communication lag.

You get further in auditing if you process things as though they were lines than as terminals. What's this tell you, then, immediately? This tells you that if you want to open up a line real good, you'll have to double-terminal the line. That is to say, you'll have to mock up a line alongside of a line, won't you? Instead of mocking up two terminals facing each other, you'd mock up a couple of lines facing each other. And sure enough, the auditing goes faster if you do that. It doesn't matter whether you handle the line or the terminal; you're handling the same thing — you're handling communication.

And you'll find yourself, as an auditor, fighting the hidden influence. The state has laws, this outfit has laws, that outfit has laws. This — if you're worried about this, you're fighting the hidden influence. You really are. We have to know what our legal position is, where we stand. But actually, you can't possibly get into any trouble, particularly if you leave psychotics alone. And it's just good sense for Scientology to do so; it's just good sense to do so.

Now, when affinity is high you get an identity of beingness as far as space is concerned. When affinity is very high, you can have the two things in the same space or in different spaces.

There's no reason to tie up . . . You know, you're valuable. You really are. You have information. There's no sense in tying up all the information and all that you can do for weeks and weeks and weeks alongside of some raving madman that when you get him all well will be able to sit still for a change. That's right. Five months later you find out you were processing the GE all the time. Wasn't any thetan there.

So on any person — he's just as likely to be someplace else. Every once in a while some guy gets killed in the war and his wife jumps out of bed with a scream — eight thousand miles away, or something like that. I don't know why anybody would be surprised about this, but people generally are. He's just home too and it's probably his last thoughts of home.

All right. I hope this gives you a little thought — a little thought about practice. It's very amusing, I made a remark like this from a platform some weeks ago, months ago, years ago — time tracks being what they are — and a couple of the boys listened, and out of the whole audience they were the only two that did anything about it. They promptly went out in the street, turned around and went in opposite directions, and everybody they found who was lame, halt or blind, they gave them their name and address, talked to them about it. And they came back — one of them came back to see me and he says, "You know something?" he says, "Nobody turned me down. Everybody's very happy to see me. And I talked to everybody. And I got an appointment to audit one of them about right now and I've got to be going! Bye."

Now, it's totally possible that with his dying breath, the relative thinks of, or tries to grab hold of, the admiration he's had from the other person — drains the line, jams the line, collapses it, and brings the two terminals down on each other. And the two terminals are coincident from then on. That's why your preclear doesn't feel good; he's been buried for years. Well, that's just perfectly acceptable as an explanation.

Nearly everybody works on this theory: "There are two entities with which I am confronted. One is me, and the other is the rest of the world. And the rest of the world is collected all together, and they are a group, and they know. And then there's just me, and I'm pretending I am part of that group, but I know I don't know. And therefore, it's sort of me here and them there." You see? That's sort of a theory. And what do you know, everybody feels like that. Isn't that a hell of a joke?

Now, beingness, then, could be communications — and you might as well consider them the same thing. Now, if we want to be very smooth, we say the evolution is: idea to have space, then space — now that level is beingness. And now, if we have space, we've got anchor points out there, and the beingness around here is in communication with.

So that you go into any group, if you take aside any individual by him-self, you can produce very fantastic effects. You just say, "Well, there's that group over there and you." (You don't say who you are.)

So we cannot have space without having communication. The second you've got a point out there, you've got communication, and in order to have space, you've got to have a point out there. So you see, they enter in right there.

You can do this to the head of a hospital. He, fortunately or unfortunately, is simply human. You say, "People are all wondering why you don't ..." And he'll say, "Gee, are they?"

Now, as you get more and more points, the communication becomes more and more obvious and more and more visible. A person who has a small idea of his beingness won't get his points out very far. A person who has a terrific idea of his beingness can put his points way out or not put them out at all.

In other words, everybody is running on a one terminal basis to a large degree. And if he has a second terminal, he's using that horrible word "they." "They think. They do." Who's they? It's just another bunch of "these."

But you won't find somebody along 3.0, 4.0, 5.0 of the Tone Scale that will not put them out at all. Remember what I said last night about your — about this: Keep them apart! Boy, from about 3.0 down, they've got that bad. Keep them apart — that's the big motto — keep those terminals apart. They dramatize it all the time.

All right. Enough of that. Your case level is best demonstrated to your-self on the amount of brass, pure brass, that you can find in yourself. In other words, in other phrases: poise, self-confidence, presence. Being in present time and getting to be a Theta Clear actually does give you an awful lot of personal presence.

Because, you see, if a person holds them apart and fights holding them apart, they collapse, and he's left, then, with a terminal or a point — anchor point, terminal, I don't care which word or phrase you use — he's left, then, with something which has collapsed upon him in such a way as to have over-come his own self-determinism regarding it, and therefore he is in apathy. That thing was way out there and he knew he had to fight it to hold it out, so he fought it to hold it out and he fought it and he fought it and he fought it. And you know what randomity is: it's not taking responsibility for something. So what's this thing do? It collapses on him, of course. So he fought it and he fought it and he fought it, an* it came right back, and finally it's wound up right in his face.

If it doesn't give you personal presence, then there's an awful lot of bugs there that haven't been worked out, that's all. And what kind of bugs are they? Communication. You became a Theta Clear, but your communication level didn't change. So you aren't really a good Theta Clear at all. So let's take a look at that, and when you find yourself feeling like you're perfectly capable of going up to the nearest bobby and saying, "I say, old man, I've always wanted to tell a cop off. Why don't you jump under that truck," and if you could do that without batting an eye and simply walk on down the street, you're in good shape, you're in real good shape. And if you're in that condition, he won't say a word. As a matter of fact, he's liable to dive under the truck.

And theoretically, as far as I know, every atom that is in this wall here has fought to keep it apart, to a point where it's infinitesimally small. Is it the helium atom that has two electrons and one proton? Male voice: No.

Well now, let's get on to a little more of this "how to audit." We could cover that last section under the basis of "who you are." And if you're just going to be a guy that sits at a desk and processes somebody when he shows up, you're not going to get anyplace. Circulate!

Is that it?

This next is — has to do with how you audit various people. What do you have to do to get good results with a preclear and to stay in good condition yourself? An interesting one, isn't it? Every auditor that's done any auditing has been up against two terminals, and if he will just take his past auditing — if he is sort of paled a little bit on the idea of auditing people — if he'll just take his last few sessions and if he'll mock up another person in the room and run those sessions over again with another person mocked up in the room observing it, what do you know? Any effect he might have had from that auditing will blow. Why? Most of the time when you're auditing some-body who's lying down, what's going to keep you in present time? You're interested in this person's past, aren't you? And at best you're looking at something that is simulating a corpse — it's lying down, isn't it?

Male voice: Deuterium.

Here we have the condition: Those moments are most aberrative where attention is not being given, not being received or is unnoticed. The most aberrative moments are concerned with that. Attention is not being given, not being received or is going unnoticed. What happens in that case is you actually will draw out of your bank any reserve of sympathy or admiration which you have as an energy, and you just burn it up. Fascinating!


The GE is just a machine, and he'll burn up the past so hard that he'll bring the past right up with him, slurp. And all of a sudden he's sitting out of present time; the past is here and he's back there, and all of his communication lines are little black twists of licorice, and he wonders what in the name of common sense happened to him.

Male voice: Ron, deuterium.

Well, I'll tell you what happened to him. He sat there and audited some-body who was lying down. His whole attention is on the past, and he is observing a form which is in the posture of death. The only way he could sympathize with that form would be to be dead, or audit himself. And after a while, an auditor will drift out of present time when a preclear is being over-long at something and start to audit himself.

Well, that would be the eternal triangle fought down to its final decline. The proton has kept two of them apart, finally winds up in a wall. I mean that could be, theoretically, it. You see?

Well, you know just exactly what's happening there? He's trying to be the same as. He's trying hard to be the same as and he's out of present time; and he has the preclear there. So, to be sympathetic with the preclear and get any possible, anything possible with that preclear in the lines of communication, he sort of has to be the same as the preclear. So what's he do? He starts kicking in engrams to audit while the preclear is running his, and the auditor will audit himself straight out of present time.

There is no slightest scarcity of life — no slightest scarcity of life. And actually, a thetan could throw out a shower of this stuff, and it could start behaving in that fashion and you would have matter. When I say that that has fought to keep them apart, that isn't any reason to believe that it should be sympathized with particularly as alive. Oh you — it might be alive and it might not, who cares?

Why does he do this? It's very simple, it's just one of those moments where attention isn't being given or received or is going unnoticed. The pre-clear has his eyes closed; he really isn't paying much attention to the auditor.

All right. Let's take a look, then, at the difference between a person who steps out of his body easily and a person who steps out of his body with great difficulty. A person who steps out of his body easily can handle most communication points; he's not fighting his own communication points. A person steps out of his body as easily as he can handle communication points, and he has as much difficulty stepping out of his body as he has difficulty in handling communication points. And from 3.0 down, he is so thoroughly trying to keep them apart that he is jamming them in on himself, one right after the other — barn-barn-barn!

This isn't so bad when you're running phrases; it isn't so bad when you're in constant communication with the preclear. But I am giving this to you now, at this time, because you are embarking upon Matching Terminal Processing, which takes a lot of silence. You'll find yourself sitting there an awful lot of the time with nothing going on, so this problem becomes crucial. It isn't just one of these problems that we had better do. But now that we enter in on the Matching Terminals, I can tell you what will happen, because I know what happened after we introduced Lock Scanning. Invented this Lock Scanning technique and didn't change auditing procedure, and the first thing you know, we have half the auditors in the place doped off and out of present time and self-auditing.

Now, what are the first two terminals you're interested in, as an auditor, in this preclear? One terminal is the thetan and what matter the thetan might be making or desire to make, and the other terminal is the body. And that is a communication system whereby the thetan has mistaken the body for his own anchor point.

Why is this? It's because the preclear was lying there for an hour at a stretch running a chain of locks without the auditor saying anything to him, and the auditor had no choice but to start auditing chains of locks.

He says, "Well, this is my anchor point," and then he says, "It's no good," and therefore, he says, "I don't want to be in it." So his task is to hold, himself, what havingness he has — he has no havingness himself, you see, but he could be holding on to something and saying, "This is I." He does that easily.

The next thing you know the auditor, then, is out of present time. An auditor winds himself up in this fashion in deaths. How still do you get? Dead. How do you sympathize with a dead body? Dead. That's why life continuum's too rough, you see, you just wanted to sympathize with this body and bring this person to life again, and so you start to sympathize with him to give him life. And where do they go? They go on and die. That leaves you where? Some people park at grief; some people park at apathy and they don't go on from there. Why? They can't be dead.

Then he'd say, "This is myself and that's a body, and I've got to keep them apart." And he's successful. Every once in a while he does manage to stay four feet out from them, and then three feet out from them, then two feet out from them and then in them. And, of course, his ambition is to keep them apart. And he can't do that, so he is in an enforced state of collision with the body. And because he is the more sentient of the two, he then calculates that he has to be it, and that it has overcome him. So a thetan believes he's been overcome by the body and he doesn't exist, and he's sort of handling the body as a servant or something of this sort — whereas he's the only intelligent thing in the body, which is the big joke on him.

Well, you can go on from there, and so can your preclear. All you do is just mock up the fellow on a double terminal basis. You go ahead and sympathize with him being dead, and that's the end of the engram.

There is your first sequence of collapsing terminals. You see? Now you'll get many a I out of his head and have him start telling you immediately that he has trouble keeping his communication points out. Then you haven't got a I, have you? You've got a II or a III or IV. You're going to have to work him pretty hard until he can handle his anchor points out there. His communications, then, will not be too good; he will not be able to see as well as he should be able to see.

All right. So you don't have to worry about grief charge in running this kind of life continuum out — in other words, running loss, engrams of loss.

What is the whole problem of perception? The whole problem of perception is ease of beingness. Ease of beingness is the ease of handling those anchor points. That's all. That's all. I do mean that's all. You don't have to beat your head in about this.

All right. Let's go back to this other problem. There's your preclear and your preclear starts to cry. That kind of has a tendency to latch you up in grief. Your preclear starts to get mad. In other words, you're at the mercy of what? The two terminal system. You can argue all you want to about it, it's a rough deal.

There are 8,622 new processes per square inch of the next 100,000 years can be based on those principles. And there's just — we don't have any scarcity of techniques. Just what's the easiest technique? And we learn more and get a better definition, we get a better and easier technique. That's about all. Mean the old ones didn't work? No, they still work the same way, but we can just work easier, and each time we work at a lower-level case.

Now, a Theta Clear can audit successfully simply by going off to the other side of the room and watching his body and the preclear's body. There he has two terminals and he's not part of them — except his body is getting a counter-discharge, unprotected, and so forth. He isn't doing his body any good when he's doing that.

Now if we know this, this tells us that a Case VII has his communication points collapsed right straight on top of him, so he isn't in communication with anything, and that's that. He isn't — he wouldn't know whether he's in present time, then, would he? He wouldn't have any idea where present time was. How could he? He doesn't put out any anchor points, and if he can't put out any anchor points, and if he can't co-be with a body and use its anchor points, he won't be able to find out where he is.

The funny part of it is, is this becomes negligible — the amount of inter-change and charge passed back and forth becomes negligible when an auditor is auditing two terminals.

Many a VII will, with great ease, go out of his head. I mean you could say, "Step out of your head." And you — he'd just as soon tell you he was out of his head. He isn't in his head, he isn't out of his head, he isn't part of a body, he isn't anything himself, he knows he's the bedpost! You might get better results, too, if you went over to the bedpost he kept talking about being all the time, and say, "Be two feet back of this, now." You might. Your whole problem with him is getting him to put out a communication point.

Now, there's two solutions for this — three solutions. The first solution is to use two auditors and audit very intensively on some preclear. The solution's been tried quite often; it's found to be very successful. In doing Mock-up Processing — intensive Mock-up Processing — two auditors, then, could expect not only to stay in present time, but could expect to be well advanced on the case of the preclear. In other words, the preclear is going to get well a lot faster. This has been tested, and it's been found to be the case. That's because you've got two minds working on the same subject, but it's also, in addition to that, it keeps the auditor completely in present time, because each one of the two auditors is looking at two terminals. And he's very happy about it, see. And he's never part of the two terminal system; he's the third party. All right. That's one solution.

Well, there's a cycle you go into for this. And that cycle is: curiosity, desire, enforcement and inhibition. That runs from 40.0 to 0.0. There's curiosity just above 40.0, and that makes one go out and put out the communication points.

Another one is to have some office help. You have a girl or a janitor or something of the sort, and every time you give a session, just have them come in and sit down. That's all.

But the second he says, "I want them to be there so that I can see," why, you're into desire, and the fellow starts not to want them there. And some-body says, "You've got to keep them there," and then if he really has got to keep them there and he gets them anchored firmly, somebody comes along and says, "You can't keep them there anymore." That's the cycle of the Tone Scale — it's curiosity, desire, enforcement, inhibition. All right.

And the other one is to make the preclear furnish the other terminal. Say, "Okay, I'll give you a session," so forth, "who are you going to bring over?"

Now, at 40.0, way up on the Tone Scale, way up, affinity is such that a person can be or un-be with such ease, that he could just be anything and un-be anything, and be anything and manufacture anything. It doesn't matter to him.

"Well, just me. You see I have a lot of private things I'd like to sort out. When I was in boys' school, you see ..."

Or as far as the MEST universe is concerned, he could only be in one place and that's present time, if he were in the MEST universe. Of course he could probably flip ahead of the MEST universe or behind it. By flipping ahead of it, just mock himself up as predicting where it's going to be, or what's going to be happening. And behind it, he could say, "Well, I'm back here now."

And you say, "Well, who are you going to bring over?" I mean, you're really impressed.

But he'd have to coordinate (wonderful word) the ordinates of space. He'd have to have his anchor points out in the same space ordinates as the MEST universe, in order to perceive the MEST universe. All right. Therefore, he could just be anything; he could be this and not be that and so on. As a matter of fact, he could be pain, he could be misery, he could be chaos, he could be destruction, he could be any one of these things and it wouldn't worry him at all. Because he wouldn't be worried about destruction, probably he wouldn't cause any, you see, to amount to anything. He wouldn't be bringing order into everything either, particularly. There would be his state of beingness. Now, that's way up, and if he got into action a little bit, he could still be anything he wanted to be.

Now, do you want, if this fellow's a man, do you want him to bring over with him a man or a woman? Gee, it's obvious — a man. You're auditing a man, you want a man. And if you're auditing a girl, you want a girl.

But then we get this whole cycle now, and he says, "I can now put out my communication points anywhere." And what do you know? By putting out his communication points anywhere, he actually can simply say, "All right, now let's see, I'm the lorry, and I think I will drive down the middle of the street." And the lorry would probably move out in the middle of the street and go down the middle of the street. See, in other words, his command over MEST and other things is so great that he'd have no difficulty with them. He'd just say, "I'm it. Now it will move," and that would be that.

Let me tell you something: You go in for auditing very many girls, you'd be very, very smart — and if you, as a girl auditor, go in for auditing very many men, you'd be very smart — always to have another one of the same sex as the preclear on the premises, right in front of you, right there. The reason for this is very simple. About the only way doctors ever get in trouble is some girl goes flying off the handle all of a sudden, and says, "Well, you know, we really — we're awfully good friends, you know," and innuendo. More doctors have ruined their reputations this way than I could count. This is very practical — this whole thing — and it's something you don't want to get involved with.

All right. Now, let's take the bottom of the scale. What's happened there? Without any determinism of his own, he has been forced to keep his points in. Things have tried to communicate to him so forcefully, they've got him leery of putting out any of his own points. What he's fighting is a hidden influence. He could put out at any time he wanted to points anyway, and nothing is restraining him. Not for a moment. No. No. Nothing — there's no barrier there. He just thinks there is, but that makes a barrier. All right. Now, he looks over here, then, and he says, "Well," he said, "if I put out any communication points there, I'll get shot. And if I put out any communication there, I'll get eaten by lions."

All right. You'll find yourself occasionally, God help you, in a session where the preclear has nothing on his or her mind but sex. And you're liable to get bogged down in such a deal — you try to run engrams and so forth. Because you start running people below the level of grief and in apathy, and there's satyrism and nymphomania present. And you key that in and, pam, they're terrifically excited in that direction. Have somebody else on the premises. Because if you say, "No. No, no, no. Bye. I mean, sorry . . ." they go out and they say, "You know what that auditor did? He tried to rape me." That's right.

You ask some people who are way downscale, you say, "All right, now why can't you get out of the room?"

I'm sorry to have to get so down-to-earth on something like that, but we're living in — well, most of us, I hope — 1953. And the society moving out there in 1890 doesn't understand these various things.

"Well, it's because of the tiger out in the other corner of the room." Sometimes you ask a preclear a little higher about the room, "What's the matter? Something wrong with the space in this room?"

All right. Therefore, if you want to stay in present time, continue to be interested in auditing and be very alert and never have auditing bother you, have another terminal there — even though it's trouble, even though it's upsetting and so forth. That is not just optimum condition. You're all of a sudden moving into the technique of Matching Terminals. That means your preclear's going to sit there for a long time and be doped off and so on, is going to be holding two terminals, and they'll be holding two terminals for a half an hour without anything happening as far as you can see. Lots happening with them!

And he'll say, "No. No."

But you've just told them, "All right. Have this — have these two men now — each one cuts his throat and lies down and dies and goes into rigor mortis." And that can go on for a long time because here they've got one and they — he just cuts his throat, see, and they have to put up a second one in here cutting his throat too. And they finally get that. They've got two guys cutting their throat simultaneously. Now we go — have to go on to the next step, and so forth. And they understand this. You're asking, every once in a while, "What are you doing? How's it getting along?" and all that sort of thing. But at the same time there's just these long silences and you as an auditor shouldn't have to occupy those by auditing yourself — no dice.

"Well, what would you hate to find here?"

So there's another solution will offer itself to you, is throw a dummy in the office. Might have some degree of workability, but you'd be surprised how little attention a dummy can give anything.

"Well, I'd kind of hate to find that dead woman over there. I'd sort of hate to find her."

All right. Now, when do you audit? Don't audit anybody during a period of severe physical pain! In other words, don't audit somebody that — right away quick while they're flying through the windshield in an automobile accident. That's the wrong time to audit somebody. Don't audit somebody when he has just lost eight quarts of blood or something of the sort. You're dealing with a machine to a large degree in the GE, and it follows and obeys certain rules, and you'll do very well to observe these.

So you have him mock up a lot of dead women, and then he steps out of his head. It's a technique, you see, clearing up his space for him just by making him pretend all the horrible things are in the vicinity that he thinks are there as hidden influences.

Now don't audit somebody late at night. When that hour hits about 10:00, they're right in the middle of the engram, hand them their hats and send them home. I mean, you could do that and be on the safe side. They're right in the middle of something, and it's very hot and so forth, and it's 10 o'clock and you say, "Well that's fine. We'll finish it up the next session. Good night."

You see, the thetan using the GE's anchor points isn't trusting himself as a thetan. And if he's stopped trusting GEs, he's in horrible condition; he doesn't even use the GE perception. He doesn't believe what he sees, in other words. He doesn't believe what the GE sees, either.

You'd think that would be very damaging and very harmful. That is less damaging and in the long run will prove to be — we're just talking about aver-ages now; the old man will tell you something out of his experience with this, observing other auditors at work — you're on the safe side if you do that. Knock it off about 10:00.

All right. Now, how do we use this? We have the fellow, you'd say, "All it would be necessary to do is change the fellow's ideas and he'd go all the way on up to the top of the scale." Well, that's true if he's out of his body. But every time he tries to change ideas while he's in his body, at a low level, something bad is liable to happen. And that bad thing that is liable to happen is that he's liable to release a little admiration, and that opens up another communication line, and the next thing you know, why, he's pinning down tighter than he was before — by just releasing energy. So the way we'd get him out of his head — the best technique to get him out of his head would just have him be things without worrying about whether he was in his head or not. Because, you see, the joke is on him; he really isn't in a head at all.

Your auditor judgment may tell you, "Well, we just couldn't possibly drop this preclear at this time." Well now, you — you're going to pick it up the following day. All right, you pick it up the following day, but you tell him you're going to pick it up the following day. Give him another appointment.

I'm not making a joke here, I mean I'm not saying he's three feet back of his head or anything. No. The truth of the matter is, all the way down the line, that nobody is in any head. I mean, that's far as the highest level truth is concerned on this. He's just got an idea that he's someplace. And he thinks that he'd better be able to locate things and hold terminals and move them and things like that. And sure enough, you use those techniques, a certain level of result takes place. We were using them here a few months ago, and we were getting along fine. We weren't getting anywhere as fine as we're getting with these simplifications.

Because here's what could happen: You say, "That is red-hot, and I could tap it right now. And it will only take another forty-five minutes to run that whole thing out, and then we'll be finished with it" and so forth. And by the way, you just about 10:30 pass the average tolerance point of the body. You won't do anything of the sort; you won't audit that out. You've hit 10 o'clock and a red-hot engram in full restimulation. Drop it like a hot potato. Because it's really going to be flaming forty-five minutes later, and if it's 1 o'clock in the morning, you will find that that engram is getting worse; and if it's 2:00, it'll be much worse. So you could audit from 2:00 till — you could audit from 10 o'clock till 3 o'clock or 4 o'clock in the morning on this confounded thing and just have your preclear get worse. Whereas you could go till 4 o'clock the next afternoon, pick him up again and give him a session.

All right. Now where do you start with this fellow, then? Well, this is a technique called — just nothing but this — this technique is called Mock-up Beingness. Good simple title — Mock-up Beingness. And you just take a horrible long list of things for him to be. Where? Right where he is.

That sounds completely idiotic, doesn't it? Yet the body is built out of things which have a habit pattern. And that habit pattern is to be less energetic and less resistive at night than in the daytime. People die, on the average, at about 2 o'clock in the morning. At sunset, vitality of the body — real vitality — we're not talking now about late pub-crawling or something of this sort — starts to die out about sunset and dwindles down the line, and unless booted very heavily with alcohol or something of the sort, gets into pretty sorry condition, really, about 10 — 10:30 and then gets progressively worse. Until we hit at 2 o'clock — if you were to take a basal metabolism and all the rest of that sort of thing on a person, you would find that his general fluids and humors and so on were in horrible condition. And you start auditing somebody at 1 o'clock in the morning on the theory you'll be able to do him some good — no, you won't. You're going to have to do all the auditing over again if they're still alive at 2 o'clock the next afternoon.

Now, you don't have to double-terminal them, but you can. And this is something like Mock-up Processing.

So just write it down in your book. And break the rule once or twice, just to teach yourself a good lesson. You'll never do it again, I guarantee you. Every now and then some auditor will get away with it. He'll get away with it. That's the freak; that's the freak chance. That's not what will happen ordinarily. Human beings just don't survive well after 10 o'clock. And you get something hot into restimulation and you figure you should knock off the session — well, I said you could, and I said it very crudely, you could hand him his hat and say, "All right, I'll see you tomorrow afternoon." You could, with less damage. But that isn't, of course, what you do.

Now, you don't direct him where to put these beingnesses. You see, that's — you'd be directive if you were telling him that. So you don't tell him where to put these beingnesses. You say, "Be a cat," and he goes ahead and he's a cat.

You just take that next-to-last list, no matter who he is — you get some kind of a hot engram something of the sort, take the next-to-the-last list in Self Analysis and just give it to him. "Remember something real? A time you were really in communication? A time you felt some affinity? A time some-body felt some affinity for you? A time when somebody felt . . . Got that? Got it? That's right. That's right. Good night, Mr. Jones."

If you were to ask him where he is a cat, he would say, "Over on thewindowsill." He's here, he is over there. He's mocked himself up as a cat thatfar away from where he is. That's how fixed he is away from a locationalplace of beingness. That's how far he thinks he is from being cats. You see?And what do you know, you say, "All right, now, be a white cat. Now be a black cat. Now be a green cat. Now be an orange cat. Now be a blue cat. Now be a big tomcat. Now be an old alley cat. Now be a mama cat." All right, if you were to ask him now, "Where are you?" or "Where is the cat?" he'd say, "Well, it's here." You see, gradually, as he mocked it up — tck, tck, tck — coming right back, well, he's getting closer and closer to his mock-up.

That's all there is to it, you see? Or you could actually lock-scan him through the session. But you're getting perilously close to the deadline, and to lock-scan somebody through anything at that hour of the night is, on the average with preclears, bad.

Now, sometimes his mock-up will hang fire. That is to say, he can only be a cat four feet away. I mean, all of a sudden, he's static; he's no closer to being a cat. He could be a dozen more cats, and he'd be no closer to that.

Now, the next thing with regard to auditing: If you start auditing some-body who's very badly anaten, your auditing goes in as an engram. Now, that is justifiable, then, in terms of an assist. The person's pretty anaten, you go ahead and audit him. Remember always to go back then and audit the whole thing through again and audit the auditing out, because the auditing is in there just as solid as the engram material. Now, just because we have Matching Terminals and Theta Clearing and so forth does not mean that there isn't such a thing as pain and unconsciousness. Believe me, we haven't altered a darn thing.

Well now, do you worry about just giving him a whole bunch of cats to be to cure his unbeingness of cats? No. This is a high differentiation technique. By this I say, you keep the selection of things to be as random as possible, and you give them consecutively, and you don't worry about any somatic turning on, and you don't worry about where the mock-up falls or whether he's putting it up twice or whether he's putting it up once. You don't give a darn about that. This guy thinks he's a body, and boy, you're going to prove to him with a series of mock-ups that he can be anything from a battleship to a jailbird. And you're just going to keep it up until he eventually sort of gives up and says, "All right. I don't care if I'm a . . ." And he will be, if you ask him.

It's quite amusing, at this stage, to realize that we can take Matching Terminals as a technique, and we can do successfully, practically with any individual, any technique we've had in the past on a double terminal basis. In other words, we lock-scan, well, we lock-scan two tracks, side by side. Try it sometime if you want to really snarl your wits up. But anyway, lock-scan two tracks side by side simultaneously. And Lock Scanning works like mad.

And by that time he'll just simply step out of his head, and everything will be brilliantly clear and his mock-ups are beautiful and he's in wonderful condition. What have you done there? You've raised his communication level. You couldn't help but raise his communication level by addressing the whole subject of beingness, could you?

In other words, all these old techniques we can use. Well we don't have to use them. If you've spent time studying them and you're interested in them, you know what they are. Remember that you could apply them all on a double terminal basis with practically no liability whatsoever and with probably a great deal of success. With double terminals we've become about 150 times as good. It should have been twice as good — it's about 150 times as good.

You just say, "All right, now, be a battleship."

All right. What then should we watch for in a preclear? The eyelids. Watch his eyelids. When he has his eyes closed, do his eyeballs wander from side to side? (You see mine working there? Can you see that?) Watch his eye-balls under his eyelids and see if they're doing that. He's hypnotized. All right, now watch my eyelids. You see that? See that flutter? See that little flutter? He's hypnotized; he's anaten.

"Okay." Then he'll say, "But I sure feel kind of funny with my bow sticking way out here."

Now, if you will listen to a preclear's breathing in the vicinity of an accident or something of this sort, you will be able to tell whether or not this preclear is pretty bad off. And you'll know how hard you could hit in giving him an assist.

And you say, "All right. Now be a lorry."

If the breathing is slow and regular, even if shallow, it's all right. You don't have to worry too much about that. Slow, regular, shallow: that's not the critical point. When that breath gets to where it's irregular, it's deep and shallow, it's irregular in depth and it's irregular in timing — watch it. Breathing — people should breathe, oh, about sixteen times a minute, some-thing like that, twenty times a minute. That's normal breathing. But you can really tell when a person's breathing mechanisms start clipping out on him and his timing goes off. They — if they're breathing just monotonously, that'd be pretty much all right, you know?

Now, would you specialize in live things or MEST universe things? Well, the MEST universe falls under this classification: It is in the category of giving no attention, receiving no attention, and not noticing any attention. And therefore it is the terminal which the individual will fight unsuccessfully every time.

But you will get an exception to that rule. Once in a while in a real bad-off case, they just let out a horrible gasp and then they wait for a while, and then they gasp again and so on. They sound like a fish you just landed somewhere. That's unmistakable.

There's only one direction, in absence of processing, that a person can go in the MEST universe, and that is out the bottom. And that is because it does not give him the attention which he gives it. So therefore, he sticks — the MEST universe sticks everybody on a one-way flow of attention; and the attention is never given back. And this stuff is just like sponge. You put admiration into this stuff and it just goes slurp! — real hungry. And you'd have to be able to make an awful lot of admiration to make very much of this stuff disappear. I imagine if you sat still for a year or so and poured admiration through here, you could probably have a four-inch hole bored through the wall. But you'd have to be pretty good at it. You see?

The breathing of a psychotic is so unmistakable that you, as an auditor, will someday be able to recognize the state of sanity of the individual just by watching his breathing. (Everybody starts to breathe self-consciously.) And now, that's very much the case, though.

Now, to stay out of flows, to stay out of this manifestation known as communication lines, get him into present time as best you can, and handle him from there, this technique is definitely recommended. And it is a technique which apparently is almost nonsense as a technique, and it's terribly simple. But it — and nail this down, know this now — that by changing his beingness, you will change his communication level. You're trying to produce a change in a preclear, aren't you? Well, you're trying to change his being then, aren't you? The best test of changing his being is did he get a communication change? You can measure that easily, you can say, "Well, he sees better." That tells you that you've improved his beingness.

So, if a person appears to be fairly awake and that sort of thing when you're going to give an assist or do some auditing or they're in bad shape, something like that, just listen to that breath for a few minutes and you'll be able to tell. You'll say, "This person is not breathing normally. This person is breathing with catches and pants. Or this person is breathing . . ." There's — fear has a certain breathing level.

But you're really not interested in that. "Did you get a communication change?"

And sometimes people reassure you a great deal with this certain breath level. They'll be — uuh-hhh — sort of like that. You have to see somebody, really, with that one; it would be almost impossible to approximate. But they'll reasure you that they're all right, that everything is okay, that they're not going to do anything, that everything's going to be all right, and if you'll just let them get a little sleep or something of the sort — and you turn your back and they kick the bucket or jump out the window or something terrific happens.


When a person starts breathing in that fashion, you're right on the ball. Where are they on the Tone Scale? They're around 1.0, which is awful close to 1.1. These people who tell you, "I'm all right," and then you turn your back and they blow their brains out were breathing like that when they said, "I'm all right." And if the person who saw them just before that had any brains at all, he could have seen it from the flutter of the chest.

That's just a test, you understand, the communication lag index — that's just a test. That isn't what you're gunning for; that isn't what you've got your sixteen-gauge shotgun aimed at. You've got that shotgun aimed strictly at one thing: You want to change this guy; you want to change this preclear. He isn't happy as he is nor successful as he is; let's change him.

Well, there isn't anything very difficult about this. You can tell whether or not a person is conscious or unconscious. And you'll very often find that you think you're looking at a conscious person, and he's unconscious. His eyeballs wander, his eyelids flutter, his breathing is catchy and irregular, and he'll answer normal questions. You're dealing with a person that you have to wake up! Or that you have to let — if they've been under surgery or something of the sort, or in an accident — that you have to permit to recover before you can do any auditing on them. The body has to patch itself up a long way before you can do any auditing. You get the idea?

Well, what are we trying to change — the color of his ears? That would be processing the GE. You're not going to achieve any change if you process the GE, except to get a GE. His level of improvement will be an improved beingness as a body. That's pretty good. That's better than he's done before, but that isn't good enough. Let's have this fellow so he can walk out across the fields and so forth, and feel perfectly at ease, and in good condition and in love with the world, and get away with it.

So what's your answer in such a case? How do you wake a person up who is that deeply entranced? The best way to wake them up is get them some sleep. Sounds strange, doesn't it? The best way to wake them up is to let them get some sleep.

And how do we do this? Just mock up beingness. That's all. You just go on and mock up beingness.

People only go into an hypnotic trance when they're terribly tired. You'll notice in auditing a preclear late at night that he has a tendency to get his eyelids doing that and his eyeballs wandering. You've audited him into a trance. And if you were to go back over the auditing, he would probably say to you, "What auditing?" You want to audit people who are awake, not people who are asleep.

Now, you have to watch this, and a preclear has to be audited in this, because it's a technique that he flies from as something accursed. You get a low-level guy, oh, no, you're asking him to be something. And remember, he's found out completely that he can't be anything, and so you're just going to get failure after failure after failure after failure with these guys. And if left to their own devices, they just go all to pieces on this technique — just all to pieces.

Now, on the subject of this, watch auditing people who are on a starvation ration. Some people don't realize it, but they are — they don't eat. And you get somebody who is on a real good solid starvation ration and try to audit him, and he'll spin. Everything you start doing for him, he starts to spin. What's wrong with him — he need auditing? No, he doesn't need auditing, he needs a hamburger. That's the end of that. You'll find people who are quite psycho, by the way, will start starving themselves.

They'll float along just so far, and then they get interested. Interested in what? They'll get interested in logic. Why will they get interested in logic? Because they're out of present time. They want to know and figure out what is going to happen in the future. You're trying to fix this fellow up so that present time is tenable.

Well, and then there's the person who starts to have dreams because of your auditing. Why does he have dreams? He's low on B1. You start giving a person a lot of heavy auditing and he's not taking any B1, he's in bad shape. Now I'm not telling you that I'm prescribing B1 for the patients. I'm merely quoting Abbott and Company's advertising. And that says unmistakably that if you don't slip some thiamine chloride to your preclear, he's going to start having nightmares. That's all there is to it.

Now, there's a lot to be said about present time, but present time as far as he's concerned is the MEST universe, and it happens to be the existing state. And in order to tolerate the MEST universe, a person has to have the survival capabilities of God himself. Why? Because it will never give him any admiration. All the way up the line from one to eight, there is only one deep hole, and that is the sixth dynamic, and it'll never give him any attention.

A person can't stand too much auditing without getting dreams. And when your preclear starts having dreams, that's because he's too low on B1. So you slip him some B1. And that means what you've been doing to the GE was a little bit too tough for the GE. A person starts seeing spiders and snakes and everything else, what's the matter with him? Low on B1.

You'll find the workman has rough difficulty. You start Double Terminaling Process with this guy, and you — all of a sudden you can't find out what's wrong with him, and you try hard and do all sorts of things, till all of a sudden it occurs to you belatedly, you know, I wonder if this fellow ever had a job when he was young, and you say to him, "Well, did you ever have a job when you were young?"

Something wrong with your auditing? The only thing wrong with your auditing was you didn't keep your eye peeled on this preclear. This preclear probably didn't eat too well. In the first place, doesn't eat too well and the next thing you know, why, he uses up all the thiamine chloride in his system and he's busy having nightmares.

And he says, "Yeah, I had a job when I was young. I used to run a drill press down at the Jaguar works."

Now, again, that is not prescribing for your preclear. And you must never prescribe for your preclear.

"Oh, yeah? How many years did you do that?"

"Four years."

"Rig up two drill presses and have them operate."

And you'll suddenly, for the first time, see this case start to have things happen to it.

Why? He was giving attention to the MEST universe. Well, that tells you immediately that a fellow would be what? A fellow would accumulate a lot of gravity after a while. What's that got to do with it? That simply means he'd stick, he'd jam. His communication points down would never be answered up.

As he stands up he's getting attention on his own level, but there is no attention from below to him. And it tells you, then, that as he progressed in age he would get stouter, he would become heavier and do just exactly what the GE does. And why is this? It's because he never gets any attention from below.

Now, what can you do with this technique? What can you do with this fact, rather? I haven't given you the technique. Well, you can take I don't know how much weight off a preclear. You could take weight off of him so fast, by the way, that you could have him go around being scared he won't be able to get his feet on the ground. You could just simply run the gravity out of him. And that's measurable on a scale. You can make him lighter but fast. How can you make him lighter? Well, let's give him attention from below. That's all. Simple. Where's he never gotten any attention from? From below. Except maybe some aviator, and he never noticed that. From his tools, from below, from long roadways, from wide pieces of sky with nothing in them — these things have never looked back at him as hard as he'd looked at them.

And why has he had to look at them? Because they're full of hidden influences. Everybody knows that! It's a hidden influence. Why gee-whiz, you're liable to be walking across a jungle path and all of a sudden, pow! you're hit in the head by a snake. Hidden influence. Well, you say, that was life that did that to you. Well, you kind of blame it on the universe, or what-ever you blame it on.

And you walk a little bit further down and you fell in a hole and that wasn't a snake that hit you in the head. Because the one thing that will always get you in the end is the MEST universe, and therefore you have to be able to love it very dearly. If you don't love it very dearly, you can't control it worth a darn, because it's something that is composed of fighting terminals. And it is composed to deny you any possible admiration, while you give it all.

Guys will get fixed on this universe, and they'll look at nothing else but this universe, and this is a very, very, very horribly sad fact — terrible fact that life in as high a form as man gets so aberrated by the presence of MEST that man hasn't got enough sense to realize that his dramatizations against man are immediately derivable from his reactions from the MEST universe. In other words, the reason he hates man is because the MEST universe hates him.

Who can salvage man; Man can. So he's running around, so he's running around hating and spitting and having an awful time and giving no admiration like mad. Well, what's the contagious factor? It would be the source of all hidden influences, which is itself the hidden influence: it's the sixth dynamic, the MEST universe.

You — everybody knows it's people that aberrated them. Everybody knows it's people that did this! Well, if everybody knows that, you can be darn sure it isn't true. And sure enough, you start doing life continuums and that sort of thing, and you'll get no resurgence in your preclear to amount to anything, till all of a sudden you start mocking him up as rocks. Fantastic. Rocks — they sneak in on you in the dark and kick you in the shins.

All sorts of things happen in the MEST universe, because it doesn't think. You're living with something that doesn't think. So a man plans, plans, plans, plans, plans what? So that he will know a little bit in advance of when it happens, what's going to happen. And there's your engineer, and there's engineering logic: It's trying to predict what's going to happen to the MEST universe.

Nothing's going to happen to the MEST universe; one of its principal and basic laws is conserve. It knows it's scarce, so it's got to save it. Conservation of energy — it's built on that principle. When terminals get locked in that tight and squeezed in that tight, and fighting each other that close, you can't have anything but conservation of energy.

So I'll give you this other process, which is the processing on the three levels of A, B, C. C is your upper level, A is your lower-level process. Now, what is this in order of terms of magnitude? You just tell your preclear about this. You say, "There's three levels of processing, A, B and C." Well, he'll — you'd say — "Where's A?" he'll say.

Well, you could say, "Well, it's below the floor level."

And "Where's B?"

"Well that's on the floor level."

"And where's C?"

"Well, that's up above the house."

Any such scale, you see.

And you have people from A looking up at the pc on B. That's attention from below which is admiring him. This is admiration, this is real good admiration, see? Or you have mobs of people down here on A looking up at B. Or you have people up here at C looking down on B.

That's really all you have to know about this "levels." It's just not — you don't have to say, "Now get him to admire something. Now get the people on A to admire somebody on B." No, because the people on A simply by looking at the people on B are automatically admiring.

Now, how do you get somebody on B sympathized with? You just mock up a second terminal on B. Sympathy is "same as," so if you just mock up some-thing going through the same motions, the same size on the same level, you've got sympathy. Does the preclear have to feel it? No, you don't care whether he feels it or not. If he does — doesn't, you don't worry about it. You just tell him to do this. He doesn't have to realize that he's getting sympathy out of this, or that this is the mechanism of sympathy. He doesn't have to realize that this A to B here is the mechanism of admiration.

So, what's the score here? This is A, B, C, and every time I've said three levels of processing this is what I was talking about. You do single or matched terminals here and you get them looked at from A up. Or you get them looked at from C down. Now, you can do all sorts of things with these terminals. There's a lot of techniques can be worked out of them. For instance, this from C down to B is sort of pity and uh . . . Oh, the C to A is pity, and C to B is blessing, and they all work out, the emotions just in terms of levels of attention.

Why do they work like this? Well, they work like this on Homo sapiens because he's on a flat plane surface of Earth. He's on a sphere, here, and he's concentrated this way. In other words, to turn on this sort of thing you get — you find out the sun doesn't admire you, it sunburns you. And you find out the Earth doesn't admire you, it kicks you in the feet sometimes, it gives you a good hard slap. The tools don't admire you, and yet you're working from them from below and you're expecting something to look up at you or back again and it never does, and so you just work more and more and more and get less and less admiration for it and eventually, why, you just sort of spin in.

All right. So this is three levels of processing, and you have the preclear do these in terms of mock-ups. And these mock-ups can be anything. You can use Double Terminal Processing, or you can use this system by itself. In order to get sympathy for anything on any one of these lines, you simply mock it up twice.

You can have mobs of people. With some preclears you will find out that running in stadiums full of people into level A, just billions of people have to be replaced every couple of seconds. For what? They're just so completely starved for admiration. And if this preclear gets that starved for attention, he is practically on his way to becoming a piece of the MEST universe because the MEST universe got there by being starved for attention.

And so we have, then, this system when we say the three levels of processing. So we've got as an optimum process Mock-up of Beingness. And then in order to get sympathy and admiration, this is how you run sympathy and admiration on the three levels of low A, center B, high C. And you put the preclear on any one of them, preferably B, and have them looked up at from below, and down at from above.