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Lecture 51 - Disc 55
A Lecture Given on 1 February 1954
63 Minutes
Lecture 51 - Disc 55
A Lecture Given on 1 February 1954
63 Minutes

Okay. This is February 1st, 1954, afternoon lecture.

Okay. This is February 1st, 1954, afternoon lecture.

The solvent particles are courage, enjoyment, admiration. These are very solvent. See, they’re very good. They kick together all sorts of things and kick them apart.

The solvent particles are courage, enjoyment, admiration. These are very solvent. See, they’re very good. They kick together all sorts of things and kick them apart.

It might occur to you sometime that you had to let courage or admiration or enjoyment out of something. Every once in a while a big black shape shows up like that-soft sort of a shape or something like that, to a preclear, and he doesn’t quite know what to make of this. Tell him to puncture it and let the favorable emotion run out. He’s liable to get admiration or something like that He’s just saving it.

It might occur to you sometime that you had to let courage or admiration or enjoyment out of something. Every once in a while a big black shape shows up like that-soft sort of a shape or something like that, to a preclear, and he doesn’t quite know what to make of this. Tell him to puncture it and let the favorable emotion run out. He’s liable to get admiration or something like that He’s just saving it.

Literally true that somebody could be loved to pieces or that somebody could enjoy himself to death. And certainly true that many a man can courageously face the world and die in the bargain.

Literally true that somebody could be loved to pieces or that somebody could enjoy himself to death. And certainly true that many a man can courageously face the world and die in the bargain.

Well now, after running Courage Processing, one expects that to happen which happens, which is to say, that a lot of havingness gets dissolved. One doesn’t expect particularly, however, an enormous amount of upset by this by an auditor who knows what he is doing, that there has been some upset because of this. And so some of you obviously don’t know what you’re doing.

Well now, after running Courage Processing, one expects that to happen which happens, which is to say, that a lot of havingness gets dissolved. One doesn’t expect particularly, however, an enormous amount of upset by this by an auditor who knows what he is doing, that there has been some upset because of this. And so some of you obviously don’t know what you’re doing.

Now, it’s a very remarkable thing that I could give you over and over, as many times as I have, the basic principles of havingness: what havingness is, the reduction of space resulting in havingness, mock-ups of havingness, havingness being time. And for you still to wonder why individuals get stuck on the time track and wonder why they remain stuck on the time track-that’s quite remarkable. I mean, that is a feat, that’s quite a feat.

Now, it’s a very remarkable thing that I could give you over and over, as many times as I have, the basic principles of havingness: what havingness is, the reduction of space resulting in havingness, mock-ups of havingness, havingness being time. And for you still to wonder why individuals get stuck on the time track and wonder why they remain stuck on the time track-that’s quite remarkable. I mean, that is a feat, that’s quite a feat.

And the other, you’ve had a lot of talk about automaticity. You should know what automaticity is and you should know how to remedy it. And for somebody to go around wildly and dramatically dramatizing frenzy, immediately after running Courage Processing, would merely state to an individual that the auditor didn’t know what the hell he was doing. Because that is the immediate next step in running Courage Processing: frenzy, despair, loss, pain, fear, horror, chagrin, so it just wasn’t handled, that’s all.

And the other, you’ve had a lot of talk about automaticity. You should know what automaticity is and you should know how to remedy it. And for somebody to go around wildly and dramatically dramatizing frenzy, immediately after running Courage Processing, would merely state to an individual that the auditor didn’t know what the hell he was doing. Because that is the immediate next step in running Courage Processing: frenzy, despair, loss, pain, fear, horror, chagrin, so it just wasn’t handled, that’s all.

Now, I’m going to come down on you with both feet. Of all these processes, the most important processes are the unlimited processes and the only important subjective process, as such, that there is, is Havingness Processing.

Now, I’m going to come down on you with both feet. Of all these processes, the most important processes are the unlimited processes and the only important subjective process, as such, that there is, is Havingness Processing.

In order to run Havingness Processing, you have to be able to run automaticities. Just to say, something strange, peculiar and alarming shows up and almost stops the preclear in his tracks, you have to know enough to tell him to put it there three or four more times and go on with Havingness Processing. If you don’t know enough to tell him to put it there three or four more times, he’ll get stuck with it.

In order to run Havingness Processing, you have to be able to run automaticities. Just to say, something strange, peculiar and alarming shows up and almost stops the preclear in his tracks, you have to know enough to tell him to put it there three or four more times and go on with Havingness Processing. If you don’t know enough to tell him to put it there three or four more times, he’ll get stuck with it.

An automaticity, a sudden unpredicted motion or object or figure shows up, just tell him to throw that in there three or four more times too and keep on with Havingness Processing. That is not too much to ask that you do this.

An automaticity, a sudden unpredicted motion or object or figure shows up, just tell him to throw that in there three or four more times too and keep on with Havingness Processing. That is not too much to ask that you do this.

Because you to some degree leave a preclear stuck on the time track when these wild automaticities show up and the auditor doesn’t ask him to even repeat them once or twice, just to take the edge of them off.

Because you to some degree leave a preclear stuck on the time track when these wild automaticities show up and the auditor doesn’t ask him to even repeat them once or twice, just to take the edge of them off.

All right.

All right.

How do you run Havingness Processing? And you better listen because that’s all you’re going to run for the rest of this week on anybody, anywhere. I don’t care if it bogs you down to purgatory. If you as an auditor are so bad off that you can’t have, don’t dramatize it by not letting the preclear have too. That’s about what it amounts to. There isn’t any slightest excuse for a single case here to be other than Theta Cleared right here at this minute, right this instant, no slightest excuse, because the tools are to hand. They are simple enough to understand and they require the flimsiest, thinnest, most briefly stated directions to use.

How do you run Havingness Processing? And you better listen because that’s all you’re going to run for the rest of this week on anybody, anywhere. I don’t care if it bogs you down to purgatory. If you as an auditor are so bad off that you can’t have, don’t dramatize it by not letting the preclear have too. That’s about what it amounts to. There isn’t any slightest excuse for a single case here to be other than Theta Cleared right here at this minute, right this instant, no slightest excuse, because the tools are to hand. They are simple enough to understand and they require the flimsiest, thinnest, most briefly stated directions to use.

That you would have to spend any time at all learning how to use these things is remarkable to say the least.

That you would have to spend any time at all learning how to use these things is remarkable to say the least.

How do you run Havingness Processing? Well, you tell a guy to get an acceptable version of Earth-let’s get it in its simplest form now-an acceptable version of Earth and deteriorate it until he can accept it or until it bangs in or pops in on him. And you want this stuff banging in on him, you don’t want him putting it in.

How do you run Havingness Processing? Well, you tell a guy to get an acceptable version of Earth-let’s get it in its simplest form now-an acceptable version of Earth and deteriorate it until he can accept it or until it bangs in or pops in on him. And you want this stuff banging in on him, you don’t want him putting it in.

Some preclear says to you, “Oh, nothing will snap in on me.” Run a little bit of Courage Processing on him, at least get the immediate, the immediate, instant barrier out of the road. Run a little bit of unlimited processing on him.

Some preclear says to you, “Oh, nothing will snap in on me.” Run a little bit of Courage Processing on him, at least get the immediate, the immediate, instant barrier out of the road. Run a little bit of unlimited processing on him.

When I say “a little bit,” I mean three minutes’ worth, two minutes’ worth. When I say “a whole lot of auditing,” I mean an hour’s worth. I mean, when I just mean a tremendous hard labor at auditing, I mean five hours’ worth.

When I say “a little bit,” I mean three minutes’ worth, two minutes’ worth. When I say “a whole lot of auditing,” I mean an hour’s worth. I mean, when I just mean a tremendous hard labor at auditing, I mean five hours’ worth.

Let’s shorten this up. How many hours have we put in here auditing? What have we been doing? All right.

Let’s shorten this up. How many hours have we put in here auditing? What have we been doing? All right.

Havingness Processing is run very simply. You tell him to get a version of Earth, deteriorate it somehow, some way, until it can snap in on him. And then you get lots of them. And then you get lots more of them and then just for variation, you get lots more. And when the stars suddenly showing up coming in on the guy, you tell him to get the stars too. And anything that shows up in terms of mass, you get more of. That’s easy, isn’t it?

Havingness Processing is run very simply. You tell him to get a version of Earth, deteriorate it somehow, some way, until it can snap in on him. And then you get lots of them. And then you get lots more of them and then just for variation, you get lots more. And when the stars suddenly showing up coming in on the guy, you tell him to get the stars too. And anything that shows up in terms of mass, you get more of. That’s easy, isn’t it?

And all of a sudden the preclear says, “I am about to have a convulsion.” Let them flip-flop their body across the floor a few times. Or the fellow says, “I’m stopped dead in my tracks. I just can’t do another thing.” You stop him dead in his tracks three or four times and keep up with the process. I said three or four times, not three or four hours! Make him flip-flop across the floor till it doesn’t worry him. And how long is that? In my auditing, it’s thirty seconds at the maximum and that’s all. Just take the edge of it off.

And all of a sudden the preclear says, “I am about to have a convulsion.” Let them flip-flop their body across the floor a few times. Or the fellow says, “I’m stopped dead in my tracks. I just can’t do another thing.” You stop him dead in his tracks three or four times and keep up with the process. I said three or four times, not three or four hours! Make him flip-flop across the floor till it doesn’t worry him. And how long is that? In my auditing, it’s thirty seconds at the maximum and that’s all. Just take the edge of it off.

Why do you give it a lick and a promise like this? That isn’t thorough, is it? Well, Havingness Processing is thorough. Listen, the only reason he’s got an energy pattern with significance in it in restimulation is he doesn’t have enough energy to compensate for his appetite. That’s the only reason he’s got a facsimile pulled in on him. It’s the only reason he’s frantic.

Why do you give it a lick and a promise like this? That isn’t thorough, is it? Well, Havingness Processing is thorough. Listen, the only reason he’s got an energy pattern with significance in it in restimulation is he doesn’t have enough energy to compensate for his appetite. That’s the only reason he’s got a facsimile pulled in on him. It’s the only reason he’s frantic.

He’s got a facsimile. We all know about these facsimiles. Well, what the hell is it doing there stuck? What is he doing pressing a Fac One against his chest? Why is he in an electronic? Why can’t he get rid of these locks? Why does he have a chronic somatic? What’s the answer to every question you have asked since you came into Dianetics or Scientology? It’s he ain’t got enough energy, that’s all! It’s energy starvation, that’s all! And he’ll pull in any kind of energy, anything, just anything because he thinks that’s all he can have.

He’s got a facsimile. We all know about these facsimiles. Well, what the hell is it doing there stuck? What is he doing pressing a Fac One against his chest? Why is he in an electronic? Why can’t he get rid of these locks? Why does he have a chronic somatic? What’s the answer to every question you have asked since you came into Dianetics or Scientology? It’s he ain’t got enough energy, that’s all! It’s energy starvation, that’s all! And he’ll pull in any kind of energy, anything, just anything because he thinks that’s all he can have.

He can have a Fac One because it’s a lousy piece of energy. He can have a conception or he can have a railroad wreck. We can examine all the mechanics of these and understand them, but if you don’t grasp them instantly, it doesn’t matter, because the only thing that’s significant about it is it’s all he can have is a railroad wreck. And he can’t quite have it, so it stops. And he’s got it. And that’s not because there’s any significance to railroad wrecks or anything else. The only significance is, is this individual can’t have large dense masses. And not able to have large dense masses, of course, he can’t have space because every automaticity he’s got is involved in trying to give him more dense masses than he already has.

He can have a Fac One because it’s a lousy piece of energy. He can have a conception or he can have a railroad wreck. We can examine all the mechanics of these and understand them, but if you don’t grasp them instantly, it doesn’t matter, because the only thing that’s significant about it is it’s all he can have is a railroad wreck. And he can’t quite have it, so it stops. And he’s got it. And that’s not because there’s any significance to railroad wrecks or anything else. The only significance is, is this individual can’t have large dense masses. And not able to have large dense masses, of course, he can’t have space because every automaticity he’s got is involved in trying to give him more dense masses than he already has.

So the answer to it is give him the largest and mostest dense masses that you can give him. And how long do you give it to him? Until he’s well! And how long is that? Three hours, five hours- certainly no more than that.

So the answer to it is give him the largest and mostest dense masses that you can give him. And how long do you give it to him? Until he’s well! And how long is that? Three hours, five hours- certainly no more than that.

The most significant and horrible Freudian experience, the most terrific operation, the awfullest engram which we ever spotted on the track, will blow through. It’ll almost kill your preclear sometimes, but the way to have it really kill him is to stop the process and go into deeper significances. You see how to really butcher him? Interrupt his havingness. Because that’s all anything and everything has been doing to him since the beginning of the track was to interrupt his havingness, which is, of course, interrupt his time.

The most significant and horrible Freudian experience, the most terrific operation, the awfullest engram which we ever spotted on the track, will blow through. It’ll almost kill your preclear sometimes, but the way to have it really kill him is to stop the process and go into deeper significances. You see how to really butcher him? Interrupt his havingness. Because that’s all anything and everything has been doing to him since the beginning of the track was to interrupt his havingness, which is, of course, interrupt his time.

All right. Your preclear is stuck in past time. That’s because he can’t have the future, isn’t it? Well, that’s good and significant. Well, if he hasn’t got enough havingness to balance his bank out, he can’t have any future, of course. Because every significance in the entire bank eventually goes into restimulation because he keeps picking up more and more lousy and useless and worthless pieces of energy and stuffing them in and they carry big significances. And so we get a phrase from Papa which is terribly aberrative, a phrase from Mama which is terrifically aberrative, a phrase from Uncle Oscar which is tremendously aberrative.

All right. Your preclear is stuck in past time. That’s because he can’t have the future, isn’t it? Well, that’s good and significant. Well, if he hasn’t got enough havingness to balance his bank out, he can’t have any future, of course. Because every significance in the entire bank eventually goes into restimulation because he keeps picking up more and more lousy and useless and worthless pieces of energy and stuffing them in and they carry big significances. And so we get a phrase from Papa which is terribly aberrative, a phrase from Mama which is terrifically aberrative, a phrase from Uncle Oscar which is tremendously aberrative.

You don’t even have to run Uncle Oscar, just run some more planets. Because it tells you this: The individual is hugging in a piece of energy in spite of what it says. The terrible value of energy.

You don’t even have to run Uncle Oscar, just run some more planets. Because it tells you this: The individual is hugging in a piece of energy in spite of what it says. The terrible value of energy.

If you could hang around the neck of any preclear that sat on the couch a sign that said, “An example of the terrible value of energy,” you would have diagnosed the case completely. Significances only become significant and only move in on the preclear when he is short of energy.

If you could hang around the neck of any preclear that sat on the couch a sign that said, “An example of the terrible value of energy,” you would have diagnosed the case completely. Significances only become significant and only move in on the preclear when he is short of energy.

Now, he can create energy, but he’s creating it mostly through bypass machineries. Well, he keeps the machines and they keep working in spite of the fact he doesn’t need them, because they’re built out of energy.

Now, he can create energy, but he’s creating it mostly through bypass machineries. Well, he keeps the machines and they keep working in spite of the fact he doesn’t need them, because they’re built out of energy.

Now, you say this preclear can’t reject anything. That’s true. You say this preclear has got to reject everything. Well, you can find something that he can accept in spite of the fact he’s got to reject everything.

Now, you say this preclear can’t reject anything. That’s true. You say this preclear has got to reject everything. Well, you can find something that he can accept in spite of the fact he’s got to reject everything.

But more important than that, you can find something he can accept that will start pouring in like mad. What is it? Let’s get a deteriorated rock, a deteriorated piece of Earth or Earth itself or any mass of any kind and then move it as rapidly as possible into the biggest and most dense masses that you possibly can and crowd them in. This is simple auditing, isn’t it? You merely keep the confidence of the preclear by not jarring him and racking him around and you keep tally on what’s happening. And when the flow stops, you can say, “Well, feel a little courage toward it or feel some enjoyment about it.” How much? Three seconds’, five seconds’ worth, just that much, see? That unlocks the flow again and away she goes.

But more important than that, you can find something he can accept that will start pouring in like mad. What is it? Let’s get a deteriorated rock, a deteriorated piece of Earth or Earth itself or any mass of any kind and then move it as rapidly as possible into the biggest and most dense masses that you possibly can and crowd them in. This is simple auditing, isn’t it? You merely keep the confidence of the preclear by not jarring him and racking him around and you keep tally on what’s happening. And when the flow stops, you can say, “Well, feel a little courage toward it or feel some enjoyment about it.” How much? Three seconds’, five seconds’ worth, just that much, see? That unlocks the flow again and away she goes.

But you can also unlock the flow by deteriorating the mass-you know, “worse condition,” “more horrible.”

But you can also unlock the flow by deteriorating the mass-you know, “worse condition,” “more horrible.”

Now pay attention, because this week that’s all you’re going to run.

Now pay attention, because this week that’s all you’re going to run.

Now, remember that there is a series of unlimited processes, such as Holding the Back Corners of the Room, Six Ways to Nothingness and Opening Procedure. These are unlimited processes. So salt your auditing down here and there with them. But you will err this week in the direction of not running enough havingness. Not in the direction of running enough unlimited process, because we can run unlimited processes on groups and make sure that we throw one in every fifteen minutes or so in Group Processing and that’s enough to rebalance in the boy.

Now, remember that there is a series of unlimited processes, such as Holding the Back Corners of the Room, Six Ways to Nothingness and Opening Procedure. These are unlimited processes. So salt your auditing down here and there with them. But you will err this week in the direction of not running enough havingness. Not in the direction of running enough unlimited process, because we can run unlimited processes on groups and make sure that we throw one in every fifteen minutes or so in Group Processing and that’s enough to rebalance in the boy.

Now occasionally, when you start running havingness on an individual, you find out that they’re very shaky about what they can have. It’s sometimes necessary to run the next-to-the-last step of Self Analysis on the individual who is that way-a totally occluded case or something.

Now occasionally, when you start running havingness on an individual, you find out that they’re very shaky about what they can have. It’s sometimes necessary to run the next-to-the-last step of Self Analysis on the individual who is that way-a totally occluded case or something.

You know that you’re actually remedying their havingness with the next-to-the-last step because you’re pulling back out of certain incidents desirable emotion. They find out they could have a past, that’s all it teaches them. Well, you wouldn’t spend too much time on that, you’d get in there and pitch with havingness. Now, let’s just do that.

You know that you’re actually remedying their havingness with the next-to-the-last step because you’re pulling back out of certain incidents desirable emotion. They find out they could have a past, that’s all it teaches them. Well, you wouldn’t spend too much time on that, you’d get in there and pitch with havingness. Now, let’s just do that.

Now, what do you do with an individual that’s exteriorized? Well, you try to run any process on an individual exteriorized rather than interiorized. Anytime you audit somebody, if you can exteriorize him, why, you run him exteriorized. That’s so much better than running him interiorized there’s hardly any comparison. But if you remedy havingness properly, the individual will automatically exteriorize. That’s surprising, isn’t it?

Now, what do you do with an individual that’s exteriorized? Well, you try to run any process on an individual exteriorized rather than interiorized. Anytime you audit somebody, if you can exteriorize him, why, you run him exteriorized. That’s so much better than running him interiorized there’s hardly any comparison. But if you remedy havingness properly, the individual will automatically exteriorize. That’s surprising, isn’t it?

The only thing that’s keeping him in is tight lines. And the only reason the lines are tight are because they are made out of energy and he can’t have enough energy, so he’s tightened up the lines. And he’s actually bleeding the energy out of the residual tension lines between himself and the body. And so the lines are tight, so you get the “yo-yo effect.” Out he goes, in he goes, out he goes, in he goes. If he goes out, he snaps back in instantly so fast that he really doesn’t know he was out. You’ll see a fellow being thoughtful about it for a second, even the worst case you ever processed. You say, “Be three feet back of your head,” he’ll be thoughtful about it for a second. He was out and in, but, by golly, the second he did, why, it just released a little tiny bit of energy and he just drank that up. All right.

The only thing that’s keeping him in is tight lines. And the only reason the lines are tight are because they are made out of energy and he can’t have enough energy, so he’s tightened up the lines. And he’s actually bleeding the energy out of the residual tension lines between himself and the body. And so the lines are tight, so you get the “yo-yo effect.” Out he goes, in he goes, out he goes, in he goes. If he goes out, he snaps back in instantly so fast that he really doesn’t know he was out. You’ll see a fellow being thoughtful about it for a second, even the worst case you ever processed. You say, “Be three feet back of your head,” he’ll be thoughtful about it for a second. He was out and in, but, by golly, the second he did, why, it just released a little tiny bit of energy and he just drank that up. All right.

An individual who is very occluded can have blackness of various kinds. They can, they can have blackness. They can have various things. But if you go on the basis now-you see, Dianetics worked, when it worked, on knocking the significance out of the existing energy. And so the guy was in better shape because he had the significance gone from the existing energy, plus the fact that you were actually, when you ran an engram eight times, you were actually mocking it up eight times. So you gave him some more energy, see? But when you ran it the other way on the postulate of “get rid of it” and all that sort of thing and you permitted him to just sit there and eat up his ridges and so on, why, he’d get worse.

An individual who is very occluded can have blackness of various kinds. They can, they can have blackness. They can have various things. But if you go on the basis now-you see, Dianetics worked, when it worked, on knocking the significance out of the existing energy. And so the guy was in better shape because he had the significance gone from the existing energy, plus the fact that you were actually, when you ran an engram eight times, you were actually mocking it up eight times. So you gave him some more energy, see? But when you ran it the other way on the postulate of “get rid of it” and all that sort of thing and you permitted him to just sit there and eat up his ridges and so on, why, he’d get worse.

All right. Even the most desperately occluded case you ever ran into has got some level of acceptance of havingness. It’s up to you to find out what that is. You have to go a long way south sometimes with an individual and you have to start in sometimes with very insignificant things. Get something he is very certain that he can have and he’s quite certain he can have and start the ball rolling. Think of something else he’s certain he can have.

All right. Even the most desperately occluded case you ever ran into has got some level of acceptance of havingness. It’s up to you to find out what that is. You have to go a long way south sometimes with an individual and you have to start in sometimes with very insignificant things. Get something he is very certain that he can have and he’s quite certain he can have and start the ball rolling. Think of something else he’s certain he can have.

And if he’s very occluded, some black object will start and you will start rolling and you will get “snap-in.” Now, this manifestation of “automatic run” is something you’d better pay attention to because you just start the machine up-the preclear is starring the machine up and it runs in on him like wildfire.

And if he’s very occluded, some black object will start and you will start rolling and you will get “snap-in.” Now, this manifestation of “automatic run” is something you’d better pay attention to because you just start the machine up-the preclear is starring the machine up and it runs in on him like wildfire.

Now, there is the occasional case who does a rejection first before you can get into the havingness and if all else fails and if you actually can get nothing to snap in-you remember that-if you can get nothing to snap in, why, you get something to snap out. And only let it snap out long enough till you can get something to snap in. We’re going to beef this boy up to a point where he can own the universe again.

Now, there is the occasional case who does a rejection first before you can get into the havingness and if all else fails and if you actually can get nothing to snap in-you remember that-if you can get nothing to snap in, why, you get something to snap out. And only let it snap out long enough till you can get something to snap in. We’re going to beef this boy up to a point where he can own the universe again.

Now, this is an interesting thing: The individual who most hates life is the most starved for it. The individual who most hates the MEST universe has the greatest appetite for it. An individual’s conflict in interpersonal relations is totally involved with havingness. He feels that the mere existence of other life forms will prevent him from having something.

Now, this is an interesting thing: The individual who most hates life is the most starved for it. The individual who most hates the MEST universe has the greatest appetite for it. An individual’s conflict in interpersonal relations is totally involved with havingness. He feels that the mere existence of other life forms will prevent him from having something.

I ran into a lady a couple of weeks ago, made an interesting little case history for you. She didn’t like Arizona. And this was so strange and peculiar at this season of the year that I said, “Why don’t you like ...” (she didn’t know me from anybody) and I said, “Well, why don’t you like Arizona? What’s the matter?”

I ran into a lady a couple of weeks ago, made an interesting little case history for you. She didn’t like Arizona. And this was so strange and peculiar at this season of the year that I said, “Why don’t you like ...” (she didn’t know me from anybody) and I said, “Well, why don’t you like Arizona? What’s the matter?”

Well, yap-yap-yap and she starts in with the people and so on and so on.

Well, yap-yap-yap and she starts in with the people and so on and so on.

And I said, “Well those-see those mountains out there?”

And I said, “Well those-see those mountains out there?”

“Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah” and sort of wincing and a little bit of flinching and so forth.

“Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah” and sort of wincing and a little bit of flinching and so forth.

And I said, “What’s the matter with them?”

And I said, “What’s the matter with them?”

And she says, “Well, there’s snakes in them.”

And she says, “Well, there’s snakes in them.”

I said, “Well, can you get pictures when you look at things?”

I said, “Well, can you get pictures when you look at things?”

She said, “Yes.”

She said, “Yes.”

“Well, why don’t you cover them with snakes. Oh, lots of snakes. Lots more snakes. Lots more snakes.” “Now,” I said, “now throw a lot of mountains out there, a lot more mountains, a lot more mountains.”

“Well, why don’t you cover them with snakes. Oh, lots of snakes. Lots more snakes. Lots more snakes.” “Now,” I said, “now throw a lot of mountains out there, a lot more mountains, a lot more mountains.”

She says, “What are we doing?”

She says, “What are we doing?”

I said, “I don’t know. How do you feel?”

I said, “I don’t know. How do you feel?”

She said, “Feel all right.”

She said, “Feel all right.”

And I said, “How do you like Arizona?”

And I said, “How do you like Arizona?”

She says, “It’s wonderful.” [laughter]

She says, “It’s wonderful.” [laughter]

She didn’t even know that the process and what I’d asked her to do had any connection with her change of feeling and didn’t even know that her feelings had changed radically. That’s Homo sapiens walking around in a fog.

She didn’t even know that the process and what I’d asked her to do had any connection with her change of feeling and didn’t even know that her feelings had changed radically. That’s Homo sapiens walking around in a fog.

Therefore, you should keep your eye on this in running havingness-this one particularly-is that a planet or a star are important havingness and a body is only slightly important connected with them. And a body is only as important as it is dense, no more important than it is dense.

Therefore, you should keep your eye on this in running havingness-this one particularly-is that a planet or a star are important havingness and a body is only slightly important connected with them. And a body is only as important as it is dense, no more important than it is dense.

Papa is no more important than he is dense. Mama is no more important than the mass she occupies. Your preclear has weight and is unable to regulate his size and density and weight just to the degree that he can’t have.

Papa is no more important than he is dense. Mama is no more important than the mass she occupies. Your preclear has weight and is unable to regulate his size and density and weight just to the degree that he can’t have.

Now, when you start in materializing something, if you have a tremendous appetite for it, it’s going to soak into you and your bank before you can perceive it. And this is what is happening with a Step V. He gets the mock-up. If you ran him for a long time on mock-ups, you would eventually find-he would say, "You know, I get them there for just a second now.” Well, the only trouble is you’re not asking him to mock-up anything that’s on an acceptance level, so it takes quite a while to do.

Now, when you start in materializing something, if you have a tremendous appetite for it, it’s going to soak into you and your bank before you can perceive it. And this is what is happening with a Step V. He gets the mock-up. If you ran him for a long time on mock-ups, you would eventually find-he would say, "You know, I get them there for just a second now.” Well, the only trouble is you’re not asking him to mock-up anything that’s on an acceptance level, so it takes quite a while to do.

So let’s get some kind of an acceptable mass which he can recognize and actually bring in upon himself.

So let’s get some kind of an acceptable mass which he can recognize and actually bring in upon himself.

Now, when I say "automatic flow,” I mean that. The individual who is running this right is getting a constant, continuous, horrendousflood of planets, stars, comets-anything else you want. Getting a terrific flood of these things: in on his body, in on a vacuum point, in on himself as a thetan. You don’t happen to give a doggone what they’re coming in on. Run him exteriorized if possible. Snap the masses in on him while he’s exteriorized if possible. But if they are pouring into the body, let them pour.

Now, when I say "automatic flow,” I mean that. The individual who is running this right is getting a constant, continuous, horrendousflood of planets, stars, comets-anything else you want. Getting a terrific flood of these things: in on his body, in on a vacuum point, in on himself as a thetan. You don’t happen to give a doggone what they’re coming in on. Run him exteriorized if possible. Snap the masses in on him while he’s exteriorized if possible. But if they are pouring into the body, let them pour.

Now, you’re going to find the five, six, eight, ten horrible experiences of the preclear will show up in this process. If you detour to listen to a long story about these things, you’re wasting your time and your effectiveness. It’s much more fun to go on and see the incidents blow into something enjoyable, without even your preclear mocking-up enjoyment of them. They do with the most horrible things.

Now, you’re going to find the five, six, eight, ten horrible experiences of the preclear will show up in this process. If you detour to listen to a long story about these things, you’re wasting your time and your effectiveness. It’s much more fun to go on and see the incidents blow into something enjoyable, without even your preclear mocking-up enjoyment of them. They do with the most horrible things.

This fellow says, "Well, I was in this automobile accident and-and my wife lost both of her legs and a child was killed and so forth and-and my life has never been the same since.” Well, you could sit there and be sympathetic and pat his hand-if you couldn’t do anything effective!

This fellow says, "Well, I was in this automobile accident and-and my wife lost both of her legs and a child was killed and so forth and-and my life has never been the same since.” Well, you could sit there and be sympathetic and pat his hand-if you couldn’t do anything effective!

Well, it’s a funny thing that mocking-up large masses of planets will suddenly blow this incident. And he could say, "Well, it sure was dramatic” and go on to something else.

Well, it’s a funny thing that mocking-up large masses of planets will suddenly blow this incident. And he could say, "Well, it sure was dramatic” and go on to something else.

Or he can even get the idea that it was rather enjoyable really.

Or he can even get the idea that it was rather enjoyable really.

How do you expect anybody to materialize anything or to materialize any particle of MEST energy or to mock anything up if he’s so starved for it that the second he puts up • anything it just simply snaps in on him? He’s not going to do it, is he?

How do you expect anybody to materialize anything or to materialize any particle of MEST energy or to mock anything up if he’s so starved for it that the second he puts up • anything it just simply snaps in on him? He’s not going to do it, is he?

How do you expect anybody to levitate or be able to lighten himself or pick himself up or move objects when every single concentrated effort that he is making is to get enough sustenance or substance out of Earth? So he keeps his body and objects pinned right straight to Earth. This in itself is the mechanism known as "gravity.” Appetite, gravity-same thing. A hunger for Earth.

How do you expect anybody to levitate or be able to lighten himself or pick himself up or move objects when every single concentrated effort that he is making is to get enough sustenance or substance out of Earth? So he keeps his body and objects pinned right straight to Earth. This in itself is the mechanism known as "gravity.” Appetite, gravity-same thing. A hunger for Earth.

All right. This individual tells you that he can’t survive and so forth and he’s off on the lowest part of the band-sex-and he’s having an awful time and his certainties are terribly poor and all kinds of things are very unreal and so forth. Doggone it! Unreality itself is a lack of mass!

All right. This individual tells you that he can’t survive and so forth and he’s off on the lowest part of the band-sex-and he’s having an awful time and his certainties are terribly poor and all kinds of things are very unreal and so forth. Doggone it! Unreality itself is a lack of mass!

Now, we say “the individual doesn’t have enough space.” Well okay, space is the third thing you would run, mass is the first one. A guy, of course, can’t have space if he’s trying to make everything dense in order to answer up to a perceived appetite. See? He just isn’t going to look at energy flowing, or motion, until he gets his masses straightened out. Now, when he got his masses straightened out, then we can straighten out motion and we got his motion straightened out, then we can straighten out space. And then he can have space, after he’s remedied all these other things.

Now, we say “the individual doesn’t have enough space.” Well okay, space is the third thing you would run, mass is the first one. A guy, of course, can’t have space if he’s trying to make everything dense in order to answer up to a perceived appetite. See? He just isn’t going to look at energy flowing, or motion, until he gets his masses straightened out. Now, when he got his masses straightened out, then we can straighten out motion and we got his motion straightened out, then we can straighten out space. And then he can have space, after he’s remedied all these other things.

Now, he has to be able to get this stuff in tremendous quantities and get it until the automatic machinery quits entirely, until it’s just absolutely dead. And then you make him pick up a lot more masses and only then have him move them in. And then you have him duplicate the action of the automatic machinery, then you start and find out something that he can get rid of.

Now, he has to be able to get this stuff in tremendous quantities and get it until the automatic machinery quits entirely, until it’s just absolutely dead. And then you make him pick up a lot more masses and only then have him move them in. And then you have him duplicate the action of the automatic machinery, then you start and find out something that he can get rid of.

Well, if he can’t get rid of anything at that point, if he still can’t throw anything away, start it all up again and run it all the way through again until he can finally pick up a planet and throw it away. Till he can pick up a lot of masses and throw them away. And then is the time to stop processing mass: when he can throw anything he wants to away and get anything he wants to back. His reality, then, will be up. His reality will never be up until he can throw something away-until he has an adequate mass.

Well, if he can’t get rid of anything at that point, if he still can’t throw anything away, start it all up again and run it all the way through again until he can finally pick up a planet and throw it away. Till he can pick up a lot of masses and throw them away. And then is the time to stop processing mass: when he can throw anything he wants to away and get anything he wants to back. His reality, then, will be up. His reality will never be up until he can throw something away-until he has an adequate mass.

Your next problem, of course, is to give him adequate action. And the next problem after that is adequate space. Spacation actually belongs after havingness and doingness have been very thoroughly worked over.

Your next problem, of course, is to give him adequate action. And the next problem after that is adequate space. Spacation actually belongs after havingness and doingness have been very thoroughly worked over.

How do you do doingness? Well, it just sort of follows as a very interesting easy thing after you’ve got havingness remedied, because doingness requires a certain amount of used energy. So you have the preclear having mock-ups doing this and mock-ups doing that and so forth. That’s about all there is to it.

How do you do doingness? Well, it just sort of follows as a very interesting easy thing after you’ve got havingness remedied, because doingness requires a certain amount of used energy. So you have the preclear having mock-ups doing this and mock-ups doing that and so forth. That’s about all there is to it.

But after you’ve remedied havingness, the individual is going to be able to exteriorize. But he’ll be able to exteriorize best when you’ve remedied objects and space. You can even neglect doing this.

But after you’ve remedied havingness, the individual is going to be able to exteriorize. But he’ll be able to exteriorize best when you’ve remedied objects and space. You can even neglect doing this.

Now, there is your process. And it’s a process I want to see you doing, I want you to get experienced with this process. And I don’t want you to go deviating in any direction whatsoever to look for any significance under the sun about anything. And I don’t want you to go beating around the brush, getting a long sad story out of the preclear, when you ought to be sitting there auditing havingness.

Now, there is your process. And it’s a process I want to see you doing, I want you to get experienced with this process. And I don’t want you to go deviating in any direction whatsoever to look for any significance under the sun about anything. And I don’t want you to go beating around the brush, getting a long sad story out of the preclear, when you ought to be sitting there auditing havingness.

And when the preclear says, “There’s a stuck facsimile right in front of me,” I want you to have enough judgment as to when to hit it and when not to. And what do you do if you hit it? “Put it up there three more times.” “Now mock-up some more planets.” Because if you just went on mocking-up planets, stars, comets and other things inflowing-you just kept it up and you ignored that facsimile, it would eventually blow up of its own accord. He’d suddenly say, “Boom! That’s very strange and peculiar, it’s just blown up.”

And when the preclear says, “There’s a stuck facsimile right in front of me,” I want you to have enough judgment as to when to hit it and when not to. And what do you do if you hit it? “Put it up there three more times.” “Now mock-up some more planets.” Because if you just went on mocking-up planets, stars, comets and other things inflowing-you just kept it up and you ignored that facsimile, it would eventually blow up of its own accord. He’d suddenly say, “Boom! That’s very strange and peculiar, it’s just blown up.”

Now, when things slow down and so forth, sometimes you ask him “Run a little enjoyment toward them” or “a little courage toward them,” it suddenly loosens it up. Now, there’s where you use the solvent and that’s why I wanted you to be very acquainted with this solvent and its thoroughness. Running a little admiration toward it is less effective. All right.

Now, when things slow down and so forth, sometimes you ask him “Run a little enjoyment toward them” or “a little courage toward them,” it suddenly loosens it up. Now, there’s where you use the solvent and that’s why I wanted you to be very acquainted with this solvent and its thoroughness. Running a little admiration toward it is less effective. All right.

I don’t want you to make a mistake about this. Because you could run all over the heavens and Earth looking for significances and the deepness and the backness of beyondness of all of this, without getting anywhere.

I don’t want you to make a mistake about this. Because you could run all over the heavens and Earth looking for significances and the deepness and the backness of beyondness of all of this, without getting anywhere.

Now, I’ve given you the edge in. That is to say, we have the road with communication, understanding of duplication, the fitting of the dynamics; Certainty Processing; and the use and handling of these solvents; and that time is stuck together-two particles stuck together, or two particles stuck apart is a freeze in time. We have this as a background now and if you want this stuff to all integrate and become very easy now, from the beginning of this next-to-the-last week here, let’s just bust loose with havingness and roll. And let’s get good at this. Let’s get real good at this: Getting a preclear to find something he can have or telling him to put something there and then deteriorate it till it snaps in. And the latter is, of course, what you will have to do anyhow.

Now, I’ve given you the edge in. That is to say, we have the road with communication, understanding of duplication, the fitting of the dynamics; Certainty Processing; and the use and handling of these solvents; and that time is stuck together-two particles stuck together, or two particles stuck apart is a freeze in time. We have this as a background now and if you want this stuff to all integrate and become very easy now, from the beginning of this next-to-the-last week here, let’s just bust loose with havingness and roll. And let’s get good at this. Let’s get real good at this: Getting a preclear to find something he can have or telling him to put something there and then deteriorate it till it snaps in. And the latter is, of course, what you will have to do anyhow.

He’s got some kind of an automaticity that’s going to feed him dense masses, it’ll feed it to him. Well, you set that loose and let her run.

He’s got some kind of an automaticity that’s going to feed him dense masses, it’ll feed it to him. Well, you set that loose and let her run.

The handling of a preclear does not so much depend upon the preclear’s confidence in you. It depends upon your ability to give orders and have them be carried out without a hitch. Your ability to give an order and then have it carried out before you give a second order.

The handling of a preclear does not so much depend upon the preclear’s confidence in you. It depends upon your ability to give orders and have them be carried out without a hitch. Your ability to give an order and then have it carried out before you give a second order.

Now, do you know why your preclear’s postulate machine is jammed? It’s because he and others have given so many orders before the ones earlier than those orders could be carried out, that the machinery itself is jammed.

Now, do you know why your preclear’s postulate machine is jammed? It’s because he and others have given so many orders before the ones earlier than those orders could be carried out, that the machinery itself is jammed.

Papa was a bad Papa, not if he punished and laid it on the line, but if he said, “Now, go clean up the backyard.” And the second you put your hand on a piece of wood or something to clean up the backyard, he says, “No, I think you had better get the rake to the front yard.” “No, why don’t you ...”

Papa was a bad Papa, not if he punished and laid it on the line, but if he said, “Now, go clean up the backyard.” And the second you put your hand on a piece of wood or something to clean up the backyard, he says, “No, I think you had better get the rake to the front yard.” “No, why don’t you ...”

And then Mama came out and said, “Why don’t you run down to the store for me.”

And then Mama came out and said, “Why don’t you run down to the store for me.”

And the kid never got a chance to complete an action cycle of work because franticness about orders and directions on the part of his parents-they couldn’t give directions and they couldn’t give orders.

And the kid never got a chance to complete an action cycle of work because franticness about orders and directions on the part of his parents-they couldn’t give directions and they couldn’t give orders.

There have been parents that have been tougher than whang leather who have turned out perfectly fine children-because they were a terrific certainty, those parents were. When they said something was to be done or something of the sort, they would inexorably go through and see that it was executed. They were interested in execution. And there was a certainty there.

There have been parents that have been tougher than whang leather who have turned out perfectly fine children-because they were a terrific certainty, those parents were. When they said something was to be done or something of the sort, they would inexorably go through and see that it was executed. They were interested in execution. And there was a certainty there.

But the parent who scatterbrainedly tells the kid one thing and then tells the kid another thing and no orders ever get a chance to be carried out, puts an individual in the condition that he can’t complete his own cycles-of-action.

But the parent who scatterbrainedly tells the kid one thing and then tells the kid another thing and no orders ever get a chance to be carried out, puts an individual in the condition that he can’t complete his own cycles-of-action.

Well, don’t let this sneak up on you as an auditor. Don’t, don’t. Just make sure that that cycle-of-action is carried out-make sure that it’s carried out. I£ the preclear simply cawVdo it, don’t abandon it, simply modify it. He doesn’t object to a modification, but he objects to an abandonment.

Well, don’t let this sneak up on you as an auditor. Don’t, don’t. Just make sure that that cycle-of-action is carried out-make sure that it’s carried out. I£ the preclear simply cawVdo it, don’t abandon it, simply modify it. He doesn’t object to a modification, but he objects to an abandonment.

And if your preclear is boiling-off under the process of havingness, there’s something kind of funny going on with regard to the things he’s getting. He’s either altering them in some way and not telling you what he’s doing or he’s off on another process. But bringing in large masses of things will occasionally itself do a reverse boil-off.

And if your preclear is boiling-off under the process of havingness, there’s something kind of funny going on with regard to the things he’s getting. He’s either altering them in some way and not telling you what he’s doing or he’s off on another process. But bringing in large masses of things will occasionally itself do a reverse boil-off.

Actually, you’ll see some blow into view and go on out again. You’ll occasionally see this happen. But that is not routine. You’re sort of running the track backwards on the boy.

Actually, you’ll see some blow into view and go on out again. You’ll occasionally see this happen. But that is not routine. You’re sort of running the track backwards on the boy.

Havingness. What can the preclear have? Well, this goes in with acceptance level: it’s what can he accept. But that ties in with something else. That ties in with what will his machinery feed him? And uniformly his machinery will pour it in on him like an avalanche. And what you’re trying to start with a preclear is this avalanche, in terms of heavy masses. And you fish around and deteriorate masses and bring them back up again and so forth until you get it started real good.

Havingness. What can the preclear have? Well, this goes in with acceptance level: it’s what can he accept. But that ties in with something else. That ties in with what will his machinery feed him? And uniformly his machinery will pour it in on him like an avalanche. And what you’re trying to start with a preclear is this avalanche, in terms of heavy masses. And you fish around and deteriorate masses and bring them back up again and so forth until you get it started real good.

Now, don’t you be worried about making the preclear pour it in on himself, because it’s right there ready to pour. He’s braced against it in some fashion. You shake that brace loose.

Now, don’t you be worried about making the preclear pour it in on himself, because it’s right there ready to pour. He’s braced against it in some fashion. You shake that brace loose.

Several ways to do it. One of the ways to do it: he’s trying to pull in and so you have him be courageous about it and then go right on with Havingness Processing. And you see this now? Courage Processing, as itself, will cut havingness to ribbons.

Several ways to do it. One of the ways to do it: he’s trying to pull in and so you have him be courageous about it and then go right on with Havingness Processing. And you see this now? Courage Processing, as itself, will cut havingness to ribbons.

All right. You’re sure of that now, let’s see that it’s a solvent. And then let’s start rolling.

All right. You’re sure of that now, let’s see that it’s a solvent. And then let’s start rolling.

One of the first processes I told you about, in one of the earliest lectures I made to this Unit, I have talked about consistently ever since-havingness.

One of the first processes I told you about, in one of the earliest lectures I made to this Unit, I have talked about consistently ever since-havingness.

I audited one of you here for about an hour just before lunch, who was all griefy and upset and so forth.

I audited one of you here for about an hour just before lunch, who was all griefy and upset and so forth.

[to student] Why don’t you say what happened?

[to student] Why don’t you say what happened?

Female voice: Oh, it was like a miracle.

Female voice: Oh, it was like a miracle.

Okay. What happened? Just give it over, check it over and say what happened there in the process-exactly what was run, how was it run?

Okay. What happened? Just give it over, check it over and say what happened there in the process-exactly what was run, how was it run?

Female voice: Well, when Ifirst went in there, of course, I was in tears and utter state of collapse, could hardly talk, could hardly breathe. Andi told you I had run the postulate that only L. Ron Hubbard can save me. And I’d thought Ed gotten rid of that, but, anyway, I came in and asked you for help and you started running me on Havingness.

Female voice: Well, when Ifirst went in there, of course, I was in tears and utter state of collapse, could hardly talk, could hardly breathe. Andi told you I had run the postulate that only L. Ron Hubbard can save me. And I’d thought Ed gotten rid of that, but, anyway, I came in and asked you for help and you started running me on Havingness.

And how did I do that?

And how did I do that?

Female voice: Well, at first you had me put out Mother and bring her in, it was definite specific objects. And then a mother in the house, childhood home and then Mother in a nun’sgarb because there was a nun creeping in there.

Female voice: Well, at first you had me put out Mother and bring her in, it was definite specific objects. And then a mother in the house, childhood home and then Mother in a nun’sgarb because there was a nun creeping in there.



Female voice: And brought that in and then you asked me to accept an Earth. And I couldn't and you had me deteriorate it till it was just a little wisp of vapor floating around someplace and I took in the Earth that way and it kept materializing and becoming better and better and finally I could take in a whole beautiful Earth and it just kept bombarding me just like a terrific explosion and stream. And then you had me with planets and stars and then these facsimiles kept sticking there and you told me to put that up a couple of times- there were two in particular I couldn't get rid of. And the stars and the planets would come right through these facsimiles and finally one blew. And you did let me talk for about thirty seconds because I had to get my story in, with my glint of pride, you know, about what had happened to me was worse than had happened to anyone else.

Female voice: And brought that in and then you asked me to accept an Earth. And I couldn't and you had me deteriorate it till it was just a little wisp of vapor floating around someplace and I took in the Earth that way and it kept materializing and becoming better and better and finally I could take in a whole beautiful Earth and it just kept bombarding me just like a terrific explosion and stream. And then you had me with planets and stars and then these facsimiles kept sticking there and you told me to put that up a couple of times- there were two in particular I couldn't get rid of. And the stars and the planets would come right through these facsimiles and finally one blew. And you did let me talk for about thirty seconds because I had to get my story in, with my glint of pride, you know, about what had happened to me was worse than had happened to anyone else.

And then you had me go back again and-oh yes, when it stuck, you said, “Well, put a little courage around that incident” and “Now put a little enjoyment around the incident, ” just briefly, couple of seconds, and then we started running some more planets and stars and they turned into big black planets and then silver planets. And well, I startedfeeling more wonderful and more wonderful. And I started getting terrific heat and I just sweatedfrom head to foot, just absolutely running.

And then you had me go back again and-oh yes, when it stuck, you said, “Well, put a little courage around that incident” and “Now put a little enjoyment around the incident, ” just briefly, couple of seconds, and then we started running some more planets and stars and they turned into big black planets and then silver planets. And well, I startedfeeling more wonderful and more wonderful. And I started getting terrific heat and I just sweatedfrom head to foot, just absolutely running.

And my throat cleared up and well, I just feel like a new person. Just glowing all over, you know.

And my throat cleared up and well, I just feel like a new person. Just glowing all over, you know.

Okay, [laughter]

Okay, [laughter]

Female voice: And I want to thank you because it was really like going from a hell, the depths ofdespair, right up to livingness itself.

Female voice: And I want to thank you because it was really like going from a hell, the depths ofdespair, right up to livingness itself.

Well, good. Thank you.

Well, good. Thank you.

Did you notice a slight increase in your reality by the way?

Did you notice a slight increase in your reality by the way?

Female voice: Definitely. Everything seemed so unreal before. Now Ifeel like Fve arrived and I’m really here.

Female voice: Definitely. Everything seemed so unreal before. Now Ifeel like Fve arrived and I’m really here.

Good. Good.

Good. Good.

This Havingness Process has the effect of bringing somebody to present time simply by making it unnecessary to hold on to all those things that are holding on to past times.

This Havingness Process has the effect of bringing somebody to present time simply by making it unnecessary to hold on to all those things that are holding on to past times.

Female voice: Uh-huh.

Female voice: Uh-huh.

I wouldn’t say that this was a completed process here, in terms of numbers of hours that Havingness could still be run, but a marked change takes place.

I wouldn’t say that this was a completed process here, in terms of numbers of hours that Havingness could still be run, but a marked change takes place.

Now, an auditor doesn’t run this process, occasionally, because he’s dramatizing that he can’t have himself and it’s about the only threat the process has-about the only threat it has. Because the simplicity, actually, in making something deteriorate or shaking it up a little bit or run some courage at it or throw in a couple of more-a purple planet comes in suddenly or something of the sort, throw a couple of more purple planets in or run some purple planets in, anything like that, and that automaticity will go by the boards.

Now, an auditor doesn’t run this process, occasionally, because he’s dramatizing that he can’t have himself and it’s about the only threat the process has-about the only threat it has. Because the simplicity, actually, in making something deteriorate or shaking it up a little bit or run some courage at it or throw in a couple of more-a purple planet comes in suddenly or something of the sort, throw a couple of more purple planets in or run some purple planets in, anything like that, and that automaticity will go by the boards.

Well, we want to get this avalanche started and it’s a real avalanche. It works. It works even if you-preclear simply reaches out and pulls them in on himself. I mean, you don’t have to have it happening automatically, you understand, it will work any way that you remedy the havingness.

Well, we want to get this avalanche started and it’s a real avalanche. It works. It works even if you-preclear simply reaches out and pulls them in on himself. I mean, you don’t have to have it happening automatically, you understand, it will work any way that you remedy the havingness.

Now, I remedied another case, not too long ago, by having him “move into” so he could exteriorize “out of” a sofa. And the guy got into the sofa and said “Oh, boy.” And I suddenly realized-I hadn’t realized before where this case was on the Tone Scale, because I was working the case just very-rather quickly and that was sure an index. “Oh, boy! A sofa-nice mass-you know, oh, beautiful, beautiful mass.” Here we go.

Now, I remedied another case, not too long ago, by having him “move into” so he could exteriorize “out of” a sofa. And the guy got into the sofa and said “Oh, boy.” And I suddenly realized-I hadn’t realized before where this case was on the Tone Scale, because I was working the case just very-rather quickly and that was sure an index. “Oh, boy! A sofa-nice mass-you know, oh, beautiful, beautiful mass.” Here we go.

So by the time we got through, we had wrapped all the furniture in town around him and then all the Earths we could possibly get on him and then all the Suns that we could make him mock-up and all these things got conjoined together in a great big mass and he started decorating it with Christmas tree ornaments. Well, this was a valuable mass, real pretty. Needed more mass run at the time I parted with the case. The case entirely changed complexion, however.

So by the time we got through, we had wrapped all the furniture in town around him and then all the Earths we could possibly get on him and then all the Suns that we could make him mock-up and all these things got conjoined together in a great big mass and he started decorating it with Christmas tree ornaments. Well, this was a valuable mass, real pretty. Needed more mass run at the time I parted with the case. The case entirely changed complexion, however.

Okay. I don’t have very much to add to that. The woof and the warp and pattern and plan with what we’re dealing here-you’ve got an awful lot of background here now. You should know what an automaticity is. Now it’s time for you to learn about the birds and the bees.

Okay. I don’t have very much to add to that. The woof and the warp and pattern and plan with what we’re dealing here-you’ve got an awful lot of background here now. You should know what an automaticity is. Now it’s time for you to learn about the birds and the bees.

And that is that any mass is a good mass, as long as it’s mass, as long as it’s mass, as long as it-zz/$&, slurp.

And that is that any mass is a good mass, as long as it’s mass, as long as it’s mass, as long as it-zz/$&, slurp.

Now, a person has been taught carefully that he doesn’t own the Earth. There are even cliches about this, you see, and so on. It’s the only way you could keep a slave a slave.

Now, a person has been taught carefully that he doesn’t own the Earth. There are even cliches about this, you see, and so on. It’s the only way you could keep a slave a slave.

You see, the fellow who really owns the Earth won’t manage it. It doesn’t need managing if he owns it. He owns it as it is and is interested in watching it as it does.

You see, the fellow who really owns the Earth won’t manage it. It doesn’t need managing if he owns it. He owns it as it is and is interested in watching it as it does.

People only start madly hashing existence apart when they can’t have existence. Okay?

People only start madly hashing existence apart when they can’t have existence. Okay?

I say the only real error you could make in auditing is just to fail to follow through on an order. You tell the preclear, “All right, now let’s get a mock-up of Earth.” And he says, “I can’t.” You don’t at that moment tell him to grab the two anchor points at the back of the room.

I say the only real error you could make in auditing is just to fail to follow through on an order. You tell the preclear, “All right, now let’s get a mock-up of Earth.” And he says, “I can’t.” You don’t at that moment tell him to grab the two anchor points at the back of the room.

You say, “All right. Get a mock-up of a-well, can you get a mock-up of an apple?”

You say, “All right. Get a mock-up of a-well, can you get a mock-up of an apple?”

“Well, yeah. Maybe.”

“Well, yeah. Maybe.”

“Well, how about a wormy apple?”

“Well, how about a wormy apple?”

Yeah! Yeah, one thats half eaten. I can get a wormy, half-eaten apple with a worm in it. With a worm bit half in two in it.” What’s worse than a worm in an apple? A half a worm in an apple, of course.

Yeah! Yeah, one thats half eaten. I can get a wormy, half-eaten apple with a worm in it. With a worm bit half in two in it.” What’s worse than a worm in an apple? A half a worm in an apple, of course.

And so, the order is changed, you see, on a very gradient scale—you don’t give him a failure. If you keep giving him loses, why, he’ll get into real foul condition, if you keep giving him loses. So, pile it to him on that.

And so, the order is changed, you see, on a very gradient scale—you don’t give him a failure. If you keep giving him loses, why, he’ll get into real foul condition, if you keep giving him loses. So, pile it to him on that.

You can cut a communication line with a preclear, by the way, by seeming to be completely unsympathetic with what they’re trying to communicate to you. And you can also cut an auditing session to ribbons by letting the preclear talk and talk and talk and talk and talk. One of the biggest problems an auditor has is the communication problem with the preclear, whereby the preclear won’t communicate enough or the preclear communicates too much and either one of them impede auditing.

You can cut a communication line with a preclear, by the way, by seeming to be completely unsympathetic with what they’re trying to communicate to you. And you can also cut an auditing session to ribbons by letting the preclear talk and talk and talk and talk and talk. One of the biggest problems an auditor has is the communication problem with the preclear, whereby the preclear won’t communicate enough or the preclear communicates too much and either one of them impede auditing.

Now, where we have a aberree, we got a guy that “ain’t got.” And the way to fix him up is to fix him up so he can have. And not only so that he can just have these large masses and keep them, but so he can have these large masses ... I hate to tell you this, but since we’re going for Operating Thetan, it’s very funny to come up with a technique which apparently is a technique that would go for way downscale. He better have full memory of his track, folks. And this is the way you give it back to him.

Now, where we have a aberree, we got a guy that “ain’t got.” And the way to fix him up is to fix him up so he can have. And not only so that he can just have these large masses and keep them, but so he can have these large masses ... I hate to tell you this, but since we’re going for Operating Thetan, it’s very funny to come up with a technique which apparently is a technique that would go for way downscale. He better have full memory of his track, folks. And this is the way you give it back to him.

I don’t say that you will suddenly turn up with a full memory of your track, because it’s very possible that your auditor won’t audit you that long, because it takes a lot of mass. But remember that it’s mass. It is not the kind of mass, it is mass. The biggest and mostest masses and the fastest return into the individual of these masses is our goal.

I don’t say that you will suddenly turn up with a full memory of your track, because it’s very possible that your auditor won’t audit you that long, because it takes a lot of mass. But remember that it’s mass. It is not the kind of mass, it is mass. The biggest and mostest masses and the fastest return into the individual of these masses is our goal.

When I said in The Factors that beauty and ugliness were matters of consideration, that bad and good were matters of consideration, I wasn’t writing lightly. It’s demonstrable that these things are matters of consideration, because any mass is desirable. There is no such thing as a bad mass-not to a thetan. I don’t care what it is.

When I said in The Factors that beauty and ugliness were matters of consideration, that bad and good were matters of consideration, I wasn’t writing lightly. It’s demonstrable that these things are matters of consideration, because any mass is desirable. There is no such thing as a bad mass-not to a thetan. I don’t care what it is.

Now, he gets into a very nicely trained pattern whereby his criteria and his play is calling for the role that in this role we must consider disease bad, disease is now bad in this role. Okay, disease is bad. That’s just a little temporary rule of the game.

Now, he gets into a very nicely trained pattern whereby his criteria and his play is calling for the role that in this role we must consider disease bad, disease is now bad in this role. Okay, disease is bad. That’s just a little temporary rule of the game.

Resistances, people becoming what they resist and that sort of thing, is on this matter of consideration, “I mustn’t become that because that’s bad” and so forth.

Resistances, people becoming what they resist and that sort of thing, is on this matter of consideration, “I mustn’t become that because that’s bad” and so forth.

Well, what’s happened? The fellow’s been denied all the mass of which that thing consisted. See, “You can’t have that because that’s bad.” Well, that means you can’t have that mass. Any sensation is better than no sensation. Any mass is better than no mass, any space is better than no space and here we go.

Well, what’s happened? The fellow’s been denied all the mass of which that thing consisted. See, “You can’t have that because that’s bad.” Well, that means you can’t have that mass. Any sensation is better than no sensation. Any mass is better than no mass, any space is better than no space and here we go.

Well, after you’ve remedied mass, we can talk some more about it. But I don’t think there’s anything that you will fall over or trip into now which will exceed the pound, pound, pound that I have been doing on these fundamentals.

Well, after you’ve remedied mass, we can talk some more about it. But I don’t think there’s anything that you will fall over or trip into now which will exceed the pound, pound, pound that I have been doing on these fundamentals.

Automaticity. What’s an automaticity? So as we run this thing, the fellow starts to flip-flop around-you know, he’s getting frantic, he’s getting frantic-you know where he’s slid to: he’s slid off the courage band down into the fear band, just as easy as pie, that’s where he is.

Automaticity. What’s an automaticity? So as we run this thing, the fellow starts to flip-flop around-you know, he’s getting frantic, he’s getting frantic-you know where he’s slid to: he’s slid off the courage band down into the fear band, just as easy as pie, that’s where he is.

And fear of what? Fear of loss of control of the body as he runs this. Well, so you make the body do the flip-flops. You just have him mock-up the body doing flip-flops or make the body sitting right there do flip-flops-out of control flip-flops. Where he all of a sudden gets these things that are getting very rigid and he’s feeling more and more rigid, well, just have him get rigid two or three times and pass along-go along to the next whistling-post.

And fear of what? Fear of loss of control of the body as he runs this. Well, so you make the body do the flip-flops. You just have him mock-up the body doing flip-flops or make the body sitting right there do flip-flops-out of control flip-flops. Where he all of a sudden gets these things that are getting very rigid and he’s feeling more and more rigid, well, just have him get rigid two or three times and pass along-go along to the next whistling-post.

You’re dealing with something that’s very easy, but because you like to be deep, you like to be complex, you like to be a mystery, you’d hate to think that you’re lying out there on the most simple chart that anybody could ever draw. And that chart simply says, “Anything is better than nothing.” “Any mass is better than no mass and the denser the better.” And the significance is holding close to the preclear because it happens to be contained as a pattern in the energy which the preclear thinks he’s got to have.

You’re dealing with something that’s very easy, but because you like to be deep, you like to be complex, you like to be a mystery, you’d hate to think that you’re lying out there on the most simple chart that anybody could ever draw. And that chart simply says, “Anything is better than nothing.” “Any mass is better than no mass and the denser the better.” And the significance is holding close to the preclear because it happens to be contained as a pattern in the energy which the preclear thinks he’s got to have.

Give the preclear a method to separate the significance out of the energy and he’ll do it like a shot-that’s Dianetics, very popular. You separate the significance out of the energy and you have the energy.

Give the preclear a method to separate the significance out of the energy and he’ll do it like a shot-that’s Dianetics, very popular. You separate the significance out of the energy and you have the energy.

Well, your poor people that won’t exteriorize are going through this same deal. If you’ve ever noticed that a sudden loss caused a feeling of great unreality to come over you, then you should realize that a sudden loss or a slow loss will bring about an unreality and so they will. And it brings about the dwindling spiral and what’s to be remedied there, in terms of loss, is not the emotional stress and not the postulate about the loss and nothing about the loss, any way, shape or form, except the mass connections of the loss and that’s all that’s important about the loss: so much mass disappeared.

Well, your poor people that won’t exteriorize are going through this same deal. If you’ve ever noticed that a sudden loss caused a feeling of great unreality to come over you, then you should realize that a sudden loss or a slow loss will bring about an unreality and so they will. And it brings about the dwindling spiral and what’s to be remedied there, in terms of loss, is not the emotional stress and not the postulate about the loss and nothing about the loss, any way, shape or form, except the mass connections of the loss and that’s all that’s important about the loss: so much mass disappeared.

Now, the individual who goes unconscious is experiencing loss on a rebound. (I showed you that this morning.) He hits the wall and bounces back off the wall. It’s the loss of the impact which makes him unconscious, not the impact itself. It sounds funny, isn’t it? But there is his unreality and his unconsciousness, is after the impact not before the impact.

Now, the individual who goes unconscious is experiencing loss on a rebound. (I showed you that this morning.) He hits the wall and bounces back off the wall. It’s the loss of the impact which makes him unconscious, not the impact itself. It sounds funny, isn’t it? But there is his unreality and his unconsciousness, is after the impact not before the impact.

For instance, one day I was running an individual and he kept doping-off, he kept floundering around and doping-off and having a rough time of it and life seemed very cruel to him and we weren’t getting too far on the thing. And we were obviously in the middle of an engram somewhere and, come to find out, he had had an appendectomy. The ether didn’t bother him and nothing else bothered him, the pain didn’t seem to bother him-I couldn’t find anything that bothered him except one: He lost a part of the mass of the body and that was what he was boiling-off on. He wasn’t boiling-off on the ether, because the second we started to stuff appendixes back there where the appendix had been taken out, we almost immediately experienced a resurgence from this unconsciousness condition. And just to make a test of it, I gave him other types of masses and so forth and we were getting a “gunshot” on it. You know, and we were getting the whole thing-all kinds of things started to come off.

For instance, one day I was running an individual and he kept doping-off, he kept floundering around and doping-off and having a rough time of it and life seemed very cruel to him and we weren’t getting too far on the thing. And we were obviously in the middle of an engram somewhere and, come to find out, he had had an appendectomy. The ether didn’t bother him and nothing else bothered him, the pain didn’t seem to bother him-I couldn’t find anything that bothered him except one: He lost a part of the mass of the body and that was what he was boiling-off on. He wasn’t boiling-off on the ether, because the second we started to stuff appendixes back there where the appendix had been taken out, we almost immediately experienced a resurgence from this unconsciousness condition. And just to make a test of it, I gave him other types of masses and so forth and we were getting a “gunshot” on it. You know, and we were getting the whole thing-all kinds of things started to come off.

But just this one operation, it was completely wiped out simply by restoring the fellow’s appendixes and we only had to give him about fifty appendixes before he was clean out of the operation. It was the loss of the appendix that counted, not the ether.

But just this one operation, it was completely wiped out simply by restoring the fellow’s appendixes and we only had to give him about fifty appendixes before he was clean out of the operation. It was the loss of the appendix that counted, not the ether.

I believe it’s the thought of the loss which starts to knock them unconscious before the ether can hit them, because I don’t think a person could be rendered unconscious by ether, myself.

I believe it’s the thought of the loss which starts to knock them unconscious before the ether can hit them, because I don’t think a person could be rendered unconscious by ether, myself.

Well now, if you find this difficult auditing, you better ask yourself the question, “How much do I want this preclear to have, anyway?” Cute question, huh? Mean. As an auditor who hasn’t had his havingness remedied, he will just sit there sometime and drool over this process, it’s very upsetting to him. And then when he’s audited, why, you find the session that he has given the preclear running out first. But it runs out.

Well now, if you find this difficult auditing, you better ask yourself the question, “How much do I want this preclear to have, anyway?” Cute question, huh? Mean. As an auditor who hasn’t had his havingness remedied, he will just sit there sometime and drool over this process, it’s very upsetting to him. And then when he’s audited, why, you find the session that he has given the preclear running out first. But it runs out.

Now, this is the process which remedies with great ease (and I’ve been saying this for a long time and haven’t brought it up much except to these Clinical Units), but this is the process that remedies Book One and anything that’s in it. And everything that’s in Book One will be found running off and you’ll find all sorts of weird and interesting things occurring.

Now, this is the process which remedies with great ease (and I’ve been saying this for a long time and haven’t brought it up much except to these Clinical Units), but this is the process that remedies Book One and anything that’s in it. And everything that’s in Book One will be found running off and you’ll find all sorts of weird and interesting things occurring.

But we don’t care how many weird and interesting things occurring, we’re just trying to restore the havingness of the individual and that’s all we’re interested in. So we want this stuff to avalanche in, we want the GE to get nice and replete and we want him to get all set and we want everybody to get all set up and real cheerful and happy and this is what you’re going to do for the rest of the week.

But we don’t care how many weird and interesting things occurring, we’re just trying to restore the havingness of the individual and that’s all we’re interested in. So we want this stuff to avalanche in, we want the GE to get nice and replete and we want him to get all set and we want everybody to get all set up and real cheerful and happy and this is what you’re going to do for the rest of the week.

And this is what you’re going to do in Group Processes with this single difference: In the Group Processes particularly, at least every ten or fifteen minutes, throw in a good, nice, solid unlimited process: Hold on to the Back Anchor Points of the Room, Six Ways to Nothingness, get three sensations in the body you’re sure of and something on this order-unlimited processes or the next-to-the-last list in Self Analysis. And count on the Group Processing session to pick up any bulls, blunders, restimulations or sudden session endings that would have occurred otherwise. I see no reason why these things should occur, but you people can do anything, [laughter]

And this is what you’re going to do in Group Processes with this single difference: In the Group Processes particularly, at least every ten or fifteen minutes, throw in a good, nice, solid unlimited process: Hold on to the Back Anchor Points of the Room, Six Ways to Nothingness, get three sensations in the body you’re sure of and something on this order-unlimited processes or the next-to-the-last list in Self Analysis. And count on the Group Processing session to pick up any bulls, blunders, restimulations or sudden session endings that would have occurred otherwise. I see no reason why these things should occur, but you people can do anything, [laughter]

Okay. Now are there any specific questions about this process? Yes.

Okay. Now are there any specific questions about this process? Yes.

Male voice: Automaticities - when do you stop running them ?

Male voice: Automaticities - when do you stop running them ?

When do you stop running them?

When do you stop running them?

Well, I covered that a little earlier. I’ll go over it again.

Well, I covered that a little earlier. I’ll go over it again.

Male voice: I was just asking.

Male voice: I was just asking.

Yeah. When the automaticity-that’s the “snap-in,” the avalanche. You get the fellow’s stuff snapping in on him-snapping in, snapping in. You get it snapping in until this is remedied.

Yeah. When the automaticity-that’s the “snap-in,” the avalanche. You get the fellow’s stuff snapping in on him-snapping in, snapping in. You get it snapping in until this is remedied.

You find it, start it, keep it rolling and then you’ll find out it’ll eventually slow down. Well, you don’t slow it down, you just keep it going. And then you have the preclear start it and have the preclear do it more and more and more and more until a preclear is giving them to himself at the same rate of avalanche as the “automatic bank” was giving it to him and you’ve got the automaticity of this type of havingness worked out in its entirety.

You find it, start it, keep it rolling and then you’ll find out it’ll eventually slow down. Well, you don’t slow it down, you just keep it going. And then you have the preclear start it and have the preclear do it more and more and more and more until a preclear is giving them to himself at the same rate of avalanche as the “automatic bank” was giving it to him and you’ve got the automaticity of this type of havingness worked out in its entirety.

You do the same thing on rejection. You start to waste something and all of a sudden stuff starts to pour away from him like mad, you just let it pour away from him, that’s all. It pours away and pours away and pours away and then it’ll slow down after a while and then it’ll finally kind of come to a stop and you have him then start throwing the stuff-mocking it up and throwing it away from him again.

You do the same thing on rejection. You start to waste something and all of a sudden stuff starts to pour away from him like mad, you just let it pour away from him, that’s all. It pours away and pours away and pours away and then it’ll slow down after a while and then it’ll finally kind of come to a stop and you have him then start throwing the stuff-mocking it up and throwing it away from him again.

But that is an inferior technique to the other one. You don’t have to worry so much what happens on the reject as what happens on the income. This income is real important.

But that is an inferior technique to the other one. You don’t have to worry so much what happens on the reject as what happens on the income. This income is real important.

Now, that’s the biggest automaticity there is in the bank, so you trigger it and you get it rolling and you’ll have it. Papa’s death and the loss of the old farm and the loss of proprietorship of New York City in 1720 and the loss of the pair of earrings and the sexual libido theory of the left-hand lobotomy-these things will all fly off and they will go away.

Now, that’s the biggest automaticity there is in the bank, so you trigger it and you get it rolling and you’ll have it. Papa’s death and the loss of the old farm and the loss of proprietorship of New York City in 1720 and the loss of the pair of earrings and the sexual libido theory of the left-hand lobotomy-these things will all fly off and they will go away.

You’ll see Fac Ones and “Fac Twenties.” It doesn’t matter what you see coming off the bank, it’s just energy with a pattern on it. It’s too bad that it has a pattern on it.

You’ll see Fac Ones and “Fac Twenties.” It doesn’t matter what you see coming off the bank, it’s just energy with a pattern on it. It’s too bad that it has a pattern on it.

Remember that the preclear does not depend upon this pattern for his memory. His memory is wholly devoted to seeing or feeling out of this energy what’s happened to him. That’s memory. If a fellow knows what happens on the track, he doesn’t have to remember it. He doesn’t have to tie a piece of string around his finger and look at the piece of string.

Remember that the preclear does not depend upon this pattern for his memory. His memory is wholly devoted to seeing or feeling out of this energy what’s happened to him. That’s memory. If a fellow knows what happens on the track, he doesn’t have to remember it. He doesn’t have to tie a piece of string around his finger and look at the piece of string.

He gets into this condition when havingness is reduced so that the energy pattern starts to show up, then he gets the reason which follows in after the action and the reason why comes in. Why does he have these energy patterns, what are they doing showing up? Well, obviously he needs them to remember. He reasons it all out. Wonderful mechanism is reason. All right.

He gets into this condition when havingness is reduced so that the energy pattern starts to show up, then he gets the reason which follows in after the action and the reason why comes in. Why does he have these energy patterns, what are they doing showing up? Well, obviously he needs them to remember. He reasons it all out. Wonderful mechanism is reason. All right.

When memory comes in, it’s because havingness has already come down. You want to restore knowingness on the whole track, then you’d better restore havingness.

When memory comes in, it’s because havingness has already come down. You want to restore knowingness on the whole track, then you’d better restore havingness.

It’s much more important to remedy the income than the outgo. A person isn’t going to be able to get rid of one single lock, who is real bad off, on the subject of appetite. He’ll keep going over this foolish lock.

It’s much more important to remedy the income than the outgo. A person isn’t going to be able to get rid of one single lock, who is real bad off, on the subject of appetite. He’ll keep going over this foolish lock.

[to student] How many times had auditors audited those incidents that we were talking about there?

[to student] How many times had auditors audited those incidents that we were talking about there?

Female voice: Well, at least ten different auditors hadprocessed two incidents - Dianetic-wise, Creative Processing-every one you can think of - two facsimiles.

Female voice: Well, at least ten different auditors hadprocessed two incidents - Dianetic-wise, Creative Processing-every one you can think of - two facsimiles.

Yeah. Two facsimiles processed over and over and over and still stuck, stuck, stuck, stuck, stuck. Well, we sure got planets roaring through them.

Yeah. Two facsimiles processed over and over and over and still stuck, stuck, stuck, stuck, stuck. Well, we sure got planets roaring through them.

Female voice: Sure did-right through these incidents and cleaned up the incidents.

Female voice: Sure did-right through these incidents and cleaned up the incidents.



Well, we have numerous examples of this sitting around. It’s a process which I customarily use when I’m - there’s several I use, actually - but I have never given up hope of cutting short havingness. Therefore, I talk about other things so as to leave you not badly grounded. You know, if other material suddenly shows up on the line, it’s not new and strange to you, you’re grounded in this basic theory because there’s upper echelon material in havingness.

Well, we have numerous examples of this sitting around. It’s a process which I customarily use when I’m - there’s several I use, actually - but I have never given up hope of cutting short havingness. Therefore, I talk about other things so as to leave you not badly grounded. You know, if other material suddenly shows up on the line, it’s not new and strange to you, you’re grounded in this basic theory because there’s upper echelon material in havingness.

But, the cockeyed process of Havingness just keeps walking in and demonstrating its efficacy come hell, high water, theory or whatnot. Doesn’t matter what theories are applied or anything else-of course, we got there to Havingness, itself, on theories. It doesn’t violate any theory that we have and so forth, it just happens to be fantastically workable.

But, the cockeyed process of Havingness just keeps walking in and demonstrating its efficacy come hell, high water, theory or whatnot. Doesn’t matter what theories are applied or anything else-of course, we got there to Havingness, itself, on theories. It doesn’t violate any theory that we have and so forth, it just happens to be fantastically workable.

Now, it’s-only thing that really recommends it is workability and it doesn’t mean that some day or other we might not find another process that works and cuts the bank to pieces much quicker or does something else or remedies that. But until that is well proven and delivered into your hands, my conclusion at having watched you audit and watched the states of your cases over the last little while here, is that the only thing I can really put in your hands is a lead-pipe cinch and so let’s use the lead-pipe cinch, huh?

Now, it’s-only thing that really recommends it is workability and it doesn’t mean that some day or other we might not find another process that works and cuts the bank to pieces much quicker or does something else or remedies that. But until that is well proven and delivered into your hands, my conclusion at having watched you audit and watched the states of your cases over the last little while here, is that the only thing I can really put in your hands is a lead-pipe cinch and so let’s use the lead-pipe cinch, huh?

Because I frankly don’t think your cases are ever going to resolve entirely until you’ve had this lead-pipe cinch handled.

Because I frankly don’t think your cases are ever going to resolve entirely until you’ve had this lead-pipe cinch handled.

We don’t have to hold our little finger in any particular position to audit this. You just do a good job of auditing, you stay interested in the preclear and you keep the stuff running. Your total inventiveness is to get something to improve or, in the case of rejection, you generally have to improve things until they’re unattainable and so they reject; and on acceptance, deteriorate things until they’re obtainable.

We don’t have to hold our little finger in any particular position to audit this. You just do a good job of auditing, you stay interested in the preclear and you keep the stuff running. Your total inventiveness is to get something to improve or, in the case of rejection, you generally have to improve things until they’re unattainable and so they reject; and on acceptance, deteriorate things until they’re obtainable.

But the only place where you’re going to get any strain put on you is to get the thing which the preclear can accept and has some idea he can have and then get a lot of those and so on. And it’ll get a little bit tough in trying to kick one of these V’s around far enough so that he will at least be able to get a black mock-up of some sort or another-or something which will start to pour in on him, but this condition will be remedied. He’ll, by the way, quit on you rather rapidly because he’s going to be afraid he’s going to get sick. He’ll try to knock off.

But the only place where you’re going to get any strain put on you is to get the thing which the preclear can accept and has some idea he can have and then get a lot of those and so on. And it’ll get a little bit tough in trying to kick one of these V’s around far enough so that he will at least be able to get a black mock-up of some sort or another-or something which will start to pour in on him, but this condition will be remedied. He’ll, by the way, quit on you rather rapidly because he’s going to be afraid he’s going to get sick. He’ll try to knock off.

Because dont mistake it, you’re going to turn on worse somatics on lots of preclears with this type of process than you’ve ever turned on with E-Meters and just looking for them. It can get real vicious this process can, real vicious.

Because dont mistake it, you’re going to turn on worse somatics on lots of preclears with this type of process than you’ve ever turned on with E-Meters and just looking for them. It can get real vicious this process can, real vicious.

I’ve seen a preclear actually go into a convulsion and knock over three or four chairs and so forth with me sitting there calmly saying, “Now, make the body flip-flop around a couple of more times.” “Okay. Now mock-up four more Earths and snap them together.” “Now mock-up eight again.” “Now get those going. Okay.”

I’ve seen a preclear actually go into a convulsion and knock over three or four chairs and so forth with me sitting there calmly saying, “Now, make the body flip-flop around a couple of more times.” “Okay. Now mock-up four more Earths and snap them together.” “Now mock-up eight again.” “Now get those going. Okay.”

And he’s lying there wheezing and half screaming and so and he gets the process started however. Because remember that no matter what the body seems to be doing, why, the thetan is still fairly alert and the thetan is doing this process.

And he’s lying there wheezing and half screaming and so and he gets the process started however. Because remember that no matter what the body seems to be doing, why, the thetan is still fairly alert and the thetan is doing this process.

Note: In this section of the lecture there is a flaw in the original recording.

Note: In this section of the lecture there is a flaw in the original recording.

Any questions about this?

Any questions about this?

Male voice: Ron, is itfeasible to run this on yourself?

Male voice: Ron, is itfeasible to run this on yourself?

Is it feasible to run this upon yourself?

Is it feasible to run this upon yourself?

There is a case diagnosis. Yeah. Yeah, it’s possible to run this on yourself-when you’re a Step I and exteriorized and close to Operating Thetan. Because the individual who starts to run it on himself will start running it on himself out in the street or in the car or someplace or another. And the next cockeyed thing you know, why, he’s doped-off and he starts running another circuit and then he runs something halfway through and he gets this avalanche going and then he has to stop because he’s going to do something or other and so forth. And it gets to be a very messy proposition, honest.

There is a case diagnosis. Yeah. Yeah, it’s possible to run this on yourself-when you’re a Step I and exteriorized and close to Operating Thetan. Because the individual who starts to run it on himself will start running it on himself out in the street or in the car or someplace or another. And the next cockeyed thing you know, why, he’s doped-off and he starts running another circuit and then he runs something halfway through and he gets this avalanche going and then he has to stop because he’s going to do something or other and so forth. And it gets to be a very messy proposition, honest.

