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A lecture given on 19 September 1963A lecture given on 19 September 1963

Well, you’re very lucky to be at Saint Hill at this particular time. Very lucky. In times to come, why, probably this will be old hat — all be old hat.

Well, you’re very lucky to be at Saint Hill at this particular time. Very lucky. In times to come, why, probably this will be old hat — all be old hat.

What’s the date?

What’s the date?

Audience: Nineteen September.

Audience: Nineteen September.

Nineteen September AD 13, Saint Hill Special Briefing Course. Running the pc’s actual GPM. A full and complete rundown thereof, including the new development of finding RIs by tone arm action.*[Editor’s note: Per HCOB 2 Oct. 63, GPMs EXPERIMENTAL PROCESS WITH — DRAWN, Technical Bulletin Volumes, Volume VII, this process, R4MTA, was cancelled.]

Nineteen September AD 13, Saint Hill Special Briefing Course. Running the pc’s actual GPM. A full and complete rundown thereof, including the new development of finding RIs by tone arm action.*[Editor’s note: Per HCOB 2 Oct. 63, GPMs EXPERIMENTAL PROCESS WITH — DRAWN, Technical Bulletin Volumes, Volume VII, this process, R4MTA, was cancelled.]

Once upon a time there was a pc and he was lucky because he was going to get out of it. But he’d been a very foolish thetan for a long time. He kept postulating goals. And he says the way to handle life is to get a very broad datum. A big broad datum and then I don’t have to be there and handle life, see? Which is your ultimate in no confront. Don’t want to handle life anymore, don’t want to confront life anymore, so I’m going to postulate a goal „to be a schnook.“ And he was. If he wasn’t one before he postulated the goal, he was afterwards.

Once upon a time there was a pc and he was lucky because he was going to get out of it. But he’d been a very foolish thetan for a long time. He kept postulating goals. And he says the way to handle life is to get a very broad datum. A big broad datum and then I don’t have to be there and handle life, see? Which is your ultimate in no confront. Don’t want to handle life anymore, don’t want to confront life anymore, so I’m going to postulate a goal „to be a schnook.“ And he was. If he wasn’t one before he postulated the goal, he was afterwards.

Now, I don’t mean to be too hard on us because it would be equally self — accusative. But the mechanism which is in operation and which is the broad basic mechanism is just about the simplest thing you could possibly state. You’ll have to probably do a lot of work on green Scientologists and so forth, trying to get them to understand what a Confusion and a stable datum is. There were a lot of examples on this a dozen years — ten years, eight years, seven years, ten, five years ago. There’s been a lot of examples of this kind of thing. But I found it was relatively difficult to teach. As a graphic analysis of the situation, I remember trying to teach it to HGC auditors at London HASI. And they had an awful time — they had an awful time trying to embrace the idea of a Confusion and a stable datum.

Now, I don’t mean to be too hard on us because it would be equally self — accusative. But the mechanism which is in operation and which is the broad basic mechanism is just about the simplest thing you could possibly state. You’ll have to probably do a lot of work on green Scientologists and so forth, trying to get them to understand what a Confusion and a stable datum is. There were a lot of examples on this a dozen years — ten years, eight years, seven years, ten, five years ago. There’s been a lot of examples of this kind of thing. But I found it was relatively difficult to teach. As a graphic analysis of the situation, I remember trying to teach it to HGC auditors at London HASI. And they had an awful time — they had an awful time trying to embrace the idea of a Confusion and a stable datum.

Well, it goes like this. You, in actual fact, get less Confusion by adopting one point of Confusion as a stable datum. If you want to enter this thing of Confusion and the stable datum — let us say we tear apart — and this is a graphic experiment which you can do — I mean you can show somebody this. You can tear apart a piece of paper and make a lot of scraps of paper, they’re fairly light and float. And take this handful of bits of paper and throw it up in the air and when you’ve thrown it up in the air, it of course all exists one to the next as a Confusion, don’t you see? And then you say to the person you are demonstrating it to — pretend you’re one of those pieces of paper, you see, and then that will appear to be motionless and everything else will appear to be in motion. Do you see how that would be? So, you can have a lot of motions going on and even the stable datum itself could be in motion, don’t you see? But by adopting one of these scraps of paper that’s floating through the air as the point of view of seeing the other scraps of paper, then of course you’ve reduced the situation by one scrap of paper which you at that moment of course pretend to be motionless. Do you see this? Do you see this? So it all starts with a lie. A stable datum in actual fact is in motion when it’s fixed up like that. You see?

Well, it goes like this. You, in actual fact, get less Confusion by adopting one point of Confusion as a stable datum. If you want to enter this thing of Confusion and the stable datum — let us say we tear apart — and this is a graphic experiment which you can do — I mean you can show somebody this. You can tear apart a piece of paper and make a lot of scraps of paper, they’re fairly light and float. And take this handful of bits of paper and throw it up in the air and when you’ve thrown it up in the air, it of course all exists one to the next as a Confusion, don’t you see? And then you say to the person you are demonstrating it to — pretend you’re one of those pieces of paper, you see, and then that will appear to be motionless and everything else will appear to be in motion. Do you see how that would be? So, you can have a lot of motions going on and even the stable datum itself could be in motion, don’t you see? But by adopting one of these scraps of paper that’s floating through the air as the point of view of seeing the other scraps of paper, then of course you’ve reduced the situation by one scrap of paper which you at that moment of course pretend to be motionless. Do you see this? Do you see this? So it all starts with a lie. A stable datum in actual fact is in motion when it’s fixed up like that. You see?

Now, you say you’re motionless here on this planet. Now, I can count out to you by advanced physics — not as taught in universities but by real advanced physics — that there are at least a dozen motions to which you are subject while you are busy standing still. You are going through a dozen motions. This — this way, Earth is going in two different motions — just in the orbit and its own rotation — and it’s undergoing a slight tilt all the time which precesses slightly. And then the solar system is in a tilt and then it’s tilting and at the same time it is moving. And you start adding this up — not trying to make you dizzy, but it’s considerable rate of motion. You start in with the grossest motion, is the rotation of Earth, and actually you’re traveling at the rate — just this very instant — you’re traveling at the rate of one thousand miles an hour approximately. Just by reason of the rotation of Earth.

Now, you say you’re motionless here on this planet. Now, I can count out to you by advanced physics — not as taught in universities but by real advanced physics — that there are at least a dozen motions to which you are subject while you are busy standing still. You are going through a dozen motions. This — this way, Earth is going in two different motions — just in the orbit and its own rotation — and it’s undergoing a slight tilt all the time which precesses slightly. And then the solar system is in a tilt and then it’s tilting and at the same time it is moving. And you start adding this up — not trying to make you dizzy, but it’s considerable rate of motion. You start in with the grossest motion, is the rotation of Earth, and actually you’re traveling at the rate — just this very instant — you’re traveling at the rate of one thousand miles an hour approximately. Just by reason of the rotation of Earth.

And yet you appear to be motionless. So, we don’t then care about whether the stable datum is motionless or not motionless. You see? Or factual or not factual. See, we care nothing about that. But we do care that it is considered to be the one point which one presumes to be motionless. Now, that’s a very crude example which I’ve given you and it’s totally applicable to the field of physics.

And yet you appear to be motionless. So, we don’t then care about whether the stable datum is motionless or not motionless. You see? Or factual or not factual. See, we care nothing about that. But we do care that it is considered to be the one point which one presumes to be motionless. Now, that’s a very crude example which I’ve given you and it’s totally applicable to the field of physics.

Now, to go into what a thetan does and a little bit further than this, you get some more very complicated ramifications. This is all under the definition of space, actually. Space and then change which is time, and so forth. And space, of course, is a viewpoint of dimension. That is what space is and that is all it is.

Now, to go into what a thetan does and a little bit further than this, you get some more very complicated ramifications. This is all under the definition of space, actually. Space and then change which is time, and so forth. And space, of course, is a viewpoint of dimension. That is what space is and that is all it is.

Now, the point from which you’re viewing naturally then establishes a perimeter of space. And if you want to give somebody a high old time, just conduct some of those ancient old Scientology experiments on the basis of „Space is a viewpoint of dimension.“ You can really turn on the winds of space and the whirr around him. Say, „Get the idea of planting two . . .“ I did this to an architect not too long ago. He’s used to working in a two — dimensional plane, you see. And it upset him no end. Get the idea — you know these flags that they put in golf holes — the cup, you know. Well, get the idea of taking two of those flags and putting them out there in front of you, you see. That’s one of the old experiments, you see. Now take two more and put them in back of you. Of course, this just about tears the bank into ribbons, you see. Because you’ve put this individual who is used to viewing a sort of a flat perimeter, you see — he sort of doesn’t confront it at all and you have given him a viewpoint of dimension. Of course, he immediately gets motion. He immediately gets motion.

Now, the point from which you’re viewing naturally then establishes a perimeter of space. And if you want to give somebody a high old time, just conduct some of those ancient old Scientology experiments on the basis of „Space is a viewpoint of dimension.“ You can really turn on the winds of space and the whirr around him. Say, „Get the idea of planting two . . .“ I did this to an architect not too long ago. He’s used to working in a two — dimensional plane, you see. And it upset him no end. Get the idea — you know these flags that they put in golf holes — the cup, you know. Well, get the idea of taking two of those flags and putting them out there in front of you, you see. That’s one of the old experiments, you see. Now take two more and put them in back of you. Of course, this just about tears the bank into ribbons, you see. Because you’ve put this individual who is used to viewing a sort of a flat perimeter, you see — he sort of doesn’t confront it at all and you have given him a viewpoint of dimension. Of course, he immediately gets motion. He immediately gets motion.

Ceasing to view — getting very, very technical on you — ceasing to view develops the potential of motion. Why? Now, let’s go over this again slowly. Space is the viewpoint of dimension. If you sit at one end of the room and look at the four corners at the other end of the room, you’re going to develop yourself a sort of a pyramid of space from where you’re looking at those four opposite corners of the room, see? Well, just doing that will develop motion. Why’.? Because you don’t do it. That is why. And in actual fact the entirety of the bank is a no — space proposition — as anybody who is busy listing with the mass coming in on him and the thundering thuds and so forth will convince himself of very rapidly. It’s a no — space proposition because there is no viewpoint.

Ceasing to view — getting very, very technical on you — ceasing to view develops the potential of motion. Why? Now, let’s go over this again slowly. Space is the viewpoint of dimension. If you sit at one end of the room and look at the four corners at the other end of the room, you’re going to develop yourself a sort of a pyramid of space from where you’re looking at those four opposite corners of the room, see? Well, just doing that will develop motion. Why’.? Because you don’t do it. That is why. And in actual fact the entirety of the bank is a no — space proposition — as anybody who is busy listing with the mass coming in on him and the thundering thuds and so forth will convince himself of very rapidly. It’s a no — space proposition because there is no viewpoint.

Follow this — this is very, actually, very comprehensible. You’re making much more out of it than is really there. Now, let’s have the pc sit in a room and look at the four corners of the wall at the far end of the room. Well, that’s going to be a very dizzying thing. He’s going to feel things move. Well, why does he feel things move? Why does he feel his bank shifting around? Because he will. If you don’t believe it, make the experiment yourself this evening and you’ll find out. You don’t have to go to the extreme of taking two golf flags and mocking them up out in front of you and trying to hold them there and then two more golf flags and put them behind you. Put yourself in a cube of space — putting yourself in a cube of space is wow! Zzzzzz! Boy the motion really starts going.

Follow this — this is very, actually, very comprehensible. You’re making much more out of it than is really there. Now, let’s have the pc sit in a room and look at the four corners of the wall at the far end of the room. Well, that’s going to be a very dizzying thing. He’s going to feel things move. Well, why does he feel things move? Why does he feel his bank shifting around? Because he will. If you don’t believe it, make the experiment yourself this evening and you’ll find out. You don’t have to go to the extreme of taking two golf flags and mocking them up out in front of you and trying to hold them there and then two more golf flags and put them behind you. Put yourself in a cube of space — putting yourself in a cube of space is wow! Zzzzzz! Boy the motion really starts going.

So, supposing — supposing we put in this room the person looking at the four corners of the far wall. That makes a sort of a pyramid of space between the far wall and himself, see. All right. Now let’s take him away. Let’s take the person away and let’s have this piece of paper look at it. Well, you say, well the piece of paper won’t see it — that’s nonsense. That’s right — that’s nonsense and that’s what the pc’s been doing all these years. Now anything then that develops in front of this piece of paper in its pyramid which comes from the far wall to the piece of paper is then uninspected motion in uncreated space, see. He said the space was there and then he is no longer making the space, so anything happens in the space, of course, is not confronted. Because he’s got a stable datum confronting that space for him.

So, supposing — supposing we put in this room the person looking at the four corners of the far wall. That makes a sort of a pyramid of space between the far wall and himself, see. All right. Now let’s take him away. Let’s take the person away and let’s have this piece of paper look at it. Well, you say, well the piece of paper won’t see it — that’s nonsense. That’s right — that’s nonsense and that’s what the pc’s been doing all these years. Now anything then that develops in front of this piece of paper in its pyramid which comes from the far wall to the piece of paper is then uninspected motion in uncreated space, see. He said the space was there and then he is no longer making the space, so anything happens in the space, of course, is not confronted. Because he’s got a stable datum confronting that space for him.

Now we take the piece of paper out and we put the pc back in. Because he’s been gone, motion has been — potential has been developed in that area. And the second we put him back in again, it will start to move and right itself one way or the other back to space as a viewpoint of dimension, you see. He recreates the space, so therefore the potential motion in that space goes bzzzzz. Do you see? See how this is? Because, of course, when we put a piece of paper there to keep the space for him, it didn’t and anything that happened in that area was uninspected and it was a mess. So, the second we put a stable datum in there to keep the space straight for him, naturally it apparently does so because it actually isn’t creating any space. And this is a somewhat comfortable state of mind. He doesn’t have to worry about this now. He’s got a lot of subterfuges of one kind or another that he can lie to himself about, don’t you see? At the same time he holds that piece of paper in there, confronting that space for him — and of course it doesn’t confront — and therefore anything that happens in the immediate vicinity of that thing is uninspected, unaligned, unhandled. Everything that goes on, there’s nothing looking at it, there’s no space for it to happen in, there’s no rationale of occurrence, but there is occurrence, don’t you see because there is some space there, because he made it originally. You see the mess that is coming up.

Now we take the piece of paper out and we put the pc back in. Because he’s been gone, motion has been — potential has been developed in that area. And the second we put him back in again, it will start to move and right itself one way or the other back to space as a viewpoint of dimension, you see. He recreates the space, so therefore the potential motion in that space goes bzzzzz. Do you see? See how this is? Because, of course, when we put a piece of paper there to keep the space for him, it didn’t and anything that happened in that area was uninspected and it was a mess. So, the second we put a stable datum in there to keep the space straight for him, naturally it apparently does so because it actually isn’t creating any space. And this is a somewhat comfortable state of mind. He doesn’t have to worry about this now. He’s got a lot of subterfuges of one kind or another that he can lie to himself about, don’t you see? At the same time he holds that piece of paper in there, confronting that space for him — and of course it doesn’t confront — and therefore anything that happens in the immediate vicinity of that thing is uninspected, unaligned, unhandled. Everything that goes on, there’s nothing looking at it, there’s no space for it to happen in, there’s no rationale of occurrence, but there is occurrence, don’t you see because there is some space there, because he made it originally. You see the mess that is coming up.

Now, we take our thumb and index finger in the form of one auditor with one E — Meter and we pluck out of that position that piece of paper. And we put the pc in it instead of the paper. He re — creates the space. All motion which was held in abeyance or stored in that area immediately starts occurring. We re — created the space of that situation and that time. See this?

Now, we take our thumb and index finger in the form of one auditor with one E — Meter and we pluck out of that position that piece of paper. And we put the pc in it instead of the paper. He re — creates the space. All motion which was held in abeyance or stored in that area immediately starts occurring. We re — created the space of that situation and that time. See this?

Well, therefore, the idea of just throwing some papers up in the air and assuming the position of one of the papers and noticing if the rest of them then move in relationship to it and all that sort of thing, that’s too simple — much, much too simple a description of confusion and the stable datum, see? Too simple. In actual fact, the space tends to collapse when we put that — assume that point of view, don’t you see? Because in actual fact, with the stable datum we no longer have a point of view.

Well, therefore, the idea of just throwing some papers up in the air and assuming the position of one of the papers and noticing if the rest of them then move in relationship to it and all that sort of thing, that’s too simple — much, much too simple a description of confusion and the stable datum, see? Too simple. In actual fact, the space tends to collapse when we put that — assume that point of view, don’t you see? Because in actual fact, with the stable datum we no longer have a point of view.

So the thetan, as he’s gone along the line, has put in a false point of view called a „stable datum“ which he hopes will keep the space and take care of that immediate area. And of course, it naturally by the rules of GPMs and problems and confusions, don’t you see ... He’s here and this stable datum is supposed to confront that confusion, don’t you see, and you get your RIs. Your terminal and your oppterm situation occur and this thing all gums up and the next thing you know, it’s a solid black mass and it’s that which you think the pc is finding very uncomfortable and that which the pc is finding very uncomfortable. That is what is happening. That is the situation. Now, you’ll see this.

So the thetan, as he’s gone along the line, has put in a false point of view called a „stable datum“ which he hopes will keep the space and take care of that immediate area. And of course, it naturally by the rules of GPMs and problems and confusions, don’t you see ... He’s here and this stable datum is supposed to confront that confusion, don’t you see, and you get your RIs. Your terminal and your oppterm situation occur and this thing all gums up and the next thing you know, it’s a solid black mass and it’s that which you think the pc is finding very uncomfortable and that which the pc is finding very uncomfortable. That is what is happening. That is the situation. Now, you’ll see this.

The pc starts going vrrrrrr and your E — Meter starts going up and gets sticky and goes up rrrrrrk and well, what are you doing. See? Well, you actually are — you got a piece of mass but you haven’t found the position from which that space is being created, see, has been created in the past. And you haven’t got him in toward the center of this thing, see, you haven’t got the exact wording of it, you see, and that sort of thing.

The pc starts going vrrrrrr and your E — Meter starts going up and gets sticky and goes up rrrrrrk and well, what are you doing. See? Well, you actually are — you got a piece of mass but you haven’t found the position from which that space is being created, see, has been created in the past. And you haven’t got him in toward the center of this thing, see, you haven’t got the exact wording of it, you see, and that sort of thing.

So, you don’t know what that stable datum is, but you’re moving him in toward it and of course he’s now viewing himself So, the fact that he is viewing that zone and area of space, regenerates the potential mass of that old confusion and it doesn’t discharge, of course, because he isn’t viewing it from the right position. He’s viewing it from over here, see, he’s looking at it from over here. Of course, that isn’t where it’s being created from. There’s a datum in there which is making all that for him. Don’t you see? And he — he’s over here, way over here on the right of the — you see, of the area, See, he’s way over here and the datum is way over here, see, down toward the center of the thing. And so you get a stuck tone arm. Why? Well, of course there’s nothing. The space isn’t being re — created, so therefore there is no discharge of what it contains. It’s just ruummm.

So, you don’t know what that stable datum is, but you’re moving him in toward it and of course he’s now viewing himself So, the fact that he is viewing that zone and area of space, regenerates the potential mass of that old confusion and it doesn’t discharge, of course, because he isn’t viewing it from the right position. He’s viewing it from over here, see, he’s looking at it from over here. Of course, that isn’t where it’s being created from. There’s a datum in there which is making all that for him. Don’t you see? And he — he’s over here, way over here on the right of the — you see, of the area, See, he’s way over here and the datum is way over here, see, down toward the center of the thing. And so you get a stuck tone arm. Why? Well, of course there’s nothing. The space isn’t being re — created, so therefore there is no discharge of what it contains. It’s just ruummm.

Now we move him back into the area and we say, „Hey, fella. Once upon a time, a long time ago, for reasons best known to you, you deserted an area in here which had an awful lot of confusion and you left a sentinel or something in there to create all the space for you and it didn’t. When we get your attention back in there, it reactivates the sentinel. We’ve got to get you over here to the point which you occupied originally.“ The second we get him to the point he re — occupied originally we get crreaaakk, brrrrrr, mmeeeek, zzuurrp, zip, zip. Why? The space is being re — created and the energy potential stored in that space, of course, can now discharge.

Now we move him back into the area and we say, „Hey, fella. Once upon a time, a long time ago, for reasons best known to you, you deserted an area in here which had an awful lot of confusion and you left a sentinel or something in there to create all the space for you and it didn’t. When we get your attention back in there, it reactivates the sentinel. We’ve got to get you over here to the point which you occupied originally.“ The second we get him to the point he re — occupied originally we get crreaaakk, brrrrrr, mmeeeek, zzuurrp, zip, zip. Why? The space is being re — created and the energy potential stored in that space, of course, can now discharge.

So, we can conclude that so long as you do not have the stable datum for any extant mass of confusion, but have the pc somewhere in its vicinity, you’re going to get a motionless tone arm. And when you move the pc over into the point of view from which it is being created, it is going to produce tone arm action. Elementary. If he isn’t in the point of view from which it is created, see, no tone arm action, but you’re going to get a stuck tone arm because you’re reactivating the area, see? You’re reactivating it, but you haven’t got the point from which it’s being re — created. So it goes crreaaakk and stuck, see? Nothing is going to happen. And then you move him over and you get a little bit of happening — a little bit of happening. And when you get him over into the center of this area where he is really creat — was really creating that space originally and substitute the pc for the stable datum, see — make him go back and take a look at this thing you see — the second he reoccupies that point of view he gets promptly and immediately tone arm action. The whole thing blows up. Tone arm action will keep on going then, going then, going then until the confusion is discharged from that immediate area.

So, we can conclude that so long as you do not have the stable datum for any extant mass of confusion, but have the pc somewhere in its vicinity, you’re going to get a motionless tone arm. And when you move the pc over into the point of view from which it is being created, it is going to produce tone arm action. Elementary. If he isn’t in the point of view from which it is created, see, no tone arm action, but you’re going to get a stuck tone arm because you’re reactivating the area, see? You’re reactivating it, but you haven’t got the point from which it’s being re — created. So it goes crreaaakk and stuck, see? Nothing is going to happen. And then you move him over and you get a little bit of happening — a little bit of happening. And when you get him over into the center of this area where he is really creat — was really creating that space originally and substitute the pc for the stable datum, see — make him go back and take a look at this thing you see — the second he reoccupies that point of view he gets promptly and immediately tone arm action. The whole thing blows up. Tone arm action will keep on going then, going then, going then until the confusion is discharged from that immediate area.

Well, now part of the discharge of the confusion of the area is finding out what the stable datum was erected to confront. And that’s the other RI. So, there’s another stable datum over there, but mostly a confusion, called the enemy. That’s the oppterm. The opposition terminal, the enemy. And he conceives it to have a point of view. He conceives it to be a confusion. He has a lot of ideas about it and so it is all part of this space. But it, he thinks, is creating its own space and you’ll have then two interlocked spaces. Because they are exactly and precisely interlocked, they float in time, because there is no motion involved in it. You have the stable datum of the oppterm, you have the stable datum of the pc. Those two points are staring at each other and have been staring at each other for a very long time. You move the pc into their vicinity, he reactivates some of this space, he becomes aware then that there (quote) „is something there.“ He is not looking at it from either the point of view of the enemy or his own point of view. Don’t you see? And because he knows there is something there, you get your tone arm going up.

Well, now part of the discharge of the confusion of the area is finding out what the stable datum was erected to confront. And that’s the other RI. So, there’s another stable datum over there, but mostly a confusion, called the enemy. That’s the oppterm. The opposition terminal, the enemy. And he conceives it to have a point of view. He conceives it to be a confusion. He has a lot of ideas about it and so it is all part of this space. But it, he thinks, is creating its own space and you’ll have then two interlocked spaces. Because they are exactly and precisely interlocked, they float in time, because there is no motion involved in it. You have the stable datum of the oppterm, you have the stable datum of the pc. Those two points are staring at each other and have been staring at each other for a very long time. You move the pc into their vicinity, he reactivates some of this space, he becomes aware then that there (quote) „is something there.“ He is not looking at it from either the point of view of the enemy or his own point of view. Don’t you see? And because he knows there is something there, you get your tone arm going up.

Now your next action — your next immediate action after this occurs — if you are moving the pc toward either his own point of view or the point of view of the enemy — his fancied point of view of where the enemy looked from, you see — we’re moving him in right straight on top of where he had that idea originally — his recognition of the idea tends to give him a resumption — he tends to resume the point of view where he left the datum to make the space for him. Don’t you see? Now, he tends to resume that point of view and the moment that he does, of course, you get energy discharge because you have created space. See, he is there, therefore he creates — re — creates the original space that was created there and you get zooom, zooom, zooom, zooom tone arm action. If you don’t put him in that exact point of view, you don’t get tone arm action. You just get a high tone arm.

Now your next action — your next immediate action after this occurs — if you are moving the pc toward either his own point of view or the point of view of the enemy — his fancied point of view of where the enemy looked from, you see — we’re moving him in right straight on top of where he had that idea originally — his recognition of the idea tends to give him a resumption — he tends to resume the point of view where he left the datum to make the space for him. Don’t you see? Now, he tends to resume that point of view and the moment that he does, of course, you get energy discharge because you have created space. See, he is there, therefore he creates — re — creates the original space that was created there and you get zooom, zooom, zooom, zooom tone arm action. If you don’t put him in that exact point of view, you don’t get tone arm action. You just get a high tone arm.

Now, there can be lock points of view which is quite interesting. Other little balls of massed energy cling to this big stable datum. Other subsidiary points of view. If you get him into one of those, you get a little blowdown and it will go back up again. In other words you can recognize — now listen to this carefully — you can recognize on the E — Meter whether or not you have brought the pc to resume the point of view of the center of that mass either of his own space or what he considered the enemy’s space. And the second that you bring him actually to that center point of view to re — create that space in that time span, that meter just goes apart. Because there’s nothing else can hold the space together, you see. That space now starts discharging, zoom, zoom, zoom, zoom, zoom, zoom, zoom. Loose. Everything’s going to pieces. You can’t get anything done, you know. You got too much tone arm action.

Now, there can be lock points of view which is quite interesting. Other little balls of massed energy cling to this big stable datum. Other subsidiary points of view. If you get him into one of those, you get a little blowdown and it will go back up again. In other words you can recognize — now listen to this carefully — you can recognize on the E — Meter whether or not you have brought the pc to resume the point of view of the center of that mass either of his own space or what he considered the enemy’s space. And the second that you bring him actually to that center point of view to re — create that space in that time span, that meter just goes apart. Because there’s nothing else can hold the space together, you see. That space now starts discharging, zoom, zoom, zoom, zoom, zoom, zoom, zoom. Loose. Everything’s going to pieces. You can’t get anything done, you know. You got too much tone arm action.

That’s when you got him dead center on an RI — whether his own RI or the enemy RI. Everything goes to hell. That stuff won’t stay together anymore, because he’s re — creating the space on which that and all the locks occur. But if you have him merely on a lock, it simply disturbs it a little bit by resuming to some slight degree — you see, he’s in close to resuming the point of view — and you get a little blowdown and then the arm will go up again, it will all rocket read don’t you see, but you haven’t got tone arm action as a result of finding it. You got that?

That’s when you got him dead center on an RI — whether his own RI or the enemy RI. Everything goes to hell. That stuff won’t stay together anymore, because he’s re — creating the space on which that and all the locks occur. But if you have him merely on a lock, it simply disturbs it a little bit by resuming to some slight degree — you see, he’s in close to resuming the point of view — and you get a little blowdown and then the arm will go up again, it will all rocket read don’t you see, but you haven’t got tone arm action as a result of finding it. You got that?

Now that in actual fact is a theoretical dissertation on the subject of what really should be redesignated now as Routine 4, because it’s just Class IV, Routine 4M. But we could say Routine 4MTA. Now, it’s practically the same 3M you did before. But it has this big difference. I have just been working this over. I’ve gotten my hands real dirty with this and I’ve looked it over and I said, is there any faster way that an auditor can absolutely guarantee that he will really get the RIs. Yes, there is. And that is by tone arm action, tone arm action. Now, you all know the phenomenon of finding an item and getting a blowdown. You give the item to the pc and the — your pc then says, „That’s right,“ and you get a blowdown. If you did that, you found a lock. That’s just a lock.

Now that in actual fact is a theoretical dissertation on the subject of what really should be redesignated now as Routine 4, because it’s just Class IV, Routine 4M. But we could say Routine 4MTA. Now, it’s practically the same 3M you did before. But it has this big difference. I have just been working this over. I’ve gotten my hands real dirty with this and I’ve looked it over and I said, is there any faster way that an auditor can absolutely guarantee that he will really get the RIs. Yes, there is. And that is by tone arm action, tone arm action. Now, you all know the phenomenon of finding an item and getting a blowdown. You give the item to the pc and the — your pc then says, „That’s right,“ and you get a blowdown. If you did that, you found a lock. That’s just a lock.

You should be — have two blowdowns. You should have a blowdown when he gives you the item on the list and then you should get fall on the next items, the next few items, fall, fall, blowdown, blowdown, fall. You see? And you list a little bit further and you got your tone arm action that’s calmed down just a little bit. You go back and you check. It will be one of those items and usually the first one. The first one of that little series of blowdowns that you got.

You should be — have two blowdowns. You should have a blowdown when he gives you the item on the list and then you should get fall on the next items, the next few items, fall, fall, blowdown, blowdown, fall. You see? And you list a little bit further and you got your tone arm action that’s calmed down just a little bit. You go back and you check. It will be one of those items and usually the first one. The first one of that little series of blowdowns that you got.

Now you give the pc the item and you get a new blowdown. Only this time nothing can hold the meter together. It just goes aaablablablabowbowbow. You understand? You’ve pulled the plug out of the bathtub. You haven’t just splashed some water on the floor. You understand?

Now you give the pc the item and you get a new blowdown. Only this time nothing can hold the meter together. It just goes aaablablablabowbowbow. You understand? You’ve pulled the plug out of the bathtub. You haven’t just splashed some water on the floor. You understand?

Now, let me put this in more practical terms from your point of view. What you’re looking for a service fac for and what’s a service fac supposed to do? It’s supposed to produce tone arm action. Why does it produce tone arm action? You pull it out of the way and the discharge will then go. Simplest way of putting it. You start getting this discharge of energy. That’s because it’s no longer there to block it. You’re dealing with the same thing here, see? Now, if you get anything that’s close in to a real service fac, anything that substitutes for it, you thereafter get lots of tone arm action. Don’t you see?

Now, let me put this in more practical terms from your point of view. What you’re looking for a service fac for and what’s a service fac supposed to do? It’s supposed to produce tone arm action. Why does it produce tone arm action? You pull it out of the way and the discharge will then go. Simplest way of putting it. You start getting this discharge of energy. That’s because it’s no longer there to block it. You’re dealing with the same thing here, see? Now, if you get anything that’s close in to a real service fac, anything that substitutes for it, you thereafter get lots of tone arm action. Don’t you see?

Well, don’t you think you ought to get even more tone arm action for a real RI? More tone arm action for a real RI? There are two things you can do. You can find a lock which gives you a beautiful rocket read. Nothing rocket reads as lovely as a lock. If you really want to see a classic rocket read, find a lock, that is not accompanied by a blowdown. And it’ll just rocket read and rocket read and rocket read. Beautiful. Dial — wide. Gorgeous thing. Takes off with a beautiful spurt and has a curly tail on the end and so forth. Marvelous.

Well, don’t you think you ought to get even more tone arm action for a real RI? More tone arm action for a real RI? There are two things you can do. You can find a lock which gives you a beautiful rocket read. Nothing rocket reads as lovely as a lock. If you really want to see a classic rocket read, find a lock, that is not accompanied by a blowdown. And it’ll just rocket read and rocket read and rocket read. Beautiful. Dial — wide. Gorgeous thing. Takes off with a beautiful spurt and has a curly tail on the end and so forth. Marvelous.

If you want to demonstrate to somebody what a perfect rocket read is, I plead with you, don’t find a service fac or a real RR — or — I don’t mean to infer that all service facs should rocket read — what you’re calling a service fac or can use with one isn’t an RI. Find a lock, find a lock on a pc’s GPM. Start the list and see an RR and then don’t go on listing. See one RR that is not then followed by any blowdown. Oh, it might be a little 2., you know .25 division drop. Little, little drop, doesn’t amount to anything. And just don’t complete the list. Of course, the pc probably will ARC break but that’s all right, you can tell him to shut up while you demonstrate it to the class. Don’t you see. Every time you say this — you see, the real item is „a sultan,“ see, that’s the real item and it was going to come up in about six or seven more items listed, see? And you found „eunuch,“ see, on the list and you saw it RR, see ‘ and you just stop the list right there. That’s it. Thank you! Shut up. You know. That’s it. All right. That’s fine.

If you want to demonstrate to somebody what a perfect rocket read is, I plead with you, don’t find a service fac or a real RR — or — I don’t mean to infer that all service facs should rocket read — what you’re calling a service fac or can use with one isn’t an RI. Find a lock, find a lock on a pc’s GPM. Start the list and see an RR and then don’t go on listing. See one RR that is not then followed by any blowdown. Oh, it might be a little 2., you know .25 division drop. Little, little drop, doesn’t amount to anything. And just don’t complete the list. Of course, the pc probably will ARC break but that’s all right, you can tell him to shut up while you demonstrate it to the class. Don’t you see. Every time you say this — you see, the real item is „a sultan,“ see, that’s the real item and it was going to come up in about six or seven more items listed, see? And you found „eunuch,“ see, on the list and you saw it RR, see ‘ and you just stop the list right there. That’s it. Thank you! Shut up. You know. That’s it. All right. That’s fine.

Now, class we’re going to show you a real rocket read, see. You say „eunuch“ psewwwwwww! „eunuch“ psewwwwwww! „eunuch“ psewwwwwww! Gorgeous. Marvelous. Nothing more lovely. It’ll keep up days later. You put in the mid ruds on it and it’ll fire, if you never complete the list. See, it’s — just go on. Why? It’s getting its power from the actual heart — the actual point of view — it’s getting its power. And that power is leaking sideways and of course it will never wear out. It will just go on rocket reading endlessly, rocket reading, rocket reading, rocket reading.

Now, class we’re going to show you a real rocket read, see. You say „eunuch“ psewwwwwww! „eunuch“ psewwwwwww! „eunuch“ psewwwwwww! Gorgeous. Marvelous. Nothing more lovely. It’ll keep up days later. You put in the mid ruds on it and it’ll fire, if you never complete the list. See, it’s — just go on. Why? It’s getting its power from the actual heart — the actual point of view — it’s getting its power. And that power is leaking sideways and of course it will never wear out. It will just go on rocket reading endlessly, rocket reading, rocket reading, rocket reading.

All right. Well, let’s take pity on the student a few days later and let’s take pity on this person for demonstration purposes and let’s finish the list. This is the way it will behave, see. A „eunuch...... scimitar,“ „harem,“ „camels,“ „grand wazirs,“ „sultan“ — right away psewwwwwww. That moment that he says it, see. And then he will say „palace,“ „date palms,“ „desert,“ „Arabia“ — tone arm action here, see. Every time he says one of these things he gets another fall or a blowdown. Gorgeous falls, gorgeous blowdowns, see. Well, you go on and he also says, „dates“ — that didn’t do much; he says „dates,“ „oil wells,“ uhmm — “NATO allies,“ you see, and nowhere — nothing — it’s going on up now, see. It’ll go up. If you keep going, you can get it pretty high — you can get it pretty high, you see.

All right. Well, let’s take pity on the student a few days later and let’s take pity on this person for demonstration purposes and let’s finish the list. This is the way it will behave, see. A „eunuch...... scimitar,“ „harem,“ „camels,“ „grand wazirs,“ „sultan“ — right away psewwwwwww. That moment that he says it, see. And then he will say „palace,“ „date palms,“ „desert,“ „Arabia“ — tone arm action here, see. Every time he says one of these things he gets another fall or a blowdown. Gorgeous falls, gorgeous blowdowns, see. Well, you go on and he also says, „dates“ — that didn’t do much; he says „dates,“ „oil wells,“ uhmm — “NATO allies,“ you see, and nowhere — nothing — it’s going on up now, see. It’ll go up. If you keep going, you can get it pretty high — you can get it pretty high, you see.

You’ll notice the pc is starting to look kind of black and creaky and torn up and so forth. Don’t pay any attention to that, just go on, list it, you know — you get up — I think you can probably get it up to 6 if you tried. Why? Hell, you found it, man. You found it. What told you you found it? Because you got consecutive, now get that carefully, consecutive blowdowns. That patch of stuff can’t hold together.

You’ll notice the pc is starting to look kind of black and creaky and torn up and so forth. Don’t pay any attention to that, just go on, list it, you know — you get up — I think you can probably get it up to 6 if you tried. Why? Hell, you found it, man. You found it. What told you you found it? Because you got consecutive, now get that carefully, consecutive blowdowns. That patch of stuff can’t hold together.

You actually don’t find, now don’t get this one wrong — you’re not listing in actual fact to find an RR. You’re listing to find a series — two, three, four, five — of blowdown items. You want a series of these things — you want a series. You’re listing for a series. As soon as you find that series, you’ve done it. The only thing you have to do is list until you don’t have the TA action quite so much. It’s coming up. But you really actually don’t have to go that far. All you need is that series, see. That series.

You actually don’t find, now don’t get this one wrong — you’re not listing in actual fact to find an RR. You’re listing to find a series — two, three, four, five — of blowdown items. You want a series of these things — you want a series. You’re listing for a series. As soon as you find that series, you’ve done it. The only thing you have to do is list until you don’t have the TA action quite so much. It’s coming up. But you really actually don’t have to go that far. All you need is that series, see. That series.

And therefore, although it’s very nice to have your tone arm actions over on the side — you’ll very shortly, by the way, have meter Computers, that give you total TA action. We just had a conference with Fowler and Allen and they’re building one and they equip onto old type meters too. The new meters will be equipped with them. Don’t know how fast it’ll take them to get these things out, but they’re up over the horizon here someplace. But that will give you your total action for the session. And if you’re so busy sitting there writing figures that you haven’t got time to write BD or B, you know, for blowdown and F for fall, see — if you haven’t got time to write your tone arm commotion — you’re so busy, you see, trying to say well, it went from 4.25 to 4.1, you see, and then it went from 4.5 to 3.5 and so forth — if you’re so busy tracking figures while trying to write items too, you’ll soon find yourself lost in the dust and sand, you see.

And therefore, although it’s very nice to have your tone arm actions over on the side — you’ll very shortly, by the way, have meter Computers, that give you total TA action. We just had a conference with Fowler and Allen and they’re building one and they equip onto old type meters too. The new meters will be equipped with them. Don’t know how fast it’ll take them to get these things out, but they’re up over the horizon here someplace. But that will give you your total action for the session. And if you’re so busy sitting there writing figures that you haven’t got time to write BD or B, you know, for blowdown and F for fall, see — if you haven’t got time to write your tone arm commotion — you’re so busy, you see, trying to say well, it went from 4.25 to 4.1, you see, and then it went from 4.5 to 3.5 and so forth — if you’re so busy tracking figures while trying to write items too, you’ll soon find yourself lost in the dust and sand, you see.

So, the real BD that you want, the real blowdown that you want to record is how far the thing blew down totally as a result of having found it as an item. You could mark that in after you’ve given it to the pc, you see. Therefore it takes some mention of where your tone arm got to and so forth. But that isn’t what I would read by. That isn’t what I would read by. I would say — in the first place a blowdown isn’t .25 divisions. Nothing ever blew down that little. You understand? That’s not a blowdown. Not with this — I’m still trying to call it R3M, this 4MTA. That’s not a blowdown. We want a blowdown! The biggest one that you’re going to get is about two divisions. That would be considered awful darn good and rather rare, I would say. You know, maybe you got every eight, ten items — RIs that you found — you had one that on giving it to the pc you promptly and instantly got two divisions of blowdown you see. That’s rather extreme.

So, the real BD that you want, the real blowdown that you want to record is how far the thing blew down totally as a result of having found it as an item. You could mark that in after you’ve given it to the pc, you see. Therefore it takes some mention of where your tone arm got to and so forth. But that isn’t what I would read by. That isn’t what I would read by. I would say — in the first place a blowdown isn’t .25 divisions. Nothing ever blew down that little. You understand? That’s not a blowdown. Not with this — I’m still trying to call it R3M, this 4MTA. That’s not a blowdown. We want a blowdown! The biggest one that you’re going to get is about two divisions. That would be considered awful darn good and rather rare, I would say. You know, maybe you got every eight, ten items — RIs that you found — you had one that on giving it to the pc you promptly and instantly got two divisions of blowdown you see. That’s rather extreme.

Point five divisions I would consider minimum — minimum expectancy to be called a blowdown. So that leaves us up to about .75 or 1 division and so forth as what you would call commonly a nice blowdown, see. Phenomenal — 2 divisions. Minimal — about a half a division. Less than a half a division you can’t read it without a microscope anyway. You understand? Go ahead and keep all the tone arm record that you want that is compatible with recording so that you can find out what happened. So when you put blowdown on something, well you know, this thing went down, see. This hit the silk, you know. Oh, I can see some auditor sitting there quietly — quietly — quietly auditing along and the needle moves and he gets .1 divisions of motion of the TA and mark that a blowdown. Now, that could leave you with a totally erroneous impression of the whole thing, you see. So if you’re going to mark something with a blowdown, let’s make sure it blew down, you see? Let’s not fool around with it.

Point five divisions I would consider minimum — minimum expectancy to be called a blowdown. So that leaves us up to about .75 or 1 division and so forth as what you would call commonly a nice blowdown, see. Phenomenal — 2 divisions. Minimal — about a half a division. Less than a half a division you can’t read it without a microscope anyway. You understand? Go ahead and keep all the tone arm record that you want that is compatible with recording so that you can find out what happened. So when you put blowdown on something, well you know, this thing went down, see. This hit the silk, you know. Oh, I can see some auditor sitting there quietly — quietly — quietly auditing along and the needle moves and he gets .1 divisions of motion of the TA and mark that a blowdown. Now, that could leave you with a totally erroneous impression of the whole thing, you see. So if you’re going to mark something with a blowdown, let’s make sure it blew down, you see? Let’s not fool around with it.

Now, the whole point is simply this. This is all you really have to get. That if you pick the RI — whether a terminal or an opposition terminal — out of that bank, if you pick it out, there ain’t nothing holding the bank together. You understand. At that point there’s nothing holding it together. You’re going to get tone arm action. And if you pick out a (quote) RI (quote) (unquote) and it all stays together beautifully well and there is no tone arm action and you go on thinking you’ve got the pc’s RI, then you’re going to get into one of the wildest cat races you ever saw in your life, see. Because you’re going to have locks opposing locks and locks opposing more locks and locks opposing more locks and you’re going to go astray, you’re going to be listing into the next GPM and over the hill into the next bank and — oh, you’re going to have 5,682 items per GPM and oh, it’s just going to be so involved that you, and so on. Furthermore, the items won’t make much sense on the line plot. Locks, locks, locks. See.

Now, the whole point is simply this. This is all you really have to get. That if you pick the RI — whether a terminal or an opposition terminal — out of that bank, if you pick it out, there ain’t nothing holding the bank together. You understand. At that point there’s nothing holding it together. You’re going to get tone arm action. And if you pick out a (quote) RI (quote) (unquote) and it all stays together beautifully well and there is no tone arm action and you go on thinking you’ve got the pc’s RI, then you’re going to get into one of the wildest cat races you ever saw in your life, see. Because you’re going to have locks opposing locks and locks opposing more locks and locks opposing more locks and you’re going to go astray, you’re going to be listing into the next GPM and over the hill into the next bank and — oh, you’re going to have 5,682 items per GPM and oh, it’s just going to be so involved that you, and so on. Furthermore, the items won’t make much sense on the line plot. Locks, locks, locks. See.

But you list by tone arm action, you get an entirely different view. Now, you want a consecutive series of blowdowns. Now, we will settle for steep falls on the next two or three items, that also cause a tone arm action. Once you reach in to that bank and pull the plug, well, naturally the next three or four items the pc gives are going to be in violent motion. Because the only thing that was holding them still was the big one.

But you list by tone arm action, you get an entirely different view. Now, you want a consecutive series of blowdowns. Now, we will settle for steep falls on the next two or three items, that also cause a tone arm action. Once you reach in to that bank and pull the plug, well, naturally the next three or four items the pc gives are going to be in violent motion. Because the only thing that was holding them still was the big one.

Now look, you’re trying to find service facsimiles to get tone arm action, right? All right. Find RIs for the same reason, while you’re doing the pc’s GPM and you can’t miss. That’s all the tone arm action there is to see or have. The most that you will get. What is the service facsimile of the pc. It is simply the top — either one of the top RIs of the current GPM, see, there it is. So, why do you think stuff out of the main bank would operate any differently? It operates just exactly the same. Every time you reach in there and pick up a great big handful of RI and yank it out, wow! Everything caves in, which means your tone arm is going to move and it’s going to move right now and it’s going to move fast. And he gives you another item — of course, he’s sitting there in the middle, now he’s reoccupying the space that he occupied before. See, he had it occupied with a stable datum. But now, he’s reoccupying that space. So, he gives you the next one and that goes booorrrr and he gives you the next one and that goes pow! See. The next one boom! The next one bang!

Now look, you’re trying to find service facsimiles to get tone arm action, right? All right. Find RIs for the same reason, while you’re doing the pc’s GPM and you can’t miss. That’s all the tone arm action there is to see or have. The most that you will get. What is the service facsimile of the pc. It is simply the top — either one of the top RIs of the current GPM, see, there it is. So, why do you think stuff out of the main bank would operate any differently? It operates just exactly the same. Every time you reach in there and pick up a great big handful of RI and yank it out, wow! Everything caves in, which means your tone arm is going to move and it’s going to move right now and it’s going to move fast. And he gives you another item — of course, he’s sitting there in the middle, now he’s reoccupying the space that he occupied before. See, he had it occupied with a stable datum. But now, he’s reoccupying that space. So, he gives you the next one and that goes booorrrr and he gives you the next one and that goes pow! See. The next one boom! The next one bang!

Well, how’s it going to operate if you don’t find the RI? Beautiful rocket read and the next one’s going to go click and the next one’s going to go tsk and then it’s going to go blank for a few. Why? It’s all in place. You haven’t disturbed the bank any. He can live through lots of these being found. See the difference? You haven’t in essence found anything that tore the bank up, so of course, if you didn’t find anything that tore the bank up, you are not going to get tone arm motion. That’s all there is to that.

Well, how’s it going to operate if you don’t find the RI? Beautiful rocket read and the next one’s going to go click and the next one’s going to go tsk and then it’s going to go blank for a few. Why? It’s all in place. You haven’t disturbed the bank any. He can live through lots of these being found. See the difference? You haven’t in essence found anything that tore the bank up, so of course, if you didn’t find anything that tore the bank up, you are not going to get tone arm motion. That’s all there is to that.

So then, when you’re going down the line listing pocketa — pocketa — pocketa — pocketa — pocketa, mark in those RRs, ooh, that’s fine. There’s nothing wrong with marking in RRs. You sure better had. You see something RR, mark it in. See? But auditors sometimes miss RRs. But it’s very hard to miss a tone arm action. So, you notice this thing isn’t centered. So, you better put down BD, see. „Sultan“ — BD. Now, you’ll get a lot of blowdown, a lot of items blow down a half a division so you just mark that. It’s whether or not they produced a consecutive blowdown of items that is important. See, that’s the important thing. So, if you’ve got „a sultan,“ you see, „a palace,“ „a kingdom,“ you know. And it was „a sultan“ — BD. And „a palace“ — fall, BD, „a kingdom“ — BD, fall. See? Hey, we’re riding up on this thing, you see. And „oil — well revenues,“ you see, fall. Now, it’s going to be real quiet.

So then, when you’re going down the line listing pocketa — pocketa — pocketa — pocketa — pocketa, mark in those RRs, ooh, that’s fine. There’s nothing wrong with marking in RRs. You sure better had. You see something RR, mark it in. See? But auditors sometimes miss RRs. But it’s very hard to miss a tone arm action. So, you notice this thing isn’t centered. So, you better put down BD, see. „Sultan“ — BD. Now, you’ll get a lot of blowdown, a lot of items blow down a half a division so you just mark that. It’s whether or not they produced a consecutive blowdown of items that is important. See, that’s the important thing. So, if you’ve got „a sultan,“ you see, „a palace,“ „a kingdom,“ you know. And it was „a sultan“ — BD. And „a palace“ — fall, BD, „a kingdom“ — BD, fall. See? Hey, we’re riding up on this thing, you see. And „oil — well revenues,“ you see, fall. Now, it’s going to be real quiet.

Well, I don’t know, I don’t know quite how you shut the pc’s itsa off and sometimes they feel better for going on listing for a while. They get very engrossed and that sort of thing, because now you see they’re occupying the point of view, you see. „Hey what am I doing here?“ You know. „I haven’t been here for a long time. And I’m very interested.“ You know. And here it is and so forth. „Gee. Look at all this space.“ You know. And they’ll go on. „Goldplated Rolls-Royces,“ you see. „Turbans.“ „Diamonds,“ you know. „Robin’s egg rubies,“ or something you know. They’ll go on and go on. Thud! Thud! Thank you. Robin’s egg rubies, thank you, thank you. That — yeah, yeah, that’s it. I think we got it. See. ARC break? No.

Well, I don’t know, I don’t know quite how you shut the pc’s itsa off and sometimes they feel better for going on listing for a while. They get very engrossed and that sort of thing, because now you see they’re occupying the point of view, you see. „Hey what am I doing here?“ You know. „I haven’t been here for a long time. And I’m very interested.“ You know. And here it is and so forth. „Gee. Look at all this space.“ You know. And they’ll go on. „Goldplated Rolls-Royces,“ you see. „Turbans.“ „Diamonds,“ you know. „Robin’s egg rubies,“ or something you know. They’ll go on and go on. Thud! Thud! Thank you. Robin’s egg rubies, thank you, thank you. That — yeah, yeah, that’s it. I think we got it. See. ARC break? No.

But the point is — the point is, the pc gets so darned involved that they’ll list their TA way back up again and you can go on, and on, and on, and on. And you start listing them around the corner and they’ll go into other banks. , You didn’t go around the corner on the first consecutive series of blowdowns. You hadn’t gone around the corner. You hadn’t gone anyplace, see. You’re right there. But you keep going on to the next consecutive series of blowdowns, well, you probably missed an item. And you go down the next consecutive series of blowdowns and your TA starts looking awful high now. And then you’ll start ducking around the corner and going into another bank and all kinds of wild little ramifications. This thing is now getting high, it’s getting sticky. The pc’s got bad sen. The pc’s got bad somatics turned on by this time. And you say, well, just to be on the safe side, let’s list all the tone arm action out of it. Well, that datum was perfectly fine for source lists, but it sure doesn’t apply on any other kind of list. As a matter of fact, even source lists don’t have to have the tone arm action out.

But the point is — the point is, the pc gets so darned involved that they’ll list their TA way back up again and you can go on, and on, and on, and on. And you start listing them around the corner and they’ll go into other banks. , You didn’t go around the corner on the first consecutive series of blowdowns. You hadn’t gone around the corner. You hadn’t gone anyplace, see. You’re right there. But you keep going on to the next consecutive series of blowdowns, well, you probably missed an item. And you go down the next consecutive series of blowdowns and your TA starts looking awful high now. And then you’ll start ducking around the corner and going into another bank and all kinds of wild little ramifications. This thing is now getting high, it’s getting sticky. The pc’s got bad sen. The pc’s got bad somatics turned on by this time. And you say, well, just to be on the safe side, let’s list all the tone arm action out of it. Well, that datum was perfectly fine for source lists, but it sure doesn’t apply on any other kind of list. As a matter of fact, even source lists don’t have to have the tone arm action out.

Now, this is all in the effort of shortening up auditing. The whole effort is how fast can you run a GPM. See? I ran one in three hours and a half last night. Whole thing. And I was riding right up on top of the thing and it turned out that the only mistake I made — the only mistake I made going down the line was I ignored a consecutive series of blowdowns, not having the technology, of course. And I finally sat back and said you knucklehead and backed it up again and got it in there and squared it around and it was all right. I said well of course, of course you’re pulling the plug out on this stuff and naturally you’re going to get tone arm action. I hastily thumbed through everything I had and I found out you always had this condition — you’ll find you’ll — always had that Condition.

Now, this is all in the effort of shortening up auditing. The whole effort is how fast can you run a GPM. See? I ran one in three hours and a half last night. Whole thing. And I was riding right up on top of the thing and it turned out that the only mistake I made — the only mistake I made going down the line was I ignored a consecutive series of blowdowns, not having the technology, of course. And I finally sat back and said you knucklehead and backed it up again and got it in there and squared it around and it was all right. I said well of course, of course you’re pulling the plug out on this stuff and naturally you’re going to get tone arm action. I hastily thumbed through everything I had and I found out you always had this condition — you’ll find you’ll — always had that Condition.

If you’re working on the right goal, if you’re working on the right RI and the right list and opposing it right way to and it’s all going along fine and you haven’t skipped any items, then you’re going to have a consecutive series of blowdowns that’s going to last for two, three, four items. See. It’s going to be commotion. When you see that commotion, it’s one of those items, probably the first one. Undoubtedly the first one, because that’s the one where you took the plug out. But you might not have noticed that one as it went by, so you take the one just before that.

If you’re working on the right goal, if you’re working on the right RI and the right list and opposing it right way to and it’s all going along fine and you haven’t skipped any items, then you’re going to have a consecutive series of blowdowns that’s going to last for two, three, four items. See. It’s going to be commotion. When you see that commotion, it’s one of those items, probably the first one. Undoubtedly the first one, because that’s the one where you took the plug out. But you might not have noticed that one as it went by, so you take the one just before that.

Now, as far as neatness of RRs are concerned, the real RI does not have a neat RR. It’s a disintegrating RR and is blowing up in your face. The thing is disintegrating all over the place. Actually, you really can’t tell if it’s an RR. It looks like steep surge or fast fall or what is it and it’s so wide and so long that you just see the start acceleration — if you’re lucky. You don’t quite know when it’s going to take off. You don’t get a chance to see the end of it usually, it’s too long. And the tone arm motion is falling too rapidly. Don’t you see? You never see a good looking RR when you find an RI. They just — that’s on an actual GPM. They just don’t look good. They’re too big, they’re too long. They’re falling to pieces as you look at them. Charge is blowing up in all directions.

Now, as far as neatness of RRs are concerned, the real RI does not have a neat RR. It’s a disintegrating RR and is blowing up in your face. The thing is disintegrating all over the place. Actually, you really can’t tell if it’s an RR. It looks like steep surge or fast fall or what is it and it’s so wide and so long that you just see the start acceleration — if you’re lucky. You don’t quite know when it’s going to take off. You don’t get a chance to see the end of it usually, it’s too long. And the tone arm motion is falling too rapidly. Don’t you see? You never see a good looking RR when you find an RI. They just — that’s on an actual GPM. They just don’t look good. They’re too big, they’re too long. They’re falling to pieces as you look at them. Charge is blowing up in all directions.

So, you come back and you call the thing. You’re going to get a nice — nice looking, read of some kind or another. It’s going to read. Now, here’s the next little precaution. All of your listing stuff applies, but there is a precaution, that if you start nulling and you get two items to tick, any two items on the list to tick, well, you’ve missed. You shouldn’t have two items ticking on a list, not for this technique. Not for 4MTA. No, no, no, no — you don’t — you don’t want two items ticking on a list.

So, you come back and you call the thing. You’re going to get a nice — nice looking, read of some kind or another. It’s going to read. Now, here’s the next little precaution. All of your listing stuff applies, but there is a precaution, that if you start nulling and you get two items to tick, any two items on the list to tick, well, you’ve missed. You shouldn’t have two items ticking on a list, not for this technique. Not for 4MTA. No, no, no, no — you don’t — you don’t want two items ticking on a list.

You read „eunuch“ and it ticks. And you read „date palms“ and it ticks. I wouldn’t pay any more attention to the list. Why? Well you’ve obviously left the plug in. The tub must still be full of water. They didn’t release. If „eunuchs“ and „date palms“ didn’t get out of there and if they’re still reading, you obviously haven’t found the RI. See, it’s elementary, my dear Watson.

You read „eunuch“ and it ticks. And you read „date palms“ and it ticks. I wouldn’t pay any more attention to the list. Why? Well you’ve obviously left the plug in. The tub must still be full of water. They didn’t release. If „eunuchs“ and „date palms“ didn’t get out of there and if they’re still reading, you obviously haven’t found the RI. See, it’s elementary, my dear Watson.

You see the rationale? The area still must be charged up if something else beside — is ticking. You actually don’t need much of a test. Read a couple of items that you’ve seen RR, you see both of them tick, man, you haven’t got any more RI on that list than the man in the moon.

You see the rationale? The area still must be charged up if something else beside — is ticking. You actually don’t need much of a test. Read a couple of items that you’ve seen RR, you see both of them tick, man, you haven’t got any more RI on that list than the man in the moon.

Now, if you run into trouble on this, you’ve done something knuckleheaded. And there are very few knuckleheaded things that you can do. Most knuckleheaded of them is — is keep on listing with a high TA which is going higher. Pc has got heavy mass and is pulling in and it’s all very uncomfortable — well, you just missed an item. That’s all you did. You just went right on by.

Now, if you run into trouble on this, you’ve done something knuckleheaded. And there are very few knuckleheaded things that you can do. Most knuckleheaded of them is — is keep on listing with a high TA which is going higher. Pc has got heavy mass and is pulling in and it’s all very uncomfortable — well, you just missed an item. That’s all you did. You just went right on by.

Now, it’s very easy to list an opposition to something. See, some series of blowdowns is the only frailty of it and find yourself in the wrong GPM. So this step is absolutely necessary. You can miss an item and find yourself wrong to. Thing doesn’t list well, energy pulls in on somebody, see. You’ve skipped a pair. You’ve gone around a corner, you see and you’ve skipped a pair. Doesn’t behave well. Isn’t operating according to the textbook, see. Well, you better get busy. Did we skip an item? Yorp, we skipped an item. Well, let’s go back and find that item, see. Not leave it there. Because this blowdown phenomena will not continue to occur if you’ve skipped items. See, the bank is still very well cohesed. There’s some point of view the pc has not taken. So, as a result he can’t assume the next point of view. He’s sort of stopped right there. So, if it isn’t working, what I’m just telling you, and this isn’t occurring, then you’ve done something goofy.

Now, it’s very easy to list an opposition to something. See, some series of blowdowns is the only frailty of it and find yourself in the wrong GPM. So this step is absolutely necessary. You can miss an item and find yourself wrong to. Thing doesn’t list well, energy pulls in on somebody, see. You’ve skipped a pair. You’ve gone around a corner, you see and you’ve skipped a pair. Doesn’t behave well. Isn’t operating according to the textbook, see. Well, you better get busy. Did we skip an item? Yorp, we skipped an item. Well, let’s go back and find that item, see. Not leave it there. Because this blowdown phenomena will not continue to occur if you’ve skipped items. See, the bank is still very well cohesed. There’s some point of view the pc has not taken. So, as a result he can’t assume the next point of view. He’s sort of stopped right there. So, if it isn’t working, what I’m just telling you, and this isn’t occurring, then you’ve done something goofy.

Now, the other way you can do something goofy is to oppose something backwards. Ordinarily you ask the pc if the terminal had pain on it. You say, „Did that have pain on it?“ and the pc said, „Yeah,“ and he’ll point out the point where it had some pain on it. Well, that was a terminal. Heat, cold and pain is actually all terminal stuff. Winds of space, sensation, that sort of thing, that’s your oppterm test. You don’t need to strain at this too much. You normally can run it beautifully just on the — just on the terminal side without upsetting the pc at all, by just finding out if he had pain on it. Because if it was a terminal and you’re operating on a center RI, of course he had pain on it. Don’t you see? See, you keep your check there and you practically never list one backwards. It’s quite obvious where you are in the bank ordinarily. The line plot is making sense and everything is going along gorgeously. You know where this is.

Now, the other way you can do something goofy is to oppose something backwards. Ordinarily you ask the pc if the terminal had pain on it. You say, „Did that have pain on it?“ and the pc said, „Yeah,“ and he’ll point out the point where it had some pain on it. Well, that was a terminal. Heat, cold and pain is actually all terminal stuff. Winds of space, sensation, that sort of thing, that’s your oppterm test. You don’t need to strain at this too much. You normally can run it beautifully just on the — just on the terminal side without upsetting the pc at all, by just finding out if he had pain on it. Because if it was a terminal and you’re operating on a center RI, of course he had pain on it. Don’t you see? See, you keep your check there and you practically never list one backwards. It’s quite obvious where you are in the bank ordinarily. The line plot is making sense and everything is going along gorgeously. You know where this is.

One of the main things that will get in your road as you’re doing this is just: if it doesn’t go right, you’ve done something wrong. I mean that is all there is to it. And the sooner you recognize it isn’t going right, then the sooner you can ask those burning little questions like, „Have we listed one wrong way to?“ And „Have we skipped an item?“ „Are we operating an item that isn’t part of this GPM?“ That type of question, you see? Now, there’s one question — and you can be suckered in on this because a pc is very often very obliging.

One of the main things that will get in your road as you’re doing this is just: if it doesn’t go right, you’ve done something wrong. I mean that is all there is to it. And the sooner you recognize it isn’t going right, then the sooner you can ask those burning little questions like, „Have we listed one wrong way to?“ And „Have we skipped an item?“ „Are we operating an item that isn’t part of this GPM?“ That type of question, you see? Now, there’s one question — and you can be suckered in on this because a pc is very often very obliging.

You must run this little formula on an actual GPM. It is totally missing, you see, on old 3N now 4N — on old 3N now 4N, it’s totally missing whereby you check up and check up your goal and all that sort of stuff. But that is vital in running an actual GPM, that you do all those little courtesy steps. They — all the little bing — bang steps, you see. „Would a sultan oppose the American government,“ or whatever the oppterm was, you see, that you’re listing on. Check and make sure the oppterm doesn’t tick. If the oppterm still ticks, man, you just haven’t got the RI, that’s all. Don’t argue with it. You just haven’t got it. And naturally, why haven’t you got it? Well, the list is incomplete and you haven’t had the proper series of blowdowns and all that sort of thing. Or the pc is busily listed around the corner. Well, if the pc is listed around the corner, he’ll list back around the corner again if you let him just continue the list a little bit. Actually a pc sometimes will list himself down to seven banks below where he is. Not bank by bank, but he’ll give you a couple of items from the seventh bank where he is and then give you items back in the bank where he’s operating.

You must run this little formula on an actual GPM. It is totally missing, you see, on old 3N now 4N — on old 3N now 4N, it’s totally missing whereby you check up and check up your goal and all that sort of stuff. But that is vital in running an actual GPM, that you do all those little courtesy steps. They — all the little bing — bang steps, you see. „Would a sultan oppose the American government,“ or whatever the oppterm was, you see, that you’re listing on. Check and make sure the oppterm doesn’t tick. If the oppterm still ticks, man, you just haven’t got the RI, that’s all. Don’t argue with it. You just haven’t got it. And naturally, why haven’t you got it? Well, the list is incomplete and you haven’t had the proper series of blowdowns and all that sort of thing. Or the pc is busily listed around the corner. Well, if the pc is listed around the corner, he’ll list back around the corner again if you let him just continue the list a little bit. Actually a pc sometimes will list himself down to seven banks below where he is. Not bank by bank, but he’ll give you a couple of items from the seventh bank where he is and then give you items back in the bank where he’s operating.

Well, unfortunately you once in a while can get a series of blowdowns from the seventh bank. Aaaaaahhh, hahaha. And the best way to check that is you say to the pc, see, „Would a sultan — how would a sultan relate or — would a sultan relate to the goal ‘to be rich’?“ And he’d say, „Oh, brother. Ha — ha. Yeah, yeah, yeah.“ All right. The pc says, „Well, let’s see da — da — da — da, da — da — da — da ... Well, I guess it could, yes, yeah, it could,“ and so on. Don’t be a fool, man, you’ve got a item out of a wrong GPM. Pc can’t tell you, „That relates.“ Bang! Just like that. See. If he just says that, „Oh, well, hell yes, what are you asking me for, you idiot,“ you know, „Sultan. Gonna be rich. You’re silly. I mean — ha — ha. Of course. Naturally.“

Well, unfortunately you once in a while can get a series of blowdowns from the seventh bank. Aaaaaahhh, hahaha. And the best way to check that is you say to the pc, see, „Would a sultan — how would a sultan relate or — would a sultan relate to the goal ‘to be rich’?“ And he’d say, „Oh, brother. Ha — ha. Yeah, yeah, yeah.“ All right. The pc says, „Well, let’s see da — da — da — da, da — da — da — da ... Well, I guess it could, yes, yeah, it could,“ and so on. Don’t be a fool, man, you’ve got a item out of a wrong GPM. Pc can’t tell you, „That relates.“ Bang! Just like that. See. If he just says that, „Oh, well, hell yes, what are you asking me for, you idiot,“ you know, „Sultan. Gonna be rich. You’re silly. I mean — ha — ha. Of course. Naturally.“

Sometimes you think it’s very obvious and you shouldn’t ask the pc these little courteous questions that fit in at this particular point which are all given in the rundowns. See, you could omit these. Nonsense, man! That is the biggest test there is to make sure you haven’t gotten in the wrong pew. You get — you get an item like „titillation.“ All right. Good. Now, you say to the pc just rat — a — ta — tat — tat — tat, how would that oppose and so on. „Well, it would oppose it all right.“ And you say, „All right. Now, how does that ‘titillation’ relate to the goal ‘to be rich’?“ you see. „Well, let’s see, if you mph — ha — mph so on and so on, well it — it does.“ Brother, watch it. You haven’t got anything out of that GPM. You may be fifteen banks to the left. See. Maybe completely wrong. It’s got to fit, right now. Bang! See?

Sometimes you think it’s very obvious and you shouldn’t ask the pc these little courteous questions that fit in at this particular point which are all given in the rundowns. See, you could omit these. Nonsense, man! That is the biggest test there is to make sure you haven’t gotten in the wrong pew. You get — you get an item like „titillation.“ All right. Good. Now, you say to the pc just rat — a — ta — tat — tat — tat, how would that oppose and so on. „Well, it would oppose it all right.“ And you say, „All right. Now, how does that ‘titillation’ relate to the goal ‘to be rich’?“ you see. „Well, let’s see, if you mph — ha — mph so on and so on, well it — it does.“ Brother, watch it. You haven’t got anything out of that GPM. You may be fifteen banks to the left. See. Maybe completely wrong. It’s got to fit, right now. Bang! See?

Now listen. If this 4MTA doesn’t run by the book, it’s old 3M, it’s all done with the same steps, but if it doesn’t run by the book, you’ve done something goofy. Something is wrong. See. The technique isn’t wrong. The pc isn’t different. Nothing else screwy has happened. This GPM is not constructed in some different fashion, you understand. See you’ve done something screwy. And the only screwy things you can do you can actually plot out of the picture of a pc in a GPM, see. You thought you were in this GPM and you’re actually in that GPM. You thought you were listing an oppterm and actually you got a terminal. And you thought this was the next item, actually you skipped an item. Don’t you see? And you’ve done something goofy here. See. You could plot them all up. They’re just elementary things. You just landed in the wrong viewpoint of dimension.

Now listen. If this 4MTA doesn’t run by the book, it’s old 3M, it’s all done with the same steps, but if it doesn’t run by the book, you’ve done something goofy. Something is wrong. See. The technique isn’t wrong. The pc isn’t different. Nothing else screwy has happened. This GPM is not constructed in some different fashion, you understand. See you’ve done something screwy. And the only screwy things you can do you can actually plot out of the picture of a pc in a GPM, see. You thought you were in this GPM and you’re actually in that GPM. You thought you were listing an oppterm and actually you got a terminal. And you thought this was the next item, actually you skipped an item. Don’t you see? And you’ve done something goofy here. See. You could plot them all up. They’re just elementary things. You just landed in the wrong viewpoint of dimension.

Naturally, in the midst of harems and sultans and that sort of thing this item „titillation“ obviously, it comes up, it occurs to him. He actually pulled it out of some other bank. It’s been lying in there for some time, see. It’s not a neat plot. It’s in from somewhere else. And if it doesn’t go right and it doesn’t go by the book, you’ve done something wrong. And if any RI you find doesn’t blow the bank up, as far as you’re concerned at that moment, you haven’t got an RI. You got a lock. And you start opposing locks with locks and I wish you „lock“ because you’ll need it. Anyhow ...

Naturally, in the midst of harems and sultans and that sort of thing this item „titillation“ obviously, it comes up, it occurs to him. He actually pulled it out of some other bank. It’s been lying in there for some time, see. It’s not a neat plot. It’s in from somewhere else. And if it doesn’t go right and it doesn’t go by the book, you’ve done something wrong. And if any RI you find doesn’t blow the bank up, as far as you’re concerned at that moment, you haven’t got an RI. You got a lock. And you start opposing locks with locks and I wish you „lock“ because you’ll need it. Anyhow ...

Now, actually you’ll prob — there’s far fewer RIs in a GPM than has been thought. There’s a possibility that this is the case. You start finding nothing but RIs, see, with an exclamation point! You know, every time you get one it blew down and then was followed with a steep falling item and ä blowing down item and a steep falling item and a blowing down item and you — you got it, see. You go back and you call one of these off, you’ll find there’s just one fire on the list, see. That thing is probably firing sloppy too. Only one of these. See. There won’t be one or two of them firing. One of these fires sloppy. Usually the first one that started the commotion and that will give you a beautiful fall or a surge or a blowdown of the TA or a rocket read or a commotion. See? After you get it all tamed down and prepcheck it, see, if you got it all prep — tamed down, you put in your big mid ruds on it. You got it all straight. You got it all calm. You got it all straightened out. Most of the Confusion has blown off this immediate area, don’t you see. And man, the pc has cognited all over the place. It’s nice and calm now and so forth.

Now, actually you’ll prob — there’s far fewer RIs in a GPM than has been thought. There’s a possibility that this is the case. You start finding nothing but RIs, see, with an exclamation point! You know, every time you get one it blew down and then was followed with a steep falling item and ä blowing down item and a steep falling item and a blowing down item and you — you got it, see. You go back and you call one of these off, you’ll find there’s just one fire on the list, see. That thing is probably firing sloppy too. Only one of these. See. There won’t be one or two of them firing. One of these fires sloppy. Usually the first one that started the commotion and that will give you a beautiful fall or a surge or a blowdown of the TA or a rocket read or a commotion. See? After you get it all tamed down and prepcheck it, see, if you got it all prep — tamed down, you put in your big mid ruds on it. You got it all straight. You got it all calm. You got it all straightened out. Most of the Confusion has blown off this immediate area, don’t you see. And man, the pc has cognited all over the place. It’s nice and calm now and so forth.

Now, you say it. See. „A sultan.“ Psewwww! You’ll get that rocket read because that’s the charge — that’s as much charge as is left on it now. And that will continue to be left until you’ve opposed it or it’s been opposed for the next RI. That’s the only charge that’s left on it, see. There’s no more residual charge mixed up in it.

Now, you say it. See. „A sultan.“ Psewwww! You’ll get that rocket read because that’s the charge — that’s as much charge as is left on it now. And that will continue to be left until you’ve opposed it or it’s been opposed for the next RI. That’s the only charge that’s left on it, see. There’s no more residual charge mixed up in it.

Another thing is, you don’t want to give a pc an RI that turns on a lot of mass. You hand him this RI and it’s some opposition terminal and some kind or other; „federal drug addicts,“ you see. Opposition „to be happy.“ You see. Goal to be happy. See. Federal Drug Addicts. And he sits there, you know — you get a little blowdown you know. You say, „What’s the matter?“ „Oh, nothing’s the matter and so on. There’s all these pictures and these ridges and so forth and there’s this black mass lying alongside of my head.“ You haven’t got the item — you haven’t got the item. Too much mass on it. Now, all items have a tiny little bit of mass on them or they wouldn’t be items at all. But when you move him into the center of this thing see, why, he shouldn’t have the mass sticking to him. It should be going bzzzzzzzzzzzzzz! see. And if you’ve got mass plastered all over his face or his head or something like that, you obviously have him about half in. See. You got him over here some place. He hasn’t moved into that old viewpoint of dimension and knocked out that stable datum. You see. He’s only halfway in. So, of course he’s half ridge and half not ridge and he’s messed up to that degree.

Another thing is, you don’t want to give a pc an RI that turns on a lot of mass. You hand him this RI and it’s some opposition terminal and some kind or other; „federal drug addicts,“ you see. Opposition „to be happy.“ You see. Goal to be happy. See. Federal Drug Addicts. And he sits there, you know — you get a little blowdown you know. You say, „What’s the matter?“ „Oh, nothing’s the matter and so on. There’s all these pictures and these ridges and so forth and there’s this black mass lying alongside of my head.“ You haven’t got the item — you haven’t got the item. Too much mass on it. Now, all items have a tiny little bit of mass on them or they wouldn’t be items at all. But when you move him into the center of this thing see, why, he shouldn’t have the mass sticking to him. It should be going bzzzzzzzzzzzzzz! see. And if you’ve got mass plastered all over his face or his head or something like that, you obviously have him about half in. See. You got him over here some place. He hasn’t moved into that old viewpoint of dimension and knocked out that stable datum. You see. He’s only halfway in. So, of course he’s half ridge and half not ridge and he’s messed up to that degree.

If you just consider this what it is, that the cohesion of the bank is a problem of the confusion and the stable datum — and you don’t get off a lot of the confusion, you haven’t got the stable datum — if you use it the same way as service fac, it all makes beautiful sense to you.

If you just consider this what it is, that the cohesion of the bank is a problem of the confusion and the stable datum — and you don’t get off a lot of the confusion, you haven’t got the stable datum — if you use it the same way as service fac, it all makes beautiful sense to you.

Now, of course the whole GPM is held in position by the goal. But the RIs are major exclamation — sized locks on the goal itself. But they are RIs in their own right. And each one of them gives this phenomena. And unless you find them, you won’t get a blowout when you get to the bottom of the bank and find the goal.

Now, of course the whole GPM is held in position by the goal. But the RIs are major exclamation — sized locks on the goal itself. But they are RIs in their own right. And each one of them gives this phenomena. And unless you find them, you won’t get a blowout when you get to the bottom of the bank and find the goal.

You’ve got to list for these and you’ve got to crisscross and you got to bring them down. Every one of them is going to behave just exactly what I’ve been telling you about an RI. One of the mistakes that you can make — now listen to me loud and clear please — I don’t care whether you test the goal going down the bank or not, if the RR’s lessening, you haven’t got the pc’s goal. TA is going to hell. I mean you’ve got something wrong with the goal. You know. This is some elementary type business that an auditor is accustomed of running into.

You’ve got to list for these and you’ve got to crisscross and you got to bring them down. Every one of them is going to behave just exactly what I’ve been telling you about an RI. One of the mistakes that you can make — now listen to me loud and clear please — I don’t care whether you test the goal going down the bank or not, if the RR’s lessening, you haven’t got the pc’s goal. TA is going to hell. I mean you’ve got something wrong with the goal. You know. This is some elementary type business that an auditor is accustomed of running into.

But you’re going on down the bank and you call the goal off occasionally, it ceases to read very rapidly when you really find an RR — IS. When you’re really finding real RIs this goal ceases to read at an awful rate of speed. When you get down to the bottom, that goal exists as an RI totally independent of its influence on the remainder of the bank. And this is one of the goofiest and one of the strangest phenomena which you ever wanted to see. It won’t fire as a goal, but it will fire as an, RI. That is utterly nutty. Just exactly how that degree of differentiation can take place, I am completely flabbergasted. But it does. I just got through watching one. Call a goal you know. Call it and call it and call it and talk it and prepcheck it and worry about it to make sure that we’re on the right goal and everything you know, and there’s nothing firing because it’s all blown apart, see. And is calling the goal and calling the goal and calling the goal. Not even a flick, just a perfectly smooth needle. Next item the pc put on the list was the goal as an RI, pow, see. Spooky, you know. Thing just fires its head off. It’s an RI now. It ain’t a goal anymore, it’s an RI.

But you’re going on down the bank and you call the goal off occasionally, it ceases to read very rapidly when you really find an RR — IS. When you’re really finding real RIs this goal ceases to read at an awful rate of speed. When you get down to the bottom, that goal exists as an RI totally independent of its influence on the remainder of the bank. And this is one of the goofiest and one of the strangest phenomena which you ever wanted to see. It won’t fire as a goal, but it will fire as an, RI. That is utterly nutty. Just exactly how that degree of differentiation can take place, I am completely flabbergasted. But it does. I just got through watching one. Call a goal you know. Call it and call it and call it and talk it and prepcheck it and worry about it to make sure that we’re on the right goal and everything you know, and there’s nothing firing because it’s all blown apart, see. And is calling the goal and calling the goal and calling the goal. Not even a flick, just a perfectly smooth needle. Next item the pc put on the list was the goal as an RI, pow, see. Spooky, you know. Thing just fires its head off. It’s an RI now. It ain’t a goal anymore, it’s an RI.

Now, you turn around and take that firing goal and you use that fire as a goal oppose to the next list, don’t come telling me how your pc is feeling kind of creaky on 4MTA, you see. Don’t tell me, because you haven’t heard what I’m about to say, so hear it. It not only fits down against the next bank, that goal as an RI, see. That not only fits down against the next bank, you see. But it also has an item over here that it opposes. And the way to go about it is to find the item or find the goal, but always find both. That’s the most marvelous way of missing an item and lousing up a bank anybody ever did — is not realizing that the goal „to catch catfish“ let us say, is a goal for the whole GPM, influencing every RI and then in its own smug, little armchair self is sitting there as also an RI. And has an item which is holding in place as an RI. See, I don’t care if you come down the bank on your usual zig-zag of listing and you finally wind up with this — with this goal, where you say, well, all right, that’s the whole GPM. No, no. That’s the goal as the RI. You got down to the bottom and it’s still firing. Now, if you do a goal oppose list with it, you’re in trouble. That — if you do a goal oppose list and go off and leave its opposition RI unfound, you’ll be in trouble, because you’ve missed an item.

Now, you turn around and take that firing goal and you use that fire as a goal oppose to the next list, don’t come telling me how your pc is feeling kind of creaky on 4MTA, you see. Don’t tell me, because you haven’t heard what I’m about to say, so hear it. It not only fits down against the next bank, that goal as an RI, see. That not only fits down against the next bank, you see. But it also has an item over here that it opposes. And the way to go about it is to find the item or find the goal, but always find both. That’s the most marvelous way of missing an item and lousing up a bank anybody ever did — is not realizing that the goal „to catch catfish“ let us say, is a goal for the whole GPM, influencing every RI and then in its own smug, little armchair self is sitting there as also an RI. And has an item which is holding in place as an RI. See, I don’t care if you come down the bank on your usual zig-zag of listing and you finally wind up with this — with this goal, where you say, well, all right, that’s the whole GPM. No, no. That’s the goal as the RI. You got down to the bottom and it’s still firing. Now, if you do a goal oppose list with it, you’re in trouble. That — if you do a goal oppose list and go off and leave its opposition RI unfound, you’ll be in trouble, because you’ve missed an item.

Now, very often between two GPMs there will be a floater pair. They’re quite cute. We’ve got the whole GPM below. Its top oppterm, however, is below. This is quite interesting — unlike Helatrobus Implants and that sort of thing. We know a lot of things that the boys who originated those other — the — I mean the — pardon the boy — the punks, excuse me, I didn’t mean to be — originated those things, didn’t know about. And that is, not always, but sometimes between two GPMs, there will be a pair of items which aren’t related really to either one, which give you the reason the pc postulated the goal. See, he had a reason to postulate it.

Now, very often between two GPMs there will be a floater pair. They’re quite cute. We’ve got the whole GPM below. Its top oppterm, however, is below. This is quite interesting — unlike Helatrobus Implants and that sort of thing. We know a lot of things that the boys who originated those other — the — I mean the — pardon the boy — the punks, excuse me, I didn’t mean to be — originated those things, didn’t know about. And that is, not always, but sometimes between two GPMs, there will be a pair of items which aren’t related really to either one, which give you the reason the pc postulated the goal. See, he had a reason to postulate it.

Now, you’ve run one whole GPM — one whole GPM you see, comes up here to the two top oppterms. Its own — pardon me, its terminal and its oppterm — see, that’s a whole bank. Then there’s a pair of items and then there’s the goal as the RI and the item, you see, above that which opposes this and we’re into the other bank, see. So the goal as the RI quite commonly will come down and hit one of those interim items. See, one of those in — between pair. And the goal as an RI being on the bottom of the bank when you get who or what it would oppose, it hits this interim pair. It doesn’t hit the top oppterm of the bank below. It hits this interim pair. See, it hits the Opposition of it and then you list against that one that you’ve just found and you find the other terminal which is across from that. And then when you list this other terminal, you get the top oppterm of the next GPM. See, if you don’t know that — it’s not always there. That’s what’s bedeviling about it, See? Some of you were neat and some of you just sloppy, you see.

Now, you’ve run one whole GPM — one whole GPM you see, comes up here to the two top oppterms. Its own — pardon me, its terminal and its oppterm — see, that’s a whole bank. Then there’s a pair of items and then there’s the goal as the RI and the item, you see, above that which opposes this and we’re into the other bank, see. So the goal as the RI quite commonly will come down and hit one of those interim items. See, one of those in — between pair. And the goal as an RI being on the bottom of the bank when you get who or what it would oppose, it hits this interim pair. It doesn’t hit the top oppterm of the bank below. It hits this interim pair. See, it hits the Opposition of it and then you list against that one that you’ve just found and you find the other terminal which is across from that. And then when you list this other terminal, you get the top oppterm of the next GPM. See, if you don’t know that — it’s not always there. That’s what’s bedeviling about it, See? Some of you were neat and some of you just sloppy, you see.

It really just depends on whether or not the top pair of a GPM were adequate enough excuse to postulate the next goal. And if they weren’t, why, you’ll get then a couple of items of a goalless pc. See? And it’ll be — you’ll get some ran — a random pair of items. It’ll be — the oppterm is boredom and the terminal is to postulate a goal or to have a game or — that won’t be to have a game, it’ll be having a game or something like that. Or having no game. And man there isn’t even a GPM within miles of the place, has anything to do with a game and has nothing to do with boredom or anything else. There they sit. They really belong there.

It really just depends on whether or not the top pair of a GPM were adequate enough excuse to postulate the next goal. And if they weren’t, why, you’ll get then a couple of items of a goalless pc. See? And it’ll be — you’ll get some ran — a random pair of items. It’ll be — the oppterm is boredom and the terminal is to postulate a goal or to have a game or — that won’t be to have a game, it’ll be having a game or something like that. Or having no game. And man there isn’t even a GPM within miles of the place, has anything to do with a game and has nothing to do with boredom or anything else. There they sit. They really belong there.

So your goal as an RI, if avoided and simply used as an opposition, its RR will disappear. Because of course, it’s being listed against „What goal would it oppose“ to get the lower goal, don’t you see? And that’ll disappear. And you’ll sit there and you’ll have a sleeper. There’s no trace or lead — in now to that pair of interim items that sit between those two banks. And actually, goal as an RI is just as alive as Punch, man, it’s just sitting there with total dynamite. You prepcheck it for a little while. If you prepchecked it as an item, not as the bank, you see, why, it would start firing again, probably even if you listed it for two hundred items. You know, listed it down into the next bank for a goal. „What goal would it oppose?“ „What goal would ‘to catch catfish’ oppose?“ see. It’d still be sitting there.

So your goal as an RI, if avoided and simply used as an opposition, its RR will disappear. Because of course, it’s being listed against „What goal would it oppose“ to get the lower goal, don’t you see? And that’ll disappear. And you’ll sit there and you’ll have a sleeper. There’s no trace or lead — in now to that pair of interim items that sit between those two banks. And actually, goal as an RI is just as alive as Punch, man, it’s just sitting there with total dynamite. You prepcheck it for a little while. If you prepchecked it as an item, not as the bank, you see, why, it would start firing again, probably even if you listed it for two hundred items. You know, listed it down into the next bank for a goal. „What goal would it oppose?“ „What goal would ‘to catch catfish’ oppose?“ see. It’d still be sitting there.

So you can set up a situation where your pc feels terrible, where you’ve got the goal as an RI alive, but the fire, you see, has been vanished by doing your next goal oppose list. But it’s still alive. It’s still there. And you’ve got the two interim items which gave the reason why he postulated the goal. They’ll be floating there completely unobserved. And you’ve got three hot items between the present time and the bank you’re working. You’ll have three items above you, all the time, all the time, all the time and boy will you get in trouble. Pc is ARC breaky and he unemememauunn and you obviously have the top oppterm because, God, you couldn’t get any higher on this next GPM you’re doing, you see, than practically the goal itself as an opposition, you know. You couldn’t get any higher. And you’d leave three RIs. So that’s a common mistake that you can make.

So you can set up a situation where your pc feels terrible, where you’ve got the goal as an RI alive, but the fire, you see, has been vanished by doing your next goal oppose list. But it’s still alive. It’s still there. And you’ve got the two interim items which gave the reason why he postulated the goal. They’ll be floating there completely unobserved. And you’ve got three hot items between the present time and the bank you’re working. You’ll have three items above you, all the time, all the time, all the time and boy will you get in trouble. Pc is ARC breaky and he unemememauunn and you obviously have the top oppterm because, God, you couldn’t get any higher on this next GPM you’re doing, you see, than practically the goal itself as an opposition, you know. You couldn’t get any higher. And you’d leave three RIs. So that’s a common mistake that you can make.

Now, let’s just sail into this as a fast résumé of how you go about it. Let’s assume that you got a raw meat pc. Raw, completely raw. How are you going to find his PT goal? That’s easy. Find his service facsimile with R3SC. After you’ve found four, five or six (quote) (unquote) „service facsimiles,“ you’ll finally wind up with one that is hot enough to find a goal with. You just list goals against it. And you can say, you know, „What goal would it be part of — what goal of yours would this be part of?“ Any — I don’t — that doesn’t give you an exact wording. But I’m telling you what you’re trying to find out, see. So use this fac — service facsimile to find out what the guy’s goal is. Now, the funny part of it is, is you can find four, five, six of these service facsimiles before you actually reach one which if listed — if you listed goals against it, will give you that present time goal. It’s quite interesting. Terrifically overburdened, you see. Bank in terrific overrestimulation from PT and all that sort of thing.

Now, let’s just sail into this as a fast résumé of how you go about it. Let’s assume that you got a raw meat pc. Raw, completely raw. How are you going to find his PT goal? That’s easy. Find his service facsimile with R3SC. After you’ve found four, five or six (quote) (unquote) „service facsimiles,“ you’ll finally wind up with one that is hot enough to find a goal with. You just list goals against it. And you can say, you know, „What goal would it be part of — what goal of yours would this be part of?“ Any — I don’t — that doesn’t give you an exact wording. But I’m telling you what you’re trying to find out, see. So use this fac — service facsimile to find out what the guy’s goal is. Now, the funny part of it is, is you can find four, five, six of these service facsimiles before you actually reach one which if listed — if you listed goals against it, will give you that present time goal. It’s quite interesting. Terrifically overburdened, you see. Bank in terrific overrestimulation from PT and all that sort of thing.

You can count on mistakes, so you found, oh, all sorts of divergent things, you see, you found marriage and you found sex and you found wisdom and you found investigating things and you found eating and ... You want to look for the — not necessarily the one that gave you the most TA, unfortunately. You want to look for something that looks like it might lead into a goal. It’ll be something the pc had lots of problems about. And the best indicator is, if you find a service facsimile for which the pc gives you, in answer, an automaticity of problems — you’re heading right in there, man, you’re riding right in. So, you take it or its first cousin, something right there and you’ll be able to find the pc’s goal with it.

You can count on mistakes, so you found, oh, all sorts of divergent things, you see, you found marriage and you found sex and you found wisdom and you found investigating things and you found eating and ... You want to look for the — not necessarily the one that gave you the most TA, unfortunately. You want to look for something that looks like it might lead into a goal. It’ll be something the pc had lots of problems about. And the best indicator is, if you find a service facsimile for which the pc gives you, in answer, an automaticity of problems — you’re heading right in there, man, you’re riding right in. So, you take it or its first cousin, something right there and you’ll be able to find the pc’s goal with it.

You know what I underst — what I mean when I say an automaticity of problems. You’re fooling around with this pc just using R3SC you see, and you’re fooling about trying to find TA action and browsing around and you’re combing out present time, some kind or another, and pc all of a sudden hits — hits the village square. Now, the pc doesn’t tell you about the village square but tells you an automaticity of problems about the village square. Just goes brrrppp, brrrppp, brrrppp, brrrppp, brrrppp, brrrppp, brrrppp, brrrppp, brruu. . . „Yeah, I hate to tell you, but you can’t get down, there’s too many people in there, you can’t get your car in there and so forth, and all the people around there. I’ll tell you you can’t get near the stores. I’ll tell you there’s an awful lot of difficulty in this particular area, because you see you can’t get near the stores. And the police are always on the corner and so forth. And you try to get through there and it’s got no traffic light. Nobody will do anything about it and there’s — so forth and the pavement’s all rough, as you walk over it with spike heel you sprain your ankle every damn time, you know. I mean — and — and so forth.“ I’m not — I’m not now just — just clowning, you see. I’m giving you this dope. I mean the pc goes problem, problem, problem, problem, problem, problem, problem, problem, problem, problem, problem, problem, problem, problem, problem, problem, problem, problem. Da daahhh!

You know what I underst — what I mean when I say an automaticity of problems. You’re fooling around with this pc just using R3SC you see, and you’re fooling about trying to find TA action and browsing around and you’re combing out present time, some kind or another, and pc all of a sudden hits — hits the village square. Now, the pc doesn’t tell you about the village square but tells you an automaticity of problems about the village square. Just goes brrrppp, brrrppp, brrrppp, brrrppp, brrrppp, brrrppp, brrrppp, brrrppp, brruu. . . „Yeah, I hate to tell you, but you can’t get down, there’s too many people in there, you can’t get your car in there and so forth, and all the people around there. I’ll tell you you can’t get near the stores. I’ll tell you there’s an awful lot of difficulty in this particular area, because you see you can’t get near the stores. And the police are always on the corner and so forth. And you try to get through there and it’s got no traffic light. Nobody will do anything about it and there’s — so forth and the pavement’s all rough, as you walk over it with spike heel you sprain your ankle every damn time, you know. I mean — and — and so forth.“ I’m not — I’m not now just — just clowning, you see. I’m giving you this dope. I mean the pc goes problem, problem, problem, problem, problem, problem, problem, problem, problem, problem, problem, problem, problem, problem, problem, problem, problem, problem. Da daahhh!

You’re sitting right on top of his PT goal, man. You’re sitting right on top of an RI. You must have come in close to this RI, you see. Or he wouldn’t have been making that much space. When he makes this space, he gets his head knocked off with the problems. You haven’t got the RI, but you’ve got its cousin, man. Now, you start running any kind of R3SC process, you see, on what you’ve just found — the village square is what this thing ... You opened your mouth and said the village square and you got poppeta — poppeta — poppeta — poppeta — pop, mortar fire on the line. Well, that’s all there is to that. That’s easy. You know that the goal is somehow or another associated with the village square.

You’re sitting right on top of his PT goal, man. You’re sitting right on top of an RI. You must have come in close to this RI, you see. Or he wouldn’t have been making that much space. When he makes this space, he gets his head knocked off with the problems. You haven’t got the RI, but you’ve got its cousin, man. Now, you start running any kind of R3SC process, you see, on what you’ve just found — the village square is what this thing ... You opened your mouth and said the village square and you got poppeta — poppeta — poppeta — poppeta — pop, mortar fire on the line. Well, that’s all there is to that. That’s easy. You know that the goal is somehow or another associated with the village square.

It’ll be totally unlikely, but if you asked for goals listed against the village square, see — so what kind of — you know, what kind of — what goal would have something to do with you and the village square — I don’t care how corny your listing is — you’ll probably find out its — they’ll tell you eventually, you see, „To never go to church.“ And you get a nice tick on it and that thing can’t be driven out. Don’t you see? You got a nice ticking goal. You examine it. Is this the actual GPM? Is this properly worded? Is it differently worded? You know, and is this present time? And so forth. Or is this an earlier one? Go through a bit of an analysis of this particular character and it’ll show up and the pc had never seen the fact that the village square has a church at the end of it, see. And the top RI, you see, isn’t the village square at all. It’ll have something to do with — entirely different. But you just moved in on a lock that close in, you see. It’ll probably have something to do with tombstones which you can also see, you see. Or hymns or something — Just, village square — hymns, you see. They don’t compare. So don’t try to get too logical about this thing. But you give it to the pc, you’ve triggered in close enough that he’ll fire off his goal at you. All right. That’s a raw meat pc.

It’ll be totally unlikely, but if you asked for goals listed against the village square, see — so what kind of — you know, what kind of — what goal would have something to do with you and the village square — I don’t care how corny your listing is — you’ll probably find out its — they’ll tell you eventually, you see, „To never go to church.“ And you get a nice tick on it and that thing can’t be driven out. Don’t you see? You got a nice ticking goal. You examine it. Is this the actual GPM? Is this properly worded? Is it differently worded? You know, and is this present time? And so forth. Or is this an earlier one? Go through a bit of an analysis of this particular character and it’ll show up and the pc had never seen the fact that the village square has a church at the end of it, see. And the top RI, you see, isn’t the village square at all. It’ll have something to do with — entirely different. But you just moved in on a lock that close in, you see. It’ll probably have something to do with tombstones which you can also see, you see. Or hymns or something — Just, village square — hymns, you see. They don’t compare. So don’t try to get too logical about this thing. But you give it to the pc, you’ve triggered in close enough that he’ll fire off his goal at you. All right. That’s a raw meat pc.

Scientologist — somebody who’s had a lot of auditing over a long period of time, I’ve already given you the formula for this in the last lecture. There is hardly anything to improve on. „What goal you found is terribly interesting, is that your actual GPM, all right, what kind of GPM does it look like? All right. Let’s list what goal would oppose it. What goal would oppose that? What goal will oppose that? It seems to be in present time. Is this your present time goal? All right. That’s very fine. Good. Let’s give it the most likely top oppterm for this particular thing,“ see. And that fires and we list it and it starts blowing down and you’re on your way.

Scientologist — somebody who’s had a lot of auditing over a long period of time, I’ve already given you the formula for this in the last lecture. There is hardly anything to improve on. „What goal you found is terribly interesting, is that your actual GPM, all right, what kind of GPM does it look like? All right. Let’s list what goal would oppose it. What goal would oppose that? What goal will oppose that? It seems to be in present time. Is this your present time goal? All right. That’s very fine. Good. Let’s give it the most likely top oppterm for this particular thing,“ see. And that fires and we list it and it starts blowing down and you’re on your way.

You run into trouble, doesn’t go by the textbook, you’ve done something wrong, you see. You’ve taken the next to the last one, I mean, or wrongly worded goal or you’ve done something else, see.

You run into trouble, doesn’t go by the textbook, you’ve done something wrong, you see. You’ve taken the next to the last one, I mean, or wrongly worded goal or you’ve done something else, see.

All right. So you got the pc’s last GPM. That’s what you want, you got that and so on. You got the top oppterm for it. Well, that should have kicked a hole in the meter, see. Big TA action when you’ve found that, because hell, ifs the biggest piece of service fac you could possibly lay your hands on. It’d be the PT RI and that’s what’s got all of his present time restimulation in high gear. You oppose that. Bang! You’ve got his first terminal. There should be pain on that, big bunch of tone arm action. All right. Just carry it down. Now, you oppose that with a list. You get your next opposition terminal and you oppose that with a list, you get your next terminal, and you oppose that and you get your next opposition terminal, and you oppose that and you get your next terminal. And every one of those things ought to blow, blow, blow, blow, charge, charge, charge, charge, action, action, action, action, tone arm motion, tone arm motion. And you’re running — you’re running this process on somebody with the tone arm at 5.0. Brother, you have done something incredible, not just wrong, incredible. See. They just carry it down, you find the oppterm, top oppterm, whatever it is. Of course, you don’t know how complete this GPM is. First one. All the rest below that are complete. But everything else is complete, but the first one. And it may be complete. You’re kind of on the spot with that one, though you’re not too sure where it ends. And it follows, of course, the form and pattern of the earlier sample GPMs, like the one „to scream.“ That sort of thing. That’s what they look like.

All right. So you got the pc’s last GPM. That’s what you want, you got that and so on. You got the top oppterm for it. Well, that should have kicked a hole in the meter, see. Big TA action when you’ve found that, because hell, ifs the biggest piece of service fac you could possibly lay your hands on. It’d be the PT RI and that’s what’s got all of his present time restimulation in high gear. You oppose that. Bang! You’ve got his first terminal. There should be pain on that, big bunch of tone arm action. All right. Just carry it down. Now, you oppose that with a list. You get your next opposition terminal and you oppose that with a list, you get your next terminal, and you oppose that and you get your next opposition terminal, and you oppose that and you get your next terminal. And every one of those things ought to blow, blow, blow, blow, charge, charge, charge, charge, action, action, action, action, tone arm motion, tone arm motion. And you’re running — you’re running this process on somebody with the tone arm at 5.0. Brother, you have done something incredible, not just wrong, incredible. See. They just carry it down, you find the oppterm, top oppterm, whatever it is. Of course, you don’t know how complete this GPM is. First one. All the rest below that are complete. But everything else is complete, but the first one. And it may be complete. You’re kind of on the spot with that one, though you’re not too sure where it ends. And it follows, of course, the form and pattern of the earlier sample GPMs, like the one „to scream.“ That sort of thing. That’s what they look like.

And you just list them down. You finally get down to where you get the goal as an RI, see. Well, about halfway down the goal itself starts — stops firing. Then it fires again gorgeously as an RI. Now, at the point of your departure you may, in having listed the pc up the line, found the goal just under this. If there’s any way to know what this goal is without listing another list, use it. Don’t monkey around. You listed opposition goals up to it, you see. Well, heck, you found the guy’s goal. It’s the one „to go to church.“ You see? It’s — this one is „to live a saintly life.“ You see. It’s something like that. And you found that GPM. Well, list for its top oppterm. It’s the first action you take on that. But remember to dispose of the other GPM that you just left. Let’s get its opposition, see, to that goal as an RI of the one you just left. You understand? You found the next GPM — you better do something about the one you just left. So let’s not corn around with it.

And you just list them down. You finally get down to where you get the goal as an RI, see. Well, about halfway down the goal itself starts — stops firing. Then it fires again gorgeously as an RI. Now, at the point of your departure you may, in having listed the pc up the line, found the goal just under this. If there’s any way to know what this goal is without listing another list, use it. Don’t monkey around. You listed opposition goals up to it, you see. Well, heck, you found the guy’s goal. It’s the one „to go to church.“ You see? It’s — this one is „to live a saintly life.“ You see. It’s something like that. And you found that GPM. Well, list for its top oppterm. It’s the first action you take on that. But remember to dispose of the other GPM that you just left. Let’s get its opposition, see, to that goal as an RI of the one you just left. You understand? You found the next GPM — you better do something about the one you just left. So let’s not corn around with it.

I don’t care whether you find the goal first or you list the thing out against an RI first. I frankly don’t care which one you take. Probably it’s more comfortable on the pc not to find the next goal yet, but just get that goal as an RI opposed, see. That’s probably the more comfortable action to take on the pc. But sometimes to get that thing opposed, he opposes it much better and more accurately if he’s got some idea of what the next GPM is. That’s the only reason I say there’s a Variation of technique at that point. But if you can, just avoid finding the next goal or something like that until you need it. Don’t throw any more in restimulation, you see, on the pc than you have to. Take it easy.

I don’t care whether you find the goal first or you list the thing out against an RI first. I frankly don’t care which one you take. Probably it’s more comfortable on the pc not to find the next goal yet, but just get that goal as an RI opposed, see. That’s probably the more comfortable action to take on the pc. But sometimes to get that thing opposed, he opposes it much better and more accurately if he’s got some idea of what the next GPM is. That’s the only reason I say there’s a Variation of technique at that point. But if you can, just avoid finding the next goal or something like that until you need it. Don’t throw any more in restimulation, you see, on the pc than you have to. Take it easy.

All right. Now, let’s take that — take that bank. Now, you’ve opposed the goal as an RI and you’ve got all the other items, they’re all written up on a line plot and it all seems to make sense. You go over that line plot and you read them all off to the pc. Any one of them ticks or suppresses, you keep checking for Suppress, Suppress. Just keep checking for Suppress. Suppress is the one you want to find. Because if you find one ticking, there is something wrong. So the thing that keeps them from ticking is Suppress. Sometimes „Fail to reveal.“ The three that are suppressive in the extreme, of course, are „Suppress,“ „Careful of“ and „Fail to reveal.“ It isn’t really terribly necessary to get all those in on all those RIs. But you’re looking for something wrong with one of these RIs and actually the thing that stands most in your road is it’s suppressed. And you go all over that bank and everything you’ve found in it. You go right on up that bank. And you get the pc to assemble that bank and you work with the pc. But you’re trying to get that bank put together. And you’re trying to find out if anything ticks. Because if something ticks, you got something wrong.

All right. Now, let’s take that — take that bank. Now, you’ve opposed the goal as an RI and you’ve got all the other items, they’re all written up on a line plot and it all seems to make sense. You go over that line plot and you read them all off to the pc. Any one of them ticks or suppresses, you keep checking for Suppress, Suppress. Just keep checking for Suppress. Suppress is the one you want to find. Because if you find one ticking, there is something wrong. So the thing that keeps them from ticking is Suppress. Sometimes „Fail to reveal.“ The three that are suppressive in the extreme, of course, are „Suppress,“ „Careful of“ and „Fail to reveal.“ It isn’t really terribly necessary to get all those in on all those RIs. But you’re looking for something wrong with one of these RIs and actually the thing that stands most in your road is it’s suppressed. And you go all over that bank and everything you’ve found in it. You go right on up that bank. And you get the pc to assemble that bank and you work with the pc. But you’re trying to get that bank put together. And you’re trying to find out if anything ticks. Because if something ticks, you got something wrong.

Now, take off at that point and do an analysis sheet. Let’s find out if you’ve skipped an RI or this isn’t the RI or there’s a missing RI. You just found a lock or — you see. Let’s find out what’s wrong at this point and let’s straighten it out. Whatever it is wrong, let’s straighten it out and go on back up. And the most usual action is to have left a pair at the top or more than a pair at the top. Two, four, six pairs at the top of a GPM. You might have that many pairs missing at the top. You get into mischief So you want to check that over. Ouija board your meter. You know the Ouija board is something that the spirits are supposed to guide and it tells you the answers and spells out the name of the man you’re going to marry and all this sort of thing. Good old 1890 — it was developed the same time as medical psychiatry and so forth. Has about the same degree of reliability. But when I say Ouija board your meter, you’ll find some auditors doing this to the extreme, you see. Are you? Is it? You see. They’re asking for the answers out of the meter. And they sometimes ask the most unlikely things you know that a meter never could tell them. You see. The data just isn’t on file you see. Like, „are we going to have a happy session,“ you know. But you can ask — you can ask a lot of questions.

Now, take off at that point and do an analysis sheet. Let’s find out if you’ve skipped an RI or this isn’t the RI or there’s a missing RI. You just found a lock or — you see. Let’s find out what’s wrong at this point and let’s straighten it out. Whatever it is wrong, let’s straighten it out and go on back up. And the most usual action is to have left a pair at the top or more than a pair at the top. Two, four, six pairs at the top of a GPM. You might have that many pairs missing at the top. You get into mischief So you want to check that over. Ouija board your meter. You know the Ouija board is something that the spirits are supposed to guide and it tells you the answers and spells out the name of the man you’re going to marry and all this sort of thing. Good old 1890 — it was developed the same time as medical psychiatry and so forth. Has about the same degree of reliability. But when I say Ouija board your meter, you’ll find some auditors doing this to the extreme, you see. Are you? Is it? You see. They’re asking for the answers out of the meter. And they sometimes ask the most unlikely things you know that a meter never could tell them. You see. The data just isn’t on file you see. Like, „are we going to have a happy session,“ you know. But you can ask — you can ask a lot of questions.

You can ask enough questions of a meter to find out actually whatever is wrong. Have you missed items? Have you done one wrong way to, you know, has an item been listed wrong way to? Anyway, you just straighten up that bank, add any additional items that you find in it, assemble the whole thing, make sure that no extraneous items come from some other GPM, you see. Make that just as neat as you please. And you’re going to just be blowing charge, blowing charge, blowing charge, blowing charge all the time you’re doing this, so it’s quite worthwhile, you see. Well, you just clean that thing up and sweep the street, man. Don’t leave a single shard or a bit of glass or anything else around there. Just neat that up gorgeously. Go on down — if you haven’t found your next goal, find it. Repeat the same operation, of course, on your next GPM. Work from present time back. Never work from back to present time.

You can ask enough questions of a meter to find out actually whatever is wrong. Have you missed items? Have you done one wrong way to, you know, has an item been listed wrong way to? Anyway, you just straighten up that bank, add any additional items that you find in it, assemble the whole thing, make sure that no extraneous items come from some other GPM, you see. Make that just as neat as you please. And you’re going to just be blowing charge, blowing charge, blowing charge, blowing charge all the time you’re doing this, so it’s quite worthwhile, you see. Well, you just clean that thing up and sweep the street, man. Don’t leave a single shard or a bit of glass or anything else around there. Just neat that up gorgeously. Go on down — if you haven’t found your next goal, find it. Repeat the same operation, of course, on your next GPM. Work from present time back. Never work from back to present time.

Never go on the basis that if you just find the earliest item, the earliest GPM, the pc’s going to be in beautiful Condition because you’re working — I’m afraid that’s going to be too unreal and too upsetting and too out of line. You’ll be crowding the pc into present time. And none of the problems it solves have anything to do with his present time existence. So you’ve left the totality of his present time restimulation sitting on his head while you’re trying to run the hottest stuff that he’s ever come near. So, that’s a serious mistake. You must work from now to then, never from then to now, except of course, when you’re straightening up a GPM, you of course come back up the same GPM.

Never go on the basis that if you just find the earliest item, the earliest GPM, the pc’s going to be in beautiful Condition because you’re working — I’m afraid that’s going to be too unreal and too upsetting and too out of line. You’ll be crowding the pc into present time. And none of the problems it solves have anything to do with his present time existence. So you’ve left the totality of his present time restimulation sitting on his head while you’re trying to run the hottest stuff that he’s ever come near. So, that’s a serious mistake. You must work from now to then, never from then to now, except of course, when you’re straightening up a GPM, you of course come back up the same GPM.

Now, when you make that real neat you’ll find out your needle gets awful, awful, awful floppy and the next moment that you get into the next and actual GPM, your needle gets very stiff and the tone arm goes up and you have lots of trouble because now you, of course, have put the pc into a viewpoint of seeing it’s there but not into any viewpoint from which he has really viewed it. And he’s now in trouble, he’s got somatics, his neck hurts, he wishes he hadn’t quite started the session and he probably hasn’t and you got most of your troubles all over again.

Now, when you make that real neat you’ll find out your needle gets awful, awful, awful floppy and the next moment that you get into the next and actual GPM, your needle gets very stiff and the tone arm goes up and you have lots of trouble because now you, of course, have put the pc into a viewpoint of seeing it’s there but not into any viewpoint from which he has really viewed it. And he’s now in trouble, he’s got somatics, his neck hurts, he wishes he hadn’t quite started the session and he probably hasn’t and you got most of your troubles all over again.

Now, working it that way, you can cope with the idea that the earlier you get the most — more savage these GPMs are. So your pc is in good condition all the way. He’s coming up in a gradient sufficient to handle the degree of charge that there are — there is to be found on these things. You work it the other way to and of course you’re taking this little tiny pc who’s gone way down scale and you’re putting him back in a great big cavern. And he feels mighty timid about the whole thing. You work it the other way to and you’re going to find that your pc stays pretty happy all the way. It doesn’t take very long to run these providing you run them against tone arm action, that you’re very neat and you clean them all up all the way too.

Now, working it that way, you can cope with the idea that the earlier you get the most — more savage these GPMs are. So your pc is in good condition all the way. He’s coming up in a gradient sufficient to handle the degree of charge that there are — there is to be found on these things. You work it the other way to and of course you’re taking this little tiny pc who’s gone way down scale and you’re putting him back in a great big cavern. And he feels mighty timid about the whole thing. You work it the other way to and you’re going to find that your pc stays pretty happy all the way. It doesn’t take very long to run these providing you run them against tone arm action, that you’re very neat and you clean them all up all the way too.

The speed of doing it is proportional to the accuracy it is done with — the accuracy it is done with. You have to keep working at it pocketa — pocketa — pocketa. But if you start finding lock RIs and you start listing items out of wrong GPMs and this GPM, you’ll find you’ll spend three sessions wishing to God you hadn’t been such a knucklehead as to make the mistake you made in the first place because you won’t make any progress. See? Actually, the fastest way is the simplest way, is the easiest way, is the textbook way and the first moment that it doesn’t run like that and so forth, start bloodhounding the whole thing. Are we going to have a happy session? You know.

The speed of doing it is proportional to the accuracy it is done with — the accuracy it is done with. You have to keep working at it pocketa — pocketa — pocketa. But if you start finding lock RIs and you start listing items out of wrong GPMs and this GPM, you’ll find you’ll spend three sessions wishing to God you hadn’t been such a knucklehead as to make the mistake you made in the first place because you won’t make any progress. See? Actually, the fastest way is the simplest way, is the easiest way, is the textbook way and the first moment that it doesn’t run like that and so forth, start bloodhounding the whole thing. Are we going to have a happy session? You know.

Thank you very much.

Thank you very much.