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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Demonstration of E-Meter (HCL-02a) - L520303c | Сравнить
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Scientology Milestone One
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HCL Part A - tape number 3HCL Part A (FIRST SECTION) - tape number 1


HCL-1 3 MAR 52
Scientology Milestone One

Original title: "Demonstration by Ron of the E-Meter, Running Entities".
Also called "Introduction to the E-Meter".
(also called "Introduction to Scientology: Milestone One")
(Witchita, Kansas)
A demonstration given on 3 March 1952(Based on the transcript in new R&D 10 and compared against a reel-to-reel tape copy rerecorded 1973 by the Flag Audio Unit on the Apollo)
Tape number 5203C03C HCL-2A(omissions from the transcript in R&D 10 are marked "&")
(47 minutes long)

(Based on the transcript in R&D 10 and updated from the reels as issued by the Flag Audio Unit in 1973. There are significant omissions in the R&D volume, marked with & in the transcript below).& Snow is a commodity which is not supposed to be in Witchita, but they didn't pass the ordanance in time. Of course they don't have any snow plows here or anything like that, and I hope you don't feel too lonly here in the ballroom. The reason why we got the ballroom tonight is that we couldn't have the Colonial room.

(the lecture opens with a talk by the course instructor, John ... (last name unknown) who also participates as a pc later in the demo. This entire section was cut from the R&D transcript.)

The lecture tonight is actually the first lecture of a series of twenty lectures which will be made in ten days. That is to say, there'll be two hours of lecture per night. Now, it may be that I'll - may even go to the point of jamming those up, make them a little faster.

(Another person named Jack seems to be operating the technical equippment, possibly including some sort of large demonstration meter that lets the audience see the reads. Jack also participates as a pc later in the demo)

This is a course in Scientology. That word might seem a little strange to you at the moment. It's a very beautiful combination of Greek and Latin, I am told, but then so is psychology. And I trust that Dianetics will get just a little further than some of its forebears, and it has already gotten into the field of Scientology.

(The R&D says the following to cover up for the omitted opening section. "Note: The recording from which this auditing demonstration was transcribed begins with the demonstration already in progress.")

Scientology would be the study of science, or the study of knowledge, rather than the small segment of therapy which has been, up to this time, Dianetics. Scientology actually embraces these axioms and embraces the various activities of man.

(The demo on the PC is actually started by the instructor John who does a pinch test etc. after he gives an opening statement to the class)

Now, you may not realize it completely, but man's activities have not been embraced. There are lots of things that man does that there's no accounting for: electing Democratic presidents; getting involved with Russia; inventing the means with which to go to the stars and then, for some peculiar reason, deciding to use it to blow up Russia and the United States simultaneously.

(we have also identified Jack and John where possible instead of simply saying "Male Voice:" as is done in the R&D version of this transcript)

The study of knowledge would embrace not only how you went about creating a science which could be utilized in the derivation of the formula and the application of the formulae of atomic fission, but it would also embrace, Who's going to use it! Why is it! Where can it be employed! And how can you keep it from being employed! Scientology would step outside of the field of science as it has been known.

& JOHN: ... if he had done certain things, no matter how real you can build this up in his mind, if he never had part in any such incident, he will not show a charge. And he may dub in an emotion to think how he would feel putting his little baby into a garbage disposal unit and having him for lunch that night, but if he never had part in any such thing, he wouldn't show charge no matter how much he shudders and balks at all that. However should your line of suggestion stir up an old facsimilie you'll see charge whether he acknowledges it or not. Whether he says "Yes, I think I might've" or "No, I don't remember such a thing."

Science, as it's been known, has been the collection of data (almost a random collection of data), assembling it into piles of similar data and calling these piles "piles of data-ology.

& But you are direct, you're always direct and you let him know that this machine tells the truth and that you know all about his facsimilies and he knows, so he might as well just come clean. And in this manner you'll find the preclear able to actually contact these things and get more reality on them.

A study of biology, let us say. Well, that started out to be "study of life": bio or biology - "study of life." Very, very interesting, but it wound up as the study of cells and small animals and that sort of thing and merely collected enormous quantities of data - observed, not particularly evaluated, and certainly not grouped and aligned into a form which could be utilized in the discovery of new data.

& You'll have to set this machine on different preclears depending on their mood, tone, and sensitivity to the physical setup of the machine.

Each one of these ologies, one by one, has come into a dead end. That is not a condemnation of them. They have been carried forward as far as anyone could carry them forward and then they've stopped, stagnated, specialized and drawn themselves away from the body of knowledge. So that each one becomes a study of how you memorize a lot of unevaluated facts, and you put them together and maybe you get something and maybe you don't.

& You start off by arranging this red knob on the side, which is the sensitivity with the range on the right until you get the preclear pretty well centered in the middle of the machine. This big dial here is mearly to pull him back into center when he slips off to one side or the other so that you can keep reading him on the dial. What will occur is that should he go off one end of the dial or the other, by adjusting this piece we can replace this dial with a new dial. Therefore, what's happening is that depending on the direction that he's going, we're replacing dials up from the bottom or from the top depending on whether he's rising or falling.

You can see how biology, for instance, has dead-ended. Great study; it was started with a lot of verve evay back. Francis Baconl was quite interested in this. Lucretius before him was very interested in this. In modern times, it has fallen away from its own definition. It's "biology," It's sort of a hopeless dead end. They are not looking toward any source of life, they are just looking toward new kinds and combinations of life that they might discover by happenstance.

1st PC

The adventure of search has gone out of this field. Until this day, if you walked into a high-school biology class or talked to a high-school professor of biology and you said, "How is it that your theories of biology do not carry along with or parallel some of the material in the theory of evolution! How is it that the study of biology does not parallel its companion science, cytology! Why are these opposite in some respects!" He would say to you, "Oh-huh! We study out of this textbook," And you'd say, "Well now, do you realize if you went into the laboratory and you picked up a microscope and you started looking at these things - if you did some thinking about this - one of these days you might discover a great big piece of knowledge which would unify all of these fields: evolution, cytology, biology and many others!" "Oh-h-h, no" No. This is something that is taught in a codified way.

& JOHN (to PC): How do you feel?

This is actually the history of any science, They push out into the unknown, they collect data, they formulate this data around a few theories and then they end. And they become stultified. And according to one of the very ancient Greeks, that mixture which is not shaken stagnates. And they don't go any further; they stagnate. And it becomes a codified, specialized subject capable of producing a certain effect in the material universe. There it stops.

& PC: fairly good.

It's rather a sad story, actually, because it's. the story of pioneers going out into the unknown world of data, phenomena - going so far, blazing a trail to a certain distance, and then one day getting very tired and sitting down and saying, "Well, all we'll do now is look at the back track. And if anybody tells us that all we're doing is looking at the back track, we'll protest. And we'll say,'Well, we have a truth here and you can't do any more about it, and from here on it's all complex and if you went from here on, you're liable to fall off a cliff.' " And then another subject comes up, another adventurer comes up, and he carries forward a little bit further into this wilderness. And he makes a few more marks on the trees. And then one day the rest of man pulls him down to some degree, or he stops, he runs out of data or becomes frightened, he sits down and he looks on the back track. This has been going on, to my knowledge, for thirty-five hundred years, and has actually been going on lots longer than that. Mysticism itself was once considered to be just about as pat and just about as well codified as biology is today.

& JOHN: You feel fairly good, huh? This doesn't make you nervous or anything?

Now, each new adventure that man undertakes goes out further into making the unknown known to man, Dianetics went a certain distance. It was mainly interested in aberration. It was mainly interested in why men's minds don't behave exactly right all the time. That was its main interest. It covered that field pretty well. It took the lifetime of one man and it said: "We will run down in this lifetime the causes of his unhappiness, his misery, his grief, his failures. And in this one lifetime, we will rehabilitate him - one lifetime of confusion. And if you want to be very precise, that is Dianetica

& PC: A little bit. Yes.

And everything that came out in the first handbook of Dianetics is workable. You can still do it just that way - you can produce these results. But it didn't embrace everything that could be embraced about man;: anyone would be a fool to think that he could at one fell swoop, I imagine. But the point is, it went this distance. And particularly in the last six or eight months, I've been going forward further and further and further and further, and all of a sudden we're up against a subject which can only be embraced by a word like Scientology, which is an embracing of knowledge. It's a study of knowledge, not a study of therapy. Makes it a very broad field.

& JOHN: Really. Makes you a little nervous. Do you recall when I asked you to volunteer?

It has a great number of logics, axioms, postulates, which concern themselves with knowledge. And emphasis, of course, is placed upon the knowledge which man can utilize here in this MEST universe - this material universe; what knowledge he utilizes in order to go forward.

& PC: yes.

Now, as soon as we start to study knowledge, we find out we're studying man's mind again. Very interesting, it's a sort of an endless circle. How do you know there is such a thing as knowledge? Well, your mind is a repository of knowledge, and it is something that computes knowledge or suspects knowledge or finds knowledge or uses knowledge.

& JOHN: Did you feel like you wanted to volunteer?

Now, this may strike you as somewhat odd, but a therapy right now is no end. The end goal here is not a therapy; pretty well the end goal of Dianetics was a therapy, but the end goal of Scientology is not a therapy How can you work problems with an imperfect computer? Now, let's take an adding machine down here in a business and let's jim this adding machine so that one of its cogs slips every time. And every time you multiply anything by anything, you also get it multiplied by five. Now, your answer is always going to be wrong. You say one times five, you put one times five on this calculating machine, and the calculating machine comes out and says, "One times five is twenty-five." And then the next time you put something on it, you say, "Five times a hundred. Says right there, twenty-five hundred."

& PC: Not particularly. On second thought I did.

How can you work problems with an imperfect computer? You can't. How can you apply knowledge with an imperfect computer? Again, you can't. So it is merely a basic step in the field of Scientology to perfect a computer. That computer happens to be the human mind.

& JOHN: Okay. Pick up the feeling you had when I pointed at you.

Now, how you can teach knowledge which will be utilized by an imperfect computer is the first problem in this course; because I don't think there's anybody present who is perfect, including me. Nevertheless, a great deal of this computer is alert and headed toward perfection, and there are certain things which keep it from being perfect and certain things which inhibit it from recognizing what it actually recognizes. Wonderful thing that a mind actually can know without letting itself know.

& (pc is either nodding or answering too softly to hear).

It is the task of anyone engaging in processing, then, to go out along the line of better working methods for others around him, and depend upon those others to help him up to that level. The initial step, then, depends upon the blind helping the blind. And anywhere that this fails, it is because the blind are too blind.

& JOHN: Okay, feel it again.

There are many complaints in the field of auditing - which is the process of processing people - many field complaints state, "Well, my auditor so-and-so" and "... won't do this, and I am still very occluded." Go and ask this man's auditor, "What are you auditing on him?" Oh, I don't know, "London Bridge Is Falling Down" or something of the sort, but not a therapy. "No, let's stay away from a therapy; let's not help him. Let's say we do, and don't."

& JOHN: Alright, now feel it again.

Before you can use Scientology to its fullest extent, the computer has to be cleared. And that is just a technical computing term; you have to clear a machine before the machine will give you right answers. And right now we're in need of an awful lot of right answers.

& JOHN: Alright, now run the way you felt when you got up from your seat and came over here and sat down.

It's fantastic that we sit here today with a technology capable of conquering a very large section of the material universe - we sit here with this technology and actually talk about blowing up our fellow men. How insane can we get? Well, that's pretty insane, and that's what we're doing. Unless somebody does something rather drastic about it, that's what will happen.

& JOHN: Okay now run through the whole thing again.

We have a guy who is crawling with fear and terror about capitalism and managers, managing a big country. Great! He's a manager who is afraid of managers, he's an owner who is afraid of owners, he's a slave driver who is afraid of slave drivers. And he's creating a very interesting piece of hell on earth today over in Russia - fellow by the name of Uncle Joe (Stalin), a raving lunatic.

& JOHN: What did you just think of?

But actually compared to the rationality which a human being can assume, the rationality which a human being can himself accomplish, there isn't a ruler in the world today or a manager of any corporation in the world today who could be considered anything else but a raving lunatic - compared to how sane he could be! But compared to the normal, compared to the normal that walk up and down the streets, these people are usually much saner than the average.

& PC: I tried to think of the whole continuous process of coming up.

So what is your relative yardstick here? What is sanity? Well, sanity could be set up right now, if you were to consider it an absolute, to be an absolute perfection in reasoning which would resolve problems to the optimum good of all those concerned. And that would be an absolute of sanity. Absolutes are not obtainable. In the first place, a person who was absolutely capable of being sane would probably still lack data, and so you would have that small margin there of the unattainable. But it would be so much higher than anything which has been achieved to date that you practically can't recognize people when they have gone up this line.

& JOHN: Okay, how do you feel now?

A case the other day, somebody wrote in from California - this young girl and the typewriter, Well, that is not very peculiar. Young girl worked with this handbook for a short time and went down to a typing college, examined the chart for a few minutes and examined the keyboard of the typewriter - had never typed before - and sat down and started to type perfectly at twenty-five words a minute. That's the way you ought to be able to learn. Not grindingly, just - there's the information, you examine the infermation, you apply it. Without any physical reservations.

& PC: Alright.

In other words, it shouldn't take the government down here a hundred and some thousand dollars to train a pilot. They ought to be able to go out and show the fellow and say, "Now, you - look. Here are the throttles and you have to have the flaps in this condition, and your oil temperature and pressure has to be up here. You neutralize these controls and the plane actually will take off by itself. You cut it down to landing speed so-and-so and head it in, and at this distance from the airport you'll level off and - comes back .. ."

& JOHN: Ok. You can see that when we started, what occured was, when he first started feeling this, his tone dropped down past 4. And the more we talked about it the higher it would rise. And so that you can pick up a facsimilie ... You can actually install one when the guy's on this machine.

And the pilot says, "Mm-hm, let me look at it a moment," figures it out, climbs in the plane, takes it off, and brings it around and lands it safely again. Do they do that now? Oh no, they don't, They study for months and months and months and months and months, and then take them out and crack them up.

& Male Voice (maybe Jack?): Should I pinch him?

Just look at the army air forces - or the US air forces, or whatever they're calling themselves these days - just look at this organization's crash record in the past week, and any day, Why is it?

& JOHN: Yeah, go ahead.

Well, if it's mechanical failure on the part of those planes, it's because somebody out here at Boeing wasn't sane enough, or somebody at Cessna, or somebody at Beech didn't inspect the part he was told to inspect. And the felk,w who put the plane together didn't care whether it went together or not. That's mechanical failure.

(background noise, probably Jack pinching the pc).

And as far as dispatching failure, somebody tells this pilot, "You go out so-and-so and then you come back." And the weather's bad and he hasn't checked over the plane, he doesn't know how many flying hours this plane's had. Pilot goes out, obeys orders, climbs in - bow! It's no kind of weather to fly in. Something else is wrong. Somebody has slipped up. But every single one of these mechanical failures comes down to a human failure.

& JOHN (to audience): Okay, there you can see a facsimilie installed. You can pinch a guy and naturally his tone's gonna go down and he doesn't know exactly, maybe, what's comming off.

Therefore, Scientology in its widest application could only be applied by the very, very sane - only by the sane. So its first application is in the creation of sanity amongst the able. It is not a therapy addressed to the neurotic. (It can be - that's somebody else's job.) It's not a therapy addressed to the psychotic. (We can lick that problem - so what?) It's a therapy addressed to the able. But people don't realize how unable they are because they have no standard to go by.

& PC: (laugh)

If you were to get up and do any of the things which an actually able mind could do, in front of an audience, people would be signing you up for vaudeville and television. Why? Well, you could add and subtract various numbers, and somebody could read you the instructions on how you tap dance and then you'd tap dance and that sort of thing, and oh, you'd be phenomenal! Everybody would say, "Gosh! Genius at work!" No, not genius: sanity at work.

& JOHN: Ok, you remember how you felt when he reached over and (garbled).

Now, how do you get sane? What are the component parts of sanity? How do you get there? Well, that's the first route, that's the first milestone. But that's only mile one! And there are ten thousand of those milestones out there. Just one. Until you get one - Milestone One, which is complete ability - it isn't very likely that,rou will be able to compel or reason or handle (manhandle it or otherwise) a world into a sane approach to the business of living, until that one step is accomplished.

& JOHN: See if you can feel the pain again.

Any one of you accomplishing that step can go on to step two and three and four and five. Any one of you all the way up on ability could so knock the spots off of anybody - anybody you talked to - that they would be very, very compelled to take your good advices on the subject. Now, there's nothing unreasonable about that.

& PC: Yeah.

The only question in your minds at this moment is "Can I attain the first milestone?" That's the reason I'm giving this course. The first milestone. That's the reason you have this book, Handbook for Preclears. That's attaining the first milestone.

& JOHN: Really. Feel it again.

Now, the first milestone does not include clearing up the prisons, clearing up the insane asylums or resolving the problems of cities like Los Angeles. Doesn't include these things. Those are up there at three, four, five; they're incidental. So there are nineteen million insane in this country - you didn't drive them insane. You can't solve this problem by taking them one by one, one by one. No. But by solid cohesion in your goals, with a solid forward push on the rehabilitation of you and the rehabilitation of the very able who surround you, those goals will be accomplished on an automatic backlash.

& JOHN: Okay now, run your emotion of it.

Rut right now what we've got to do is to carry forward far enough, as individuals, beyond the first milestone, so that some of the actual native goals of man can be realized in this universe. And we can do it, because every doubt which you have right this minute is just an aberration. Anything which is fighting you at this moment is within you. There is nothing - fire, swords, police, national governments, economic systems - none of these things could stop man once he started. And what we're trying to do is start man. Nobody has ever started him before; all they were interested in doing is controlling him and holding him down.

& JOHN: Okay now, pick up your thoughts, what you were thinking.

And that's Scientology: knowledge and its application in the conquest of the material universe. Scientology needs a crew, and with persistence and opening your ears, you'll be that crew.

& JOHN: Okay now feel the pain once more, run through the whole thing.

Now, the history of this race, its genetic background, why it's here, what its intentions are, are all of them at this moment, to the society at large and to most of you, complete unknowns. There has been a pretense of having data, but it is a shabby pretense. Nobody knows where man came from. Nobody knows what he's doing here. Nobody knows what he's supposed to do now that he's here.

& PC: Feel the pinches?

Well, I am talking now about the last two meters before you get to Milestone One. Any one of you knows inherently why man's here, what he's doing here, who put him here and why he is being held down. Anybody knows this, only they don't want to know they know it. It's really, actually, wide-open data - with a lid on it. And it's a heavy lid. And the first thing you come up against in processing is that iron cover. Try and lift it. Without being able to demonstrate to the individual that it can be lifted and that there is something under it which won't swamp him, you find it pretty hard to lift on most people. They fight you. They don't want this lifted. Are they fighting it for themselves? Are they fighting it because of their own self-determinism? Are they fighting it because they actually don't want to know, basically? What are the answers?

& (silence - John might have nodded here).

The enormous amount of phenomena that we have uncovered here in the field that is now Scientology - I've been working consistently and continually for about twenty-two years to pull an iron cover off. Well, it's off. And this course is going to give you the complete size, thickness, weight and nature of the handle of said iron cover. It's a secret. It's been a secret for a long time.

& JOHN: How many times did he pinch you?

You get these boys in insane asylums and they start raving about knowing some sort of a secret, and somebody is after them and so forth. So the psychiatrists say, "Hmm, insane." So they put him in an electric shock machine, they go bzzzt! "Well, we fixed him." The yaps! Why didn't they ask once in a while? That's a fact; the guy did know! Grim jest, isn't it?

& PC: Three times.

[At this point there is a gap in the original recording.] (the above note is at this point in the R&D but there is no perceptible gap in the reel, possibly indicating that it was made from an edited second master - FZBA)

& JOHN: Three times. You wondered what was coming off?

They use the only techniques which will completely shut somebody off, But not even those techniques are good enough to let anybody keep this iron cover down, once you know the techniques of getting it off and where it is.

& PC: (laugh)

How tall are you? What are your mental capabilities? They're all underneath this iron cover.

& JOHN: How do you feel now?

If I come to you bluntly and abruptly and say to you, "Slaves, break your chains! - Liberty, fraternity and equality!" - all that sort of thing - parts of you suddenly say, "Nng. Nooo. No. No liberty. Because somebody else might get free; and then what would they do to me?" You have all sorts-of rationalizations.

& PC: Alright.

Every time a person has gone out to help this human race, the human race has promptly hit him over the head, buried him in the nearest lime pit. Why? Well, he didn't know about this iron cover. And it isn't necessarily true that a person has to be thrown into the nearest lime pit just because he picks up this cover, that's superstition. We're not dealing with superstition: we're dealing with natural law.

& JOHN: Ok.

[At this point there is a gap in the original recording,] (not only is there a gap here but the recording dynamics and background noise are completely different, as if this later section was recorded at a different time - FZBA)

& JOHN (to LRH): You want to ask him a few questions?

.. there's only one - one memory of pain and unconsciousness sitting on top of you, and everything else on that's a lock. Sometimes the auditor has to hit a few locks, but not always. And he just starts in and he processes out this first engram, Facsimile One, we call it. (Some of you there think you know what it is; you don't.) Facsimile One - and it's processed out by thought, emotion, effort, counter-thought, counteremotion, counter-effort. Routine. Routine processing. And it will process much faster if scouted on that machine: a psychometer. And it is a process which should not take you twenty-five hours. The reason why I flounder around with this is very simple - why I have floundered around with it: I wanted to know every single solitary byroad, every cow-path, in the vicinity of target one. Well, no US Army artillery map is anywhere near as complete as the map we have right this minute of target one. It tells you how many mils and how much elevation and how much powder and shot you need. And it tells you exactly what this thing looks like and exactly what it'll do when you hit it. It's good news, isn't it?

& LRH: Yeah, might as well.

But it's very, very peculiar that, like all good military engagements, we find this target completely booby-trapped. And it's booby-trapped with an insidiousness which is beautiful to behold. But the second you know what the booby traps are you can walk right through them, just like you can walk through any mine field after the mine boys have been in there. Well, I've been doing a mine squad for you. It's been very interesting work. I've still got both legs. But there have been a few times when I didn't think I'd have them anymore. (laughter)

LRH: We were talking about the left and the right side and all of that sort of thing. I want to show you ... Did you shift when I asked you to, from one ...

No, when it comes to laying down your artillery barrage of auditing on this target, you want to know what you're doing. And by the time you start centering the main target, you want to know your subject. And that is something that not very many people bother to know. It's much easier to go flying off at some wide tangent and say, "Well, this is ... Hmm, I thought of something like this once: you take the lost Atlantis, and that's on the right-hand side of the slide rule, and it somehow or other must compare with bugology, and I studied that once. And what he says when he means thought is actually the left-hand side of a right-hand screwdriver."

PC: Yes.

No! I mean thought when I say thought, according to a very exact, specific definition. The definifions in Scientology and their meanings are actually clearer than the definitions in the science of physics - clearer! They are more capable of being understood because physics is built on a sort of a jerry-rig process - I know, I'm a physicist - and it's built on this jerry-rig process of: Once upon a time there was a fellow by the name of Archimedes, and there was somebody else by the name of something or other, and they had a hard time, and they went around and discovered certain principles and after they discovered these principles, they discovered other principles. And then all of a sudden somebody came along one day and said, "Hey look, there's atoms," and they said, "Great, there's atoms," and so they added this to the science - they didn't integrate it at the beginning of the science, they added this to the science. And now all of a sudden we have this great exact science of chemistry being completely out of gear with the science of physics. Here's your exact science of chemistry being much different in its laboratory as to atomic structure and the behavior of the material universe than the nuclear physicist's universe. They've got two different universes now, and they don't dovetail.

LRH: ... side of your body to the other? Which side of your body are you on now?

And in addition to that, there are certain basic fundamentals like weights and balances and that sort of thing, and they're very interesting. But don't add in too many question marks, because they're hair-trigger, a lot of those basic axioms in physics. They may be or they may not be.

PC: Right side.

Take acceleration: there are some fascinating things in acceleration if you want to go deep into acceleration. Why does a body have to accelerate to go around a corner? Well, it's because. Well, it says right there in the law it does, but don't question that law too closely.

LRH: You're on the right side. All right, how about shifting over to the left side? (pause) Made it?

Nevertheless, that's a very exact science, but Scientology is much more exact because there aren't any maybes. Up to the point of where we're applying thought as a static to the physical universe, which is motion - up to that level - I don't know of a single maybe. It's just like that. Its words mean what they mean, not something else. And in studying it, one should keep firmly in mind this fact and these factors: that something inside you is liable to defeat what you are doing. So you just find some self-determinism in you to take yourself with a good hard rein, and keep yourself going right straight at the target. And find yourself veering off this way and veering off that way, and all of a sudden say, "Well, let's all go down to someplace or other and play hopscotch because that's the way to get there" - no, you won't get there that way.

PC: Yep.

Now, when you've got Milestone One, and when you know you've got: it, when everybody else knows you've got it, you can do anything you want to do - anything - on your self-determinism. But the horrible fact of it is, is there's very little self-determinism until you get Milestone One, but there's a lot of circuit-determination. And that's something for you to remember. If you will just stay with me on this line, up to the first milestone in Scientology, and bring yourself up to a high level of ability and apply yourself to that, you will be free - free of me and Scientology too! (audience laughter)

LRH: Okay. Now how about shifting into the center? (gause) Made it?

It's quite remarkable that some of these people who have reached toward this goal and are now being called Clears (they're not there, by the way) are turning up stuff on a slide-rule principle; I mean, their minds work like slide rules. Their minds are developing things which everyone around them considers completely incredible. I mean, nobody could think this fast, nobody could do these things. They don't know it yet, but there're not there - they're not there. They won't relapse, but they're not there, because mental ability is about five times what any one of them is doing. It's a stageringly high level.

PC: Sure did. (laugh)

I want to demonstrate to you a couple of little odds and ends that would tend to confirm this. I won't tell you what aberration one - Facsimile One - consists of at this time. If I did, there would be more headaches out there and more sick stomachs than I care to take care of this evening. You know your subject and get that down pat before we take any further drives along the line. You're on a good, safe track.

LRH: Okay. How about shifting into your stomach? (pause) Okay? Made it? Good.

At times you will consider that it definitely is not safe, though. Some preclear starts exploding before your view and you'll say, "Oh, my God, what am I doing to this man?" Oh, you're probahly making him well. If you're following what I'm telling you, you're making him well.

LRH: All right. Now, let's shift over to the right side again. Shift over to the right side again. Now, I'm asking the right side this question, Give me a yes or no on just a flash, when I - I'm going to snap my finger, is that all right with you? All right. I want a yes or no from the right side on this question: Is the right side a man? (snap)

& and if not, well that's just too bad, we'll cross him off the books. (laughter)

PC: No.

Now, you know that any one of you will shine up on that machine as having at least three personalities - any one of you. You're aware of this; you're definitely aware of it. Your recalls contain many instances whereby you went out one day and you were going to do something, and then a little voice sort-of said to you, "Well, I don't think you ought to do that." And you went a little bit further and another voice said to you, "Well, I'd just fail anyway." And then you all of a sudden got the idea of failure and you sort of got quivery in the stomach - anxious about what would happen to you if you did this. You can remember sitting around and saying, "Should I?" "No, you shouldn't." "Oh, I think I ought to." These are personalities arguing with personalities - just that. Each one is as separate and distinct as a whole human being.

LRH: No. Okay. Okay, that's all right. Now, let's shift over to the left side. (pause) Getting easier now, isn't it?

Now, some of you have a frivolous personality, let's say. And some of you have a serious personality. And maybe the same person has a frivolous personality and a serious personality, and they're always coming into conflict with each other. You want to be gay, happy, cheerful one day, and all of a sudden you say, "Well, this is not dignified; I shouldn't be doing this." It's just as though one person inside of you is stepping on another person.

PC: I think so.

You ever have this sensation? Well, there's a third one in there (audience laughter). You feel pretty noble in this third one, if you ever get it on and if the others don't turn it off. And it's actually adjudicating to some degree, or it's sound asleep.

LRH: A little easier. All right, give me a yes or no on this side. Is the left side a woman? (snap)

And sometimes there's a fourth one in your stomach area. And the fourth one will argue with the third one, which will argue with the second one, and ... You're a mass of conflicts, in other words! That's what we know as conflicts. Just as we would take two people of opposite personality characteristics and demand that they get along, one with the other - just as we would take two people and then demand they get along together, but their opposite personalities would make it impossible for them to - well, you can imagine what they would be doing and saying to each other.

PC: No.

That's usually what's behind the eyes of most men. Conflict! One Side says, "Be," and the other says, "Don't be." And then, just for variety, the side that said, "Be" starts saying, "Don't be," and the side that says, "Don't be" starts saying, "Be" - almost any subject.

LRH: No. Yes or no, is the left side a man? (snap)

In Book One we had what was known as demon circuits. Well, these really are circuits, but they can be demonstrated to be - in an uncleared, unadjusted situation - to be personalities, very distinct personalities with distinct characteristics. How did they get that way? Well, are they there? And where are they? Well, it's very odd but they're always in the same place in the same people. And from person to person you can locate them.

PC: Yes.

Now I'll show you a little experiment, How about all of you shifting over until you're on the left side of your body. Shifting over to the left side of your body, looking at me from the left side of your body. Go ahead, shift over. Be a little bit of a shock to some of you. Be on the left side of your body for the moment. Now consider with the left side of your body. Now let's do a shift, and shift over to the right side of your body. Shift over to the right side.

LRH: All right. Now let's shift over to the right side. Now, is the right side in agreement with everything that the left side does?

Anybody get a little tremor? Little bit - apprehension, maybe? Something going on here. "How can he stand up there and... I actually do feel these things." All right, shift over to the left side again. You can do that, easily. Now shift center. Shift center - right center. Now shift over to the left side again.

PC: I can't say. I can't - think ...

Now shift center again - right center. Let's be alive in the center of your being, right here. (tapping)

LRH: You don't think so? You don't know?

Now, some of you can shift into your stomachs; not all of you. Try shifting into your stomach. Be in your stomach for a moment. Now come up and be center here again.

PC: I don't know.

All right. Any of you feel just a little bit groggy when you started going center? Mm-hm.

LRH: Well, is the right side aware that the left side existed? (snap)

Did any of you get a somatic right there when you started to shift into the center?

PC: No.

All those who got a somatic right here when you started to shift to the center, would you please raise your hand. Mm-hm.

LRH: Wasn't aware. But what do you think now that the other side knows it exists?

Now, isn't that very interesting, this proportion out of this small audience? Hah! What is this thing? There is - potentially for anyone here - there's a somatic right there in the middle of the forehead. What is it? The mystic used to call it the "eye of the soul"; somebody says it's the pineal gland; somebody says it's the residence of consciousness - they say a lot of things. What is it? And what would happen if you kept it on very long? Well, you can keep it on. You can just shift into the center just like I showed you just a moment ago and turn it on if you want to. It'd be the first time you were ever even remotely resembling yourself if you did.

PC: Confused.

Now, it's quite interesting. This is phenomena. What is that center-of-the-forehead thing? Is it actually some sort of a mysterious eye? Or is it you as an individual? Or what is it?

LRH: Confused. Uh-huh. How about shifting center? Did you get that forehead somatic?

Maybe it's an engram? And maybe your left side wouldn't want you to pick that up. Maybe your right side would argue about picking it up. And maybe your left side would argue with your right side about it. Interesting sort of a computation here, isn't it? To be very colloquial, there's obviously dirty work at the gas house. Why? Why do you get that somatic?

PC: No.

Oh, you could sit around by yourself and practice for a while and you'd get it on. Your stomach would start feeling kind of sick, probably, at the salne time, but you would have the mysterious mystic's "eye of the soul." By the way, he will practice for I don't know how many months or years to get vision with this center eye - he'll practice to do so, actually. And here some of you had it on for the first time just (snap) - just like that. Because anybody can turn it on. Anybody can do anything he wants to with this thing. And he will do anything with it except run it. And that's what I'm going to train you how to do: to become an integrated you. To become one person without conflict, without central argument, without one side trying to defeat the games and goals of another side, but just to be you without any neurosis or anxiety as far as the stomach is concerned or as far as any of these things are concerned. And you can decide right now whether or not you want to go along this track. Do you want to be you? Well, I tell you that you have to run this thing before you can be you. And right away some of you are going to feel a little quiver of "Oh, no!"

LRH: Well, try and get that forehead somatic: shift over into the center. Yes or no, is there a third entity here in the center? (snag)

Well, it's not very tough. It was done with supersonic waves - no trick. There's more stuff, electronically right here in this room than what created that engram. But it was created a long time ago. And you don't know the history of your own race, and you don't know why you're here, and you don't know why you're not free, and you don't know why you have a left side and a right side - at this moment you don't know. But in the progress of processing with a co-auditor, you're going to find out. You are going to find out. And one of the things about not knowing is the fact that this engram says specifically not to know. "Mustn't know, mustn't think about it, mustn't do anything about it." Rats! It's just an engram! And the second that you know it is, about eighty percent of its aberrative force goes by the boards. And you will know and you'll want to know, and you'll stop dodging it. And the reason you're sitting in these seats this evening: actually, you do want to know. You can't go up Tone Scale without knowing.

PC: Yes.

Now, the map of how you get there consists of knowing, first, a language of some, let us say, fifty words. That's the terminology of Dianetics - this terminology. It's not very difficult terminology, but it's like a language. You know, if you ever had trouble with geometry, the only reason you had trouble with geometry is because you couldn't speak geometry. They started throwing triangles at you before they taught you what triangle meant!

LRH: Yes. Okay. And how does this entity feel there in the center?

If you were ever out on the high seas trying to communicate with another ship, you would know the nonsense of running up Able Boy Fox when he had no code book. You could run up Able Boy Fox (which means "Submarine under your bow; full speed astern," or something of the sort), and you could run this up and run it up and run it up, and he would - "Hhhuh, ha, fellow over there is airing out his flags." And that is basically what is wrong with anyone's understanding of the subject of Scientology. It says right here in the signal book, it says Able Boy Fox. And in your signal book Able Boy Fox means "flags" or it means something else, but actually, it only means just exactly what it says here that Able Boy Fox means - which is "Turn ninety degrees to the right," or whatever it is. Simple?

PC: Like the boss.

The way you learn the English language is the way you should learn a subject. Somebody comes along, he says, "Table. Table." And pretty soon you say, "Table." That sound means this object.

LRH: Yeah?

Somebody says, "Put down." (thump) "Put down," (thump) That's an action. So it's a phrase which denotes the action (thump) "Put down." That's what language is. A word is just a code. The only way your general semanticist ran completely off the rails, off the bridge, off the cliff, was by declaring there was such a thing as an undefinable. Maybe there was to him (God help him!), but there actually isn't such a thing as an undefinable, unless you're talking about something beyond the realm of the knowable. You might be way out into the blue someplace, along with Kant's transcendentalism - you might find some undefinables out there, but not in the field of finite thought, such as freedom. There is no doubt in anybody's mind what freedom means; it's not an undefinable.

PC: Like the boss.

Some political genius can turn around and change the meaning of the word freedom, so that it means "freedom from want." He can say, "Now, freedom - what freedom means now is 'slavery.' " Well, he's got to fool the school kids, because any time you want to know what freedom is, you can go and look in Tom Paine, Voltaire, Thomas Jefferson, Webster's Dictionary, the Oxford Dictionary - any one of these things will tell you what freedom means. And it's not freedom from anything, it's just being free - unrestrained.

LRH: Like the boss. Okay. Now, is that the one you're normally in?

The way people learn these things - they're MEST words; they're words of the physical universe. And the way they learn these things is very finite and very simple. Little boy's trying to raise his hand, he can't raise his hand. All right, his hand is held. Now he tries to raise his hand and he can; his hand is free. There is no doubt in his mind what freedom for a hand is As far as the English language, which we are using to transmit the code of knowledge which is Scientology, there's nothing undefinable; it's all very simple. But the first task in learning this subject is simply to learn what the words mean, so that you can use them freely, so that you don't have to think twice.

PC: I don't know.

Don't be like the'signalman who goes up on the bridge of a battlewagon, and somebody points over to another ship and there's a flashing light over there. And the flashing light is going dit-da, dit-da and flashflash, flash-flash, flash-flash. And somebody sa)is to this signalman - this signalman is claiming he's a signalman now, you know; I mean, he says he is - and they say, "All right, what's he saying?"

LRH: You don't know. Now, has the center ever been put to sleep?

"Well, just a moment, I have to give it some more study." Oh no, he doesn't. If he's a signalman, dit-da means "A" to him. And a whole string of dots, sort of read en masse together, mean a word to him. He has conquered the barrier of meaning of light flashes.

PC: No.

And the only barrier between this subject and you is your definition of the words as they are used. They don't mean something else. Dit-da means "A." And the first thing you have to learn is that dit-da means "A." When I say thought, it means a very precise thing - a definable thing; its definition is so-and-so and so-and-so. When I mean emotion, its definition is so-and-so and so-and-so. When I mean effort, its definition is so-and-so and so-and-so.

LRH: No? Has the center ever received a shock - bad shock?

It's just like learning code. You could sit down and learn all of these words and their proper definitions probably in two or three hours of study. I doubt anyone in the subject studying it so far has actually grilled very hard on its language. That barrier conquered, nobody can swamp you on this. It becomes simple beyond simplicity.

PC: No.

Well, what we're trying to do here, then, is give you the techniques, processes and a map of how you can reach Milestone One - and that's just Milestone Qne - in this course. There's many, many other things that Scientology can embrace and that could be covered by other courses. And the first way to learn it is to learn its language, its definition, its processes. And then practice with them on mild incidents until you can do them perfectly. And all of a sudden tackle the hig target, blow it, and you're there at Milestone One. And it doesn't take very long to do it.

LRH: Have you ever lived before?

And if it takes a long time to do it, then there are only a few things wrong. Really, there's only one thing wrong: you didn't learn the language. Or you cannot bring yourself to agree witln the desirability of reaching Milestone One. One of those two things will debar you. And there's one more that might debar you, and that's thinking that eating carrots, sliced thin and cooked in vinegar for fourteen and a half hours, is a better technique than Scientology. That is just another method of avoiding getting to Milestone One.

PC: No.

Let's take a break now.

LRH: Have you ever lived before this life?

(end of lecture.)

PC: No.

LRH: What's going to happen to you when you die in this life?

PC: I don't know.

LRH: Don't know. You have ideas, though.

PC: Yes.

LRH: Yeah. What's the idea?

PC: Well, some sort of a continuation; I haven't quite gotten a conclusion on it yet.

LRH: Uh-huh. Have you ever been alive before this?

PC: No.

LRH: Well, yes or no: Were you alive in the year zero? (snap)

PC: Don't know.

LRH: You don't know? How about back in the year 1200 B.C.? Were you alive then?

PC: No.

LRH: Hm. How about clear back before earth? Were you alive then?

PC: No.

LRH: Before earth? Before earth? Now, what would happen if you made a sudden move? What would happen if you moved suddenly?

PC: Nothing, just move.

LRH: Nothing would happen? Could you move suddenly?

LRH: What would happen to you if you knew?

PC: I don't know.

LRH: Would anything happen to you if you knew?

PC: I don't think so.

LRH: Nothing bad?

PC: No.

LRH: Mm-hm. Well, you're holding on to a good stability here, aren't you?

PC: I'm trying to answer as well ...

LRH: Now, have you ever considered yourself very well-balanced, very well-adjusted?

PC: Yes.

LRH: Uh-huh, How do you have to do to keep well-adjusted?

PC: That's a tough one.

LRH: Yeah, that's a tough one. What if you didn't keep well-adjusted?

PC: Probably put me away.

LRH: Yeah. Would you ever go into rages, violent rages?

PC: Yes.

LRH: Who used to, in your family? Your father ever go into violent rages?

PC: Sometimes.

LRH: Yeah? Did he ever go into a violent rage against you?

PC: Yes.

LRH: Do you remember him doing so?

PC: Yes.

LRH: How did he look?

PC: Very big, very angry.

LRH: Uh-huh. And how about your mother? Is she rather timid?

PC: Don't remember.

LRH: Oh, she's dead?

PC: Yes.

LRH: Oh, how long has she been dead?

PC: Teuenty-six years.

LRH: Uh-huh. What'd you die of the last time? (snap)

PC: Disease. That's what...

LRH: Uh-huh. Was it painful?

PC: I don't know.

LRH: Wasn't particularly painful. A year will flash when I count from one to five: one-two-three-four-five. (snap)

PC: 1776.

LRH: 1776. Okay. All right, what happened in 1776?

PC: War.

LRH: War? Did you get shot?

PC: No.

LRH: Disease?

PC: Yes.

LRH: Well, you glad to realize that all of a sudden?

PC: I don't know - it ...

LRH: You did a tone rise on it. Well, I'11 stop badgering you.

[to audience] Who else would like to grab on to these cans here?

[to pc] Thank you very much.

Second PC (deeper male voice, Lohren Applegate?)

Male voice: I'd like to.

& LRH: This guy wild on these cans? This guy Applegate(?) (laughter)

& JACK: I don't even know, I've never seen him.

& LRH: Never seen him on these cans?

& JACK: I don't even know if this machine'll register.

& LRH: Watch this Jack. Don't know if it'll register this low.

& JACK: We might blow a fuse here, might do a short circus.

& JACK: No, no ... There he is.

& LRH: He's wild. (garbled)

& LRH: Not enough action. (sounds of adjusting equipment & laughter).

& LRH: Alright.

LRH: Well, I tell you, this is kind of unfair, because haven't you had a - you ever have an engram run out?

PC: Yeah.

LRH: Huh?

PC: Not completely run out.

LRH: Never had one completely run out. What would happen if you did have one completely run out? Anything bad?

PC: Feeling "yes".

LRH: Something bad would happen? Did you get...

PC: Keep euanting it to happen, but it didn't.

LRH: How about the center? Did you get that center phenomenon?

PC: I - kind of a line clear down my face, Ron, I - which ...

LRH: A line down your face.

PC: which I'ue had for months.

LRH: Well, yes or no: Is this mitosis? (snap)

PC: Huh? Got a yes-no on it.

LRH: Yes-no.

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: How about getting the phenomena of center there? (pause) Are you on the right or the left side now?

PC: I'm kind of centered up.

LRH: Centered up. Let's move over on the right side.

PC: (pause) All right.

LRH: All right. Is this a woman? (snap)

PC: Yeah.

LRH: Very good. All right, let's move over on the left side. (pause) Is this a man? (snap)

PC: Think so.

LRH: Yes or no: Have you ever been over there before? (snap)

PC: Yeah.

LRH: Yeah?

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: Were you over there when you were a child? (snap)

PC: Yeah.

LRH: You haven't been over there for a long time, though?

PC: No.

LRH: How about moving center now? (pause) What happens?

PC: I get dizzy?

JACK: Let me reset this now, a little bit.

LRH: Okay. You get dizzy moving centers. Uh-huh.

PC: Very ...(laughs)

LRH: Come on, let's move center now. (pause) Let's move center. (pause) How does it make you feel, moving there?

PC: I'm beginning to tremble.

LRH: Oh, you don't like it particularly in the center? Do you feel this somatic? Feel that pain?

PC: I can feel it right down the middle of my head.

LRH: Middle of your head.

PC: Right down.

LRH: Is it so good?

PC: Yeah. (laugh)

LRH: Is this mitosis?

PC: No, don't think so.

LRH: Is this Facsimile One?

PC: Wheew! I got a real quick little yes.

LRH: Yeah.

PC: And then immediately no.

LRH: Real quick, huh? Your ears ring?

PC: Yeah.

LRH: The ears ringing go along with Facsimile One?

PC: Yeah.

LRH: As we're calling it, is this Before Earth?

PC: Yeah.

LRH: Are you being kind of careful here?

PC: Yeah! (laugh) I didn't like that answer.

[to another person] What's the matter?

Male voice: Long story.

LRH: I ask people to run this and they get dizzy and fall down and things like that. I don't see what's the matter with people.

Male voice: All right. I just fell three times in the snow coming over here, and I just feel a little peculiar about it.

LRH: Oh, I see. (laughter) Well, that's all right. [to PC] You got good tread on your overshoes, Lohren?

PC (Lohren): Yeah.

LRH: Well, you won't fall going home.

PC: Oh, I don't mind falling.

LRH: Well, that's all right. Good. [to pc] Let's shift center again.

PC: Which way?

LRH: Right to the center.

PC: Oh, center. Center. Yeah, which way?

LRH: Right in the center.

PC: I'm kind of staying there, more or less, around it.

LRH: Well, let's shift off of it and onto it again, and off it and onto it, off it and onto it. Shift from the right side to center, right side to center, right side to center.

PC: Beginning to feel like a pressure building up there. I can't - there it goes now.

LRH: Yeah?

PC: Now it's right.

LRH: Okay, now center. (pause) Got it?

PC: Something.

LRH: Something.

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: All right, let's shift over to the right side again. (pause) Now let's shift into the center.

PC: Are you supposed to get to feeling funny in your stomach on that?

LRH: Yeah. Yeah, most people do. Do you have to be wrong to be human?

PC: Yeah.

LRH: Mm-hm, Could you be right and be human?

PC: Yeah.

LRH: Do you have to be human?

PC: Yeah.

LRH: Who said so?

PC: I did.

LRH: How about the center?

PC: What about it?

LRH: Well, is there anything being human to do with this center?

PC: Yeah.

LRH: This feeling in the stomach and that sort of thing?

PC: Seems to.

LRH: Do you have to have that to be human?

PC: Yeah.

LRH: What if you got rid of it?

PC: Okay.

LRH: Would you know then?

PC: Yeah.

LRH: Would this be bad?

PC: Yeah. Is it all right just to get what flashes here?

LRH: What flashed?

PC: Yes.

LRH: Okay. I can see you're getting a little drop on that. You haven't really realized how bad it would be, though, to know, have you?

PC: I took a try at it once.

LRH: Hm?

PC: I took a try at it once.

LRH: Yeah, you could try knowing once. Now, do you realize that if you did knock out this facsimile, we could always reinstall it?

PC: Yeah.

LRH: Well, would you mind having it reinstalled?

PC: Yes, I'd mind.

LRH: Okay, you'd mind, Did you fight when it was installed?

PC: Yeah.

LRH: Did you fight hard?

PC: Yeah.

LRH: Did you tell them you'd get even?

PC: Yeah.

LRH: Did you tell them you'd find out someday?

PC: Yeah.

LRH: Mm-hm. Are you going to?

PC: Yeah.

LRH: Is that what you're doing in Scientology?

PC: Yeah.

LRH: Okay. How tall were they?

PC: I got a ten.

LRH: Ten what?

PC: Feet.

LRH: Mm-hm. Pretty tall.

PC: Yeah.

LRH: You didn't like it?

PC: No.

LRH: Was this on earth?

PC: Yeah.

LRH: On earth?

PC: Yeah.

LRH: Yes or no: Was this on earth? (snap)

PC: No! (laugh)

LRH: Uh-huh. Yes or no: Is earth hell? (snap)

PC: Yes.

LRH: Were you sent here? (snap)

PC: Yeah.

LRH: Do you have to stay here? (snap)

PC: Yeah.

LRH: What if you knew all of a sudden? (snap)

PC: No.

LRH: No. But if you knew, could you leave?

PC: Yeah.

LRH: You want to go home?

PC: Yes-no.

LRH: Yes-no. Yeah, but that's this and this answering. (maybe indicating right and left side entities)

PC: Oh! (laugh) Okay.

LRH: Let's get the center answer. Do you want to leave earth? (snap)

PC: Yeah.

LRH: Want to go home?

PC: Yeah.

LRH: How about home? Better place?

PC: Yep.

LRH: Do you like it here?

PC: I like it here.

LRH: Yeah, you like it real well here.

PC: Yeah. Getting dizzy. (laugh)

LRH: You're getting dizzy? Well, I wonder why that could be? We're on dangerous ground here, aren't we?

PC: Yeah, we are. I - kind of scared. (laugh) I feel the way I used to feel when I was scared.

LRH: Oh, is this the basic fear charge?

PC: Yeah.

LRH: Is this the basic shut-off charge?

PC: Yeah. (laugh) How'd you know there was one?

LRH: Sure.

JOHN: Are you in the center now?

PC: Yeah.

JOHN: How do your eyes feel?

PC: It's kind of strained. I keep trying to slide off to the right a little.

LRH: Yes or no: Is there a lot of sound in this? (snap)

PC: Yeah.

LRH: Heavy volume? (snap) Sound leveled at your stomach too? (snap)

PC: Yeah. (laugh)

LRH: Is this the ringing in your ears? (snap)

PC: Yeah.

LRH: Is this impact against your eyes? (snap)

PC: Yeah.

LRH: Is this why you don't like to hear people talk? (snap)

PC: Yeah.

LRH: Mm-hm. Does this come down Tone Scale from "know" to "not know"? (snap)

PC: I just got no on that.

LRH: No? Well, does it come down from being a cause to being an effect? (snap)

PC: No.

LRH: What does it do?

PC: I think it's on the responsibility.

LRH: Oh. It comes down the Tone Scale from being responsible to not being responsible?

PC: Yeah.

LRH: Is that right? Is it their responsibility now?

PC: Yeah.

LRH: Is it better that way?

PC: Yeah.

LRH: Yeah. Are you supposed to say that at that point?

PC: Yeah.

LRH: Did they install the man? (snap)

PC: No - no!

LRH: Did they install the man? (snap)

LRH: Is that you? (snap)

PC: Yeah. LRH: Did they install the woman? (snap)

PC: Yeah.

LRH: You got a yes?

PC: Yeah.

LRH: Mm-hm.

PC: What in the hell's that mean?

LRH: Oh nothing, except it's an artificially set-up demon circuit, that's all. Why don't you run this?

PC: I am.

LRH: With thought, emotion, effort and so forth. Just run it all out. Get full visio.

PC: The visio.

LRH: You say there is no visio?

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: Would there be no visio there? Is this incident supposedly timeless? (snap)

PC: Yeah.

LRH: What would happen if somebody walked up to you and served you a summons?

PC: I just clamped up on that one. I...

LRH: Yeah, didn't you? What if somebody walked in and served you a summons, said you were under arrest?

PC: No!

LRH: You don't like that?

PC: No.

LRH: Uh-huh. Well, that's what your stomach's supposed to do. Your stomach got funny right then, didn't it? Well, that's what your stomach's supposed to do when you ignore a summons to the court.

PC: I don't understand that, Ron.

LRH: We've been had, Lohren. That's all.

PC: I don't quite understand what you're saying, but it sounds right.

LRH: All right. Let's pick up a time when the center - you - were very happy. Pick up a visio with it, when you were very happy.

PC: I can't.

LRH: Oh, you can.

PC: Center was happy?

LRH: Visio. Center, very happy.

PC: I'm beginning to feel happy but I don't get a visio.

LRH: Don't get a visio? You supposed to have a third eye in the middle of your forehead?

PC: Yeah.

LRH: Hm?

PC: I got a "yes" flash.

LRH: Sure. Is it better for you to have this third eye?

PC: Yeah.

LRH: Did you agree to have it?

PC: Yeah.

LRH: Much better that way. But after you agreed, you didn't like it?

PC: That's right.

LRH: Okay. Now, do you think of something very happy with that third eye?

PC: (sigh)

LRH: Come on, give me a visio. Something very happy. (pause) Keep going down. Have to get something happy.

PC: I feel scared of trying to find something happy with it, if you know what I mean! (laugh)

LRH: Yes. Well, good. Only your tone's coming up, so you must be finding something happy.

PC: Beginning to sweat.

LRH: Beginning to sweat? Tone's coming up.

PC: I've been on the verge of what you questioned me about here for about six months, just tight on it.

LRH: Yeah, that's right. All you have to do is just run it and you'll feel wonderful. There's also a manic in it, You're supposed to feel good because of it.

PC: Yeah?

LRH: Yeah. So why don't you run it? Thank you, Lohren.

PC: Thanks a lot, Ron.

3rd PC (John, the instructor)

LRH: [to audience] This is just giving you - mostly for the students that are here tonight - the Facsimile One; the anatomy of Facsimile One. Very interesting. You know, everybody kept saying that "we mustn't hallucinate, you know, and we mustn't ever go in for a delusion." Well, this is crazier than anybody ever imagined before. I guess that's why we had to stay away from imagination: we would have found it. But this is not imagination for the very excellent reason is, I don't think anybody could imagine anything this wild.

JOHN: My somatics.

LRH: What's the matter? You got somatics?


LRH: You want to go on the machine?

JOHN: Naah, I don't think I'd show.

LRH: You don't think you'd show? Okay.

JOHN: I might. I've been running them for three days.

LRH: You want to see another test on this bi-valence and center?


LRH: Go ahead. Awful standard.

JOHN: Let her rip.

LRH: Get him center there. He's not that low. Okay, Jack. You know, that machine isn't sensitive worth a nickel.

JOHN: You ain't just kidding me.

JACK: Can you separate the cans a bit, John?

JOHN: Hm ...

LRH: You know that a single-notch drop on that machine is a lot of drop. Let me see where you got that sensitivity. You want me to play it like this?

JACK: Well, when you raise the sensitivity, this has to go in the other direction.

LRH: Oh, I see. This has to go back.


LRH: Does this have to go back?

JACK: I think it has to come up to account for a rise in sensitivity.

LRH: Oh, this boy's tone's really high?

JOHN: Naturally.

LRH: Yeah, but look at it drop. What's the idea? Aren't you supposed to have a high tone?

PC (JOHN): No.

LRH: What would happen if you got happy?

PC (JOHN): I'd be alive.

LRH: That'd be bad?

PC: I expect it would, yeah.

LRH: Are you on the left side now?

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: How about shifting over to the right side?

PC: Okay.

LRH: Yes or no: Is the right side a man? (snap)

PC: No.

LRH: Is the right side a woman? (snap)

PC: Yeah.

LRH: Okay. Yes or no: Was this installed? (snap)

PC: I didn't get an anseuer.

LRH: Didn't you? How about shifting center now?

PC: That's a little rough, but I'11 try.

LRH: Okay. Anything the matter with shifting center?

PC: I got it.

LRH: Okay. Does this feel good - center?

PC: Oh, it's all right.

LRH: Do you feel anything else with it?

PC: Oh, a little bouncy.

LRH: How's your forehead feel, shifting center?

PC: Well, that somatic's real light in me.

LRH: It's very light.

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: How about shifting over to the left side now?

PC: Okay.

LRH: Yes or no: Is this a man? (snap)

PC: No.

LRH: Okay. How about shifting center now?

PC: Okay, I guess I got it.

LRH: Sure you got it. This is center. Perfect. Center the dial here. Now I'm going to ask you a couple of very interesting questions about the center. Did it also hit your stomach?

PC: Yeah, I got it in the stomach.

LRH: Uh-huh. Was it an impact?

PC: Some kind.

LRH: Was it a series of impacts?

PC: Yeah.

LRH: Bop-bop-bop-bop?

PC: (laugh) I reckon.

LRH: Uh-huh. Yeah, wasn't it? Okay, was it a separate series than the one that hit you in the face?

PC: Yeah.

[The R&D says "At this point there is a gap in the original recording." but the following phrase, omitted fromt the transcript, is on the reel without any gap]

& LRH: The wavelength of fear.

LRH: Okay. What's the wavelength? What hit your face?

PC: Sound, I guess.

LRH: Was your face swollen afterwards?

PC: Yeah.

LRH: Yeah. Okay. Did it hurt your eyes any?

PC: No, I don't think so.

LRH: Did you have to go there?

PC: I reckon.

LRH: Yeah. Did you protest?

PC: Yes.

LRH: Mm, is this a long time ago?

PC: Yeah.

LRH: An awful long time ago?

PC: Yeah. A long time and no time.

LRH: A long time and no time. Is it part of this incident that it isn't in time at all?

PC: Yeah.

LRH: Is that stated to be part of it?

PC: Yeah.

LRH: Or is it part of it?

PC: Well, it is and it isn't.

LRH: Uh-huh. But it's stated to be?

PC: Yeah.

LRH: How about... (Let's set it center here.) How about it - it's stated to be part of this?

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: Well, is the incident timeless, actually?

PC: No.

LRH: It happened at a specific moment, didn't it?

PC: Yeah.

LRH: In the MEST universe?

PC: Yeah.

LRH: On earth?

PC: No.

LRH: No. Good. Now, what would happen if somebody walked up to you and handed you a warrant for arrest?

PC: Well, I had it happen once and didn't like it.

LRH: Uh-huh. Would you have to go?

PC: Yeah.

LRH: Would you have to obey?

PC: Well, it seemed like I did obey.

LRH: Yeah. Did you ever revolt?

PC: Yeah.

LRH: Would something bad happen if you revolted?

PC: Supposed to I guess.

LRH: Which side have you slipped over into now?

PC: It's hard to hold. (pause) I got center again.

LRH: Would the right side hate to be banished, thrown away and discarded?

PC: Yeah.

LRH: Mm-hm. Let the right side answer this: Are you responsible for keeping this individual from succeeding?

PC: Yes.

LRH: Oh, you've been found out now?

PC: I found it out myself.

LRH: Yeah? Boom. Okay. Did the right side know there was anybody else there?

PC: Yeah.

LRH: Yeah. Ever argue?

PC: Plenty.

LRH: Plenty, huh? Good. Well, okay. Now, what's the matter with running out the center engram.'

PC: Nothing's the matter with it.

LRH: Can you do it?

PC: I can try.

LRH: Mm-hm. Will it be bad if you do it?

PC: I don't think so.

LRH: Nope. All right. When do you want to start running it out?

PC: Right now. (laugh)

LRH: Well, why don't you shift over to the left side, let somebody audit it out. You probably could run it out yourself.

PC: I'ue been trying.

LRH: Oh, you wouldn't like that?

PC: I've been trying.

LRH: Been trying?

PC: Yeah.

LRH: Well, all it is is just these impacts and ... Keep scanning through it. It sounds like counter-thought, only it's not counter-thought, it just words.

PC: Hm. Yeah, but there's a lot of lies in there.

LRH: Oh, boy!

LRH: Yeah. We's under control!

PC: Evidently.

LRH: Now, what happened if us slaves broke our chains?

PC: Tough on them, maybe.

LRH: Yeah.

PC: Tough on them.

LRH: I don't think they're around anymore.

PC: Too bad.

LRH: Yeah, I've been feeling mean about it myself. Thanks ever so much.

PC (JOHN): Oh, yeah.

LRH: By the way, this machine has a level of action, ordinarily - this is a very low-level machine. Would you do this? I need somebody on the cans.

4th PC (JACK, the technician assising with the demo)

JACK: Yeah, I'll hold them if you want me to.

LRH: On this low level of operation here, once you get the machine centered, it doesn't operate or react very much compared to what it might. But you take Jack right now, the way this machine's jumping around...

LRH (to Jack): Is this B.E. (Before Earth) in restimulation? The center eye?

PC (JACK): I reckon.

LRH: Is it? Boom. Yeah? Is that because I questioned so many people about it?

PC: No.

LRH: No. When did you run into it?

PC: Night before last.

LRH: Somebody talking to you on a telephone about it?

PC: Some coffeehouse auditor.

LRH: Yeah? Talking to you about it on the telephone?

PC: Yeah.

LRH: Been bad off ever since, huh?

PC: Yeah. Having to control myself.

LRH: Is that thing really the center of all control circuits?

PC: No, not exactly. It's just, without it you didn't need any control. I mean, things didn't get out of hand.

LRH: But now that you have it... Did you ever hear of "divide and rule"?

PC: Well, I never was very good at math. But I think I know what you mean.

LRH: (I'm going to center this.) You're glad to have me question you, aren't you?

PC: Yeah. Yeah.

LRH: Did you ever hear of "divide and rule" as a political maneuver?

PC: Yeah.

LRH: Yeah? Well now, on "divide and rule," what if you took a human being and split him up into two halves so he'd fight against himself?

PC: Well, he'd be kind of schizzy.

LRH: Be schizzy but he'd be easy to control, wouldn't he?

PC: Well, let's say easier.

LRH: Easier to control.

PC: Well, you wouldn't have to control him too much. You just have him fighting hisself and then he don't need too much of your attention.

LRH: Mm-hm. That's right. And what if you fixed him up so he'd get scared every time he disobeyed orders?

PC: Well, let's see. That wouldn't be good.

LRH: Tell me, is B.E. in restimulation?

PC: Hm. Something is.

LRH: Evolutionary line?

PC: No.

LRH: Overt act?

PC: No.

LRH: Overt act?

PC: No.

LRH: Kill a dame sometime or something?

PC: Nah.

LRH: Didn't, huh?

PC: Oh, I killed lots of dames but that ain't bothering me much.

LRH: Oh, I see. Worried about somebody you know?

PC: No.

LRH: Not worried about it?

PC: No sympathy.

LRH: No sympathy. Well, then, it might be B.E. that's in restimulation. By the way, did you get this eye on in the center of your head?

PC: Whew! I'm not going to touch that for a while. (laughter)

LRH: Ohhh.

PC: Listen, brother ... Man, I don't know... Boy, when you hit this thing, you really hit it, that's all.

LRH: What's the matter?

PC: What's the - what's the matter?

LRH: Which side was it?

PC: It was the middle.

LRH: The middle? Oh, hitting the middle was bad. Have you been able to get out of the middle since?

PC: I'm try - i can't get back in. Every time I start to get in, I get terrific somatics.

LRH: Aw, move into it.

PC: Oh, no! (laugh)

LRH: Aw, move into it.

PC: No, no.

LRH: You'll see that it's perfectly safe.

PC: Yeah?

LRH: Go on. Move into it. Shift over.

PC: Listen, I'm a - I have a home and a wife full of children. (laughter)

LRH: How about moving onto the right side, then?

PC: Ohhh, phoof!

LRH: Is that all right?

PC: What did you say?

LRH: How about moving over on the right side? Is that side good now?

PC: Whew I don't know. Let me see.

LRH: Right side comfortable?

PC: (sigh) Physical right side is, but ...

LRH: All right. Scan through the telephone conversation you had with me (laugh) about this on up to present time.

PC: Whew I did that twelve times already.

LRH: While you've been sitting there?

PC: No! That's where I - why I wasn't - l was late for the lecture.

LRH: Go on. Scan through it again.

PC: Every time I scan through it I want to cry. And I feel like crying for three or four days, and ...

LRH: That's bad, huh?

PC: No. It's just that every time I hit it I'm always out having coffee or right in front of an audience or so - in the worst place possible. And so I go home and I say, "Well, now I'11 get it out." And then I can't get in it, because when I start to get near it, somatics come in from the left side, so I get out of there. Then they come in on the right, and they're on the left and in front and they're everywhere. And it's hard to get into the thing.

LRH: You know what kind of a somatic it has with it, really?

PC: Whew! Well, I've got all kinds. I get a little one in the center of the forehead, but mostly - if I could just get that, I'd be happy.

LRH: Well, get it.

PC: Okay. I got it.

LRH: Yes or no: The rest of them trying to come off as locks all at once? (snap)

PC: Yeah!

LRH: Have you got a circuit that's keeping these somatics on? (snap)

PC: Hm, maybe. Don't think so.

LRH: Have you got a left or a right circuit that's keeping somatics on to protect themselves? (snap)

PC: Yeah. I mean ...

LRH: Is it the right side that's trying to keep the somatics on? (snap)

PC: No. Think it's got .

LRH: Is it the left side that's trying to turn somatics on? (snap)

PC: Yeah.

LRH: All right. Is the left side young or old?

PC: Mm, I don't know. Pretty ornery, must be kind of young.

LRH: Young? Pretty insouciant?

PC: Hm?

LRH: Is it a boy?

PC: Can boys be "insouciants"?

LRH: Yeah.

PC: That sounded like something only girls could be. I figure it must be a girl.

LRH: Now, which side's keeping them on? The right side?

PC: I don't - I don't know I haven't doped this out. They are - the biggest somatics are on the left side. And I haven't - I haven't decided whether I'm in the right and the left is a-calling me home, or I'm in the left and it's just raising hell in general.

LRH: Mm-hm. Well, you can trace this down, can't you?

PC: I'm afraid I can't.

LRH: All right. Which is the last valence you acquired?

PC: Whew! Valence?

LRH: Yeah. Which is the last one of these circuits that you acquired? (snap)

PC: Right.

LRH: The right one's the last one.

PC: Uh-huh.

LRH: Is that a girl? (snap)

PC: No.

LRH: Boy? (snap)

PC: Man.

LRH: I - how old? (snap)

PC: Thirty-fiue.

LRH: Thirty-five. Somebody you killed? (snap)

PC: Probable.

LRH: Probable. Who is it?

PC: Let's see.

LRH: Father?

PC: Maybe he's about thirty-two thirty.

LRH: Father?

PC: No.

LRH: Mother?

PC: Mm? (laugh) I resent that statement.

LRH: Father?

PC: No.

LRH: Some fellow you knew in this life?

PC: No.

LRH: Earlier life?

PC: You're getting warm.

LRH: Much earlier?

PC: Yeah.

LRH: Way back?

PC: I don't know, somewhere around the Crucifixion maybe.

LRH: Yeah? Bump off somebody there? Center - crash. Center.

PC: Are you calling me a sinner?

LRH: No, I was asking if this is the center. What sin did you regret about this time?

PC: Well, let's see ...

LRH: Crash.

PC: Sin.

LRH: Hm?

PC: I don't know.

LRH: What sin did you regret?

PC: Oh, "coward-ness". Probably.

LRH: Yeah?

PC: I don't know if that's listed as a sin, but that's what I figure - that I didn't follow through on something.

LRH: Didn't follow through?

PC: I got scared. Yeah.

LRH: Uh-huh. Then the right side is earlier - the latest, the last one?

PC: Yeah. Mm-hm.

LRH: Then the left side is earlier than that?

PC: Yeah.

LRH: All right. What did it do to make the right side?

PC: Well, she's a woman and he's a man.

LRH: Yeah.

PC: What would any side do to make the other side? I don't know Let's see.

LRH: That woman kill a man?

PC: Uh...

LRH: You ever jealous of this woman?

PC: I don't know, I figure she's jealous of me.

LRH: She's jealous of you.

PC: That's the egotistical way of looking at it. I look at it that way. That's what I'm thinking

LRH: I guess so. She doesn't like this to be found out?

PC: Hm?

LRH: You say this woman doesn't like this to be found out?

PC: No. She wouldn't think too much of all that.

LRH: Well, why don't you just scan backwards until you get back to the center of the eye and run the rest of the thing out?

PC: Whew?

LRH: Not here.

PC: Well, say so! (laugh)

LRH: All right.

PC: I'm getting very tractable.

LRH: Scan through the questioning and so forth I've given to people here. (pause) Scan through the questioning I've given people here.

PC: I didn't like that "warrant" business.

LRH: You didn't, huh?

PC: No.

LRH: You didn't?

PC: No!

LRH: What's ...

PC: N-O-E, no.

LRH: Are you supposed to report when you get a warrant?

PC: Yeah.

LRH: What'll happen if you don't?

PC: Well, they'll probably catch me anyway.

LRH: Yeah. How about your stomach somatic? Would it turn on if you didn't report?

PC: Mm, it didn't turn on then. Maybe I couldn't stomach it.

LRH: Yeah. All right, scan through this questioning.

PC: Whew! (pause) Whew!

LRH: That's twice.

PC: Whew!

LRH: Okay.

PC: Do I get a box of cigars or something? Whew! Now I got right side - that's the first right-side somatic that I'ue had. Is that good?

LRH: Sure.

PC: Okay. (pause) Whew!

LRH: Come on, your tone's rising. (pause) Getting there?

PC: Well, I can - I got my feet on the floor again.

LRH: Good. Let's go over it again.


LRH: Now let's get up to present time.

PC: (pause) I think I ran away back there.

LRH: Mm-hm.

PC: I made them come get me.

LRH: Yup, All right. Now, let's think of a very beautiful girl.

PC: Yeah.

LRH: Remember this show you were in?

PC: The show I was in. Yeah.

LRH: Yeah. With this beautiful girl in it.

PC: Which one?

LRH: Oh, that one.

PC: That one. All right.

LRH: You remember that one. Remember when she said something nice to you ?

PC: (pause) She did?

LRH: Well, let's find one where she did.

PC: I've been looking for that one. Let's see. I took a girl to a horror movie, and she screamed twice. Once at the movie. (audience laughter)

LRH: Oh, let's think of another one. (audience laughter)

PC: I like that one. That's... I got it.

LRH: Good.

PC: Yeah, we were smooching.

LRH: Good. Nice girl

PC: We necked and petted all through the show

LRH: Good.

PC: Then I found out we weren't sitting together. (audience laugher). But she said nice things.

LRH: Yeah?

PC: And her name was Betty.

LRH: Good.

PC: Wasn't bad.

LRH: Good.

PC: That was when I was sixteen. Is that all right?

LRH: I don't know. Was it?

PC: Wasn't bad. Like I said.

LRH: Okay. Remember the time you had that roll of bills?

PC: I was afraid you'd ask about that. Now, there must have been a time.

LRH: Must have been a time.

PC: Yeah.

LRH: Got them? What'd you do with them? Well, you should have...

PC: Well, I've still got the rubber band.

LRH: Remember all those neckties?

PC: Yeah. Now that's pretty clear.

LRH: Good. How does the silk feel in your hands?

PC: (sigh) Let's see. (pause) Feels better when there's something in it. Feels pretty good. I like that idea.

LRH: Mm-hm.

PC: (pause) Whew!

LRH: How would you like to be big and strong and powerful and calm and so forth?

PC: Pretty good.

LRH: Yeah?

PC: Yeah.

LRH: Good.

PC: Yeah. That's what I'm going to be.

LRH: You realize you can? Good.

PC: Sure.

LRH: Let's get him off the machine quick. (laugh) Thank you, Jack.

PC: Thank you.

LRH: Thank you very much, folks

(end of recording)