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A lecture given on 16 July 1963 A lecture given on 16 July 1963

Okay. This is Saint Hill Special Briefing Course, 16 July, 18 – AD 13. Thank you.

Okay. This is Saint Hill Special Briefing Course, 16 July, 18 – AD 13. Thank you.

All right. Now, I really ought to – I really ought to give you some good dope here today on the subject of auditing engrams and GPMs. And although I haven’t particularly organized this material or separated them out, there are a few things that you could profit by knowing in these two departments. This is a strange new world to a lot of people and actually is a stranger world to some old-time auditors than they think it is yet.

All right. Now, I really ought to – I really ought to give you some good dope here today on the subject of auditing engrams and GPMs. And although I haven’t particularly organized this material or separated them out, there are a few things that you could profit by knowing in these two departments. This is a strange new world to a lot of people and actually is a stranger world to some old-time auditors than they think it is yet.

Some people haven’t realized that we’ve made a tremendous forward start in the running of engrams, and they’re still staying with the idea of this, that and the other thing, and are doing strange and unexpected things in the middles of sessions and so forth, you know. And I know the impulse, because I myself can run into a block of some kind or another in the thing, and not be able to sort something out, and say, „All right, when I snap my fingers the item will flash!“ See. Sometimes it works. But it’s very upsetting to the pc.

Some people haven’t realized that we’ve made a tremendous forward start in the running of engrams, and they’re still staying with the idea of this, that and the other thing, and are doing strange and unexpected things in the middles of sessions and so forth, you know. And I know the impulse, because I myself can run into a block of some kind or another in the thing, and not be able to sort something out, and say, „All right, when I snap my fingers the item will flash!“ See. Sometimes it works. But it’s very upsetting to the pc.

Now, auditing here has stretched out into a very fine, neat package, where the whole track is concerned. You must realize that this doesn’t invalidate the auditing you know how to do, doesn’t invalidate yesterday’s auditing and so forth. Those techniques are themselves, they stay themselves and they’re still useful. As a matter of fact, in very short order you and other auditors in the world will be receiving a questionnaire from me on research. Not for testimonials, but research, to put together the whole field of healing. Anything that you have ever healed, with what. Or anything you’ve ever had cured on yourself, with what. Because the AMA has raised its ugly head, and the only way that you can really get in trouble in this universe is neglect an area of responsibility – And we’ve neglected that area of responsibility too long, and sure enough, it’s the only avenue through which we’re being attacked.

Now, auditing here has stretched out into a very fine, neat package, where the whole track is concerned. You must realize that this doesn’t invalidate the auditing you know how to do, doesn’t invalidate yesterday’s auditing and so forth. Those techniques are themselves, they stay themselves and they’re still useful. As a matter of fact, in very short order you and other auditors in the world will be receiving a questionnaire from me on research. Not for testimonials, but research, to put together the whole field of healing. Anything that you have ever healed, with what. Or anything you’ve ever had cured on yourself, with what. Because the AMA has raised its ugly head, and the only way that you can really get in trouble in this universe is neglect an area of responsibility – And we’ve neglected that area of responsibility too long, and sure enough, it’s the only avenue through which we’re being attacked.

There’s a comedy team called Keaton – you remember Buster Keaton and Fields – you remember W.C. Fields, you know? Well this isn’t the same pair of comedians but this fellow Keaton at the AMA, and this fellow Field at the AMA are the sole authors of bad publicity for Scientology in the world. We have finally walked them carefully down, and we’re looking right down the throats of a couple of mangy polecats.

There’s a comedy team called Keaton – you remember Buster Keaton and Fields – you remember W.C. Fields, you know? Well this isn’t the same pair of comedians but this fellow Keaton at the AMA, and this fellow Field at the AMA are the sole authors of bad publicity for Scientology in the world. We have finally walked them carefully down, and we’re looking right down the throats of a couple of mangy polecats.

Now, I know I could be sued for this because I have inferred they were human beings. And I could be sued for it by the human race. But the point – the point I’m making is we’ve neglected that zone of responsibility and we can heal things and so forth. And without immediately stating that all auditors are in the field of healing, I think it would be a very good idea to gather all the materials of healing and publish them in a popular book as A Process a Day Keeps the Doctor Away.

Now, I know I could be sued for this because I have inferred they were human beings. And I could be sued for it by the human race. But the point – the point I’m making is we’ve neglected that zone of responsibility and we can heal things and so forth. And without immediately stating that all auditors are in the field of healing, I think it would be a very good idea to gather all the materials of healing and publish them in a popular book as A Process a Day Keeps the Doctor Away.

So we have a tremendous amount of valid material in the past and this is not discounted. As a matter of fact, if you wanted to make somebody very, very happy that you grabbed in off the streets, totally raw meat, why, just do some of the old 2-12, 2-12A, something like that. And they get fantastic results. „What is this stuff?“ you know, and so forth. On the other hand, it does not particularly land them on the high road to running GPMs, finding goals and doing other things, that it should do. And on the other hand, if you carry it forward and do too much of it on a pc without departing on to the whole track, you can get the fellow in the soup.

So we have a tremendous amount of valid material in the past and this is not discounted. As a matter of fact, if you wanted to make somebody very, very happy that you grabbed in off the streets, totally raw meat, why, just do some of the old 2-12, 2-12A, something like that. And they get fantastic results. „What is this stuff?“ you know, and so forth. On the other hand, it does not particularly land them on the high road to running GPMs, finding goals and doing other things, that it should do. And on the other hand, if you carry it forward and do too much of it on a pc without departing on to the whole track, you can get the fellow in the soup.

It has to be classified as a limited process. And as long as you remember that it’s a limited process and you don’t do more than four oppositions on one item or something like this – get one RI and do two or three oppositions on it, see, anything you get. And be happy, you see. Be happy. Leave it alone after that, you see. You’ve shot your bolt as far as this pc is concerned on 2-12. But you’ve done some remarkable things to him. You might very well have brought him out of a great deal of insanity and upset and worries of one kind or another. And remember, he doesn’t have – you’re different than he is – he doesn’t have your breadth of comprehension of the situation. He doesn’t have any forward look to attainable states. He doesn’t have a lot of things. And he thinks that if he could just get this pain in his rib shifted – it doesn’t even have to be gone, see – but if it would just shift a little bit, why, he’s made remarkable progress. Or it isn’t any longer in his rib, then that’s fine, see. That’s marvelous. That’s marvelous. You’re a wizard.

It has to be classified as a limited process. And as long as you remember that it’s a limited process and you don’t do more than four oppositions on one item or something like this – get one RI and do two or three oppositions on it, see, anything you get. And be happy, you see. Be happy. Leave it alone after that, you see. You’ve shot your bolt as far as this pc is concerned on 2-12. But you’ve done some remarkable things to him. You might very well have brought him out of a great deal of insanity and upset and worries of one kind or another. And remember, he doesn’t have – you’re different than he is – he doesn’t have your breadth of comprehension of the situation. He doesn’t have any forward look to attainable states. He doesn’t have a lot of things. And he thinks that if he could just get this pain in his rib shifted – it doesn’t even have to be gone, see – but if it would just shift a little bit, why, he’s made remarkable progress. Or it isn’t any longer in his rib, then that’s fine, see. That’s marvelous. That’s marvelous. You’re a wizard.

Well now, when you – when you deal with these low-level attainments and apply Scientology to obtain these low-level attainments, you see, such as, „Well, I’m not so mad at my daughter now.“ You know, that’s fine. He’s worried about the fact that he gets angry at the child and so forth, and you’ve done something about that. Why, he becomes very happy with auditing. And you’re dealing – you’re dealing definitely in a humanoid level of expectancy. A character is beaten down by his experience on the whole track and he realizes that nothing good can possibly happen in the universe. And when a tiny, little goodness occurs, and so forth, it’s almost too good to be true, don’t you see, and he can hardly have it at all and it’s very miraculous that this occurred.

Well now, when you – when you deal with these low-level attainments and apply Scientology to obtain these low-level attainments, you see, such as, „Well, I’m not so mad at my daughter now.“ You know, that’s fine. He’s worried about the fact that he gets angry at the child and so forth, and you’ve done something about that. Why, he becomes very happy with auditing. And you’re dealing – you’re dealing definitely in a humanoid level of expectancy. A character is beaten down by his experience on the whole track and he realizes that nothing good can possibly happen in the universe. And when a tiny, little goodness occurs, and so forth, it’s almost too good to be true, don’t you see, and he can hardly have it at all and it’s very miraculous that this occurred.

Now let’s take a look at that as a very low level of expectancy. Very low level of attainment. Now let’s move over into an entirely different zone and area. And let’s move over into the zone of clearing, Clears and OTs, see.

Now let’s take a look at that as a very low level of expectancy. Very low level of attainment. Now let’s move over into an entirely different zone and area. And let’s move over into the zone of clearing, Clears and OTs, see.

Ah, well, now here’s an entirely different zone of expectancy. And this is so tremendously beyond the humanoid reach that if you were to just talk to – well, if you were to talk to people about OTs and try to hand this out to them and so forth, they wouldn’t think you were mad because they would they would try to do something about it. They would try to tell you this was awfully dangerous, they would try to sort of try to key you in. They would go into a nyaaah state. And they would try to ridicule you, while believing you, you see. And all kinds of weird mental currents would set up. Because you’ve struck at the very core of their own basic unrest and you have stimulated bypassed charge, see? Promptly.

Ah, well, now here’s an entirely different zone of expectancy. And this is so tremendously beyond the humanoid reach that if you were to just talk to – well, if you were to talk to people about OTs and try to hand this out to them and so forth, they wouldn’t think you were mad because they would they would try to do something about it. They would try to tell you this was awfully dangerous, they would try to sort of try to key you in. They would go into a nyaaah state. And they would try to ridicule you, while believing you, you see. And all kinds of weird mental currents would set up. Because you’ve struck at the very core of their own basic unrest and you have stimulated bypassed charge, see? Promptly.

And they can be very cross with you. Now, these are your approaches.

And they can be very cross with you. Now, these are your approaches.

And in all auditing – now there is a rule – there is a rule, now, in all auditing – is don’t stir up more charge than you can handle. Now that’s a rule in auditing. Now, if you apply that rule to any process you run or any programming you do on a case, you will always have happy pcs. And that is the monitoring factor in programming which says which process you run. But you can take the processes which lead to OT and you can misuse these things by disobeying that rule.

And in all auditing – now there is a rule – there is a rule, now, in all auditing – is don’t stir up more charge than you can handle. Now that’s a rule in auditing. Now, if you apply that rule to any process you run or any programming you do on a case, you will always have happy pcs. And that is the monitoring factor in programming which says which process you run. But you can take the processes which lead to OT and you can misuse these things by disobeying that rule.

Now, the worse off a case is, the more you walk on eggs. In other words the less you stir up. The worse off the case, the less you want to stir up. You got it? See, this is subsidiary to this other rule. Don’t stir up any more charge than you can handle. And the subsidiary rule to that, that fits right below it is, the worse off the case, why, the more careful you have to be.

Now, the worse off a case is, the more you walk on eggs. In other words the less you stir up. The worse off the case, the less you want to stir up. You got it? See, this is subsidiary to this other rule. Don’t stir up any more charge than you can handle. And the subsidiary rule to that, that fits right below it is, the worse off the case, why, the more careful you have to be.

Now, this goes directly in the teeth of a Q and A. Here is a homicidal maniac, screaming around and walking on the walls, you see. So the Q and A of past – ha! – torture sciences, mental sciences of yesteryear, the kind that really get the appropriation, are a Q and A. A desperate cure for a desperate state. Now, the Effect Scale goes directly in reverse. The more desperate the state, the more featherweight the cure. Got that? Now that’s dictated sensibly by the Effect Scale, because the person cannot have much of an effect. See, they cannot receive much of an effect. So you have to featherweight the effect. And the more desperate condition the person is in, why, the more featherweight your approach should be. You yourself should get a good reality on this. You’ve got this boy who’s tough, you know, he’s tough! Going to chew you to pieces, you know? And yeah, he’s going to – rowl! And so on and so on. You better not talk to him that way, you know, this kind of a character. And I’m talking now practically institutional type action, you see. And you say, „Hello.“ [LRH whispers „hello“]

Now, this goes directly in the teeth of a Q and A. Here is a homicidal maniac, screaming around and walking on the walls, you see. So the Q and A of past – ha! – torture sciences, mental sciences of yesteryear, the kind that really get the appropriation, are a Q and A. A desperate cure for a desperate state. Now, the Effect Scale goes directly in reverse. The more desperate the state, the more featherweight the cure. Got that? Now that’s dictated sensibly by the Effect Scale, because the person cannot have much of an effect. See, they cannot receive much of an effect. So you have to featherweight the effect. And the more desperate condition the person is in, why, the more featherweight your approach should be. You yourself should get a good reality on this. You’ve got this boy who’s tough, you know, he’s tough! Going to chew you to pieces, you know? And yeah, he’s going to – rowl! And so on and so on. You better not talk to him that way, you know, this kind of a character. And I’m talking now practically institutional type action, you see. And you say, „Hello.“ [LRH whispers „hello“]

God, you might have shot him with a bullet, you know? And he’ll look at you, he’ll puzzle this out, he’ll consider that. Whereas actually, you probably could take a megaphone and scream at – at uncounted numbers of decibels and he’d never receive it. He might spin in, but he’d never receive it. You get this? Now, that old Effect Scale is terribly important when applied to processing. If you want to get an effect on a pc, then the worse off the pc, the lighter the process.

God, you might have shot him with a bullet, you know? And he’ll look at you, he’ll puzzle this out, he’ll consider that. Whereas actually, you probably could take a megaphone and scream at – at uncounted numbers of decibels and he’d never receive it. He might spin in, but he’d never receive it. You get this? Now, that old Effect Scale is terribly important when applied to processing. If you want to get an effect on a pc, then the worse off the pc, the lighter the process.

Now, we’ve already turned loose some technology now in the preliminary assessment step, which takes R3R and lowers the level on which it will be effective. Now, that bypasses the ordinary defenses of the mind. And that means that when you do an assessment, the rule I’ve just given you of don’t kick up more charge than you can handle, flagrantly and definitely applies when you are using R3R on a case at level 7, 6 or 5. This person does not easily run engrams. You have actually forced this person into the only tiny, little channel, by an assessment, that the person can find some reality on the time track on. Oh, yes, they can run engrams on that little, tiny, narrow channel. That’s quite remarkable. The development of the process has been on this basis: that in all cases there is some little, tiny channel that can be approached and on which you will not find dub-in. Understand?

Now, we’ve already turned loose some technology now in the preliminary assessment step, which takes R3R and lowers the level on which it will be effective. Now, that bypasses the ordinary defenses of the mind. And that means that when you do an assessment, the rule I’ve just given you of don’t kick up more charge than you can handle, flagrantly and definitely applies when you are using R3R on a case at level 7, 6 or 5. This person does not easily run engrams. You have actually forced this person into the only tiny, little channel, by an assessment, that the person can find some reality on the time track on. Oh, yes, they can run engrams on that little, tiny, narrow channel. That’s quite remarkable. The development of the process has been on this basis: that in all cases there is some little, tiny channel that can be approached and on which you will not find dub-in. Understand?

Now, you take a case level 3 – you can enter the case on almost any assessment that you dream up. You’ll find sonic, visio; you can run any engram you think of, anyplace on any chain. Now, on that case also you could misdate, you could misduration, you could abandon chains, you could skip around like a cat on a stove and you’re not going to damage the case any.

Now, you take a case level 3 – you can enter the case on almost any assessment that you dream up. You’ll find sonic, visio; you can run any engram you think of, anyplace on any chain. Now, on that case also you could misdate, you could misduration, you could abandon chains, you could skip around like a cat on a stove and you’re not going to damage the case any.

Now, let’s compare this to a case level 6. Dub-in of dub. Now, instead of looking at the wide Atlantic, which you can travel across at any direction you care to, you are now looking at a barge canal, which is one-sixteenth of an inch wider than the barge you’re trying to get through it. And which is very curvaceous, and which is full of roots, mud, sandbanks and old stoves. And somehow or another you can navigate it with R3R.

Now, let’s compare this to a case level 6. Dub-in of dub. Now, instead of looking at the wide Atlantic, which you can travel across at any direction you care to, you are now looking at a barge canal, which is one-sixteenth of an inch wider than the barge you’re trying to get through it. And which is very curvaceous, and which is full of roots, mud, sandbanks and old stoves. And somehow or another you can navigate it with R3R.

Now, it’s a good thing that channel exists. On that channel there is no dub-in of dub, there is no dub-in and actually, if you’ve got the correct date and the correct duration, you will have visio and you will have perception. Now, do you see this as a narrowing aspect of case? Level 3, oh! Take any kind of a motorboat, ship, sailing ship, head it in any direction and you will be able to make the other side. Down to this narrow, tortuous, difficult passage. And that’s quite remarkable. But because you can do this gives you a certain responsibility. If you’ve got a barge-canal case and you’re just able to push things through, boy, that case really has to be carefully handled. Really carefully, carefully handled on this rule – don’t stir up more charge than you can handle. Because remember, you won’t be able to handle any of the charge you stir up off that barge canal. You won’t be able to handle any of it at all, with anything. There will be no process which knocks it back into place. Now, do you get the idea?

Now, it’s a good thing that channel exists. On that channel there is no dub-in of dub, there is no dub-in and actually, if you’ve got the correct date and the correct duration, you will have visio and you will have perception. Now, do you see this as a narrowing aspect of case? Level 3, oh! Take any kind of a motorboat, ship, sailing ship, head it in any direction and you will be able to make the other side. Down to this narrow, tortuous, difficult passage. And that’s quite remarkable. But because you can do this gives you a certain responsibility. If you’ve got a barge-canal case and you’re just able to push things through, boy, that case really has to be carefully handled. Really carefully, carefully handled on this rule – don’t stir up more charge than you can handle. Because remember, you won’t be able to handle any of the charge you stir up off that barge canal. You won’t be able to handle any of it at all, with anything. There will be no process which knocks it back into place. Now, do you get the idea?

So, man, you navigate that one on tiptoe, carefully. You don’t suddenly go crashing back there. Bang, bang, bang. You don’t expect this chain is going to survive, either. Now, the lower the level of the case, the less incidents you will find per preliminary step. One, two, three and that’s about it. Or one. One incident. That’s your chain. And after that – after that, your level and your item don’t read.

So, man, you navigate that one on tiptoe, carefully. You don’t suddenly go crashing back there. Bang, bang, bang. You don’t expect this chain is going to survive, either. Now, the lower the level of the case, the less incidents you will find per preliminary step. One, two, three and that’s about it. Or one. One incident. That’s your chain. And after that – after that, your level and your item don’t read.

Now, if your level and item – you’ve run one engram, and that was yesterday, and you ran it with full sonic and visio, and it was dropping a fork at breakfast. And with tremendous relief and case gain and tone arm motion, you erased it. And the name of the chain was, „frightened of having trouble at the table.“

Now, if your level and item – you’ve run one engram, and that was yesterday, and you ran it with full sonic and visio, and it was dropping a fork at breakfast. And with tremendous relief and case gain and tone arm motion, you erased it. And the name of the chain was, „frightened of having trouble at the table.“

Now, you mock it up in your head – you’re going to go back there to childhood. You’re going to go back there to the days of cannibalism. You’re going to go back there to the sacrificial altars of the Aztec civilization. You’re going to have a ball, see. No, no. It’s an incident of dropping a fork at the table and feeling embarrassed. And you ran it and you erased it.

Now, you mock it up in your head – you’re going to go back there to childhood. You’re going to go back there to the days of cannibalism. You’re going to go back there to the sacrificial altars of the Aztec civilization. You’re going to have a ball, see. No, no. It’s an incident of dropping a fork at the table and feeling embarrassed. And you ran it and you erased it.

Now, you can almost diagnose this on the basis of the wilder they sound on the assessment – the weirder they sound on the assessment, the more offbeat on the assessment, the narrower the channel and the less incidents will be on it. Perfectly all right to have, „not wanting to be upset about my Aunt Mary.“ And the chain is two engrams long. Being spanked by Aunt Mary and hiding Aunt Mary’s pills. That’s that. Now, after you’ve got this chain, after you’ve run an incident – now this is part of your R3R, see – after you’ve run an incident, test your level. Does it read? Pc had any cognition about it? If it doesn’t read and pc’s had some kind of a cognition about it, you can’t get any response out of this level, this is not the time to go back and find an incident eight hundred trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion years ago, of destroying the physical universe – because Aunt Mary might be in it. Because, listen: Having stirred up that charge, you won’t be able to handle it.

Now, you can almost diagnose this on the basis of the wilder they sound on the assessment – the weirder they sound on the assessment, the more offbeat on the assessment, the narrower the channel and the less incidents will be on it. Perfectly all right to have, „not wanting to be upset about my Aunt Mary.“ And the chain is two engrams long. Being spanked by Aunt Mary and hiding Aunt Mary’s pills. That’s that. Now, after you’ve got this chain, after you’ve run an incident – now this is part of your R3R, see – after you’ve run an incident, test your level. Does it read? Pc had any cognition about it? If it doesn’t read and pc’s had some kind of a cognition about it, you can’t get any response out of this level, this is not the time to go back and find an incident eight hundred trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion years ago, of destroying the physical universe – because Aunt Mary might be in it. Because, listen: Having stirred up that charge, you won’t be able to handle it.

It doesn’t necessarily mean that these charges are all close up to PT. You’ll be very surprised sometime to take a case that’s got one incident to run, there’s one incident and that finishes the chain you have assessed so painfully; and that incident lies at eighty-five trillion trillion years ago. And the incident is two and a half days in duration, and you ran it and flattened it, and the pc had a bit of a cognition, and the level won’t read anymore and the item level question doesn’t read – that’s it? You ask for any more incidents on this chain, you get no read. Well, this is not the time to roll up your sleeve and start sweating to find an imaginary incident by ARC breaking the pc so that he will read on protest when you say „incident.“ See, that’s no time to be a knucklehead. See, pc’s real happy they’ve run this incident – doesn’t matter where it was, you understand – they’ve run this incident, maybe two incidents, maybe three incidents, something like that. The tone arm action suddenly ceases. Your tone arm goes up there at five. Now what? Now what do we do?

It doesn’t necessarily mean that these charges are all close up to PT. You’ll be very surprised sometime to take a case that’s got one incident to run, there’s one incident and that finishes the chain you have assessed so painfully; and that incident lies at eighty-five trillion trillion years ago. And the incident is two and a half days in duration, and you ran it and flattened it, and the pc had a bit of a cognition, and the level won’t read anymore and the item level question doesn’t read – that’s it? You ask for any more incidents on this chain, you get no read. Well, this is not the time to roll up your sleeve and start sweating to find an imaginary incident by ARC breaking the pc so that he will read on protest when you say „incident.“ See, that’s no time to be a knucklehead. See, pc’s real happy they’ve run this incident – doesn’t matter where it was, you understand – they’ve run this incident, maybe two incidents, maybe three incidents, something like that. The tone arm action suddenly ceases. Your tone arm goes up there at five. Now what? Now what do we do?

Well, we had better find, if we flattened the incident, if there was a GPM in the incident, if we had the right date, and the right duration. If our assessment was right. And if all of those things, squared around, still don’t remedy this TA at four and a half or whatever it is, you’ve got another assessment coming up, right now. You’ve had your chain.

Well, we had better find, if we flattened the incident, if there was a GPM in the incident, if we had the right date, and the right duration. If our assessment was right. And if all of those things, squared around, still don’t remedy this TA at four and a half or whatever it is, you’ve got another assessment coming up, right now. You’ve had your chain.

Now, of course you’re thinking basically on the theoretical. Of course, the theoretical as aimed at a 4 or a 3 case level. That theoretical is very simple. The chain ought to run back to basic, and basic ought to be quite a ways back and when you run basic then the later incidents vanish and so forth. All these mechanics are true of the lower case levels.

Now, of course you’re thinking basically on the theoretical. Of course, the theoretical as aimed at a 4 or a 3 case level. That theoretical is very simple. The chain ought to run back to basic, and basic ought to be quite a ways back and when you run basic then the later incidents vanish and so forth. All these mechanics are true of the lower case levels.

Now, a misassessment, even on a higher case level is liable to give you a dead end or cul-de-sac; it behaves in the same way. And you straighten it out, consider that you’ve run the basic on it and unload. Get out of there. You’re trying to flatten the chain. And the clue to it is tone arm action. It’s not number of incidents, it’s not how basic-basic looks, it’s not this, it’s not that, it’s not the other thing. None of these things. None of these things at all. It’s, did you run the tone arm action out of it, and to find out if you’ve run the tone arm action out of something, you then have to find out, make sure, that the tone arm action didn’t cease because of one of three things: Wrong date, wrong duration, had a GPM in it. Tone arm action ceased, all right. If the date’s right, if the duration’s right, there’s no GPM in it or if there was it was flattened, and the tone arm is still high and your tone arm action has ceased, then that chain’s flat. No other criteria.

Now, a misassessment, even on a higher case level is liable to give you a dead end or cul-de-sac; it behaves in the same way. And you straighten it out, consider that you’ve run the basic on it and unload. Get out of there. You’re trying to flatten the chain. And the clue to it is tone arm action. It’s not number of incidents, it’s not how basic-basic looks, it’s not this, it’s not that, it’s not the other thing. None of these things. None of these things at all. It’s, did you run the tone arm action out of it, and to find out if you’ve run the tone arm action out of something, you then have to find out, make sure, that the tone arm action didn’t cease because of one of three things: Wrong date, wrong duration, had a GPM in it. Tone arm action ceased, all right. If the date’s right, if the duration’s right, there’s no GPM in it or if there was it was flattened, and the tone arm is still high and your tone arm action has ceased, then that chain’s flat. No other criteria.

You don’t have to think yourself to death, trying to figure out is a chain flat. Now let’s say you’ve had five incidents. The way to verify a flattened chain is to make sure that all of the dates you have found were the correct dates, all the durations you’ve found are the correct durations, the level no longer reads and there’s no tone arm action; and one other thing is, you don’t get any reaction on asking for another type of incident. Which of course is the same thing as checking your level item. And that’s a flattened chain. And that’s the only criteria there is to a flattened chain. There is no other criteria at all. I consider that elementary. That’s very elementary. And it happens to be very sweepingly true!

You don’t have to think yourself to death, trying to figure out is a chain flat. Now let’s say you’ve had five incidents. The way to verify a flattened chain is to make sure that all of the dates you have found were the correct dates, all the durations you’ve found are the correct durations, the level no longer reads and there’s no tone arm action; and one other thing is, you don’t get any reaction on asking for another type of incident. Which of course is the same thing as checking your level item. And that’s a flattened chain. And that’s the only criteria there is to a flattened chain. There is no other criteria at all. I consider that elementary. That’s very elementary. And it happens to be very sweepingly true!

If you go into this more positively and more analytically, you can say, „Tone arm action ceased,“ as opposed to „No tone arm action.“ Well, „Tone arm action ceased“ implies there has been some tone arm action. Well, if you haven’t had anything that you could call tone arm action – you know, you only had an eighth of a division or something like that of shift; when the pc threw the cans down you got an eighth of a division shift, something like this – then you assume these things. That tone arm action wasn’t present. Wrong assessment, which consists of wrong level or wrong item; wrong date or wrong duration. Or you collided head-on with a GPM and were too knuckleheaded to ask if it was one. And you’ve been trying to scan this poor pc through double-firing items. And that will make a tone arm go up and stick every time.

If you go into this more positively and more analytically, you can say, „Tone arm action ceased,“ as opposed to „No tone arm action.“ Well, „Tone arm action ceased“ implies there has been some tone arm action. Well, if you haven’t had anything that you could call tone arm action – you know, you only had an eighth of a division or something like that of shift; when the pc threw the cans down you got an eighth of a division shift, something like this – then you assume these things. That tone arm action wasn’t present. Wrong assessment, which consists of wrong level or wrong item; wrong date or wrong duration. Or you collided head-on with a GPM and were too knuckleheaded to ask if it was one. And you’ve been trying to scan this poor pc through double-firing items. And that will make a tone arm go up and stick every time.

And that’s the extent of it. You frankly can’t ARC break a pc hard enough to cause a cessation of tone arm action. Isn’t that interesting? Actually, an auditor auditing a pc – you know, the auditor as a pc, then becoming a pc – cannot have become sufficiently keyed-in or ARC broke enough to have stopped tone arm action. I think that’s an interesting thing to know. I’ve seen a lot of this. In other words, tone arm action doesn’t stop for other reasons. Tone arm action won’t even stop because of an ARC break.

And that’s the extent of it. You frankly can’t ARC break a pc hard enough to cause a cessation of tone arm action. Isn’t that interesting? Actually, an auditor auditing a pc – you know, the auditor as a pc, then becoming a pc – cannot have become sufficiently keyed-in or ARC broke enough to have stopped tone arm action. I think that’s an interesting thing to know. I’ve seen a lot of this. In other words, tone arm action doesn’t stop for other reasons. Tone arm action won’t even stop because of an ARC break.

Now, I have seen tone arm action stop by trying to run the pattern of the Helatrobus Implants in the Gorilla Implants. But what is that? That breaks down to a wrong date, doesn’t it? And I’ve seen tone arm action come to a sudden and horrendous halt at 5.0.

Now, I have seen tone arm action stop by trying to run the pattern of the Helatrobus Implants in the Gorilla Implants. But what is that? That breaks down to a wrong date, doesn’t it? And I’ve seen tone arm action come to a sudden and horrendous halt at 5.0.

You get down to the level of where the goal appears as an oppterm in the Helatrobus Implant pattern and I’ve seen the tone arm go straight up to 5.0 – bang. From very good tone arm action. Just stop, right there. Up to that time, why, there was enough charge on the GPM to actually run that wrong a line plot. Your 17 April 63 bulletin, the line plot it gives goes waaaay back. And a lot of those goals reappear in the Helatrobus Implants. And if you’ve got a wrong date and you’ve actually got an earlier goals series, you’ve got a different pattern.

You get down to the level of where the goal appears as an oppterm in the Helatrobus Implant pattern and I’ve seen the tone arm go straight up to 5.0 – bang. From very good tone arm action. Just stop, right there. Up to that time, why, there was enough charge on the GPM to actually run that wrong a line plot. Your 17 April 63 bulletin, the line plot it gives goes waaaay back. And a lot of those goals reappear in the Helatrobus Implants. And if you’ve got a wrong date and you’ve actually got an earlier goals series, you’ve got a different pattern.

Well, you mistake the date. You mistake the date. You say, well, you get there, you’re so sure it’s a Helatrobus Implant – it’s „to be alone,“ you see, or something like that. You’re sure it’s a Helatrobus Implant, so you date it, cross-eyed fashion, and you get forty-three trillion years ago. You say, „Ha, obviously it’s a Helatrobus Implant,“ so you get this, „‘To be alone,’ all right, let’s get the top oppterm…“ Funny enough, the thing will run. It’ll run pair after pair. You get some little fire off of them, some kind of fire, the pc is kind of nattery and ARC breaky, you have to scream at the pc every once in a while to get them to random list, or something like this, to get something. You can work at it awfully hard, you know. And you’re getting down the line here, and you may not find it out until you get the goal as an oppterm. All of a sudden your tone arm will go zzzzzuuu – clank! You can almost hear it settle on 5.0 or something like that. There’s now going to be no RR, there’s not going to be anything.

Well, you mistake the date. You mistake the date. You say, well, you get there, you’re so sure it’s a Helatrobus Implant – it’s „to be alone,“ you see, or something like that. You’re sure it’s a Helatrobus Implant, so you date it, cross-eyed fashion, and you get forty-three trillion years ago. You say, „Ha, obviously it’s a Helatrobus Implant,“ so you get this, „‘To be alone,’ all right, let’s get the top oppterm…“ Funny enough, the thing will run. It’ll run pair after pair. You get some little fire off of them, some kind of fire, the pc is kind of nattery and ARC breaky, you have to scream at the pc every once in a while to get them to random list, or something like this, to get something. You can work at it awfully hard, you know. And you’re getting down the line here, and you may not find it out until you get the goal as an oppterm. All of a sudden your tone arm will go zzzzzuuu – clank! You can almost hear it settle on 5.0 or something like that. There’s now going to be no RR, there’s not going to be anything.

And you say, „What do I do?“ Well, this is not the time to turn in your thetan. This is a time to look for wrong date, wrong duration, whether or not GPM existed in the incident, see. Now if – if during this entire month, I could only beat, persuade, whisper, cajole these two data – I mean, this – these two data at you, and get you to accept them, I would consider it a very well-spent month. Very well spent. And that is the worse off the case is, the easier you take it. And a high tone arm in running the track results from wrong assessment, wrong date, wrong duration or a GPM present where you suspected none. I’ve actually said the lot, you understand? Any other data that I can now give you is actually so junior to these screaming truths, you see, that it’s something like, „There is the sun,“ don’t you see. And now somebody brings out a small flashlight, which you get at the dime store and turns it on, and says, „Now, do you see the difference? You see that this light is the same as sunlight, and it is as bright as sunlight.“ This would be an outright lie, don’t you see? This is big stuff that I’m giving you. These two departments are the only departments that are going to get you into any real trouble. And they’re going to get you into plenty of trouble if you don’t know these things.

And you say, „What do I do?“ Well, this is not the time to turn in your thetan. This is a time to look for wrong date, wrong duration, whether or not GPM existed in the incident, see. Now if – if during this entire month, I could only beat, persuade, whisper, cajole these two data – I mean, this – these two data at you, and get you to accept them, I would consider it a very well-spent month. Very well spent. And that is the worse off the case is, the easier you take it. And a high tone arm in running the track results from wrong assessment, wrong date, wrong duration or a GPM present where you suspected none. I’ve actually said the lot, you understand? Any other data that I can now give you is actually so junior to these screaming truths, you see, that it’s something like, „There is the sun,“ don’t you see. And now somebody brings out a small flashlight, which you get at the dime store and turns it on, and says, „Now, do you see the difference? You see that this light is the same as sunlight, and it is as bright as sunlight.“ This would be an outright lie, don’t you see? This is big stuff that I’m giving you. These two departments are the only departments that are going to get you into any real trouble. And they’re going to get you into plenty of trouble if you don’t know these things.

Let me give you an idea: You’re running this person, and so help me Pete, they’ve had an enormous win. They’ve run this engram out at eight trillion years ago. And it’s an engram of being executed in some weird way. It’ll – pardon me, that’s too simple. It’ll be, if it’s this kind of a case – you can tell the kind of a case because the more – the worse off a case is, the more outrageous the assessments look to you. The weirder the assessments look. This guy – this guy for instance, has – he is – you can’t find him on the Prehav Scale, you see, you have to do your own. And so on, and you finally get „leery,“ see, l – e – e – r – y, as the level. And then you get the item, „Leery of chocolate served at 2 o’clock in the morning in Sweden.“ You can absolutely count on the fact that you’ve got a case level 7.

Let me give you an idea: You’re running this person, and so help me Pete, they’ve had an enormous win. They’ve run this engram out at eight trillion years ago. And it’s an engram of being executed in some weird way. It’ll – pardon me, that’s too simple. It’ll be, if it’s this kind of a case – you can tell the kind of a case because the more – the worse off a case is, the more outrageous the assessments look to you. The weirder the assessments look. This guy – this guy for instance, has – he is – you can’t find him on the Prehav Scale, you see, you have to do your own. And so on, and you finally get „leery,“ see, l – e – e – r – y, as the level. And then you get the item, „Leery of chocolate served at 2 o’clock in the morning in Sweden.“ You can absolutely count on the fact that you’ve got a case level 7.

Well, look at the finite time, subject matter, see? It’s even got the location in it – it must spot it down on time track so there can’t be more than one or two incidents on this subject, you understand? But it doesn’t mean that they’re necessarily present time. Don’t get the idea fixed in your head that because a pc’s having a hard time to run, or is having a hard time running, that they only run in modern time, see. Now comes the dangerous part of it.

Well, look at the finite time, subject matter, see? It’s even got the location in it – it must spot it down on time track so there can’t be more than one or two incidents on this subject, you understand? But it doesn’t mean that they’re necessarily present time. Don’t get the idea fixed in your head that because a pc’s having a hard time to run, or is having a hard time running, that they only run in modern time, see. Now comes the dangerous part of it.

You do your ordinary magnitude of how long ago this incident is and you turn up something that has horrendous magnitude. See, it’s long time ago; and you find this incident and you run this incident and that’s it. The incident flattens and so forth. And it has some esoteric aspect, see, like, „Leery of stepping on cat’s tails.“ And the incident took place a hundred billion trillion years ago. And we find some witchcraft society or something, as we would suspect, don’t you see? And it’s something involved and fantastic – or very ordinary, but there it is, and we clean it up and we have some tone arm action while we’re cleaning it up, see. And we don’t have any tone arm action, tone arm isn’t free or anything, see. But we just don’t have any more tone arm action and we can’t – bang – find another incident just like that, don’t you see. The dating on it, oh, man! – If you did find another incident it would just be, „Is it more than a trillion years ago? I have to repeat that, that was equivocal. More than a trillion years ago? Sorry. Turn this thing up to 128. Is it more than a trillion years go? Yeah. Is it less – less than a hundred trillion years ago? Well, I didn’t get any read there.“ When you find yourself doing that kind of dating, you’re mixed up with GPMs, which of course are timeless; that’s one of the things, but you’re also off the heavy reading chain of the individual. And that you’re goi – you could get tone arm action going on with this, don’t you see. But it’s a hard fight all the way. You’ve already gone by a lot of charge and so forth. In running a case level 3, you can do this very easily. You can get – you can get a tremendous quantity of charge bypassed.

You do your ordinary magnitude of how long ago this incident is and you turn up something that has horrendous magnitude. See, it’s long time ago; and you find this incident and you run this incident and that’s it. The incident flattens and so forth. And it has some esoteric aspect, see, like, „Leery of stepping on cat’s tails.“ And the incident took place a hundred billion trillion years ago. And we find some witchcraft society or something, as we would suspect, don’t you see? And it’s something involved and fantastic – or very ordinary, but there it is, and we clean it up and we have some tone arm action while we’re cleaning it up, see. And we don’t have any tone arm action, tone arm isn’t free or anything, see. But we just don’t have any more tone arm action and we can’t – bang – find another incident just like that, don’t you see. The dating on it, oh, man! – If you did find another incident it would just be, „Is it more than a trillion years ago? I have to repeat that, that was equivocal. More than a trillion years ago? Sorry. Turn this thing up to 128. Is it more than a trillion years go? Yeah. Is it less – less than a hundred trillion years ago? Well, I didn’t get any read there.“ When you find yourself doing that kind of dating, you’re mixed up with GPMs, which of course are timeless; that’s one of the things, but you’re also off the heavy reading chain of the individual. And that you’re goi – you could get tone arm action going on with this, don’t you see. But it’s a hard fight all the way. You’ve already gone by a lot of charge and so forth. In running a case level 3, you can do this very easily. You can get – you can get a tremendous quantity of charge bypassed.

Case is still making progress, see, case is still sweating it out. You’re having ARC breaks and that sort of thing, but the case is still pressing on and so forth and your dating just becomes very microscopic. It’s huuh. So there’s tremendous opportunity to make wrong dates. Well, you’ve just gone too far up chains without cutting any of the unburdening charge off, see. You’ve gone by and by and by. And it won’t be a secret that you’ve gone by things. Don’t interpret that, that it’s a secret. It’s neither unknown to you or the pc. You have just passed by eighteen series trying to get to the first series of these GPMs, see. Well, don’t blame yourself if you find your meter very difficult to read at that point. Why is it so difficult to read? One, you’re handling GPMs and they are timeless and so are very hard to date anyway, and the other is you’ve left so much charge on the confounded thing, you’ve bypassed so much in the interest of economy of auditing time, that you’ve actually built yourself up a big problem.

Case is still making progress, see, case is still sweating it out. You’re having ARC breaks and that sort of thing, but the case is still pressing on and so forth and your dating just becomes very microscopic. It’s huuh. So there’s tremendous opportunity to make wrong dates. Well, you’ve just gone too far up chains without cutting any of the unburdening charge off, see. You’ve gone by and by and by. And it won’t be a secret that you’ve gone by things. Don’t interpret that, that it’s a secret. It’s neither unknown to you or the pc. You have just passed by eighteen series trying to get to the first series of these GPMs, see. Well, don’t blame yourself if you find your meter very difficult to read at that point. Why is it so difficult to read? One, you’re handling GPMs and they are timeless and so are very hard to date anyway, and the other is you’ve left so much charge on the confounded thing, you’ve bypassed so much in the interest of economy of auditing time, that you’ve actually built yourself up a big problem.

And that problem is, is the pc can probably get to it, the pc can probably run it, but the pc is staying in it just about the way a marble would do if put down on the top of a sphere. He just feels that way. He „Vauh! Heuh!“ Don’t – nobody breathe in the session and he’ll be able to hold his position on the time track, see. If you breathe out of the wrong nostril, bang! You’ll bypass some charge, don’t you see. And this is queasy stuff, see. Well, you’re already running somebody that is – is being pressed too hard. Well, there’s no particular reason why you shouldn’t, on a case level 3 or somebody that doesn’t have too much trouble. I’m not saying you mustn’t do it, on your upper-level cases, but by God, you do it on your lower-level cases and you will be in trouble you will never get the pc out of You understand me?

And that problem is, is the pc can probably get to it, the pc can probably run it, but the pc is staying in it just about the way a marble would do if put down on the top of a sphere. He just feels that way. He „Vauh! Heuh!“ Don’t – nobody breathe in the session and he’ll be able to hold his position on the time track, see. If you breathe out of the wrong nostril, bang! You’ll bypass some charge, don’t you see. And this is queasy stuff, see. Well, you’re already running somebody that is – is being pressed too hard. Well, there’s no particular reason why you shouldn’t, on a case level 3 or somebody that doesn’t have too much trouble. I’m not saying you mustn’t do it, on your upper-level cases, but by God, you do it on your lower-level cases and you will be in trouble you will never get the pc out of You understand me?

So you see, if it can happen in cases that run well and easily – and a good test of the case, does it run easily, does he RR all over the place? Do you get three or four RRs, nice, great big crashing RRs, bang, bang, bang, bang, off a GPM item, see? That case is running like a flying bird, see. Next item, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, see. Next item, bong, bong, see. Case is running poorly, or off-chain, or misassessed or something like that – „All right, give me the next item.“

So you see, if it can happen in cases that run well and easily – and a good test of the case, does it run easily, does he RR all over the place? Do you get three or four RRs, nice, great big crashing RRs, bang, bang, bang, bang, off a GPM item, see? That case is running like a flying bird, see. Next item, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, see. Next item, bong, bong, see. Case is running poorly, or off-chain, or misassessed or something like that – „All right, give me the next item.“

„Absolutably implanted.“

„Absolutably implanted.“

„Well, let’s see, give me some variations on the item. All right. Anything there been suppressed? Well, let’s random list this for a little while. Ah, there’s the RR! Ha, ha. Half a dial. Whew. Made it. All right, repeat the item. All right, give me the next item.“

„Well, let’s see, give me some variations on the item. All right. Anything there been suppressed? Well, let’s random list this for a little while. Ah, there’s the RR! Ha, ha. Half a dial. Whew. Made it. All right, repeat the item. All right, give me the next item.“

Case is running implants that way, boy, watch out. That’s all I’ve got to say. You watch out what charge you stir up on that case without doing anything about it. You watch it! First place, you haven’t got the case running in the area of the track the case can run, there’s a lot of things wrong with this.

Case is running implants that way, boy, watch out. That’s all I’ve got to say. You watch out what charge you stir up on that case without doing anything about it. You watch it! First place, you haven’t got the case running in the area of the track the case can run, there’s a lot of things wrong with this.

Now, of course, you say to somebody arbitrarily, run the goal „to forget“ out of the Helatrobus Implants and to hell with the assessment or anything else, all right. So he can run it and they make it by the skin of their teeth and so forth, and it isn’t RRing well and they have an awful time getting the next goal and so forth. Case is still making progress. Case is still making progress.

Now, of course, you say to somebody arbitrarily, run the goal „to forget“ out of the Helatrobus Implants and to hell with the assessment or anything else, all right. So he can run it and they make it by the skin of their teeth and so forth, and it isn’t RRing well and they have an awful time getting the next goal and so forth. Case is still making progress. Case is still making progress.

Now, you assess the case, you’re liable to find it’s another area that is hot on this case, see. There is a case running badly by gross assessment. See why? Heavy gross assessment. You’ve seen all this. All right. Now that you’ve got a preliminary step, there’s another way to find GPMs. Did you know that most of your preliminary steps, on a case that’s at all advanced, on a case level 4 or 3, your preliminary steps lead inevitably to a GPM. In fact, the preliminary step is about the fastest way to find a goal you ever heard of. Marvelous method of finding a goal. You get „afraid of“ or something like that as your level, you see. „Afraid of other people.“ And, something like that. And everything that this guy – everything this guy’s saying the next session is rocket reading. He says, „Well I had lunch,“ – rocket read. You’ll see this occasionally.

Now, you assess the case, you’re liable to find it’s another area that is hot on this case, see. There is a case running badly by gross assessment. See why? Heavy gross assessment. You’ve seen all this. All right. Now that you’ve got a preliminary step, there’s another way to find GPMs. Did you know that most of your preliminary steps, on a case that’s at all advanced, on a case level 4 or 3, your preliminary steps lead inevitably to a GPM. In fact, the preliminary step is about the fastest way to find a goal you ever heard of. Marvelous method of finding a goal. You get „afraid of“ or something like that as your level, you see. „Afraid of other people.“ And, something like that. And everything that this guy – everything this guy’s saying the next session is rocket reading. He says, „Well I had lunch,“ – rocket read. You’ll see this occasionally.

You just do it, just routinely – you’re not looking for a GPM and you just date this thing back and you all of a sudden find yourself with the goal „to be alone.“ What else? And there it is and you say, „Does this thing contain a GPM?“ I don’t know why you’d say that, but you do – and… All right, let’s talk about the way of running these later, the interchangeability of this – I’ll mention this in a moment. But you get the items out of the thing and so forth, and that level is flatter than a flounder. Gone. Doesn’t read now. Get the idea? It’ll take it back to the goal, which is ready to be run. All too many times. See, that’s in a case that isn’t running badly at all. They go back to it; and some cases that are running rather difficulty. They go sailing right straight back to a certain series of implants and run a specific goal out of a chain. When you get back there, you’ve got your choice. Are you going to do that whole series, or are you just going to kick out there? It’ll very greatly depend on the kind of – the difficulty you had running the case.

You just do it, just routinely – you’re not looking for a GPM and you just date this thing back and you all of a sudden find yourself with the goal „to be alone.“ What else? And there it is and you say, „Does this thing contain a GPM?“ I don’t know why you’d say that, but you do – and… All right, let’s talk about the way of running these later, the interchangeability of this – I’ll mention this in a moment. But you get the items out of the thing and so forth, and that level is flatter than a flounder. Gone. Doesn’t read now. Get the idea? It’ll take it back to the goal, which is ready to be run. All too many times. See, that’s in a case that isn’t running badly at all. They go back to it; and some cases that are running rather difficulty. They go sailing right straight back to a certain series of implants and run a specific goal out of a chain. When you get back there, you’ve got your choice. Are you going to do that whole series, or are you just going to kick out there? It’ll very greatly depend on the kind of – the difficulty you had running the case.

If the case was running very easily, you’d amputate the whole series right there. The devil with it. So, it was „to be alone,“ well, the adjacent ones are probably just as important. And so, just run it all the way through and back. Get the first goal of the series to the last goal of the series and just cut that section of time track, right there – bang. But if this case was having a very hard time in running, I’m afraid we would just stay with the assessment.

If the case was running very easily, you’d amputate the whole series right there. The devil with it. So, it was „to be alone,“ well, the adjacent ones are probably just as important. And so, just run it all the way through and back. Get the first goal of the series to the last goal of the series and just cut that section of time track, right there – bang. But if this case was having a very hard time in running, I’m afraid we would just stay with the assessment.

And we now test it. We say, „All right, ‘fear of being together with other people,’“ you know. No read. That’s it. Tone arm action has disappeared, everything else. Do a new assessment. You’re liable to find yourself with another goal somewhere. Handiest little goal finder you ever heard of in your life happens to be that. If a goal is ready to be run, and if it is a goal necessary to resolve the case, the preliminary step of R3R will find that goal without you doing anything about it at all. All you do is do the ordinary preliminary step. You get the assessment, ask for the first incident to be run on it. Well, maybe you find the first incident and you run that and that’s all fine and you ask the next incident to be run and bang, you’re sitting right in the middle of a GPM. That was it. That’s the one. And you run it and you maybe can find another one. That’s an earlier GPM. Same GPM. Repeated earlier. Run it out again. Find out if there’s another one. You can’t get anything to read, let’s get a new assessment. See how you tackle the thing.

And we now test it. We say, „All right, ‘fear of being together with other people,’“ you know. No read. That’s it. Tone arm action has disappeared, everything else. Do a new assessment. You’re liable to find yourself with another goal somewhere. Handiest little goal finder you ever heard of in your life happens to be that. If a goal is ready to be run, and if it is a goal necessary to resolve the case, the preliminary step of R3R will find that goal without you doing anything about it at all. All you do is do the ordinary preliminary step. You get the assessment, ask for the first incident to be run on it. Well, maybe you find the first incident and you run that and that’s all fine and you ask the next incident to be run and bang, you’re sitting right in the middle of a GPM. That was it. That’s the one. And you run it and you maybe can find another one. That’s an earlier GPM. Same GPM. Repeated earlier. Run it out again. Find out if there’s another one. You can’t get anything to read, let’s get a new assessment. See how you tackle the thing.

You can be far more complicated. Far, far, far more complicated, in auditing, on these upper-level processes. You can just work yourself into a fit. And then you’ll drop it back to some idiotic simplicity.

You can be far more complicated. Far, far, far more complicated, in auditing, on these upper-level processes. You can just work yourself into a fit. And then you’ll drop it back to some idiotic simplicity.

The reason you’re having trouble running a case and the reason a case ARC breaks and all of that sort of thing all comes down to wrong assessment, wrong date, wrong duration, or a GPM in the incident you’re trying to run. And it’s as simple as that. Simple as that. And you can catalog the case out.

The reason you’re having trouble running a case and the reason a case ARC breaks and all of that sort of thing all comes down to wrong assessment, wrong date, wrong duration, or a GPM in the incident you’re trying to run. And it’s as simple as that. Simple as that. And you can catalog the case out.

Now, you understand that wrong assessment includes something – running something that hasn’t been assessed, see. So that makes a wrong assessment. Now, let’s say you were able to run out two incidents – you were able to run out a couple of incidents; that’s fine. The level no longer reads particularly, so forth. And then you go chasing down the track to somewhere else. Just for the hell of it, one way or the other, you decide to see if there’s an earlier incident. And the pc protests – you’re trying to find an earlier incident or something, so you start getting reads. In other words, you’re being awful complicated. You weren’t happy to have flattened the chain, now you’re going to find some more on this chain. In other words, you’re now, from that point on, running on a wrong assessment. Because you flattened the assessment you’ve got. And they sometimes flatten with the most fantastic rapidity. Sometimes they run a long time, session after session after session after session after session. If the case is doing pretty well, they will. The case that isn’t doing well, they run very briefly.

Now, you understand that wrong assessment includes something – running something that hasn’t been assessed, see. So that makes a wrong assessment. Now, let’s say you were able to run out two incidents – you were able to run out a couple of incidents; that’s fine. The level no longer reads particularly, so forth. And then you go chasing down the track to somewhere else. Just for the hell of it, one way or the other, you decide to see if there’s an earlier incident. And the pc protests – you’re trying to find an earlier incident or something, so you start getting reads. In other words, you’re being awful complicated. You weren’t happy to have flattened the chain, now you’re going to find some more on this chain. In other words, you’re now, from that point on, running on a wrong assessment. Because you flattened the assessment you’ve got. And they sometimes flatten with the most fantastic rapidity. Sometimes they run a long time, session after session after session after session after session. If the case is doing pretty well, they will. The case that isn’t doing well, they run very briefly.

You almost spend twice as much time assessing in the early stages of a case as you do auditing engrams. Doesn’t take any time to run the engram after you’ve got it assessed. Pc ran it like a startled bird. There was nothing to it. It assessed back to a goal in the Bear Implants, of all places. That’s where you landed: „To postulate.“ And you ran it and boy, you just never saw such RRs. Flying tone arm, and everything is going down, you finish up with that, and complete the thing, and that’s it. Level is flat, tone arm action rather tamed down, nothing left on the thing.

You almost spend twice as much time assessing in the early stages of a case as you do auditing engrams. Doesn’t take any time to run the engram after you’ve got it assessed. Pc ran it like a startled bird. There was nothing to it. It assessed back to a goal in the Bear Implants, of all places. That’s where you landed: „To postulate.“ And you ran it and boy, you just never saw such RRs. Flying tone arm, and everything is going down, you finish up with that, and complete the thing, and that’s it. Level is flat, tone arm action rather tamed down, nothing left on the thing.

Now you decide to see if you can’t find an earlier mention of „postulate.“ Oh, blow your brains out, man, it’s much less painful. In other words, you’ve exceeded – you’ve exceeded your assessment. So you’re now running on a wrong assessment. And the worse off a case is, the more deadly this action is.

Now you decide to see if you can’t find an earlier mention of „postulate.“ Oh, blow your brains out, man, it’s much less painful. In other words, you’ve exceeded – you’ve exceeded your assessment. So you’re now running on a wrong assessment. And the worse off a case is, the more deadly this action is.

You run a case level 3, you wouldn’t even think there’s any deadliness to it at all. You can run all over the confounded track, don’t you see. But you take somebody that you verrry, verrry carefully had to run and you flattened the level the pc was on and you got rid of the GPM and you got everything all squared around and everything was fine and all was well… You shouldn’t repeat that goal „to postulate“ – it’s pretty early. Anyway, you got all the way back to whatever you got and that was the end of the chain.

You run a case level 3, you wouldn’t even think there’s any deadliness to it at all. You can run all over the confounded track, don’t you see. But you take somebody that you verrry, verrry carefully had to run and you flattened the level the pc was on and you got rid of the GPM and you got everything all squared around and everything was fine and all was well… You shouldn’t repeat that goal „to postulate“ – it’s pretty early. Anyway, you got all the way back to whatever you got and that was the end of the chain.

Now, it never occurs to you to test the level. Look at your TA to find out if it’s going to run. And you run two engrams further with no TA action, no gain of case, tremendous difficulty in dating, fantastic difficulty in getting the right duration. Well, my God, you have enough trouble getting the right duration, without trying to get the duration of a chain that isn’t available to be run. From there on, you see, you’re just manufacturing trouble for yourself. And there’s more and more and more trouble.

Now, it never occurs to you to test the level. Look at your TA to find out if it’s going to run. And you run two engrams further with no TA action, no gain of case, tremendous difficulty in dating, fantastic difficulty in getting the right duration. Well, my God, you have enough trouble getting the right duration, without trying to get the duration of a chain that isn’t available to be run. From there on, you see, you’re just manufacturing trouble for yourself. And there’s more and more and more trouble.

Now, you see in the first place you’re trying to shoot the moon. Well, the moon, the devil – you’re trying to shoot this universe with the pc, as far as this. Of course you know, you can – you can do other things with these routines on a run-of-the-mill pc. In fact, that’s very fine. This pc’s got sciatica, and you want to do something about their sciatica or something like that, you run these processes. You’ll see something very interesting. You’ll see their sciatica disappear one chain later or something like that. Then have enough sense to get out of it, because his level was sciatica. He doesn’t have any desire of attainment beyond this particular point. And although he will swing around into it, he can get awfully drowned trying to readjust his sights.

Now, you see in the first place you’re trying to shoot the moon. Well, the moon, the devil – you’re trying to shoot this universe with the pc, as far as this. Of course you know, you can – you can do other things with these routines on a run-of-the-mill pc. In fact, that’s very fine. This pc’s got sciatica, and you want to do something about their sciatica or something like that, you run these processes. You’ll see something very interesting. You’ll see their sciatica disappear one chain later or something like that. Then have enough sense to get out of it, because his level was sciatica. He doesn’t have any desire of attainment beyond this particular point. And although he will swing around into it, he can get awfully drowned trying to readjust his sights.

Maybe he’s trying awfully hard to be normal. And you tell him you’re going to make superman out of him, see. I’ m afraid this is not very agreeable. He knows that’s dangerous. Well, you’re just running bypassed charge like crazy, you see?

Maybe he’s trying awfully hard to be normal. And you tell him you’re going to make superman out of him, see. I’ m afraid this is not very agreeable. He knows that’s dangerous. Well, you’re just running bypassed charge like crazy, you see?

So that doesn’t say that you shouldn’t run GPMs and R3R on cases that want only limited gains, but it’s saying you can use them to attain limited gains. Remember there, particularly it applies when you flatten the chain, consider you flattened the chain. Don’t go ramming on around all over the place and boomity-bang, up one side and down the other, tearing all over the track and getting the chain going, and it’s still hotter than a pistol and abandoning it, and going on to something else.

So that doesn’t say that you shouldn’t run GPMs and R3R on cases that want only limited gains, but it’s saying you can use them to attain limited gains. Remember there, particularly it applies when you flatten the chain, consider you flattened the chain. Don’t go ramming on around all over the place and boomity-bang, up one side and down the other, tearing all over the track and getting the chain going, and it’s still hotter than a pistol and abandoning it, and going on to something else.

Well, all this is all nonsense to handle a case in that particular fashion. But the worse off a case is, why, the more it moves from nonsense to murder. Case is in real rough shape. Can’t run very much. Why, man, you’re muddying up that one little, tiny, silver thread that you could get through the mess. And it has to be done accordingly. And the pc says, „Oh, I think there’s a bunch of stuff here, at a hundred skillion billion quadrillion years. Yes, I heard this date; it’s times ten to the nth is the proper date and so forth, and we really ought to run that, because that’s very interesting, I’m sure. Because I was God then, and I…“

Well, all this is all nonsense to handle a case in that particular fashion. But the worse off a case is, why, the more it moves from nonsense to murder. Case is in real rough shape. Can’t run very much. Why, man, you’re muddying up that one little, tiny, silver thread that you could get through the mess. And it has to be done accordingly. And the pc says, „Oh, I think there’s a bunch of stuff here, at a hundred skillion billion quadrillion years. Yes, I heard this date; it’s times ten to the nth is the proper date and so forth, and we really ought to run that, because that’s very interesting, I’m sure. Because I was God then, and I…“

There’s one question you should ask. Is it on your assessed chain? It’s perfectly all right for you to indicate it, or date it for the pc or something like that, but even that gets very queasy. Because they don’t date or duration well. And you just added an ample opportunity to make a wrong date and wrong duration, haven’t you? So I’m afraid I’d sit and listen to all that, and give him a cheery aye, aye. And I’d follow it carefully. And when I wasn’t getting tone arm action on the chain, when I wasn’t easily able to ask the question and get a response: „All right, is there another incident on this chain?“ and we get no reaction, and so forth, well, I’m afraid that I would not run the risk.

There’s one question you should ask. Is it on your assessed chain? It’s perfectly all right for you to indicate it, or date it for the pc or something like that, but even that gets very queasy. Because they don’t date or duration well. And you just added an ample opportunity to make a wrong date and wrong duration, haven’t you? So I’m afraid I’d sit and listen to all that, and give him a cheery aye, aye. And I’d follow it carefully. And when I wasn’t getting tone arm action on the chain, when I wasn’t easily able to ask the question and get a response: „All right, is there another incident on this chain?“ and we get no reaction, and so forth, well, I’m afraid that I would not run the risk.

Oh, if this pc could run everything like – from one end of the track to the other, with only a mild level of agony or something like that, but your meter was reading; you had no trouble getting TA action and so forth and he said, „There’s an incident sitting back here at eighty skrillion skrillion brillion years,“ and so forth, „and I’m looking straight at it and it has something to do with the chain that we were running, but I don’t think it has very much. And I’d like to run this.“ I’m afraid I might be very guilty of Q and Aing with him and let him run it. I might not do anything more than that, you understand, because I know it isn’t going to damage him. It isn’t going to spoil his case; it isn’t going to upset anything.

Oh, if this pc could run everything like – from one end of the track to the other, with only a mild level of agony or something like that, but your meter was reading; you had no trouble getting TA action and so forth and he said, „There’s an incident sitting back here at eighty skrillion skrillion brillion years,“ and so forth, „and I’m looking straight at it and it has something to do with the chain that we were running, but I don’t think it has very much. And I’d like to run this.“ I’m afraid I might be very guilty of Q and Aing with him and let him run it. I might not do anything more than that, you understand, because I know it isn’t going to damage him. It isn’t going to spoil his case; it isn’t going to upset anything.

But little girl I’m auditing, trying to get over her blind staggers that she gets every once in a while, and she has an awful lot of trouble sitting in session or holding the cans or has an awful lot of trouble concentrating, and difficult – doesn’t answer auditing questions well, tone arm action’s sort of minimal – and probably ought to be on the CCHs anyway. I’m running an engram on this character and I’ve got a chain and I’ve flattened this chain; I can’t get any response from the level or the item now. Person starts giving me a big sales talk about being the princess Zazu, in the lower Archipelagian peninsula eight lives ago, I’m afraid I would give them an awful cheery aye, aye and assess a new chain. I just would not take the chance. I just wouldn’t take the chance, that’s all.

But little girl I’m auditing, trying to get over her blind staggers that she gets every once in a while, and she has an awful lot of trouble sitting in session or holding the cans or has an awful lot of trouble concentrating, and difficult – doesn’t answer auditing questions well, tone arm action’s sort of minimal – and probably ought to be on the CCHs anyway. I’m running an engram on this character and I’ve got a chain and I’ve flattened this chain; I can’t get any response from the level or the item now. Person starts giving me a big sales talk about being the princess Zazu, in the lower Archipelagian peninsula eight lives ago, I’m afraid I would give them an awful cheery aye, aye and assess a new chain. I just would not take the chance. I just wouldn’t take the chance, that’s all.

And when I can’t find an incident easily and I can’t find a duration easily, then I’m very careful to get the proper date of what I am looking for, even though it’s impossible, you understand? And I’m awfully careful to get the right duration to what I’m looking for, all the time cursing to myself that I ever asked the ruddy question in the first place. See, I’ve got an incident half-found, and I can’t really date it, can’t really duration. I know now what’s happened. I haven’t departed from the chain. No, there’s no esoteric, weird or strange or exotic reasons. The chain is flat. I am looking in a completely clean ballpark for a nonexistent baseball. There’s none there. And that’s why I’m having a lot of trouble.

And when I can’t find an incident easily and I can’t find a duration easily, then I’m very careful to get the proper date of what I am looking for, even though it’s impossible, you understand? And I’m awfully careful to get the right duration to what I’m looking for, all the time cursing to myself that I ever asked the ruddy question in the first place. See, I’ve got an incident half-found, and I can’t really date it, can’t really duration. I know now what’s happened. I haven’t departed from the chain. No, there’s no esoteric, weird or strange or exotic reasons. The chain is flat. I am looking in a completely clean ballpark for a nonexistent baseball. There’s none there. And that’s why I’m having a lot of trouble.

I can get vaguely associated things, see? Vaguely connected things. Very tiny connections. Yeah, I can get them to read, I can make a meter talk, I can get the pc interested, and I can get him restimulated, I can run something of the sort. But inevitably, after I’ve gone to all this work and so forth, my tone arm continues to sit there at four and a half and doesn’t move and I shouldn’t have been there in the first place.

I can get vaguely associated things, see? Vaguely connected things. Very tiny connections. Yeah, I can get them to read, I can make a meter talk, I can get the pc interested, and I can get him restimulated, I can run something of the sort. But inevitably, after I’ve gone to all this work and so forth, my tone arm continues to sit there at four and a half and doesn’t move and I shouldn’t have been there in the first place.

The way you create work for yourself as an auditor is doing things you shouldn’t be doing. And if you persist in this course, you will be a very hard-worked, worried auditor. I can guarantee that the labor that you will go to is utter slavery. You’re always doing things that you shouldn’t have been doing in the first place, then you will always have things to do that nobody can do. And you just cut yourself out the most cluttered-up career you ever heard of.

The way you create work for yourself as an auditor is doing things you shouldn’t be doing. And if you persist in this course, you will be a very hard-worked, worried auditor. I can guarantee that the labor that you will go to is utter slavery. You’re always doing things that you shouldn’t have been doing in the first place, then you will always have things to do that nobody can do. And you just cut yourself out the most cluttered-up career you ever heard of.

Now, when you’re shooting anything like R3R, 3N, you’re shooting the whole track. And brother, that is the whole track. Now, there’s good news on this: I actually was able to attain a period on the whole track for a half an hour or something like this, where there was a total cutout of all mass of all GPMs which followed after. In other words, I did a complete thing. I was sitting there for about half an hour or something like that, with no GPM mass of any kind whatsoever. That’s rather fantastic in that there’s several thousand GPMs, see.

Now, when you’re shooting anything like R3R, 3N, you’re shooting the whole track. And brother, that is the whole track. Now, there’s good news on this: I actually was able to attain a period on the whole track for a half an hour or something like this, where there was a total cutout of all mass of all GPMs which followed after. In other words, I did a complete thing. I was sitting there for about half an hour or something like that, with no GPM mass of any kind whatsoever. That’s rather fantastic in that there’s several thousand GPMs, see.

We had a wrong date and a wrong duration and I skidded on the track shortly after that. We got a wrong date and a wrong duration on something or other, accidentally, by mixing 3N and R3R. Now, in the middle of 3N, you give an R3R command, I can tell you that it is dynamite. These are two separate processes. And the commands of 3N are quite different from the commands of R3R, but the two processes mix. They mix. This isn’t – it sounds to me like I ran into a catastrophe. I didn’t run into any catastrophe, I’m just saying I slid back down the track after a while. But it was a rather remarkable feeling to have no GPM mass of any kind whatsoever, you know, and all you had to do was put your foot against the back of your head, and if you gave a push you’d probably not only knock your body through the wall in front of you, you – see, but you’d probably knock down the wall back of you. I’ve had some interesting experiences recently as a pc exterior, or cleared up along certain channels. These are quite interesting experiences. Rather rough on this body, but I’m not worried about that. Mock myself up another one shortly.

We had a wrong date and a wrong duration and I skidded on the track shortly after that. We got a wrong date and a wrong duration on something or other, accidentally, by mixing 3N and R3R. Now, in the middle of 3N, you give an R3R command, I can tell you that it is dynamite. These are two separate processes. And the commands of 3N are quite different from the commands of R3R, but the two processes mix. They mix. This isn’t – it sounds to me like I ran into a catastrophe. I didn’t run into any catastrophe, I’m just saying I slid back down the track after a while. But it was a rather remarkable feeling to have no GPM mass of any kind whatsoever, you know, and all you had to do was put your foot against the back of your head, and if you gave a push you’d probably not only knock your body through the wall in front of you, you – see, but you’d probably knock down the wall back of you. I’ve had some interesting experiences recently as a pc exterior, or cleared up along certain channels. These are quite interesting experiences. Rather rough on this body, but I’m not worried about that. Mock myself up another one shortly.

Anyway, the point I’m making here is that there is a point on the track, unbelievable though it may seem, where you can actually get back of and find the basic of all GPMs. I’ve hit that point. I haven’t got it so I can hold it steady, because there’s too many GPMs following it. But by discharging those GPMs which have been bypassed and straightened up and so forth and getting those things shucked off… Got there, by the way, by keying out. I found a little trick method of keying out whole GPMs. When I approached the area and I could hear the distant firing of items, why, I just ran those distant firing of items and it keyed off that, see, so therefore I had the earlier GPM. And then I’d pick out of it the distant firing of items, the moment when I would first approach the area and could hear those items firing, I’d say, „Oh, it’s this again.“ And the very fact that I was saying, „again“ keyed me up to the point that I already had an incident on it. So, you see, I’d find in that incident the distant firing of items.

Anyway, the point I’m making here is that there is a point on the track, unbelievable though it may seem, where you can actually get back of and find the basic of all GPMs. I’ve hit that point. I haven’t got it so I can hold it steady, because there’s too many GPMs following it. But by discharging those GPMs which have been bypassed and straightened up and so forth and getting those things shucked off… Got there, by the way, by keying out. I found a little trick method of keying out whole GPMs. When I approached the area and I could hear the distant firing of items, why, I just ran those distant firing of items and it keyed off that, see, so therefore I had the earlier GPM. And then I’d pick out of it the distant firing of items, the moment when I would first approach the area and could hear those items firing, I’d say, „Oh, it’s this again.“ And the very fact that I was saying, „again“ keyed me up to the point that I already had an incident on it. So, you see, I’d find in that incident the distant firing of items.

All of a sudden found myself sitting at the beginning of all GPMs. And then, of course, having reached it in that illegal fashion, don’t consider it strange that about half an hour later with a slight – just a slight auditing error, why, the roof fell in. But it’s easy to get back there again; there’s nothing to that. All we got to do is discharge some of those things that I carefully keyed out. Very trick method. I’ve had an awful time recently working out the most vicious series of GPMs on the track. And they’re way back. And they’ve got an invisible picture – they’ve got five pictures, but one of the pictures is – the first one is invisible. So that you get twenty items firing at you; there are four different items, they fire twenty times. The group of four fires five times as a group which gives you twenty RIs. And then you get twenty RIs with picture one, twenty RIs – same ones – with picture two, twenty RIs with picture three, twenty RIs with picture four, twenty RIs with picture five, you see. Very simple. There’s no goal connected with them. Back earlier than when somebody dreamed up the idea of goal, see. And just – they’re just opposing items in dichotomy. Positive, negative and a dichotomy, see, like “wake“ and „sleep,“ see. „Wake – never wake, sleep – never sleep.“ That makes you a dichotomy, don’t you see, but also makes you a positive – negative. Nice package.

All of a sudden found myself sitting at the beginning of all GPMs. And then, of course, having reached it in that illegal fashion, don’t consider it strange that about half an hour later with a slight – just a slight auditing error, why, the roof fell in. But it’s easy to get back there again; there’s nothing to that. All we got to do is discharge some of those things that I carefully keyed out. Very trick method. I’ve had an awful time recently working out the most vicious series of GPMs on the track. And they’re way back. And they’ve got an invisible picture – they’ve got five pictures, but one of the pictures is – the first one is invisible. So that you get twenty items firing at you; there are four different items, they fire twenty times. The group of four fires five times as a group which gives you twenty RIs. And then you get twenty RIs with picture one, twenty RIs – same ones – with picture two, twenty RIs with picture three, twenty RIs with picture four, twenty RIs with picture five, you see. Very simple. There’s no goal connected with them. Back earlier than when somebody dreamed up the idea of goal, see. And just – they’re just opposing items in dichotomy. Positive, negative and a dichotomy, see, like “wake“ and „sleep,“ see. „Wake – never wake, sleep – never sleep.“ That makes you a dichotomy, don’t you see, but also makes you a positive – negative. Nice package.

Well, that fires five times in a row for each picture. This thing was driving me batty; I just couldn’t figure this thing out. And I had – ran into myself on the track trying to figure this out. And I had given up. Ages and ages ago I had given up trying to figure this thing out. I just finally went smack, smacked them all together and hoped I wouldn’t be bothered with it, you know? And then got caught in the mass of the smack.

Well, that fires five times in a row for each picture. This thing was driving me batty; I just couldn’t figure this thing out. And I had – ran into myself on the track trying to figure this out. And I had given up. Ages and ages ago I had given up trying to figure this thing out. I just finally went smack, smacked them all together and hoped I wouldn’t be bothered with it, you know? And then got caught in the mass of the smack.

Anyway, this took us two sessions to get these things unwound. And we had to run enough of them and get them enough discharged and so forth. And I finally got the thing unwound. And the first picture’s invisible! It’s a picture, but it’s a picture of invisibility. So of course, you always afterwards tried to put a picture there. And there are twenty firing items that could never be run. And you could think you could run it out, don’t you see, but you can’t run it out because the first picture is always missing. And that’s the basic on it, so the rest of the fires are therefore reinforced by the presence of the basic and they won’t discharge either, they’ll just charge up again. It makes a vacuum. You try to put pictures there and your whole bank starts pouring into this and this is why a GPM afterwards tends to accumulate pictures. Even a simple GPM tries to accumulate pictures after that. Because you get in the habit of it.

Anyway, this took us two sessions to get these things unwound. And we had to run enough of them and get them enough discharged and so forth. And I finally got the thing unwound. And the first picture’s invisible! It’s a picture, but it’s a picture of invisibility. So of course, you always afterwards tried to put a picture there. And there are twenty firing items that could never be run. And you could think you could run it out, don’t you see, but you can’t run it out because the first picture is always missing. And that’s the basic on it, so the rest of the fires are therefore reinforced by the presence of the basic and they won’t discharge either, they’ll just charge up again. It makes a vacuum. You try to put pictures there and your whole bank starts pouring into this and this is why a GPM afterwards tends to accumulate pictures. Even a simple GPM tries to accumulate pictures after that. Because you get in the habit of it.

You’ve got this missing picture. „What’s there,“ see? „What’s there?“ And you just get pictures, pictures, pictures, pictures. Bah! Went through about two sessions trying to unsnarl this thing. Finally, oh, my God, of course! It’s an invisible picture! That was it. Followed by four very nice pictures, you see. And the trick is – and the reason the GPMs wouldn’t discharge fully – is because of those twenty RIs sitting in front of that invisible picture, right up to the front of the parade, see. If you can’t get the basic off the items, why, what can you do? And I finally couldn’t figure out which is the first pair. How do you get the first two firings? Because all the rest of them are supported on these two firings. On each new goal c – or each new GPM combination, see.

You’ve got this missing picture. „What’s there,“ see? „What’s there?“ And you just get pictures, pictures, pictures, pictures. Bah! Went through about two sessions trying to unsnarl this thing. Finally, oh, my God, of course! It’s an invisible picture! That was it. Followed by four very nice pictures, you see. And the trick is – and the reason the GPMs wouldn’t discharge fully – is because of those twenty RIs sitting in front of that invisible picture, right up to the front of the parade, see. If you can’t get the basic off the items, why, what can you do? And I finally couldn’t figure out which is the first pair. How do you get the first two firings? Because all the rest of them are supported on these two firings. On each new goal c – or each new GPM combination, see.

And I finally found that there was a click in the floor occurred as they stopped you to get the business. In other words, there was a little dog on the track, so when they moved you into position for the first picture, you got that click. See? And I could perceive the click, and I’d get the instant of the click, and then of course, give the first two and then the next two, very rapidly. And move myself back and move up to the click, see, and then get the first and second two. All of a sudden the whole lot fell apart. Got basic off of it by reason of the fact that there was an additional different sound, invisible picture or no invisible picture. There was just that tiny difference outstanding. So you could find the first two items. Very rough. Very rough.

And I finally found that there was a click in the floor occurred as they stopped you to get the business. In other words, there was a little dog on the track, so when they moved you into position for the first picture, you got that click. See? And I could perceive the click, and I’d get the instant of the click, and then of course, give the first two and then the next two, very rapidly. And move myself back and move up to the click, see, and then get the first and second two. All of a sudden the whole lot fell apart. Got basic off of it by reason of the fact that there was an additional different sound, invisible picture or no invisible picture. There was just that tiny difference outstanding. So you could find the first two items. Very rough. Very rough.

You’ve heard about vacuums, well, this is the vacuum. That was the vacuum. And that’s – holds the whole bank together, and I could see my bank shred way out, a light-year or two, you see, just start going off in shreds. Pieces of it could suddenly no longer support themselves – you know, just going. Just disappearing. Because this is fundamental on the install-type GPMs, you see. Even though I hadn’t run the first of the chain it was falling apart. When I ran this one last night, I could hear the items releasing all the way toward present time, see. I could hear these items going on and GPMs coming apart, you see. Every place I had found a basic pair, why, through the GPM series you could hear these things go off, see – no longer supporting, I mean everything’s getting sort of – well you know, like Kleenex. It’s all tearing apart. Up to that time, it’s the difference between Kleenex and solid steel. Nothing could dent it, up to then. Rather remarkable experience.

You’ve heard about vacuums, well, this is the vacuum. That was the vacuum. And that’s – holds the whole bank together, and I could see my bank shred way out, a light-year or two, you see, just start going off in shreds. Pieces of it could suddenly no longer support themselves – you know, just going. Just disappearing. Because this is fundamental on the install-type GPMs, you see. Even though I hadn’t run the first of the chain it was falling apart. When I ran this one last night, I could hear the items releasing all the way toward present time, see. I could hear these items going on and GPMs coming apart, you see. Every place I had found a basic pair, why, through the GPM series you could hear these things go off, see – no longer supporting, I mean everything’s getting sort of – well you know, like Kleenex. It’s all tearing apart. Up to that time, it’s the difference between Kleenex and solid steel. Nothing could dent it, up to then. Rather remarkable experience.

Well now, of course, I’m actually to some degree running over my head doing this sort of thing, by skipping a series of sixty – a series of sixty – not sixty GPMs but sixty serieses of GPMs, you see – without touching any part of them. And then cutting in ahead of this and then just cutting enough off of that, you see, to make it possible to go a little bit earlier. And of course the moment that – moment a pin dropped, why you can expect that bypassed charge to hit you with a thud. But it’s all right, I can take it.

Well now, of course, I’m actually to some degree running over my head doing this sort of thing, by skipping a series of sixty – a series of sixty – not sixty GPMs but sixty serieses of GPMs, you see – without touching any part of them. And then cutting in ahead of this and then just cutting enough off of that, you see, to make it possible to go a little bit earlier. And of course the moment that – moment a pin dropped, why you can expect that bypassed charge to hit you with a thud. But it’s all right, I can take it.

You do this thing to somebody that you don’t get any tone arm action on, something like that, you don’t clean up where you were going, you don’t straighten up what you’ve got, you’re not very thorough and very workmanlike on the thing, he’d just spin, man, he’d just spin right where he sits.

You do this thing to somebody that you don’t get any tone arm action on, something like that, you don’t clean up where you were going, you don’t straighten up what you’ve got, you’re not very thorough and very workmanlike on the thing, he’d just spin, man, he’d just spin right where he sits.

Take this little girl and she’s totally capable of running a time when she stuck her tongue out at her teacher. And you say, „Well, we’ve gone that far, let’s run out her past death.“ Oh, well, yes, you can get the past death on the meter, but you haven’t assessed for it. You can get a little, vague tick and you follow this down, you very, very carefully date it. You can’t read the meter, but you date it somehow or another. The next thing you know, why you’ve got her right in the middle of roaring brimstone. Your technology has been able totally to overthrow or overwhelm the pc. You’re good enough so that you can turn his bank loose on him, or turn her bank loose on her. She’ll just practically spin. Baww! Key out in four or five days, we hope.

Take this little girl and she’s totally capable of running a time when she stuck her tongue out at her teacher. And you say, „Well, we’ve gone that far, let’s run out her past death.“ Oh, well, yes, you can get the past death on the meter, but you haven’t assessed for it. You can get a little, vague tick and you follow this down, you very, very carefully date it. You can’t read the meter, but you date it somehow or another. The next thing you know, why you’ve got her right in the middle of roaring brimstone. Your technology has been able totally to overthrow or overwhelm the pc. You’re good enough so that you can turn his bank loose on him, or turn her bank loose on her. She’ll just practically spin. Baww! Key out in four or five days, we hope.

What have you done, you see? Here was a case that couldn’t run – couldn’t run anything. A little Straightwire or something like that, about all the case can stand. And you slammed him in on a big charge. Well, because the case – such a case is always in desperate condition, some auditors, unfortunately, will Q-and-A and get the idea that you’d better find a desperate engram. These desperate conditions are very hard to remain as desperate conditions. Sometimes you can straightwire them right out of existence. Desperate conditions are very easy to handle. I know, we’ve got a couple of boys in class here that have been in mental hospitals handling people and that sort of thing. And they’ve always seen this Q and A. Patient is being desperate, so you do something desperate, see?

What have you done, you see? Here was a case that couldn’t run – couldn’t run anything. A little Straightwire or something like that, about all the case can stand. And you slammed him in on a big charge. Well, because the case – such a case is always in desperate condition, some auditors, unfortunately, will Q-and-A and get the idea that you’d better find a desperate engram. These desperate conditions are very hard to remain as desperate conditions. Sometimes you can straightwire them right out of existence. Desperate conditions are very easy to handle. I know, we’ve got a couple of boys in class here that have been in mental hospitals handling people and that sort of thing. And they’ve always seen this Q and A. Patient is being desperate, so you do something desperate, see?

Well, there’s no wins along that line; the only thing you can do is knock the guy down into apathy, see. It’s a therapy comparable to hitting somebody in the jaw because they are too excited, see. If it were only that light, that would be all right. But they cut out their prefrontal lobes and do other interesting things to these people.

Well, there’s no wins along that line; the only thing you can do is knock the guy down into apathy, see. It’s a therapy comparable to hitting somebody in the jaw because they are too excited, see. If it were only that light, that would be all right. But they cut out their prefrontal lobes and do other interesting things to these people.

But the point – the point I’m making here is, is if you could get one of those desperate people to get just one origin on your part, like „Hello,“ and they really heard it and really saw you, or if you could get them to find one real object in the room, that desperate condition tends to evaporate. It’s very hard to maintain this desperate condition. And it’s little feather touches that knocks it apart. Similarly, in handling R3R and 3N, you have got to pay attention to the fact that you’re using tools that are capable of just jack hammering their way through solid concrete forty feet thick, don’t you see. Take it easy – take it easy.

But the point – the point I’m making here is, is if you could get one of those desperate people to get just one origin on your part, like „Hello,“ and they really heard it and really saw you, or if you could get them to find one real object in the room, that desperate condition tends to evaporate. It’s very hard to maintain this desperate condition. And it’s little feather touches that knocks it apart. Similarly, in handling R3R and 3N, you have got to pay attention to the fact that you’re using tools that are capable of just jack hammering their way through solid concrete forty feet thick, don’t you see. Take it easy – take it easy.

Now, you see that your pc is ARC breaking heavily and hard and that sort of thing, always assume that you’ve gone just a little bit too steep. Regardless of the fact that you can find the ARC break. You’ve run your R3R too steep or you’ve run your 3N too steep. You’ve bypassed too many goals, don’t you see. You knew you were bypassing some, but you’ve just bypassed too many. You haven’t unburdened the track. You know that you’ve got several half-discharged GPMs scattered up and down the track that you just left or something like this. Well take it easy, man, go back and finish those things up.

Now, you see that your pc is ARC breaking heavily and hard and that sort of thing, always assume that you’ve gone just a little bit too steep. Regardless of the fact that you can find the ARC break. You’ve run your R3R too steep or you’ve run your 3N too steep. You’ve bypassed too many goals, don’t you see. You knew you were bypassing some, but you’ve just bypassed too many. You haven’t unburdened the track. You know that you’ve got several half-discharged GPMs scattered up and down the track that you just left or something like this. Well take it easy, man, go back and finish those things up.

See, pc is just going „Ylaahh.“ You know, you’ve stretched it too thin. It’s always all right to push a pc a little bit heavier than they can go, you understand? But you can also push them at acceleration of the speed of light, don’t you see? It’s just a little bit faster than anything could go. And the worse off a case is, the more they can be pushed in over their heads. You’ve got to be careful about this. ARC break is a marvelous method of handling this. ARC break is a marvelous test. Pc is ARC breaking, consistently and continually, in spite of careful auditing, so don’t blame yourself as an auditor all the time. You know you’re not all that bad. The only thing that you’re bad about is you don’t – you don’t make a careful appreciation of your cases. The only other thing that’s been poor is not all the technology has been in your hands so that you could.

See, pc is just going „Ylaahh.“ You know, you’ve stretched it too thin. It’s always all right to push a pc a little bit heavier than they can go, you understand? But you can also push them at acceleration of the speed of light, don’t you see? It’s just a little bit faster than anything could go. And the worse off a case is, the more they can be pushed in over their heads. You’ve got to be careful about this. ARC break is a marvelous method of handling this. ARC break is a marvelous test. Pc is ARC breaking, consistently and continually, in spite of careful auditing, so don’t blame yourself as an auditor all the time. You know you’re not all that bad. The only thing that you’re bad about is you don’t – you don’t make a careful appreciation of your cases. The only other thing that’s been poor is not all the technology has been in your hands so that you could.

But the point I’m making here is the ARC break is a wonderful test. Not if the pc ARC breaks once or the pc ARC breaks twice or something like that. So that doesn’t mean anything. Carry on, see. There’s a lot of time being spent on ARC breaks and there’s a lot of upset because of ARC breaks and that sort of thing. It doesn’t necessarily mean you’re running too high a process. Don’t always translate it into that. But it means you’re running the process you’re running too doggone steep. That’s all that means. You’re trying to run Helatrobus Implants on this person. And they’re ARC breaking all over the place. Well, obviously there must be a chain there of not-unburdened GPMs or incidents of some kind or another that lead to the Helatrobus Implants. You must be running Helatrobus Implants at a point they can’t be run. Not necessarily that you’ve got to run stuff later on the track, or earlier on the track, you understand, but there is material there that should be unburdened before you come near the Helatrobus Implants. So you’re obviously going past charge. Different than bypassing charge. You’re leaving known charge someplace else. You’re not finishing up something. Or charge exists someplace else. Because otherwise, look: It wouldn’t go into restimulation if it didn’t exist. And if the pc wasn’t to some degree trying to run it, it wouldn’t go into restimulation, right? And if the pc’s bonging around on the time track like a Ping-Pong ball and so forth, something’s pushing him. Well, what’s pushing him? Too much charge, of course.

But the point I’m making here is the ARC break is a wonderful test. Not if the pc ARC breaks once or the pc ARC breaks twice or something like that. So that doesn’t mean anything. Carry on, see. There’s a lot of time being spent on ARC breaks and there’s a lot of upset because of ARC breaks and that sort of thing. It doesn’t necessarily mean you’re running too high a process. Don’t always translate it into that. But it means you’re running the process you’re running too doggone steep. That’s all that means. You’re trying to run Helatrobus Implants on this person. And they’re ARC breaking all over the place. Well, obviously there must be a chain there of not-unburdened GPMs or incidents of some kind or another that lead to the Helatrobus Implants. You must be running Helatrobus Implants at a point they can’t be run. Not necessarily that you’ve got to run stuff later on the track, or earlier on the track, you understand, but there is material there that should be unburdened before you come near the Helatrobus Implants. So you’re obviously going past charge. Different than bypassing charge. You’re leaving known charge someplace else. You’re not finishing up something. Or charge exists someplace else. Because otherwise, look: It wouldn’t go into restimulation if it didn’t exist. And if the pc wasn’t to some degree trying to run it, it wouldn’t go into restimulation, right? And if the pc’s bonging around on the time track like a Ping-Pong ball and so forth, something’s pushing him. Well, what’s pushing him? Too much charge, of course.

So the thing to do – the thing to do if you’re running a pc on arbitrary actions like 3N, Helatrobus, Implants, pc ARC breaking heavily, RR very hard to get – the thing to do is to do a preliminary-step assessment. It may lead you to an entirely different GPM; or it might lead you to a specific GPM in the Helatrobus Implants that you’ve missed. Or it might lead you much earlier on the track or it might lead you much later on the track or it might lead you to a dental operation in this life that looked just like the Helatrobus, Implants. You’re not quite sure what it’ll lead you to, but it will for sure give you what should be unburdened so the pc will run well.

So the thing to do – the thing to do if you’re running a pc on arbitrary actions like 3N, Helatrobus, Implants, pc ARC breaking heavily, RR very hard to get – the thing to do is to do a preliminary-step assessment. It may lead you to an entirely different GPM; or it might lead you to a specific GPM in the Helatrobus Implants that you’ve missed. Or it might lead you much earlier on the track or it might lead you much later on the track or it might lead you to a dental operation in this life that looked just like the Helatrobus, Implants. You’re not quite sure what it’ll lead you to, but it will for sure give you what should be unburdened so the pc will run well.

And there is really no excuse for running a pc not well. Let me interpret that again: There is no excuse for running a pc poorly or having an awful hard time running a pc. See, there’s no real excuse for this. I let you do it; it’s good for you. You run a pc the hard way, you’ll sure be able to run one the easy way!

And there is really no excuse for running a pc not well. Let me interpret that again: There is no excuse for running a pc poorly or having an awful hard time running a pc. See, there’s no real excuse for this. I let you do it; it’s good for you. You run a pc the hard way, you’ll sure be able to run one the easy way!

But you set a pc into a channel for which the pc has tolerance, and the pc’ll run like a doll buggy. Any pc will run well, providing you run the pc on the available channel. But the worse off a pc is, is the less available channels they are, and the trickier it is to find the available channel, you got that? And then the less careless you can be in running that channel.

But you set a pc into a channel for which the pc has tolerance, and the pc’ll run like a doll buggy. Any pc will run well, providing you run the pc on the available channel. But the worse off a pc is, is the less available channels they are, and the trickier it is to find the available channel, you got that? And then the less careless you can be in running that channel.

It’s actually quite a joy to run R3R and 3N. There is no real difficulty running them, right up to the moment when you’re handling somebody just a little bit too far. A little bit too rough. It’s just a little bit beyond them. All right, the way to compensate for that thing is by careful and continuous assessment. And watch it, when you’ve got – the TA suddenly goes motionless – you ran one engram, TA went motionless, all right, that’s good. Let’s make sure that you had the right assessment. Well, that’s beyond the point now, it’s too late, isn’t it? You’ve already run an engram. Did you have the right date? Is the final duration correct? This is all all right. Was there a GPM in it? No, there’s no GPM in it. Well, what have you got left? You’ve got a new assessment.

It’s actually quite a joy to run R3R and 3N. There is no real difficulty running them, right up to the moment when you’re handling somebody just a little bit too far. A little bit too rough. It’s just a little bit beyond them. All right, the way to compensate for that thing is by careful and continuous assessment. And watch it, when you’ve got – the TA suddenly goes motionless – you ran one engram, TA went motionless, all right, that’s good. Let’s make sure that you had the right assessment. Well, that’s beyond the point now, it’s too late, isn’t it? You’ve already run an engram. Did you have the right date? Is the final duration correct? This is all all right. Was there a GPM in it? No, there’s no GPM in it. Well, what have you got left? You’ve got a new assessment.

Now, also – also, pcs who peel off into special categories or aren’t easy to assess on the standard scale and so forth, well, you can always get them to do a scale, don’t you see, and assess them on that scale. In other words, you complete the Prehav Scale and you’ll get the pc’s level. Very often it isn’t just necessarily a low case you have to do this with; you sometimes have to do it with other cases, too.

Now, also – also, pcs who peel off into special categories or aren’t easy to assess on the standard scale and so forth, well, you can always get them to do a scale, don’t you see, and assess them on that scale. In other words, you complete the Prehav Scale and you’ll get the pc’s level. Very often it isn’t just necessarily a low case you have to do this with; you sometimes have to do it with other cases, too.

Pc wouldn’t think of these levels, by the way, is why you have that scale at all. But if they don’t obviously live at some level on that scale, no sweat to find it, don’t you see? If they don’t obviously live somewhere on that. For instance, the tape you heard last week was, in actual fact, a research tape, to establish this point. How hard could you work to make a level stay in, don’t you see? And they don’t stay in, that’s all. They’re gone. So you’ll have to do yourself another – another list, because you didn’t have any level the pc could be found on. So if the level isn’t obvious, if the pc doesn’t cognite, if the tone arm doesn’t blow down, if this isn’t a God – awful wonderful level, why are you straining at it? Get the pc to add to the Prehav Scale and assess him on that level. Got the notion on the thing?

Pc wouldn’t think of these levels, by the way, is why you have that scale at all. But if they don’t obviously live at some level on that scale, no sweat to find it, don’t you see? If they don’t obviously live somewhere on that. For instance, the tape you heard last week was, in actual fact, a research tape, to establish this point. How hard could you work to make a level stay in, don’t you see? And they don’t stay in, that’s all. They’re gone. So you’ll have to do yourself another – another list, because you didn’t have any level the pc could be found on. So if the level isn’t obvious, if the pc doesn’t cognite, if the tone arm doesn’t blow down, if this isn’t a God – awful wonderful level, why are you straining at it? Get the pc to add to the Prehav Scale and assess him on that level. Got the notion on the thing?

And you’ll get these things. You’ll see a level there, pc says, „Oh!“ you know, „My God, how did I ever miss that, man?“ You’ll see the tone arm go down, you’ll also see a very successful chain come off of it and so forth. All of these things add up to the fact that auditing is as easy – type of auditing you are doing is as easy as you assess, as easy as you prepare a case. Auditing is as easy to do as it is real to the pc. And you run types of auditing which is unreal to the pc, you’re going to be in trouble all the way. All the way.

And you’ll get these things. You’ll see a level there, pc says, „Oh!“ you know, „My God, how did I ever miss that, man?“ You’ll see the tone arm go down, you’ll also see a very successful chain come off of it and so forth. All of these things add up to the fact that auditing is as easy – type of auditing you are doing is as easy as you assess, as easy as you prepare a case. Auditing is as easy to do as it is real to the pc. And you run types of auditing which is unreal to the pc, you’re going to be in trouble all the way. All the way.

Okay, I’ve talked to you for a long time, but I considered the subject was fairly important.

Okay, I’ve talked to you for a long time, but I considered the subject was fairly important.

Thank you very much.

Thank you very much.