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АНГЛИЙСКИЕ ДОКИ ЗА ЭТУ ДАТУ- Recovering Students and Pcs - B730721 | Сравнить

РУССКИЕ ДОКИ ЗА ЭТУ ДАТУ- Исправление Студентов и ПК (ВОК 4) - Б730721 | Сравнить
- Конечные Явления - Б730721 | Сравнить

СКАНЫ ЗА ЭТУ ДАТУ- 730721 - HCO Bulletin - Recovering Students and PCs [B051-061]
- 730721 - HCO Bulletin - Recovering Students and PCs [B062-006]
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Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Усадьба Сент-Хилл, Ист Гринстед, Суссекс
(единственное изменение — подпись)
Tours HatsОдиторам Класса VII
ARC Brk RegsВсем Одиторам
Est OsКурс Класса VIII
Qual SecsК/Сам
Dirs ValidityУ контрольный лист Класс IV
ARC Brk AuditorsВАЖНО
(HCO PL 25 June 1972 Reissued as an HCO B without change.)


Qual Flub Catch Series 4

Скармливание пк Конечных Явлений процесса или действия неправомерно и является серьезным вне-тех.



ARC Brk Regs and Tours Personnel (as well as Ethics Officers) collide with students and pcs who have blown (run away from) the org.

Одитор спрашивает пк: «С последней сессии ты ______ (формулировка КЯ)?»

The recovery of these and getting them back on the line is of great interest to such personnel.

Или: «В этой сессии ты ______ (формулировка КЯ)?»

In the first place, they muddy up a field. In the second place every one of them can be gotten back in.

Это оценивание за пк. Пк должен сам заявить, что он действительно этого достиг.

If you leave them about they spoil prospects.

Правильным способом проверить, достиг ли пк КЯ (редко требуется, потому что пк обычно говорят одиторам свои озар и т.д.) будет спросить: «Что-то произошло?» или «С момента твоей последней сессии что-то произошло?» Если пк затем формулирует КЯ или говорит что-то такое, с П/С и ОХП, процесс можно прекратить или, по необходимости, реабилитировать и прекратить. Если пк не формулирует КЯ, одитор знает, что процесс надо продолжить.

And there's nothing more startling to their friends than to have these people who have been nattering around suddenly turn up (repaired) saying, "OK it's all fine now. They're great guys. "

Эти процессы применимы к Процессингу Силы — в тех случаях, когда в более ранних БОХС указывается, что одитор может проверить не было ли КЯ между сессиями.

Because Tech does work, this is not hard to do. Down deep they know that we do have the answer. It's an apparent refusal to apply it to them they're concerned about.

Обычно сессии не завершаются до того, как на процессе были получены П/С, ОХП и КЯ. К/С, одитору и пк проще завершить цикл действия за одну сессию.

Poor offbeat Supervision, poorly trained auditors, lack of cramming in an org get in your way. So you have a deep interest that tech, in both Courses and Auditing, is straight.



Students who doped in Class, nattered or got upset have been known to blow (leave hurriedly).

But also, students who are interrupted too often when F/Ning may also blow! On a "w/h of nothingness".

These points – "not helped by the Super" and "interfered with too much" – must both be checked on getting blown students back.

ARC Brk Registrars and Tours people run into these blown students. They must know how to handle.

There are 5 main blow reasons:

1. Misunderstood words (or no materials).

2. No help or WC Method 4 from the Supers (or no Super).

3. Interference from the Supers that stopped them from getting on.

4. Personal out-Ethics resulting in a w/h.

5. Simply booted off for reasons best known to God or Registrars (like suddenly saying "You must now buy Method 1" etc, thus violating the "deliver what we promise" rule).

The interference and boot-off reasons are the ones you'd least suspect. Both generate a lot of H, E & R (Human Emotion and Reaction).

The reasons most pcs blow are

1. Out lists

2. No auditing

3. Invalidation of case or gains

4. Told they'd attained it and hadn't.

Of these the out list (meaning overlist or wrong items) produces the most fantastic HE&R. Needs repair with an "L4B".

No auditing includes being sent to Ethics or Cramming (on Solo) or just stalled. Remedy is to deliver what's promised.

Invalidation of case or gains includes being made to go on past a win. This acts as an invalidation. Some pcs who made it are hung up from then on out because no one asked them to declare it. Remedy is to get it declared.

When told they had attained it and hadn't they feel cut off from all further help. Remedy is to repair it by getting off the suppress and finish up the job in the org.

To handle any of this you must realize that tech does work in both study and auditing.

The most gross errors have to exist before it doesn't work.

Auditors can be trained to audit and can audit. But some SP in an org gets some out tech order in force like "Auditors mustn't do TR 0 in Cramming as it stirs up their cases" (which is a complete lie and which was just found as NY's reason for poor tech and down stats).


When handling the blown student or pc you can assess the above points on a meter. Or just know them by heart and rattle them off and you'll get the real reason right now.

The object is to put the student or pc back on the rails.

The above points are all valid.

A very fast way to handling auditing outnesses is to give a Free Auditing Check using HCO B 31 Dec 71, Revised 16 May 72, C/S Series 53RC. To it one adds "No Auditing" at the end under L. One has a good auditor (who has good TRs and who knows how to read a meter well) assess it on the blown or upset pc.

One or more of these items will give a Long Fall Blowdown. You indicate this to the pc. You don't handle it. You just say, "The reason you were upset was (whatever read). " The pc should suddenly magically feel better.

Don't try to Audit it further on a Free Check. Tell the pc to go to the org to get everything handled now.

Route the assessed sheet "To the Pc folder of (pc's name). Put in folder for first auditing action," and sign it.

The above checklists can be done on students by discussion. Don't use the C/S 53RC and the pc checklist both as the pc checklist above is on the C/S 53RC.

The difference is C/S 53RC has to be done by an auditor. The other list can be done in 2 way comm socially.

In phoning people and running into ARC Broken pcs or students the two short checklists can be used.

Sea Org Missions have successfully used another approach. They say they're there to handle the org and make it a safe place. The response is very gratifying.

The public hates like hell to be denied Dianetics and Scien­tology.

After all you're just handing them their future happiness on a silver platter.

Don't just avoid such people. And don't bother to listen to the natter. The above actions are the reasons.

Puts you right on top of the situation.

That's where Tours and ARC Brk Regs and auditors should be.

I recall one old fellow who blew an org staff (SH), hated everybody. Stayed away for years. A student auditor ran into him socially, grabbed a meter and put in Level III (Change and ARC Break) on him. And bang there he was writing to me about how great it all was!

Bad Supervision or untrained or careless auditors or flubbing Admin personnel make a lot of trouble for us. But the vast majority of org staffs are very fine. So don't get down on the org. Get the flubbers unpopular. And get back those who have been flubbed. There are no dog pcs or bad students.


Whenever you find one of these you should make a brief report. One copy goes to the Ethics Officer of the org, as a knowledge report. The other goes to flub catch control training and services Flag.

You have to give the when and the who and the what.

Then the org itself and Flag can come down on the outness and correct it.


Just knowing these points there are no blown students or pcs you can't get back or get signed up again.
