Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 6 SEPTEMBER 1978 Issue III | Усадьба Сент-Хидл, Ист-Гринстед, Сассекс БЮЛЛЕТЕНЬ ОХС ОТ 6 СЕНТЯБРЯ 1978 |
| БОХС от 1 сен 63 ШАБЛОН ТРИ КС |
ПЛЕНКА 6309КОЗ СХ Спец 302А Ш3КС | |
БОХС от 10 авг 76П Р/Сы, ЧТО ОНИ ОЗНАЧАЮТ | |
Сервисное факсимиле это брат рок-слэмов и злых намерений. | |
Это легко увидеть, - если у вас есть понимание анатомии сервисного факсимиле и правоты/неправоты, доминирования и выживательных расчетов, которые к этому относятся. И когда вы действительно понимаете, что Р/С означает скрытое, злое намерение, то вы поймете, что главная причина для Р/Са это сделать кого-то неправым. Для того, чтобы добиться подчинения от кого-то, нужно его сделать неправым. | |
Если обратиться назад, то идея, которая предшествовала сервисному факсимиле, была правильной — действительно правильной. Потом это стало методом выживания, а потом это стало методом доминирования, и потом методом бытия правым для того, чтобы сделать неправыми других. | |
Note: Dianetic Clears may be run on service facs but only with any Dianetics steps deleted, as they are not to be run on Dianetics. | И в этой борьбе было накоплено столько овертов, что линия общения запуталась. То что было правильным в этом отношении стало неправильным и то, что когда-то было неправильным, теперь стало правильным. В ситуацию вошло А=А=А и правота стала неправотой Все его оверты оказались сложенными на одну их этих фиксированных идей или же на том, что мы называем сервисным факсимиле |
В действительности, это совсем не факсимиле Это сам парень держит факсимиле в рестимуляции, потому что он “знает”, что так лучше всего Сам человек создает фиксированную идею — не его банк. | |
We are into a new echelon of service facsimile running. | Это не аберрация, которую драматизирует человек. Это аберрация, к которой прибегает индивидуум для того, чтобы сделать кого-то неправым. Вы могли бы подумать, что это случайная штука. Но это намеренно. |
At Saint Hill in the mid-60s many, many service facs were found on each pc and the earliest service fac running included the use of Dianetics. | Намерение быть правым и делать других неправыми, доминировать над другими и избегать доминирования над собой, способствовать своему выживанию и препятствовать выживанию других. Это сервисное факсимиле — кровный брат скрытому, злому намерению, которое стоит за рок-слэмом. |
This was later omitted from service fac procedure and service facs were handled solely with Scientology tech by running off the automaticities on the computation to cognition, F/N and VGIs in the pc. | Это не означает, что вы увидите Р/С на каждом сервисном факсимиле, которое выпроходите. Это означает, что ТАМ, ГДЕ ПК Р/Сит, У ВАС ЕСТЬ ОБЛАСТЬ ТЯЖЕЛОЙ, СУРОВОЙ СЕРВИСНОЙ ФАКСИМИЛЕ. |
Phenomenal gains and case changes were made on pcs with that tech alone – all of them valid. That tech has been retained as a vital action to service fac handling. | Когда вы видите Р/С у индивидуума знайте, что он находится в лапах злого намерения, которое он же сам создает. Он намерен причинить области или предмету, на котором него Р/С вред и только вред. Просчитывая, скрыто, он будет тщательно исполнять свое намерение. |
Now, with the advent of New Era Dianetics, service fac handling has been restored to its full technology. | Злое намерение не ограничено на терминалах. Он не Р/Сит на терминале, он Р/Сит на злом намерении. Злое намерение может ассоциироваться со множеством терминалов. |
New Era Dianetics has opened the door to a more complete and finite handling of a service fac, with precision and exactness, than we have had heretofore. We no longer just find a service fac, audit off the automaticities, key it out and forget it. We audit it out fully and terminatedly, using New Era Dianetics to take it down to its basics and erase those. | Р/С доминирует над человеком — человек вызывает его. Он был подавлен им. В этой области у него нет способности быть логичным — у него нет свободы выбирать. Злое намерение это замена для жизненности. Это его безопасное решение для жизни — сервисное факсимиле. |
This in no way contradicts the fact that there were many pcs who, with a service fac found and the automaticities taken off, were able to actually then blow the service fac computation upon inspection. | Сервисное факсимиле не поддается обычному одитингу, поскольку во время обычного одитинга, оно не может быть обнаружено. Оно, по своей природе, запрещает наблюдение. Но когда пк направляется в область правоты/неправоты, то пк легко его выдает, поскольку силы выбора там у него нет. |
What it does make possible is the actual erasure of a service fac and its residuals on every pc, one for one. And not just one service facsimile per pc, but many. | БОЛЕЕ ЧЕМ ОДНО СЕРФАК У ПК |
An auditor who has been trained on service fac running prior to this bulletin will need the tech he already has plus an excellent command of New Era Dianetics tech. If he has not done the New Era Dianetics Course it will be required before attempting to run Routine 3SC-A. A Class IV auditor who has already done the New Era Dianetics Course need only review it in order to be able to handle all the steps of the new, full service fac procedure. | У нас уже многие годы был процессинг для сервисных факсимиле, при помощи которого мы урегулируем эти навязчивые стремления и следовательно расправляемся с человеком, который Р/Сит. |
SERVICE FACSIMILE HANDLING REVISED BY STEPS | Но нахож дения одного сервисного факсимиле недост ат очно. Вы обнаружите множество маленьких сервисных факсимиле, которые добавлены к большому. В Сент-Хилле в середине 60х это обычно ассоциировалось с Р/Сами. |
Before you can run flows on a service facsimile you must first find it. You want the pc’s service facsimile. You don’t find a service facsimile by listing for it on flows. You find the pc’s service facsimile and run it on the flows. | Суть была не в том, что пк сделал с сервисным факсимиле для того, чтобы сделать неправыми других — надо было просто найти его. Сначала технология включала себя их одитинг при помощи Дианетикн. И вы находили гораздо больше одной сервисной факсимиле у каждого пк. При одитинге этого характер у человека полностью менялся. |
The sequence is: You list for the pc’s service fac, find it, run the automaticities off it; then you run the service fac itself on R3RA, engram running by chains. It is run to basic and full Dianetic end phenomena. | Полная технология касательно этого была забыта за последние несколько лет. Возможно упущение заключалось в том, что при помощи Дианетики проходилось всего несколько сервисных факсимиле, что приводило к тому, что много Р/Сов продолжало существовать незамеченными. |
You don’t leave a service fac until you have taken it apart and blown it at its very roots. | К моменту написания этого выпуска полная технология была восстановлена и теперь у нас есть технология Дианетики новой эры для того, чтобы справляться с этими наборами сервисных факсимиле и прослеживать их до их основных. |
Then you list for another service fac, using a different listing question, and handle it fully. And another, and another. A pc can have many, many service facsimiles. You peel them off until you find the main service fac at the core of the case. And you handle that one fully, as you do the others, per the steps above. | Так что у нас есть не только более обстоятельные средства для урегулирования сервисных факсимиле чем когда-либо ранее — у нас теперь есть более надежный маршрут для урегулирования Р/Сера. |
Needless to say, you are going to see some remarkable results. | НО У ПК БОЛЬШЕ ЧЕМ ОДНО СЕР ФАК. |
FULL SERVICE FACSIMILE PROCEDURE | Вы можете проодитировать одну, две или три сервисных факсимиле, которые отвечают полному описанию сервисного факсимиле. И они пройдутся. Но все это в действительности относилось к сервисным факсимиле, которые находились в рестимуляции в НВ. Когда вы снимаете более близкие к настоящему времени факсимиле, то на виду показывается центральная. |
Preliminary Steps: | Когда вы находите первые, то вы можете надеяться, что вы найдете что-то, что вызовет срыв РТ и придвинет вас ближе к нахождению основного сервисного факсимиле. Так что вы берете все, что у вас есть на пути. |
0a. Put in the R (Reality) Factor with the pc, telling him briefly what is going to be done in the session. | Если вы находите какое-то сервисное факсимиле, то стрелка станет свободнее и РТ окажется в нормально диапазоне. И это будет проходится вилками по правоте/неправоте и т.д. и пк сойдет с автоматики. Когда вы, наконец, нашли несколько сервисных факсимиле и прошли до основного сервисного факсимиле, то это похоже на то, что вы сняли с горы все деревья и все остальное, обнажив голую скалу. Так что вы берете сервисные факсимиле и проходите, когда они вам попадаются. Вы постепенно разгребаете весь мусор, пока не доберетесь до корней. |
0b. Clear “computation” very thoroughly with the pc. Use the Tech Dictionary, HCOB 23 Aug 66, Service Facsimile, and any other reference you feel the pc may need. Have him demo it until you are certain he fully understands it. | По мере того как вы проходите первую сервисную факсимиле, вы переворачиваете нисходящую спираль и восстанавливаете способность индивидуума справляться со сворим окружением, поскольку теперь он начинает видеть и он начинает конфронтировать. |
0c. Clear the bracket commands (right/wrong, dominate, survival) first, using “Birds fly” as a sample service facsimile. Clearing the bracket commands is done at this point so you will be able to use these questions immediately when the service fac is found without putting stops on the pc’s first rush of automaticities coming off. | И к тому времени, когда вы вытащите основную — гору — за ее корни, то вы вернете ему разумность. Теперь он способен наблюдать, ему больше уже не надо “безопасных” решений. Самым опасным в мире является обладание безопасным решением, потому что это единственная причина исчезновения разумности. |
0d. Then, clear the listing question. | Основатель |
Steps of the Procedure: | |
A. List and null for the pc’s service fac, using the question: | |
“In this lifetime, what do you use to make others wrong?” | |
You want a BD F/N item that is a computation (not a doingness, beingness or havingness). | |
When you get it, indicate the item. Then indicate the F/N. Then, despite the BD F/N, go on to the next step of the handling. | |
B. Run the service fac found in 1 on the brackets: | |
1. In this lifetime, how would (service fac) make you right? | |
2. In this lifetime, how would (service fac) make others wrong? | |
3. In this lifetime, how would (service fac) help you escape domination? | |
4. In this lifetime, how would (service fac) help you to dominate others? | |
5. In this lifetime, how would (service fac) aid your survival? | |
6. In this lifetime, how would (service fac) hinder the survival of others? | |
These are run as follows: | |
Give the pc the first question, “In this lifetime, how would (service fac) make you right?” and let him run with it. He will have a rush of answers, answers coming too fast to be said easily, at this stage. Don’t repeat the question unless the pc needs it. Just let him answer 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 (he may give you as many as 50 answers) until he comes to a cognition or runs out of answers or inadvertently answers Question 2. | |
Then switch to Question 2: “In this lifetime how would (service fac) make others wrong?” Treat this the same way, i.e. let him answer 2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2 until he cognites or runs out of answers or starts to answer Question 1. Then switch back to Question 1, same handling, back to Question 2, same handling, as long as pc has answers coming easily. Upon cognition and F/N, acknowledge, indicate the F/N and end off on 1 and 2. | |
Now give him Question 3: “In this lifetime how would (service fac) help you escape domination?” and let it run by the same method as above. When this seems cooled off, use Question 4: “In this lifetime, how would (service fac) help you to dominate others?” Use Questions 3 and 4 as above, as long as pc has answers coming easily. Upon cognition and F/N, acknowledge, indicate the F/N and go on to the next bracket. | |
Using the same method as above, give him Question 5: “In this lifetime, how would (service fac) aid your survival?” When he’s run out on 5-5-5-5-5-5, switch to Question 6: “In this lifetime, how would (service fac) hinder the survival of others?” Use Questions 5 and 6 as above as long as pc has answers coming easily. Let him get off all the automaticities and come to a cognition and F/N. Acknowledge and indicate the F/N. | |
At this point it is safe to end off on running the brackets. The idea is not to beat the process to death. The pc will have automaticities coming off thick and fast early in the run. These must be gone and the pc bright, F/Ning and VGIs when you end off. You are only trying to end the compulsive character of the service facsimile found and get it off automatic and get the pc to see it better at this stage, not to bleed the process of every bit of TA action. | |
Running the service fac in the brackets will result in a major cognition, which could occur at any point during this running. When it does occur it is the EP of this step of the service fac handling. End off and go onto the R3RA step. | |
Note: In running a Dianetic Clear on service facs, you would end off running this service fac at this point, when the pc had reached a good cognition, F/N and VGIs. Do NOT run the Dianetic actions of service fac handling on a Dianetic Clear, as these pcs are not to be run on Dianetics. When you have completed one service fac on Steps A and B. you can then list for another service fac and repeat the procedure. | |
(Note: If the service fac found on any pc did not run on the brackets, it would need to be prepchecked. See sections “When Running Off The Automaticity” and “When To Prepcheck” below.) | |
C. Run the service fac R3RA Quad, each flow to EP. It is not run narrative and it is not preassessed; otherwise full New Era Dianetics tech is used, per HCOB 26 June 78R II, New Era Dianetics Series 6, Routine 3RA, Engram Running By Chains. | |
The service fac phrase itself is used as the running item. | |
The commands for running a service fac on R3RA Quad Flows are: | |
Flow 1: “Locate a time when you used (service fac).” | |
(Example: “Locate a time when you used all horses sleep in beds.“) | |
Flow 2: “Locate an incident of your causing another to use (service fac).” | |
Flow 3: “Locate an incident of others causing others to use (service fac). ” | |
Flow 0: “Locate an incident of you causing yourself to use (service fac). ” | |
Take each flow down its chain of incidents to the basic and full Dianetic EP: F/N, postulate (postulate off = erasure), and VGIs. | |
That will be the end of all vestiges of that service fac. | |
D. List for another service fac on the pc, using the listing question: | |
“In this lifetime, what do you use to dominate others?” | |
When you have the service fac, repeat Steps B and C above. | |
E. Find another service fac on the pc with the listing question: | |
“In this lifetime, what do you use to aid your own survival?” | |
Handle the service fac per Steps B and C above. | |
F. Continue to find and handle service facs on the pc, using, in order, the following listing questions: | |
1. “In this lifetime, what do you use to make yourself right?” | |
2. “In this lifetime, what do you use to escape domination?” | |
3. “In this lifetime, what do you use to hinder the survival of others?” | |
Further listing questions which can be used are given on HCOB 30 Nov 66, Assessment For Service Facsimiles. | |
You will need to find and handle several service facsimiles on the pc which will then add up to the big one. | |
You are listing for a BD F/N item. Write down each computation the pc gives you exactly as he states it, verbatim, with its read, no matter how improbable, non sequitur or inane it may sound. | |
The service fac operates like a magnet as you’re listing. You’ve given the pc the question and as the question is in the vicinity of the service fac you’ve already ticked it. It draws the pc’s attention to it. He’s listing along and suddenly he’ll put a non sequitur item on the list. It doesn’t make sense. It doesn’t even answer the question, but there it is. Because his attention is being pulled to this inevitably. You’re asking him for answers and he gives you the rightest answer he knows –”People always jump off the Empire State Building.” That’s the solution. That solves everything. It blows the TA down. That’s the service fac. | |
Indicate the item to the pc; then indicate the F/N. | |
You’re now ready to run it in the brackets. | |
If you’ve found a service fac the pc won’t be able to stay out of it, I guarantee you. | |
The first question is always how would it make him right. (Never how would it make him wrong. Never, never, never.) The automaticities should start with the first question. If not, ask him how it would make others wrong. You almost always enter it at the level of right/wrong. But don’t make the blunder of thinking it can’t be a service fac if it doesn’t enter at that level. Try it on the other levels. It can enter at the level of dominate; it might enter at the level of survival. | |
But if – on one of those – the pc doesn’t immediately jump in and swim into the whirlpool, it’s not it. If he tells you, “Well, let’s see… make me right, no, hmmmm…” or “… escape domination… no, doesn’t make sense,” that’s not it. | |
If he says that isn’t it, then that isn’t it. Don’t hang him with a wrong service fac because it’s too easy to find a right one. They abound. | |
If he hasn’t jumped in and swum madly to the center of the whirlpool and gotten embroiled in this thing, it’s not it. Because that’s the first thing they want to do with a service fac – drown. | |
When you have the right one you’ll get the automaticities coming off thick and fast. Don’t stop the avalanche with acknowledgements. Don’t stop it with a new question. Let it run out. | |
It’s not one auditing question for one answer. It’s one auditing question for one waterfall. | |
When the item found as a service fac won’t run on any of the brackets you prepcheck it to EP (F/N, cog, VGIs). Ref: HCOB 14 March 71R, F/N Everything. | |
A rightness/wrongness computation doesn’t surrender to normal auditing because it is a service fac. The pc has a vested interest in holding onto it. He won’t be able to itsa it on a Prepcheck. Thus, a service fac, if present, will turn on mass on a Prepcheck. | |
The Prepcheck is a series of types of decisions thetans make about things. So if it doesn’t prepcheck the Prepcheck must be in conflict with the rightness and wrongness. | |
Reversely, if it’s not a service fac it will prepcheck, and you polish it off by that method to EP. | |
Then go back to the list and find a service fac that will run. | |
Even when the pc has gotten off the automaticities, has cognited and is comparatively free of the compulsive character of the service facsimile, there is more to be handled. | |
Running the service fac using R3RA enables him to run out what he has done with it to make others wrong, etc. These will be the actual most charged incidents in which he’s used it, which will have accumulated in his wake as he went along substituting the service fac for himself and never inspecting the consequences. He will now be free to inspect those parts of the track as himself, and to inspect as well the effects of the service fac on the other flows. | |
Finally, the use of R3RA, engram running by chains, enables him to fully erase the somatics and engram chains which have their roots in the service fac, or vice versa – as well as the postulates underlying them. | |
Service fac running can be ended off when you have fully run many service facs (which will lead to the main service fac). When the main service fac has been run to full EP, service fac handling is complete. | |
Note: It might happen (rarely) that you get the main service fac on the pc on your first listing and nulling. It will be rare because the main one does not usually come to view until the others have been taken off. You run it, of course. Any service fac, run, produces change, but on this one you will see the pc changing character before your eyes. The results are quite astounding. | |
But realize that he does have other, lesser service facs which do not simply dissolve because the main core service fac is now gone, even though they have been leaning upon it. You will need to L&N for these and completely clean the pc of service facs. | |
The main core service facsimile will be the one the pc has used as a solution to all of life. When found and run it will be unmistakable to both the pc and the auditor. When this one has been completed on all the steps above, as well as the lesser service facs surrounding it, you will have attained the EP on service fac running. | |
You will have brought about a complete character change in the individual, returned his freedom of choice and his freedom to inspect and enabled him to be truly right. | |
And that is the stuff of which sanity is made. | |
This level is actually the sanity level. | |
Founder | |