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АНГЛИЙСКИЕ ДОКИ ЗА ЭТУ ДАТУ- Course Supervisors - P720307-2 | Сравнить
- Establishment Officer (ESTO-1R) - P720307 (2) | Сравнить
- Establishment Officer (ESTO-1R) - P720307 | Сравнить

РУССКИЕ ДОКИ ЗА ЭТУ ДАТУ- Администратор по Построению (ЭСТО-1) (ц) - И720307-1R72 | Сравнить
- Супервайзеры Курсов (КРО-4) (ц) - И720307-2 | Сравнить
- Супервайзеры Курсов (ц) - И720307-2 | Сравнить
- Супервайзеры Курсов - И720307-2 | Сравнить

СКАНЫ ЗА ЭТУ ДАТУ- 720307 - HCO Policy Letter - Establishment Officer, The [PL023-066]
- 720307 - HCO Policy Letter - Establishment Officer, The [PL024-018]
- 720307 - HCO Policy Letter - Establishment Officer, The [PL039-053]
- 720307 - HCO Policy Letter - Establishment Officer, The [PL044-016]
- 720307 - HCO Policy Letter - Establishment Officer, The [PL074-009]
- 720307 - HCO Policy Letter - Establishment Officer, The [PL074-010]
- 720307 Issue 2 - HCO Policy Letter - Course Supervisors [PL023-067]
- 720307 Issue 2 - HCO Policy Letter - Course Supervisors [PL039-052]
- 720307 Issue 2 - HCO Policy Letter - Course Supervisors [PL044-017]
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Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
(Revised 13 Apr 72)
(Cancels HCO P/L 8 Feb 72 of same
title which was only an ASHO pilot
and original HCO P/L 7 Mar 72)
Резиденция Сент-Хилл, Ист Гринстед, Сассекс
Выпуск II
Establishment Officer Series 1RТех Сек


Отделам кадров Тех


Директорам Процессинга

The Establishment Officer system evolved from the Product-Org system where it was found the HAS alone could not Establish the Org. The Product-Org Officer System is entirely valid and is not changed. Tapes up to and including No. 7 of the Prod-Org System (also called the FEBC Tapes) are correct. From No. 8 onward, the Prod-Org Tapes are replaced by the Est 0 Series Tapes. It is important to know that when the Org Officer is removed from a unit "because it now has an Est O" it will practically destroy the unit and crash its stats. Taking the Org Officer out of a division or org and making him the Est 0 is a guarantee of a crash. The Est O is an Extension of the original HCO System as an Est 0 performs all the functions of HCO for the activity to which he is assigned plus his own tech of being an Est O.


The purpose of Establishment Officers is to ESTABLISH and MAINTAIN the establishment of the org and each division therein.


The term “Est O” is used for abbreviation as “EO“ means Ethics Officer.


It has been found that the whole reason for any lack of prosperity of an org is INTERNAL. The surrounding area of the public has very little to do with whether stats are up or down. An org, by "delivering" Out Tech and its own conduct upsets its area but it can also straighten it out PROVIDING IT DOES ITS JOB. So this too is an Internal cause.


Thus if an org is well Established so that each staff member is doing his exact function, stats will go up and the org will prosper because it has been handled Internally.

Было замечено, что не все супервайзеры на курсе непосредственно работают со студентами.

All booms and depressions of an org are due to its being expertly built up and then, having a peak period, is not maintained in that well established condition and disintegrates.

В очень плохой организации супер вообще не находится в классной комнате. Иногда он только “изредка” заглядывает. Иногда он находится на месте, но занимается канцелярией или читает, а не работает со студентами.

In the vital flurry of getting the product and expanding, the org becomes dis-established.

Соответствующее место супервайзера курса – В классной комнате, где он работает СО студентами.

In the Product-Org Officer System of 1971 it was found uniformly that as soon as the org began to boom, the HAS was wholly unable to establish rapidly enough and the boom collapsed. HCO was too few to keep an org established even when the HCO was manned because THEY WERE NOT WORKING INSIDE EACH DIVISION.

Дам вам представление об абсолютном минимуме обязанностей для него.

The answer to these shortcomings is the Establishment Officer System. This preserves the best in the Product-Org System and keeps pace with product and expansion.

Он проводит перекличку со своими студентами и запускает их, обычно задавая квоту баллов на данный период.

A well trained hard working Est 0 in a division has proven to be the miracle of org prosperity.

Затем он работает со своими студентами, внимательно отслеживая моменты “блуждающего” внимания. Он проводит Метод Три со всеми, у кого при учебе нет П/С. Со всеми случаями настоящего выкипания он проводит Метод 4.

The system has already been tested and is in successful operation.

Он работает со студентами лично на протяжении данного периода.

Establishment consists of quarters, personnel, training, hatting, files, lines, supplies and materiel and all things necessary to Establishment.

Он не сообщает им каких-либо данных. Он направляет их к бюллетеням или ИП.


Он НЕ специализируется на работе только с одним студентом, забывая об остальных. Он справляется со всеми ими одновременно.


Он не тревожит быстрого студента, у которого П/С.

Он не занимается ленивой болтовней. Он весь в деле. Он способствует передаче СВЕДЕНИЙ так, чтобы они были понятны и применялись.


Он ОТМЕННО знает технологию Прояснения Слов и лекции по обучению.

To understand what the Est O system is you have to understand first and foremost the meaning of the Word "PRODUCT". (The whole system breaks down where this one word is not understood and not understanding this one word and failing to get it understood has been found to be the barrier in most cases.)''

Он знает ИП “Что такое курс” и ПРИМЕНЯЕТ его.

PRODUCE (verb) = To bring into existence, make; to bring about; cause.

Он убеждается в том, что пластилиновые демо большие, и что демонаборы используются в полной мере и правильно.

PRODUCT (noun) = Someone or something that has been brought into existence; the end result of a creation; something or someone who has been brought into existence.


If you really know that definition you can then look over HCO P/L 29 Oct 1970 Org Series 10. In this we have (1) Establishing something that Produces (Product 1). (2) Operating that which produces in order to get a product (Product 2). (3) Repairing or correcting that which produces (Product 3). (4) Repairing or correcting that which is produced (Product 4).


Now in order to get an org there and make money and eat and get paid and things like that, these things like Products have to be understood and the knowledge USED.


If we try to operate an org that isn't there, or repair it, nothing happens. No stats. No money. The Product Officer and Org Officer have nothing to run. They're like a pilot and co-pilot with no airplane. They don't fly.

Когда они закончат курс, они оглянутся и скажут “Спасибо этому супервайзеру!”.

So an Establishment Officer is there to put the airplane there AND get the pilot and co-pilot to fly it well, without wrecking it, to everyone's benefit.

Его собственная статистика – это действительно ДОШЕДШИЕ ДО УСПЕШНОГО ЗАВЕРШЕНИЯ СТУДЕНТЫ.

So, the Establishment Officers put the org there to be run and put the people there to run it so they run it well without wrecking it to everyone's benefit.

Если студент не завершает курс или превращается в испорченный продукт, то мы спрашиваем с супервайзера.


Если студент быстро дошел до завершения и представляет собой отличный продукт, который знает и умеет применять свои знания, то мы гордимся именно супервайзером.

The org is Commanded by the Commanding Officer (SO Orgs) or the Executive Director (Non-SO Orgs). in the triangular system of the Flag Executive Briefing Course (FEBC) (Product-Org Officer System) the C/0 or ED coordinates the work of the Product Officer, Org Officer and Executive Est 0.

Супервайзер внимательно следит за теми студентами, которые не выполняют квоты или имеют падающую статистику. Находит и исправляет у них действительную ПРИЧИНУ этого (обычно это непонятые слова).

In most orgs the C/0 or ED is also the PRODUCT OFFICER of the Org which is a double hat with C/0.

Хороший супервайзер не переваливает ответственность за свой курс на Этику или Усиленное обучение, и не теряет студентов где-то в организации. Он может отослать в Этику или на Усиленное обучение, но каждый раз, когда с этим студентом на самом деле не справляется Этика или Усиленное обучение, СУПЕР УБЕЖДАЕТСЯ В ТОМ, ЧТО СТУДЕНТ НАХОДИТСЯ ИМЕННО НА ЭТОМ КУРСЕ И УЧИТСЯ.

The Product Officer Controls and operates the org and its staff to get production. Production is represented by the Gross Divisional Statistics and Valuable Final Products of the Org.

Он распознает намечающиеся срывы и быстро справляется с этим (обычно это непонятое слово).

The ORG OFFICER assists the Product Officer. He gets production lined up, grooves in staff on what they should be getting out and makes sure the Product Officer's plans are executed.

Супер курса – ЭТО РАБОЧИЙ ПОСТ.

(The duties of C/0 or ED, Product Officer and Org Officer are covered in the FEBC tapes 1 to 7.)


THE EXECUTIVE ESTABLISHMENT OFFICER is the one who puts the org there to be run. He does this by having Establishment Officers establishing the divisions, org staff and the materiel of the division. He is like a coach using athletes to win games. He sends them in and they put their divisions there and maintain them. They also put there somebody to work them.

Администратор студентов работает с канцелярией.

The EXECUTIVE ESTABLISHMENT OFFICER ORG OFFICER (EstO Org Officer) is the E-Est O's Deputy and handles his programs and the personal side of Est Os.

Супер курса, который на посту читает, впал в вейланс студента и больше не является супером.

The ESTABLISHMENT OFFICER'S ESTABLISHMENT OFFICER (the Est O's Est 0) is the one who trains and hats and checks out Est Os and Establishes the Est 0 system. He also runs the Est 0 course that makes Est O's and is the Est O's Course Supervisor. In practice, the hats of Est O Org Officer (above) and Est O's Est Officer are held as one hat until an org is very la, ge. The person who holds this post has to be a very good Course Supervisor who uses Study Tech like a master as his flubs would carry through the whole Est O system.

В университетах и других “школах” преподаватели более или менее покидают студентов в состоянии “само-обучения”. В таких местах студентам НЕ ПРЕПОДАЮТ.

An ESTABLISHMENT OFFICER IN CHARGE is an Est O who has Establishment Officers under him in an activity that has 5 or less Est Os does duties comparable to an Executive Est O for that activity.

Так давайте не будем работать в манере 19 века. Наша технология – это век 21. И она включает в себя преподавание через БОХСы, Инструктивные Письма и записи лекций. И я имею в виду ПРЕПОДАВАНИЕ.

A CHIEF ESTABLISHMENT OFFICER + DIVISION is an Est O who, in a division has Establishment Officers under him due to the numerousness of the division.

Если студенты получают это в таком виде, что они способны использовать это – то это и есть работа супера.

A LEADING ESTABLISHMENT OFFICER + DEPARTMENT is a Departmental Establishment Officer who has Section Est Os under him due to the numerousness of the section.


An ESTABLISHMENT OFFICER + SECTION is an Establishment Officer of a section where there is a departmental and Divisional Est O.

Хорошие супервайзеры – это на самом деле просто жемчужины.

The Divisional Establishment Officers are as follows. If they have other Est Os under them in the Division the title CHIEF is put in front of the title.

Отдел кадров технического отделения, возьмите на заметку.

THE DIV 7 ESTABLISHMENT OFFICER (Div 7 Est O) for Division 7. the Executive Division. He is not “The Executive Est O” He carries out all the Est O duties for this division.


THE HCO ESTABLISHMENT OFFICER (HCO Est O) establishes and maintains HCO.

THE DISSEMINATION ESTABLISHMENT OFFICER (DEO) establishes and maintains the Dissem Division.

THE TREASURY ESTABLISHMENT OFFICER (Tr EO) establishes and maintains the Treasury Division.

THE TECHNICAL DIVISION ESTABLISHMENT OFFICER (TEO) establishes and maintains the Tech Division. This division amongst all the rest is most likely to have other Est Os in the division.

THE QUALIFICATIONS ESTABLISHMENT OFFICER (QEO) establishes and maintains the Qual Division.

THE DISTRIBUTION ESTABLISHMENT OFFICER (PEO for Public Division) establishes and maintains the Distribution Division.

The Exec Est 0 and Est 0 Org Officer and the Est O Est O and Est 0 course are org boarded as in Dept 21.

The Est Os themselves are in their own assigned Divisions.

The C/O or ED, Product and Org Officer are org boarded in Dept 19.


The head of the Org is the Commanding Officer or Executive Director. He is usually also the PRODUCT OFFICER. He is senior to the Exec Est O.


The C/O's or ED’s DEPUTY handles the program functions of the C/O or ED and is the Org's Org Officer.

He ranks with the Exec Est O.


The head of a division is the DIVISIONAL SECRETARY. He is the PRODUCT OFFICER of his Division. His boss is the C/O or ED.

He is senior to the Divisional Est O or Chief Est O.

He is not the Divisional Est O’s boss. The E Est 0 is.


The DEPUTY SECRETARY of a Division is the Org Officer of that Division.

He handles the programs of the Division for the Secretary.

He ranks with the Divisional Est O or Chief Est O.



The Divisional Est O is senior to him.

The Departmental Director is senior to an Est O posted to his specific Department.


The officer in charge of a section is the PRODUCT OFFICER of that Section.

He is junior to all Est Os except an Est O posted directly to his specific department.


Staff members other than those who are Est Os are all considered PRODUCT 2 and 4 PERSONNEL from the viewpoint of the Est 0 whose products are 1 and 3 (see above or Org Series 10 HCO P/L 29 Oct 70).


The test of the successful Est O is whether he increases QUANTITY and QUALITY of PRODUCT TWO PER STAFF MEMBER AND AN ABSENCE OF DEV-T (Developed or unnecessary traffic).


An Est O In Charge in a small org (2 to 5 staff not counting Est Os) would be one of two Est Os. He would handle the Est 0 System for that org and Divisions 7. I & 2 and the other Est O Divisions 3, 4, 5 and 6. He would also run the Est 0 Course as well as work the Est Os.

With trained Est Os actually functioning the production of this small org would increase and one would have an evolution leading to an Est O I/C, one Est O for 7, l & 2 and another for 3, 4, 5 and 6.

Further evolving there would be an Est O I/C. one for 7. I & 2. one for 3, 4 and 5 and another Est O for Div 6.

With additional expansion there would be an Est O l/C. one for 7, I & 2, one for 3 and 5, one for 4 and one for 6.

Additional expansion would have an Est O I/C, one for 7 and l, one for 2, one for 3 and 5, one for 4 and one for 6. This reaches the stage of 5 Est Os for one Est O I/C.

We now upgrade the system to an Exec Est O and a Deputy and one Est O per division.

Almost at once Tech will need a Chief TEO and a TEO. Then a Chief TEO and 3 Leading Est Os for 4.

The system goes on evolving. One Est O to 10 staff is the maximum allowed at this stage.


Where Bureaux are combined with the Service Org the Divisional Est O also has the duties of the Bureau Establishment.

In such a case there is an OPERATIONS ESTABLISHMENT OFFICER in charge of the four Operations Bureaux which combined make up the Operations Bureau. He, as expansion occurs, will shortly become a Chief Est 0 for Operations (or Chief Operations Est O) with an Est O in each Bureau-the Action Leading Est O; the Data Leading Est O: the Management Leading Est O; and the Ext Comm Leading Est O.


The Est O System may not be expanded nor may the Org be expanded without comparable expansion of GI. Delivery, Completions and Success statistics.

The quality and skill of Est Os in acquiring personnel, training, hatting, supplying. FP conduct and other duties is directly reflected in statistical increase of GI, delivery, success and VIABILITY.


The EXEC EST O (or Est O I/C) is responsible for the quantity of Establishment done and the quality and performance of all his Est Os. EXEC EST Os or EST O I/Cs are trained on Flag or as designated by Flag.

Exec Est Os or Est O I/Cs are usually granted the right to train Est Os. For this they must have the packs and equipment. The actual training is done by their Est 0 Org Officer or when one exists, the Est O's Est O.

The actual hatting and training of Est Os comes under the Est O's Est O, the Est 0 Org Officer generally wearing this hat.

In a crush emergency in any one of the mentioned divisions the EXEC EST O goes in on Divs 7, 1 or 2 and the Deputy Exec Est O goes in on Divisions 3, 4, 5 and 6.

An Est O usually works the full day less Conference time and studies an additional 5 hours minimum.

Where there is a Foundation, the same Est Os as the Day org cover the Foundation as well until both Day and Foundation are too large to be so handled, at which time a Foundation begins a separate Est O function under its own Est 0 l/C. When all Foundation divs are separately covered, the Foundation has its own Exec Est 0.


A full training outline of the skills required in an Est O follows:

  • An Exec Est O should be ideally a full FEBC. This covers the OEC and the Product-Org Officer System.
  • An Est 0 l/C would have to know the OEC.
  • In addition to the above would be added these specific requirements:

    • Primary Correction Rundown (HCO B 30 Mar 72).
  • Word Clearer — able to handle a meter and do Method 2 and Method 4, assess prepared lists and do good TRs.
  • Vol 0 OEC (if not done on the OEC).
  • Vol 1 OEC (if not done on the OEC).
  • Org Series P/Ls Personnel Series P/Ls Data Series P/Ls
  • PR Becomes a Subject FEBC Tapes
  • Mini Course Super Hat. (Full HPCSC for the Est O's Est O.)
  • ARC Triangle Materials
  • Dianetics 55
  • FP Policy (Finance Pack)
  • PTS Phenomena HCO Bs DB and SP HCO Bs & P/Ls Psychosis HCO Bs HCO Investigatory Tech Establishment Officer Tape Series Establishment Officer Series P/Ls LRH ED 174 Int (1972)
  • HCO P/L 9 April 72
  • There is a difference in what the Est O himself has to know to be hatted and what he must teach in his division. These are TWO different bodies of knowledge.

    • The Est 0 must know all the hats and Valuable Final Products of any division he is hatting.
  • He should know the Product-Org Series Tapes.
  • He should know Quarters and Housing materials.
  • He should know the operating manuals and how to operate any machine in the division he is establishing.
  • On ships he should know the FOs.
  • Any FOs, FSOs and CBOs that may apply in a Bureau.
  • The Est O becomes totally proficient in his own hat and makes others proficient in theirs. He has to be able to read and pick up data on another's hat very rapidly.


    (Not necessarily in Pgm Order)
    • TRs the Hard Way
  • Admin TRs
  • OCA not below Center Line
  • Physically well
  • Case gain
  • C/S 53 to F/N on List
  • If Drugs full Drug RD
  • GF 40 RR to F/N on List
  • The HAS Rundown
  • F/N on White Form
  • Study Corr List
  • WC No. 1

    The cycle of hatting of Est Os and of staff members is HAT some and get production, hat more and get production, hat more and get Production. Hat to total specialization, get production. Hat to more generalized skill and get production. Hat an activity until it can do own and everyone else’s hat in the activity and get production.

    Quarters, supply, equipment, space all follow this same gradient. Get it in, get it producing, get more in, get it producing.


    An Est O has 2 hats. (A) His own hat as an Est O in which he must be expert. (B) The hats and skills he is grooving in on others.

    The most skilled Est O learns his own job and that of the other fellow rapidly and thoroughly.

    These two hats are separate and must be kept separate.


    The Est O may not involve himself in the Production cycles of a post or division except to learn it himself so he can hat expertly or get the HCO P/Ls or Tech Applied to it understood by himself so he can hat and debug the post.

    The Est O must be an expert on Word Clearing Method 3 tapes and then WC Method 4 ing them.



    HCO performs its normal duties per policy. It is not called on to Establish the whole org, however, but is to back up Est Os.

    Personnel is obtained through Department 1 by Est Os but these do not have to depend only on that but must clear personnel and changes through it.


    The Executive Est O has a MASTER AT ARMS in a large org.

    The MAA musters the crew, conducts any exercises, does ethics investigations as needful especially by the Exec Est O and helps hat the Ethics Officers of the org. He does not replace these. He does other duties assigned.


    The PRODUCT CONFERENCE is conducted by the C/O or ED (or his deputy). It consists of the Divisional Heads of the Org as each of these is a PRODUCT OFFICER.

    It sets and reports on Targets.

    As the C/O or ED as PRODUCT OFFICER investigates and does evaluations and writes programs, some of the actions of the Product Conference are furnishing data to debug. The Data Series and the OEC and FOs are the tech used. (The primary reason for failures of such a conference will be found to be [A] Operating on wrong WHYs. [B] Lack of knowledge of Conference tech which is mainly do homework for the conference [CSW] before it begins, not during it and do not monopolize Conference time.)

    Therefore Product Conference success depends upon

    1. Finding and operating on correct WHYs.

    2. Getting targets for Valuable Final Products of each Div or department that exchange with the society around them in return for income.

    3. Ensuring adequate preparation (intelligent programs).

    4. Debugging production programs.

    5. Getting DONES not not dones or half dones as they will become hidden backlogs in the org.

    6. Coming to Conference prepared.

    7. Not monopolizing Conference.

    8. Actually punctually holding them.



    The ESTABLISHMENT OFFICER CONFERENCE is held by the Exec Est O (or his deputy).

    This Conference handles Est O matters, debugs Est O targets worked out by the C/O-ED or Est O’s projects, gets in reports of divisions and their personnel, hatting, supply, spaces, quarters etc.

    The Est O Conference handles Financial Planning using FP Policy in which the Est O must be proficient. (FP must be approved by the Treasury Sec, Finance Banking Officer and Assistant Guardian. The Org has to be run on FBO/A/G allocations and these are the check signers of the org.)

    This conference is governed by similar guide rules as a Conference to the Product Conference.

    The PRODUCT Conference is senior to the Est O Conference but cannot overrule its FP.


    Est Os as well as PRODUCT OFFICERS run on Programs.

    These are in accordance always with Data Series 23 and 24.


    An Aides Council or A/Aides (or International Secretary or Assistant International Secretary) Council is held as

    1. A Product Conference or

    2. A Program Conference or

    3. An Establishment Conference.

    But never 2 or 3 of these at the same time.


    The Est O System has already proven a success.

    It will be successful in direct ratio to its

    1. Staying on Policy

    2. Setting no independent policy

    3. Operating only toward production

    4. Its Est Os continuing to train andbe well trained

    5. Consistently staying in the Division and actively working in it to establish and maintain, better establish and maintain

    6. Setting an excellent example to staff as competent helpful executives and staff members.


    [See also HCO PL 9 May 1974, Prod-Org, Esto and Older Systems Reconciled, on page 446, which modifies the above Policy Letter.]