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АНГЛИЙСКИЕ ДОКИ ЗА ЭТУ ДАТУ- Basic Theory of CCHS (L1, FC-04) (2) - L570705a | Сравнить
- Basic Theory of CCHS (L1, FC-04) (3) - L570705a | Сравнить
- Basic Theory of CCHs (L1, FC-04) - L570705A | Сравнить
- GP - Acceptable Pressures (FC-05) - L570705B | Сравнить
- GP - Hold it on Earth (FC-06) - L570705C | Сравнить
- Purpose and Need of Training Drills (FC-07) - L570705D | Сравнить
- Training Drills Demonstrated (FC-08) - L570705E | Сравнить

РУССКИЕ ДОКИ ЗА ЭТУ ДАТУ- Групповой Процессинг - Приемлемые Давления (КСв 57) - Л570705 | Сравнить
- Групповой Процессинг - Удержите Это на Земле (КСв 57) - Л570705 | Сравнить
- Демонстрация Тренировочных Упражнений (КСв 57) - Л570705 | Сравнить
- Назначение и Необходимость Тренировочных Упражнений (КСв 57) - Л570705 | Сравнить
- Основная Теория КОО (У1, КСв 57) - Л570705 | Сравнить
- Основная Теория УОО (У1, КСв 57) - Л570705 | Сравнить



5th lecture of the „Freedom Congress“ held in Washington, DC
Сессия группового процессинга, проведенная 5 июля 1957 года


A lecture given on 5 July 1957
Спасибо. Спасибо.

[Based on the clearsound version only.]

В действительности, в течение следующих нескольких часов лекции мы должны рассмотреть достаточно много информации о новых типах процессинга и тому подобное. И я бы хотел привести вам примеры таких процессов. Так что мы начнём, мы начнём в семь часов вечера, с вечерними лекциями.

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

Но вы ведь хотите, чтобы завтра вечером были семинары, правда?

Well, I bet somebody wonders why the chairs are all this way. Well, I'm going to do some processing this hour.

Или вы собираетесь заставить меня поработать ещё?

I'm going to run an impossible process. Going to do an utterly impossible process that nobody present will be able to do, and then I'll win and you lo...

Хорошо. Ладно. Спасибо. Хорошо. Именно так мы и поступим.

No, that's old style auditing, I mean, you know, where the preclear loses so the auditor can win. That's old style.

Ну что ж. Что означает слово «приемлемый»?

You know, way back, way back when, you know, the HDA days. Remember? The auditor would sit down in the chair, you know, and tell the preclear, „Lie down there. Lie down there. Yes, that's right. That's right. That's good. Close your eyes. Close your eyes. All right. Now, we're going to run ... we re going to run birth. Yeah. I know, just lie down there. Okay. Just... No, there's nothing to worry about, nothing to worry about. I just know instinctively that's what should be run. All right. Now, the somatic strip will now go back to the beginning of birth. (snap!) You there? All right. Let's get the first phrase. Good. Repeat it. Repeat it. That's right. Do it again. Do it again. How're you making out? You're not? Well, here, here, I'll tell you what. You sit down... you sit down in the chair over here. I've been - that's right, I've been putting in some hard hours myself. Now go on, run it.“

Хорошо, я скажу вам, я скажу вам - это достаточно интересно. Знаете, существует вероятность того, что давление относится не совсем к области лингвистики, - вероятность того, что это не слово, а опыт. Но очень интересно отметить, очень интересно отметить, что у тэтана есть определённый опыт, связанный с массой, который он называет давлением.

I didn't mean to be personal. Even that was a lot better than „Sit down there. Start talking“ - two years later he's still talking; what's left of him. Psycho-analism.

Так вот, как вы думаете, что существует здесь, между вот тем твёрдым предметом и полом? Там, где они соприкасаются друг с другом, как вы думаете, в этом месте что-нибудь происходит? Вы думаете, что, может быть, там что-то есть?

Well, today - today we've come a long way from that and our Group Processing has come just as far. Now, we've got quite a few people here, and we've got four or five people on the floor, but I am going to ask you for your cooperation in doing the auditing commands as given.

Что ж, тогда, похоже, постоянно существует какое-то давление в мире. Так?

And in view of the fact that a few of you had a very good group intensive, then I won't have to go over that ground at all.

Хм. Существует такая вероятность.

I'm just going to start you off in high gear on a process you can't do and... Is that good?

Например, ваш стул: ножки производят определённое давление на пол. Как вы думаете, это так?

Well, now, did you ever hear of pressure?

Хорошо, а где вы в данный момент испытываете некоторое давление? Ну, в таком случае оно имеет место? Имеет место. Вот, например, вы могли бы создать идею о том, что должно существовать некоторое постоянное давление между вами и вашим стулом?

Audience: Yes.

Хорошо, давайте просто создадим эту идею: «Должно быть постоянное Давление между мной и стулом». Должно быть. Вы без труда создали эту идею, да?

You've heard of pressure?

Хорошо. Как вы думаете, почему это так? Как вы думаете, почему у вас есть эта идея? Что бы случилось, если бы у вас не было этой идеи?

Audience: Yes.

Если бы здесь было огромное колесо и мы бы крутили это колесо очень быстро, то это произвело бы отбрасывающую силу, направленную наружу, на внешнюю поверхность колеса. Разве это не так? Поэтому, если бы у нас здесь было это крутящееся колесо и сверху на нём был бы стеклянный шарик или что-то в этом роде, в тот момент, когда мы закрутили бы колесо, шарик слетел бы с него, не так ли? Что ж, если бы у нас здесь был шар, и на нём находился бы маленький стеклянный шарик, и мы бы закрутили шар - что произошло бы с этим маленьким шариком?

All right. Now, you all set? Is it all right with you if I begin this session?

Хорошо, позвольте мне обратить ваше внимание на одну вещь. Позвольте мне обратить ваше внимание на одну вещь: когда вы поднимаете что-нибудь... сейчас правой рукой поднимите свою левую руку. Поднимите её. Поднимите её. Ощущаете давление здесь? Да?

Audience: Yes. Sure.

Как вы полагаете, возможно ли, чтобы вы делали что-нибудь ещё в то же самое время? Как вы полагаете, существует ли такая возможность?

All right. Now I'm clarifying the auditing command and the auditing command is going to be what it will be: pressure.

Давайте посмотрим на это таким образом. Просто поднимите вашу левую руку. Теперь бросьте её. Отлично. А сейчас поднимите её и просто отпустите. Позвольте мне обратить ваше внимание на одну вещь: вы отпустили её. Теперь поднимите её и бросьте. Теперь поднимите её и отпустите. Вы не думаете, что это происходит автоматически? Почему ваша рука падает, когда вы её отпускаете?

Put your foot down on the floor there.

Итак, если бы мы все не были жителями Земли и не были бы полностью сумасшедшими, нас бы это привело в замешательство. Потому что в центре Земли нет магнита и в ваших туфлях нет стали. Это крайне интересно. У профессоров университетов всё это схвачено, вы знаете, у них это всё схвачено. Они говорят: «Ну вот, студенты, существует сила тяжести. И всё тут».

Can you feel some pressure between the floor and your foot?

Это весьма забавно. Однажды кто-то написал формулу гравитации, и я чётко помню, что эта формула существует, но не помню саму формулу. Я всегда упускал это на экзаменах. Это что-то такое, это формула, связывающая массу и гравитацию. В основном это происходит потому, что каждый раз, когда я записываю её, она даёт мне другой ответ. Это очень интересная формула. Но моё представление о формулах таково: они должны быть немножко неизменными. Они должны быть фиксированными стабильными данными. А они говорят: «Гравитация и электромагнетизм - это одно и то же. Так сказал Эйнштейн. Он, должно быть, прав - ведь он умер».

Audience: Yes.

Что это за вещь такая, гравитация, что каждый раз, когда вы отпускаете яблоко, оно автоматически шлёпается на землю? Когда вы поднимаете свои ноги, они опускаются на землю. Не думаете ли вы, что, возможно, кто-то действует против кого-то? Вы всегда можете предложить кому-нибудь создать идею о борьбе с самим собой, и он сразу же согласится с вами. Вы можете создать идею борьбы с самим собой? Стирать в одитинге гравитацию - это очень забавно.

Can you feel some pressure? Hm?

Я хочу... Я хочу, чтобы вы все сейчас поднялись и встали сзади своих стульев. Теперь я хочу, чтобы вы старательно удерживали свой стул на Земле; удерживайте его, чтобы он не поднимался. Не позволяйте ему подниматься. Продолжайте это делать. Не позволяйте стулу улететь в воздух, так, удерживайте его на Земле. Удерживайте его на полу. Удерживайте его. Не вызывает ли это у вас странного ощущения?

Audience: Yes.

Хорошо. Садитесь.

You can, huh?

Теперь позвольте мне задать вам вопрос... Спасибо, что вы сели. Мой опыт в использовании Тона 40. Спасибо.

All right. Now just sit back in your chair. Now do you feel any pressure between you and the back of your chair?

Позвольте мне задать вам такой вопрос: «Вы остаётесь на Земле или летаете в воздухе?»

Audience: Yes.

Вы остаётесь на Земле, так?

All right. Now you know what I mean, that's pressure. Right? All right. Now here's what we're really going to be aiming at in this process. I want you to put your foot down on the floor with an acceptable pressure. Got that? An acceptable pressure. Just the right amount.

Ваше тело не улетает...

Can you do that? Did you find it?

... масса вашего банка не улетает. Таким образом, здесь должно существовать что-то, что удерживает вас, так?

All right. That's good.

Но ваш опыт в гравитации состоит в поднимании различных вещей. Если вы хотите перенести ящик отсюда сюда, вы подходите и поднимаете ящик и несёте его сюда и даёте гравитации опустить его, верно? Другими словами, вы поднимаете его, а гравитация опускает его, так? Что это за личность такая - гравитация? О, я знаю, это давно потерянный джин из лампы Аладдина, который это делает, - а именно вы.

Now take your hands and put them against your face with an acceptable pressure.

Поэтому и таким образом, если бы я попросил вас удержать пол на Земле и удержать своё тело на стуле при помощи рук, положив их на голову, - если бы я использовал это как вопрос одитинга, вы либо стали бы ужасно высокими, либо кто-нибудь из вас начал бы парить в воздухе. Так?

Now adjust those hands around until you get the exact acceptable pressure from your hands.

Что ж, именно это мы и собираемся делать во время этой сессии группового одитинга. Я собираюсь просить вас просто удержать пол на Земле. И я хочу, чтобы вы, конечно, сделали это просто при помощи силы своего магнетизма. Я просто хочу, чтобы вы начали грр-грр-грр. Другими словами, оказывайте давление на пол, чтобы удержать его внизу. Уловили это?

Audience: Ohay Yes.

Смотрите, это - без рук или ног или чего-либо ещё. Я хочу, чтобы это вы сделали грр-грр-грр, понимаете.

You did that, huh?

И при помощи рук удержите своё тело на Земле.

Audience: Yes.

Теперь вы поняли эти две команды?

All right. Well, now in essence those are the two auditing commands. And the commands are worded as follows: „With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor,“ and the other command is, „With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face.“ Got that?

Есть какие-либо вопросы по этим командам одитинга?

Audience: Yes.

Прекрасно. Каковы ваши цели на эту сессию?

Now those are the auditing commands and I will try to give you an acknowledgment or two during this next hour. All right. You all set then?

Хорошо. Так, какими бы ни были эти цели - хороший одитор; я не скажу вам, какими должны быть ваши цели - какими бы ни были эти цели, ваша проблема настоящего времени уничтожена, потому что вы участвуете в конгрессе. А конгрессы плавают по траку времени и, поскольку вы находитесь вне своего окружения, ваша проблема настоящего времени ничтожно мала. Это верно, не так ли? Ну, слава богу, мы разобрались с проблемой настоящего времени. Хорошо.

Audience: Yes.

Итак, мы до некоторой степени прояснили цели, а команды одитинга будут: «Удержите пол на Земле» и «При помощи рук удержите своё тело... » - что бы вы предпочли, «на стуле» или «на Земле»?

All right. Here we go.

Вы бы предпочли «Удержите своё тело на Земле». Другими словами, вы собираетесь выложиться на полную катушку (разговорное выражение, которое означает «делать что-то в полную силу»). Ладно. Очень хорошо. Вы сами этого просили. Вы сказали, что хотите процессинг сегодня днём.

With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Everybody got it?

Между прочим, если вы будете улетать с Земли, бросьте свой значок в конец аудитории. Они сохраняют их, понимаете. Они сохраняют эти пластиковые оболочки.

Audience: Yes.

Стивз, ничего, если они просто пропадут в этот раз? О, он говорит, всё в порядке. Вам не нужно бросать их. Пусть ваш ум будет ясным и свободным, и когда вы будете улетать...

Good. Good. Good. Good.

Отлично. Теперь вы поняли это? Хорошо. Вы готовы к сессии?

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. All right. You got that?

Audience: Yes.

Audience: Yes.

Good. All right. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Got that?

Аудитория: Да.

Audience: Yes.

All right. With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. All right. Thank you.

With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Good. Fine. Good. Back at the end of the hall, too, good.

Very good. The first command: Hold the floor on Earth. Thank you.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Got it, huh?

Очень хорошо. Первая команда: Удержите пол на Земле. Спасибо.

Audience: Yes.

All right. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Everybody get it?

Audience: Yes.

With your hands, hold your body on Earth. Thank you.

All right. Thank you. With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. All right, how's that?

При помощи рук удержите своё тело на Земле. Спасибо.

Audience: All right. Good. Getting somewhere?

Audience: Yes.

Kind of interesting?

Hold the floor on Earth. Thank you.

Audience: Yes.

Удержите пол на Земле. Спасибо.

Good. Thank you. Thank you. Good.

With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Good. Fine.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. All right. Thank you. Thank you. Good.

With your hands, hold your body on Earth. Thank you.

With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Good. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

При помощи рук удержите своё тело на Земле. Спасибо.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Good. Thank you.

With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Good. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Good.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Good. Thank you. Good. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Good. Thank you. Good.

Hold the floor on Earth. Thank you.

All right. With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Good. Thank you. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Good. Thank you. Thank you.

Удержите пол на Земле. Спасибо.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Good.

With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Good. Thank you.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. All right. Thank you. Thank you.

With your hands, hold your body on Earth. Thank you.

With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Okay.

При помощи рук удержите своё тело на Земле. Спасибо.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. All right. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. All right. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Good. Thank you. With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you.

Hold the floor on Earth. Thank you.

With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you. With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. All right. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you. With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Good.

Удержите пол на Земле. Спасибо.

With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Good. With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Good.

With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you. Thank you. With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you.

With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you. With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you.

With your hands, hold your body on Earth. Thank you.

With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you. With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you.

При помощи рук удержите своё тело на Земле. Спасибо.

With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you. With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

Hold the floor on Earth. Thank you.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

Удержите пол на Земле. Спасибо.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you.

With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you. Good. Thank you.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. All right. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Good.

With your hands, hold your body on Earth. Thank you.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

При помощи рук удержите своё тело на Земле. Спасибо.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you.

With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you. With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

Hold the floor on Earth. Thank you.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

Удержите пол на Земле. Спасибо.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

With your hands, hold your body on Earth, Thank you.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

При помощи рук удержите своё тело на Земле. Спасибо.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

Hold the floor on Earth. Thank you.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

Удержите пол на Земле. Спасибо.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you.

With your hands, hold your body on Earth. Thank you.

With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you. Thank you. With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you.

При помощи рук удержите своё тело на Земле. Спасибо.

With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you. With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you.

With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

Hold the floor on Earth. Thank you.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

Удержите пол на Земле. Спасибо.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Good. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you. With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Okay. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you. With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

With your hands, hold your body on Earth. Thank you.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

При помощи рук удержите своё тело на Земле. Спасибо.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. 55 With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

Hold the floor on Earth. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

Удержите пол на Земле. Спасибо. Спасибо. Спасибо.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

With your hands, hold your body on Earth. Thank you.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

При помощи рук удержите своё тело на Земле. Спасибо.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you.

Hold the floor on Earth. Thank you.

With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you. All right. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you very much.

Удержите пол на Земле. Спасибо.

All right. How are you getting along?

Audience: Fine. Good.

Getting along pretty good?

With your hands, hold your body on Earth. Thank you.

Audience: Yes.

При помощи рук удержите своё тело на Земле. Спасибо.

You found that this acceptability, the pressure that's acceptable, varies a little bit, huh?

Audience: Yes.

Anybody felt like socking himself in the jaw is... you know, a good sock in the puss would be acceptable?

Hold the floor on Earth. Thank you.

I notice nobody has given away to the temptation to stamp. Are you making out all right then, huh?

Удержите пол на Земле. Спасибо.

Audience: Yes.

Well, this duplication isn't killing you then, huh?

Audience: No.

With your hands, hold your body on Earth. Thank you.

You can keep up with it?

При помощи рук удержите своё тело на Земле. Спасибо.

Audience: Yes.

Well, that's all right. Any of you that want to as we go on with this can blow session, you know, perfectly all right. Perfectly all right to blow session. We have a seminar leader with a shotgun over there, and one over there to shoot people as they go out. But you can blow session if you want to.

All right. You're doing all right then, huh?

Hold the floor on Earth. Thank you.

Audience: Yes.

Удержите пол на Земле. Спасибо.

All right with you if we keep on with this session then?

Audience: Yes. Sure.

Is that all right with everybody if we keep on with this session?

With your hands, hold your body on Earth. Thank you.

Audience: Yes.

При помощи рук удержите своё тело на Земле. Спасибо.

No exceptions now. All right then, we'll go on with this session.

The auditing commands will be the same and we will carry on as before, okay? All right. Here we go.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Good.

Hold the floor on Earth. Thank you.

With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor Thank you. With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you.

Удержите пол на Земле. Спасибо.

With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor Thank you. With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

With your hands, hold your body on Earth. Thank you.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor Thank you.

При помощи рук удержите своё тело на Земле. Спасибо.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor Thank you.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor Thank you.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor Thank you.

Hold the floor on Earth. Thank you.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor Thank you.

Удержите пол на Земле. Спасибо.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

With your hands, hold your body on Earth. Thank you.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you.

При помощи рук удержите своё тело на Земле. Спасибо.

With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you. Thank you. With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you.

With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you. With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

Hold the floor on Earth. Thank you.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

Удержите пол на Земле. Спасибо.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you.

With your hands, hold your body on Earth. Thank you.

With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you. Thank you. With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you.

При помощи рук удержите своё тело на Земле. Спасибо.

With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you. With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you.

With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you. With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you.

Hold the floor on Earth. Thank you.

With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you. With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

Удержите пол на Земле. Спасибо.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you.

With your hands, hold your body on Earth. Thank you.

With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you. With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

При помощи рук удержите своё тело на Земле. Спасибо.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

Hold the floor on Earth. Thank you.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

Удержите пол на Земле. Спасибо.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

With your hands, hold your body on Earth. Thank you.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

При помощи рук удержите своё тело на Земле. Спасибо.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

Hold the floor on Earth. Thank you.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

Удержите пол на Земле. Спасибо.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

With your hands, hold your body on Earth. Thank you.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

При помощи рук удержите своё тело на Земле. Спасибо.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

Hold the floor on Earth. Thank you.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

Удержите пол на Земле. Спасибо.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

With your hands, hold your body on Earth. Thank you.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

При помощи рук удержите своё тело на Земле. Спасибо.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

Hold the floor on Earth. Thank you.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

Удержите пол на Земле. Спасибо.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you.

With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you. With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

With your hands, hold your body on Earth. Thank you.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

При помощи рук удержите своё тело на Земле. Спасибо.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

Hold the floor on Earth. Thank you.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

Удержите пол на Земле. Спасибо.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

With your hands, hold your body on Earth. Thank you.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

При помощи рук удержите своё тело на Земле. Спасибо.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

Hold the floor on Earth. Thank you.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

Удержите пол на Земле. Спасибо.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

With your hands, hold your body on Earth. Thank you.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

При помощи рук удержите своё тело на Земле. Спасибо.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

Hold the floor on Earth. Thank you.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

Удержите пол на Земле. Спасибо.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

Спасибо. Спасибо. Спасибо. Спасибо.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

With your hands, hold your body on Earth. Thank you.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

При помощи рук удержите своё тело на Земле. Спасибо.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you.

With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. All right. Is it all right with you if I just run this a few more times and end the process?

Hold the floor on Earth. Thank you.

Audience: Yes.

Удержите пол на Земле. Спасибо.

All right.

With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you. With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you.

With your hands find an acceptable pressure on your face. Thank you. All right. And this is the last command.

With your hands, hold your body on Earth. Thank you.

With your feet find an acceptable pressure on the floor. Thank you. Now, how'd you make out now?

При помощи рук удержите своё тело на Земле. Спасибо.

Audience: Good.

Made out pretty good, huh? That's not too horrible a process, huh?

Audience: No.

Hold the floor on Earth. Thank you.

Do you know what you were running?

Удержите пол на Земле. Спасибо.

Audience: No.

You were running the thetan's chief experience with havingness. Go on, cognite. Go on, cognite.

A thetan's chief experience, his main experience with havingness is what?

With your hands, hold your body on Earth. Thank you.

Audience: Pressure.

При помощи рук удержите своё тело на Земле. Спасибо.

Pressure. Is that right or wrong? Is that right?

Audience: Yes. Feel it.

It isn't the only experience he has with havingness by a long ways but it's certainly the major one, isn't it? You got that?

Hold the floor on Earth. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

What do you know of the floor? Pressure. Is that right?

Удержите пол на Земле. Спасибо. Спасибо. Спасибо.

Audience: Yes.

What do you know of the face? Is that right? Hm?

Has something to do with havingness, doesn't it? You'll at least settle for the fact that there is some factor in pressure that has some vague resemblance to, three vias later, havingness. Will you settle for that?

With your hands, hold your body on Earth. Thank you.

Audience: Yes.

При помощи рук удержите своё тело на Земле. Спасибо.

All right. Now we got a total cognition, haven't we? Therefore is it safe to end the process?

Audience: Yes.

Safe to end the session?

Hold the floor on Earth. Thank you.

Audience: Yes.

Удержите пол на Земле. Спасибо.

Call it flat?

Audience: Yes.

Call it intermission? Thank you. Thank you.

With your hands, hold your body on Earth. Thank you.[End of lecture.]
При помощи рук удержите своё тело на Земле. Спасибо.
Hold the floor on Earth. Thank you.
Удержите пол на Земле. Спасибо.
With your hands, hold your body on Earth. Thank you.
При помощи рук удержите своё тело на Земле. Спасибо.
Hold the floor on Earth. Thank you.
Удержите пол на Земле. Спасибо.
With your hands, hold your body on Earth. Thank you.
При помощи рук удержите своё тело на Земле. Спасибо.
Hold the floor on Earth. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
Удержите пол на Земле. Спасибо. Спасибо. Спасибо.
With your hands, hold your body on Earth. Thank you.
При помощи рук удержите своё тело на Земле. Спасибо.
Hold the floor on Earth. Thank you.
Удержите пол на Земле. Спасибо.
With your hands, hold your body on Earth. Thank you.
При помощи рук удержите своё тело на Земле. Спасибо.
Hold the floor on Earth. Thank you.
Удержите пол на Земле. Спасибо.
With your hands, hold your body on Earth. Thank you.
При помощи рук удержите своё тело на Земле. Спасибо.
Hold the floor on Earth. Thank you.
Удержите пол на Земле. Спасибо.
With your hands, hold your body on Earth. Thank you.
При помощи рук удержите своё тело на Земле. Спасибо.
Hold the floor on Earth. Thank you.
Удержите пол на Земле. Спасибо.
With your hands, hold your body on Earth. Thank you.
При помощи рук удержите своё тело на Земле. Спасибо.
Hold the floor on Earth. Thank you.
Удержите пол на Земле. Спасибо.
With your hands, hold your body on Earth. Thank you.
При помощи рук удержите своё тело на Земле. Спасибо.
Hold the floor on Earth. Thank you.
Удержите пол на Земле. Спасибо.
With your hands, hold your body on Earth. Thank you.
При помощи рук удержите своё тело на Земле. Спасибо.
Hold the floor on Earth. Thank you.
Удержите пол на Земле. Спасибо.
With your hands, hold your body on Earth. Thank you.
При помощи рук удержите своё тело на Земле. Спасибо.
Hold the floor on Earth. Thank you. Thank you.
Удержите пол на Земле. Спасибо. Спасибо.
With your hands, hold your body on Earth. Thank you.
При помощи рук удержите своё тело на Земле. Спасибо.
Hold the floor on Earth. Thank you.
Удержите пол на Земле. Спасибо.
With your hands, hold your body on Earth. Thank you.
При помощи рук удержите своё тело на Земле. Спасибо.
Hold the floor on Earth. Thank you.
Удержите пол на Земле. Спасибо.
With your hands, hold your body on Earth. Thank you.
При помощи рук удержите своё тело на Земле. Спасибо.
All right. Now, how are you doing now?
Отлично. Как дела?
Audience: Great.
Аудитория: Замечательно.
Somebody's going like this? Was that pretty wog? Make you feel kind of wog-wog?
Кто-нибудь чувствует себя вот так? Кого-нибудь мутило? Кто-нибудь почувствовал что-то вроде тошноты?
Audience: Yeah, Sort of silly.
Аудитория: Да. Как-то странно.
You think maybe the process is too strong?
Вы думаете, что, может быть, процесс слишком сильный?
Audience: No.
Аудитория: Нет.
The disdain in some of these noes! Anybody having any facsimiles flash by or...?
Ну и пренебрежение в некоторых из этих «нет»! У кого-нибудь есть какие-нибудь вспышки факсимиле или?..
Audience: Yes.
Аудитория: Да.
Some of you, it's just all black - "like it always is."
Для некоторых из вас это просто сплошная чернота - «как всегда».
How're you doing though for sure?
Как у вас всё же дела на самом деле?
Audience: All right. Good.
Аудитория: Отлично. Хорошо.
You really doing all right?
У вас действительно всё в порядке?
Audience: Yes. Fine.
Аудитория: Да. Отлично.
Is anybody having a hard time getting the idea of holding the body on Earth with the hands?
У кого-нибудь были трудности с созданием идеи о том, что нужно удержать тело на Земле при помощи рук?
Audience: No.
Аудитория: Нет.
Well, I'll tell you just - if you are having an idea... Most of you aren't, but if you are having a hard time with it, why, just come down on it with a crunch, you know. Make up for a lack of effectiveness with force - always.
Хорошо. Я просто скажу вам - если у вас есть идея... Для большинства из вас это не так, но, если у вас есть трудности с этим, просто обрушьтесь на это с треском, понимаете. Восполняйте отсутствие эффективности силой - всегда.
Well, it's all right with you, then, if we continue this session, huh?
Значит, вы не будете возражать, если мы продолжим сессию, а?
Audience: Yes.
Аудитория: Да
You're doing okay then?
Значит у вас всё в порядке?
Audience: Yes.
Аудитория: Да.
All right. That's fine. Here goes the next auditing command: Hold the floor on Earth. Thank you.
Хорошо. Отлично. Вот следующая команда одитинга: Удержите пол на Земле. Спасибо.
With your hands, hold your body on Earth. Thank you.
При помощи рук удержите своё тело на Земле. Спасибо.
Hold the floor on Earth. Thank you.
Удержите пол на Земле. Спасибо.
With your hands, hold your body on Earth. Thank you.
При помощи рук удержите своё тело на Земле. Спасибо.
Hold the floor on Earth. Thank you.
Удержите пол на Земле. Спасибо.
With your hands, hold your body on Earth. Thank you.
При помощи рук удержите своё тело на Земле. Спасибо.
Hold the floor on Earth. Thank you.
Удержите пол на Земле. Спасибо.
With your hands, hold your body on Earth. Thank you.
При помощи рук удержите своё тело на Земле. Спасибо.
Hold the floor on Earth. Thank you.
Удержите пол на Земле. Спасибо.
With your hands, hold your body on Earth. Thank you.
При помощи рук удержите своё тело на Земле. Спасибо.
Hold the floor on Earth. Thank you.
Удержите пол на Земле. Спасибо.
With your hands, hold your body on Earth. Thank you.
При помощи рук удержите своё тело на Земле. Спасибо.
Hold the floor on Earth. Thank you.
Удержите пол на Земле. Спасибо.
With your hands, hold your body on Earth. Thank you.
При помощи рук удержите своё тело на Земле. Спасибо.
Hold the floor on Earth. Thank you.
Удержите пол на Земле. Спасибо.
With your hands, hold your body on Earth. Thank you.
При помощи рук удержите своё тело на Земле. Спасибо.
Hold the floor on Earth. Thank you.
Удержите пол на Земле. Спасибо.
With your hands, hold your body on Earth. Thank you.
При помощи рук удержите своё тело на Земле. Спасибо.
Hold the floor on Earth. Thank you.
Удержите пол на Земле. Спасибо.
With your hands, hold your body on Earth. Thank you.
При помощи рук удержите своё тело на Земле. Спасибо.
Hold the floor on Earth. Thank you.
Удержите пол на Земле. Спасибо.
With your hands, hold your body on Earth. Thank you.
При помощи рук удержите своё тело на Земле. Спасибо.
Hold the floor on Earth. Thank you.
Удержите пол на Земле. Спасибо.
With your hands, hold your body on Earth. Thank you.
При помощи рук удержите своё тело на Земле, Спасибо.
Hold the floor on Earth. Thank you.
Удержите пол на Земле. Спасибо.
With your hands, hold your body on Earth. Thank you.
При помощи рук удержите своё тело на Земле. Спасибо.
Hold the floor on Earth, Thank you.
Удержите пол на Земле. Спасибо.
With your hands, hold your body on Earth. Thank you.
При помощи рук удержите своё тело на Земле. Спасибо.
Hold the floor on Earth. Thank you.
Удержите пол на Земле. Спасибо.
With your hands, hold your body on Earth. Thank you.
При помощи рук удержите своё тело на Земле. Спасибо.
Hold the floor on Earth. Thank you.
Удержите пол на Земле. Спасибо.
With your hands, hold your body on Earth. Thank you.
При помощи рук удержите своё тело на Земле. Спасибо.
Hold the floor on Earth. Thank you.
Удержите пол на Земле. Спасибо.
With your hands, hold your body on Earth. Thank you.
При помощи рук удержите своё тело на Земле. Спасибо.
Hold the floor on Earth. Thank you.
Удержите пол на Земле. Спасибо.
With your hands, hold your body on Earth. Thank you.
При помощи рук удержите своё тело на Земле. Спасибо.
Hold the floor on Earth. Thank you.
Удержите пол на Земле. Спасибо.
With your hands, hold your body on Earth. Thank you.
При помощи рук удержите своё тело на Земле. Спасибо.
Hold the floor on Earth. Thank you.
Удержите пол на Земле. Спасибо.
With your hands, hold your body on Earth. Thank you.
При помощи рук удержите своё тело на Земле. Спасибо.
All right. Now, I'm going to give you just a few more of these commands. Is that all right?
Хорошо. Теперь я собираюсь дать вам ещё несколько этих команд. Хорошо?
Audience: Yes.
Аудитория: Да.
AH right. Hold the floor on Earth. Thank you.
Хорошо. Удержите пол на Земле. Спасибо.
With your hands, hold your body on Earth. Thank you.
При помощи рук удержите своё тело на Земле. Спасибо.
Hold the floor on Earth. Thank you.
Удержите пол на Земле. Спасибо.
With your hands, hold your body on Earth. Thank you.
При помощи рук удержите своё тело на Земле. Спасибо.
And this is the next to the last command: Hold the floor on Earth. Thank you.
А вот предпоследняя команда: Удержите пол на Земле. Спасибо.
And this is the last command: With your hands, hold your body on Earth. Thank you.
А это последняя команда: При помощи рук удержите своё тело на Земле. Спасибо.
Well now, it's all right if we end that process, okay?
Ну что ж, теперь мы закончим процесс. Хорошо?
Audience: Yes.
Аудитория: Да.
And any of you have headaches or anything like that? I mean, did it do something terrible to you?
А у кого-нибудь есть головная боль или что-то вроде этого? Я имею в виду, сделал ли процесс что-то ужасное с вами?
Audience: No.
Аудитория: Нет.
You're all saying no. Well, look-a-here, I was ready here with two theta buckets full of theta sympathy. I was going to pass them out. You know, sympathy? You're all right then, huh?
Вы все говорите: «Нет». Хорошо, послушайте: у меня тут наготове было два тэта-ведра, полные тэта-сочувствия. Я собирался раздать вам его. Вы знаете, сочувствие? Значит, с вами все в порядке, да?
Audience: Yes.
Аудитория: Да.
You mean, you're in good enough shape to stagger out to dinner and stagger back in again for the evening lecture. All right. I will see you again at seven. It's been a pleasure processing you.
Вы хотите сказать, что вы в достаточно хорошей форме, чтобы доковылять на ужин и затем приковылять обратно на вечернюю лекцию. Хорошо. Увидимся снова в семь. Было очень приятно провести вам процессинг.
Thank you.