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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Supervisor Tech (ESTO-20) - P720626 | Сравнить

RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Технология Супервайзера (ЭСТО-20) (ц) - И720626 | Сравнить
- Технология Супервайзера (ЭСТО-20) - И720626 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 720626 - HCO Policy Letter - Supervisor Tech [PL024-054]
- 720626 - HCO Policy Letter - Supervisor Tech [PL039-019]
- 720626 - HCO Policy Letter - Supervisor Tech [PL044-052]
- 720626 - HCO Policy Letter - Supervisor Tech [PL080-009]
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Establishment Officer Series 20Establishment Officer Series 20





  • HCO P/L 25 June 72, Recovering Students and Pcs.
  • HCO P/L 25 June 72, Recovering Students and Pcs.
  • LRH ED 174 INT 29 Mar 72.
  • LRH ED 174 INT 29 Mar 72.
  • LRH ED 178 INT 30 May 72.)
  • LRH ED 178 INT 30 May 72.)
  • It should be very plain to an Esto that if the materials of Dianetics and Scientology are not available and not taught, all his work will be in vain.

    It should be very plain to an Esto that if the materials of Dianetics and Scientology are not available and not taught, all his work will be in vain.

    The TRAINING and HATTING of Course Supervisors is not a Product Officer function. It belongs to HCO Dept 1 or the E Esto or his TEO.

    The TRAINING and HATTING of Course Supervisors is not a Product Officer function. It belongs to HCO Dept 1 or the E Esto or his TEO.

    A failure on course supervision (and Cramming Officer functions) will throw out the whole tech delivery of an org and staff and defeat everything an Esto is trying to do.

    A failure on course supervision (and Cramming Officer functions) will throw out the whole tech delivery of an org and staff and defeat everything an Esto is trying to do.

    Public and staff courses are both of vital importance. After these come auditing. But where training fails, auditing won’t occur as the auditors won’t be able to audit.

    Public and staff courses are both of vital importance. After these come auditing. But where training fails, auditing won’t occur as the auditors won’t be able to audit.

    Further an Esto often trains and he should have these points down as well. And he should get them in on Supers NO MATTER WHAT DIVISION HE IS ESTOing.

    Further an Esto often trains and he should have these points down as well. And he should get them in on Supers NO MATTER WHAT DIVISION HE IS ESTOing.

    If he doesn’t, a training breakdown will defeat all his best laid plans. Bad Supers? So who gets trained?

    If he doesn’t, a training breakdown will defeat all his best laid plans. Bad Supers? So who gets trained?



    First and foremost is materials. If you don’t have these on the course for that course, what course?

    First and foremost is materials. If you don’t have these on the course for that course, what course?

    Always check the available materials and then move mountains to get them remedied where out or missing or too few.

    Always check the available materials and then move mountains to get them remedied where out or missing or too few.



    Next is schedules.

    Next is schedules.

    These must be real and KEPT BY THE SUPER AS WELL.

    These must be real and KEPT BY THE SUPER AS WELL.



    Next is the existence or presence of the Super.

    Next is the existence or presence of the Super.

    There may be none, he may be there part-time, he may be there but doing something else.

    There may be none, he may be there part-time, he may be there but doing something else.

    Get the Super on the course supervising the course, not doing admin or folders. (With a course co-auditing the D of T whose job it is, dumps it on the Super or fails to get a C/S and then there’s no Super.)

    Get the Super on the course supervising the course, not doing admin or folders. (With a course co-auditing the D of T whose job it is, dumps it on the Super or fails to get a C/S and then there’s no Super.)

    So get a Super supervising the course properly as his hat and duty.

    So get a Super supervising the course properly as his hat and duty.



    Two extremes can happen in course supervision:

    Two extremes can happen in course supervision:

    1. No attention to the student.

    1. No attention to the student.

    2. Bothering the student and stopping his progress.

    2. Bothering the student and stopping his progress.

    The point one has to grasp is “OBNOSIS.” This is a coined (invented) word meaning OBSERVING THE OBVIOUS. There is no English or any other language precise equivalent for it.

    The point one has to grasp is “OBNOSIS.” This is a coined (invented) word meaning OBSERVING THE OBVIOUS. There is no English or any other language precise equivalent for it.

    Man just does not seem to observe the obvious. The reason for it is misunderstood words. Not understanding the symbol (word) the actual thing can become somewhat less visible.

    Man just does not seem to observe the obvious. The reason for it is misunderstood words. Not understanding the symbol (word) the actual thing can become somewhat less visible.

    The real job of the Course Supervisor is to get the puzzled or doping or bogged student going. And to protect the student who is flying from interference including the Super’s own.

    The real job of the Course Supervisor is to get the puzzled or doping or bogged student going. And to protect the student who is flying from interference including the Super’s own.

    To do this the Course Supervisor has to observe the obvious.

    To do this the Course Supervisor has to observe the obvious.

    Is the student going okay?

    Is the student going okay?

    Is the student bogged?

    Is the student bogged?

    What is an F/Ning student? Is he chortling and gurgling and slapping his knee? No. He is just calmly going right along.

    What is an F/Ning student? Is he chortling and gurgling and slapping his knee? No. He is just calmly going right along.

    What is a bogged student? Is he stretched out on the floor snoring? No, he is groggy or puzzled or frowning or even emotionally upset by his Mis-U words. When not caught and handled he will go to sleep or just stare into space.

    What is a bogged student? Is he stretched out on the floor snoring? No, he is groggy or puzzled or frowning or even emotionally upset by his Mis-U words. When not caught and handled he will go to sleep or just stare into space.

    Should a student’s fingers be wiggling? No. He should do demos fully and with full attention only when he has something to demo in order to grasp it.

    Should a student’s fingers be wiggling? No. He should do demos fully and with full attention only when he has something to demo in order to grasp it.

    Should two students be chattering about a date they had? No. They are not F/Ning students even if they are F/Ning gossipers.

    Should two students be chattering about a date they had? No. They are not F/Ning students even if they are F/Ning gossipers.

    When the Super does not know the key words of his post, his power of observation is low. To remedy this one does Word Clearing Method 6 on him (HCOB 21 June 72 Issue II).

    When the Super does not know the key words of his post, his power of observation is low. To remedy this one does Word Clearing Method 6 on him (HCOB 21 June 72 Issue II).

    And one gets him to look.

    And one gets him to look.

    To keep from looking a Super can develop systems like, “Every 36 minutes I’ll check up on every class member for it takes just 36 minutes to go around them all.”

    To keep from looking a Super can develop systems like, “Every 36 minutes I’ll check up on every class member for it takes just 36 minutes to go around them all.”

    When an F/Ning student is interrupted by the Super he can be given a “withhold of nothingness.” The student may say, “No, I’ve just been checked up” and the Super goes away. But the student now wonders, “Am I trying to hide something?” “Am I really doing all right?” etc. A W/H of nothingness.

    When an F/Ning student is interrupted by the Super he can be given a “withhold of nothingness.” The student may say, “No, I’ve just been checked up” and the Super goes away. But the student now wonders, “Am I trying to hide something?” “Am I really doing all right?” etc. A W/H of nothingness.

    To keep students from blowing, BOTH these points have to be looked into.

    To keep students from blowing, BOTH these points have to be looked into.

    OBNOSIS is the drill required on the Super.

    OBNOSIS is the drill required on the Super.

    And a Method 6 on the key words of his post.

    And a Method 6 on the key words of his post.

    And Product Clearing and his own study Why.

    And Product Clearing and his own study Why.

    Study tech does work but must be applied!

    Study tech does work but must be applied!

    A Supervisor must be a Super-Literate to be of real use.

    A Supervisor must be a Super-Literate to be of real use.

    Apply LRH ED 174 INT of 29 Mar 72 and LRH ED 178 INT of 30 May 72.

    Apply LRH ED 174 INT of 29 Mar 72 and LRH ED 178 INT of 30 May 72.



    See HCO P/L of 25 June 72, Recovering Students and Pcs, for check items of how to get students back on course.

    See HCO P/L of 25 June 72, Recovering Students and Pcs, for check items of how to get students back on course.



    An Esto backed up by good courses and course supervision will eventually bring it all straight.

    An Esto backed up by good courses and course supervision will eventually bring it all straight.
