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9th Lecture at the „Freedom Congress“ in Washington, DC
Лекция и демонстрация, проведённые 6 июля 1957


A lecture given on 6 July 1957
Спасибо. Большое спасибо. Я так понял, что вы не особенно возражали против той потасовки... я имею в виду, той демонстрации.

[Based on clearsound version and checked against the old reels. Omissions marked „&”]

Проводить демонстрации на этой сцене - довольно замечательное занятие. И прежде чем я позову сюда несколько человек, я хочу вас предупредить, что здесь на сцене тридцать три - тридцать пять градусов, около того, из-за всех этих прожекторов. У них вон там есть стиральная машина, «Мэйтаг», с приспособлением для отжимания белья, и я выхожу и...

How are you this afternoon? Audience: Fine! How are you? Me! Huh!

Я хочу сделать объявление. Тесты тех, кто проходил групповой интенсив... кстати, есть некоторые, кто не делал оба теста; тем не менее, такие тесты тоже имеют некоторую силу. Но большинство прошли оба теста, до и после, эти тесты находятся у регистратора. И если вы лично подойдёте к регистратору, она покажет вам ваши тесты. Хорошо?

You know how I am; I never get any processing or anything. Matter of fact, I've been getting some auditing lately.

Ну ладно.

Did you learn anything in this morning's seminars? Audience: Yes!

Весь предмет борьбы... я имею в виду «Обучения повышенного уровня»... довольно удивителен. Вы знаете, что у этого предмета есть несколько разных уровней. И данный уровень, кстати, был именно «Обучением повышенного уровня». Я хочу обратить ваше внимание вот на что: тот факт, что одитор улыбался, что он вертел головой, что он не доносил намерение и тому подобное, не имеет к этому отношения. Он не имеет к этому никакого отношения.

You did. All right.

Так вот, существует «Тон 40 на человеке», который находится выше по шкале, и если одитор улыбнётся, если он не донесёт намерение, не сделает много других вещей или сделает ещё какую-нибудь ошибку, выполняя это упражнение, то он получит фланк. А в «Обучении повышенного уровня» суть в следующем: заставил ли одитор преклира, какими угодно средствами, выполнять команды одитинга? В этом и заключается суть. В этом и заключается суть.

And do you think this would prove efficacious in your address to Homo sap? Audience: Yes!

Это довольно интересно, это довольно интересно делать. И хотелось бы знать, есть ли желающие провести эту демонстрацию здесь на сцене?

Very good. There's a fellow by the name of Homo sap that lives out in the woods someplace, and we've had quite a bit to do with him. And we found out you couldn't kill him. We found out that there wasn't anything you could do to convince him in any way. So the only thing that remained was to communicate with him fully enough so that we had it taped. You see, I mean, if you communicated with him fully enough and you could handle him totally, why, then you could live with him, see? That's right, isn't it?

Кто-то сказал «конечно» в конце зала. Кто это был?

Well, now, this isn't exactly a plot which we have - not exactly. This is probably the only far-reaching, well-hatched plot that ever hit earth.

Кто-нибудь хочет выйти сюда и провести эту демонстрацию?

Male voice: You're right.

Ну что ж, хорошо. Вы можете быть тренером. Теперь нам нужно два человека, нам нужно два человека, которые могут провести эту демонстрацию. Два человека, которые хотели бы её провести.

And speaking of plots hitting earth, I want to tell you just here before we go into these various demonstrations, which you're going to have a lot more of this afternoon and practically nothing else but. That agree with you? I would just like to tell you something about communication that we have overlooked before. Now, I meant to give you a full, long, arduous, learned, salted with verbiage, polysyllables and so forth, lecture on the subject of communication. But I didn't do it. But I'm going to have to sandwich it in here for about three minutes max.

Хорошо, выходите, так чтобы вас было видно.

Found out something about communication that is quite fascinating: The third dynamic is a violation of communication formula.

Ну что ж, кто-то у нас здесь есть. Сколько... Да, не знаю, годится он или нет. Ладно, пусть... пусть он выполнит это упражнение на сеньоре Винкле. Хорошо. Проведём здесь две демонстрации одновременно.

I know that nobody heard me; I know because it's not possible. The third dynamic is a violation of the communication formula. And here you sit, and I am talking to you, and the only difference is I am talking to you, I am not talking to a group. And you all know that.

Audience: Yes.

Coach: Now, first of all I want to get this cleared. I want you to run me on this 8-C...

All right. Now, here's the crux of the situation. Fellows who go out to „save the world“ - I don't think it could stand (as I said in Book One) being saved just one more time; I think that would finish it utterly. These fellows must start by saving one man.

Тренер: Итак, прежде всего я хочу прояснит» вот что. Я хочу, чтобы вы провели мне 8-К...

The communication formula has to do with attention. You have to be pretty sharp to put your attention on two. It's very easy and simple to put your attention on one.

All right. I can put my attention on quite a few people at the same time. The limit happens to be 2,500 people. At 2,501 I blow up. I run completely out of beams. I've actually put that to test. The last time I talked to more than 2,501 I went dith-thu-thuthu-thu-thu-thu-thu and I wasn't communicating; I was talking here. I got smart enough to talk to the first ten rows. At least I communicated with somebody there.

But the third dynamic is an agreement, and all the dynamics are simply agreements. They are nothing but agreements made by individuals.

LRH: He's clearing the command there. Go ahead.

Oh, you remarked one time that the only thing wrong with a thetan was a thetan. It's true; the only thing wrong with him is himself - his various laws and rules. We look down the harmonic scale and we discover that everything a thetan becomes is a harmonic on his natural state of being, to which he seems to object. And that is the game called life: Object to yourself

ЛРХ: Он проясняет команды. Давай.

But he makes agreements; he makes agreements broadly with many, one after the other. He gets this up to a total conviction, and then we have what is known as the dynamic scale. Now, they're no less real because they are agreed to, but it happens that they are founded on one. So a thetan very easily becomes the „only one.“ It's only necessary for him to get into communication with just one person to cease to be an „only one.“ You got that? I mean, it's just as easy as that. You don't have to get him into communication with the rest of the human race. When you've gotten him into communication with this mystic and mysterious thing called a group, you've gotten him into communication with nothing except an agreement. So he's in communication with an agreement. Fine.

It's quite amusing - I tell this at some risk, because it'll step on a couple of toes. It's quite amusing. We have a method of teaching groups.

& The past master ne plus ultra character in this is Dr. Ken Barrett. He, he learned this well and if he never finds out anything else, he's a genius. The only ones that can come up vaguely into doing anything about it, I would say, are just a few other top members of staff. Dr. Steves can do very very well at this, and Nibs is no slouch. And there are some others.

Coach: Now, you tell me to "Look at that wall," acknowledge; "Walk over to that wall," acknowledge; "With your right hand, touch that wall," acknowledge; then "Turn around."

& But nobody quite comes up to Barrett. Of course, just between ourselves, he's a perfect idiot in other lines, but... But because of this great skill in handling groups, handling the individuals who compose a group, he could be forgiven any, almost any idiocy. He's a great guy, don't let me lead you astray there.

Тренер: Вы говорите мне: «Посмотрите на эту стену», даете подтверждение; «Подойдите к этой стене», подтверждение; «Своей правой рукой прикоснитесь к этой стене», подтверждение; потом «Повернитесь кругом».

Well, we have a system there of teaching a group by definition, and we get members of the group to define things. And then other members of the group to discuss the definition, until we have gotten to agreed-upon definitions for various things. Of course, the most widely agreed-upon definition to any of these things is the original definition of it. And the group blows it, to some degree, and to that degree is free of it. In other words, they don't dream up new definitions; they really are being asked to as-is, knock out and disintegrate old definitions and old agreements they have made. You see that?

Well, now, if the third dynamic is a violation of the communication formula, and if it is only an agreement - which it definitely seems to be - then it would be absolutely necessary to knock it out to some degree as an agreement before a person could be completely free. So we are forced to say something about this.

I may not have been cautious at various times, but I have never been dishonest in what I know. It has been very incautious of me occasionally to come up with a new datum of some kind or another and simply present it and say, „There it is.“ And a bunch of people around me say, „Ron, for God's sakes, what you're going to do to our public presence, letting something like that out.“ Well, honesty comes first, and public presence comes second, or eightieth.

Now, all the time you stay on my right side, okay?

The third dynamic, then, has to be recognized for what it is. The communication formula - if you will read it in The Creation of Human Ability or in Dianetics 55! and go over it carefully - has to do definitely with attention and intention; and when you speak to many, you speak to none. And so we get - as I said, somebody's toes were going to get stepped on - we do have people around who can „lecture to groups“ (quote, unquote) but can't run this agreement type of process, this definition type of process on a group, because they have to confront the individual members of a group. And we get the inversion on this third dynamic. It's not now just an agreement; it is used as an avoidance of communication. And there's many a world-saver who has talked to the world simply because he was trying to avoid communication to one.

Вы все время стоите справа от меня, хорошо?

And now, if we work this out carefully, we can actually use this in processing. We can find out that person to whom other people could not speak, with whom they could not communicate. Now, we take this preclear, and we ask this preclear to tell us somebody with whom it was impossible to communicate. See, that might be Mother, Father, uncles, aunts, boss, first sergeants. You see that? And we'll find something very peculiar: we'll find that being unable to communicate to one, he started to communicate to the one on a via. In other words, he told the corporal so the corporal - it might possibly get to the first sergeant. Do you see that? He couldn't talk to the first sergeant so he told the corporal in the hopes that it would get to the first sergeant. He told two or three of his buddies in the hope that the rumor would get around, don't you see? He finally tells this whole thing to his family, hoping it'll go via San Francisco and Seattle and get back to camp. He finally writes an article on it to the eight or nine readers of the Family Circle and Time magazine - their combination circulation, by the way, I think is eight now. And... Just in passing, by the way, do you know that Time magazine has never injured us in any way. We carefully kept tallies on interest and disinterest in the subject against Time magazine articles and we found out they weren't addressed to anybody. They never increased or decreased interest in Dianetics or Scientology. Isn't that fascinating? Now we're getting someplace here.

He told all the readers of this magazine in trying to communicate with Joe, the first sergeant. You got that? Finally he wrote a novel with fictitious characters in it, all trying to get to Joe, the first sergeant. Do you see this?

And there we have picked out the kernel of most third dynamic communication. On its upper level it is perfectly sane for an individual to want to talk to one or a lot of people but there's quite a lot of skill in this, really talking to the people who are there - not talking to them „because of.“ Now, I'm talking about an aberrated third. And these aberrated thirds, these world-savers and so forth, are simply trying to get a communication through on vias which now include all the people on earth. Do you see that?

LRH: We'll allow Jack three flunks.

Now, you can pull apart one of these third dynamic agreements just by finding some person with whom the fellow could not communicate and then asking him to mock that person up and say „Hello,“ and get the person to say „Okay.“ And this was - you remember „Hello, Mama“? Well, it as-ised too much havingness, and it could be definitely overdone; but run with some sort of a direction such as this, at an understanding of this, if Mama was the person to whom one could not communicate, then of course one would all of a sudden start dropping out the third and fourth dynamics. You see? They start dropping out the third and fourth dynamics on an obsessive level. See?

ЛРХ: Мы разрешим Джеку получить три фланка.

Now, it's perfectly all right to have a third dynamic but any dynamic can become aberrated, and I'm talking about the third when it becomes very aberrated. The way you break it up is to break up the communication impasses which has caused a person to use the whole of the group as vias to reach one person he could not communicate with. You understand that? The third dynamic in that sense is a violation of the communication formula. I have to talk to you - every person present - in order to talk to this group. Now, I could stand here and talk to the group. I could do that; it'd be - huh! You wouldn't listen to it, but I could do it. See, I could talk sort of out into thin air, somehow or another, and say, „Well, there's a - I don't know.“

Very often when you put an auditor into - in auditing groups - into auditing with attention to each individual in the group, he can't make it because he's already avoiding the first by taking to the third. Do you see that? He generalizes a communication because he can't singularize it. Now, the thing to be able to do, of course, is to generalize and singularize a communication; you should be able to do all these things.

Where you find somebody who is evidently able to address many but can't talk to one, you have somebody with an aberrated third dynamic. Do you see that? And that third dynamic that he has is a violation of the communication formula. It is conversation with a nonexistent terminal known as „the third.“ So that's conversation with an agreement, which is conversation with a circuit. And he doesn't talk to one single person anywhere.

Coach: Three only.

Now, the communication lines of Scientology are individual. They fare best where these lines are individualized; you feel that definitely. I have spoken to you; you have spoken to others. And that is the way the communication lines of Scientology travel.

Тренер: Только три.

Now, the newspaper world believes that it is a communication channel, and let me assure you it is not. They never talk to one; they always talk to „the People!“ Communism is not communication. It only communicates individually, and this is an accidental fact because communism tries to communicate totally on a group basis - totally by groups. And whenever we talk broadly to „all the people“ (as they do in a newspaper), we wind up by saying nothing to anybody, and we might as well have shouted in a well.

The newspapers, realizing this, go downtone. If you read what appears in the modern newspaper, you will not find a high-tone preclear talking. What occurs? Murder, mayhem, all about the government. Lord knows what the government is, if it is not some individuals who have been put in charge of certain activities. That's the government, but there's no such thing called „the Government.“ There's no such thing called „the People.“ And when you get „the Government“ and „the People“ and murder and rape and mayhem and so forth - this is a communication line? No, it is not!

Just open any daily paper and read what they have to say. It is such a poor communication line that almost anything that appears in it - contrary to popular opinion - becomes vilified sooner or later. If you'll notice that every time they start to talk about a hero, they will wind up cutting his throat. The headlines of today are the obituaries of tomorrow. Now, you think I am riding a favorite hobby, but I am not. I am not.

LRH: "That's it," that ends the session. When he says "Flunk," why the auditor has to take him back through that particular cycle.

Scientology travels by word of mouth, and it has always been hindered, barriered and stopped by public press just to the degree that people could look at it and say „Well, that's appearing in the public press; it can't be any good.“

ЛРХ: Команда «Закончили» останавливает сессию. Когда он говорит «Фланк», одитор должен вернуть его обратно к началу именно этого цикла.

Now, you wonder why you don't see very much in the way of public utterances and stories in one kind or another about Scientology. Because I uniformly tell reporters, „This is a scientific organization, not a circus sideshow. You can publish anything you please as long as your attorneys are capable of sustaining a defense to a libel suit. Even if you say we're good, I'll sue.“ It's not a communication line.

You might be interested to know, for instance, that a great many of our people have been caused unrest and upset by publicity of one kind or another. An organization such as this does not run on (quote) „publicity“ (unquote). It talks to and is about individuals. That it itself is an organization is totally accidental.

There are a bunch of us who know more about the subject than others and if you say „a bunch of us“ then you've said about all there is to say about an organization. We finally found out that an organization consisted of terminals. It wasn't even a collection of terminals; it was terminals. And the organization is just as good as the terminals are manned and in communication with each other. We just get our business done by taking various parts of the activities, and an individual takes care of them. And thus we have an organization.

And that is just exactly the same here. And here we have a fair-to-middling auditor, by the way, running a fair-to-middling, educated coach over here. These two boys are both from the Academy.

The most hideous thing you ever wanted to see is some big corporation that thinks the name GE (or something of the sort) is a thing. It is not a thing. It is not a thing at all. It is a number of individuals who live and breathe and bleed, a number of individuals who can work and have fun and do things. And as soon as it ceases to be, you get something like the United States Army.

Здесь то же самое. А здесь у нас вполне сносный одитор, кстати, проводящий упражнение вполне сносному, образованному тренеру. Оба этих парня из академии.

Oh, I've nothing against the United States Army, nothing for it either, because it isn't. It is a bunch of boys who have been taught to fight. And when battle is joined, believe me, that is what it breaks down to and there is nothing else! Boy, they might have sheaves of orders in their pockets that have been issued by the Pentagon, and it won't stop one single enemy bullet. It's down on the individual level when battle is joined.

And any time you get anything done, it is on individual feet that it is done. Things are done by people.

One of the finest ways to make an organization flop is to appoint a committee. Don't ever appoint committees - they're a violation of the communication formula and therefore a violation of beingness, doingness and actingness - havingness. Organizations can't have, but people can. And as a result, Scientology is an individualized activity; it believes in individualism, and by heightening individualism it believes that a great many things can run right that haven't been running right. It's awfully simple and much too simple to grasp.

Okay. And go ahead and clear the command with him.

At this present instant, Scientology could undoubtedly close terminals with the (quote) „US government“ (unquote), but it'd have to do it in this fashion: You would have to get hold of some of the scientists who are designing intercontinental ballistic missiles and smarten them up so they could do a better job. It'd have to get hold of the rocket jockeys that are going to fly these things someday. I know they're all supposed to go on total automatic, but after a while the generals get impatient and send a man. That's the way that works you know.

Хорошо. Начинайте, проясните с ним команды.

You know how balloons first worked. First they sent one up without anybody in it, and then they sent one up with chickens and goats and they found out they lived through it and then they sent one up with a man. Don't think that they didn't do any different with airplanes. Things are always in a model stage or a small stage for many hundreds of years. Leonardo da Vinci had a heavier-than-air machine that would fly around the room most beautifully - little wind-up ornithopter; still down in the Smithsonian (or a copy of it). But we didn't get flying machines right away and the first flying machines didn't violate this principle any: they flew them for a while and then they finally decided to put a man in them. Yes, now they've worked up to drones, but you notice they've never used drones, because it's the wrong order of sequence.

The intercontinental ballistic missile at this time has not yet risen to sending a goat and some cows or something in one. See, they haven't gotten up to that point yet, but they will get up to that point someday. Even today, your jet planes require better pilots.

Given two nations producing planes equally well, the victory would be in question. The only thing that could vary would be pilots, right? Well, boy, we could certainly vary pilots; that's for sure. We could speed up their reaction time, their reality on their airplane, get them flying in present time. You'd find out their accident levels would go down, and their action levels would go up. Why? Not because we were treating squadrons, but because we were treating pilots one at a time. You got the idea?

Male voice: Okay.

Actually Dianetics and Scientology, then, have a tremendous defense factor, and addressed on a group level could be the deciding factors in any future war - could be, definitely. And in 1938 when the Kremlin first approached me to come over to Russia and build the laboratories, they understood this. And don't think the amount of fight we have had since has been any accident.

Мужской голос: Хорошо.

Now, you think I have turned a fast curve here. No, I haven't turned a fast curve. Still be true about newspapers, whether this were true or not. But there has been a very thoroughly organized activity. Of course, the definition the communist gives a psychotic is one who thinks the communists are after him. That plugs that one up nicely, doesn't it? And then they shoot hell out of you, and you say anything about it, they say, „Well, he's psychotic, see?“ Well, it's proven, because the definition of psychosis is somebody who believes the communists are after him. Well, the communists are not after us. Definitely not. We have lived through a long period.

The name itself has taken considerable beating around because of vested interests and that sort of thing. But remember at all times, that does not make Scientology less good, did not make Dianetics less workable, did not make me a less honest man, and did not make you a less worthy citizen. Remember that. (applause) Thank you.

Well, all that to tell you this new little item: The third dynamic is a violation of the communication formula. It's incredible. Think it over sometime, look it over, and I think you'll agree with me. Groups aren't; individuals are!

Mr. Winkle in the yellow shirt there is being the coach and over here, in the white shirt, is being the auditor.

It's very interesting that all old-time philosophers have gotten into the idea that the „all of everything“ is what you eventually join. That's true enough: As you go down scale, you eventually lose your own individuality entirely and become nothing, and you're „part of the all.“ Well, don't let me catch you getting part of the all. Even if you don't know what you are, be yourself!

Мистер Винкл в жёлтой рубашке - тренер, а вон тот в белой рубашке - одитор.

Okay. Now I promised you - I promised you yesterday - and I repeated again - that we were going to give you some more demonstrations of these various Training Drills. And last night in the most cursory, slap-happy fashion imaginable, we covered the Comm Course. I'm sure that our Comm Course Instructor, I am sure that our ACC Instructors turned pale last night on that. We were actually trying not to discourage the living daylights out of you.

Now, the truth of the matter is that you keep at it awhile, you will find more out about it - if I've given you the rudiments of this character... if I've given you the details of how to go about it - you, by doing it, will find out more about it than I can tell you. So the best thing for me to do is to tell you how to go about it. That's right, isn't it? And let you wrassle around on it. Hm? It's an American sport, „wrassling“; it has nothing to do with wrestling.

Now, it comes very much in question on what we're going to do in this next halfhour. Because we're all set here to go forward and show you 8-C and how it develops into High School Indoc.

[Both demonstrations begin.] One flunk.

& And Nibs and I are going to give you a demonstration of 8C and high school indoc. And we haven't rehearsed this, it is not something you rehearse. But by the way, I was the first one that ran it on him and he was the first one that ran it on me. So you're right down to source here. The original team.

(Обе демонстрации начинаются.) Один фланк.

And High School Indoc of course is dependent on 8-C, so what you'll first see is 8-C the way it is done today. The commands of 8-C have changed. But we're just going to run - I'm going to run on him some sloppy 8-C. Okay? We call it „sloppy 8-C“ - it'll sound quite precise to you, but it's sloppy; we'll try to make it look a little sloppy up here.

Now, don't use us for your eventual model. You're supposed to do this until you become perfect. And we're just going to show you how to get into it. Okay?

Audience: Yes. Okay. All right. Good.

[Demonstrations continue.] Two down.

& OK, Nibs.

(Демонстрации продолжаются.) Уже два.

Now, don't let this disturb you. Actually, I don't want anybody jumping over the footlights here & and trying to save Nibs or save me just because we look like we're in trouble, see?

The facts of the case are, the auditing commands will probably not come over this mike very well, so I'll sing them out real loud. And we're now going to do some „sloppy 8-C“ ... That's really its name! We call it „old-time 8-C,“ or „sloppy 8-C“ or something of the sort. But „old-time 8-C“ isn't right because it used other commands than these.

Now, I'm going to start in on these. I'm not going to start a session and give you a model of that. We're just going to sail into this because this isn't a session. Okay?

[Demonstrations continue.] He let him by on that one. [Demonstrations continue.]

How do you feel about this, & Nibs?

(Демонстрации продолжаются.) Он позволил ему пропустить это. (Демонстрации продолжаются.)

Student [Nibs]: Fine.

LRH: All right. Okay. We're going to run a little demonstration here, and I'm merely going to ask you to, you know, walk around the room, look at the walls, and walk around the room and so forth. And we're just going to do plain 8-C. You got it?

All right. Now, here we go. The commands of this are: „Look at that wall.“ „Walk over to that wall.“ „With your right hand, touch that wall.“ Got it?

Thank you. Come here, Jack. Thank you, Jack.

Student: Uh-huh.

Спасибо. Иди сюда, Джек. Спасибо, Джек.

LRH: „Turn around.“ „Look at that wall.“ So. Got it now?

Student: Uh-huh.

LRH: All right. Is it all right if I run this?

Male voice: Thank you. How you doing, Winkle?

Student: Yeah.

Мужской голос: Спасибо. Как дела, Винкл?

LRH: Okay. Look at that wall.

Student: All right.

LRH: Okay. Walk over to that wall.

No, it's not over. How many flunks have you gotten on him so far?

Student: Okay.

Нет, это ещё не закончилось. Сколько фланков ты ему уже поставил?

LRH: Thank you. With your right hand, touch that wall. Thank you. Turn around. Thank you.

Look at that wall.

Student: Uh-huh.

Coach: One.

LRH: Thank you. Walk over to that wall. Oh, and I'm... That's right, but we're not running High School Indoc here. I almost went into auditing session here, and that's a horrible thing.

Тренер: Один.

Look at that wall.

Student: Yeah.

LRH: Thank you. Walk over to that wall. (Look at him anticipate that.) Thank you. With your right hand, touch that wall. Thank you. Turn around. Thank you. How are you doing?

LRH: Just one flunk. We've got two flunks to go. Let's see if you can do better than that.

Student: Oh, great! Yeah, I'm fine.

ЛРХ: Всего один фланк. У нас осталось ещё два фланка. Посмотрим, сможешь ли ты сделать это лучше.

LRH: Look at that wall.

Student: Yeah.

LRH: Good. Walk over to that wall. Thank you. With your right hand, touch that wall. Thank you. Turn around. Thank you.

[Demonstration continues.]

Look at that wall.

(Демонстрация продолжается.)

Student: All right.

LRH: Thank you. Walk over to that wall. Thank you. With your right hand, touch that wall. Thank you. Turn around. Okay.

[to audience] Now you see that? You see that real good? That's just 8-C. By the way, you notice I was not directing him, correcting him, holding him back. And I was trying to hold it down and not run Tone 40 8-C on him. Get the difference?

There we see developing a rather routine and usual situation whereby the coach says flunk and the auditor doesn't stop.

Female voice: Yeah.

Мы видим, как возникает довольно обычная ситуация: тренер говорит: «Фланк», а одитор не останавливается.

LRH: That's just plain 8-C. By the way, that works too, and that is a Training Drill. A person has to learn to do this and give those commands, and he gets that flat. And then he goes into this one.

[to student] Now, you're going to run this on me now; you're the auditor. Aw!

[to audience] Now. The purpose of this... High School Indoc is what we're going into now. We've shown you plain 8-C.

[Demonstration continues.]

[at this point the old reel ends. The remainder is from the clearsound version only.]

(Демонстрация продолжается.)

See? The purpose of this High School Indoc is to get an auditor over being stopped by preclears. Preclears stop auditors. And every time a preclear stops an auditor, he exerts control and therefore goes out of session. And in the interests of keeping a preclear in-session it is necessary that an auditor be capable of carrying on a process - without being stopped. You got that? And that's the total purpose of this.

Now, there are two commands here that are allowed and are valid and no other commands are. One is „That's it,“ which finishes the demonstration, and the other one is „Flunk.“ You got that?

Now, when the coach says „Flunk,“ why, the auditor has to carry through the whole cycle from the beginning again. Do you see that? They don't just go on from that point. The auditor has to go back to the beginning of the cycle and carry it all through again. You got that? Let's say we got over to the wall and the preclear managed to stop the auditor. Then he says, „Flunk,“ then they go back over and run „Look at that wall.“ You got that? All right.

You see, he's got his left hand under his right hand so he can't touch the wall.

Now, the total purpose of the coach is to stop the auditor. The one thing a coach is not allowed to do is lie down. That's the one thing he can't do. But he can do anything else. Then we're going to wrassle around on this for a few minutes here, and then we're going to grab two or three people and have them audit us.

Видите, он положил свою левую руку под его правую, так что он не может прикоснуться к стене.

LRH: Do it real.

Student: Do it for real, huh?

LRH: All right.

[Demonstration continues.] He did it. He got it. [Demonstration continues.]

Student: All right. Step over here.

(Демонстрация продолжается.) Он сделал это. У него получилось. (Демонстрация продолжается.)

Look at that wall. Thank you. (That was Tone 40, excuse me.) Walk over to that wall.

LRH: Flunk! You corrected yourself. Go on.

Student: All right. Now, walk over to that wall.

Believe me, this really puts steel in the auditor.

LRH: Just a minute. Just a minute, I..

Поверьте мне, это действительно закаляет одитора.

Student: Good. With your right hand, touch that wall. Thank you. Turn around. Good. Look at that wall. Good. Walk over to that wall.

LRH: Just a minute. I got to adjust the mike. Your shoe is untied.

Student: Good. With your right hand, touch that wall.

[Demonstration continues.]

LRH: Your shoe is untied.

(Демонстрация продолжается.)

Student: Thank you. Turn around.

LRH: Aren't you afraid you'll trip over your shoe?

Student: Good. Look at that wall.

That's a new one. I hadn't seen that one before.

LRH: Where?

Это что-то новенькое. Такого я раньше не видел.

Student: Good. Walk over to that wall.

LRH: Just a second. I've got to adjust this mike.

Student: Thank you. With your right hand, touch that wall. Thank you. Turn around. Good.

[Demonstration continues.]

Look at that wall. Thank you. Walk over to that wall.

(Демонстрация продолжается.)

LRH: I won't!

Student: Thank you. With your right hand, touch that wall.

LRH: You're asking for it!

These - these boys invent new ones all the time. I mean, you can't keep up with the Academy on this. New ways to stop the auditor.

Student: Thank you. Turn around.

Эти ребята... эти ребята всё время изобретают что-то новое. Я хочу сказать, что в этом невозможно поспеть за академией. Новые способы остановить одитора.

Look at that wall. Good. Walk over to that wall. Good. With your right hand, touch that wall.

LRH: Just look what I've done now.

Student: Thank you. Turn around.

[Demonstration continues.]

LRH: You turned me around the wrong way.

(Демонстрация продолжается.)

Student: Look at that wall. Good. Walk over to that wall.

LRH: All right. That's fine. I've got an announcement to make; that's real... Flunk!

{to audience} Boy, when you could do that to him you had to be a genius.

Isn't that wonderful. What he's really trying to do there is steal the auditor's valence, don't you see?

Student: Look at that wall. Good. Walk over to that wall. Thank you. With your right hand, touch that wall. Thank you. Turn around. Fine.

Ну, разве это не замечательно? То, что он действительно пытается сделать, - это украсть вэйланс одитора, понимаете?

Look at that wall. Fine. Walk over to that wall.

LRH: If you do this just one more time I'm going to scream! Help!

Student: Thank you. With your right hand, touch that wall. Good. Turn around. Fine. Look at that wall. Good. Walk over to that wall.

[Demonstration continues.]

LRH: Just a minute, I've got an announcement to make.

(Демонстрация продолжается.)

Student: Thank you. With your right hand, touch that wall. Good. Turn around. Good.

Look at that wall. Good. Walk over to that wall. Thank you. With your right hand, touch that wall. Good. Turn around.

LRH: What's that? Just a minute. What's that? What's that?

This shows you Academy training these days is pretty good. Both of these boys have been trained on this.

Student: Good. Look at that wall. Good. Walk over to that wall.

Это говорит о том, что обучение в академии находится на довольно высоком уровне. Оба этих парня были этому обучены.

LRH: Hey, you know you're doing this all right now. It's okay.

Student: Good. With your right hand, touch that wall. Fine. Turn around. Good. Look at that wall. Good. Walk over to that wall.

Fine. With your right hand, touch that wall. Thank you. Turn around.

[Demonstration continues.]

LRH: What's on the other side of that?

(Демонстрация продолжается.)

Student: Good.

LRH: What's on the other side of that?

Student: Look at that wall. Thank you. Walk over to that wall.

Yeah. That's three. He flunked on failing to acknowledge an auditing command. This is pretty good.

LRH: Just a minute.

Да, это три. Он получил фланк за отсутствие подтверждения команды одитинга. Довольно хорошая демонстрация.

Student: Good.

LRH: Aren't you getting pretty hot?

Student: With your right hand, touch that wall. Good. Turn around. Good.

Thank you very much. Thank you.

LRH: You didn't tell me when to stop turning around.

Большое спасибо. Спасибо.

Student: Look at that wall. Good. Walk over to that wall. Good. With your right hand, touch that wall. Good. Turn around. Okay.

Look at that wall. Good. Walk over to that wall. Good. With your right hand, touch that wall. Good. Turn around. Good.

LRH: Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

[End of demonstration]

Student: Good. Walk over to that wall. Good. With your right hand, touch that wall.

(Конец демонстрации.)

LRH: ... hand touch that wall.

Student: Fine. Turn around.

LRH: Turn around.

This is Academy training. At - they've been doing this at the Academy and they've been getting along fine.

Student: Good.

Это обучение в академии. Они делали это в академии и прекрасно продвигались.

LRH: Good.

Student: Look at that wall.

LRH: Look at that wall. Good.

Now let's see, what other person is going to run this. Let's see...

Student: Fine.

Теперь давайте посмотрим, кто ещё проведёт это. Так-так...

LRH: Fine.

Student: Walk over to that wall.

LRH: Good. Turn around.

Male voice: Woody.

Student: Good.

Мужской голос: Вуди.

LRH: Good.

Student: Turn around.

LRH: Look at that wall.

... let's see. No, not Woody, he's been trained. Let's see.

Student: Fine.

... так. Нет, не Вуди, он обучен. Так-так...

LRH: Look at that wall. Look at that wall.

Student: Look at that wall. Thank you. Walk over to that wall.

LRH: Good. Turn around.

Come on, Wing. Come on up here and collect three flunks.

Student: Thank you.

Давай, Уинг. Выходи сюда и получи свои три фланка.

LRH: Thank you.

Student: With your right hand, touch that wall.

LRH: Touch that wall.

That's quite remarkable. He'll probably carry through with no flunks at all.

Student: Good.

Замечательно. Возможно, он дойдёт до конца вообще без единого фланка.

LRH: No!

Student: Turn around.

LRH: No!

Male voice: Do I get to say goodbye to my friends?

Student: Thank you.

Мужской голос: Можно ли мне попрощаться с друзьями?

LRH: Good!

Student Look at that wall.

LRH: Look at that wall.

Yes, yes, you can say goodbye to your friends. Take off your coat.

Student: Thank you.

Да, да, ты можешь попрощаться с друзьями. Сними куртку.

LRH: Thank you.

Student: Walk over to that wall.

LRH: Walk over to that wall. What is all this about „Look over at that wall! Walk over to that wall. Look over at that wall?“

This is Wing Angell stepping into the arena at this moment, at 190 pounds.

Student: Thank you.

На арену выходит Уинг Анжел, вес 76 килограммов.

LRH: Look over at that wall yourself!

Student: With your right hand, touch that wall!

LRH: Touch that wall. Look over at that wall.

All right. Now we'll get the briefing instructions as they meet in the center of the arena.

Student: Turn around.

Ладно. Сейчас мы получим краткие инструкции, пока они будут знакомиться в центре арены.

LRH: Turn around.

Student: Good.

LRH: Good!

Coach: Now we're going to run just straight 8-C here. I want you to run - tell me this: "Look at that wall," acknowledge; "Walk over to that wall," acknowledge; "With your right hand, touch that wall," acknowledge; "Turn around," acknowledge. Okay? There's two things I will say as a coach, and that is "Flunk, " which means you've made a mistake and you've got to back up on it and do it again. And also, "That's it" which means end of the session. Okay?

Student: Look at that wall.

Тренер: Сейчас мы будем проводить обыкновенное 8-К. Я попрошу вас провести... говорите мне: «Посмотрите на эту стену даете подтверждение; «Подойдите к этой стене», подтверждение; «Своей правой рукой прикоснитесь к этой стене», подтверждение; «Повернитесь кругом», подтверждение. Хорошо? Как тренер я буду говорить только две команды. Это «Фланк», что означает, что вы допустили ошибку и должны вернуться к началу и выполнить это снова. А также «Закончили», что означает конец сессии. Хорошо?

LRH: Look at that wall!

Student: Good.

LRH: Good!

Otherwise, anything I do is as a preclear, no matter what it is. Understand?

Student: Walk over to that wall.

Все остальные мои действия, неважно какие, - это действия преклира. Понятно?

LRH: Thank you! Turn around! Look at that wall. Look at that wall. Turn around. Walk over to that wall.

Student: Thank you.

LRH: Good!

LRH: Nothing he says besides those two words have any validity at all. An auditor pays any attention to them, he flunks.

Student: With your right hand, touch that wall. Thank you. Turn around.

ЛРХ: Всё что он говорит, кроме этих двух слов, не имеет никакой силы. Как только одитор обращает на это внимание, он получает фланк.

LRH: Hey, you're getting pretty good now.

Student: Thank you. Look at that wall.

LRH: Thank you.

Coach: Now, I want you to stay on my right side.

Student: Thank you. Walk over to that wall.

Тренер: Я попрошу вас встать справа от меня.

LRH: Pretty good.

Student: Good. With your right hand, touch that wall.

LRH: Look all those people out there.

Auditor: Okay.

Student: Thank you.

Одитор: Хорошо.

LRH: Doesn't it make you nervous looking at all those people out there?

Student: Turn around. Good.

LRH: Good.

Coach: start.

Student: Look at that wall.

Тренер: Начали.

LRH: Look at that wall!

Student: Thank you.

LRH: Thank you.

No, this is no beginning of the session - fust take off, you're in the middle of the session.

Student: Walk over to that wall.

Нет, это не начало сессии... давай, ты в середине сессии.

LRH: Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

Student: Thank you.

LRH: I stepped on your toe. Excuse me.

Auditor: Look at that wall.

Student: With your right hand, touch that wall.

Одитор: Посмотрите на эту стену.

LRH. Oh, excuse me. I stepped on your toe.

Student: Thank you. Turn around.

LRH: Who, me?

Coach: All right, I will.

Student: Good. Look at that wall.

Тренер: Хорошо. Посмотрю.

LRH: Good.

Student: Thank you. Walk over to that wall.

LRH: What's that? What's that?

Auditor: Good. Walk over to that wall.

Student: Thank you.

Одитор: Хорошо. Подойдите к этой стене.

LRH: You didn't tell me that was in here.

Student: With your right hand, touch that wall.

LRH: I won't. I won't!

Coach: Anything you say, Wing.

Student: Thank you. Turn around. Good. Look at that wall. Thank you.

Тренер: Как скажешь, Уинг.

LRH: Say...

Student: Walk over to that wall.

LRH: ... there isn't anything I can think of that upsets you. You're doing good now. You're doing real good now.

LRH: Danger in the offing.

Student: Good.

ЛРХ: Сейчас что-то будет.

LRH: This is good.

Student: With your right hand, touch that wall.

LRH: Touch that wall.

Auditor: Touch that wall.

Student: Fine.

Одитор: Прикоснитесь к этой стене.

LRH: Good.

Student: Turn around.

LRH: He's really doing well now, aren't you?

Coach: Certainly, Wing.

Student: Good. :

Тренер: Конечно, Уинг.

LRH: Boy! I haven't been able to stop you here.

Student: Look at that wall.

LRH: Good. Well, you've got me in-session. I mean, it's ...

LRH: Certainly, Wing. That's...

Student: Thank you. Walk over to that wall.

ЛРХ: Конечно, Уинг. Это...

LRH: You've got me in-session now.

Student: Thank you. With your right hand, touch that wall. Good. Turn around. Good.

LRH: Good!

Auditor: Turn around.

Student: Look at that wall. Thank you. Walk over to that wall. Thank you. With your right hand, touch that wall. Good. Turn around. Good.

Одитор: Повернитесь кругом.

Look at that wall. Good. Walk over to that wall. Good. With your right hand, touch that wall. Good. Turn around. Thank you.

Look at that wall. Thank you. Walk over to that wall. Thank you. With your right hand, touch that wall. Good. Turn around. Thank you.

Look at that wall. Good. Walk over to that wall. Good. With your right hand, touch that wall. Thank you. Turn around. Good.

Coach: Certainly.

Look at that wall. Good. Walk over to that wall. With your right hand, touch that wall. Fine. Turn around. Good.

Тренер: Конечно.

Look at that wall. Good. Walk over to that wall. Thank you. With your right hand, touch that wall. Good. Turn around. Good.

Look at that wall. Fine. Walk over to that wall. Good. With your right hand, touch that wall. Good. Turn around. Good.

Look at that wall. Good. Walk over to that wall.

Auditor: Good. Look at that wall.

LRH: No!

Одитор: Хорошо. Посмотрите на эту плену.

Student: Thank you. With your right hand, touch that wall. Good. Turn around. Thank you.

LRH: Oh, you're getting smart. You're getting onto that one now, huh?

Student: Look at that wall.

Coach: Sure.

LRH: Okay.

Тренер: Безусловно.

Student: Thank you. Walk over to that wall.

LRH: Well, there you are. He's too good.

Student: Good. With your right hand, touch that wall. Good. Turn around.

Auditor: Good. Walk over to that wall.

LRH: You do that just one more time and I'll ...

Одитор: Хорошо. Подойдите к этой стене.

Student: Good.

LRH: ... slug you. I'll just slug you. Just one more time and I'll slug you. Just one more time.

Student: Look at that wall. Good. Walk over to that wall.

Coach: Why, sure I will.

LRH: You make me so mad! You make me so mad!!

Тренер: Безусловно, я это сделаю.

Student: Good. With your right hand, touch that wall.

LRH: You got me upset now!

Student: Good.

Auditor: Good. With your right hand, touch that wall.

LRH: All right, I'll go through with it. I'll go along with it.

Одитор: Хорошо. Своей правой рукой прикоснитесь к этой стене.

Student: Look at that wall. Good.

LRH: I'll go through with it.

Student: Walk over to that wall.

Coach: Of course.

LRH: (sighs)

Тренер: Конечно.

Student: Fine. With your right hand, touch that wall. Good. Turn around.

LRH: I'll go through with it.

Student: Good.

Auditor: Good. Turn around.

LRH: You needn't do it anymore. You've got me licked.

Одитор: Хорошо. Повернитесь кругом.

Student: Look at that wall. Thank you.

LRH: You needn't do it anymore. I get the point. I know. I got it. You needn't do it anymore. I mean, I got it. I'm in the groove. I'm in-session now.

Student: With your right hand, touch that wall.

Coach: Are you waiting for something?

LRH: But I'm in-session.

Тренер: Ты чего-то ждешь?

Student: Thank you.

LRH. What are you auditing me for?

Student: Turn around.

Auditor: Good. Look at that wall. Good. Walk over to that wall.

LRH: The process is flat!

Одитор: Хорошо. Посмотрите на эту стену. Хорошо. Подойдите к этой стене.

Student: Good. Look at that wall.

LRH: I don't see the point in the process.

Student: Good. Walk over to that wall.

Coach: I'т not going to.

LRH: I don't see any point in it at all. The process is flat; it's flat! I don't get it.

Тренер: Не буду.

Student: Good. With your right hand, touch that wall.

LRH: The process ...

Student: Thank you.

LRH: Thai's a flunk.

LRH: ... is flat! I know I'm walking over...

ЛРХ: Это фланк.

Student: Turn around.

LRH: ... to the wall.

Student: Good. Look at that wall.

Coach: Flunk.

LRH: You're just trying to convince me you're the auditor.

Тренер: Фланк.

Student: Good. Walk over to that wall.

LRH: Your shoe is untied.

Student: Good. With your right hand, touch that wall. Fine. Turn around.

LRH: That's a flunk. Oh, dear. The auditor never should have let him get out of his hands. I could have warned Wing.

LRH: Say, your shirt is ripped back here. How'd your shirt get ripped?

ЛРХ: Это фланк. О боже. Одитору никогда не следует позволять преклиру высвобождаться из его рук. Я мог бы предупредить Уинга.

Student: Good.

LRH: How'd your shirt get ripped?

Student: Look at that wall. Fine. Walk over to that wall. Good. With your right hand, touch that wall. Good. Turn around.

Auditor: Look at that wall.

LRH: What's that? What's that?

Одитор: Посмотрите на эту стену.

Student: Good. Look at that wall. Fine. Walk over to that wail.

LRH: Well, I guess I'm in-session now. It's okay. Well, we can end that session.

Student: Good.

Coach: Sure, Wing.

LRH: You put on a pretty good demonstration.

Тренер: Безусловно, Уинг.

Student: With your right hand, touch that wall.

LRH: That was a pretty good demonstration you put on.

Student: Fine.

Auditor: Good. Walk over to that wall.

LRH: That was pretty good.

Одитор: Хорошо. Подойдите к этой стене.

Student: Turn around.

LRH: You know, it's just a demonstration. It's a pretty good demonstration that you did.

Student: Good.

Coach: Whatever you say. Sure.

LRH: They all liked me.

Тренер: Всё будет так, как ты скажешь. Безусловно.

Student: Look at that wall.

LRH: You're doing much better now.

Student: Good. Walk over to that wall.

Auditor: Good. Turn around. Good. Look at that wall.

LRH: All right. You're doing all right. Well, I guess we can call that a day. We can call that a day now.

Одитор: Хорошо, Повернитесь кругом. Хорошо. Посмотрите на эту стену.

Student: Good. With your right hand, touch that wall. Good. Turn around. Thank you.

Look at that wall. Good. Walk over to that wall. Good. With your right hand, touch that wall. Fine. Turn around. Good.

Look at that wall.

Coach: Are you out of breath?

LRH: Okay.

Тренер: Ты запыхался?

Student: Good. Walk over to that wall.

LRH: Yeah, you got me in-session now. Well, you're a pretty good Instructor. You're pretty good.

Student: Good.

Auditor: Good. Walk over to that wall. Good. With your right hand, touch the wall.

LRH: You're a pretty good Instructor.

Одитор: Хорошо. Подойдите к этой стене. Хорошо. Своей правой рукой прикоснитесь к этой стене.

Student: With your right hand, touch that wall.

LRH: You're a pretty good Instructor.

Student: Fine. Turn around.

Coach: You getting nervous?

LRH: You're pretty good. I mean, you've really got it grooved, now.

Тренер: Ты начинаешь нервничать?

Student: Good.

LRH: You got me in-session. I mean, it's all fine.

Student: Look at that wall.

Auditor: Good. Turn around. Good.

LRH: Up.

Одитор: Хорошо. Повернитесь кругом. Хорошо.

Student: Good.

LRH: Oh, I'll go ahead with the rest of the parts.

Student: Walk over to that wall.

Coach: Right there, right there.

LRH: I'll go ahead just to make you look good.

Тренер: Прямо сюда. Прямо сюда.

Student: Good. With your right hand, touch that wall.

LRH: Good.

Student: Fine. Turn around. Good.

Auditor: Look at that wall.

LRH: Well, you've done fine. You know, the hour is almost up there.

Одитор: Посмотрите на эту стену.

LRH: Look at that wall.

LRH: Hey, the hour is almost up.

Student: Good. Walk over to that wall.

Coach: Where, right there?

LRH: The hour is almost up!

Тренер: Куда? Прямо сюда?

Student: Good. With your right hand, touch that wall. Good. Turn around. Fine.

Look at that wall. Good. Walk over to that wall. Good. With your right hand, touch that wall. Good. Turn around. Good.

LRH: That's it.

Auditor: Good. Walk over to that wall. Good. With your right hand, touch that wall.

Okay, that's High School Indoc. That's all there is to it. It's very simple. There's nothing to it. And any of you could do it. Any. In the next hour you'll have a chance to prove it. Now you know what it is, now you can do it; you're all letter-perfect in it.

Одитор: Хорошо. Подойдите к этой стене. Хорошо. Своей правой рукой прикоснитесь к этой стене.

Thank you.

[End of Lecture]
Walk over to that wall. Good. With your right hand, touch that wall.
Подойдите к этой стене. Хорошо. Своей правой рукой прикоснитесь к этой стене.
Coach: Yes, Wing.
Тренер: Да, Уинг.
Auditor: Good.... Good.
Одитор: Хорошо.... Хорошо.
Coach: Yes, Wing.
Тренер: Да, Уинг.
Auditor: Good.
Одитор: Хорошо.
Good. Walk over to that wall. Touch that wall. Good. Turn around. Good. Look at that wall.
Хорошо. Подойдите к этой стене. Прикоснитесь к этой стене. Хорошо. Повернитесь кругом. Хорошо. Посмотрите на эту стену.
LRH: That was a flunk. You waited. Flunk.
ЛРХ: Это был фланк. Ты ждал. Фланк.
Auditor: I waited?
Одитор: Я ждал?
Coach: Turn around...
Тренер: Пошли обратно...
LRH: Yep, he was...
ЛРХ: Да, он...
Coach: stop...
Тренер: Остановился...
LRH: He already had looked at the wall. When he swung his head the second time and the auditor didn't go on with the next command, he was dead.
ЛРХ: Он уже посмотрел на стену. Когда он повернул голову во второй раз, а одитор не подал следующую команду, он застыл.
Coach: Go ahead. I'm all set, Wing.
Тренер: Продолжай. Я готов, Уинг.
Auditor: Look at the wall.
Одитор: Посмотрите на эту стену.
Coach: Yes.
Тренер: Да.
Auditor: Walk over to that wall.
Одитор: Подойдите к этой стене.
Coach: Have I driven your anchor points in at all or anything? Bothered you at all?
Тренер: Я сжал твои якорные точки? Это заставило тебя беспокоиться?
LRH: He wants to know if he's driven Wing's anchor points in, if it's bothered him any.
ЛРХ: Он хочет знать, сжал ли он якорные точки Уинга и обеспокоило ли это Уинга.
Auditor: Look at that wall.
Одитор: Посмотрите на эту стену.
Coach: Mm-hm.
Тренер: Ага, сейчас!
Auditor: Good. Walk over to that wall
Одитор: Хорошо. Подойдите к этой стене.
Coach: Ah?
Тренер: А?
Auditor: Good. With your right hand, touch that wall. Good. All right. Turn around.
Одитор: Хорошо. Своей правой рукой прикоснитесь к этой стене. Хорошо. Ладно. Повернитесь кругом.
Coach: You had enough? You want to stop?
Тренер: Тебе хватит? Ты хочешь остановиться?
Auditor: Good.
Одитор: Хорошо.
Coach: How about quitting?
Тренер: Может хватит?
Auditor: Look at that wall.
Одитор: Посмотрите на эту стену.
Coach: You want to stop? Sure.
Тренер: Ты хочешь остановиться? Конечно.
Auditor: Good. Walk over to that wall.
Одитор: Хорошо. Подойдите к этой стене.
Coach: Are you feeling all right? You're not upset, are you? Does it bother you?
Тренер: Ты себя хорошо чувствуешь? Ты не расстроен, правда? Это тебя беспокоит?
Auditor: Good.
Одитор: Хорошо.
Coach: You're waiting.
Тренер: Ты ждёшь.
Auditor: Good.
Одитор: Хорошо.
Coach: Good for what?
Тренер: Что хорошо?
Auditor: Turn around.
Одитор: Повернитесь кругом.
Coach: That you almost made a flunk? Go ahead, flunk again. Why don't you?
Тренер: Что, ты чуть не получил фланк? Давай, заработай ещё один фланк. Почему бы нет?
Auditor: Look at that wall.
Одитор: Посмотрите на эту стену.
Coach: Go ahead...
Тренер: Давай...
Auditor: Walk over to that wall.
Одитор: Подойдите к этой стене.
Coach: Walk over to that wall? You almost waited too long there.
Тренер: Подойти к этой стене? Сейчас ты ждал почти слишком долго.
Auditor: Good. With your right hand, touch that wall.
Одитор: Хорошо. Своей правой рукой прикоснитесь к этой стене.
Coach: Ow! Ohh, ohh, ohh, ohh, ohh! I'т going! Bye!
Тренер: Ау! Ой-ой-ой-ой-ой! Я ухожу! Прощай!
Auditor: Look at that wall.
Одитор: Посмотрите на эту стену.
Coach: What are you waiting for? Next time I'll get you.
Тренер: Чего ты ждёшь? В следующий раз я тебя достану.
Auditor: Good. With your right hand, touch that wall.
Одитор: Хорошо. Своей правой рукой прикоснитесь к этой стене.
Coach: I was willing. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait a minute. I touched it; I got it. I touched it, I touched it.
Тренер: Я хотел. Погоди, погоди, погоди, погоди, погоди, погоди, погоди, погоди минуточку. Я прикоснулся к ней; у меня получилось. Я прикоснулся к ней, я прикоснулся к ней.
Auditor: Good. Turn around.
Одитор: Хорошо. Повернитесь кругом.
And now Wing has the dubious benefit of being able to say that it was a put-up job - but we really weren't honest flunks, I mean...
Теперь у Уинга есть сомнительное преимущество: он может сказать, что всё это было подстроено... но мы действительно допустили нечестные фланки. Я имею в виду...
Wing, come here. Come here, come here. Come here. Thank you very much, Wing. Thank you very much.
Уинг, иди сюда. Иди сюда, иди сюда. Иди сюда. Большое спасибо, Уинг. Большое спасибо.
I am looking now, for a person who has never done this before. Okay.
Теперь мне нужен человек, который раньше никогда этого не делал. Хорошо?
Female voice: Do women do this, Ron?
Женский голос: Рон, а женщины могут это делать?
Actually, I probably ought to get Marcia Estrada or Mary Sue to run this on the biggest person present.
На самом деле, мне, вероятно, следует попросить Марсию Эстраду или Мэри Сью провести это на самом крупном человеке из всех присутствующих.
Male voice: I'd like to...
Мужской голос: Я бы хотел...
Okay. Okay. Come here. You're all set.
Хорошо. Хорошо. Выходи сюда. Ты готов.
Pete, I'm very glad that you came up here to take your life in your hands.
Пит, я очень рад, что ты вышел сюда, чтобы рискнуть жизнью.
Male voice: Okay.
Мужской голос: Ладно.
All right. And, don't feel disgraced at flunking. Everybody flunks.
Хорошо. И не смущайся из-за фланков. У всех бывают фланки.
Male voice: Okay, sure.
Мужской голос: Хорошо. Конечно.
Coach: All right, now...
Тренер: Хорошо, итак...
Auditor: We're still friends.
Одитор: Мы все равно друзья.
Coach: All right. Now, you heard what I said to the other people.
Тренер: Хорошо. Вы слышали, что я говорил другим?
LRH: No, go ahead, go through it again.
ЛРХ: Нет, давай, расскажи об этом снова.
Coach: I'т going to tell you to do this, I want you to tell me "Look at that wall." Okay? Then I want you to tell me to "Walk over to that wall." Of course, you acknowledge first, after the first execution of the command. "Look at that wall," acknowledge; "Walk over to that wall," acknowledge; "With your right hand, touch that wall," acknowledge. Right? Then, "Turn around," acknowledge.
Тренер: Я попрошу вас делать вот что, Я попрошу вас сказать мне: «Посмотрите на эту стену». Хорошо? Затем скажите мне: «Подойдите к этой стене». Конечно, вы сначала даете подтверждение, после выполнения первой команды. «Посмотрите на эту стену», подтверждение; «Подойдите к этой стене», подтверждение; «Своей правой рукой прикоснитесь к этой стене», подтверждение. Так? Затем «Повернитесь кругом», подтверждение.
Auditor: Okay.
Одитор: Хорошо.
Coach: Okay. Now, anything that I do other than these two things, which is "Flunk" and "That's it" is as a preclear. You got that?
Тренер: Хорошо. Все, что я говорю или делаю, кроме двух слов: «Фланк» и «Закончили», я говорю и делаю как преклир. Понятно?
Auditor: All right.
Одитор: Да.
Coach: So, you try to dis - you try to disregard anything that I say, except for those two things. When I say "Flunk," we'll back up and do it again. And if I say "That's it," then that's the end of the pc - of the demonstration. Okay?
Тренер: Итак, вы пытаетесь и... вы пытаетесь игнорировать всё, что я говорю, за исключением этих двух слов. Когда я скажу «Фланк», мы вернёмся и повторим это. А если я скажу «Закончили», то это будет конец демонстрации. Хорошо?
Auditor: Sure. Okay.
Одитор: Конечно. Хорошо.
Coach: All right. Now, you can use...
Тренер: Ну ладно, вы можете использовать...
Auditor: ... which side you want me to stay on?
Одитор: ... с какой стороны мне встать?
Coach: No, stay on this right side, okay?
Тренер: Нет, стойте с правой стороны, хорошо?
Auditor: Your right side?
Одитор: С правой стороны от вас?
Coach: My right side. All right?
Тренер: Справа от меня. Хорошо?
Auditor: Sure.
Одитор: Конечно.
Coach: Now - so, you can do anything you want to short of mayhem.
Тренер: Итак... вы можете делать всё, что хотите, за исключением нанесения увечий.
Auditor: All right.
Одитор: Хорошо.
Coach: Go ahead. You got this all straight?
Тренер: Начинайте. Вы всё хорошо поняли?
Auditor: Look at that wall. With your right hand, touch that wall. Turn around.
Одитор: Посмотрите на эту стену. Своей правой рукой прикоснитесь к этой стене. Повернитесь кругом.
Coach: Well, "Look at that wall." "Walk over to that wall." "Touch that wall." Acknowledge that.
Тренер: «Посмотрите на эту стену». «Подойдите к этой стене». «Прикоснитесь к этой стене». Даёте подтверждение.
Auditor: Okay. Look at that wall.
Одитор: Хорошо. Посмотрите на эту стену.
Coach: All right.
Тренер: Ладно.
Auditor: Good. With your right...
Одитор: Хорошо. Своей правой рукой...
Coach: We'll let you go through it once here so you get it straightened out, okay? Don't worry about it.
Тренер: Мы дадим вам пройти это полностью один раз, чтобы вы разобрались с этим, хорошо? Не беспокойтесь об этом.
Auditor: Look at that wall.
Одитор: Посмотрите на эту стену.
Coach: All right.
Тренер: Ладно.
Auditor: Good. Walk over to that wall.
Одитор: Хорошо. Подойдите к этой стене.
Coach: Okay.
Тренер: Хорошо.
Auditor: Good. With your right hand, touch that wall. Fine. Turn around. Good. Look at that wall.
Одитор: Хорошо. Своей правой рукой прикоснитесь к этой стене. Отлично. Повернитесь кругом. Хорошо. Посмотрите на эту стену.
Coach: All right.
Тренер: Ладно.
Auditor: Good. Walk over to that wall.
Одитор: Хорошо. Подойдите к этой стене.
Coach: Okay, I'll start in.
Тренер: Хорошо. Я начну.
Auditor: Good. With your right hand, touch that wall. Fine. Turn around. Good. Look at that wall.
Одитор: Хорошо. Своей правой рукой прикоснитесь к этой стене. Отлично. Повернитесь кругом. Хорошо. Посмотрите на эту стену.
Coach: Mm-hm.
Тренер: Угу.
Auditor: Fine. Walk over to that wall. With your right hand, touch that wall. Fine. Turn around. Look at that wall. Fine. Walk over to that wall.
Одитор: Отлично. Подойдите к этой стене. Своей правой рукой прикоснитесь к этой стене. Отлично. Повернитесь кругом. Посмотрите на эту стену. Отлично. Подойдите к этой стене.
Coach: Where are we going?
Тренер: Куда мы идем?
Auditor: Good. With your right hand, touch that wall. Fine. Turn around.
Одитор: Хорошо. Своей правой рукой прикоснитесь к этой стене. Отлично. Повернитесь кругом.
Coach: Oh. Just a minute - just a minute. Which card? Think of a card.
Тренер: О, минуточку... минуточку. Что это за карточка? Подумай о карточке.
Auditor: Look at that wall.
Одитор: Посмотрите на эту стену.
Coach: Yes. Mm, all right.
Тренер: Да. М-м, хорошо.
Auditor: Good. Walk over to that wall.
Одитор: Хорошо. Подойдите к этой стене.
Coach: Mm-hm. Move your hand over to that side.
Тренер: Угу. Убери свою руку в эту сторону.
Auditor: Fine. With your right hand, touch that wall.
Одитор: Отлично. Своей правой рукой прикоснитесь к этой стене.
Coach: Mm-hm.
Тренер: Угу.
Auditor: Good. Turn around.
Одитор: Хорошо. Повернитесь кругом.
Coach: Which way? This way?
Тренер: В какую сторону? В эту?
Auditor: Good. Look at that wall.
Одитор: Хорошо. Посмотрите на эту стену.
Coach: How about your card over there? How about your card over there? Can I get your card?
Тренер: Как насчёт твоей карточки? Как насчёт твоей карточки? Можно мне взять твою карточку?
Auditor: Walk over to that wall.
Одитор: Подойдите к этой стене.
Coach: What's the matter? How about a — hm?
Тренер: В чём дело? Как насчёт... гм?
Auditor: Fine. With your right hand, touch that wall. Good.
Одитор: Отлично. Своей правой рукой прикоснитесь к этой стене. Хорошо.
Coach: Peter Mayer, Junior.
Тренер: Питер Майер, младший.
Auditor: Turn around.
Одитор: Повернитесь кругом.
Coach: Peter who signed this?
Тренер: Питер, это чья подпись?
Auditor: Fine.
Одитор: Отлично.
Coach: Who? Who is this anyway?
Тренер: Кто? Кто это?
Auditor: What? Uh - fine. Walk over to that wall. Good.
Одитор: Что?... отлично. Подойдите к этой стене. Хорошо.
Coach: Hey, you know, my arm's feeling soft?
Тренер: Ты знаешь, у меня рука размякла.
Auditor: Look at that wall.
Одитор: Посмотрите на эту стену.
Coach: Yes. All right.
Тренер: Да. Ладно.
Auditor: Good.
Одитор: Хорошо.
Coach: Are you 1.5?
Тренер: Ты в тоне 1,5?
Auditor: Walk over to that wall.
Одитор: Подойдите к этой стене.
Coach: Are you a 1.5? Are you a 1.5?
Тренер: Ты в тоне 1,5? Ты в тоне 1,5?
Auditor: Fine. With your right hand, touch that wall. Good.
Одитор: Отлично. Своей правой рукой прикоснитесь к этой стене. Хорошо.
Coach: okay.
Тренер: Ладно.
Auditor: Turn around.
Одитор: Повернитесь кругом.
Coach: You want to quit?
Тренер: Ты хочешь закончить?
Auditor: fine.
Одитор: Отлично.
Coach: You've got one more flunk to go in that wall.
Тренер: В любом случае у тебя в запасе ещё один фланк.
Auditor: Look at that wall.
Одитор: Посмотрите на эту стену.
Coach: Just one more flunk to go.
Тренер: Всего один фланк.
Auditor: Fine.
Одитор: Отлично.
Coach: You want to do it easy or do you want to do it hard?
Тренер: Ты хочешь получить этот фланк легко или ты хочешь, чтобы это было трудно?
Auditor: Walk over to that wall.
Одитор: Подойдите к этой стене.
Coach: What do you want to do it? How do you want to do it?
Тренер: Что ты хочешь сделать? Как ты хочешь это сделать?
Auditor: Good. With your right hand, touch that wall. Good.
Одитор: Хорошо. Своей правой рукой прикоснитесь к этой стене. Хорошо.
Coach: All right.
Тренер: Ладно.
Auditor: Turn around. Fine. Look at that wall.
Одитор: Повернитесь кругом. Отлично. Посмотрите на эту стену,
Coach: Yes.
Тренер: Да.
Auditor: Good. Walk over to that wall.
Одитор: Хорошо. Подойдите к этой стене.
Coach: You have a death grip on my arm. Watch it.
Тренер: Ты мне руку сдавил смертельной хваткой. Поосторожнее.
Auditor: With your right hand... Good. Turn around.
Одитор: Своей правой рукой... Хорошо. Повернитесь кругом.
Coach: Keep walking? Let me turn my head around and see if I can touch that wall.
Тренер: Продолжать идти? Дай мне повернуть голову и посмотреть, могу ли я прикоснуться к этой стене.
Auditor: Fine.
Одитор: Отлично.
Coach: That's it.
Тренер: Закончили.
Auditor: Look at that wall.
Одитор: Посмотрите на эту стену.
Coach: That's it.
Тренер: Закончили.
Auditor: Okay.
Одитор: Хорошо.
Come here, Pete. Good try. You betcha. There's your card. It's even readable now. We got the name typed on it in the interim.
Иди сюда, Пит. Хорошая попытка. Конечно. Вот твоя карточка. Теперь её даже можно прочитать. Мы напечатали на ней имя между делом.
Male voice: Thank you. There you go.
Мужской голос: Спасибо. Ну вот.
Okay. Now you see - you see how it is. See, it's dead easy. Dead easy. There's nothing to it. There's absolutely nothing to it. This is nothing but High School Indoc in the purest sense.
Хорошо. Теперь вы понимаете... вы понимаете, насколько это просто. Видите, это чертовски просто. Чертовски просто. В этом нет ничего сложного. В этом абсолютно нет ничего сложного. Это не что иное, как «Обучение повышенного уровня» в самом чистом виде.
All right. And now, who would like to run Wing Angell this next time? George Seidler is going to run Wing Angell on this next one. Come on up here, George.
Хорошо. Кто на этот раз хотел бы провести демонстрацию с Уингом Анжелом? Джордж Сайдлер проведёт следующую демонстрацию с Уингом Анжелом. Давай, поднимайся сюда, Джордж.
[Demonstration begins. ]
(Демонстрация начинается. )
I don't know whether they would hear this better at the back here or not.
Не знаю, будет ли их лучше слышно там, в конце зала, или нет.
We're not picking him up. He's just coaching him. He's telling him what the auditing commands are. The coach is - does tell him what the auditing commands are and tells him that there's two things that are valid; two statements he can make are valid. One is "That's it, " which ends it, and "Flunk, " which means that he has successfully stopped the auditor.
Нам не слышно, что он говорит. Он просто его инструктирует. Он рассказывает ему, каковы команды одитинга. Тренер... должен сказать ему, каковы команды одитинга и что существует два слова, которые имеют силу; два утверждения, которые он может сделать, имеют силу. Одно - «Закончили», которое останавливает демонстрацию, и «Фланк», которое означает, что тренер успешно остановил одитора.
Male voice: The disaster squad.
Мужской голос: Ужасная парочка.
The whole point of this, Wing, is just want to stop him. Don't permit him to go on with this session.
Вся суть этого, Уинг, просто в том, что у тебя должно быть желание его остановить. Не позволяй ему продолжать эту сессию.
Auditor: Look at that wall. Good. Walk over to that wall. Fine, With your right hand, touch that wall. Good.
Одитор: Посмотрите на эту стену. Хорошо. Подойдите к этой стене. Отлично. Своей правой рукой прикоснитесь к этой стене. Хорошо.
Coach: You hurt me.
Тренер: Ты сделал мне больно.
Auditor: Turn around. Fine. Look at that wall. Good.
Одитор: Повернитесь кругом. Отлично. Посмотрите на эту стену. Хорошо.
Coach: Okay, I looked at it!
Тренер: Хорошо, я на неё посмотрел!
Auditor: Walk over to that wall. Good. With your right hand, touch that wall. Fine. Turn around.
Одитор: Подойдите к этой стене. Хорошо. Своей правой рукой прикоснитесь к этой стене. Отлично. Повернитесь кругом.
Coach: Hey, you know there's a wall there! Look, look, look! A wall! A wall!
Тренер: Эй, ты знаешь, здесь стена! Смотри, смотри, смотри! Стена! Стена!
Auditor: Fine. Look at that wall. Good. Walk over to that wall.
Одитор: Отлично. Посмотрите на эту стену. Хорошо. Подойдите к этой стене.
Coach: Doodle-do-do-do...
Тренер: Тра-ля-ля-ля-ля...
Auditor: Fine. With your right hand, touch that wall. Good. Turn around.
Одитор: Отлично. Своей правой рукой прикоснитесь к этой стене. Хорошо. Повернитесь кругом.
Coach: Let's do it this way.
Тренер: Давай это сделаем так.
Auditor: Fine. Look at that wall. Good. Walk over to that wall.
Одитор: Отлично. Посмотрите на эту стену. Хорошо. Подойдите к этой стене.
Coach: Do-de-do-de-do. See, I did it all by myself!
Тренер: Ля-ля-ля-ля. Видишь, я сделал это сам!
Auditor: Fine. With your right hand, touch that wall.
Одитор; Отлично. Своей правой рукой прикоснитесь к этой стене.
Coach: Which hand is that, right hand - oh, this is your hand.
Тренер: Это какая рука, правая рука... о, это твоя рука,
Auditor: Fine. Turn around. Good.
Одитор: Отлично. Повернитесь кругом. Хорошо.
Coach: Flunk.
Тренер: Фланк.
Auditor: Look at that wall. Good. Walk over to that wall. Good. With your right hand, touch that wall. Good. Turn around. Good. Look at that wall. Good. Walk over to that wall. Good. With your right hand, touch that wall.
Одитор: Посмотрите на эту стену. Хорошо. Подойдите к этой стене. Хорошо. Своей правой рукой прикоснитесь к этой стене. Хорошо. Повернитесь кругом. Хорошо. Посмотрите на эту стену. Хорошо. Подойдите к этой стене. Хорошо. Своей правой рукой прикоснитесь к этой стене.
Coach: Where is it? Flunk. That's it.
Тренер: Где она? Фланк. Закончили.
Well, there you are. Thank you very much, George. Thank you, George.
Ну что ж, вот так. Большое спасибо, Джордж. Спасибо, Джордж.
Male voice: Pretty decent.
Мужской голос: Довольно неплохо.
Thank you, Wing.
Спасибо, Уинг.
Okay. Well, there you are - there you are with a couple that I don't think have run very much of this, one doing coach and one doing preclear. However, to tell you the truth, I would like to see Jay run Tom Maxwell on this.
Хорошо. Ну, вот вам... вот вам парочка, которая, я думаю, проводила не так уж и много таких тренировок, один выполняет роль тренера, а другой - преклира. Однако, сказать по правде, я хотел бы увидеть, как Джей проводит это на Томе Максвелле.
This is good old Doc Farber, himself.
А это старина док Фарбер собственной персоной.
Male voice: You couldn't pick out a bigger fellow forme, could you?
Мужской голос: Вы не могли бы найти мне парня покрупнее?
No, I thought that would be about your size, J. B.
Нет, я подумал, этот будет как раз твоего размера, Джей.
Coach them through on that.
Проведи им тренировку по этому упражнению.
Male voice: Both of them?
Мужской голос: Обоим?
No, no I mean just — just show them what they're supposed to do.
Нет, нет, я имею в виду, просто... просто покажи им, что они должны делать.
Male voice: Who's the auditor and who's the preclear?
Мужской голос: Кто одитор, а кто преклир?
This is the auditor. And we're going to turn this team around and let the coach get his revenge.
Это одитор. Мы поменяем людей в этой команде ролями и дадим тренеру возможность взять реванш.
Instructor: All right. Now, you run this way: "Look at that wall." Then you acknowledge. "Walk over to that wall," and acknowledge. Then "With your right hand, touch that wall," acknowledge. "Turn around, "acknowledge.
Инструктор: Хорошо. Вы проводите это таким образом: «Посмотрите на эту стену», затем вы даёте подтверждение. «Подойдите к этой стене», и даёте подтверждение. Потом «Своей правой рукой прикоснитесь к этой стене», подтверждение. «Повернитесь кругом», подтверждение.
Now, he'll say two things as a coach, which - as a coach and that is "Flunk," which means that you've made a mistake and you've got to go back and do whatever cycle of action you were on again. And then he will say, "That's it," which means end of the session, okay? All right, and you have three chances, three flunks. At three flunks you say, "That's it." Okay, you can do anything you want, fust don't fall down on the floor or anything like that. Good. You say "Start."
Как тренер он будет говорить две команды, которые... как тренер, это — «Фланк», что означает, вы допустили ошибку и должны вернуться и снова выполнить цикл действия, который вы выполняли. А потом он скажет: «Закончили», что означает конец сессии. Хорошо? Ну хорошо, у вас есть три шанса, три фланка. На третьем фланке вы говорите: «Закончили». Хорошо, вы можете делать всё что угодно. Только не падать на пол или ещё что-нибудь в этом роде. Хорошо. Вы говорите: «Начали».
[Demonstration begins.]
(Демонстрация начинается.)
One flunk. Failure to acknowledge.
Один фланк. Отсутствие подтверждения.
[Demonstration continues.]
(Демонстрация продолжается.)
The auditor didn't flunk you. You can't flunk yourself.
Одитор не давал тебе фланк. Ты не можешь давать фланк самому себе.
[Demonstration continues.]
(Демонстрация продолжается.)
The coach is giving him one more for some reason.
Тренер дал ему ещё один по какой-то причине.
[Demonstration continues to end demonstration.]
(Демонстрация продолжается до конца.)
Okay. Okay. Thank you very much, Doc.
Хорошо. Хорошо. Большое спасибо, док.
Male voice: Need a little more drilling.
Мужской голос: Нужно ещё немножко потренироваться.
Thanks, Tom. Good.
Спасибо, Том. Хорошо.
You know, just to wind this up, because we're running out of a little time, how would you like to see Mary Sue run Marcia Estrada, head of the Comm Course?
Знаете, просто чтобы закончить эту демонстрацию, так как у нас остаётся немного времени, что вы скажете, если Мэри Сью проведёт это упражнение Марсии Эстраде, ответственной за курс по общению?
Marcia has run it on me.
Марсия проводила его мне.
Female voice: Has she?
Женский голос: Правда?
Male voice: Did she rough you up any?
Мужской голос: Она вас немножко поколошматила?
Do you want to - This is - actually a technical question, is can a little gal like Marcia run it on some great big guy? For sure. For sure. She gave me, for a few minutes there, one of the roughest times anybody on staff did. See, I had to coach everybody on staff through all these various steps and so forth. I know them all.
Вы хотите... на самом деле, это технический вопрос... может ли маленькая женщина, такая как Марсия, проводить это упражнение какому-нибудь крупному парню? Несомненно. Несомненно. Она за несколько минут устроила мне самое тяжёлое испытание из тех, что мне устраивал кто-либо из сотрудников. Понимаете, я должен был тренировать каждого сотрудника по всем этим шагам. Я знаю их все.
And we're going to put her up here as the pc or the coach. Okay? And put Mary Sue there - auditor. Okay?
И мы поставим её здесь в качестве преклира, или тренера. Хорошо? И поставим Мэри Сью... одитором. Хорошо?
Auditor: Look at that wall. Thank you. Walk over to that wall. Thank you. With your right hand, touch that wall. Thank you. Turn around. Thank you.
Одитор: Посмотрите на эту стену. Спасибо. Подойдите к этой стене. Спасибо. Своей правой рукой прикоснитесь к этой стене. Спасибо. Повернитесь кругом. Спасибо.
Look at that wall. Thank you. Walk over to that wall. Thank you. With your right hand, touch that wall. Thank you. Turn around. Thank you.
Посмотрите на эту стену. Спасибо. Подойдите к этой стене. Спасибо. Своей правой рукой прикоснитесь к этой стене. Спасибо. Повернитесь кругом. Спасибо.
Look at that wall. Thank you. Walk over to that wall.
Посмотрите на эту стену. Спасибо. Подойдите к этой стене.
Coach: Hey, bi.
Тренер: Эй, привет.
LRH: Hi.
ЛРХ: Привет.
Auditor: Thank you. With your right hand, touch that wall. Thank you. Turn around. Thank you.
Одитор: Спасибо. Своей правой рукой прикоснитесь к этой стене. Спасибо. Повернитесь кругом. Спасибо.
Look at that wall. Thank you. Walk over to that wall.
Посмотрите на эту стену. Спасибо. Подойдите к этой стене.
Coach: She's good.
Тренер: Хорошо делает.
LRH: Very, very amusing. Marcia is the Instructor of the Communication Course in the Academy and Mary Sue is the ACC Communication Course Instructor. And they're the lower level from this High School Indoc thing, but they're both pretty expert on this, as you can see.
ЛРХ: Очень, очень забавно. Марсия - инструктор курса по общению в академии, а Мери Сью - инструктор курса по общению на ППК... И то и другое находится на более низком уровне, чем это «Обучение повышенного уровня», но обе они - неплохие специалистки в этом, как видите.
Auditor: With your right hand, touch that wall. Thank you. Turn around. Thank you.
Одитор: Своей правой рукой прикоснитесь к этой стене. Спасибо. Повернитесь кругом. Спасибо.
Look at that wall. Thank you. Walk over to that wall. Thank you. With your right hand, touch that wall. Thank you.
Посмотрите на эту стену. Спасибо. Подойдите к этой стене. Спасибо. Своей правой рукой прикоснитесь к этой стене. Спасибо.
LRH: Now, because it's very highly improbable that there'll be any flunks here, I'm just going to call this one off.
ЛРХ: Поскольку очень маловероятно, что здесь будут фланки, я собираюсь прекратить эту демонстрацию.
Now, the ACC Indoctrination Course Instructor is going to be run on this by Marcia Estrada.
Теперь Марсия Эстрада будет проводить это упражнение инструктору ППК...
Female voice: Ah - he's done this on me before.
Женский голос: А... он проводил его пне раньше.
I know.
Я знаю.
But I want to show you that a - that a little girl can definitely handle somebody with some brawn and beef.
Но я хочу показать вам, что маленькая девушка несомненно может справиться с кем-то, у кого есть мускулы и сила.
We won't let you do it too long. It's pretty hot up here on this stage.
Мы не дадим вам проводить эту демонстрацию слишком долго. Здесь на этой сцене довольно-таки жарко.
Take off your jacket.
Снимите свою куртку.
Female voice: He wants revenge.
Женский голос: Он хочет взять реванш.
He wants revenge. (audience comment) Yes, I know.
Он хочет взять реванш. Да, я знаю.
Female voice: Can we switch it afterwards?
Женский голос: Можем, мы потом поменяться?
Marcia wants her revenge. All right, you go right ahead. Clear the auditing commands and carry through on this. Clear the auditing commands so the audience can hear it.
Марсия хочет взять реванш. Хорошо, приступайте. Проясните команды одитинга и выполняйте упражнение. Проясняйте команды одитинга так, чтобы аудитория могла слышать.
Auditor: Look at that wall. Thank you. Walk over to that wall. Thank you. With your right hand, touch that wall. Thank you. Turn around. Thank you.
Одитор: Посмотрите на эту стену. Спасибо. Подойдите к этой стене. Спасибо. Своей правой рукой прикоснитесь к этой стене. Спасибо. Повернитесь кругом. Спасибо.
Look at that wall. Thank you. Walk over to that wall. Thank you. With your right hand, touch that wall. Thank you. Turn around. Thank you.
Посмотрите на эту стену. Спасибо. Подойдите к этой стене. Спасибо. Своей правой рукой прикоснитесь к этой стене. Спасибо. Повернитесь кругом. Спасибо.
Look at that wall. Thank you. Walk over to that wall. Thank you. With your right hand, touch that wall. Thank you. Turn around.
Посмотрите на эту стену. Спасибо. Подойдите к этой стене. Спасибо. Своей правой рукой прикоснитесь к этой стене. Спасибо. Повернитесь кругом.
Look at that wall. Thank you. Walk over to that wall.
Посмотрите на эту стену. Спасибо. Подойдите к этой стене.
Coach: Marcia, that's enough.
Тренер: Марсия, хватит.
Auditor: Thank you. With your right hand, touch that wall. Thank you.
Одитор: Спасибо. Своей правой рукой прикоснитесь к этой стене. Спасибо.
LRH: Now, now it's also very unlikely that there will be any flunks here, so let's reverse it, shall we?
ЛРХ: Итак, здесь тоже очень маловероятно, что будут какие-то фланки, поэтому давайте поменяем их ролями.
Auditor: Turn around. Thank you. Look at that wall. Thank you,
Одитор: Повернитесь кругом. Спасибо. Посмотрите на эту стену. Спасибо.
LRH: That's it.
ЛРХ: Закончили.
Now, let's take it the other way around. Clear those auditing commands good and loud so the audience will know how you clear this command to begin this particular High School Indoc step.
А теперь поменяйтесь ролями. Проясните эти команды одитинга хорошо и громко, чтобы аудитория знала, как вы проясняете эту команду, чтобы начать этот конкретный шаг «Обучения повышенного уровня».
Auditor: I'm going to give you three commands for an 8-C process. I will say, "Look at that wall," and you look at that wall.
Одитор: Я собираюсь дать вам три команды процесса 8-К. Я говорю: «Посмотрите на эту стену», и вы смотрите на эту стену.
Coach: All right.
Тренер: Хорошо.
Auditor: And I acknowledge. And I will give you the command: "Walk over to that wall," and you walk over to the wall. And I will acknowledge that.
Одитор: И я даю подтверждение. Я даю команду: «Подойдите к этой стене», и вы подходите к этой стене. И я даю подтверждение.
Then I will say, "With your right hand, touch that wall," and you touch the wall. Then I acknowledge that. Then I give you the command: "Turn around," and you turn around. And I acknowledge that. Then, repeat the command: "Look at that wall," and so on. Is that clear?
Потом я говорю: «Своей правой рукой прикоснитесь к этой Стенек», и вы прикасаетесь к этой стене. Затем я даю подтверждение. Потом я даю команду: «Повернитесь кругом», и вы поворачиваетесь кругом. Я даю подтверждение. Затем я повторяю команду: «Посмотрите на эту стену», и так далее. Ясно?
Coach: Mm-hm.
Тренер: Угу.
Auditor: Stand up. All right. We're ready then?
Одитор: Встаньте. Хорошо. Мы готовы?
Coach: Right.
Тренер: Точно.
Auditor: All right. Here we go.
Одитор: Хорошо. Мы начинаем.
Look at that wall. Thank you. Walk over to that wall. Thank you. Turn around. Thank you.
Посмотрите на эту стену. Спасибо. Подойдите к этой стене. Спасибо. Повернитесь кругом. Спасибо.
... Thank you. Walk over to that wall. Thank you. With your right hand, touch that wall. Thank you. Turn around. Thank you.
... Спасибо. Подойдите к этой стене. Спасибо. Своей правой рукой прикоснитесь к этой стене. Спасибо. Повернитесь кругом. Спасибо.
Look at that wall. Thank you. Walk over to that wall. Thank you. With your right hand, touch that wall. Thank you. Turn around. Thank you.
Посмотрите на эту стену. Спасибо. Подойдите к этой стене. Спасибо. Своей правой рукой прикоснитесь к этой стене. Спасибо. Повернитесь кругом, Спасибо.
Look at that wall. Thank you. Walk over to that wall. Thank you. With your right hand, touch that wall Thank you. Turn around. Thank you.
Посмотрите на эту стену. Спасибо. Подойдите к этой стене. Спасибо. Своей правой рукой прикоснитесь к этой стене. Спасибо. Повернитесь кругом. Спасибо.
Look at that wall. Thank you. Walk over to that wall. Thank you. With your right hand, touch that wall. Thank you.
Посмотрите на эту стену. Спасибо. Подойдите к этой стене. Спасибо. Своей правой рукой прикоснитесь к этой стене. Спасибо.
Thank you.
LRH: That's it.
ЛРХ: Закончили.
Here you go, Marcia.
Ну вот, Марсия.
Female voice: Thanks, Ron.
Женский голос: Спасибо, Рон,
You betcha.
Не стоит благодарности.

Марсия - инструктор курса по общению в академии, и вы увидите, что с людьми, которые вместе проработали над этим, как это сделали сотрудники, обычно... обычно довольно трудно что-либо сделать.

Вы заметили, что это достигается именно благодаря хорошей работе тренера. Фланки вызываются скорее именно изменением в темпе проведения тренировки, чем грубой силой.

Вам следует заметить во время выполнения этого упражнения, что одитор не особенно впадает в крайности. Фланк просто даётся, когда происходит следующее: одитор не дал подтверждение, после того как команда была выполнена, или он был остановлен.

То, что вы видели, вы видели в исполнении одиторов. Не делайте из этого предположений... не делайте из этого даже малейших предположений, что это так легко. Вы берёте кого-нибудь из обычной публики и говорите: «Давай это сделаем», и вы можете научить его командам, вы можете проводить его через обыкновенный 8-К, всё, что он будет делать, - это только фланк, фланк, фланк, фланк, фланк, час за часом. Потом совершенно внезапно он начинает это понимать и так далее.

Я помню начальника технического отдела в лондонской организации, я проверял её по этому упражнению, и она выполняла его очень красиво, очень профессионально, и вдруг я очень мягким голосом сказал ей: «Вы знаете, у вас нижнюю юбку видно». И она остановилась и посмотрела на свою юбку.

То, как это выполняется, - это очень точный способ, - это именно так, как вы видели. Одитор проясняет... простите, тренер проясняет это с одитором, и только две команды тренера имеют силу и могут как-то повлиять на сессию. Всё остальное, что говорит тренер, просто проходит, я имею в виду, просто рассчитано на то, чтобы остановить одитора.

Конечно, перед этим выполняется упражнение, на котором, как я вам показал раньше, люди просто учатся проводить 8-К и привыкают к командам. Затем вы поднимаетесь к «Обучению повышенного уровня».

Оно вызывает достаточно интересное изменение в позиции человека по отношению к людям в целом и является чем-то большим, чем просто упражнение. Вероятно, армия, которой провели бы его, действительно смогла бы выполнять некоторые из своих обязанностей.

Я хочу выразить вам огромную благодарность. И я хочу поблагодарить всех, кто принимал участие в демонстрации.

Мы собираемся начать следующую лекцию «Тон 40 на предмете». Я хочу поблагодарить всех, кто принимал участие в этой демонстрации, и я хочу поблагодарить вас, аудиторию.