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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Create and Confront (SMC-08) - L600103B | Сравнить
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RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Ваш Кейс (КСЧ 60) - Л600103 | Сравнить
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STATE OF MAN CONGRESS – 07State of Man Congress - 09



A lecture given on 3 January 1960A lecture given on 3 January 1960
[Clearsound checked against the old reel. No omissions were found.][Based on the clearsound version only]


Thank you very much.

Well, how are you doing today?

Well, we approach the last lecture. of this year's congress. And usually, we have messages about the future, and deplore the past, and not-is the present. Usually, we speak from the heart.

Audience: Fine. Good.

I'm going to talk right straight into and out of your case this lecture. I'm sorry to have to do it. You've been making out all right. You've been getting along somehow. You were happy till I came along. You knew all you had to be was more and more irresponsible and you had it made. I know.

Did you recover?

Oh, I'm being hard on you.

Audience: Yes.

Scientology and Dianetics have included the upper ten thousand of Earth very easily. If you don't believe that and you're not a professional auditor - if you don't believe that, why, just try some professional auditing some day and just start picking them up at random off of the streets or out of the hospital wards and so forth, and start processing them. And you will find - you will find that you are amongst the upper ten thousand of Earth.

Did I recover?

Now, I'm not trying to give you a swelled head. It's true. It's true. You had brains enough to know you didn't know, just like I had sense enough to know that I had to do some tall remembering and reorganization here in order to get anything together, because most of the information had gone zock. And we knew we didn't know, and that made us the smartest people on Earth. Most of the rest of them think they know, and that is the high tide of ignorance. The most ignorant man in the world knows that he knows everything there is to know about everything. When he's that ignorant, why, he's that ignorant.

Audience: Yes.

People used to call it a „divine doubt.“ A divine doubt was necessary to genius. And then I think some cult or another... I've forgotten what cult. Some cult or another said that all you had to do was sit back and somebody else knew everything, only you could never talk to him.

That's the wrong auditing question.

When you can't do anything else to a population, if you totally fail to give them any information, if you totally fail to help them, if you totally fail to cure any of their ills, if you totally fail to take any responsibility in all directions, you can always invent a god in some cult or another. Cynical statement, isn't it?

Oh, dear. Well, here we are in the third day of this congress. Looks like congresses are getting longer lately. Looks like congresses are getting slightly longer lately. They did get down as far as two days. Over in England they got down as far as one day. Of course, the next step from that is no congresses.

And yet it's not cynical; it's actually quite factual. The assignment of total responsibility to another deity than yourself is the most invalidative thing that you can do to you. You recognize it as such, don't you?

Female voice: Oh no, no.

You could always get a zing out of handing over all the responsibility in the universe to Zock or - or Cronus or Titan or Batten, Barton, Durstine and Osborn. There's always a certain zing involved. You could get a change.

But then, you see, I got processed, you know, and...

This fellow is going along one day and he's - you know, there's no emotion, and he's all sort of dead, and things are, you know, not so good. Life is like a stale glass of beer or the inside of a motorman's glove. And somebody could come along and say, „Repent ye, repent ye,“ or something of the sort, and you could suddenly turn over all the responsibility for everything to somebody else someplace, and there'd be a wheee! The glee of insanity or something -but you'd actually get an emotional zock, an emotional bing, an emotional snick-wh-e-e-w one way or the other. Of course, it went up this way and then z-z-z-r-e-w-w boom. But nevertheless there was - something happened. The individual knew something happened. There was something emotional happened. It was an emotional experience to suddenly throw yourself on your knees in front of the local circuit rider and say, „I got the Word,“ you know?

Male voice: Good.

And knowledge has had the reputation of being coldly dispassionate. But to knowledge has been imparted the cold dispassion of a bunch of irresponsible scientists who, finding things out, didn't carry them through to their final end. Just in the dressing room a moment ago, we were talking about Einstein and Fermi. Man, somebody's got a case coming up! See, that's a real case because - didn't follow through a responsibility along the developments. You know? Created something and then let somebody else confront it. Only nobody could confront what they developed, see? Nobody could confront the living fire of atomic fission exploding in a city full of women and children.

.. then they got up to two days, you see, again, and now they're up to three days, so you'd better - if I keep on getting processed, you see, why, it'll probably get up to four- or five-month congresses, so you better...

And the fellow, of course, who - as I've told you in another congress - dropped the A-bomb on Hiroshima, is in a Texas mental institution right now, totally convinced the Japs are after him. But he went mad. He couldn't confront that much of an overt and, of course, the only extant mental assistance didn't have enough sense to run responsibility on the deed. We could save his bacon rather easily. But when it comes down to that much of an overt, I am one to yawn and say, „Why? Why do anything for the guy?“ You know, that's just too much overt for me to get - exert myself to get anybody to recover from.

Well, you all look just fine today. I'm glad you're feeling well. You're doing all right.

But in that, I am actually making a mistake because, probably, that is the fellow who is keeping in place a lot of this atomic roaw-rrhar, see? He's got the biggest overt, so therefore he'd have it all mixed up on the fate lines or something, you see? And probably somebody ought to blow it.

Audience: Yes. Yeah.

But I've been in charge of justice and public welfare too often in too many different places - boy, that's a downgraded statement - well, anyhow - not to have a sort of an instinct about this sort of thing, you know? I see somebody walk up with a blast pistol and blow some baby's head off, you know, just for a gag, and for some reason or other, I don't have an immediate impulse to go over and console him. Somehow, I just don't.

It's very funny, you know. You look at a preclear sometime and he's wondering, and you say, „You're doing all right.“ And it makes him feel better, you know?

I know it's something lacking in me. Perhaps it's my training pattern. I have quite a reverse in impulse, you see, and that's to pick up the blast gun and blow his head off slowly. Now, that's a stimulus-response mechanism, of course, but that is the way things have kind of worked. But it's a bum thing - it's a bad thing - the punishment mechanism. If you don't have anything else, however, it's better than nothing. But actually, it worsens the condition, because by punishing him, it puts out of control, and out of his control, the thing he's being punished for, and so tends to confirm it as a continuing crime.

But don't go so far as to say, „You're doing all right now because you're Clear.“ Because Clear has all of a sudden taken on two different meanings. It has separated itself. We used to have something called a Release, and that was somebody who wasn't nuts anymore - wasn't human. But we actually don't have a - this grade of „a - present-lifetime- clear-of-overts-withholds.“ There is no such immediate statement. And yet that's more or less the intention of Clear. And you could say „clear of current overts.“ „Clear of current overts“ is about the best statement that could be made on the line.

All punishment tends to confirm crimes in a continuing status. You punish a fellow enough for something and there he goes; he'll do it again. You've lessened his ability to control it. You send a man to jail for stealing a car, then don't wonder that when he gets out of jail, in the next forty-eight hours out of jail, he's liable to go steal a car. He knows what he can't withhold: stealing cars. So he goes and steals a car. Get the idea? He knows his area of no-responsibility, so that's his area of no-responsibility. The punishment pointed it out for him.

I don't know exactly what we're going to do about this, except, perhaps, to elect somebody to a Diogenes club. The idea of a Diogenes club, of course, is not a new one. I remember there was a Diogenes club back in Athens. And all the biggest crooks of the place belonged to it. Well, that's neither here nor there.

Instead of helping him recover his area of responsibility and shoulder - help shoulder the burden of responsibility, why, the people who were in charge of law and order, justice, social-conscience, and all that sort of thing, actually made it impossible for this individual to recover and rehabilitate.

Well, you know I'm awfully sorry I didn't bring my notes today, because today I need them. I need them. There's so doggone much to tell you about, so very little time to tell you in, that I'm just going to try to bear on through without much regard to titles of lectures, that sort of thing, and let you in on what gen I can or that has been accumulated. But, I don't know, we might cover a thousandth of it.

But there is that point. You see somebody blow somebody's - blow a little baby's head off with a blast pistol, you just don't have the instant impulse to go fix him up. It's just a little bit too much of an overt. Got the idea?

When you put out a culture in a civilization, you've got to follow it up; you've got to take responsibility for it. And as long as you have a totally irresponsible government, you're going to have a world in trouble. When the most powerful government on Earth is irresponsible to the point of not taking the responsibility for the people and so forth that it sends abroad, and in addition to that, doesn't take responsibility for the culture it exports, the trouble it steps up, the wars it wins, nothing of the sort, and just says, „Well, that's all up to them,“ you're going to have trouble in the world. That's for sure. That's why I want you to get interested in the third dynamic.

Well, the reason we don't is because we can't confront overts that easily and that big. Got the idea? I mean, it's just nonconfront on our parts.

Now, I'm not saying we could do better. I'm merely saying we could do something. Now, this isn't - this isn't advocation of the overthrow of the US Government by force. I want to make that plain on the record. There has to be a government there before it could be overthrown. About the only thing that the US Government gets upset about is being overthrown by force, and does get upset about that. And I don't blame them a bit. I remember vividly when I charged up Bunker Hill - just - what's this all about? I was going to withhold that.

So I'm going to talk about your case.

No, my overt act against the American government comes about with killing your favorite general, fellow by the name of Prescott, in the Battle of Breeds Hill, 1775. I wasn't even a combatant.

If a fellow can't confront an overt that he has done, it of course has to go on automatic. So he'll do it again! And then doing it again, he can't confront it - doubly can't confront it, you see - so he'll do it again. And now he's done it three times, you see, and he didn't confront any part of it, why, he'll, of course, do it a fourth time.

The rebels made the mistake of killing a friend of mine who was part of the British troops. Well, that's a long story, but it was an overt act. Every once in a while when I think of those stories in Time magazine I say, „Well, Ronnie, you deserved it.“ All explained - all explained.

And there we get the whole mechanism of dramatization, which is delineated in The Original Thesis, Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health, and on up the line.

Oh, dear. I'm afraid I shocked you a little bit. I'm afraid I shocked you a little bit. You know, there were other people in the world besides Americans and British at that time. Yeah, there were. There were other people in the world. There were people from Saxony involved. And I was simply an observer from the Elector of Saxony's government to tell him whether or not he should send Hessians over. And I said, „Yes.“ Of course, that wasn't an overt act until an old schoolteacher, the life just before this one, points a finger at me and tells me what bad people the Hessians were and how horrible it all was, and it upset me. And I wasn't - I wasn't actually cognizant of the fact that I had pulled an overt act right up to that time. Because it was my opinion that the Hessian regiments that were captured and gobbled up by first Benedict Arnold and then George Washington were the only ironworkers and artisans the country ever had imported into it. And it was to them that they owe most of the present industry, you know? But I - nobody was there to give me the gen on this sort of thing.

Unable to confront an overt, one doesn't take responsibility for it in any way, shape or form, can't even recognize it as an overt; so it goes on an automaticity because he did do it. Then it must be something else that is doing this, and he has set up a false personality which then does things, because he can't confront it, you see? Can't take responsibility for it. Therefore the dramatization can occur again. Therefore, a sickness one gets can happen over and over and over and over. He couldn't confront this sickness in the first place, so he got it. So, having it, couldn't be responsible for it, so got it again. And we get the recurrent nature of illness.

No, I didn't have anything to do with either side, basically, but I did get mad and I've paid for it since, so I hope you'll forgive me. I wonder how many wars you have to win for a country in order to pay off an overt act. I'm working on my third or fourth now.

People, by the way, do not have very many illnesses. One given person only has a small package of illnesses, and they're basically the things he couldn't confront. But what couldn't he confront first? He couldn't confront causing the illness, probably, in somebody else. And not being able to confront it in somebody else, then did it to somebody else again, and another overt and another overt and another overt. And he kept seeing this thing happen so, what did he do? He restrained himself by giving himself the illness. And that was his last-ditch withhold to keep himself from doing this thing. That's kind of the way it happened. And there's - be a small package of these things, and a guy goes along in the medical profession, invents 8,762 names per square inch for all of these various illnesses and assigns very Latin-sounding, resounding nonsense to these things, and they all come down to an overt. And that's it.

The only fault you could find today with modern governments is that they are not taking responsibility. They're just not taking adequate responsibility. They think by paying off the aged, by supporting the unemployed and by going in for other corn-and-games Roman mechanisms that they are taking responsibility for governing.

Now, anybody can be a victim. You. You. You. You can be a victim. Now, I have actually done quite a bit for this subject. I, once in a while, will audit somebody or even let myself be audited on some totally reverse process. I had to find out if we had the final run of it and I couldn't, actually, myself, confront putting anybody totally through the agony of being a victim. You know, just audit a person as a victim. Not „What victim can you confront?“ you know, or „Where could you communicate to a victim?“ or anything like this but just „Be a victim,“ you know? Naturally, that would key in practically every extant facsimile, accident, burn, roast, zap and everything else just on the whole track, you see? Just „Be a victim.“ „What kind of a victim could you be?“ you know, something like that.

None of these governments need overthrowing. None of these governments actually need very heavy berating. But all of these governments need an increase of responsibility for international welfare. The able citizen is the one who should be supported by a government. That is a lesson they'd better learn. Because a government cannot govern unless it governs the people. And basically, the people of a nation are the people who are doing things, not the people who have quit.

I turned an auditor loose on me and I said, „All right, run it, see? We'll see where I wind up.“ And I got a subjective reality on it, and I'm talking right straight out of the horse's manger.

Socialism, and that sort of thing, apparently, is a matter of getting more government - it's a method of getting more government.

So what? Just so what? So you got burned to death, so what? So you threw a mock-up into the atomic fire engine, so what? So they sliced you to ribbons and split your fingernails and braided your teeth. So what? Who cares? You could do it. You could have it happen to you because, basically, you could - you were experiencing it, and that's easy. There's just nothing to experiencing something. You can experience anything.

Now the American government in 1775 was trying to spread a message, and therefore deserved better at anybody's hands, and which was why, basically, anybody standing on the outskirts, such as myself, supported them absolutely lukewa- supported very lukewarmly a any effort to overthrow America. And do you realize the people of Earth support, very lukewarmly, doing anything about a country which is seeking freedom. You just stand around, and they say, „Well, do this and that and the other thing for us,“ and so you do it very lukewarmly.

You have to be pretty tricky to figure it out so that you can experience an acre of pain and pretend you aren't mocking it up. Boy, you have to be pretty sly to do something like that. Of course, as I said before here, it doesn't do any good with a fellow with a broken leg to tell him he caused it himself He doesn't appreciate it at all. But the funny part of it is, is you can experience a broken leg. And it - so it hurts, so what? It's happening to you, so that's all right.

You say, „Well, fine. You want fifty-thousand Hessian troops? Good. We'll send you - we'll send you several hundred.“

It's all right if it's just happening to you. What you don't want to have happen, is happen to the other fellow. Now, that's the tough beef, and that's why being a victim doesn't work in processing. Because a pc can just wallow through any number of gorgeously tuned-up facsimiles on aches, pains, agonies and everything else. He can just go through anything. He'll lie there on the couch in Dianetics, and he'll run this, and he'll run that, and he'll, „... and they cut my head off and they did that to me and they did this to me and braided my teeth...“ And he runs this and, of course, he gets better because you're knocking out some of the basic facsimiles, and so on. It's the easy one. That's the easy one.

You do these things internally. Internally, the British government at that time was absolutely sabotaged. It was sabotaged by its - the sentiments of its own officers and people. They said, „Well, there's something to these people. There's something to this movement on Earth.“ They couldn't really get mad, you know? And so they just didn't whip out their tactical directions and work them down to the last hump. They said, „Well, these people should get along one way or the other.“

Should be obvious to you that it's the easy one because it's the first process that came up for us, wasn't it? Process - the first process that was workable and broadly runnable was being a victim. You know, „What's been done to you?“ All of Book One addresses itself to that, so that obviously must be... Anybody can experience that, because anybody could run that, you see? But confronting doing it, confronting it happening to somebody else, confronting somebody else in agony that you caused, was just a little too much. Hence, we talk about responsibility or cause, people tend to leave us in droves. They won't this time. We've already got the ranks thinned out.

America had a message. And you go up today to the Capitol, and you'll find that message written all over the statuary. You'll find it written all over the paintings. And that was that the common man had worth and that the people of the world had a right to free determinism, that man had a higher destiny than that of a slave and it was time he broke his chains. And you find that all over the Capitol.

But, you see - you see, we ask these people to experience this, and they can experience it all right. I just - so - I - that's why I went up and down the track, and so forth. And I found out this is a gag, you know? This is just a big gag. This is the easiest thing there is to do. And finally, why, the auditor brought me back up to PT after I'd dug up a bunch of facsimiles I'd forgotten I had on the whole track of a lost identity and all that sort of thing, you know - in PT. Ha-ha! So what? Of course, I thought I had it made one way or the other because I don't have many facsimiles or - if any, for this last life. And I just thought I must be hiding some that I didn't want to experience. No, that wasn't the case at all. The only ones I still had hanging around were the ones I didn't want to see happening to people. Got the idea?

Now what's this government doing letting some two-bit bunch of czarist miscarriages come along and tell it - tell it that it has a message of freedom!

Now, you being here and watching it happen there, is tough. But you being here and watching it happening there and know that you did it and you're causing it - the only answer to that is lessen the overt: „He wasn't - he didn't amount to anything anyhow.“ Or „Well, I'm not responsible for what I do. You know, I just do this every once in a while. You know, a fellow is standing there and I just pick out a blast gun and shoot him in the stomach, you know? I mean... Just something I do.“

These Johnny-come-latelys have no message of freedom! They have a message of slavery. They say all men are alike and they're all slaves. The machine must roll. That's just a new method of obtaining production! That's all. Communism is as wrong as capitalism. And then they're both wrong. Somebody who sits back parasitic upon the labors of others and does absolutely nothing and furnishes no service of any kind whatsoever - clipping coupons, you know - or sitting back being the big commissar with the big red star and the hero medal, you know, are likewise parasitic upon the labors and sweat of other men.

You'll have fellows confessing overts to you with great glibidity. You know, they'll say, „Oh, I did this and I did that and I did this and I withheld that and so forth and I did this, that and the other thing and so forth and there's all my overts and - cheers!“ Cheers. Boy, the hardest work is ahead of him. He's got to find one part of this that he can take responsibility for - one tiny part that he can really be responsible for. And then they start to go out.

Both of these systems are wrong, and somebody ought to just let them go out on the corner someplace and fight it out the way the troops of World War I were always insisting that their generals be given clubs and go into an arena and just hit each other over the head until they decided who'd won. This was the most prevalent sentiment between 1914 and 1918. War has become unpopular.

Some people, apparently, aren't being audited at all; they're just bragging.

But here's this great - here's this great message - this great message that was spread around the world at the late part of the eighteenth century that the common man was worth something and he ought to stake off his chains and determine his own destiny. That was a great thing.

But anybody can be a victim. That's the lazy thing to be. That's the lazy one to be.

Who were the stupid knuckleheads that let that message go by the boards, hm? What self-seeking, self-interested politicians are sitting down here getting what spread, forgetting that this country is the pioneer of man's future freedom?

To be causative and to be able to confront the overts one has performed happening to somebody else which one isn't experiencing - these are the rough ones.

Now, this country has got to take responsibility for it. That's all. They spread the message. There's no sense in sitting back now and trying to go into some socialist mess or in leaning the other way and going into some capitalistic mad-dogism, either way. Or some fascistic thing whereby Czar Pixie or somebody raises his noble scepter and all the space opera boys jump up with their blast guns or something like that. This is - it's no good.

Now, when one has been a suicide, he looks back on that lifetime of having been a suicide as though it's an entirely separate thing, and he's apparently now exterior to that lifetime but it's very difficult to look back and realize that he has killed himself. So he tries to interiorize into that lifetime, don't you see, because it's easy to be a victim and it's hard to be up in present time looking back at that overt. So this is the mechanism of track tie-up and how one slips back into identities he has harmed or wronged. That's how one goes backtrack and gets stuck. And the way out of it is just taking responsibility for - as the senior process - or being able to confront - as the junior process - overts happening over there, done by you. Of course, you start coming out of this whole track stuff like mad. Easy to be stuck on the track. It's a rough deal to be in present time and know everything and everywhere you've been. Because you have to sort of confront back, you know? You have to be willing to be responsible for being that much of a knucklehead. And between you and me, brother, you've been a knucklehead.

No, somebody on Earth has got to keep the torch lighted, and the country that's been nominated by the peoples of the world is America. Now, I'm here to help make sure it delivers the goods.

I know you must have had, because I look back at some of the knuckleheadedness that I've pulled off somewhere along the line and I say, „Boy, whew!“ I don't mean to out-create anybody, but...

Now, we've got a total - way out in front. All we've got to do is make some people take some responsibility for some of the things that this country stands for, and this world will be free. And that doesn't mean that every government on Earth ought to be overthrown in favor of the American government. It simply means that if democracy is going to go forward, it had better be going forward decently under the guidance of a responsible nation, and not just dropped into the soup and every criminal that comes along given fantastic credence because he's beating the drum for socialism or communism or spooferism or nihilism or some other nonsense.

Not long ago I was looking over a political situation of - right here on Earth - and had to dispassionately sit there and examine all of my decisions with regard to this immediate decision, and exactly where they had wound up and how could anybody be that stupid, you know? How could anybody be so stupid as to make this various series of decisions which wound up in that mess. Nobody... You know? Politics? - this couldn't be politics; it looked more like the type of diplomacy they were using before World War I. And yet, I will say I did have nerve enough to take a look at the decisions that were involved in this little, tiny, two-bit political situation, you know - it all wound up wrong. See? Without saying, „Well, I was sick at the time.“ Without saying, „Well, you see it's like this; not much was known about politics in those days,“ or „The reason why I made these decisions was that my intelligence at that time was very poor and it was basically based on a series of letters from my brother who, of course, I'd found out later, was an idiot.“

The great message of the world of the last two hundred years emanated from this country. And it's still emanating from this country. And this country ought to back it up, not by overthrowing the governments of Earth, not by conquest, but simply by a matter of setting an example of responsibility for its citizens and for its affairs abroad to such a degree that it demonstrates that democracy works, and works far, far better than any other type of political activity. Democracy is not the best political philosophy in the world; and nearly everyone will agree that a benevolent monarchy is.

To be able to dispassionately look at what you've done, without writing out eighteen Encyclopaedia Britannicas of excuses as to how it all happened, requires a singular amount of cooled, cold calculation on your part. It's almost too dispassionate for words. You get all involved, you know. You get all involved with irresponsible, irresponsible, irresponsible, irresponsible. „Well, the reason they went across the river at that point and ran into the musketry fire was: It was foggy that night and we hadn't actually had a very good provost marshal in camp, you see? And he didn't pick up some of the spies that were around, so they got intelligence. And we didn't know anything about the fact they had intelligence of the fact that we were going to cross the river at that point...“ All of this gobbledygook, all of this nonsense, all this stupid justify, justify, justify, they're to blame, they're to blame, they're to blame, they're to blame, they're to blame, I'm the victim, I'm the victim, I'm the victim, I'm the victim. You get the idea? They're to blame - I'm the victim. See? Synonymous statement: They're to blame - I'm the victim. „I didn't know about it. I was perfectly innocent. There I was sitting in my tent and the musketry fired off and killed off all the men. And if I'd known about it beforehand, of course, I...“ Who asked them to camp there?

You can - it's very funny, you know. You can get a socialist and a communist and nihilist and an anarchist and a capitalist and a royalist and anybody else you want to get together - a fascist - you can get them all in a room together. I've actually done this horrible trick, and gotten them all to agree on a political philosophy. And the political philosophy they agreed upon, utterly and completely, was a benevolent monarchy. But they said you can't have a benevolent monarchy unless you have a benevolent monarch, and then you cannot guarantee the continuance of that government as a benevolent monarchy. So therefore that is bad.

You just never - you just mustn't shut this off in a pc because it gets less and less and he finally grapples with the situation and he says, „Well, it just occurred to me that when I gave the order it sort of seemed to me like that was a very poor place to pitch a camp. And let me see. Oh, oh yes, oh, oh, oh, yes, yes. I remember the day before that I was very angry with the army. Yes. And I sort of wished I didn't have anything more to do with them. Now, what do you suppose that had to do with my selecting that camping place?“

But actually it's the best form of government. But short of that, the best form of government is where everybody has a say in it. Now, that will perpetuate itself, and that continues on better. It's not the best form of government, but it's the best workable, practical form.

It's only then that the pc starts to catch up with himself It's only then he starts to catch up with himself. And he says, „I done it.“ But he knows he did it and he was willing to take any consequences of having done it and he could admit causing it, which is the definition of responsibility A person could actually admit causing it. Not causing something fanciful, but actually admit causing what happened. And there's where incidents, and so forth, just break up. There's where lives break up, and so forth. There's where you crack cases.

And all these fellows agreed, and then you should have seen their faces when they realized they had all agreed politically. Very, very funny.

Now, the individual who just says, „Well, there's my case, and I know I'm responsible for everything. Got it all made.“ Reels off a lot of things in the incident - says, „I was actually the battery commander at the Battle of the Bulge“ or something - you run into somebody up the track somewhere. „I was the person who didn't lay down the barrage and caused all the troops to die and that's it. Well, that incident's clear. Ph-h-o-o-o! Good. Now, let's get on to something more important.“

Now, I don't mean to tell you anything startling or strange about this. We have no real vested interest politically. We have a vested interest in man; all of us are interested in this. And politics occasionally keep us from recognizing or realizing our fullest responsibilities in this particular direction.

It's about time for you, the auditor, to find out just what he could be responsible for in that battery. You're liable to find the whole confounded incident is fictitious. He's being so irresponsible he isn't even giving you the incident that occurred. And you start delving into this thing and you'll find out it wasn't the Battle of the Bulge at all! He's talking about the first Battle of the Marne. It was even another lifetime. That's how wrong he is. And boy, when you run into the right one, he won't have anything to do with it. Doesn't matter how glib he was before, he just won't have anything to do with the right one.

One of these fine days we will have to turn around and clean up politics, because politics can only go astray where criminals are in political control. And if you have the answer to criminality, you have the answer to all politics.

Now, a fellow comes oft and he does something like that. He says, „I know nothing... Actually, I know nothing about - about having any acquaintance whatsoever with the manufacturing business. I've never - never had much to do with manufacturing, and so forth. Urn - I know something, however, about United States Steel and their basic Operation, and so forth. Their first president was quite of a guy.“

Democracy is probably the best political theory, workably, that has been introduced over the last twenty-five hundred years. And the only reason it doesn't work is because you can elect some startlingly beautiful man whose hair is silver and whose voice is beautiful and the ladies dive overboard for him and you find out you've elected one of the lousiest crooks that anybody - everything ever had anything to do with. That's happened in American history.

You say, „Well, what was the president of General Electric? What was the first president of General Electric?“

Well, it could only happen, and America could only be subverted if people in key positions had too much to hide - who could be blackmailed, who themselves could be turned into rabid revolutionaries against the better good of their people by simply not being able to speak clearly and openly to their people and tell them what they should. No, as long as you have criminals in governments, you're going to have trouble. You're going to have lots of trouble.

„Well, I don't know that. I don't know that.“

I'll give you an idea of that. Some people accuse me of being hepped or sold occasionally on the idea that this organization has - Scientology organizations have been bird-dogged by some political group. Now, they've misunderstood what this is all about.

„What - what's General Electric all about?“

There are certain political groups which accumulate to themselves criminals. And wherever you get criminals sitting in your midst that can't talk, can't be processed, can't duplicate communication, they scramble all the communication lines.

„Oh, I don't know anything about General Electric. General Electric - that's a company isn't it? Yeah, yeah, it's a company. All right. Well, United States Steel, I do seem to know something about. I've read quite a bit about it in this life and their first president was quite a man. He did this and he did that, and so forth, and so on,“ and the needle starts banging on the E-Meter and this preclear is very glib about this whole thing, you know? He tells you all about United States Steel and the first president of United States Steel and - and there it is. You see? And the needle goes back and forth.

You see, because they themselves are withholding to such a degree, they don't dare duplicate. So something that comes in to them, they then misduplicate as they hand it down the line. Because they themselves have something they mustn't say, they pervert everything that goes past them. And you have one of those people in an organization, you've got trouble. You got trouble.

And you say, „How do you know all this?“

It was very interesting to be able to talk to a very high official in the British post office system very recently and give him that succinct datum.

„Oh, a person sh- I just read it, studied it, very interested in the thing.“

Now, up to that time, I had talked to him occasionally about writing a manual for the use of his personnel handling communication systems in the British postal system. And he didn't think I had anything to say. He thought he knew all about it, you see?

You say, „Well, what about the National Biscuit Company?“

Funny part of it is, nearly everything I was trying to tell him about, he in some dim way had noticed himself. And it all appeared that he knew all this, you see, but he didn't realize he couldn't articulate it. And this very funny thing happened, you see? I was sitting there and I tell him all about this one datum: that you just cannot have a criminal on your communication lines, because he'll flip the data because of misduplication. And I just gave it to him right straight from the shoulder and used Scientology technology and everything else - which he's not educated in even vaguely, you know? I just let him have it.

„Well, what about the National Biscuit Coinpany?“

And he sat there, you know? He sat there, „Oh,“ he says, „you - you do know something about this, don't you?“ And he said, „We have a fellow in Scotland who is in charge of a certain department in Scotland and,“ he said, „it's always going wrong! Anybody who gives him a complaint or a message of any character, he changes before he hands it to anybody else! And I've noticed this! I know what's wrong with the man! I - I - how much are those E-Meters you sell?“

„Well, do you know anything about the National Biscuit Company?“

So therefore, we have to realize that a government that's being totally knuckleheaded is a collection of individuals who are trying their best but aren't able to reach very well. A government is composed of individuals who themselves are blocked in various ways because their own communication lines are chopped up.

„No, I don't know anything about it. Why should I know anything about the National Biscuit Company?“

Now, we could say at once that the moment a government's communication lines were cleaned up one way or the other, that that government would undoubtedly begin to perform at a much higher level of responsibility than it had been before. Got the idea? Well, all you'd have to do is to make sure that every person in government - boy, shades of 1950. This sound familiar to some of you people?

„Well, how about Carnegie? You know anything about Carnegie?“

Female voice: Mm-hm.

„Carnegie? Carnegie? Who's he?“ You say, „He's in the steel business. That's who he is. He was one of the early steel magnates.“

All you had to do was make sure that the people in government were cleared (at least in the limited sense of current lifetime) to ensure that that government would take fullest responsibility on all of its communication lines. Got the idea? So that if any group went about, in a somewhat soft-voiced fashion, to guarantee the political integrity or personal integrity of the people in government, they would probably be cooperated with 100 percent.

„Oh, he was? Yeah, well, I was talking to you about the United States Steel, you know, and the president of United States Steel was quite a guy and so on,“ he reels you off „and of course their production figures for the year of so-and-so and so-and-so were such-and-such and so-and-so and so-and-so,“ and he on and on and on and on and on, you know?

That sounds very daring. It actually isn't daring at all. It's just nobody knew how to do it. It isn't that the idea is unacceptable it's that nobody had the gen to make the idea workable.

You say, „Well, were you the first president of United States Steel?“ you know, and the needle falls off the pin, the pc says, „Oh, no. No, no, no. Don't know anything about that.“

They try to do this with their various elections. They say this man is good and that man is bad, and they tell stories on each other - the candidates do - and they try to expose each other and they try by this method only to have politicians in there who have fairly clean records, because they know that if they have a dirty record, that they're liable to be overthrown. But then, this politician, getting office, then is unable to guarantee the cleanliness, for instance, of his police department, his accounts department or other things; he doesn't know how to go about this.

„Well, how do you know so much about this man?“

So as long as you have elected personnel to some degree you have already dropped out the more crooked or reprehensible personnel, to some degree there's already a preventer working on the line.

„Well, psew-read, you know?“

But what if somebody came along and cleared the rest of the lines up? Now, what would happen? What would happen to that government? Be pretty interesting, wouldn't it? Hm?

What you've discovered is a very peculiar piece of variable, isolated knowledge that has nothing to do with the price of fish at all. It's the tag hanging out. It's the brass ring for the auditor to catch. Got the idea? Misplaced information.

Well, we can do that today. Now, this is just one of the things I had to cover; it's not the whole of this immediate lecture at all. But I just had to tell you about the purity league gag! This is too good to keep. I - you're very hard to withhold things from.

Now, that can go two ways. The person knows nothing about any corporation every place and will have no conversation or connection with anything resembling United States Steel. That's just a total shutdown, you see? This person is a perfectly well-educated person. He knows everything that has happened. He's - he studied history in high school and college, and he knows everything about history except he doesn't seem to know a ruddy thing about the Renaissance. „What Renaissance? Oh, he means the Reformation.“ „No, the Renaissance.“ „Well, what about the Renaissance? Well, what - the Renaissance. What's the Renaissance?“ „Well, the Renaissance was a period in Italian history in medieval-modern area... It's - it's a period!“ Yeah, but where? Who? What? The pc is just stupid, see? Just doesn't know anything about the Renaissance. Now look, anybody knows about the Renaissance. But this pc doesn't.

Now, I'm out - not outlining this as something we're going to do instantly and immediately. I'm simply outlining this as something which is a good idea. That is to say, a funny idea, an idea that would be a little sport.

That is looking for and finding the unexplainable as a case analysis. The pc will have something wrong with his knowingness on the subject - meaning, something wrong with his responsibility for the subject. And you look for something odd about his knowingness. Either too much, too little, not at all or so forth, but it's just this: something odd about his knowingness on this particular subject. There's just something goofy about his (quote) „knowingness.“

It would work like this: An auditor in his spare time would find out in his immediate city, something like that, who were the more important political figures. Or he would get hold of a salesman. That's why I wanted you to get some salesmen into the PE, not because we wanted to teach all the salesmen in the world - but because it made a good communication line - but actually because I wanted you to have some people in your midst who were used to selling and handling people. See, personnel problem was what that came up from more than anything else.

This boy at the age of five could play a violin. Boy, could he play a violin, you know? At the age of twelve, suddenly went stale, could no longer play a violin. Who was he? Obviously, it's the life he's failing at. There's something wrong there someplace. There's a piece of knowingness - you know something about this case that doesn't tally. Therefore, you have to know cases; you have to keep your ears open about cases; you have to look cases over; you have to inspect them very carefully; and no system that I lay down for you is ever going to totally crack a case - you understand? without you adding your sensibility.

All right. Now supposing - supposing this auditor got ahold of one of these salesmen and he gave them a list of these men, and he gave him some stationery, you know, and an address. And across the top of it, it said the Citizens' Purity League. I just love the title. It's just too corny for words, see?

Now, fortunately, your blank spots aren't your PC's. Now, if everything he tells you is the total information or addition or contribution you're going to make to the session - it's just everything he says; he says to run this and he says to run that, and he says to... Oh, skip it! Why waste your time? Why waste your time? What's wrong with him has been borne out time after time. Oh yes, he'll tell you some of the things wrong with him - enough so that he gets a little bit better but he really never hits ...

And he gets the salesman to go around and call on all these prominent civic lenders, you see, and lend their name to an advisory board of the Citizens' Purity League. And then you add all those to the stationery, see? It isn't costing anything so far, you see? What an overt act you know?

You know I was up till five o'clock this morning auditing? Disobeying the Auditor's Code like mad. Cracked a case right down the middle. Got so darn interested I just kept on auditing it. Didn't actually audit very many hours. It was just one of these things, you know? Just this wonderful glibidity set in on this case, and you just never heard so much glibidity in your life. That was the end of that case. Boom! Only that person knows that's the end of that case. By the way, it's never the end of the case unless the PC knows it is.

And the literature of this Citizens' Purity League - I love that title. It - just - nothing is that corny! And it says that honest people are entitled to an honest government. And that's all it stands for, you see? And it says that a people are entitled to a government or to being governed by honest men. And everybody will go for this! Good roads, good weather, naturally! Naturally, a people are entitled to an honest government, you see? But that's its whole message.

But look at this. Here was a piece of knowingness that was hanging out. See, here was somewhere was some knowingness that was misplaced. Either the person knew nothing about this particular subject or the person knew everything about this particular subject, but just couldn't take any responsibility for the subject. Do you see that?

And the Citizens' Purity League, now with all these advisory committee names, you see, which list every civic leader in the whole community, writes a letter - and this is the department you have to tackle first - to the chief of police on this stationery, saying you want to make a Security Check (give him your literature) on his personnel - not on him, on his personnel. You want to check over the heads of his departments and things like that, so that you can guarantee this sort of thing.

The only way you can say it, is when you want to solve a case, you look - something wrong with the knowingness of the case and explore it with an E-Meter. Something wrong with the knowingness of the case. The person knows too much about something or knows too little, and then follow it out through this and explore it and watch that tone arm.

Well now, one of two things happens: Fascism takes place overnight or he cooperates. See, it gets to be an open-and-shut proposition. It's either this one or this one and there's not much in between. But of course he says - he looks at all these prominent names, and you go in and you talk to him.

You suddenly start exploring airplane pilots. Airplane pilots - every time you hit airplane pilots it goes on up. And you hit something else and it just cools off. And you hit airplane pilots, you got your tone arm starts registering high, and you can two-way comm on other subjects and cool it off. You're looking at something that has to do with airplane pilots, aren't you?

And he says, „Well,“ he says, „um-hmm-hmm. It's very unusual-very unusual request you're making here. Very unusual request. What do you intend to do?“

Now, you'll find there's - if there's also something wrong with the pc's knowingness on the subject of airplane pilots, you've got it made. Either - „Airplane pilots? What an airplane pilot is? Oh, I don't know anything about airplane pilots.“

„Oh, just talk to these men and check them over from the standpoint of record, you know, so as to give them a clean bill of health for this.“

„What are the ranks in the RAF?“ See?

And he's thinking all the time usually, you know, about, „I wonder how much percentage these guys are holding out on me,“ you know? „I wonder if there's a crook in the lot here that's denying me my percentage.“

„The ranks in the RAF. Well - oh, lieutenant commander, umm - captain, major...“ Yeah, what corn. Not one of these is a rank in the RAF. You got the idea?

Well, if he refuses, he knows what you're going to do. You're going to write every single member of your advisory committee; you're going to say the chief of police refuses completely to cooperate with any Security Check on his departmental personnel. Of course, you know what that means - there'll be a new chief of police in there at once. Because that's one thing civic leaders are able to do: change chiefs of police.

So you have to be on your toes in order to find a pc out.

So the chances are he'll say, „Well, go ahead. Go ahead.“

Now there are two gags that I can tell you that'll assist you enormously. I've also - already told you about the repeating identity. You know, the Red Comet, the Silver Streak mechanism. That's the craziest thing to run into you ever saw. You're going in contest with yourself you know?

So, you take - of course, the first one you want is the vice squad. And you just takes your little E-Meter and you just check over the vice squad for overts and withhold, and what you're looking for is unreported crimes by the person. Well, of course, as soon as the word gets around, practically everybody in the police department that couldn't stand a Security Check blows. Pshew! That mechanism will work right now, see?

And you'll find out, what the pc sets up as a goal of really wanting to do is something he has already done and if you examine a PC's goals of this lifetime from the time he was a little boy - everything he wanted to do right on up to the present, more or less - somewhere along this line you're going to find the key lifetime he's stuck in and can't confront. Because he's still trying to be what he was, but he doesn't dare be what he was. Now, that's an Assessment by Goals. Find out everything he wanted to be in his whole lifetime and then just sort it out with an E-Meter. And you're going to find him somewhere.

So you simply call a meeting of your advisory committee or write them all a letter - never hold meetings of them - just write them all a letter in a bulletin and say, „Well, we've gotten rid of so many people because they had unsavory reputations and they're being replaced by more reliable men.“ And this committee says, „Fine. The Citizens' Purity League is working beautifully and we are getting a purer government and three cheers,“ see?

Now, another clue is this - another clue, and a very interesting one, is that the last two or three lifetimes are pure dynamite. And if you can resolve a case, totally, and bring it up the road toward OT by staying with the present lifetime, you're avoiding something as an auditor.

So that's fine. And it gets up to a point now where you turn around to the chief of police - it must be the police department, because that's the department that would be used to stop you. That must be the first entrance point. Always the police. They're the point of corruption. They're the point that a revolution takes place in. Remember that, always, you see? So if you clean them up first, you can keep from precipitating something very bad.

The lifetime immediately before this lifetime is usually far more important than the current lifetime in the resolution of the case. And if there's something wrong with it, the fellow will feel batty all the time. Something went wrong. It's that last lifetime because that's the one which is withheld on all dynamics. Think of that. That's even withheld on the first dynamic. It's a withhold right straight across the dynamics. You have to increase the pc's knowingness to find out something about this.

Now, these people, of course, arc all very interested now that the police department has been checked up and - checked out and everything is very happy in the town of whatever it is.

And you'll usually find, if the pc's case doesn't run just drrrrrrrr very easily, that there's something wrong in the last two or three lifetimes - something really wrong; something really goofy. And don't worry about what wild tales you finally sort out. You'll sort out the right tale eventually. But you'll find some interesting wild tales. For instance, the person wasn't born into his present family at all, but picked up the body in a tonsillectomy at the age of seven. And the rest of it is just pure justification. It's an overt act against his own identity. Goofball things like this happen. This is a - this is not a logical universe. It's merely a created one.

And you turn around to the chief and you say, „Well now, we want to check you out.“

Now, that's a good clue, and that's a good place to go around. You know, just really pin down where the fellow is. „When were you born? When were you born?“

And he goes through this, „Well, I can tell him - oh, no, wait a minute now. Oh, no, not that one!“ You know, he goes through this, „My life is an open - um - my life is - uh - my life bears inspection. I'm not on any criminal file - well, not in this area.“

The fellow says, very glibly, „Born? Born? Let's see, born? Uh - let's see now - born in 1925 - 1925.“

But here's the point: You're not trying to fire these people. What you're trying to do is get preclears. Interesting gag, isn't it?

You say, „Where were you in 1924?“

You check over the head of the homicide division and you find the head of the homicide division has been taking a little bit of a cut on the side - here, there, something of this sort. You find this, you don't instantly say, „Well, this is going to be reported, and you're going to be shot from guns.“ You're going to say, „Get your nose clean, son. It's going to cost you money.“


And then the word gets around that you actually charge people for straightening them up and that „this is a method of revenue and a gag and a racket.“ Your answer to that is instantaneously - instantaneously you say, „What? The people must be paid to straighten up the dishonesty of men who should have been honest in the first place. Make those men pay!“

„Where were you in 19?“ This is somebody, you see, that doesn't know anything about Scientology, past lives or anything of the sort. The dickens with this patty-cake with his withholds!

And everybody will say, „That“ - in the advisory committee - „that's absolutely right. Absolutely right. Why should the people pay?“

I took a fellow the other day that - he was an instrument maker. He came in, and I wanted to show him how an E-Meter worked so he could do some work on an E-Meter for us. So I just sat him up and ran a - picked an incident off the track, found out it was about three billion years ago and spotted it exactly in time, got the exact time. He - very vague - he didn't know anything about it. Had him run Responsibility on it. Ran Responsibility on it, a few commands. All of a sudden a picture he'd had his whole life of looking out of a window changed, flipped, he got a terrific sensation of getting up from the thing, rushing over, jumping into a car, and shooting up over the top of a hill. And he got tremendous sensation of motion and, of course, just as he got over the top of the hill, that was when the atom bombs hit the city. And he was the guard, and he evidently hadn't sounded off quick enough.

This is just a gag. This is an interesting gag. But some such operation could open the door to responsible governments over the whole face of Earth and move away the specter of overthrow, by violence and criminality, the peoples of Earth and further degradation of their liberties as has been going on for the last few centuries. Would work. Think it over.

I just went into a formal session, you know? Just - you know, „Here's the session, goals for the session, what are you looking at?“ You know? No patty-cake „This is Scientology, yap, yap, yap,“ you know? You know? Followed right down the groove, „Now, what are you looking at? All right, that's fine. Now, what part of that scene could you be responsible for? That's what I'm going to run. Going to run it.“ Ran it as a formal command, and so forth. „Now, let's spot it in time,“ was what I first did. And - „Spot it in time. How many years?“

Of course, you get the accounts department and you get the other department and you finally work up to this person or that person, so forth. You could check - an auditor just could be kept busy day and night, just doing something like this and having a ball.

„Hundred thousand years? Oh, wait. Ha-ha-ha.“ You know, you'd think he'd have that reaction. No, no. Oh, no, no. He said, „I don't have any reality on that. I wouldn't know how long ago it was.“ And I just spotted it on down - no help from the Pc, just totally on the E-Meter. Next time I saw him his eyes were about three times as big. He'd always been walking around kind of this way, you know? Gave him a twenty-minute session to demonstrate to his partner the use of an E-Meter and produced a new man.

Now, if you started in on a program of this character and it was successful, you'd have to depend upon the PE franchises, you'd have to depend on these foundations to furnish enough people to be trained as auditors to meet the demand for auditors. So we've even got that side of it covered if something like this really happened rapidly.

That, by the way, is the mechanism to use on a still picture. And that is the Black Case. The Black Case is a dead duck right now. Just turned out a longer bulletin on it. I just mention it in passing. All you have to do is find out what the Pc is looking at and have him run Responsibility on it, and he turns from a Black Case. He turns on pictures. I can just turn on pictures just like that on people now. That was one of the things that stopped us in 1950. It's very easy.

Now, it's not very much to ask people to simply be honest, whatever their principles are - simply to be honest in their execution. And simply to demand that honest people deserve honest men in government roles. That's not very much to demand.

Just remember Responsibility for the scene he's looking at and you get pictures. Because if he says, „No scene.“

But you'd change the whole face of Earth. You would. And you'd make good something they were trying to do in 1775, which was strike off the chains of the world.

„Well, could you take responsibility for 'no scene'?“

Now, I think it's time somebody took an interest in that program again. I don't think it ought to be left down here in the Capitol rotunda, forgotten, while a bunch of fellows go storming around the world from some other nation, telling them they're the men that are setting men free. When did Russia ever set any men free? From what prison camp? They've still got their prisoners of war from the last war. And these fellows are allowed to go around the world and talk with their big mouths and say that they're the pioneers of freedom? Oh, no. What Corn. It's not true.

„Oh, I sure can take responsibility for 'no scene' there.“

So if this Country measured up to its total responsibilities, it would first have a totally honest government, at every level, and then would have a total responsibility for everything it started in the idea which it fostered out along the line so long ago. Do you agree with me?

„Good. That's your first answer to the auditing command. Here's the next auditing command...“ Here we go, see? Next thing you know the black just goes vague and goes pink, goes white, a little - something else happens zzowoua - and all of a sudden he's looking at a fountain.

Audience: Yes.

„Well,“ he says, „I'm looking at a fountain,“ you know? And run a few more of the same command and you get something else, and so forth, and you'll find him way back, to hell and gone down the track someplace, you know, and he's been stuck in something or other. You're not - don't - don't really run into something bad, just keep running Responsibility, he runs to PT and just kind of skip it. You've got a case that forevermore will have pictures. I mean, that's so easy that we missed it, all of us. What was the matter with you, you didn't give me a hand with that one? Ten years. Anyhow...

We are not helpless. There is something we can do about it. We can tell you the wrong thing to do always. That's nothing. Nothing is the greatest overt act you can commit. If you don't believe it, run into it sometime in your case. The times you did nothing: Those were the overt acts.

Now, the next gag on assessment of cases - and I call it a gag because - it's a colloquialism - that you should look for is transvestitism as the commonest cause of aberration when a case is really rough to run. And when all you have to do is find a case is very rough to run, you had better, at once, explore for transvestitism.

Well, we needn't be guilty of it in this particular lifetime, because you've got just as big a share in this as I have, as anybody has.

Female voice: What is that?

And with your knowingness goes a certain increased responsibility. That's a terrible thing, isn't it? You say, „Well, I want to know more about this.“ The second you know more about it, you're more responsible for it. Do you realize that?

Transvestitism. You see, I use Chaucerian English - which is what we speak, I guess - and you just don't get it. And I use a proper technical term and you don't know what that is. It's transvestitism. Men and women swap their clothes, and you get men running around dressed as women and women running around dressed as men. Got that?

And when you're in my boots and know all about it, and have since the beginning, you've really got a lot of responsibility to carry around.

Now, here's what happens. A thetan decides that she's a good woman and makes a lousy man, and 50 percent of the bodies that thetan picks up, on the average, the rough average, are going to be male bodies. And yet this thetan knows she is a good woman. Now, she has the task, somewhere very early in life or even before birth, or something of the sort, of flipping this body, or trying to flip it, or fitting (if she can't) a male body into a female role. Got the idea? And earlier on the track, when there were less medical examinations, it was the easiest thing to do you ever heard of. People would go all through their whole life being a woman, while actually being a man - actually a male body dressed and used as a woman.

But it's remarkably easy to carry. What's tough to carry is irresponsibility. That is very tough to carry around. If you don't believe it, look at your somatics.

Everybody looks at me very stunned and says, „Where's this been?“ Yeah, who you kidding? All right, this fellow decides that being a man fits his basic purposes and his basic personality, and so forth, and yet 50 percent of the time he picks up female bodies. What's he going to do with them? Just collapse at that point, and everything he likes to do and so forth, and be a female for a lifetime?

Every somatic you have stems and rests, securely founded, on irresponsibility where responsibility should have been. I don't wish to threaten you. I'm simply telling you a technical fact. If you want to get somebody over a sore leg, you just find out what part of that leg he could be responsible for - using any form of the Responsibility command - and he'll have a well leg. Simple as that. Only it'll stay well, and that's what's important.

It's one of the characteristics of the cases that are tougher for you to puzzle out, that you ask them now - this case is a girl, you know - and you say, „All right, have you ever been a man?“ One of the characteristics is to say, „Oh, never. Always been a woman. Never have been a man. Always have been a woman. There isn't a single male body on the track.“ Oh, oh, that's it, auditor. Let's work it out from there, because 50 percent of those bodies were the other sex. Thetan pays his - no money and takes his chances. They don't even put blue and pink on the cribs anymore to figure it out for you. It's all white in the hospital. When you lay your cotton-picking beams on that body, it's tsk!

Now, in the field of the broader activities of Scientology, we are more and more accumulating to ourselves responsibilities in various directions, and we've gotten almost up to the point where if a natio- international explosion like war took place and so forth, why, it would have been, to some slight degree, our fault.

Let's say you're doing just fine. You're doing just fine as a man. And you've had it made, and you've gotten it down. You've got it pretty well figured out. You've got the weapons of the period more or less taped, the trades of the period, and you've found you're pretty good at business administrative actions, and you got it pretty well taped. And you settle down to a nice long haul, and then somehow or other you fall off the bridge or run into a rapier, or something of the sort happens, or the wife slips you a little more ground glass than she usually gave you, and you slip on a banana peel or get caught in the rain, and that's the end of that mock-up, see?

Now, this isn't bigheadedness as far as we're concerned. It's just that we didn't work quite as fast as we should, we didn't talk as fast as we should, we weren't quite as bright and smart and didn't forward our communication lines quite as rapidly as we should. You get the idea? We're up into a level where we would share responsibility with anything of this character.

Well, you're all set to be a man, you see? And you pick up a female body. Phfeph! You say, „What am I going to do? Learn to cook!“ Well, just think - any of you men, right there this moment - just think being suddenly and immediately confronted with the idea of having to do all feminine tasks. You know, knitting and churning butter... Being faced with female sports - yak-yak-yak-yak. Now, you'd darn well try to do something about it, wouldn't you? You'd shift gears on a body somehow or another, and you'd try to bend this one around to your own penchants, your own training pattern, because you're in charge after all, the body isn't.

You can ask yourself right now why things are in such bad shape in certain zones of the world, and you can - you could trace it down - if you were concerned with the bad shape of that particular zone - you could trace it down to the point where you committed an overt act against that zone and took it out of your perimeter of control. As simple as that.

And you girls, now, just think of it, think of it. All of a sudden you're getting along fine. You know how to cook. You know how to sew. You know how to take care of things. You know how to take care of babies, families. You know how to please men. You've got it all taped, you know? You've got your home economics and other things. You've got women's suffrage. Everything is all squared, see? Everything is all taped and all of a sudden you've got a male body. What are you supposed to do? Learn how to play baseball and shoot with shotguns and get drafted and ... Huh? What about it? It'd be a shock, wouldn't it?

You have a thing called zones of control. And actually, I've given you this lecture backwards. I should have talked to you about zones of control first and responsibilities of government second, but I just love this idea of a purity league. I mean it's just... Please, if you do something like this, call it the „Purity League,“ will you? Please? Nobody will believe the title, see?

Audience: Yes.

Now, zones of control is something you should know something about, because it will clear up for you a great deal of difficulty in your future. A zone of control, where control is positive, contains the minimal overt acts by the individual. It's very simple, you see: high control, low overt acts. Got that?

Well, I'll tell you that in former societies they didn't have medical examinations.

So if you think your greatest overt acts are against the body you're sitting in, let me call to your attention that you can still control it, which tells you that your overt acts against your own body or your body line must be minimal compared to your overt acts against other areas that you don't control. You got that?

My golly, there was one girl served with Napoleon's Grand Army nearly every campaign straight through. And they consider it startling that she, eventually, was pensioned off - discovered and pensioned off. Well, look, they discovered her. They discovered her. How many were going right straight along in those boots? Pirates: There was Anne Bonny, Mary Read. There have been people in - there have been women, for God's sakes, in the French Foreign Legion. And just as I left Sussex down there, a police contact I have came in and told me rather juicily that they had just arrested a man who had been serving as somebody's wife for eighteen years. And he thought this was peculiar! Because something isn't generally known is no reason it isn't common. It's common. Common as dirt. Particularly earlier societies.

So, before, we've had the idea that if a thetan was trapped someplace, it must be the thing that he had the greatest overt acts against, you know?

Guy gets all loused up on the second dynamic. He doesn't quite know whether he's coming or going. But after all, it's just one lifetime. He says, „I can put up with it,“ see? You know, she says, „Well, I can somehow or other get along. But I'm damned if I'm going to learn how to fire shotguns. And I know nothing about close-order drill and I am not going to learn.“ You get her position now? I mean, a thetan is paying out.

This fellow just can't get out of being a personnel manager for corporations. No matter how he tries, he can't cease to be a personnel manager for corporations. He just can't cease to be this thing. You know? He says, „Well,“ he says, „well, I just must have committed so many overt acts, I'm trying to rectify them by being a personnel manager,“ or something of this sort.

Now, you take somebody with a fairly high level of dedication, who has a fairly dedicated outlying purpose - one character or another, and is doing a certain exact job, going along the billennia, and he walks into this thing, he says, „Well, here we go again, see. Here we go again. How we going to bend this one around?“ You do. You do. You'll find your companion-at-arms think you're one of the better looking officers. Once in a while you skid completely and get married to somebody. Boy, how do you figure that one out, you know? Well, you've always got a maid in waiting.

No. No, that isn't it. He's staying with his highest zone of control where he has the least overt acts.

Various peculiar things can occur along this line and, of course, they are the most hidden ones, and they all consist of overts and a person is taking no responsibility for them at all. So, these peculiarities, of course, are the make and break points of cases. I know about three cases right now, in the vicinity of Washington, that aren't running because of just this one fact. They are dedicated to being the opposite sex. But this particular society has totally loaded it on their heads that they've got to be the different one. See, it's against the law now! Evidently the law, whatever that is, has gotten very, very tired of transvestitism. You know, „Women are supposed to be women, you understand? And men are supposed to be men. You understand? And there ain't no thetans.“

Now, a fellow who has no zones of control left has left no area in which he has very few overt acts. All areas he's in contact with have maximal overt acts. Got that?

So you look over a case from these angles - and what I've just given you will probably bust up the majority of the rough cases you run into: the famous personality, the transvestite sort of an action. Because, of course, a man being a woman totally hides the maleness, you see? It's a total withhold for whole lifetimes. And vice versa, it's a total withhold of being a woman. You see, a woman is a total withhold and all sorts of peculiar things. Then they come out into the right sex and they carry over some of the withhold, and they get themselves all scrambled up, you see, one way or the other. And you can take cases apart just left and right if you know some of these things. And I want to see you take some of them apart.

Now, the bum down on skid row is a demonstration of a person whose overt acts against all zones and areas are so great as to deny him control of all zones and areas including his own body and himself. You see that?

Well, basically, I've given you quite a little data at this congress. I hope you haven't considered too much of it condemnatory, because it's offered in a very helpful spirit, let me assure you. If you think I have tried to make you guilty of all of your overts, you're absolutely right. But I haven't done that in any effort to discipline you into being good. I want you to be honest.

Now, he's running responsibility on all fronts - reverse-wise. He knows he should be responsible in various zones and areas, and he'll tell you this! This is - this is his reform speech. This is what he gives the Salvation Army and people who try to do things for him, you see? He just runs it off like mad. And yet he doesn't take control in those areas. Alcoholics Anonymous are - those people have my respect, believe me, because how can anybody live with that many losses? That they stay in and continue to control, to a marked degree, a zone of almost total irresponsibility of that character is an attestation of great stick-to-ivity and great character. And my hat's off to them. That must be a tough beef.

I'm very happy with the way things are going. I myself am - I can hardly keep my hands off pcs, as I've certainly got no business auditing till five o'clock in the morning, when I've got another congress day coming up the next day. I started to ask myself what do I think I am? A human or a doll or something to keep going like this?

And to try to talk to somebody who is slipping on his zone of control of the body into believing he has a wider zone of control, such as the third dynamic - it's as though he's being told about elephants with five trunks. He just knows they don't exist.

Well, I hope some of this information and material has proven interesting. Has it?

Knowledge and control and responsibility all go hand in glove. These things are all together.

Audience: Yes!

In order to know about something, you must have some control over it - some slight control - to know about it. In order to have control over something, you must have some responsibility for it. In order to be responsible for it, you must know something about it. And we sort of have a brand-new triangle, composed of knowledge, control and responsibility as three corners.

And I hope very much that you can get everything taped out the way you want it' and get life headed in the direction you want it to go, get it under control and firing off just the way you want it. And I know you can.

Now we're up into the postulate zone. We're not talking very much about mechanics, flows, masses - you know, that sort of thing. We're talking about almost pure think. These are the considerations people have and, oddly enough, these considerations are rather easy to change.

I'm very happy you came to this congress. For me, this has been one of the most satisfactory congresses we have ever had. That's just from my viewpoint. I hope to some degree it is from yours.

Now, the only thing that can hurt anybody is the area where his control has relapsed. This we see very obviously, that an automobile will hurt you if you lose control of it. This is one of those obvious facts, and you could dust it off that way.

[End of lecture.]--

Actually, the fact is a little deeper than this. How did you lose control of the automobile? That's what's been unknown. Well, you lost control of the automobile - and this is the brand-new datum - by overt acts and withholds on the subject of automobiles. Just as easy ... You commit enough overt acts against automobiles and they can hurt you, up - right up to the time when you cease to know anything about automobiles.

Do you know that there are people walking around in the streets right now - cars pass them all the time - they don't know anything about automobiles, they don't see automobiles, they don't know new models, they don't know anything about them at all. Do you know that?

They know they have no control of any kind whatsoever over them. They've ceased to perceive them. Their not-isness comes about through lessening the overt.

Automobile is a pretty wonderful gimmick. Well, they've just lessened it right on out of sight. So their responsibility factor has dropped by their realizing that they are a menace to automobiles. This sounds very funny, but they have proven to themselves conclusively that they're a menace to automobiles; therefore, they ought to be punished by automobiles and automobiles can hurt them.

But up to the time this mechanism takes place, it is utterly impossible to be injured by an automobile.

I have a subjective reality on some of this, and so do you. You know some zone of life - right this minute - you know some zone of life that apparently has the power to injure you. Let's just think about it for a minute. Do you do you know of such a zone?

Well, all right. The exact mechanic is that you committed overt acts against the terminals representing that zone that you now don't know about; you've buried them. All you see is the menace. But the overt acts are there. On a reciprocal, that area can now do something harmful to you. And horribly enough, it becomes more harmful the less responsibility you take for it. You really want to get caved in, just back off totally from an area.

You want to know why the world could be destroyed? Because nobody's taking any responsibility for it. You know why they don't take any responsibility for it? They've got too many overt acts against it - it and other worlds. So the world could be destroyed.

You want to prevent the world from being destroyed? Take responsibility for it. The odd part of it is, if you just sat down and took responsibility for it and ran out your overts - just you, see, just one person - ran out your overts against it - the very least that would happen is when everything else blew up, you would be sitting there untouched.

Now, there's the handling of the H-bomb. You know the country that's liable to get it in the neck from the H-bomb? Yeah. Who's the only country on Earth with an overt act with an A-bomb, huh?

Well, somebody better take a little zone of responsibility here. That was an awfully irresponsible thing to do; the war was practically won. And they tell you all about how many thousands of lives it saved amongst the troops, and explain, explain, justify, justify and justify. My God, the enemy was practically flat on the back.

They didn't even need to drop the bomb. They told the people down in Los Alamogordo they were going to have the Japanese come in and observe it, let them see one bomb explode, then ask for their surrender. And they didn't do that. They very dramatically went over and dropped the bomb! See? Overt act. It's a total nonsensical thing they did.

Well, this zone of responsibility and zone of influence is also, reversely, the zone of injury. When you've dropped responsibility - when you've dropped responsibility for a certain zone, it can hurt you.

Now, let's say you've been going along as a father for a long time and you haven't taken all the responsibility in certain areas as a father that you should have, you'll get bit! Don't send to find for some other cause. If it bit you very hard, you did it. Well, if you did it, you can undid it. How do you like that? You can! You can undo it. Anything you've done, you can undo one way or the other - somewhere on the track, given enough time. Even without processing, you could undo it.

A lot of you are going forward in life right now, just hoping you will get an opportunity to undo, oh, Lord knows what, killing blondes or something. Hoping you get enough opportunity to unkill battleships or something. Of course, some of you are out of luck entirely because maybe your overt acts are against heavy hussars - heavy cavalry, heavy horse cavalry - and you're trying to undo overt acts against heavy horse cavalry in an age that doesn't have any. So you have to become an historical writer.

Zone of influence is terrifically important. You want to know why we have not influenced further than we have? You want to know how we could influence further than we do? Well, the answer is there, with that triangle of knowledge, control and responsibility. All we have to do to straighten it out is get off our overts against any area we wish to control, and we'll control it again. It's very simple - so idiotically simple that only a very honest man with a very honest view could grasp the situation, which is probably our saving grace, you see?

It's the awfulest trigger mechanism you ever saw. It's as though we've got it totally set up so that if we turn bad, we can't influence anything very much. It's our sideways proof of why man is basically good.

And when a man finds out he's harmful to various zones of influence, he withdraws from them. If he finds that he can commit overt acts against areas that he really doesn't want to commit, he'll withdraw. He has to withdraw from those zones, that's all.

He's protecting them against himself - from himself, you see? He's protecting others and the other dynamics from his own influence.

Well, now the second that he gets off his overts, he can reestablish his control and reassert his responsibility for those areas which he has previously deserted.

Now, right here on a great big silver platter, you've got Earth; you've got Earth with a red ribbon around it. But it tells you very vividly that if you haven't got your overts against Earth off, and if you have not returned into beingness your goodwill toward Earth, you won't control it. And the silver platter is just as bright, but you won't even be able to touch a single corner of it. You wouldn't be able to put a finger on the rim unless you had done just that.

Now, to tell somebody who is hitting the bottom about the upper dynamics and his control zones on the upper dynamics of course is not cruelty; you're just simply talking over his head! You're just talking about something that doesn't exist!

Now, tell me how many overts most psychologists have against thetans. That interesting? Now, their overts are sufficiently great that the basic unit of beingness of the universe has disappeared to view. They don't even know it exists anymore. People who are compulsively going along this line, studying man, condemning him as an animal, all that sort of thing, why, nothing else is real. Now, Lord Dunsany - one of the greater writers of, not necessarily our time, but one of the greater writers of our immediate age - he's an awfully clever writer. I mean I love that man's work.

The story he tells about the swallows: They go north and south and they come back, and they roost during a part of the year near a barnyard. And they tell the hens in the barnyard about the glories and beauties they've seen: the Mediterranean, Africa, the north, Scandinavia, you know, all the beautiful things they've seen. And the hens listen to them.

One day, why, a hen got out of the barnyard and stumbled down the road and got across the road and fell into a ditch, terrible flurry, managed to get back up on the road and flee in panic and get inside the barnyard again. The next time the swallows came they were talking about South Africa and all the other beauties of Earth and so forth. The hens all stood around contemptuously, said, „We know all about that. You should hear our hen.“

Trying to tell somebody - trying to tell somebody about something that exists over which he no longer has any responsibility, against which he has total overt acts, is just something like the world compared to a flop across the barnyard, you see? It doesn't exist, you know?

So you'll find - you'll find, oddly enough, that at first you will discover yourself talking to a relatively uninformed audience. That is to say, you - I'm talking about you now. Talking in the world around you, you'll just keep talking to people, and they say, „Well, I don't know anything about that. I couldn't care anything about that. You mean that's life, and so forth. Well, I - none of my responsibility. It doesn't have anything to do with me.“ Got the idea? I mean...

You don't have many people listening to you, and this kind of upsets you. Well, you ought to know why it upsets you: It upsets you because you knew instinctively all the time - you must have known this - you were talking to people with a God-awful number of overt acts, who had totally dropped out of responsibility everywhere. And talking to such people was no fun. There's no way you can sell them on anything. The only thing you can do is recover to them some zone of existence. And recovering to them this zone of existence, you now find them sufficiently responsible to know about something.

That's how you communicate. Your best method of communication is simply run a PE Course and get the fellow's overts and withholds off on the early dynamics. And you suddenly find yourself talking to somebody who can control an area.

We have a little Communicator at HCO WW. She's only sixteen. We use her now as a senior Communicator. Used to be trouble all the time in the family, but we got all of her overts off against her family and it's now all going along smoothly - only she really doesn't know who caused all the smoothness to happen in her rather large family. She did. But she knows much about it now; she knows a great deal about it. But she didn't know anything before. All that happened to her is simply the auditor took off overts against one or another family members. That's all. And up came her zone of responsibility, so up came her knowledge.

So if you want to enlarge your communication zone, if you want to enlarge your zone of control, if you want to command more of the substance of this planet, if you want to share more in the game, why, the route is there. Not through so much a gimmick like the Purity League (But I hope somebody will do that, you know? If you don't I will, you know?) but actually by recovering actual zone of influence.

By recovering a zone of influence, you will be able - very, very thoroughly - by recovering this zone of influence to take responsibility for that zone and to guide it right. And anything you're protesting about going wrong, you have the power to make go right, providing you get your overts off against that zone.

Thank you.

[End of lecture.]