The location of service facsimiles requires a proper listing question, the absence of which can lead to missing the actual service fac or overrunning a lower release grade.
Of the assessment methods, the following should probably be ruled out as an overrun of earlier grades or on the basis of getting a free needle on a previous grade:
1. Slow assessment with ITSA (overrun Grade 0)
2. Assessment by problems (overrun Grade 1)
3. Assessment by parts of existence (overrun Grade 0)
This leaves as acceptable methods:
1. “In this lifetime, what do you use to make others wrong?”
2. “In this lifetime, what do you think your service facsimile is?” (for a Scientologist trained to Level IV)
3. “In this lifetime, what would be a safe solution to….?” (the blank having been obtained by questions given on the tapes to find either a hidden standard or hidden problem).
4. Assessment of a prepared list, using level found, in “In this lifetime, what have you…… (prehav level)?”
The point being not to start out at the beginning by listing a question which OBVIOUSLY WILL NOT RESULT IN FINDING A SERVICE FAC, in which instance the rule of declaring the grade on a floating needle obtained on the list could not possibly apply.