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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- False Purpose Rundown Correction List (FPRD-9R) - B840613R90 | Сравнить

Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Remimeo False Purpose RD Auditors and C/Ses Cramming Officers False Purpose Rundown Series 9R


This list is used in repairing flubs or case upsets on persons receiving the False Purpose RD.

If after a session on the False Purpose Rundown the person red tags at the Examiner or if he gets sick or upset or falls on his head shortly after the auditing, this list should be assessed and handled to straighten the matter out. The repair action would be a 24-hour repair priority per policy.

If there is a bog during a False Purpose Rundown session, the auditor uses this list to sort the matter out and get the pc rolling again.

This list would normally be done Method 3, as the questions are written in a precise sequence: The initial questions cover those items which would have to be handled first, and the rest of the questions are laid out generally in the order of likelihood of what would be found to have caused the difficulty.

The list should be used with a prefix which acts as a time limiter, such as "In this session, ____?" or "On the False Purpose Rundown, ____?"

The majority of the questions on this list are handled by fully clearing a withhold or withholds that were left unhandled in a session. Once such a question is handled, it is rechecked — as per Sec Checking procedure — to ensure that there is no more to be gotten on that question.

1. You went exterior?____________

(Indicate it. If pc has never had an Int RD, give him a standard Int RD per Int RD Series 2. On a Clear or OT, do not run any Dianetics; do an End of Endless Int RD. If you are not a Class V Graduate Auditor, end off for a Class V Grad or above to handle.)

2. List error?____________

(Indicate. If Class III or above, find out what list, and repair with L4BRB. If not Class III, end off for handling by a Class III or above.)

3. Wrong item?____________

(Handle as in #2.)

4. Did you have an ARC break? ____________


5. Were you audited over a problem?____________

(2WC E/S to F/N.)

6. Was a withhold missed?____________

(Pull it fully, and handle as per A to G of the False Purpose RD procedure.)

7. Did you tell part of a withhold but not the rest?____________

(Get all of the withhold, and handle as per A to G of the False Purpose RD procedure.)

8. Did you misdirect the auditor?____________

(Treat as a M/W/H. Find out what the overt was that the pc misdirected the auditor away from, and handle the overt as per A to G of the False Purpose RD procedure.)

9. Withheld saying something for fear of getting into ethics trouble?____________

(Pull it fully, as per Sec Checking procedure, to find out what exactly the pc withheld. After getting the what, when, etc., also ask:

I. "What appeared there?"

II. "What didn't appear there?"

and then carry on with the False Purpose RD procedure steps — A, B and so on.)

10. Did you withhold something because of what others might think?____________

(Handle as in question #9.)

11. Did you avoid telling one overt by giving a different one?____________

(Treat as a M/W/H. Find out what the overt was that the pc avoided telling the auditor, and handle the overt as per A to G of the False Purpose RD procedure.)

12. Did the auditor fail to find out something about you?____________

(Pull it fully and complete its handling as per A to G of the False Purpose RD procedure.)

13. Was there an earlier overt undisclosed?____________

(Pull it, and complete its handling as per A to G of the False Purpose RD procedure.)

14. Was a chain of overts not taken back to basic?____________

(Flatten the overt chain and complete its handling as per A to G of the False Purpose RD procedure.)

15. Overt too late on the chain?____________

(Get the earlier overt and complete its handling as per A to G of the False Purpose RD procedure.)

16. Was an earlier whole track overt on the chain missed?____________

(Get the earlier overt and complete its handling as per A to G of the False Purpose RD procedure.)

17. Has an overt been justified?____________

(Pull the justifications off the overt, then complete its handling as per A to G of the False Purpose RD procedure.)

18. Was there some other way you justified the overt?____________

(Pull the justifications off the overt, then complete its handling as per A to G of the False Purpose RD procedure.)

19. Have you tried to lessen an overt?____________

(Find out how he tried to lessen the overt. Then get all of the overt, pull all justifications and complete its handling with steps A to G of the False Purpose RD procedure.)

20. A chain or incident that was too incredible to be believed?____________

(Get what the chain or incident was. Put in the buttons:

Suppressed, Invalidated, Protested, Anxious About, Rejected. It will probably blow and F/N. If it doesn't, handle per the appropriate step of the False Purpose RD procedure, depending on whether the incident was an overt or evil purpose or whatever.)

21. Were you worried about reputation?____________

(Clean it up 2WC E/S to F/N. Then check for an overt or overts before pc became worried about reputation, and handle with False Purpose RD procedure.)

22. Jumped to a different overt chain?____________

(Find out what overt was being pulled just before the pc jumped to some other overt chain, and complete that original overt chain as per A to G of the False Purpose RD procedure. Then take up the overt chain that the pc had jumped to, and handle that one similarly

23. Went past basic on an overt chain?____________

(Indicate it. Spot the flat point and indicate the overrun. Rehab if needed, to F/N. Continue with False Purpose RD procedure, step B.)

24. Was there an evil purpose that did not fully blow?____________

(Find the prior confusion and handle as per step C of False Purpose RD procedure. If still not blown, continue assessing this repair list.)

25. On an evil purpose, was the prior confusion not found?____________

(Find the prior confusion and handle as per step C of False Purpose RD procedure.)

26. On an evil purpose, was the wrong prior confusion found?____________

(Find the correct prior confusion and handle as per the False Purpose RD procedure, from step C onwards.)

27. On an evil purpose, failed to get the exact prior confusion?____________

(Find the exact prior confusion and handle as per the False Purpose RD procedure, from step C onwards.)

28. Was there an earlier time when you had that same evil purpose?____________

(Find the earlier time the pc had that same evil purpose, as per step D of False Purpose RD procedure, and if no spectacular release or persistent F/N, carry on with steps E, etc.)

29. On an evil purpose, did not get the first moment of the first prior confusion?____________

(Reorient to the earliest prior confusion found and get the first moment of that confusion. If no EP, continue as per step D of False Purpose RD procedure.)

30. Has a service fac been missed?____________

(2WC to F/N. If no spectacular blow on just getting off the service fac, and if you are a Class IV Auditor or above, run it out fully with the R3SC brackets. If you are not Class IV, end off for handling by a Class IV.)

(Note: R3SC is a major action and must not be run over out-ruds; the pc must be F/N and VGIs before embarking on the R3SC brackets. If in doubt, end off for a new C/S.)

31. Is there some computation that you use to make others wrong?____________

(2WC to F/N. If no spectacular blow on just getting off the service fac, and if you are a Class IV Auditor or above, run it out fully with the R3SC brackets. If you are not Class IV, end off for handling by a Class IV.)

(Note: R3SC is a major action and must not be run over out-ruds; the pc must be F/N and VGIs before embarking on the R3SC brackets. If in doubt, end off for a new C/S.)

32. Prior to having the evil purpose was there a misunderstood word?____________

(Get what the word was and clear it up to F/N. This may be what was holding the confusion in place and, on finding this, may result in a spectacular release and persistent F/N. If not, continue as per step D of the False Purpose RD procedure.)

33. No prior confusion?____________

(2WC to F/N. Depending on what comes up in reply to this question, the auditor would continue with the evil purpose chain being addressed or, in the case of a spectacular release and persistent F/N, would end off for that session.)

34. Undisclosed out-ethics situation?____________

(Pull it as an overt and carry on from there as per the False Purpose RD procedure, steps A, B and so on.)

35. Has a crime been covered up?____________

(Pull the crime and carry on from there as per the False Purpose RD procedure, steps A, B and so on.)

36. Did you withhold telling the auditor what the evil purpose was?____________

(Get what the evil purpose is, and continue on as per step C of the False Purpose RD procedure.)

37. Have you been giving false reports or pr to cover up a crime?____________

(Get what the false reports or PR were, then get the crime that was being covered up. Treat the crime as per the False Purpose RD procedure, steps A, B, etc.)

38. Did the auditor try to run out a good intention?____________

(Indicate the BPC and that this was incorrect and should not have been done. If no relief, 2WC E/S "times when an auditor tried to run out a good intention" to F/N.)

39. Not your evil purpose?____________

(If so, indicate to the pc this was not his item. Don't try to find whose it was.)

40. Was there some evil purpose you didn't dare mention?____________

(Get what the evil purpose is, and continue on as per step C of the False Purpose RD procedure.)

41. Have you been involved in a black PR campaign?____________

(Pull as a withhold, finding out the specific black PR he has spread, about whom and to whom, and handle this as an overt as per the False Purpose RD procedure, steps A, B, etc. Then, get the prior overt the pc committed and handle with steps A to G. Then check for and handle any other such overt. When these have been handled, recheck the original question, #41.)

(Note for C/S to program the case for additional FPRD actions as needed.)

42. Was a postulate missed?____________

(Get what the postulate was. It may be a false purpose or evil purpose, in which case carry on as per step C of the False Purpose RD procedure. Do not try to run out a good [pro-survival] intention or postulate.)

43. Had the evil purpose already blown?____________


44. Was it not an evil purpose but some other sort of non-survival consideration?____________

(Get what it is. Then do steps C to G of the False Purpose RD procedure.)

45. Was there a crashing misunderstood word?____________

(Find and handle the Mis-U word as per HCOB 17 June 79, Crashing Mis-Us: The Key To Completed Cycles Of Action And Products.)

46. Was an F/N overrun? ____________


47. Was an F/N missed?____________

(Find out on what and rehab.)

48. Was an implant restimulated?____________

(Indicate. The pc may BD and F/N with relief and VGIs. If not get the pc to recall moments before the implant, until it blows. If still no blow, date/locate it.)

49. Did you fail to answer a confessional question?____________

(Find out which question and handle with the False Purpose RD procedure, starting with step A.)

50. Is there more that should be known about some overt?____________

(Get all of it, using Sec Checking tech, and then carry on with the False Purpose RD procedure, steps A, B, etc.)

51. Was there a question that the auditor said didn't read that should have?____________

(Find out what question and get in Suppress and Inval on it. Then handle it fully with the False Purpose RD procedure.)

52. Was a question or item taken up that wasn't charged?____________

(Get what, indicate it was a false read. Itsa E/S to F/N.)

53. Was a hot question not taken up?____________

(Find out what question and get in Suppress and Inval on it. Then handle it fully with the False Purpose RD procedure.)

54. Did you tell a lie?____________

(Pull this as per Sec Checking tech, including getting what overt he was covering up with the lie — with all specifics — and handle it using the False Purpose RD procedure, steps A, B, etc.)

55. Was a question left unflat?____________

(Find out which one and flatten it with the appropriate step of the False Purpose RD procedure.)

56. Had you told all?____________

(Indicate it if so. 2WC E/S to F/N.)

57. Has an overt been protested?____________

(Get what it was and get in the Protest button on it. Then handle it fully with False Purpose RD procedure.)

58. Were there overts or withholds that weren't accepted?____________

(Get what. Get who wouldn't accept it. Get off any Protest and Inval, and clean it up E/S to F/N.)

59. Did the auditor not hear or acknowledge what you said?____________

(Indicate the BPC. Get what the auditor missed and clean it up E/S to F/N.)

60. Has something been misunderstood?____________

(Clean it up, clearing any Mis-U words, each to F/N.)

61. Was anything protested?____________

(2WC E/S to F/N.)

62. Missed withhold of nothing?____________

(Indicate it, and 2WC E/S to F/N.)

63. Wrong date?____________

(Correct the date to a blow, as per the HCOBs on Dating/ Locating.)

64. Wrong location?____________

(Correct the location to a blow, as per the HCOBs on Dating/ Locating.)

65. Earlier incident missed?____________

(Get the earlier incident and complete handling from the appropriate step of False Purpose RD procedure.)

66. Are there opinions you don't dare say?____________

(Get what. 2WC E/S to F/N. Then check for an overt or overts before the pc felt he couldn't state his opinions. Handle with False Purpose RD procedure.)

67. Were you waiting for a differently worded overt or withhold question?____________

(2WC E/S to F/N. Then pull any overt chain that was missed and handle with False Purpose RD procedure, steps A, B, etc.)

68. Are you withholding anything?____________

(Get what it is and handle with False Purpose RD procedure.)

69. Did you tell any half-truths?____________

(Get all of the withhold and handle with False Purpose RD procedure.)

70. Was there something the auditor should have known about you that he didn't?____________

(Pull it and handle with False Purpose RD procedure.)

71. Prior to committing the overt was there an evil purpose or destructive intention?____________

(Get what the evil purpose is, and continue on as per step C of the False Purpose RD procedure.)

72. Do you have a harmful intention toward others?____________

(Pull the harmful intention and continue on as per step C of the False Purpose RD procedure.)

73. Is there some purpose or consideration you have that conflicts with scientology?____________

(Get what the evil purpose is, and continue on as per step C of the False Purpose RD procedure.)

74. Was some hidden impulse not revealed?____________

(Get what it is and continue its handling as per step C of the False Purpose RD procedure.)

75. Did you pr an ethics officer into believing a situation was handled when it wasn't?____________

(Handle as a withhold and continue with step A of the False Purpose RD procedure.)

76. Do you intend to go on committing overts similar to those you've gotten off?____________

(Handle as a withhold and continue with step A of the False Purpose RD procedure.)

77. Were you pretending to be pts to avoid taking responsibility for some overt or intention?____________

(Handle as a withhold and continue handling the overt or intention with the False Purpose RD procedure.)

78. Did the auditor call an F/N when you didn't feel you were F/Ning?____________

(Indicate it if so. 2WC E/S to F/N. Find out what question was being run and complete its handling to F/N. If this turns out to be an unflat overt chain, flatten it fully with the False Purpose RD procedure.)

79. Did you have to get the same W/Hs off more than once?____________

(2WC E/S to F/N.)

80. Someone demanded a w/h you didn't have?____________

(Indicate if so. 2WC E/S to F/N.)

81. Was there a withhold that kept coming up?____________

(Get what it was and then clean up anything that wasn't gotten off about the withhold, any unhandled misses of that withhold, and if not then fully handled, take it E/S and find and handle the underlying, unhandled incident as per False Purpose RD. [Ref: HCOB 21 Mar. 62, Prepchecking Data, When To Do A What; Tape: 6201C11, The Missed Missed Withhold])

82. Were there auditor's code breaks?____________

(Get what. Indicate it was illegal and 2WC E/S to F/N. C/S to program for a Questionable Auditing Repair List, HCOB 11 July 8 2 I.)

83. Have you wanted this rundown to fail?____________

(Handle as a W/H. Pull all of the W/H, and then take the O/W E/S to a full handling as per steps A to G of the False Purpose RD.)

84. Were you afraid of what might happen?____________

(2WC E/S to F/N.)

85. Was there an injustice?____________

(2WC E/S to F/N. Then check for any similar overt of the pc's own and handle any found with False Purpose RD procedure.)

86. Was there a betrayal?____________

(2WC E/S to F/N. Then check for any similar overt of the pc's own and handle any found with False Purpose RD procedure.)

87. Did the auditor get angry at you?____________

(If this happened, indicate it is illegal to do so. 2WC E/S to F/N. Clean up any ARC break to F/N.)

(C/S to program for a Questionable Auditing Repair List, HCOB 11 July 82 I.)

88. Was anything suppressed?____________

(Clean it up E/S to F/N.)

89. Was anything invalidated?____________

(Clean it up E/S to F/N.)

90. Have you never really done anything bad?____________

(Handle with "murder routine," getting an overt or overts and handling with steps A to G of the False Purpose RD procedure.)

91. Was anything falsified?____________

(Clean it up as a W/H and complete its handling with False Purpose RD procedure.)

92. Was there any evaluation?____________

(2WC E/S to F/N.)

93. Were you tired or hungry?____________

(2WC E/S to F/N.)

94. Had you recently taken drugs?____________

Medicine? ____________

Alcohol? ____________

(2WC E/S to F/N. Note for C/S.)

95. Was there a false read?____________

(2WC E/S to F/N. Indicate the false read if so. Can also clean it up with Suppress, Inval, Protest, if needed.)

96. Was there a false accusation?____________

(2WC E/S to F/N.)

97. Was there something wrong with the meter or cans?____________

(False TA handling.)

98. Bypassed charge from some other auditing error?____________

(Find out what auditing action and handle with the appropriate repair list.)

99. Drug incident restimulated?____________

(Handle with L3RH. On a Clear or above, only indicate the reads.)

(Note for C/S.)

100. Was there an overt on some other dynamic?____________

(Pull the overt and handle as per steps A, B, C, etc., of False Purpose RD procedure.)

(Note for C/S to program the case for any additional Sec Check forms needed, to be done after the current form has been completed.)

101. Was there an overt on some other subject or area of life?____________

(Pull the overt and handle as per steps A, B, C, etc., of False Purpose RD procedure.)

(Note for C/S to program the case for any additional Sec Check forms needed, to be done after the current form has been completed.)

102. In this lifetime, have you been implanted by a psychiatrist or priest?____________

(Applying the tools of Sec Checking tech, find out all of the data of the incident, including: name of implanter; the time, place, form and event of the incident; any commands that were given to pc and to what degree the pc has carried out or executed these commands and suggestions.)

(Note for C/S for further PDH follow-up actions.)

103. In this lifetime, have you ever been a victim of pain-drug-hypnosis?____________

(Applying the tools of Sec Checking tech, find out all of the data of the incident, including: name of implanter; the time, place, form and event of the incident; any commands that were given to pc and to what degree the pc has carried out or executed these commands and suggestions.)

(Note for C/S for further PDH follow-up actions to be programed.)

104. In this lifetime, have you ever been drugged and then electric shocked without knowing it?____________

(Handle as in question #103.)

105. In this lifetime, have you ever had a strange, destructive impulse you couldn't account for?____________

(Handle as in question #103.)

106. In this lifetime, was there a time when you saw a psychiatrist but afterward could not remember everything that had taken place?____________

(Handle as in question #103.)

107. When asked for an overt or earlier-similar overt, could you only see blackness?____________

(Have the pc close his eyes and then do the following:

I. Date/Locate the overt — whatever the pc can see of it — as exactly as you can. This may blow it and result in a persistent F/N. Or it may just change the view slightly.

II. If no persistent F/N, run this command repetitive to EP:

"What part of that scene you're looking at could you be responsible for?" continuing to repeat the question no matter how many times the pc repeats the same answer and even if the pc gives you the most strained or vague answers. Run the process to F/N, cognition, VGIs.

III. If no spectacular release and persistent F/N, Sec Check the overt as per step A of the rundown and continue with steps B, C, etc.)

108. Was there something else wrong?____________

(If so and it doesn't clean up on 2WC, GF M5 and handle.)

109. Has the upset been handled?____________

(2WC. If so, indicate it to F/N.)

Revision assisted by LRH Technical Research and Compilations