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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Mutual Out Ruds (CSS-091) - B740217 | Сравнить

RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Совместные Вне-Рудименты (КС-91) - Б740217 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 740217 - HCO Bulletin - Mutual Out Ruds [B052-007]
CONTENTS MUTUAL OUT RUDS Cохранить документ себе Скачать
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Remimeo CS Series 91


It has been known for many many years that the phenomenon of “Mutual Out Ruds” existed.

This means two or more people who mutually have ruds out on the wider group or other dynamics and do not get them in.

Example: A husband-wife co-audit team never run O/Ws on the rest of the family because both of them have similar overts and so consider it usual.

Example: Prisoners engaged in co-auditing (as in Narconon) may have similar overts, withholds, ARC Brks and/or problems with the rest of society and so do not think of handling them as out-ruds.

Example: Two top class auditors co-auditing, have similar overts on the junior auditors and the org and so never think to get them in.

This can stall cases!

A C/S has to take this factor into account wherever he has a possibility of its occurring.

In one instance mutual out ruds went so far as four auditors, co-auditing, agreeing never to put their overts down on W/Ses “so they would not lose reputation”. Needless to say all four eventually blew.

If the C/S had done a routine check for mutual out ruds, this whole scene would have been prevented and four beings would not have ruined each other.

In any situation where a small portion of a larger group is engaged in co-audit the C/S must check routinely for mutual out ruds.

This could even apply to an org or vessel which was separate from the rest of society around it: its members could develop mutual out ruds from the rest of society and cases could fail on this point.

Be alert to mutual out rud situations and handle by getting them in on the rest of the surrounding people or society.
