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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Typical Dianetic Chain (NED-22) - B780714-1R78 | Сравнить
- Typical Narrative Item (NED-23) - B780714-2R78 | Сравнить

RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Типичная Дианетическая Цепь - Б780714-1R78 | Сравнить
- Типичный Повествовательный Пункт - Б780714-2R78 | Сравнить

CONTENTS TYPICAL DIANETIC CHAIN Cохранить документ себе Скачать
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Issue I
Revised 15 September 1978
Remimeo (Revisions not in Script)


Original item: „Bronchitis“

Preassessment item: „Misemotion“

Running-Item: „Horrible feeling in my lungs“

Incident Date of Incident Duration of Incident TA-Position
1st Incident
run 2 times through
1. March 1970 2 Hours
3.3 at Step 1
3.2 at Step 9
3.5 at Step C
2nd Incident
run 3 times through
(due to there being a EB)
2. July 1963 7 Minutes
EB __________
3.4 at Step 9
3.4 at Step C
(Earl. Begin.)
3.5 at Step F
3rd Incident
run 1 times through
3. August 1960 5 Hours
3.6 at Step 9
4th Incident
run 2 times through
1. Dec 1951 1½ Hours
3,5 at Step 9
3,6 at Step C
5th Incident
run 1 times through
16. Feb 1921 2½ Hours
3,7 at Step 9
6th Incident
run 2 times through
2. Feb 1898 2 Hours
3.2 at Step 9
3.4 at Step C
7th Incident
run 8 times through
22. May 1882 1 Hour
EB ______
EB ______
3.3 at Step 9
3.2 at Step C
3.0 at Step F
2.8 at Step F
(Earl. Begin.)
2.8 at Step F
2.9 at Step F
(Earl. Begin.)
2,6 at Step F
BD & F/N

PC gives Postulat
Wide F/N & VGIs
EP of chain

The three remaining flows are each run as above to their basics. Then do further preassessment per R3RA. Twenty-five more running item Quad chains to go. (100 in all). Meaning 100 more chains, each one of which reaches a Basic and each one of which has an EP of F/N, Postulate, VGIs, accompanied by an erasure.
