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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Unresolved Pains - B700715 | Сравнить

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- Неразрешенные Боли - Б700715 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 700715 - HCO Bulletin - Unresolved Pains [B010-077]
- 700715 - HCO Bulletin - Unresolved Pains [B010-134]
- 700715 - HCO Bulletin - Unresolved Pains [B043-121]
- 700715 - HCO Bulletin - Unresolved Pains [B094-019]
- 700715 - HCO Bulletin - Unresolved Pains [B094-020]
CONTENTS UNRESOLVED PAINS 1. Not enough auditing on enough chains. 2. Sympathetic nervous system pains. TOOTHACHE Cохранить документ себе Скачать
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
(Corrected and Reissued 25 Nov 1970)
Remimeo Dianetic Auditor Dianetic Checksheets


It occasionally happens that a pc’s certain pain does not resolve on Dianetics.

There are two reasons for this:

1. Not enough auditing on enough chains.

Sooner or later the exact small piece of an engram “already run” shows up on another chain later.

Example: Pain in an area of an operation occurs now and then again weeks, months or years after the operation has been run out as an engram. Sooner or later just on general auditing the missing bit of the operation shows up, blows. Voila! Pain gone forever.

This is peculiar especially to abdominal operations like an appendectomy. The operation was run out. The scar stays puffy. The pc is occasionally ill from it. Pc’s conclusion is that Dianetics hasn’t worked on it. More auditing on other somatics (just general Dianetics) is given. One day the remaining bit of the operation, hidden from view, apparently erased, shows up, blows. Pc now fine.

A reason for this is “overburden” in that the incident was too charged in one place to be confronted. As the whole case is unburdened, confront comes up. The piece that was missing (and giving the pain) blows.

There is no way of forcing it. In fact it would be fatal to try.

The other reason for it is that the missing bit causing the pain is a different somatic like “a Chest Compression”. This bit of the operation had another basic than the one run.

The answer to a persistent or recurring somatic in an injured area is always more Dianetic Auditing of the standard type, just addressed to the bank not the special somatic. Just keep doing the usual and one day it all straightens out.

2. Sympathetic nervous system pains.

There are two sides to the body. As you learn in touch assists, if the right hand is injured you include also the left hand.

Body nerves conduct pain. The two sides of the body interlock. Pain gets stopped in the nerves.

If the right elbow is hurt the left elbow will have echoed the pain.

Example, you find a pc with a pain in the left elbow. You try to audit a left elbow chain. It doesn’t fully resolve.

If you ran injuries to the right elbow, suddenly there’s a somatic going through the left elbow! It gets well.

This is the sympathetic nervous system. The right ear, injured, also gets echoes with a somatic in the left ear. You audit the right ear only. Pc comes up with a sore left ear!

You can actually direct a pc’s attention to it (non-standard but a research technique) and he can find where the uninjured ear echoed the injured ear.

Where you can’t fully repair a crippled left leg, don’t be surprised to find it was the right leg that was hurt.

You audit the left leg somatic in vain. If you do, start auditing somatics in the opposite side of the body.


The mystery of toothache is resolved in both 1 and 2 above, especially 2.

The pain is concentrated on the left upper molar. You audit it in vain. Toothache persists.

Look at the pc’s mouth. Has the right upper molar ever been pulled or injured? Yes. That’s how the left molar began to decay. The right upper molar was pulled. The pain (especially under the painkiller on the right side only) backed up and stopped on the opposite side. Eventually the left upper molar, under that stress, a year or ten later, caves in and aches.

Mysterious as it wasn’t injured. Mysterious as the opposite molar is long gone, doesn’t hurt anymore.

When a toothache does not resolve in auditing, audit the opposite tooth on the other side. You can actually do it by count of teeth.

It’s sort of auditing a no-somatic.

Pc in misery with right upper molar. No pain on left side. Audit an injury he had on the left side (it will read on the meter also). Voila! The toothache that wouldn’t go away eases up!

The fellow who has the exact opposite teeth pulled (upper right wisdom, upper left wisdom) is in for it as there is a constant cross-play. Makes the mouth odd and pressury. Both sides are reacting to the other side!

Dentists often note the strange pressure, “bursting feelings”, a patient has when a tooth “needs pulling”. This is the stress in the nerves from an injury which occurred on the opposite side!

An auditor can audit a right side tooth in vain unless he knows enough to audit the other side.

For a pc with a toothache, on the right side, you can list for feelings on the left side of the mouth and get “numbness”, “no feeling”, etc. Audit that list and suddenly magically the toothache on the opposite side not being audited eases up.

As toothaches sometimes give a Dianetic auditor a failure, he should know about the sympathetic factor as above. The failure becomes a success.
