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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Five Levels of Indoctrination - PAB-152-590115 | Сравнить

P.A.B. No. 152
The Oldest Continuous Publication in Dianetics and Scientology
Via Hubbard Communications Office 37 Fitzroy Street, London W.1

15 January 1959


Compiled from the Research Material and Taped Lectures of L. Ron Hubbard

I am now going to give you the five levels of Indoctrination very rapidly. We already have the five dummy processes which form the first level — the five dummy auditing processes.

The second one up the line is 8-C — plain 8-C. It is given without stress on control or anything of the sort. You don’t touch or handle the person. It is an old process done this way. The auditing commands of 8-C in this particular instance have suffered change recently because no auditing command must depend upon any other auditing command or it won’t be in present time. So each auditing command depends upon itself, and the commands of 8-C are: “Look at that wall. Thank you.” “Walk over to that wall. Thank you.” “With your right hand touch that wall. Thank you.” “Turn around. Thank you.” There is no “let go” there or other direction.

If we have not directed him to do something and he does it, if the way he does something is a little different from what we expected, we really have no basis for objection; and the training stress is only this: to get a person to walk another body than his own around the room. There is nothing to this. It is NOT High School Indoctrination. At this level he must be able to duplicate the command, and it is run to a point where a person does not make a mistake on the commands and stops feeling nervous about walking a person’s body around. That is the training stress.

Now we move up to the next level of Indoctrination, which might look like 8-C at the first glance, but is not. This is High School Indoctrination. The commands of High School Indoctrination are the same as those for plain 8-C, but this is entirely and completely a training process and it is only run for this reason: to keep an auditor from being stopped by a preclear by devious and diverse statements and actions. The “preclear” (we can’t really call him a preclear at all, for he is actually the coach) runs on this “auditor” anything he can think of to stop him, and the auditor must at no time permit himself even to be halted or falter in any way. He must be able to continue a clear, free-flowing 8-C on this person who is getting down on the floor and barking like a dog. He mustn’t be permitted to go down on the floor. You let a man get below the level of your shoulders and he is going to get down on the floor — that’s for sure. You have to catch him before that. He is going to try not to walk across the room. He is going to try and run across the room. He is going to try and do anything. You told him to walk: walking fast is allowable but running is definitely not allowable. The training stress is entirely upon getting an auditor to persevere against any trick mechanism anybody could think of or react to, or any circuitry or dramatization in 8-C. It is total auditor persistence. We don’t ask the auditor to do it smoothly — we only ask him to do it constantly and consistently.

That is High School Indoctrination, one of the great steps of Scientology. If we had had this a few years ago, it would have made the world of difference in several cases I can think of. A fellow would sit down in the middle of the floor and he wouldn’t do anything. We depended totally on our voices, and these people weren’t in communication.

The coach in this case has a role to play. He is the preclear. He has two signals, one “flunk” and the other “that’s it,” which are effective. Anything else he says does not count. Of course, he says “Start” and they go on with it, but when the coach (who is the final judge) considers that the auditor has blundered, has been stopped, and has waited too long, then the coach says “Flunk.”

What happens when the coach says “Flunk”? They go back to the beginning of the nearest cycle of action of 8-C. They do not take it from where they were, but go back to the beginning. They leave that cycle incomplete. The auditor in this case is not permitted to override a flunk. When the coach says “That’s it,” he means “We are through. We are going to take a breather. What I say now counts.” And that ends it. It doesn’t begin again until the coach says “Start.”

This is 8-C done on a very heavy body contact: the coach being lugged around and doing anything he can think of to stop this fellow. It is interesting what will stop some auditors. If you understand your business as a coach, you will understand that it is the soft ones and the unexpected ones that count. It isn’t the heavy ones, it isn’t the preclear just lying down on the floor and refusing to budge and exerting every muscle and having to be dragged from there on. This is perfectly allowable, but it isn’t the one that catches the auditor. It is the subtle unexpected actions that “flunk” an auditor.

High School Indoctrination is a marvelous training process. Several hours should be spent on this and one shouldn’t run it just with one coach but with two or three others as well, because everybody develops his own abreactive pattern. It is a wonderful opportunity to abreact your insanities. An auditor will very swiftly learn how to stop one preclear, but take two or three more, swapping teams around, and he eventually gets a smooth look at the whole thing. There isn’t such a thing as being too tiny to handle too big a preclear.

The next level of Indoctrination is Tone 40 on an Object. (Actually all these are groups and a number of techniques of indoctrination could be evolved from each one of these. I am simply giving you those that have to be passed.) In this Tone 40 on an Object you can have a number of commands and variations of one kind or another, but the one we use is this: You take an object — a small doll, ashtray, Coke bottle — and the auditor tells it to “Sit down in that chair” or “Sit on the table” and thanks it. Then he tells it to “Stand up,” and thanks it. “Sit down on the chair” or “Sit on the table” — then the auditor moves it with his own hands. He does all this while the coach is just standing there heckling him, and he has to do it so that his intention is so good that he gets perpetually surprised that the thing, the object, didn’t sit down in the chair or sit on the table, or didn’t stand up. The furthermost extremity of this would be that the object would do so without any further contact with the auditor than his intention. That point may be reachable — I must tell you that.

A person does this until his tone in giving the commands is Tone 40. There are many little drills that come into this. One is to make him put the intention into it and squeak and not say a word at the same time, but put the intention into it and alter his voice all over the place until he finds out that his intention doesn’t have anything to do with his voice or tone. He will eventually discover what Tone 40 is. Tone 40 is a positive postulate with no counter-thought — expected, anticipated, or anything else; that is, total control. Actually, today we use the word “control” very loosely. What we really mean is “positive postulation”; what the world means by control is, if he doesn’t do it, shoot him. Not Tone 40, but Tone .4.

In order to get Tone 40 on a Person going, you can continue Tone 40 on an Object; but whether this belongs to Tone 40 on a Person or belongs to the last end of Tone 40 on an Object doesn’t much matter. It is not a separate level, but it is a separate command. You give the 8-C commands to an object and lug it around for a little while — i.e., having the object move over and touch the wall, etc. — but that is only getting the person used to these commands in that tone. That is the only reason there is for it. We don’t use the 8-C commands to get his drill in because he is going to get heckled.

What does the coach do on Tone 40 on an Object? At first he is really helpful and tries to get the auditor to get the intention in there until he can put the intention in without speaking. When the fellow is getting too good the coach must remember that this Tone 40 on a Person is going to be up against somebody with counter-thought, counter-effort and counter-action of one kind or another and the coach furnishes it. He doesn’t do it loudly or obstreperously, but he does furnish it. “Is that Tone 40? Are you absolutely sure that was Tone 40? What do you mean by Tone 40?” etc. — this is when the coach isn’t being helpful. The coach is supposed to furnish randomity as a substitute for the randomity of the environment. The person can do this in spite of the fact that something or somebody is resisting him, heckling him and messing him up. You could go much further with this. As I say, one can go much further with each one of the five levels of Indoctrination, but I don’t advise it.

On Tone 40 on a Person, we do 8-C at Tone 40 and that is a total, accurate estimation of effort, with no halts or jagged motions — that is, smooth. Your estimation of effort must be absolutely perfect; your estimation of intention must also be perfect — which is sometimes rather hard on a coach because somebody can get so good that a coach’s body starts to walk around and obey the commands rather easily and you find almost all coaches on Tone 40 on a Person are much more docile than on High School Indoc. They really want to be rougher but the technique is rather overweighing this, is too strong.

Those are the five levels of Indoctrination and they are only doing this: placing an auditor into a frame of mind and an ability where his postulates can be positive and his command is no longer diffident, where he can control and handle somebody, where he can assume the attitude that is necessary to an auditor. And a person is all through with these when the instructor is sure that the auditor in training can do this.

[Continued in PAB 153, page 394]