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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Reason Why (Part 3 of 7) - PAB-84-560515 | Сравнить
- Scientology Wedding Ceremony - PAB560515 | Сравнить



L. Ron Hubbard


Shall have you

Uncover and be still

For his own?

You present here

Do you?

In this

A holy place.


For we today

Shall marry here

And do you understand as well

This groom and bride

That by the customs of our race

And wish them well.

You pledge to him and only him


Your kiss and your caress?

You line of struggling life

Do you? From aeons gone to now

For here again your track is sped


And winged into a future fate

A union of a man and bride

Well then

Whose child shall pace

Know that Life is stark

A further span

And often somewhat grim

Of Destiny

And tiredness

And Life.

And fret and pain


And sickness do beget

A state of mind where spring romance

For here shall be

Is far away and dead

No calumny

And yet for valor and for strength

You must abide and

Or whispered word against

Create still

Or Woman thouHis health, his purpose and repose.

For this the union you contract

Do you.

Does wipe away

All sorrow


Of the past.

And do you take

Speak out then now

His fortune

If any man

At its prime and ebb

Or girl would speak

And see

And say here a

With him his best fortune

Reason why

For us all?

These two should not

Do you? Be wed.

And silence heard


Does speak out plain

There’re none.

Good then Tam

I’m sure you will

So now

And surer yet you’ll fare

My Tam

Full well and staunchly

Stand steady here

As a wife.

Do you today intend

Now Jay listen well.

For him beside you there

The tides of fortune and of life

To be to him a wife!

Are sometimes fair or grim

And in this life the young man seeks


For victory afar

And often scants the fireside

And do you ken

And turns away from home’s sweet face

That Jay hereAnd thinks

His loved ones cannot fare

To keep her well or ill?

At allDo you?

Beside his side.

And thinking thus they go.


You know this.

Then be cautioned so

And when she’s older

And take thy ownDo you then

E’en though they sleep

Keep her still? Do you? Beneath foul straw

And eat


Thin bread

And walk a pavement less than kind

Now Jay, girls need clothes

And keep thy wife and they who come

And food and

Beside thy side.

Tender happiness and frills

Keep them, Jay, by your side

A pan, a comb, perhaps a cat

In rain or sleet

All caprice if you will

Or summer sun

But still

And comfort them

They need them.

And give them care

Do you then

And share with them thy life.


For times are changed

Do you? And woman’s place

Is not a hearth or home


But striding out to victory

Beside her husband’s side.

Hear well, sweet Tam

This, Jay, is a modern world

For promise binds

And Man

Young men are free and may forget

Has changed.

Remind him then

But Jay let’s think on it well

That you may have

For if stands aught in you

Necessities and follies, too.

Of doubt

Now Jay!

That you can take and keep

Attend! And love her well this wife

Then stay your handDo you best man possess a ring?

And we shall sayJay take it please

No more,

And Tam

For fatal and of full tight bind

Your hand he will enclasp

Are these the words

We have it now.

I next will speak.


Shall I go on?

“I, Tam”

(Answer) (Answer)

“Do hereby take”

And you Tam listen well


And you, Jay answer swift

“You, Jay”



“For my husband”

(Answer) (Answer)

Jay, do you pledge to take

And, Jay

This woman for your lawful wife?

Do now repeat “I, Jay”

(Answer) (Answer)

“Do hereby take”

Do you, Jay Camp(Answer)

Make promise here

“You, Tam”

Before us all


“For my lawful wedded wife.

”Now Jay kiss your bride


And hug her well

And all of you

Put on the ring!

Come toast and drink

Rejoice all here

Their health

For we have wed

That it may last

Our Jay and our Tam

Until that day when death

And wish them well.


The severer of all ties

All here repeat!

Shall end

Are they by witness

The thing which we have done

Man and wife?



Rejoice and go your many ways


[The above Scientology Wedding Ceremony was originally issued as part of PAB 84, 15 May 1956, page 421]