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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Compliance vs Discussion (0.DUTIES) - P691104-2 | Сравнить
- Dev-T Graphed (DEVT) - P691104 | Сравнить

RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Дев-ти, Представленное в Рисунках (ИСР) (ц) - И691104 | Сравнить
- ИСР в Картинках (ИСР) - И691104 | Сравнить
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SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 691104 - HCO Policy Letter - Dev-T Graphed [PL014-146]
- 691104 - HCO Policy Letter - Dev-T Graphed [PL093-058]
- 691104 Issue 2 - HCO Policy Letter - Compliance vs Discussion [PL014-147]
- 691104 Issue 2R - Board Policy Letter - Compliance vs Discussion [BPL05-022]
CONTENTS DEV-T GRAPHED Cохранить документ себе Скачать
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Issue II
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
All HaisDev-T Series
Applies to all


SO Units and

Confusion and the Stable Datum is graphed on every org board.

Sen Orgs and Groups

The stable terminals are at the top of every section, department, division or portion of the org, as seen on the org board.


If you consider each area small or large as a BOX CONTAINING PUSHED ACTIONS AND RESTRAINED CONFUSIONS and its In Charge or executive the Stable Terminal that makes this happen you will really grasp what Dev-T is. Dev-T occurs when the stable terminal of a box on the org board is not stable but is itself a confusion.


There are five major conditions on an org board, one right and four wrong.

LRH Comm Hat

The actions that should be pushed in any box on the org board are labeled on the org board as belonging to that box. The Confusions that are supposed to be handled in that box are easily deduced.


A stable terminal pushes the actions that belong to his area on the org board and handles or suppresses the confusions of that area or aligns them with the correct flows.

Effecting compliance to LRH orders can often require liaison with another post or posts on the Org Board to co-ordinate the correct actions called for by the order.

Many people do not relate an org board to reality or understand that it itself is a pattern which handles flows and actions and dispenses with confusions. However its stable points must be stable and held as stable terminals or the org board gets into confusions and develops Dev-T.

Speed of action often necessitates that such liaison be conducted verbally.

All Dev-T is a result of the above violations of staff members being stable terminals.

They should be brief and to the point whether verbal or written. There is no need to extend discussion beyond the point of agreement and understanding of others' or another's actions on the same order and of how they affect one's own actions and priorities. The order is what it is.

If you study this and really understand it you will have made a big break through in grasping the science of organization.

If it is difficult to reach agreement and understanding you can be quite sure that something in the LRH order (OR in an earlier LRH order in the same area or to the individual now having difficulty) has been not received, not understood, or has been alter-ised.


This fact must be recognised early before the situation gets out of hand. The major indicators are

  • (a) nothing concrete can be arranged to be done after a certain point,
  • (b) and discussion goes around and around indefinitely,
  • (c) somebody says, "Well, because of this important significance over here, we have to do something else . . ." or words to that effect, which can be very very convincing.
  • They can occur between executives and executives, between executives and juniors, between juniors and juniors.

    The ONLY action that will restore order into the confusion is the re-establishment of the STABLE DATUM already placed into the time and place - the exact LRH order or statement - which will allow form and event to occur.

    If the parties concerned cannot successfully re-establish the exact LRH order as the Stable Datum on which to agree by simply looking at it again, then they must go to their nearest LRH Communicator who will get the LRH origination correctly duplicated either by use of duplication drills or by request for clarification if there is a genuine query.

    For any Scientologist to knowingly permit a confusion on or misduplication of an LRH order, programme or directive to persist without communicating about it to the LRH Comm is a serious Ethics offense against the group and Mankind and should be handled as such where poor performance, emergency or catastrophe results therefrom.

    The number of staff members and field members who take care to exactly duplicate and carry out Ron's intentions is very large and they are each highly appreciated.

    There is no reason why this shouldn't include all of us. You are invited to see that it does include all of us. The LRH Comms and Ethics Officers particularly.

    Ken Urquhart