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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Org Officer (ESTO-44, ORG-43) - P800927 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 800927 - HCO Policy Letter - Org Officer [PL038-053]
- 800927 - HCO Policy Letter - Org Officer [PL056-048]
- 800927R - HCO Policy Letter - Org Officer [PL049-057]
CONTENTS ORG OFFICER Cохранить документ себе Скачать
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
(Originally LRH OODs itemof 8 March 1971)
Remimeo Org Series 43
Esto Series 44


Org Officers think they approach HASes to organize. They don’t.

HCO has not formed because Org Officers keep making demands on it instead of doing their job. The organization it takes to get out a specific product is instant stuff. HCO is a long-term build of the establishment. Entering instant organization into HCO of course defeats its purposes and prevents it from the long-haul actions necessary to form a whole org.

If an Org Officer considered himself the Product Officer’s expeditor he would begin to get the idea.

We have a Product Officer/Org Officer mission going in to expedite FEBCs. The Product Officer will get the product — a competent graduated FEBC on an airplane going home — being made and fired. The Org Officer will push the materiel and lines into shape to back up the Product Officer. Now, what’s that have to do with HCO? Nothing.

The Org Officer makes sure there is a pack or tape or recorder or gets them (not by despatch) and the Product Officer checks out, verifies, grooms, solves FEBC problems, pushes cases.

The Course Super goes on supervising, Course Admin goes on admining. What they’re doing right with the student gets pushed and done more of. And what organization there is gets more of from the Org Officer.

For instance,

SITUATION: Course numbers building up. You see this in orgs.

HANDLING: Put on a Prod-Org mission to get numbers completed and fired.

The Prod-Org team finds 3 who could be made ready to fire at first glance and gives the order GO-GO-GO, to Action.

The personal cope was fire three NOW. The medium-range was get a mission on it.

That is uptight production.

A Prod-Org team works in hours and days. Save an hour, save a day. Do it in hours, do it in days.

By doing it they learn line and materiel outnesses and their reform CSWs of lines and actions are written up when they’re completed and that’s their first contact with the HAS and HCO.

Now with these reforms the general org action will be easier and faster and a product backlog peak won’t occur so fast again.

A Prod-Org team that writes despatches and harasses HCO just doesn’t know THAT THE PROD-ORG SYSTEM IS TO HANDLE BACKLOGS AND OMISSIONS IN PRODUCTS. Having handled they can advise or order or get approval for line changes and new recruitment, etc. These, the HAS can get in for the long haul.

Prod-Orgs WORK, they don’t just order.

Compiled and edited for issue by
Sherry Anderson Compilations Missionaire
Accepted and approved by the