The following form must be used when a minor requires any service.
This form is to be filled in by the parent or guardian of the minor concerned and is a prerequisite before any Dianetic or Scientology processing, testing or training can be undertaken.
Parent or Guardian Assent to Dianetic or Scientology Processing, Testing or Training.
do hereby attest that I give my full consent for my child/ward …............................................
...................................................... to be tested, audited or trained in the..............
Scientology Organization and that I understand that all auditing received will be on the Standard Dianetics or Scientology processes administered by an Auditor who is a student of Scientology, and that all training administered will be Standard training for that particular course or level.
I further understand that Scientology is known to be a spiritual and religious guide intended to make persons more aware of themselves as spiritual beings and not treating or diagnosing any human ailments of body or mind whatsoever.
Date:................................................................. Signature:............................