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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Why Is God (DATA-22) - P720131 | Сравнить

RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Почему - Это Бог (ДАН-22) (2) - И720131 | Сравнить
- Почему - Это Бог (ДАН-22) (3) - И720131 | Сравнить
- Почему - Это Бог (ДАН-22) (ц) - И720131 | Сравнить
- Почему - Это Бог (ДАН-22) - И720131 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 720131 - HCO Policy Letter - Why Is God, The [PL023-032]
- 720131 - HCO Policy Letter - Why Is God, The [PL039-063]
- 720131 - HCO Policy Letter - Why Is God, The [PL044-004]
CONTENTS THE WHY IS GOD Cохранить документ себе Скачать
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Remimeo Data Series 22


When beings operate mainly on illogics, they are unable to conceive of valid reasons for things or to see that effects are directly caused by things they themselves can control.

The inability to observe and find an actual useable WHY is the downfall of beings and activities. This is factually the WHY of people not finding WHYS and using them.

The prevalence of historical Man's use of "fate," "kismet" (fatalism), superstition, fortune telling, astrology and mysticism confirms this.

Having forgotten to keep seed grain for the spring, the farmer starves the following year and when asked WHY he is starving says it is the Gods, that he has sinned or that he failed to make sacrifice. In short, unable to think, he says "The Why is God."

This condition does not just affect primitives or backward people.

All through the most modern organizations you can find "The WHY is God" in other forms.

By believing that it is the fault of other divisions or departments, a staff member does not look into his own scene. "The reason 1 cannot load the lumber is because the Personnel Section will not find and hire people." It does not seem to occur to this fellow that he is using a WHY which he can't control so it is not a WHY for his area. It does not move the existing to the ideal scene. Thus it is not a WHY for him. Yet he will use it and go on nattering about, it. And the lumber never gets loaded. The real WHY for him more likely would be, "I have no right to hire day laborers. 1 must obtain this right before my area breaks down totally," or "My department posts are too specialized. I need to operate on all-hands actions on peak loads."

A Course Supervisor who says, "I haven't got any students because Ethics keeps them for weeks and Cramming for months" is using a "The WHY is God." As he cannot control Ethics or Cramming from his post his WHY is illogical. The real WHY is probably "I am not mustering all my students daily and keeping them on course. If they are ordered to Ethics or Cramming they must be right here studying except for the actual minutes spent in Ethics and Cramming."

But this does not just apply on small activities. It applies to whole nations. "The reason we Germans cannot advance is because England is against us." This wrong WHY has killed many tens of millions in two world wars.

Intelligence organizations are often almost dedicated to "the Why is over there." It seldom is.

Most staffs of orgs, when pay is poor, are completely addicted to over-thereness. In one org, the Finance Banking Officer was continuously hammered to "give more money" by the people who were responsible for making the money and yet who were not raising a finger to do so. An actual survey of four org staffs showed that only 2% were aware that their pay depended upon the org gross income!

Thus survival is very closely tied to logic. If one finds he is sinking into apathy over his inability to get his job done, it is certain that he is operating on self-conceived wrong WHYS in areas that he cannot ever hope to control.

And in living any life, most major points of decline can be traced to the person's operating on Whys that do not allow him to improve his own scene.

The Greek cut open the guts of birds to find the WHY. He called this "divination" or "augury." Don't look now. but that civilization has long been dead!

Just as anyone will be whose illogic leads him to over-thereness to find his Whys.

Strength and power in the individual consists of being logical enough to find WHYs he can use to advance his existing scene toward the ideal scene.

The Why is NOT God. It lies with YOU and your ability to be logical.

God helps those who help themselves.
