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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Group Processing (UNI-15) - L541231b | Сравнить
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CONTENTS GROUP PROCESSING Cохранить документ себе Скачать


A Group Processing session given on 31 December 1954

All right. You said you want some processing, huh?

Audience: Yes.

Well, I'm warning you that I'm going to give you the process which I've just told you about, and because I've told you it works, I expect it to work. (audience laughter) Now, I carefully evaluated for you and told you exactly what you ought to think and feel, and I told you exactly what should come of this, so naturally that's what should come of this. Now, as I say, an hour's worth of this processing probably won't bring you all the way up to Operating Thetan unless you cooperate. (audience laughter)

So if you're not all Operating Thetans at the end of this hour I know you're uncooperative.

Find the floor. You got a floor?

Audience: Yes.

Well, good. Have you got a floor?

Audience: Yes.

How do you know?

Audience: I can feel it.

Well, find out. (stamping noises)

Now have you got a floor?

Audience: Yes.

Are you sure you got a floor?

Audience: Yes.

Well, okay. Have you got a floor?

Audience: Yes.

Well, fine. Let's find out. (stamping noises) Okay. Have you got a floor?

Audience: Yes.

All right. Now, have you got a floor?

Audience: Yes.

Have you got a floor?

Audience: Yes.

All right. Is there a floor there?

Audience: Yes.

Do you individually know there's a floor there?

Audience: Yes.

Do you collectively know there's a floor there?

Audience: Yes.

Well, all right. Okay.

Now I'm going to ask you to do something which is a little bit complicated. I'm going to ask you to have a little dot out in front of your face say "Hello." And then you say "Hello" right where you are. By the way if you're exteriorized I mean just a dot out in front of you. And you say "Hello" to it. And then it says "Hello" to you. And then you say "Hello" to that dot. You understand? You got that real good? Now, if you're exteriorized, of course we don't want the dot in front of your face to be saying "Hello." But if you're not exteriorized, we want the dot in front of your face to say "Hello." You understand?

If you're exteriorized just pick a point a few feet from you out here and have it say "Hello," and then you say "Hello" to it back and forth. Okay. All set to play this one?

Audience: Yes.

All right. Let's pick that spot. Have it say "Hello." Now, you say "Hello" to it.

Audience: Hello.

Not out loud. Didn't mean to cut your communication line.

All right. Now, have that dot say "Hello" to you. Now, you say "Hello" to it. Now, have it say "Hello" to you. Now, you say "Hello" to it. All right. Now, let's do that a lot more. (pause) All right. You doing that?

Audience: Yes.

You got it now?

Audience: Yes.

All right. Have that little dot out there say "Hello" to you. Now you say "Hello" to it. Have it say "Hello" to you. Let's get it going real good now, back and forth. (pause) All right. How you doing?

Audience: Fine.

Now, has anybody found himself plowing around some masses of energy?

Audience: Yes.

Well, now let's not plow around. Just have the dot say "Hello" to you, you say "Hello" to it. All right. Continue. (pause) All right. How's that going?

Audience: Fine.

You doing the process?

Audience: Yes.

You sure?

Audience: Yes.

Doing all right?

Audience: Yes.

Any energy flying around?

Audience: Yes.

Well, fine. Now let's have this little dot say "Hello" to you, then you say "Hello" to it. And then it says "Hello" to you and you say "Hello" to it. Continue. (pause) How you doing?

Audience: Fine.

Doing okay?

Audience: Yes.

Well, fine. Any energy mass flying around?

Audience: Yes. No.

Oh, there are some people still have them flying around. Well, now just don't go plowing around that energy. Let's just not bother with it at all. Let's not hold it or do anything with it. Let's just have a little dot out there say "Hello" to you, and then you say "Hello" to it and it says "Hello" to you and you say "Hello" to it. Okay?

Audience: Okay.

All right. Continue. (pause) Okay. How's it going?

Audience: Fine.

Going real easy?

Audience: Yes.

Hm? Doing very easy? All right. Continue it. (pause) All right. You getting real able at that now?

Audience: Yes.

Huh? You doing it pretty good?

Audience: Yes.

All right. Find the floor. Got a floor there?

Audience: Yes.

You sure you got a floor there?

Audience: Yes.

Well, all right. Have you got a floor there?

Audience: Yes.

Well, all right. Have you got a floor there?

Audience: Yes.

Well, good. Have you got a floor there?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Have you got a floor there?

Audience: Yes.

Well, all right. Have you got a floor there?

Audience: Yes.

Well, all right. Have you got a floor there?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Now let's have a little dot in another direction — if you're in your body, someplace behind your head. If you're exteriorized, just someplace in the opposite direction of where you had the other dot — and have it say "Hello" to you and you say "Hello" to it. Have you got that?

Audience: Yes.

If you're in your body, why, it's a dot back of your head, and if you're exteriorized, it's just another dot in another direction. "Hello" and "Hello" and "Hello" and "Hello." Okay. You all right?

Audience: Yes.

Well, good. (pause) All right. How's that going?

Audience: Fine.

All right. Going real good?

Audience: Yes.

All right. Now if you're in your body have this little dot back of your head — maybe make it three feet back of your head now — say "Hello" to you and then you say "Hello" to it. And if you're exteriorized, just have this little dot in some direction from you, say "Hello" and you say "Hello" to it. Back and forth. All right? Continue. (pause) All right. How's it going?

Audience: Fine. Good.

Doing good?

Audience: Yes.

Doing better? All right.

Now let's have that dot three feet away from you, in back of your head if you're in a body, and what you might consider behind you if you're exteriorized, say "Hello" and you say "Hello" to it. Okay? Continue. (pause) All right. How's it doing?

Audience: Good. Fine.

You moving masses of energy around?

Audience: Yes.

Oh, there are some?

Audience: Yes.

All right. Now, let's just have this dot speak and say "Hello," cordially now, and then you say "Hello" to it, cordially. (pause) All right. How's it doing?

Audience: Fine.

Knocking you out?

Audience: No.

That okay?

Audience: Yes.

Well fine. Fine. Fine. Now, let's find another dot, let's make one, let's create one below you — below you. Got that? If you're in a body that would mean beneath your feet somewhere, and just below you if you're exteriorized — assign some direction to below. Got it now? Have it say "Hello" and you say "Hello" to it. And it says "Hello" to you and you say "Hello" to it. Okay? Continue. (pause) Okay. How's that going?

Audience: Fine.

That getting easier now?

Audience: Yes.

All right. Let's continue that process. A spot below you which says "Hello" and you say "Hello" to it and it says "Hello" to you and you say "Hello" to it and it says "Hello" to you. You can't get the sonic on it, it's not necessary, just make sure you know it's saying "Hello." Okay? Continue. (pause) All right. How's that coming?

Audience: Fine.

Working easier?

Audience: Yes.

Well fine. Fine. All right. Now let's find a spot somewhere above your head if you're in a body, or just above you, if you're exteriorized. Find a spot above your head, and have it say "Hello" and you say "Hello" to it and it says "Hello" to you and you say "Hello" to it. Now, check what you're doing now, let's make sure that there is that spot there for you to say "Hello" to, huh? (pause) Okay. How you doing?

Audience: Good. Fine.

Doing okay? All right. Now let's have this spot above you say "Hello," you say "Hello" to it and it says "Hello" to you and you say "Hello" to it. Okay? All right. (pause)

Okay. How's that going?

Audience: Fine. Good.

How's it going?

Audience: Fine.

Is it going okay?

Audience: Yes.

Well, fine. How's it going?

Audience: Fine.

Well, all right. How's it going?

Audience: Fine.

Come on, let's hear it from somebody.

Audience: Fine.

How's it going? All right. How's it going?

Audience: Fine.

Okay. Now let's have a spot up above your head say "Hello" to you and you say "Hello" to it. (pause) All right. How's that going?

Audience: Okay. Fine.

Well, fine. Good. Let's find the floor.

And let's find a chair. Good.

Let's find the floor. Good.

Let's find a chair. Good.

Let's find the floor. Good.

Let's find a chair. Good.

Let's find the floor. Good.

Let's find a chair. Fine.

Let's find the floor. Fine.

Let's find a chair. Fine.

Let's find the floor. Good.

Let's find a chair. Good.

Let's find the floor. Fine.

Let's find the chair.

And now let's put a spot three feet behind you and have it say "Hello" to you. And when I say you I mean a dot. And you say "Hello" to it and it says "Hello" to you. Got that now?

Audience: Yes.

All right. Continue. (pause) Okay. How's that going?

Audience: Okay. Fine.

It going better?

Audience: Yes. No.

All right. Now let's find a spot three feet in front of you or let's put one there, have it say "Hello" to you, and you say "Hello" to it. And it says "Hello" to you and you say "Hello" to it. Okay?

Audience: Yes.

All right. (pause) Okay. How you doing?

Audience: Fine.

This ruinous?

Audience: Yes. No.

It isn't?

Female voice: Yes.

Very easy to do now?

Audience: Yes.

Is it easier to do than it was before or harder?

Audience: Harder. Easier.

Anybody find it harder?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Well now just to give you a little variation on this, we want you to find a spot now, or put one into your body's stomach and have it say "Hello" to you, and you say "Hello" to it. And it says "Hello" to you and you say "Hello" to it. Okay?

Audience: Yes.

Fine. (pause) All right. How's that doing?

Audience: Okay. Fine.

That doing better?

Audience: Yes.

All right. Now, let's have that spot in your stomach say "Hello" to you and you say "Hello" to it. (pause) Okay. How's that going?

Audience: Okay. Fine.

You had any somatics?

Audience: No. Yes.

Has anybody had any somatics?

Audience: Yes.

No, really? You finding it easier to do as a process?

Audience: Yes. No. Yes.

Is it easier to do?

Audience: Yes. No.

Still hard?

Audience: No.

All right. Let's find a spot now, back and behind you someplace or put one there and have that spot say "Hello" to you and you say "Hello" to it. And it says "Hello" to you and you say "Hello" to it. (pause) Okay. How's that?

Audience: Okay.

Is that pretty good?

Audience: Yes.

That getting better?

Audience: Yes.

Still got somatics?

Audience: No.

Anybody got bad somatics?

Audience: No. Yes.

Well, all right. I'll tell you what let's do. Let's find somebody right next to you and start saying "Hello."

Audience: Hello. Hello. Hello. (repeated responses)

Okay. How you doing?

Female voice: Fine. How you doing?

Audience: Fine.

Okay. Now you say "Hello" to me.

Audience: Hello.


Audience: Hello.


Audience: Hello.


Audience: Hello.


Audience: Hello.


Audience: Hello.


Audience: Hello.


Audience: Hello.


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Audience: Hello.


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Audience: Hello.


Audience: Hello.


Audience: Hello.


Audience: Hello.


Audience: Hello.


Audience: Hello.


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Audience: Hello.


Audience: Hello.


Audience: Hello.


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Audience: Hello.


Audience: Hello.


Audience: Hello.


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Audience: Hello.


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Audience: Hello.


Audience: Hello.


Audience: Hello.


Audience: Hello.


Audience: Hello.


Audience: Hello.


Audience: Hello.


Audience: Hello.


Audience: Okay.

How you doing?

Audience: Fine. How are you?

All right. Let's find out if there's a floor there.

Let's find out if there's a chair there.

Audience: Yes.

Let's find out if there's a floor there.

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Let's find out if there's a chair there.

Audience: Yes.

All right. Let's find out if there's a floor there.

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Let's find out if there's a chair there.

Audience: Yes.

Well fine. Let's find out if there's a floor there.

Audience: Yes.

Well, swell. Let's discover if there's a chair there.

Audience: Yes.

Well, very good. Let's discover if there's a floor there.

Audience: Yes.

Well, very good. Let's discover if there's a chair there.

Audience: Yes.

Well, very well. Let's discover if there's a floor there.

Audience: Yes.

Well, all right. Let's discover if there's a chair there.

Audience: Yes.

Is there?

Audience: Yes!

You sure?

Audience: Yes!

What chair?

Audience: Chairs.

Are you sure?

Audience: Yes.

Are you convinced?

Audience: Yes!

All right. Now how do you feel?

Audience: Fine!

Well, that's terrible. That's terrible.

Now, I tell you what I want you to do. I want you to find a spot just back of you and have it say "Hello" to you and you say "Hello" to it. Okay?

Audience: (various responses)

All right. Now let's have that spot back of you say "Hello" to you and then you say "Hello" to it and it says "Hello" to you, and you say "Hello" to it and it says "Hello" to you. Let's go.

Audience: Okay. (pause)

All right. How's that working?

Audience: Fine.

Anybody still have some energy moving around?

Audience: Yes. No.

You do?

Audience: Yes.

Is that a fact?

Female voice: Yes.

Well, now let's find this spot just back of you and have it say "Hello" to you and you say "Hello" to it. Okay? Now, make sure you're saying "Hello" to that spot, and it's there when you say "Hello" to it. (pause) Okay. How's that going?

Audience: Fine. Good.

Doing pretty good now?

Audience: Yes.

Anybody ruined himself utterly?

Audience: No.

Now, for anybody, is it going harder than it was at the beginning?

Audience: No. Yes.

Oh, there is somebody it's going harder for?

Audience: Yes.

Ah, that's a rough beef. Because we probably won't be able to do anything about that. Oh well, they're lost. (audience laughter)

Find the floor.

Find the ceiling.

Find the floor.

Find the ceiling.

Find the floor.

Find the ceiling.

Find the floor.

Find the height between the ceiling and the floor.

Now find the ceiling.

Now find the floor.

Now find the height between the ceiling and the floor.

Now find the ceiling.

Now find the floor.

Now find the height between the ceiling and the floor.

Got it?

Audience: Yes.

Is it getting some more height?

Audience: Yes. No.

Well, now how about finding the right wall. The right wall.

Audience: Okay.

Now let's find the left wall.

Audience: Okay.

Now let's find the right wall.

Audience: Okay.

And good. Let's find the left wall.

Audience: Okay.

Good. Let's find the right wall.

Audience: Okay.

Good. Let's find the left wall.

Audience: Okay.

Good. Let's find the right wall.

Audience: Okay.

Good. Let's find the distance between the left and right wall.

Audience: Okay.

All right. Let's find the left wall.

Audience: Okay.

Now let's find the right wall.

Audience: Okay.

Good. Let's find the distance between the left and right wall.

Audience: Okay.

Got it?

Audience: Yes.

Is there a distance there?

Audience: Yes.

No kidding!

All right. Let's find the floor.

Let's find the ceiling.

Audience: Okay.

And let's find something alive in the room.

Find something else alive in the room.

Find something else alive in the room. Good.

Let's find something else alive in the room. Good.

Now, let's look at the distance between you and something else that's alive. Good.

Let's look at the distance between you and something else that's alive. Good. Let's look at the distance between you and something else that's alive. Fine. Now let's just find something else alive in the room. Good.

Let's find something else alive in the room. Good.

Let's find something else alive in the room. Good.

Let's find something else alive in the room.

Are you sure it's alive?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Let's find something else alive in the room. Good.

Let's find something else alive in the room.

Are you sure it is alive?

Audience: Yes.

What is it?

Audience: (various responses)

All right. Let's find something else alive in the room. Good.

What is it?

Audience: (various responses)

Fine. Let's find something else alive in the room. And let's look at the lack of distance between you and it. Let's look at the lack of distance between you and it. Okay.

Let's find something else alive in the room and look at the lack of distance between you and it.

Did you find a lack of distance?

Audience: Yes.

They might be a light-year away, you know. All right.

Let's find something else alive in the room and find a lack of distance between you and it.

Did you?

Audience: Yes.

You did?

Audience: Yes.

All right. Now let's find something else alive in the room. Good.

How do you know it's alive?

Audience: It's moving.

You sure it's alive?

Audience: Yes.

Well, all right. Are you sure it's alive?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Is there anybody else alive on Earth?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Is there anybody else alive on Earth?

Audience: Yes.

Prove it.

Audience: (various responses)

Good. Is there anything else alive on Earth?

Audience: Yes.

Well, let's prove it.

Good. Is there anything else alive on Earth?

Audience: Yes.

Go ahead, prove it.

Good. Is there anything else alive on Earth?

Audience: Yes.

Go ahead and prove it.

Good. Is there anything else alive on Earth?

Audience: Yes.

Go ahead and prove it.

Okay. Is there anything else alive on Earth?

Audience: Yes.

What is it?

Audience: (various responses)

Prove it.

Female voice: You're alive.

I am?

Female voice: Yes.

Well, let's see if you are.

Female voice: No, I'm not alive.

Hah! Breathe. (sound of breathing) Yep, she's alive! (applause) Okay. How do you feel?

Audience: Fine.

Anybody got any bad somatics?

Audience: No.

Oh, shucks. (audience laughter) Slipped again.

Okay. Let's find the floor.

Find the chair.

Find the front of the room.

Audience: Yes.

Find me.

Audience: Yes.

Okay. End of session.

Thank you.