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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Nulling and Fning Prepared Lists (CSS-087RB) - B731015RB78 | Сравнить

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- Обнуление и Доведение до ПС Подготовленных Списков - Б731015RB78 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 731015 - HCO Bulletin - Nulling and FNing Prepared Lists [B097-011]
- 731015RC - HCO Bulletin - Nulling and FNing Prepared Lists [B079-046]
- 731015RC - HCO Bulletin - Nulling and FNing Prepared Lists [B097-012]
CONTENTS Nulling And F/Ning Prepared Lists “NON-READING, NON-F/Ning” LISTS READING THROUGH AN F/N THE “RABBIT BUTTONS” Cохранить документ себе Скачать
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Re-Revised 4 December 1978
Remimeo (Revisions in this type style) CS Series 87RB

Nulling And F/Ning Prepared Lists

(Ref: HCOB 4 December 1978, How To Read Through An F/N)

A prepared list is one which is issued in an HCOB and is used to correct cases. There are many of these. Notable amongst them is C/S 53 and its corrections.

It is customary for the auditor to be required to F/N such a list. This means on calling it that the whole list item by item is to F/N.

To F/N a list, you do it Method 3. Somebody’s got the wrong idea that it is done Method 5 – going over and over and over something.

A recent C/S of mine on the subject stated: “The reason you’re having trouble F/Ning a list is because you don’t do M3, handle each read to the end and then reassess M3 and handle each read to the end. It is obvious from your list markings that you were doing M5 over and over, which of course gets into protest. Usually M3 at some point will begin to F/N and that is the reason you do M3. Also, when you miss on a prepared list the F/N stops. So there were a few minor misses on these lists but mostly because you were doing it M5. Also, it takes an R-Factor that you’re going to clean up everything on the list.”

You handle a list Method 3 by calling the line and handling the line. A prepared list should be used to get optimum results on a pc. If a prepared list reveals that more needs to be handled, i.e. engram in restimulation, then it would be handled. (Note: In this case the handling would be to assess the L3RF and handle the reads. Warning: You would not run Dianetics on a Clear, Dianetic Clear or OT. For C/ears and OTs you would assess the L3RF and then simply indicate the read.)

If a more major action was found to be needed it would be programmed for handling, per list instructions. If something hot leaps into view on a prepared list then handle it.

It is the wrong think that one has to quickie a prepared list and get it to F/N in a hurry rather than to use it to get optimum results on a pc.

All the list must be called a final time.


Now and then you get the extreme oddity of a list selected to exactly remedy the case not reading but not F/Ning.

Of course this might happen if the list did not apply to the case (such as an OT prepared list being used on a Grade IV, heaven forbid). In the case of lists to correct listing and in particular the C/S 53 Series, it is nearly impossible for this situation to occur.

A C/S will very often see that the auditor has assessed the list on the pc, has gotten no reads, and the list did not F/N.

A “reasonable” C/S (heaven forbid) lets this go by.

Yet he has before him first class evidence that the auditor

1. Has out-TRs in general,

2. Has no impingement whatever with TR 1,

3. Is placing his meter in the wrong position in the auditing session so that he cannot see it, the pc and his worksheet,

4. That the auditor’s eyesight is bad.

One or more of these conditions certainly exist.

To do nothing about it is to ask for catastrophe after catastrophe with pcs and to have one’s confidence in one’s own C/Sing deteriorate badly.

An amazing number of auditors cannot make a prepared list read for one of the above reasons.

Putting in Suppress, Invalidation or Misunderstood Words on the list will either get a read or the list will F/N. If a list does not F/N then the subject of the list is still charged or there is something wrong with the list.

The moral of this is that prepared lists that do not read F/N. When prepared lists that do not read do not F/N or when the auditor cannot get a prepared list to F/N, serious auditing errors are present which will defeat a C/S.

In the interest of obtaining results and being merciful on pcs, the wise C/S never lets this situation go by without finding what it is all about.


There is a skill that any auditor who is handling lists should master and that is reading through an F/N.

When taking a list to F/Ning assessment an auditor must know how to read through an f/n.

When going down a list that is F/Ning you’ll sometimes see the F/N “check” briefly and then continue. The swinging weight of the F/Ning needle has momentum and it will tend to obscure a read. But a sharp auditor will see this “check” or slow in an F/N, know he has a hot item and take it up and handle it. An auditor who can’t read through an F/N will miss it and go right on by, and the F/N then kills within the next couple of items. Now he’s got a suppressed read and he’s going to have trouble F/Ning the list.

When this happens, even if you can’t read through an F/N, you should go back up the list an item or two and find it. But one should be able to read through an F/N. It is the secret of being able to take a list accurately to an honestly F/Ning assessment, with no wasted time or effort. (Ref: HCOB 4 December 78, How To Read Through An F/N.)


To “rabbit” means to run away from the bank. (The term derives from the fact that a rabbit is timid and runs away from just about everything.)

Some auditors have been known to “rabbit” from auditing sessions or from certain session actions. This is wholly due to out-TRs or shaky metering and the auditor not knowing how to use his tools. Rabbiting shows up in various ways – not getting the pc through the engram and not taking a Dianetic chain to full EP, or calling an F/N when it’s an ARC break needle, or simply ending off when the going gets rough, etc. It’s running away from the action rather than completing it.

One of the ways some auditors rabbit from F/Ning a list is by using what have come to be known as the “rabbit buttons.” Given a C/S 53 (or other list) to take to F/Ning assessment, the auditor begins assessing and handling the list items but on the slightest provocation (such as a minor protest from the pc), introduces such questions as: “Is the C/S 53 being overrun?”, “Is this list unnecessary?”, “Do you feel over-repaired?” or something similar.

These questions are valid enough when they occur, as they do, at the end of some prepared lists. But used out of sequence they serve to get the auditor out of taking the C/S 53 or other assigned list to F/Ning assessment. Auditor throws in the “rabbit buttons,” pc immediately agrees it’s “overrun” or “unnecessary,” and the auditor ends off, with the majority of the list items unchecked for charge.

This is by no means true of all auditors but it has happened frequently enough for these questions, used out of sequence, to be dubbed the “rabbit buttons.”

And each time an auditor has rabbited in this way from F/Ning a list, something has been found later that should have been handled.

Thus: When the C/S calls for F/Ning a list it must be taken to completion and not quit before the entire list is F/Ning, item by item, on assessment.

Any pc protest or upset or apprehension over extensive repair actions or a list having to be F/Ned stems mainly from auditor out-TRs and mismetering (missing reads and calling false reads) when doing repair lists.

Any auditor back-off or protest on F/Ning a list stems from these same points plus having to handle pc upset or protest.

The solution is for the auditor to polish his TRs and sharpen up his metering. And learn to read through an F/N.

Given good TRs and standard metering, the auditor who can then also read through an F/N will have no difficulty taking a list to F/Ning assessment.

Revision 22.3.77
assisted by
LRH Tech Expeditor
Re-revised 4.12.78 by