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(HTS) Hubbard Trained Scientologist
Prerequisites: Study Tech: Product: Certificate: Length of course: Section I: Keeping Scientology working Section II: Books Section III: Charts and Scales Section IV: Codes Section V: Practical Data Section VI: TRs Section VII: Meter Drills Section VIII: Data on Auditing Section IX: Auditor must nots Section X: Styles of Auditing Section XI: Objectives/CCHs Section XII: Problems and Help Student Theory Completion: A: Student Attest: B: Exam: Auditing Section: Practical Attest: Student Course Completion Student Attest at C&A Student informed by Qual Sec of C&A: Certs & Awards
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(Originally based on HCO PL 22.9.78R Issue II)

(HTS) Hubbard Trained Scientologist

This course contains knowledge vital to successful living.

NAME: _____________ ORG: _______________

DATE STARTED: ______________ DATE COMPLETED: ______________

This checksheet contains the vital survival knowledge of Scientology Level One technology. It covers the technology dealing with Objective Processing, „help“ and „problems“.

  1. Student Hat
  2. Provisional Class 0
  3. Method one Word Clearing (recommended)
Study Tech:

Full application of all study tech is to be used throughout this course. The items are to be studied and drilled in sequence. The checksheet is done one time through materials and practical.


A Hubbard Trained Scientologist who is able to be standardly audit others to Grade 1 Problems Release.


Completion of this checksheet entitles you to a “Provisional Hubbard Trained Scientologist Certificate.” A Provisional Certificate is only valid for one year at which time it must be validated by Internship.

When you have completed through to Class 4 training, you should immediately interne in this organization or higher org under the professional guidance of technical experts. An internship is absolutely necessary to full auditor training. When you can then apply the processes of the Grade flublessly you will be awarded your full permanent Hubbard Trained Scientologist Certificate.

Length of course:

2 weeks full time

Section I: Keeping Scientology working

  1. * HCO PL 7.2.65 Keeping Scientology working _____________
  2. * HCO PL 17.6.70R Technical Degrades _____________

Section II: Books

  1. Book: Problems of work _____________
  2. Clay Demo: What a Stable Datum is. _____________
  3. Booklet: Control and the Mechanics of SCS _____________
  4. Demo: What control is composed of. _____________
  5. Book: Scientology: A new Slant of Life _____________
  6. Book: SCN 0–8 Scientology Axioms 29–58 _____________

Section III: Charts and Scales

  1. HCO PL 23.10.80 II Chart of Abilities gained for lower Levels and expanded lower Grades – Grade 1 Section _____________
  2. 1980 Classification, Gradation and Awareness Chart of Levels and Certificates - Class I Auditor Section _____________
  3. Demo: The abilities gained for Grade 1. _____________

Section IV: Codes

  1. HCO PL 14.10.68R The Auditor’s code _____________
  2. HCO PL 5.2.69R Code of a Scientologist _____________

Section V: Practical Data

  1. HCOB 16.8.71 RA II Training Drills Remodernized _____________
  2. HCOB 7.5.68 Upper Indoc TRs _____________
  3. BTB 22.5.71R TR 8 Clarification _____________
  4. HCOB 24.5.68 Coaching _____________

Section VI: TRs

Drill the following TRs per HCOB 16 Aug 71RA II “Training Drills Remodernized” and HCOB 7 May 68, ”Upper Indoc TRs”. On this section TRs 0-IV are redrilled with an eye to further polishing the student’s own natural TRs.

  1. OT TR 0 ___________
  2. TR 0 ___________
  3. TR 0 BB ___________
  4. TR 1 ___________
  5. TR 2 ___________
  6. TR 2½ ___________
  7. TR 3 ___________
  8. * TR 4 ___________
  9. TR 6 ___________
  10. TR 7 ___________
  11. TR 8 ___________
  12. * TR 9 ___________

Section VII: Meter Drills

(From ”The Book of E-Meter Drills”. Also Ref: BTB 18.1.77R, ”Book of E-Meter Drills Deletion”)

Note: On this section pink sheets are given for any earlier E-Meter Drill needing improvement.

EM 6 ___________EM 14 ___________
EM 7 ___________EM 15 ___________
EM 8 ___________EM 16 ___________
EM 9 ___________EM 17 ___________
EM 10 ___________EM 18 ___________
EM 11 ___________EM 19 ___________
EM 12 ___________EM 20 ___________
EM 13 ________________________

Section VIII: Data on Auditing

  1. * HCO PL 27.5.65 Processing _____________
  2. Tape 29.8.61 Basics of Auditings _____________
  3. Clay Demo: Session control versus no session control and what happens in the pc’s bank. _____________
  4. Tape 1.11.62 The Road to Truth _____________
  5. Tape 13.10.64 Cycles of Action _____________
  6. Clay Demo: The mechanics of a cycle of action. _____________
  7. * HCOB 30.4.69 Auditor Trust _____________
  8. Demo: Auditor plus pc is greater than the bank. Auditor plus bank is greater than the pc. Pc minus auditor is less than the bank. _____________
  9. * HCOB 21.3.74 End Phenomena _____________
  10. HCOB 10.12.76RB Scientology F/N and TA Position _____________

Section IX: Auditor must nots

  1. * HCOB 7.4.64 Q & A _____________
  2. Demo: Q & A. _____________
  3. HCOB 7.5.69 The five GAEs _____________
  4. Demo: The five GAEs _____________
  5. HCOB 26.10.76 Auditing Reports, Falsifying of _____________

Section X: Styles of Auditing

  1. * HCOB 28.2.59 Analysis of cases _____________
  2. HCOB 6.11.64 Styles of Auditing, Level 1 Section _____________
  3. Look up:
    1. Repetitive Command Auditing;
    2. Repetitive Prozess;
    3. “Muzzled” Auditing _____________
  4. Demo: “Muzzled” Auditing _____________
  5. Drill: “Muzzled” Auditing until student is comfortable using it. _____________

Section XI: Objectives/CCHs

  1. Look up:
    1. Objective Processes;
    2. Subjective Processes _____________
  2. Clay Demo: The difference between an Objective and a Subjective process. _____________
  3. * HCOB 19.3.78 Quickie Objectives _____________
  4. HCOB 19.6.78 Objective ARC _____________
  5. Drill: Objective ARC, until you can do it confidently. _____________
  6. Tape 5.7.57 Basic Theory of CCHs _____________
  7. Tape 22.6.61 Running CCHs _____________
  8. * HCOB 12.4.62 CCHs Purpose _____________
  9. * HCOB 1.12.65 CCHs _____________
  10. Demo: The purpose of each of the CCHs 1-4 _____________
  11. HCOB 2.8.62 CCH Answers _____________
  12. HCOB 7.8.62 Running CCHs _____________
  13. * HCOB 3.2.59 Flattening a Process _____________
  14. Demo: When you end off on an Objective Process. _____________
  15. HCOB 5.4.62 CCHs Auditing Attitude _____________
  16. Clay Demo: Control _____________
  17. Clay Demo: Communication _____________
  18. Clay Demo: Havingness _____________
  19. Drill: Using HCOB 1.12.65, ”CCHs”, drill CCHs 1-4. In doing the following drills, listen to an LRH Demo Tape on CCHs (or other Objective Processes) when drilling. _____________
    1. CCH 1-4 doll drill _____________
    2. CCH 1-4 with Coach _____________
  20. HCOB 11.6.57 Training and CCH Processes (Section on CCHs 5-10) _____________
  21. Drill:
    1. CCH 5 (doll drill /Coach) _____________
    2. CCH 6 (doll drill /Coach) _____________
    3. CCH 7 (doll drill /Coach) _____________
    4. CCH 8 (doll drill /Coach) _____________
    5. CCH 9 (doll drill /Coach) _____________
    6. CCH 10 (doll drill /Coach) _____________
  22. HCOB 4.2.59 Op Pro by Dup _____________
  23. BTB 24.10.71R Op Pro by Dup, EP _____________
  24. Drill: Op Pro by Dup, until you can run it confidently. _____________
  25. * PAB 97 1.10.56 Start – Change – Stop _____________
  26. Drill:
    1. SCS on an object (doll drill /Coach) _____________
    2. SCS on a body (doll drill /Coach) _____________
  27. * PAB 34 4.9.54 Opening Procedure, SOP 8C _____________
  28. Drill: SOP 8C (doll drill /Coach) _____________

Section XII: Problems and Help

  1. * HCOB 5.5.60 Help _____________
  2. * HCOB 19.5.60 How Help became Betrayal _____________
  3. Demo: Help is the make-break point between sanity and insanity. _____________
  4. HCOB 31.3.60 The Present Time Problem _____________
  5. Look up:
    1. Problem;
    2. Present Time Problem _____________
  6. Clay Demo:
    1. Problem _____________
    2. Present Time Problem _____________
  7. Tape 6.7.61 Routine 1A _____________
  8. HCOB 6.7.61 Routine 1A _____________
  9. Tape 10.10.61 Problems Intensives _____________
  10. Tape 11.10.61 Problems Intensive Assessment _____________
  11. * HCOB 30.7.62 A smooth HGC 25 Hour Intensive _____________
  12. * HCOB 27.9.62 Problems Intensives use _____________
  13. Tape 3.10.61 The Prior Confusion _____________
  14. HCOB 2.11.61 The Prior Confusion _____________
  15. Clay Demo: The prior confusion and the problem _____________
  16. Wordclearing: Prepcheck; Prepchecking _____________
  17. * HCOB 14.8.64 Prepcheck Buttons _____________
  18. * BTB 10.4.72RA Prepchecks _____________
  19. * HCOB 8.4.70 II More on Prepchecks _____________
  20. Drill: Prepcheck (doll drill /Coach) _____________
  21. Drill: Problems Intensives (doll drill /Coach) _____________
  22. Tape 21.4.64 Problems and Solutions _____________
  23. Clay Demo: Present Time Problem = no case gain _____________
  24. * HCOB 19.11.65 Problems Process _____________
  25. Drill: Problems Process (doll drill /Coach) _____________

Student Theory Completion:

A: Student Attest:

The following attest is to be signed off, point by point, before the student begins auditing Grade 1 Processes.

If the student has any question or reservation about attesting to any of the points below, he should retread himself in that area.

Only when the student has acquired these skills without questions will he or she achieve good results on Grade 1 Processes.

I attest that:

  1. I know and can fully apply the Study Tech given in the Student Hat. _____________
  2. I have applied the Study Tech of the Student Hat fully while on this course. _____________
  3. II have studied the books ”The Problems of Work”, ”Control and the Mechanics of SCS”, ”Scientology: A new Slant of Life”, ”Axioms und Logics” (Axioms 29-58) and understand them. _____________
  4. I understand the E-Meter and how to use it. _____________
  5. I have acquired good TRs 0 to 9 by drilling each to its EP. _____________
  6. I understand and can run Objective Processes. _____________
  7. I have, without reservation, a good grasp of the materials of Level 1. _____________
  8. I understand and can apply “Muzzled” Auditing and can run a repetitive process by that method confidently. _____________
B: Exam:

The student must fully pass an exam on the materials of this checksheet in the Qualification Division

DIR. VALIDITY: ______________________________________DATE:_____________

Auditing Section: Practical

The student now is entitled to begin with student’s auditing of Grade 1 processes (and ARC Straightwire).


Nobody may or can demand that the student audits processes which are above his level of training. If a case needs processes of a higher level, students of higher levels shall be ordered to audit these actions.

From the prospective auditor is expected that he drills and understands every process of grade 1 before he goes in session (see HCOB 4.7.62 COACHLESS TRAINING USE OF A DOLL)

  1. Audit at least one pc on each if the processes of Level 1 to the EP of each process and the attainment of the ability gained for the level or produce consistent well-done auditing hours in the style of auditing taught on Level 1 to a definite good pc result (remarkable case change). ______________
  2. Get any errors of misunderstandings on successfully applying grade 1 processes reviewed and corrected. ______________

I attest that I have successfully fulfilled the auditing requirements for certification on level 1, as given above.

Student Attest: _____________________________________________Date: _________________

I attest this student has successfully fulfilled the level 1 auditing requirements for certification, as given above, and has demonstrated his competence in auditing the style of this level.

Supervisor Attest: ___________________________________________Date: _________________

Student Course Completion

I have completed the requirements of this checksheet and I know and can apply the materials.

Student Attest: _____________________________________________Date: _________________

I have trained this student to the best of my abilities and he/she has completed the requirements of this checksheet and knows and can apply the checksheet data.

Supervisor Attest: ___________________________________________Date: _________________

Student Attest at C&A

I attest:

  1. I have enrolled properly on the course.
  2. I have paid for the course.
  3. I have studied and understand all the materials of this checksheet.
  4. I have done all the drills on this checksheet.
  5. I can produce the results required in the materials of this course

Student Attest: _____________________________________________Date: _________________

C&A: ____________________________________________________Date: _________________

Student informed by Qual Sec of C&A:

I hereby attest that I have informed the student that to make his provisional certificate permanent he will have to be interned within one year.

Qual Sec or C & A: _________________________________________ Date: _________________

Certs & Awards

Certificate of Hubbard Trained Scientologist (Class 1) (provisional) issued.

C & A: ___________________________________________________ Date: _________________

(Route this form to Course Admin for filing in Student’s folder.)