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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Overt Acts, Motivators and DEDs (T88-3b) - L520625b | Сравнить
- Overt Acts, Motivators and DEDs, Continued (T88-3c) - L520625c | Сравнить
- Validation and Invalidation (T88-3a) - L520625a | Сравнить

RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Обесценивание (Т88 52) - Л520625 | Сравнить
- Оверты, Мотиваторы и DED (Т88 52) - Л520625 | Сравнить



A lecture given on 25 June 1952.

Now, perhaps you think I am being very unsympathetic with human beings and human aberrations by speaking in this gross, even disrespectful tone of voice with regard to the poor pitiful plight of people. Well, I am. Because the moment you understand a level of something, and understand it well, see it operating under your hands; you don’t have to worry about it anymore, for it stops being serious. Why does it stop being serious? Because you can do something about it. If you can take a case, run it on the E-meter, find out whether you are auditing an overt act or a DED; you know what the pattern is. You know that if the incident is sticky there is something wrong. You aren’t auditing the earliest motivator, or you aren’t auditing the overt act, or it is a DED. It went on being motivated for ages and ages (for you) because you get overt acts for just ages and uges, and it never happened to you, and all of a sudden you will buy off. You will find yourself in parody (a poor or humour like imitation) and you will think some day of the crimes you have done, and you will realize all of a sudden that you aren’t supposed to do those crimes.

The church, any church; you can go to any planet and you’ll find a church of some kind. It doesn’t matter the planet or the name, they are all bowing down to the great “Blank.” The great “Blank” is a DED. The church will actually educate the people into being sinners, and tell them to repent. You can take a human being in off the street and have him run regret: “Think of all the things in your life that you have to be regretful about; aren’t you ashamed of yourself?” What are you doing to him when you have him run regret? You are getting him to turn back time. Let’s get him to be ahead of every incident that he can get ahead of, “Regret- regret” repent- repent, You’re a sinner, you’re a sinner - you shouldn’t do this, you shouldn’t do that- and the reason you shouldn’t is because there is a mysterious and awesome being that we are keeping in that box. Well, that is the great god “Ya Wa” that we are keeping in that box, and there is a leopard skin in the box too. This mysterious being pervades everything, you can’t escape him anywhere, and if he finds out that you have sinned. Oh brother! Not only will you be caught and punished in this life, but if you die you will be punished in the next life. So, if you regret, and you repent (and in this way sin enough against yourself and make yourself controlable for us) you are going to be a good boy, and you are going to get along. We are going to let you get along, PARTICULARLY IF YOU PAY US.” This is the sort of thing that you as auditors will find. And understand this - I am not telling you anything about “No Creator”, and anybody that can draw that conclusion from what I have been saying, is a genius.

What they are telling you is that the God you should worship is a control mechanism the like of which you have never known. God, by definition would be self-determinism. That’s interesting, isn’t it? I wonder what these people are all worshipping? It can’t be God. That is an interesting fact, there must be a conflict there someplace. It must pay people to control people. If you don’t think that religion is a control basis, and doesn’t operate in just one direction; you should look at some of the implants on the track- You will find people who are the most screaming atheists Oh brother, hate - hate - hate- You have had all of Spain explode with tens of thousands of human beings shot down and burned. You had gasoline being poured on nuns and monks, and the torch being lit to them. This within our own memory, just before World War Two. Man, you talk about violence, and here was the most peace loving, religious country, the very heart of catholicism for centuries, Spain. And one day they got a mass restimulation, and revolted agaist their own implants on the line, and it sure went up in smoke. The implants that are there are capable of producing that much fury. Just as any implant is capable of suddenly turning itself around and exerting all the counter-effort as an effort; and “Overt act or no overt act, I’m going to do it.” Wham! It’s a dangerous thing to try to control something as powerful as a human being. Very dangerous, and every once in a while it explodes, and explodes with violence as it did in Spain. Tens of thousands of people dying in agony, shot all over the place, the area laid waste, not rebuilt even today, theeconomic system wasted, because all of a sudden (in a mass) all of their compulsive religious implants exploded and went in the opposite direction. Because religion aims at a DED, and they can go too far in a DED. A DED goes this way: a person says, “I don’t deserve what I got, I don’t deserve this,” and he goes into apathy and then says, “All right, I deserve it,” but he will drag through the apathy. You keep it up: “Yes, you deserve it - yes you deserve it,” and you keep at it and you will have kicked him through the incident. That is stupid, because the next thing you know he is coming up the other side of the incident, and if he was capable for all those thousands of years of doing all those overt acts independantly and unmotivated - don’t think he isn’t capable of doing some more. Now that he has a motivator and a facsimile to do it with, he will really wind this thing up like a South American Bolo, and let you have it around the neck. That is what happens to religion. Religion always goes in a cycle, and it goes in this repetitive cycle.

When a religion starts to blow up it does a beautiful job, because a person repents and repents, and then says: “Oh, to hell with it.” That is why they always say there is nothing like a backslider to set an example for backsliding. It is much worse to be a backslider than to have been merely without religion. Sure it is. You get this thing restimulated, restimulated religiously, and you go along fine and you say, “It’s truth - it’s truth.” Then you go down and pray, and you ask for a new bicycle for Christmas, and by goliy he doesn’t give you a new bicycle, and you say: “Somebody is lying to me.” You go out and you pray for rain and the drought gets worse. You give the church a new stained glass window, and it still doesn’t rain. Next year you put in an irrigation system.

When you speak of “The Creator” you are probably speaking of something entirely different than implanted religion. Religion is always different than truth. It has to be, BECAUSE THE ONLY WAY YOU CAN CONTROL PEOPLE IS TO LIE TO THEM. You can write that down in your book in great big letters. The only way you can control anybody is to lie to them. When you find an individual is lying to you, you know that the individual is trying to control you. One way or another this individual is trying to control you. That is the mechanism of control. This individual is lying to you because he is trying to control you - because if they give you enough misinformation they will pull you down the tone scale so that they can control you. Cnnversely, if you see an impulse on the part of a human being to control you, you know very well that that human being is lying to you. Not “is going to”, but “is” lying to you.

Check these facts, you will find they are always true. That person who is trying to control you is lying to you. He’s got to tell you lies in order to continue control, because the second you start telling anybody anything close to the truth, you start releasing him and he gets tougher and tougher to control. So, you can’t control somebody without telling them a bunch of lies. You will find that very often Command has this as its greatest weakness. It will try to control instead of leading. The next thing you know, it is lying to the crew. Lie, lie, lie, and it gets worse and worse, and all of a sudden the thlng blows up. Well, religion has done this. Organized religion tries to control, so therefore it must be lying. After a while it figures out (even itself) that it is lying, and then it starts down tone scale further and further, and all of a sudden people get down along this spring-like bottom heresy) and say, “Are we going into apathy and die, or are we going to revolt?” And they revolt because you can only lie to people so long. Unfortunately there is always a new cycle of lying. As I use the word “Religion” it has nothing to do with the word “God”. Now, look at this pattern: overt act, overt act, overt act, etc., and then all of a sudden the ~uy gets a counter-effort. Beware of your great sinners. The fellow will come up and say, “Yes sir, I’m really a great sinner.” He has been a sinner all- right, but not in the same way you think. He has been a b-a-a-a-d boy. As these incidents come up, this individual hits the counter-effort and the incidents will ball- up.

They will ball up very strongly, because after he has gotten the counter-effort, he will try to do the overt act and he will get the counter-effort, and then an overt act and then the counter- effort, etc. etc. You will get this cycle repeating so that it makes a chain, and the chain is “maybe’s”. If you have anybody who has a time track that just isn’t there, you can count on the fact that this DED situation exists. By the way, if you have anybody that is a wide open case entirely, that is completely clear all up and down the time track (this life), you can count on something else having existed. They have been rubbed out so thoroughly at the beginning of this life that the bank is missing. It’s not actually missing, it’s just way over thefe somewhere, but they have eidetic recall. What you are trying to get is whole track eidetic recall. If you can get that, that’s fine. You get a person who has one llfe eidetic recall, and there is just nothing before that - well, you know that their whole facsimile bank has been parked sideways by force. You will find this condition every once in a while. This person has been wiped out. This person then, is more prone to a DED situation than other people, because anybody who has got the whole thing swing all up and down the line, can always pick up one of these things as a motivator, and do an overt act with something ahead of it.

This guy is all right. So, he goes around and cuts a few throats, and he still stays sane. But, one of these persons who is all wiped out at birth - nothing but straight clear theta (?) - and everything is planted from there on, they have one life. They go on, they make facsimiles, and there they are. They have their genetic line facsimiles somewhat, but they are convinced there is no life before this life. This person is starting in with no motivator. Because of the fact that theta will try to overcome and control the physical universe, and just because of that factor all by itself - this person in his childhood is bound to do some overt acts that come before counter-effort. This person can live a perfectly beautiful childhood as far as you can find out, and all of a sudden at the age of ten he winds up in a ball, just in awful shape. What did he do? He hit a dog in the nose. Those people have a hard time, because after that they are rather pathetic. The whole track situation makes it (these very early incidents) fairly mild in magnitude. Why? You got along all right because you were so high on the tone scale hardly anything could phase you. When you started to be hit by counter-effort (and on most of your chains this is true) you got a counter-effort as the motivator, and then you do it again. But you also have chains (there isn’t anybody that doesn’t have some, some place) that start out with a lot of overt acts with no counter-effort.

A person who starts out this life all wiped out, is bound to get this DED situation. So, your wide open case is pretty skinny. Boy, will they audit things done to them. But, you won’t get anything they have done to anybody else unless you get them on an E-meter. That is typical of them. You say, “Did you ever do anything to anybody?” “Oh no,” and the needle goes Bang. “Well, take dogs, did you ever do anything to dogs?” “No, I never did anything to dogs.” Meter goes Bang. “Did you ever do anything real bad to dogs?” “Oh no.” Bang. “Did you ever bite a dog?” “No.” Bang. “Did you ever kick a dog?” Bang, and the needle stays on the pin. “Did you ever shoot a dog?” No motion on the meter. So you go back and run these horrible overt acts, like when he pushed the dog out the front door, and actually you will find that it is effective. This person is really a synthetic person, he has moved aside from all the past. This person gets over here and gets in contact with the past all down the line, and he gets considerably more capable. This doesn’t mean that every case that has sonic and visio recall is a wide open case. You will find that differentiated in “Science of Survival.” It is the psycho wide open case, the psycho case that has eidetic recall (and so forth) that has been the real puzzle, and that has been solved. It was solved by finding that they had been wiped out at the beginning or this lifetime, and they are living as sort of a demon circult. It’s a demon circuit that has sonic, visio, and so on. Somebody did a great job on them, a wonderful job - wiped them out till they are an erased slate. Usually they will appear to be in pretty good physical shape, but they won’t stay that way. They have very little drive, very little endurance, and very weak persistance along certain lines.

Take one more look at that situation. If you know that situation, you can audit one lifetime, you can audit the whole track, and you can make well preclears. That is the combination. You can take apart maybe’s, and there isn’t a maybe anywhere in any case (and this I am very sure of) that cannot be untangled by these techniques. There isn’t an occluded case anywhere, sufficiently occluded to resist these techniques. And if you find a wide open case, run it with these techniques. They are the same thing, you don’t have to audit them differently. Your occluded case is simply a balled up track, and the wide open case is somebody who has had all of his past shut off from him, and he is living over there somewhere as a demon ciruit. You can solve that too, and the way to solve it is to shut them dovrn, right now.

They will say, “My sonic, my visio, they are gone!” You say, “Three Cheers”, (but not to the PC). You have them back on the whole track again; you have them in, off the spur (side track). The second you got that case any better, it shut off- Bang. No sonic, no visio, no tactile, “Where am I? I’m lost, etc.” If you then unravel the maybe’s on the line they will un- occlude nicely, and they will get an improvement in ability and force as you audit them. They will go right on up the line.

The one danger in auditing is to get a DED, and to be agreeable and audit the counter-effort. You take a case that is very very heavy on the DED type of chain or incident, and you audit the counter-efforts instead of the early overts, and you don’t let him run the things he did to somebody else. You be agreeable, you let him audit the time he got strangled, and the time he got run over by the train, and the time he got run over by the train, and the third, fourth, and fifth time he got run over by the train, and then all the prenatal train wrecks, to say nothing of the train wreck he had when he was being born. So, you let him run those things. Pretty soon he will get tired of those, and he will start off with trucks. Then you get all the times he was run over by a truck when he was 2, then all the times he was run over by a truck when he was 3. Then you get all the grief incidents, all the allies he has lost. This can go on and on. This is your “Dub-In” case. This guy is manufacturing incidents, and saying that they are real. Why is he doing this? It is because he hasn’t got a strong enough counter-effort to justify all of his overt acts anywhere on the track. It is really balled-up, so he has got to manufacture them. He has got to deserve all of these things.

He’s got a few religious implants, and that is why I brought that up so strongly, because that is THE type of implant which plays THE role in the dub-in case. The religious implant. When you look at a dub-in case you say, “Religious Implant”, just as you would say, “Floor- Carpet” - they are right together, A wonderful thing these religious implants; they show you symbols. They are full of symbols. There you are sitting in the middle of an electric field which is beating the devil out of you, and they show you: a cross, a church window, all sorts of things, all sorts of religious symbols. They are on cards. They slide them in this way and that way, and you look at them this way and that way, and they throw waves at you in patterns, and they throw lights on you which have religious symbols on them. Oh, it’s wonderful! After a while you get SO respectful to a religious symbol. Boy, what has been done in the name of religion is indeed wonderful to behold.

Some of these incidents are really rough. But they are only rough because this fellow later on (after implant) had been a member of a church himself, and would be telling people, “Well brother, you are really a sinner, step into this vestibule and we will fix you up” - FOR A PRICE. And thls PC who is a terrible aethiest now (and tells you these horrible things about churches - real terrible things) was selling it accross the alter, whether it was peanuts or popcorn, just as long as it would bring in the money. It goes in cycles, so don’t feel too sympathetic about these religious implants, because you will find him out there grinding this funny little gimmick at all the people kneeling there. Maybe his job was to stand behind this pillar and give them the business!! That was just his role in the church. After he had done this for a while it keyed him in tit had a backfire in it, you see) to the point where he confused himself with the congregation and he did another switch. if he has done this horrible thing of doing this (perhaps under orders) without it ever happening to him (that is - with no religious implant, he goes around implanting others) boy oh boy, is he in wonderful shape as far as religion is concerned. God is on his trail; you start to run this life or past lives, and the only thing he will give you is a big dub-in. Yes, he nailed Jesus to the cross, and the only thing that tells you is he has a tremendous number of overt acts without any counter-effort ahead of them. He probably has a facsimile of having nailed somebody to a cross sometime or another. We have been so playful.

There is a general rule to follow, just a general, loose, rough rule - “That anything wrong with the PC, the PC has made wrong with some other human being first.” That goes for anything, and that includes dying. That is something wrong with the PC, he lives 70 yrs and then kicks the bucket. That is a foolish thing. He gets old, he gets aged. Very interesting, and very silly. Why does anybody get old, why would he do that? There is a practical reason and a stupid reason. The reason he wanted to get old is simple; it is a nice mechanism, it removes bodies from the track. Also, the reason people don’t go along for 60 years and then die, being in good health for 60 years is the fact that in fighting back and forth, one with another each for supremacy, they have a tendancy to reduce each other down. This planets llfe span for man is three score years and ten. That has to do with gravity. Gravity adds in the counter- effort to the MEST body, which is after all, like a plant or any other growing thing composed of cells. Going ahead it has a tendency to last in ratio to the gravity. On osher planets you would have a different life span.

If you were to suddenly sit down, and carefully write down everything that you find fault with in the business of living, such as - people get old, people get sick, children are abused, my life is boring, T find women intolerable, I hate men, I object to wreckless driving, etc. If you just went down a long list like that, and you just kept finding more fault and more fault such as, “People forget their past lives and lose their skills in between,” anything that is wrong. Or have your PC make this list. Then just plck them up from there, start puttlng them on the E-meter, “When was the first time you wanted somebody to get old?” “When was the first time you wanted someone to die?” etc., etc. You’ll go back lives, thousands of years, billions of years, and you will find them, every single one of them. There will be a big business for each one, and for each one you will find a motivator-overt act situation or a DED.

You will find a fellow with a really strange face somatic, so you put him on an E-meter. Start in on the thing, “How long ago did this take place?” Find out how long ago it took place, and find the overt act. Don’t bother to audit it very much. Just enough to find out what the overt act is. Then find out if the overt occured earlier. Then find out if it is a Motivator-Overt Act situation or a Ded situation - that should have happened to him anyhow. You will find it much tougher to handle if it is a DED, but if you just go back and run those earlier unmotivated overt acts it will resolve. If the fellow says, “I would have been happy in this life except that ...,” and he will give you some reason, like being sick a lot. Don’t take him up on it right away. That is a nasty dirty trick of invalidation in itself. Wait a second or two, and say: “All right, when you were a little kid were you sick a lot of the time?” “Oh,yes!” Then you say, “Was it ever desirable for you to have children ill?” “Oh, no.” Bang! You will find out that this little boy who was sick all the time, was always involved in fights every time he went to school, and he found the solution. The biggest bully in school was giving him the most trouble. One day the bully didn’t come to school, and the next day the bully came to school looking sick and pale, so he figured this was his chance. He kicked the bully in the stomach, and licked him. So he said, “Gee, what a wonderful situation,” and every time some other kid would cross him at all, he would look at them and think, “Gee, I wish he was home sick in bed.” And he did this, and did this, and did this. And this was all in one life-time, of couse he was sick all during his childhood.

I had a very interesting experience. I ran a little girl - she had only been on crutches a short time, but she was doomed and scheduled to be on crutches for a long time. I ran all the overt acts of kicking (one of her legs was in bad shape) and I ran an experiment. I ran a grief charge, and then every impulse she ever had to kick anybody. By the time we got through we had thousands of these impulses to kick people in the shins, and to kick things. Boy, she was kick, kick, kick. I tried to run that in one life. It didn’t release on one life, but it improved very markedly by running all these kicks. So, here this girl had suddenly come down with actual complete paralysis in one limb. What do we start auditing? Do we start auditing her getting paralysed in one limb? Nope. We start to audlt overt acts to somebody who was paralysed in one limb. Then we audit times she wanted to use that limb destructively, times when she hurt somebody else’s leg, and we just went along this line and she threw her crutch away in a matter of hours.

She is not walking well yet. This is an unfortunate thing. I sent her down to the foundation, and she didn’t get finished off. I consider that a sort of overt act, becsuse I like a job well done. So, she is only three quarters well. She is walking without a crutch. I could try and be cold blooded, and see if by auditing this life for 6 months she would get well, but I’ve never been up to that. I’d probably have much more data abou; Dianetics if I were.

I’ll tell you about that little girl. I just ran overt acts about using that limb wrong. She got to the point where she restrained that limb to the point where she paralysed it. You will find out this is a typical case. This is typical paralysis. If you really want to get a case solved (instead of auditing and auditing) you go on back down the track and find out when something terrible was being done to the PC. You’ll get her to the point where she is feeling sorry for herself and is saying, “And they did this to me, and ..”, and you say: “All right, when were you on the monkey end of this string?” “On what?” “Well, when did you grind this machine at people?” “Oh, I never did.” Wham! Here we go, and maybe we find out she is the person that brought the people up to be ground at. And that was always the side she stayed on, but the blasts she was letting go at the people were kicking back at her a little bit, and they eventually paralysed her. It laid in an engram to that degree. This is the sort of incident that you will find. What is the benefit of running such an Incident? Well people. We talked about producing miracles back in the December conference. Actually, it was very possible to do so, but it’s not just possible to do so now. You are a terribly bad auditor if you can’t. You take this information, and if it doesn’t produce fast results for you - well, that’s serious. If you can’t do it you had better go get your head examined.

The two points I covered tonight, and all the points I am going to cover are simply that business of invalidation being force. All tonescale reduction is force overcoming the individuals force which results in emotion overcoming the individuals emotion, which means that after a person has been invalidated, if someone feels sad he has to feel sad. He is overcome each time with thought. If someone else gets an idea, he has to get an idea - the same idea He is overcome each time on the tone scale. That is invalidation.

The cycle of running a PC will run him through everything - disbelief, unreality, and everything else, because you are running this sequence. I give you that, because you will see it is standard. I want you to understand it. I want you to be able to punch your PC on through these incidents no matter what they think about them. I can tell you in advance exactly what they think about them, so your prediction is going to be pretty high from now on. You are going to know that just after this fellow has joyfully run into this incident, having a wonderful time running this incident, that in a short time he is not going to be having such a wonderful time running a heavy electronic incident. The next thing you know he will start telling you, “You know, it really didn’t happen. It didn’t happen anyplace, it couldn’t have happened,” and then, “Oh well, who cares whether anything happened or not.” Obviously that PC is getting worse. NO, he’s not. He is only getting worse if you as the auditor are not predicting correctly, because you should be able to predict the whole curve. Good, worse, worse, worse, unreal, he doesn’t even exist, better, better, all well.

How do you make things real to the PC? You audit him all the way through the cycle. How do you turn on perceptics? You audit him all the way through every maybe there is. What is the standard pattern of a track? The standard pattern of a track is: Counter-Effort, Overt Act, Thought Pattern. That is the standard pattern. Don’t think for a moment that this pattern is changed any in a DED, because it’s not. It’s slmply that all these overts lie ahead of the counter-effort, so that when the counter-effort happens the person says, “Gee, this is serious.” Back in the overts he didn’t say, “Gee, this is serious,” he just said: “This shouldn’t happen to me.” When he says, “This is serious”, these earlier overt acts become a deeper more serious pattern, and he feels he really does deserve it by justice and equity. It’s a DED, a deserved action.

You take apart maybe’s by establishing this, and this is the way they run. You run each one of these incidents out by running everything you can get in the incident: thought, emotion, effort, -counter-thought, counter-emotion, counter-effort, and attention units. Attention unit running isn’t just what happens to your PC. It isn’t just how the waves go in at him, or how the hollow spots are in him. Oh no, attention unit running is the pattern of attention units in the victim “too, because when you run attention units that is just a method of tracking, and that follows the situation of Counter-effort-emotion-thought, so you have to undo the maybe. You can undo the maybe this way. You get this fellow and maybe he has an electronic rifle of some sort, and he keeps on firing this electronic rifle at somebody. This is all you can find that has to do with an overt act, and his jaw is sort of paralysed. So you run this electronic (overt act) incident. What do you run? He can’t get the feel of this gun. There is no reality to it. How do you run this? Well, attention unit running is the only thing that makes it possible for you to run incidents below the level of perception.

You can track attention units at a lower level than you can perceive. In other words, from apathy, grief, fear, (these lower emotions) the perceptics have just disappeared, but you can still track the attention units. So, we have found a sub-strata of running that permibs you to run fear, grief, and apathy with no difficulty. So, how do you get him firing this electronic rifle? It’s very simple. He can feel something leaving it, and you run it a few times and he will start to feel something on his face, and there is an emanation point way out. He feels it way out there. He tracks units somehow, and all of a sudden he will say, “There is a light spot out there.” You say, “Track it again, get the light spot again, again, again, now what do you get?” He will say, “There is something coming back from that light spot, I can’t make the stuff stay there.” What have you tracked through to? To its echo. It hit target, and he is getting the kick-back from the target- That’s really what had his face pinned. So you run it all the way through, and all of a sudden his face isn’t paralysed anymore, and it’s in good shape.

If there is a social stigma against something - like: “You want to be very good children, and never under any circumstances go against any social mores.” If the social mores tell you not to audit any whole track incidents; don’t audit them, even if they make your PC well. Because the point is to be obedient, not efficient. There’s a couple in a trance in the back of the room, so I’d better say that was a joke.

No matter how wild the incident seems to be that your PC is running and the incidents I am going to tell you about tomorrow night, you will probably find wilder ones than that. They are wild enough to drive somebody pretty wild. They’ve been doing it for some time.

The incidents we are interested in are ALL below anger on the tone scale so about the only way you can run them is by attention unit tracking. You run the attention units away from a person; here you are running the attention units on an overt act and you are running it at a distance from the individual. In other words, you are running an attention unit pattern in the victim. Try attention unit running on an incident of two little boys having a fight (this is on a high scale). Any occluded case, by the way, will run on attention units - that’s one beauty of it.

You get this little boy hitting the other in the nose and you say, “All right, get the attention unit pattern in the little boy’s nose.” PC- “I can’t do that.” “Well, feel the attention units moving or not moving in his nose when you hit him.” PC- “I can’t do that.” “Go on and try it.” PC- “Well, they sort of squash.” “Try it again, where does his nose go dead?” Does any part of it go dead?” PC- “Yes, about in the center of it. Say, there’s something funny happening to my nose.” What is happening to this PC? You are running the actual re-echo of counter-emotion, but you are running it by masses of units. You are running the kick-back, he is a human being and he can emanate. That’s the danger of him, and that’s the danger of going around and messing people up. It isn’t that it is immoral, “that you should be restrained with clubs, etc. It is just the fact that you happen to be dangerous. It comes back against you - the doer, so the next time you knock somebodies brains in, make sure you audit out the counter- spash.

That is the DED situation again. You start auditing the attention unit flow in a DED, and the guy is much more liable to come up and try to run the counter-effort. He is much more liable to have a balled up track, and you will have to run the vaguest concept of attention units. The fellow can’t see anything about attention units at all, he will say: “What attention units?” Finally when he locates them, they are in a ridge (just a little tiny spot, way out) and he says: “It makes my right foot hurt, that’s silly.” Maybe you can’t find out a thing about this incident, not even when, but you can run this. You made the fellow look for a long time before he found that. Now you find a little hollow spot in his right shoulder. You run it, you run it and run it, and all of a sudden it’s a hard spot. You run it, and you run a ridge, and all of a sudden he starts hurting like mad. His eye starts hurting, and you go back and forth, around and about, and after a while he gets perceptics and says: “Well, that son of a gun stood right there and fired a pistol through this eye and out through this shoulder.” You know right away if his attitude is that, there probably isn’t any overt act lying on it. If he was out that far, you got some incident that was almost off the chain. You can go chasing around looking for times he shot people in the shoulder, and you can audit those. You have just taken one little layer off the maybe. What was lying open in this case? For years he had been carrying around, and hardly realizing it, a little spot up here that was a little lighter than the rest of the dim dark in which he was considerably locked up - there was one spot. You started in with attention unit running on that one spot, and the case blew wide open. You take it off layer by layer by layer, and all of a sudden you find the track lying out there straight. I hope that’s good news for occluded cases, because it works.

There are 2 or 3 people here who are haviog somatics that are hanging up, and it’s very easy to solve that. All you have to do is get the overt acts which made a duplicate somatic. In other words, they have a somatic that feels like their jaw is being carried away by something. Well, get them carrying peoples jaws away. All of a sudden you will find the incidents clearing up, and your PC getting very happy about the whole thing. If it makes them happier knocking off peoples jaws, let the do it.

I hope I have made myself clear on these facets of this running. This is more detailed, more factual, and better tested than some of this data which has been heard before. I would like very much for you to do a couple of tests on this attention unit running. I see a few pairs of glasses here, and it’s just pure cussedness if any of you are wearing glasses at the end of the week - you are doing it to spite me.

Don’t fall into the error of thinking that anytime anybody computes a thought that is overt one way or another, or deserved, that they are immediately guilty on that subject. They can actually dub them in and think them up, because I ran out (4 days ago) plucking out this girls eyes. It’s been run out. I have no engramic pattern to make you take your glasses off. I just think you ought to take your glasses off, that’s all. But I don’t think you ought to take your glasses off until you can see without them. Therefore, I want you to start the process that will pick up your vision. I will warn you though, that if you start this process you may wind up 55 hrs. from now clear or something, so don’t take it lightly. Don’t start this process unless you plan on going somewhere with it. You can also take up this process, land in the middle of a mess of apathy, and be that way for days, and be so apathetic that you won’t want to run it out. So if you find yourself getting apathetic, just tell somebody and get them to audit it out. Or pick yourself up by the back of the neck, and don’t get apathetic till the next time you run it. That’s easy to do.

As far as types of incidents are concerned: Types of overt acts, Who started these overt acts, etc. - well, I have been accused by some of doing Fac One. That is impossible, because I wasn’t on MEST universe track during the period of Fac One; a million or a million two hundred fifty thousand years ago; or as far as that is concerned, even fifteen thousand years ago. So I haven’t been on your track. If you want to blame these on somebody, put them on your auditor (laughter).

Thank you and good night.