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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Relief Rundown (NED-10R) - B780703R78 | Сравнить

RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Рандаун Облегчения (ДНЭ-10R) (2) - Б780703R78 | Сравнить
- Рандаун Облегчения (ДНЭ-10R) - Б780703R78 | Сравнить

CONTENTS RELIEF RUNDOWN Cохранить документ себе Скачать
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Revised 22 September 1978
Remimeo (Revisions in this type style) New Era Dianetics Series 10R


Where the Original Assessment Sheet has shown losses by death or other severe changes in a person’s life such as losses of position or pets or objects it will be found that the person’s life changed for the worse at that point. (See Sections F. G. H. and I of HCOB 24 June 78R New Era Dianetics Series 5R Original Assessment Sheet.)

The auditor spots these points of change either on the Original Assessment Sheet or by asking the preclear. These points are then run Narrative R3RA Quad.

If the Narrative R3RA Quad does not clean it up fully one goes to the preassessment step of New Era Dianetics Series 4R and carries on from there, but do not do this until the narrative is fully handled.

In running such incidents narrative it will be found that the clue to erasure lies in locating earlier beginnings each time the pc has been moved through the incident. It will be found that the pc finds earlier and earlier moments when he received the information that then built up to a catastrophe. This can even go back to a dream or a telepathic awareness or a premonition that the incident was going to occur. Narrative erasures often depend utterly on finding, after each run through, if there was any earlier beginning.

If the incident starts to grind (no change of TA or content) despite having repeatedly searched for an earlier beginning only then do you go into an earlier narrative incident but do so with caution as most narratives expertly run will erase all by themselves and running a chain of deaths for instance can go back an awfully long way.

When all such great changes in a person’s life have been found and erased the person should experience a considerable sense of relief about life.

If he does not, then treat the narrative, even though handled as a narrative, as an original item and preassess it to find other running items connected with it and treat it with R3RA full handling. Also do this if the narrative grinds and there is trouble going earlier.

Narrative chains properly run produce dramatic and miraculous case changes.
