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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Level 0 Academy Checksheet - P780922-1 | Сравнить
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- Level 2 Academy Checksheet (HCA) - P780922-3RA82 | Сравнить
- Level 2 Academy Checksheet - P780922-3RA | Сравнить
- Level 2 Academy Checksheet - P780922-3RA82 | Сравнить
- Level 2 Academy Checksheet - P780922-3RC87 | Сравнить
- Level 3 Checksheet (Based On) - P780922-4R | Сравнить
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- Level 4 Checksheet - P780922-5RA82 | Сравнить
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RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- КЛ Уровень 0, ПСХ (ц) - И780922-1R82 | Сравнить
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(HRS) Hubbard Recognized Scientologist
Prerequisites: Study technology: Product: Certificate: Duration of course: Note: Section I: Orientation Section II: Books
(to be read until end of the course)
Section III: Charts and Scales Section IV: Codes Section V: Theory of Communication and Training Routines Section VI: The Communication Cycle in Auditing Section VII: What an auditor mustn’t do Section VIII: E-meter Drills and Data on the E-Meter Section IX: Data on F/Ns Section X: Indicators Section XI: Setting up the PC Section XII: Model Session and Rudiments Section XIII: The Auditor’s Admin Section XIV: Styles of Auditing Section XV: Mini List of Processes on Grade 0 Theory Completion of Student: A: Attestation of student: B: Exam: Auditing Section: Practical Reference:
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(Originally based on HCO PL 22 Sep 78RA Issue III)
Level 0 Checksheet
on the base of HCO PL 22 September 1978R I, revised 5 January 1982

(HRS) Hubbard Recognized Scientologist

This course contains knowledge which is vital for a succesful life.

(HCA) Hubbard Certified Auditor

NAME:_____________________ ORG:_______________

This course contains knowledge vital to successful living.

START:_____________________ COMPLETION:_____________________

NAME: ____________________________ ORG: ____________________

This Checksheet contains the knowledge vital for survival of Scientology technology from Level 0 and the levels below 0. It covers the technology dealing with “remembering” and “communication”.

START: __________________________COMPLETED: ____________________


This checksheet contains the vital survival knowledge of Scientology Level Two Technology. It covers the Technology, dealing with contra–survival acts of commission or omission ( „overts“ and „withholds“ )

  1. Student Hat
  • Any TRs Course, e.g. the course “Success through Communication”, the HAS Course (“How to achieve effective communication”) or TRs as taught on the coaudit course for the Survival Rundown, etc.
  • 1. Student Hat

    Study technology:

    2. Provisional Class I

    During all the course the whole of study technology should be applied. The items of the checksheet must be studied and drilled in the given order. This checksheet is done by going through the materials and the practicals once.

    3. Method 1 (recommended)

    The student must have a complete set of the Tech Volumes as reference material for the Academy levels as well as the “Dianetics and Scientology Technical Dictionary” which he should use in his daily studies.

    Study Technology:

    Full application of all study tech is to be used throughout this course. The items are to be studied and drilled in sequence. This checksheet is done one time through materials and practical.

    A Hubbard Recognized Scientologist, able to audit others standardly up to Grade 0 Communications Release.


    A Hubbard Certified Auditor who is able to standardly audit others to Grade II Relief Release.

    The completion of this checksheet entitles you to a certificate as “Hubbard Recognized Scientologist” (temporarily). The certificate is valid only for year and must then be validated by an internship.


    When you have completed your training up to Class IV you should go through your internship in this or a higher organization under the skilled guidance of technical experts. For a complete training as an auditor an internship is absolutely necessary. If you then can apply the processes of the Grade flublessly, you will get awarded the full certificate as Hubbard Recognized Scientologist (permanent).

    Completion of this checksheet entitles you to the certificate of Provisional HUBBARD CERTIFIED AUDITOR. A Provisional Cert is valid only for one year at which time it must be validated by Internship.

    Duration of course:

    When you have completed through to Class IV training, you should interne immediately in this organization or a higher org under the professional guidance of technical experts. An internship is absolutely necessary to full auditor training. When you can then apply the processes of the Grade flublessly you will be awarded your full Permanent Hubbard Certified Auditor Certificate.

    2-3 weeks full time study.

    Duration of the course:

    2 - 3 weeks full time

    On this course fast flow students don’t get star rate or twin checkouts. The student attests by signing the spaces besides a checksheet item with his name, stating he understands the data fully and can apply them. Drills have to be done fully and to the required result.

    Section I: Keeping Scientology working

    It is expected of the student that he, after having completed his academy levels up to Class IV, improves and refines his auditing skills on the Class IV Internship.

    Section I: Orientation

    1. * HCO PL 7.2.65 Keeping Scientology Working __________
    HCO PL 7 Feb 65
  • * HCO PL 17.6.70R Tech Degrades__________
  • HCO PL 22.11.67 Out Tech__________
  • _____________

    Section II: Books
    (to be read until end of the course)

    1. Dianetics 55!___________
  • Self Analysis___________
  • HCO PL 17 Jun 70R
  • Axioms and Logics, axioms 1-28___________
  • Problems of Work (Chapter 6: ARC)___________
  • _____________

    Section III: Charts and Scales

    1. HCOB 12.11.81RA Grade Chart for the Lower Grades modernized___________
  • HCO PL 23.10.80 II Chart of Abilities gained for the Expand Lower Levels and the Expanded Lower Grades, Section on Grade 0___________
  • HCO PL 22 Nov 67
  • 1980 The Classification, Gradation and Awareness Chart of Levels and Certificates, Section on the Class 0 auditor___________
  • Demo: The abilities gained on Grade 0___________
  • _____________
  • HCOB 25.9.71RB Tone Scale in full___________
  • HCOB 26.10.70 III Obnosis and the Tone Scale___________
  • Section II: Books

  • Drill: Obnosis Drill from paragraph 5 of the above HCOB___________
  • (To be studied by the end of the course if not studied previously.)
  • Drill: Drill “Obnosis and the Tone Scale” from paragraph 11 of the above HCOB___________
  • Section IV: Codes

    1. HCO PL 14.10.68RA Auditor’s Code________________
    2. Book
    3. Demo:Every point of the auditor’s Code________________

    Section V: Theory of Communication and Training Routines

    1. HCOB 24.12.79 Resurrection of the basics of TRs________________
    2. Clay Demo: Why one drills TRs________________
    3. Book: The Problems of work, Chapter 6: Affinity, Reality and Communication________________
    4. Clay Demo:
    5. Clay Demo: The ARC Triangle, showing how A, R and C relate to each other and lead to understanding________________
    6. The purpose of Scientology Ethics.
    7. Book: Dianetic 55!, Chapter 7: Communication________________
    8. _____________
    9. Clay Demo:
      1. Demonstrate the following in clay:
      2. Outflowing Communication________________
      3. Book
      4. Incoming Communication________________
      5. SCIENTOLOGY 0-8
      6. The definition of aberration________________
      7. _____________
      8. What may be the consequence of an incomplete communication cycle________________
      9. How duplication relates to a complete communication cycle________________
    10. HCOB 5.4.73R Axiom 28 amended________________
    11. Book:
    12. Clay Demo: The complete communication cycle and the result if it is applied fully________________
    14. HCOB 23.5.71R I The magic of the comm cycle________________
    15. _____________
    16. HCOB 16.8.71RA II TRs remodernized________________
    17. HCOB 30.3.73 I Step Four, Handling of Originations________________
    18. Drill: Drill the following TRs as per HCOB 16.8.71, each until pass from supervisor.
    19. Brochure:
    20. ______________
      1. OT TR 0 __________
      2. _____________
      3. TR 0 __________
      4. TR 0 BB__________
      5. Section III: Charts

      6. TR 1 __________
      7. TR 2 __________
      8. TR 2 S __________
      9. HCO PL 23 Oct 80 II
      10. TR 3 __________
      12. TR 4 __________

    Section VI: The Communication Cycle in Auditing

    1. HCOB 23.5.71R II The two parts of Auditing___________
    2. HCOB 30.4.71 The Auditing Communication Cycle___________
    3. 1980
    4. Tape Lecture 25.7.63 Comm Cycle in Auditing___________
    6. HCOB 14.8.63 Lecture charts (to be used together with above tape lecture)___________
    7. _____________
    8. Tape Lecture 6.7.63 Auditing Comm Cycle___________
    9. HCOB 23.5.71R IV Comm Cycles within the Auditing Cycle___________
    10. HCOB 23.5.71 V The communication Cycle in Auditing___________
    11. Demo:
    12. Demo: Each part of the auditing comm cycle___________
    13. The abilities gained for Grade II
    14. HCOB 6.11.64 Auditing Styles___________
    15. _____________
    16. Tape Lecture 20.8.63 The Itsa Line___________
    17. Tape lecture 21.8.63 The Itsa Line (continuation)___________
    18. Section IV: Codes

    19. HCOB 23.5.71 III The three important communication lines___________
    20. Drill: Drill listen style auditing, using the question “Do birds fly?”___________
    21. Tape Lecture 6.2.64 The Communication Cycle in Auditing___________
    22. HCO PL 14 Oct 68R
    23. HCOB 17.10.62 When the Auditor doesn’t understand___________
    25. Tape Lecture 28.4.64 Wisdom as an Auditor___________
    26. _____________
    27. HCOB 7.4.65 Premature Acknowledgments___________
    28. HCO PL 1.7.65 Comm Cycle Additives___________
    29. Demo: Three examples for comm cycle additives___________
    30. Clay Demo: The auditing comm cycle and what happens in the bank if it is applied___________
    31. THE CODE OF HONOR (from ”Scientology 0-8”)
    32. Tape Lecture 26.7.66 The Class Chart and Auditing___________
    33. _____________
    34. HCOB 1.10.63 How to get Tone Arm Action___________
    35. Demo: What causes Ton Arm Action and how it happens___________
    36. Word clear: “Terminal”___________
    37. Demo:
    38. Demo: Where you would look for terminals to be used in process commands___________
    39. Each point of the code of honor
    40. * HCOB 23.8.71 Auditor’s Rights___________

    Section VII: What an auditor mustn’t do

    1. HCOB 7.4.64 Q & A ___________
    2. Section V: Data about TRs

    3. HCOB 5.4.80 Q & A - The real Definition___________
    4. Demo: 3 examples for Q & A___________
    5. HCOB 3.8.65 Auditing errors, Blowdown interruption___________
    6. HCOB 16 Aug 71 RA II
    7. Demo: The effect on a PC if one interrupts a blow down___________
    9. HCOB 5.2.66 II“Let the PC Itsa”, The Correctly Trained Auditor___________

    Section VIII: E-meter Drills and Data on the E-Meter

    1. Book: The Book Introducing the E-Meter, page 1-32, 40-47 (You should have an E-Meter at hand while studying this book. Do the described actions with your E-Meter durch. If you have Mark VI, look in the “Owner’s Manual for Mark VI”.)___________
    2. Book: E-Meter Essentials, Chapter A___________
    3. HCOB 12 Nov 59
    4. Book: The Book of E-Meter Drills, Preface___________
    6. E-Meter-Drill 1.___________
    7. _____________
    8. E-Meter-Drill 2.___________
    9. E-Meter-Drill 3A (If you have a Mark VI, look in your “owner Manual for the Mark VI”)___________
    10. E-Meter-Drill 4 (If you have Mark VI, do EMD 4-1 from the “Owner’s Manual for the Mark VI”)___________
    11. HCOB 1 Oct 65R
    12. HCOB 11.5.69R E-Meter Trim Check___________
    13. MUTTER-TR
    14. Drill: Doing an E-Meter Trim Check___________
    15. _____________
    16. Buch: E-Meter Essentials, Chapter B,C and E___________
    17. E-Meter-Drill 5 RA (per HCOB 7.2.79R, E-Meter Drill 5RA)___________
    18. *
    19. HCOB 14.10.68 Meter Position...___________
    20. HCOB 21 Nov 73
    21. HCOB 23.5.71 IX Working with the E-Meter___________
    23. E-Meter-Drill 6___________
    24. _____________
    25. E-Meter-Drill 7___________
    26. HCOB 21.1.77RB Checklist for False Ton Arm___________
    27. Drill: Check for false ton arm, including the corrective measures you would do as a Level 0 Auditor___________
    28. HCOB 20 Nov 73 I
    29. E-Meter-Drill 8___________
    30. ANTI-Q&A-TR
    31. E-Meter-Drill 9___________
    32. _____________
    33. E-Meter-Drill 10___________
    34. Book: E-Meter Essentials, Kapitel F und J___________
    35. Section VI: TRs

    36. E-Meter-Drill 12___________
    37. On this section TRs 0-IV are re-drilled, using HCOB 16 Aug 71RA II, “TRAININGDRILLS REMODERNIZED”, with an eye to further polishing the students own natural TRs. The Mutter-TR and the Anti-Q&A-TR are done to a pass by the course supervisor.

    38. E-Meter-Drill 13___________
    39. E-Meter-Drill 18___________
    40. HCOB 5.8.78 Instant Reads___________
    41. OT TR 0
    42. E-Meter-Drill 19___________
    43. ___________
    44. E-Meter-Drill 20___________
    45. E-Meter-Drill 23___________
    46. TR 2½
    47. E-Meter-Drill24___________
    48. ___________
    49. HCOB 4.12.77 Checklist for setting up session and an E-Meter___________
    50. Drill: The complete actions for setting up a session as per above HCOB, until you can do it smoothly and with certainly___________

    Section IX: Data on F/Ns

    1. HCOB 21.7.78 What is a Floating Needle?___________
    2. TR 0
    3. HCOB 20.2.70 Floating Needles and End Fenomena___________
    4. ___________
    5. HCOB 8.10.70 Persistent F/N___________
    6. HCOB 10.12.76RB Scientology F/N and TA Position___________
    7. TR 3
    8. HCOB 7.3.75 Exteriorization and ending the Session___________

    Section X: Indicators

    1. HCOB 29.7.64 Good Indicators on lover Levels___________
    2. HCOB 3.5.80 Indicators on PCs___________
    3. Drill: Using “Do birds fly?” student and coach drill recognizing indicators, the coach plays various good and bad indicators, until student can recognize the indicator shown with ease___________
    TR 0 BB

    Section XI: Setting up the PC

    1. * HCOB 21.6.72 I Method 5___________
    2. *
    3. * HCOB 9.8.78 II Clearing Commands___________
    4. TR 4
    5. Drill: Clearing auditing commands, using the question “Do birds fly?”, until student can do this sertainty.___________
    6. ___________
    7. * HCOB 15.7.78R Scientology C/S-1___________
    8. Drill: Doing a Scientology C/S-1 with a doll, without bull-baiting and with bull-baiting, until student can do it with certainty___________
    9. * HCOB 7.8.78 Havingness, Finding and Running the Havingness Process of a PC___________
    10. Demo:
    11. TR 1
      1. The final definition of havingness___________
      2. ___________
      3. “No Havingness”___________
    12. Drill: Finding and auditing a havingness process___________

    Section XII: Model Session and Rudiments

    1. * HCOB 11.8.78 I Rudiments, Definition and Pattern___________
    2. Demo:
      1. ARC break___________
      2. PTP___________
      3. TR 2
      4. Missed Withhold___________
    3. Demo: A PC who is “in session”___________
    4. Drill: Handling each rud, going earlier/similar on each one, use different situations, until student can handle everything which comes up with ease___________
    5. Anti-Q&A-TR
    6. * HCOB 11.8.78 II Model Session___________
    7. ___________
    8. Drill: Doing the model session, using the process “Do birds fly?”.
    9. _____________
      1. without bull-baiting___________
      2. with bull-baiting___________

    Section VII: E-Meter Data

    Section XIII: The Auditor’s Admin

    1. HCOB 7.5.69 VI Summary on how to write up an Auditor’s Report etc.___________
    2. *
    3. BTB 6.11.72R III The Auditor’s C/S___________
    4. HCOB 25 May 62
    5. Drill: Write up completely, for an emagined session:
      1. one set of worksheets;
      2. _____________
      3. an auditr’s report,
      4. a summary report,
      5. the auditor’s C/S. Hand in everything to the supervisor___________
    HCOB 21 Jul 62

    Section XIV: Styles of Auditing

    1. HCOB 10.12.64 Listen Style Auditing___________
    2. _____________
    3. Demo: When to use a prompter and why it works___________
    4. Drill: Drill the use of prompters___________
    5. * HCOB 11.12.64 II Scientology 0, Processes___________
    6. HCOB 18 Mar 74R
    7. Clay Demo: The purpose of Level 0 and of Listen Style Auditing___________
    9. HCOB 23.6.80RA Checking questions on Grade Processes___________
    10. _____________
    11. Demo:
      1. The rule on checking routine questions and commands on Grade processes___________
      2. *
      3. How this applies to Grade 0 processes___________
    HCOB 20 Sep 78

    Section XV: Mini List of Processes on Grade 0

    1. HCOB 8.9.78R Mini List of Processes from Grade 0 to IV
      Study and drill:
    2. _____________
      1. No. 1 as per above HCOB___________
      2. No. 2 as per above HCOB___________
      3. No. 3 as per above HCOB___________
      4. HCOB 5 Aug 78
      5. No. 4 as per above HCOB___________

    Theory Completion of Student:

    A: Attestation of student:

    The following attestation has to be segned item for item before the student begins to audit Grade 0 processes.

    If the student has any doubts or reservations to attest any of the below points he should do a retread on this area.


    Only if the student has achieved these skills without any doubt he will get good results on Grade 0 Processes.

    What the meter reacts on

    I attest that:

    1. I know the study technology contained in the Student Hat and can apply it fully ___________
    2. I have applied the study technology out of the Student Hat during this course fully.___________
    3. I have read and understand the books “Dianetic 55!”, “Self Analysis”, “Axioms and Logics” (Axioms 1-28) and “The Problems of Work”, Chapter 6 “Affinity, Reality and Communication”___________
    4. Demo:
    5. I understand the E-Meter and know how to use it___________
    6. a) An instant read
    7. I have achieved good TRs 1-4 by drilling each TR to its EP___________
    8. _____________
    9. I can say with no reservstions that I have a good understanding of the theory of ARC and the theory of communication and that I can apply them___________
    10. I have mastered the steps of preparing an auditing session and can apply them ___________
    11. I understand the Scientology Auditing C/S-1 and can apply it.___________
    12. I understand the data on clearing commands and can apply them.___________
    13. b) When an FN is a read
    14. I am able to find and audit a havingness process.___________
    15. _____________
    16. I know the model session and can use it together with simple rudiment handling.___________
    17. I understand fully and can apply theeory and the rules regarding checking questions and commands of Grade processes.___________
    18. I understand listen style auditing and can do it.___________
    19. HCOB 12 Jun 61
    20. I understand the use of prompters and am able to apply them correctly.___________
    B: Exam:

    The student must fully pass an exam on the materials of this checksheet in the Qualification Division

    DIR. FOR VALIDITY:____________________________DATE:______________

    Auditing Section: Practical

    HCOB 17 May 69

    The student now is entitled to begin with student’s auditing of Grade 0 processes (and ARC Straightwire).


    Nobody may or can demand that the student audits processes which are above his level of training. If a case needs processes of a higher level, students of higher levels shall be ordered to audit these actions.


    HCOB 8 Sept. 78 RA, re-rev. 6.3.82, “Mini List of Processes of Grade 0 to IV”

    BTB 15. Nov. 76 I “Quadrupel Processes for Expanded Grades 0-IV, Part A, ARC Straightwire”


    BTB 15 Nov. 76 II, “Quadrupel Processes for Expanded Grades 0-IV, Part B, Grade 0 Processes”

    How to handle a dirty needle

    1. Audit at least one PC on every process of level 0 until the EP of each process and until

    _____________ HCOB 3 Sep 78 DEFINITION OF A ROCKSLAM _____________ * HCOB 10 Aug 76R ROCKSLAMS WHAT THEY MEAN _____________ * HCOB 20 Nov 73 II FN WHAT YOU ASK OR PROGRAM _____________ * HCOB 27 May 70 UNREADING QUESTIONS AND ITEMS _____________ HCOB 28 Feb 71 METERING READING ITEMS _____________ Write-up: CHECKING QUESTIONS ON GRADES PROCESSES _____________ Clear all misunderstoods in regards to what an instant read is with the help of the references mentioned in above article. _____________ Demo (to the supervisor) What is an instant read? What reads (size and point in time) are taken for a) rudiments, b) confessionals, c) correction lists, d) prepcheck subjects, e) L+N, f) Dianetics items. _____________

    Section VIII: E-Meter-Drills

    From the BOOK OF E-METER DRILLS. See also BTB 18 Jan 77R, ”BOOK OF E-METER DRILLS DELETION”) Note: On this section, pinksheets are given for any earlier E-Meter Drills needing improvement.

    EM 11 ___________ h) EM 18 ___________ EM 12 ___________ EM 19 ___________ EM 13 ___________ EM 20 ___________ EM 14 ___________ EM 21 ___________ EM 15 ___________ EM 23 ___________ EM 16 ___________ EM 26 ___________ EM 17 ___________ EM 27 ___________ _____________

    Section IX: Data on Auditing

    * HCOB 24 Aug 64 SESSION MUST-NOTS _____________ HCOB 17 Feb 74 MUTUAL OUT RUDS _____________

    Section X: Styles of Auditing

    * HCOB 21 Feb 66 DEFINITIONS PROCESSES _____________ HCOB 6 Nov 64 STYLES OF AUDITING, Level Two Section _____________ HCOB 30 May 60 DYNAMIC ASSESSMENT ON HELP _____________ Drill: Drill Guiding Style Auditing _____________

    Section XI: Theory of O / W

    HCOB 28 Jan 60 RESPONSIBILITY THE KEY TO ALL CASES _____________ Clay Demo: Responsibility _____________ HCOB 31 Dec 59 BLOW OFFS _____________ HCOB 8 Sep 64 OVERTS, WHAT LIES BEHIND THEM _____________ Demo: Why a pc would blow from auditing _____________ Tape 16 Jan 62 THE NATURE OF WITHHOLDS _____________ Tape 20 Feb 62 WHAT IS A WITHHOLD? _____________ Clay Demo: A Withhold _____________ HCOB 20 May 68 THE OVERT-MOTIVATOR SEQUENCE _____________ * Tape 3 Apr 62 THE OVERT-MOTIVATOR SEQUENCE _____________ Clay Demo: a) Overt _____________ b) Motivator _____________ c) Overt-Motivator-Sequence _____________ * HCOB 10 Jul 64 OVERTS: ORDER OF EFFECTIVENESS IN PROCESSING _____________ HCOB 12 Jul 64 MORE ON O/WS _____________ Demo: Why you would not run a pc on an out of ARC process _____________ * HCOB 8 Feb 62 MISSED WITHHOLDS _____________ Tape 22 May 62 MISSED WITHHOLDS _____________ Tape 1 Nov 62 THE MISSED MISSED WITHHOLD _____________ Clay Demo: A Missed Withhold and related phenomena _____________ * HCOB 12 Feb 62 HOW TO CLEAR WITHHOLDS AND MISSED WITHHOLDS _____________ * HCOB 22 Feb 62 WITHHOLDS MISSED AND PARTIAL _____________ HCOB 23 Jul 63 AUDITING-RUNDOWN, MISSED WITHHOLDS _____________ * HCOB 3 May 62R ARK-BREAKS, MISSED WITHHOLDS _____________ Demo: The 15 Manifestations of Missed Withholds. _____________ HCOB 31 Jan 70 WITHHOLDS OTHER PEOPLE’S _____________ Demo: The handling of a pc who gives off other people’s withholds. _____________ HCOB 29 Sep 65 II THE CONTINUOUS OVERT ACT _____________ Clay Demo: Why committing continuous overt acts prevents case gain _____________ Tape 2 Jul 64 OVERT/WITHHOLD, MODERNIZED AND REVISED _____________ Drill: Handling missed Withholds using various examples of the 15 manifestations of missed withhold, till the student can do it smoothly and effectively. _____________ HCOB 17 Apr 77 RECURRING WITHHOLDS AND OVERTS _____________

    Section XII: Confessional-Procedure and security checks

    * HCOB 10 May 72 ROBOTISM _____________ HCOB 21 Jan 60 I JUSTIFICATION _____________ Demo: Justification and how it comes about _____________ Tape 4 Oct 61 MORAL CODES - WHAT IS A WITHHOLD? _____________ Clay Demo: How to sec check against a moral code and why this is done _____________ Tape 5 Oct 61 SEC CHECKING TYPES OF WITHHOLDS _____________ Tape 2 Nov 61 HOW TO SECURITY CHECK _____________ HCOB 19 Oct 61 SEC-CHECK-QUESTIONS MUST BE NULLED _____________ Demo: What happens to the pc if a confessional question is left unflat _____________ * HCOB 16 Nov 61 SECURITY CHECKING GENERALITIES WON’T DO _____________ HCOB 29 Mar 65 ARK-BREAKS _____________ Demo: What happens if you accept a generality from a pc on a confessional question _____________ HCOB 11 Jan 62 SECURITY CHECKING TWENTY–TEN THEORY _____________ Tape 26 Oct 61 SEC-CHECKING AUDITING ERRORS _____________ HCOB 1 Nov 74RA ROCKSLAMS AND ROCKSLAMMERS _____________ Demo: The difference between someone who has R/Ses and a Rockslammer. _____________ HCOB 1 Mar 77 II CONFESSIONAL-FORMs _____________ HCOB 7 May 77 LONG DURATION SEC CHECKING _____________ HCO PL 7 Dec 76 LEAVING AND LEAVES _____________ Tape 3 May 62 CRAFTSMANSHIP – FUNDAMENTALS _____________ HCOB 6 Sep 78 FOLLOWING UP ON DIRTY NEEDLES _____________ Tape 23 May 62 FISH AND FUMBLE _____________ Drill Following up on a dirty needle _____________ * HCOB 30 Nov 78 CONFESSIONAL PROCEDURE _____________ Drill Using ”Have you ever eaten an apple?” a) Clearing the question. _____________ b) Taking a confessional question to F/N. _____________ c) Pulling a missed W/H, to F/N _____________ d) Compartmenting a question. (Ref. Tape 5.10.61 Sec Checking; Types of Withholds, HCOB 25.5.62 E-Meter Instant Reads, HCOB 28.9.61 HCO WW Security Forms 7A and 7B Employment Sec Check ) _____________ e) Helping a pc who needs help _____________ f) Handling a pc who is trying to get off motivators, justifications or someone else’s withholds. _____________ g) Handling a pc who is misdirecting the auditor. _____________ h) Pc nattering _____________ i) Pc ARC Breaking. _____________ j) Applying the buttons, as necessary, to a confessional question. _____________ k) Handling a dirty needle. _____________ l) Confessional Procedure, handling a variety of situations. _____________ The above drills are to be done unbullbaited and bullbaited until the student can handle Confessional Procedure comfortably and with confidence. Drill: Twenty-Ten Theory (Doll drill/Coach) _____________ * HCOB 28 Sep 61 HCO WW SECURITY FORMS 7A AND 7B EMPLOYMENT SEC CHECK _____________ Drill: Security Forms 7A und 7B _____________ HCOB 10 Nov 78R I PROCLAMATION – POWER TO FORGIVE _____________ HCOB 10 Nov 78R-1 II PROCLAMATION – POWER TO FORGIVE, ADDITION _____________ Drill: Handling various adverse reactions to the Proclamation of Forgiveness. _____________

    Theory Completion of Student:

    A: Attestation of student:

    The following attestation has to be signed item for item before the student begins to audit Grade II processes. If the student has any doubts or reservations to attest any of the below points he should do a retread on this area. Only if the student has achieved these skills without any doubt he will get good results on Grade II Processes.

    I attest that:

    a) I know the study technology contained in the Student Hat and can apply it fully. b) I have applied the study technology out of the Student Hat during this course fully. ______________ c) I have read and understand the books ”Introduction to Scientology Ethics, the Book of Case Remedies, Scientology 0- 8, and E-Meter Essentials. ______________ d) I understand the E-Meter and know how to use it ______________ e) I know and can recognize an Instant Read on the meter ______________ f) I know and can recognize the difference between a dirty needle and a Rock Slam ______________ g) I know how to follow up on and clean a dirty needle ______________ h) I have acquired good TRs 0 – IV by drilling each. ______________ i) I understand Q and A and can audit Level II skills without Q and A ______________ j) I understand and can run O/W Processes and able to find and audit a havingness process. ______________ k) I have a good grasp of withhold and missed withhold tech, and I am able to pull withholds and missed withholds ______________ l) I understand and can do confessionals ______________ m) I understand the theory and rules regarding checking the grades processes for read and can apply them ______________
    B. Exam:

    The student must fully pass an exam on the materials of this checksheet in the Qualification Division

    Dir for Validity: _____________________________________________Date: _________________

    Auditing Section: Practical

    The student now is entitled to begin with student’s auditing of Grade II processes.

    Nobody may or can demand that the student audits processes, which are above his level of training. If a case needs processes of a higher level, students of higher levels shall be ordered to audit these actions

    See: BTB 15 Nov. 76 II, ”Quadruple Processes for Expanded Grades 0-IV, Part D, Grade II Processes” and HCOB 7. March 82, ” CONFESSIONALS INCLUDED IN EXPANDED GRADE 2 PROCESSES

    From the prospective auditor is expected that he drills and understands every process of grade II before he goes in session (see HCOB 4 Jul 62 COACHLESS TRAINING USE OF A DOLL)

    Audit at least one pc on each of the processes of Level II to the EP of each process and the attainment of the Ability Gained for the level or produce consistent well done auditing hours in the style of auditing taught on Level II to a definite good pc result (remarkable case change) ______________ Audit at least one pc on a confessional (as auditing action) to successful completion ______________ Get any errors or misunderstandings on successfully applying grade II processes reviewed and corrected.


    I attest that I have successfully fulfilled the auditing requirements for certification on level 0, as given above.

    Student Attest: _____________________________________________Date: _________________

    I attest this student has successfully fulfilled the level II auditing requirements for certification, as given above, and has demonstrated his competence in auditing the style of this level.

    Supervisor Attest: ________________________________________­___Date: _________________

    Student Course Completion

    I have completed the requirements of this checksheet and know and can apply the materials.

    Student Attest: _____________________________________________Date: _________________

    I have trained this student to the best of my abilities and he/she has completed the requirements of this checksheet and knows and can apply the checksheet data.

    Supervisor Attest: ________________________________________­___Date: _________________

    Student Attest at C&A

    I attest:

    a) I have enrolled properly on the course.

    b) I have paid for the course.

    c) I have studied and understand all the materials of this checksheet.

    d) I have done all the drills on this checksheet.

    e) I can produce the results required in the materials of this course

    Student Attest: _____________________________________________Date: _________________

    C&A: ____________________________________________________Date: _________________

    Student informed by Qual Sec of C&A:

    I hereby attest that I have informed the student that to make his provisional certificate permanent he will have to be interned within one year.

    Qual Sec or C & A: _________________________________________ Date: _________________

    Certs & Awards

    Certificate of Hubbard Certified Auditor (Class II) (provisional) issued.

    C & A: ___________________________________________________ Date: _________________

    (Route this form to Course Admin for filing in Student’s folder.)