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CONTENTS POLICY LETTERS FOR YEAR 1961 Cохранить документ себе Скачать


  1. Address Unit (excerpt from Pattern of a Central Org) (DIV1.ADDR) - P610214
  2. Basic Staff Auditors Hat - P610320-2
  3. Case Files - P610130
  4. Choosing PE and Registration Personnel (DIV1.DEP1.PERS-PLACE) - P610221-2
  5. Class of Auditors - P611129
  6. Current Office Work (DIV1.DEP2.COM-SYS) - P610530
  7. Curriculum For Clearing Courses - P610912
  8. D of P Form - Check Type One - P610425
  9. Despatch Lines (DIV1.DEP2.COM-SYS) - P610921
  10. Directives from a Board Member (DIV1.DEP2.HCOB-PL-ED) - P610223
  11. Director of Processings Case Checking Hat - P610331
  12. Distribution of Bulletin Change (DIV1.DEP2.HCOB-PL-ED) - P610323
  13. Duties of HCO (DIV1.HCO) - P610109
  14. Friday Cables (DIV1.TELEX) - P611007
  15. Goals Goofs - P610405
  16. HCO Continental (DIV1.HCO) - P610217
  17. HCO Standing Orders (extr) (DIV1.HCO) - P611218
  18. HCO WW Security Form 5A - P611100
  19. HCO WW Security Form 7A - P610913
  20. HGC Allowed Processes (Cancelled - See 385) - P610824
  21. HGC Allowed Processes - P610929
  22. HGC Pre-Processing Security Check - P611023
  23. How to Confess in HCO (DIV1.HCO) - P610530
  24. How to Do a Staff Job (HATS) - P610411
  25. Johannesburg Security Check - P610407
  26. Message Placement (DIV1.DEP2.COM-SYS) - P610131
  27. Mimeo and File Procedure (DIV1.DEP2.HCOB-PL-ED) - P610320
  28. Non-Scientology Staff (0.STAFF-ORIENT) - P611220RA67
  29. OIC Board (DIV1.DEP3.OIC) - P610408
  30. Only Valid Security Check - P610522
  31. Organization rudiments (DIV1.DEP3.ORG-RUDS) - P611211
  32. Outside Pcs of Staff Members (DIV1.DEP3.GEN-REG) - P610227
  33. Pattern of Central Organization (DIV1.HCO) - P610214-P621220
  34. Permanent Staff Member Requirement Changes - P610213
  35. Permanent Staff Requirement Changes (DIV1.DEP1.STAFF-STATUS) - P610213
  36. Personnel Polices - Staff Post Qualifications - Permanent Executives to be Approved (DIV1.DEP1.STAFF-STATUS) - P610328
  37. Personnel Procurement (DIV1.DEP1.RECRUT) - P610214
  38. Private Mail and Telephone Calls (DIV1.DEP2.MAIL-TEL) - P610804
  39. Problems Intensive for Staff Clearing - P611010
  40. Processing Security Check - P610707-2
  41. Qualification of Executives (DIV1.DEP1.STAFF-STATUS) - P610226
  42. Quality Counts (0.STAFF-ORIENT) - P610526i67
  43. Quality and Admin in Central Orgs (KSW-3, 0.STAFF-ORIENT) - P610529
  44. Routine 3D - P611114
  45. Rudiment Check Sheet for Orgs (DIV1.DEP3.ORG-RUDS) - P611215
  46. Scientology Students Security Check - P610629
  47. Spheres of Influence (DIV1.HCO) - P610131
  48. Staff Auditor Training (DIV1.DEP1.PERS-PLACE) - P610313
  49. State of Emergency (DIV1.HCO) - P610217-2
  50. Technical Hat Checking Vital policy for HCO Area Sec (DIV1.HATS) - P610609
  51. Types of Letters Established (DIV1.DEP2.HCOB-PL-ED) - P610204
  52. Urgent Mimeo Change (DIV1.DEP2.HCOB-PL-ED) - P610104