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CONTENTS POLICY LETTERS FOR YEAR 1964 Cохранить документ себе Скачать


  1. Address Changes for WW (DIV1.ADDR) - P640110
  2. Address Lists to City Offices (DIV1.ADDR) - P641221
  3. Addressograph Equipment Warning (DIV1.ADDR) - P641031
  4. Anatomy of the Human Mind Course (HCOIL) - P640902
  5. Cancellation of P641105 (DIV1.PTS) - P690221
  6. Case Supervisor (Excerpt) - P640124
  7. Changes of Address to HCO WW - Founding Scientologists (DIV1.ADDR) - P640924
  8. Clay Table Use - P640928
  9. Comm Baskets (DIV1.DEP2.COM-SYS) - P640209
  10. Corrections to HCO Policy Letters (DIV1.PTS) - P641105
  11. Enrolment on Self Determinism (DIV1.PTS) - P640210R67
  12. Equipment of Organizations (0.EQUIP-SUPPLIES) - P640215
  13. Excerpts from P641109,26 For Staff Hats (DIV1.DEP3.GEN-REG, 0.STAFF-ORIENT) - P650329
  14. Good Indicators at Lower Levels - P640729
  15. Good Workers (0.STAFF-ORIENT) - P640810
  16. HGC Allowed Processes - P640318
  17. Instruction and Examination - Raising the Standard of - P640924
  18. Mailing Lists for Franchise Holders (DIV1.ADDR) - P641030
  19. New Mimeo Line - HCO Executive Letter (DIV1.DEP2.HCOB-PL-ED) - P640401
  20. Offline and Offpolicy - Your Full In Basket (DEVT) - P641117
  21. Organization Posts - Two Types (RIS-19, 0.COM) - P640622
  22. Policies on Physical Healing, Insanity and PTSs (DIV1.PTS) - P641027i67
  23. Policies on Physical Healing, Insanity and Troublesome Sources (DIV1.PTS) - P641027
  24. Processes - P641211
  25. Q and A - P640407
  26. Scientology Courses - P640410
  27. Staff Auditors (DIV1.DEP1.PERS-PLACE) - P640821
  28. Staff Regulations - Auditing versus Job (0.STAFF-ORIENT) - P640221
  29. Stickers for PABs Wanted (DIV1.ADDR) - P641020
  30. Styles of Auditing (No Ending) - P641106
  31. Theory Check-Out Data (STUDY) - P641004i67
  32. Theory Testing - Expiration Dates - P640512
  33. Transport Arrangements (DIV1.TRANSP) - P641115
  34. Two Types of People (HCOIL) - P640402
  35. Understanding and Tape Lectures - P640916
  36. Use of Dianetics, Scientology, Applied Philosophy (DIV1.HCO) - P641231