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CONTENTS LECTURES FOR YEAR 1952 Cохранить документ себе Скачать


  1. 8-8008 - Understanding the Phenomena (PDC-34) - L521211a
  2. 8-8008 Continued, Time and Space (CoT-02) - L521112
  3. ARC, Force, Be-Have-Do (PDC-23) - L521208c
  4. ARC-Cycles - Theory and Automaticity (PDC-21) - L521208a
  5. Aberated Thought, Simplicity of Data, Invalidation, Counter Effort (T88-4a) - L520626a
  6. About Press Tone Level - Psychometry (PDC-58) - L521218a
  7. Analysis of Memory and Human Abberation, Part I (HCL-25) - L520325a(511126)
  8. Analysis of Memory and Human Aberration, Part II (HCL-26) - L520325b
  9. Anatomy of Maybe (T88-1a) - L520623a
  10. Anatomy of Processing - Energy Phenomena-Sensation (PDC-09) - L521203b
  11. Anatomy of the Genetic Entity (PDC-33) - L521210e
  12. Anatomy of the Theta Body (HCL-21) - L520416a
  13. Appendix 6 - Dianetic Jingles (T80) - L520522
  14. Appendix I. Booklet 18 - Entities (Complete) (HCL-18a) - L520310e
  15. Appendix J. Booklet 25 - Analysis of Memory and Abberation I (HCL) - L520417
  16. Appendix K. Booklet 26 - Analysis of Memory and Abberation II (HCL) - L520417
  17. Appendixes A-I (HCL) - L520417
  18. Assessment of PC - the Dymanics - Be, Do, Have (CoT-10) - L521120B
  19. Attack on the Preclear (HCL-08) - L520306b
  20. Auditing Facsimile One (Demo Session) (HCL-06 Spec) - L520305d
  21. Axioms and How They Apply to Auditing (HCL-03) - L520304a
  22. Axioms and Logics - Further Data (PDC-19) - L521206a
  23. Be, Have and Do, Part I (SMU-3, LS-4a, OTC-15, NL-5) - L521114a
  24. Be, Have and Do, Part II (SMU-4, LS-4b, OTC-16, NL-6) - L521114b
  25. Behavior of Energy as It Applies to Thought Flows (T88 Supp 2a) - L520724a
  26. Beingness (T80-1a) - L520519a
  27. Chart of Attitudes - Rising Scale Processing (PDC-37) - L521211d
  28. Chart of Havingness (PDC-59) - L521218b
  29. Concept Running (T88-2c) - L520624c
  30. Conditions of Space-Time-Energy (PDC-18) - L521205c
  31. Confusion (T88-5a) - L520627a
  32. Continued Demonstration Step IV (PDC-57) - L521217d
  33. Control of the Individual by an Unknown Sound (CoT-07) - L521119A
  34. Creative Processing (CoT-06) - L521117B
  35. Creative Processing - Demo of E-Meter Auditing (PDC-03) - L521201c
  36. Creative Processing Handling Illusions (CoT-09) - L521120A
  37. Cycles of Action (PDC-16) - L521205a
  38. DEI Scale (PDC-35) - L521211b
  39. Decision (T80-2a) - L520520a
  40. Decision - Cause and Effect (T80-2b) - L520520b
  41. Definitions of Dianetics and Scientology, other Philosophies (CoT-01) - L521110
  42. Demo - Effort, Counter-Effort, Straightwire (HCL-14) - L520309b
  43. Demonstration of E-Meter (HCL-02a) - L520303c
  44. Demonstration on Step 1 (Cont.) (PDC-55) - L521217b
  45. Development of Scientology - Characteristics of Living Science (PDC-45) - L521213d
  46. Discovery of Facsimile One (HCL-05a Spec) - L520304c
  47. Discussion of Demo Above - Agreement With Flows (PDC-56) - L521217c
  48. E-Meter - Demo (PDC-02) - L521201b
  49. E-Meter Behavior Versus Flow Lines and Patterns (T88 Supp 2b) - L520724b
  50. Effort and Counter-Effort (HCL-07) - L520306a
  51. Electropsychometric Scouting - Battle of the Universes (HCL-Spec) - L520400
  52. Emotion (HCL-06) - L520305b
  53. Entities (Demo Cont.) (HCL-18) - L520310d
  54. Facsimiles How to Handle Recordings (HCL-09) - L520307a
  55. Flows - Basic Agreements and Prove It (PDC-31) - L521210c
  56. Flows - Characteristics of (PDC-26) - L521209c
  57. Flows - Dispersal and Ridges (PDC-32) - L521210d
  58. Flows - Pattern of Interaction (PDC-29) - L521210a
  59. Flows - Rates of Change, Relative Size, Anchor Points (PDC-30) - L521210b
  60. Flows - Reverse Vector of Physical Universe (PDC-25) - L521209b
  61. Flows - the Part Force Bears in Clearing (PDC-27) - L521209d
  62. Flows - the Part Space Bears in Clearing (PDC-28) - L521209e
  63. Force As Homo Sapiens and As Thetan, Responsibility (SMU-2, LS-2-3, OTC-12-13) - L521107
  64. Formative State of Scientology - Definition of Logic (PDC-20) - L521206b
  65. Game Processing (PDC-39) - L521212a
  66. Games-Goals (PDC-40) - L521212b
  67. Goals - Rehabilitation of Thetan, Case Step 1 (PDC-46) - L521213e
  68. Gradient Scales of Handling Space, Energies and Objects (PDC-05) - L521202b
  69. How to Audit a Theta Line, Parts I and II (HCL-22) - L520416b
  70. How to Search For Incidents on the Track, Part I (HCL-27) - L520416c
  71. How to Search For Incidents on the Track, Part II (HCL-27a) - L520416d
  72. How to Talk About Scientology (PDC-60) - L521218c
  73. How to Talk to Friends About Scientology (PDC-61) - L521218d
  74. Identification and the Theta Body (T88-5b) - L520627b
  75. Indoctrination in the Use of the Emeter (HCL-12,12a) - L520308b
  76. Indoctrination of the Preclear (HCL-10) - L520307b
  77. Locks, Secondaries, Engrams - How to Handle Them (PDC-04) - L521202a
  78. Logics - Infinity-Valued Logic (PDC-15) - L521204e
  79. Logics - Methods of Thinking (PDC-14) - L521204d
  80. Logics 1-7 (LAL-2) - L521110b
  81. Logics 7-9 and 10-23 (LAL-4) - L521112c
  82. Logics and Axioms - Introduction (LAL-0) - L521110
  83. Main and Sub-Theta Line (HOM-2, TTT-2, HCL-19b) - L520310g
  84. Mechanics of Aberation (T88-1c) - L520623c
  85. Memory (Not Human Memory) (PDC-52) - L521216b
  86. Memory and Automaticity (PDC-53) - L521216c
  87. Methods of Research - Thetan As an Energy Unit (NL-1) - L521106
  88. Methods of Research - Thetan As an Energy Unit (SMU-1, NL-1, LS-1-3, OTC-11-13) - L521106
  89. More on Automaticity (PDC-22) - L521208b
  90. Motion and Maybes (T88-2a) - L520624a
  91. Necessity to Know Terminology and Law (LAL-3) - L521112a
  92. On Auditing - How to Succeed-Fail, Assess (PDC-43) - L521213b
  93. Opening - What Is to Be Done in Course (PDC-01) - L521201a
  94. Organization of Data (HOM-1, TTT-1, HCL-19a) - L520310f
  95. Outline of Technique 80 (T80-1b) - L520519b
  96. Outline of Technique 80 Cont (T80-1c) - L520519c
  97. Outline of Therapy (HCL-02) - L520303b
  98. Overt Acts, Motivators and DEDs (T88-3b) - L520625b
  99. Overt Acts, Motivators and DEDs, Continued (T88-3c) - L520625c
  100. Principal Incidents on the Theta Line (HOM-4, TTT-4, HCL-20b) - L520310i
  101. Q - Highest Level of Knowledge (PDC-06) - L521202c
  102. Q List and Beginning of Logics (LAL-1) - L521110a
  103. Questions and Answers (T88-7b) - L520628
  104. Resolution of Effort and Counter-Effort Overt (HCL-11) - L520308a
  105. Responsibility (CoT-08) - L521119B
  106. Review of Progress of Dianetics and Dianetics Business (HPC-1) (2) - L520225а
  107. Review of Progress of Dianetics and Dianetics Business (HPC-1) - L520225a
  108. Rising Scale Processing (PDC-38) - L521211e
  109. Role of Earth (SOP-8A, NL-7) - L521030
  110. Running Effort and Counter-Effort (HCL-17) - L520310b
  111. SOP - Assessment (Cont.) (PDC-44) - L521213c
  112. SOP Issue 3 - Postulate, Creative Process (PDC-41) - L521212c
  113. SOP Issue 5 (PDC-47) - L521215a
  114. SOP Issue 5 (PDC-51) - L521216a
  115. SOP Spacation (Cont.) (PDC-49) - L521215c
  116. SOP Spacation (PDC-48) - L521215b
  117. SOP Spacation Step 3, Flow Processing (PDC-50) - L521215d
  118. Sacation - Energy, Particles and Time (PDC-11) - L521204a
  119. Scientology Milestone One (HCL-01) - L520303a
  120. Self-Determinism and Creation of Universes (CoT-05) - L521117A
  121. Self-Determinism and Creation of Universes (SMU-5, LS-5, LPC-6) - L521116
  122. Spacation - Anchor Points, Origin (PDC-13) - L521204c
  123. Spacation - Locating, Space, Time (PDC-12) - L521204b
  124. Specific Parts of Self-Determinism, Spacation (PDC-10) - L521203c
  125. Standard Operating Porcedure Issue 2, Part 1 (CoT-03) - L521114A
  126. Standard Operating Porcedure Issue 2, Part 2 (CoT-04) - L521114B
  127. Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) (PDC-42) - L521213a
  128. Standard Process of 88 - Lecture I (T88 Supp 3b) - L520807b
  129. Standard Process of 88 - Lecture II (T88 Supp 3c) - L520807c
  130. Straightwire - Technique 88 (T88 Supp 3a) - L520807a
  131. Structure-Function - Selective Variation of (PDC-36) - L521211c
  132. Success of Dianetics (HCL-17a) - L520310c
  133. Summary of Aberrative Incidents (HPC-2) - L520225b
  134. Summary to Date - Handling Step 1 and Demo (PDC-54) - L521217a
  135. T88 and the Whole Track (T88-4b) - L520626b
  136. T88 and the Whole Track, Continued (T88-4c) - L520626c
  137. Theory of the Origin of MEST (T88-1b) - L520623b
  138. Therapy Continued (T80-3c) - L520521c
  139. Therapy Section of Technique 80, Part I (T80-3a) - L520521a
  140. Therapy Section of Technique 80, Part II (T80-3b) - L520521b
  141. Theta Bodies (HCL-23) - L520415
  142. Theta Body Demonstration (HCL-Demo) - L520416e
  143. Theta and Genetic Lines (T88-5c) - L520627c
  144. Theta and Genetic Lines of Earth (HOM-3, TTT-3, HCL-20a) - L520310h
  145. Thetan Creates By Postulates - Q2 (PDC-07) - L521202d
  146. Thought and Preclears (HCL-05) - L520305a
  147. Thought, Emotion and Effort (HCL-04) - L520304b
  148. Thought, Emotion and Effort and Counter-Effort (HCL-13) - L520309a
  149. Tone Scale - Moving the Pc Up the Scale (PDC-17) - L521205b
  150. Tone Scale and Attention Unit Behaviour (T88-2b) - L520624b
  151. Track of Thetan-Ge, Space-Time (PDC-08) - L521203a
  152. Training Auditors - the Anatomy of FAC One (HCL-16) - L520310a
  153. Training Auditors - the Anatomy of Facsimilie One (HCL-15) - L520309c
  154. Validation and Invalidation (T88-3a) - L520625a
  155. Wavelengths of ARC (T80-1d) - L520519d
  156. Whats Wrong With This Universe - a Working Package For the Auditor (PDC-24) - L521209a
  157. Whole Track Facsimiles (HCL-06a) - L520305c
  158. Your Own Case - to You, the Student (PDC-62) - L521218e