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CONTENTS LECTURES FOR YEAR 1958 Cохранить документ себе Скачать


  1. ACC Command Sheet - Goals of Auditing (20ACC-21) - L580728
  2. ACC Command Sheet, cont. (20ACC-22) - L580729
  3. ACC Command Sheet, cont. 2 (20ACC-23) - L580730
  4. ACC Procedure Outlined (20ACC-03) - L580715A
  5. ACC Procedure Outlined - Q and A (20ACC-04) - L580715B
  6. ACC Training Procedure (20ACC-09) - L580718A
  7. ACC Training Procedure - Q and A (20ACC-10) - L580718B
  8. ARC (20ACC-29) - L580805
  9. Anatomy of Needles - Diagnostic Procedure (20ACC-17) - L580724A
  10. Anatomy of Needles - Q and A (20ACC-18) - L580724B
  11. Anatomy of Special Effect Cases (20ACC-15) - L580723A
  12. Appendix (20ACC) - L580816
  13. Auditor Interest (20ACC-33) - L580808A
  14. Bank Out of Control and Its Stabilization (19ACC-3) - L580122
  15. Beginning and Ending Session (20ACC-07) - L580717A
  16. Beginning and Ending Session - Q and A (20ACC-08) - L580717B
  17. CCH-0, SCS, Connectedness (19ACC-14) - L580206
  18. Case Analysis - Rock Hunting (20ACC-25) - L580801A
  19. Case Analysis - Rock Hunting, cont. (20ACC-26) - L580801B
  20. Case Analysis - Rock Hunting, cont. 2 (20ACC-27) - L580804A
  21. Case Analysis - Rock Hunting, cont. 3 (20ACC-28) - L580804B
  22. Clear Procedure - Q and A Period (19ACC-6A) - L580127A
  23. Clear Procedure - What It Is You Clear, Something and Nothing (19ACC-6) - L580127
  24. Clear Procedure II - Man the Animal and Man the God (19ACC-7) - L580128
  25. Clear Procedure II - Q and A Period - Handling the PT Problem (19ACC-7A) - L580128A
  26. Clear Procedure III - One Clear Procedure (19ACC-8) - L580129
  27. Clear Procedure III - Q and A (19ACC-8A) - L580129A
  28. Clear Procedure IV - Q and A, Space (19ACC-9A) - L580130A
  29. Clear Procedure IV - Test for Clears (19ACC-9) - L580130
  30. Clear Procedure V - Importance of Theory Behind Clearing Procedure (19ACC-10) - L580131
  31. Clear Procedure V - Q and A (19ACC-10A) - L580131A
  32. Clear Procedure VI (19ACC-11) - L580203
  33. Clear Procedure VI - Q and A Period (19ACC-11A) - L580203A
  34. Clear Procedure VII - How to Find a Preclear, Responsibility and Help (19ACC-12) - L580204
  35. Clear Procedure VII - Q and A Period (19ACC-12A) - L580204A
  36. Clear Procedure VIII - Q and A Period (19ACC-13A) - L580205A
  37. Clear Procedure VIII - the Basic Approach to Clearing, Finding the Auditor (19ACC-13) - L580205
  38. Clear Procedure, CCH 0, Help (CC-5) - L580705B
  39. Clear Procedure, Creativeness (CC-6) - L580705C
  40. Clearing Fields (19ACC-4) - L580123
  41. Conduct of Clear (19ACC-16) - L580210
  42. Confronting (LCC-03) - L581018C
  43. Confusion and Order (LCC-05) - L581020B
  44. Course Procedure Outlined (20ACC-05) - L580716A
  45. Course Procedure Outlined - Q and A (20ACC-06) - L580716B
  46. E-Meter (19ACC-1A) - L580120A
  47. E-Meter - Identification and Association (19ACC-5) - L580124
  48. Fact of Clearing (CC-1) - L580704A
  49. Factors of Clearing (CC-2) - L580704B
  50. Four Universes (19ACC-1) - L580120
  51. Freedoms of Clear (CC-3) - L580704C
  52. Future of Scientology and Western Civilization (LCC-06) - L581020C
  53. Havingness, Anaten, Flows - in Relation to Clearing (19ACC-18) - L580212
  54. Help - How to Get Started (19ACC-15) - L580207
  55. Intensive Procedure (19ACC-2) - L580121
  56. Introduction (LCC) - L581017
  57. Key Processes of Clearing (19ACC-17) - L580211A
  58. Key-Words (Buttons) of Scientology Clearing (20ACC-11) - L580721A
  59. Key-Words - Q and A (20ACC-12) - L580721B
  60. Most Basic Rock of All (20ACC-31) - L580807A
  61. Most Basic Rock of All - Q and A (20ACC-32) - L580807B
  62. Opening Lecture (20ACC-01) - L580714A
  63. Opening Lecture - Q and A (20ACC-02) - L580714B
  64. Other Processes - the Help Button (19ACC-19) - L580213
  65. Prerequisites to Auditing (CC-4) - L580705A
  66. Q and A (19ACC-14A) - L580206A
  67. Q and A Period (19ACC-17A) - L580211
  68. Q and A Period (19ACC-19A) - L580213A
  69. Q and A Period (19ACC-2A) - L580121A
  70. Q and A Period (19ACC-3A) - L580122A
  71. Q and A Period - Clearing the Command (20ACC-20) - L580725B
  72. Q and A Period - Help, Clearing a Command (19ACC-16A) - L580210A
  73. Q and A Period - Postulates, Flows, Clearing (19ACC-18A) - L580212A
  74. Q and A Period - Present Time Problem (19ACC-20A) - L580214A
  75. Q and A Period - Step 6, Clearing Children (19ACC-5A) - L580124A
  76. Q and A Period and Group Processing (19ACC-15A) - L580207A
  77. Q and A Period plus Comments (19ACC-4A) - L580123A
  78. Requisites and Fundamentals of a Session (20ACC-34) - L580808B
  79. Responsibility for Mock-Ups (19ACC-20) - L580214
  80. Rock (20ACC-13) - L580722A
  81. Rock (LCC-04) - L581020A
  82. Rock - Its Anatomy (20ACC-30) - L580806
  83. Rock - Putting the PC at Cause (20ACC-19) - L580725A
  84. Rock - Q and A Period (20ACC-14) - L580722B
  85. Running the Case and the Rock (20ACC-24) - L580731
  86. Scientology Clear Procedure - Issue One (19ACC Appendix) - L580215
  87. Skill of Clearing (LCC-02) - L581018B
  88. Special Effect Cases - Q and A (20ACC-16) - L580723B
  89. Story of Dianetics and Scientology (LCC-01) - L581018A
  90. Summary (20ACC-35) - L580815