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CONTENTS TECH BULLETINS FOR YEAR 1977 Cохранить документ себе Скачать


  1. Art and Communication (ART-05) - B770926
  2. Checklist for Setting Up a Session - B771204
  3. Confessional Forms - B770301-2
  4. False TA Checklist - B770121RB80
  5. False TA Data - B770130R80
  6. Foreword of Expanded Dianetics Course - B770509
  7. Formulating Confessional Questions - B770301-3
  8. Gambler (XDN-25) - B770316
  9. How to Win with Wordclearing (WCS-55) - B770110
  10. Jokers and Degraders (CSS-100) - B770205
  11. List Errors, Correction of - B770411
  12. Long Duration Sec Checking - B770507
  13. Psychosis, More About (XDN-29) - B770509-2
  14. Recurring Withholds and Overts - B770417
  15. Tech Correction Round-Up - B770124