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  1. About Pabs - PAB-5-530700
  2. Acceptance Level Processing - PAB-15-531200
  3. Acceptance Level Processing - PAB-16-531200
  4. Administration - PAB-78-560403
  5. Anatomy of Failure - PAB-91-560703
  6. Anatomy of Traps - PAB-94-560815
  7. Answer to a Letter - PAB-28-540611
  8. Anything-Everything-Nothing - PAB-60-550902
  9. Auditing of Solids - PAB-100-561115
  10. Auditing the Pc on Clear Procedure - PAB-142-580815
  11. Auditing the Whole Track - PAB-52-550513
  12. Auditors Code 1954 (Concluded, Part 5 of 7) - PAB-39-541112
  13. Auditors Code 1954 (Part 5 of 7) - PAB-38-541029
  14. Axiom 51 and Communication Processing - PAB-56-550708
  15. Basic Principles, Scientology - Translators Edition (Part 1 of 7) - PAB-82-560500
  16. Basic Procedures - PAB-25-540430
  17. Beingness Again - PAB-141-580801
  18. Beingness and Certainty Processing - PAB-4-530600
  19. Big Auditing Problem - PAB-119-570802
  20. CCH (Concluded) - PAB-54-590215
  21. CCH - PAB-153-590200
  22. Case Opening - PAB-6-530700
  23. Case Report - Comments and Information on Back of APA Sheet - PAB-102-561215
  24. Causation and Knowledge (Part 5 of 7) - PAB-86-560529
  25. Certainty Processing - PAB-3-530600
  26. Certainty of Exteriorization - PAB-24-540416
  27. Change Processing - PAB-10-530900
  28. Circuit Case - PAB-19-540200
  29. Code of Honor (Part 6 of 7) - PAB-40-541126
  30. Code of a Scientologist (Part 7 of 7) - PAB-41-541210
  31. Code of a Scientologist - PAB-103-5701
  32. Communication Course (DA-1) - PAB-147-581101
  33. Communication Lines of Scientology (Part 4 of 7) - PAB-37-541015
  34. Communication and Is-ness - PAB-124-571115
  35. Comparison of Results; Earliest Findings on Havingness; an Organizational Principle; Funeral Service - PAB-76-560320
  36. Conditions of Auditing (Part 7 of 7) - PAB-88-560612
  37. Conditions of Existence (Part 2 of 7) - PAB-83-560508
  38. Confronting - PAB-129-580201
  39. Confronting Present Time - PAB-117-570800
  40. Control Trio - PAB-120-570915
  41. Creative Processes, Motions, Stops and Perceptions - PAB-98-561015
  42. Critique of Psychoanalysis (Continued) - PAB-93-560724
  43. Critique of Psychoanalysis - PAB-92-560710
  44. Cycle of Action of an Explosion - PAB-12-531000
  45. Death - PAB-130-580215
  46. Dissemination (OEC 6) - PAB-104-570115
  47. Dummy Auditing - Step Four - Handling Originations (DA-4) - PAB-151-590100
  48. Dummy Auditing - Step Three - Duplication (DA-3) - PAB-150-581215
  49. Dummy Auditing - Step Two - Acknowledgment (DA-2) - PAB-149-581201
  50. Education - PAB-110-570415
  51. Exteriorization Today, Two-Way Comm and New Auditing Style (2CO) - PAB-75-560313
  52. Eyesight and Glasses - PAB-111-570500
  53. Facsimiles and Solids - PAB-99-561100
  54. Factors Behind the Handling of IQ - PAB-128-580115
  55. First Postulate - PAB-64-551028
  56. First and Second Postulate - PAB-68-551223
  57. First, Second, Third and Fourth Postulates - PAB-66-551125
  58. Five Levels of Indoctrination - PAB-152-590115
  59. Five Levels of Indoctrination and Procedure CCH - PAB-122-571015
  60. Formula H - PAB-9-530900
  61. From a Lecture by L. Ron Hubbard on MEST Processing, July 7, 1951 - PAB-65-551111
  62. Future Processing - PAB-17-540100
  63. Games Conditions Theory - PAB-101-561200
  64. General Comments, Group Processing and a Summary of New Work - Certainties - PAB-1-530510
  65. General Comments, SOP 8 and a Summary of SOP 8A - PAB-2-530500
  66. Good Processes - PAB-106-570215
  67. Group Processing - PAB-114-570615
  68. Havingness - PAB-23-540402
  69. Importance of Havingness - PAB-72-560221
  70. Justice - PAB-96-560915
  71. Learning Rate (Part 1) - PAB-108-570315
  72. Learning Rate (Part 2) - PAB-109-570400
  73. Mimicry - PAB-45-550204
  74. More on Training Drill Two - PAB-145-581000
  75. Office in Ireland - PAB-74-560306
  76. Old Cuff From PAB-58 - PAB-58-550805
  77. On Human Behavior - PAB-13-531100
  78. On Human Character - PAB-14-531100
  79. Open Channel - PAB-79-560410
  80. Opening Procedure 8-C - PAB-47-550304
  81. Opening Procedure by Duplication - PAB-48-550318
  82. Opening Procedure, SOP-8-C, a Basic Course in Scientology (Part 1 of 7) - PAB-34-540904
  83. Organizations of Dianetics and Scientology - PAB-90-560626
  84. Overt Acts - PAB-18-540100
  85. Ownership - PAB-53-550527
  86. Parts of Man (Part 4 of 7) - PAB-85-560522
  87. Parts of Man - PAB-125-571200
  88. Parts of Man, the - PAB-125-571201
  89. Playing the Game - PAB-63-551014
  90. Plotting the Preclear on the Tone Scale - PAB-43-550107
  91. Problems Handling and Running - PAB-126-571215
  92. Procedure CCH - PAB-133-580401
  93. Procedure CCH - PAB-146-581015
  94. Procedure CCH Continued - PAB-134-580415
  95. Procedure CCH Continued - PAB-135-580500
  96. Procedure CCH Continued - PAB-136-580515
  97. Processes Used in 21st ACC (Concluded) - PAB-157-590400
  98. Processes Used in 21st ACC - PAB-155-590300
  99. Processes Used in 21st ACC - PAB-156-590315
  100. Psychiatrists - PAB-62-550930
  101. Psychosis, Neurosis and Psychiatrists - PAB-144-580915
  102. Purpose - PAB-81-560424
  103. Reality Level of Preclear - PAB-54-550610
  104. Reality Scale - PAB-123-571100
  105. Reason Why (Part 3 of 7) - PAB-84-560515
  106. Rehabilitation of Abilities - PAB-115-570700
  107. Remedy of Havingness - PAB-49-550400
  108. Remedy of Havingness - the Process - PAB-50-550415
  109. Report on Certainty Processing (PAB-21 ) - PAB-21-540300
  110. Report on Two Cases That Have Received Psychiatric and Euro-Russian Therapy from the Government - PAB-132-580315
  111. Rights of the Field Auditor - PAB-112-570515
  112. Scale of Withhold - PAB-131-580300
  113. Scientology - Revision of Translators Edition - PAB-89-560619
  114. Scientology Processing (Part 6 of 7) - PAB-87-560605
  115. Scientology Wedding Ceremony - PAB560515
  116. Scientologys Most Workable Process - PAB-80-560417
  117. Selling - PAB-61-550916
  118. Six Basic Processes - PAB-42-541224
  119. Six Levels of Processing - Issue 7 - PAB-69-560106-7
  120. Six Levels of Processing - Issue 7 - PAB-69-560106-7R
  121. Six Steps to Better Beingness - PAB-7-530800
  122. Solids and Chronic Somatics - PAB-116-570715
  123. Some More CCH Processes - PAB-137-580600
  124. Spotting Spots - PAB-51-550429
  125. Standard Clear Procedure and an Experimental Road - Clearing by Valences - PAB-138-580615
  126. Start-Change-Stop - PAB-97-561000
  127. Story of a Static - PAB-105-570200
  128. Straight Wire - PAB-46-550218
  129. Threat to Havingness - PAB-127-580100
  130. Three Methods of Dissemination - PAB-73-560228
  131. Training - PAB-70-560120
  132. Two Answers to Correspondents[Colon] the Non-Persistence Case and Ridge Running - PAB-20-540200
  133. Two-Way Communication in Action (2CO) - PAB-44-550121
  134. Use of Scientology Materials (Part 3 of 7) - PAB-36-541000
  135. Valences - PAB-95-560900
  136. Validation Committee - PAB-118-570815
  137. Viewpoint Processing - PAB-8-530800
  138. What I Learned in Training (Part 2 of 7) - PAB-35-540918
  139. What the Thetan Is Trying to Do - PAB-11-531000
  140. Why Doctor of Divinity - PAB-32-540807