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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- ACC Lecture Tapes - B600919 | Сравнить
- Captive Brains - B600919 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 600919 - HCO Bulletin - ACC Lecture Tapes [B024-188]
- 600919 - HCO Bulletin - ACC Lecture Tapes [B024-189]
- 600919 - HCO Bulletin - ACC Lecture Tapes [B024-190]
- 600919 - HCO Bulletin - ACC Lecture Tapes [B036-137]
- 600919 - HCO Bulletin - ACC Lecture Tapes [B141-042]
- 600919 - HCO Bulletin - Captive Brains [B024-191]
- 600919 - HCO Bulletin - Captive Brains [B036-136]
- 600919 - HCO Bulletin - Captive Brains [B065-026]
- 600919 - HCO Bulletin - Captive Brains [B140-028]
CONTENTS ACC LECTURE TAPES To Whom Tapes Are Played Cохранить документ себе Скачать
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
D of TsD of Ts
D of PsD of Ps
HCO SecsHCO Secs
Assn SecsAssn Secs



The 1st Saint Hill ACC lecture tapes, selected package, should be in your possession for staff use.

The 1st Saint Hill ACC lecture tapes, selected package, should be in your possession for staff use.

These contain the data on the use of the new presessions and processes that undercut these cases.

These contain the data on the use of the new presessions and processes that undercut these cases.

There are twelve lectures in this package each from 35 to 45 minutes long.

There are twelve lectures in this package each from 35 to 45 minutes long.

These should be played to your HGC staff auditors and the staff. They contain all the odd bits that aren’t in bulletins.

These should be played to your HGC staff auditors and the staff. They contain all the odd bits that aren’t in bulletins.

This is the easiest way we can get the data to you.

This is the easiest way we can get the data to you.

Therefore we are shipping these tapes at once. They are billed to you through customs at cost of tape. There are three 1,800 ft. reels with four lectures on each.

Therefore we are shipping these tapes at once. They are billed to you through customs at cost of tape. There are three 1,800 ft. reels with four lectures on each.

They cover what is known as Scientology Theory 67 completely with all tips of assessment and case handling. As this is the most important advance in recent years, and as these tapes give it thorough and concise coverage, you need them.

They cover what is known as Scientology Theory 67 completely with all tips of assessment and case handling. As this is the most important advance in recent years, and as these tapes give it thorough and concise coverage, you need them.

We will bill you for air express and other charges, invoice them for customs at tape cost. This classifies as technical data.

We will bill you for air express and other charges, invoice them for customs at tape cost. This classifies as technical data.

To Whom Tapes Are Played

To Whom Tapes Are Played

As these tapes are for advanced auditors only, they may not be played to field auditor gatherings, or at Congresses.

As these tapes are for advanced auditors only, they may not be played to field auditor gatherings, or at Congresses.

They may be played to Central Org and HCO staffs, to HGCs and to HCS or higher level classes, and may be played at HCA/HPA level at the D of T’s discretion.

They may be played to Central Org and HCO staffs, to HGCs and to HCS or higher level classes, and may be played at HCA/HPA level at the D of T’s discretion.

A tape recorder with earphones in HCOs should be available to break in newly hired staff auditors who meanwhile may run simpler processes as per earlier issues. The tapes should be kept in HCO and not let out to individuals to be taken outside the Org.

A tape recorder with earphones in HCOs should be available to break in newly hired staff auditors who meanwhile may run simpler processes as per earlier issues. The tapes should be kept in HCO and not let out to individuals to be taken outside the Org.

The tapes are numbered 1 to 12 although in fact they are the last 12 lectures of the 1st Saint Hill ACC. They may be played in any order.

The tapes are numbered 1 to 12 although in fact they are the last 12 lectures of the 1st Saint Hill ACC. They may be played in any order.

This is my immediate programme for faster HGC gains. You have been given bits and pieces of this. It will work better if you have the whole story given as it was worked out as the only other full rundown will be a book.

This is my immediate programme for faster HGC gains. You have been given bits and pieces of this. It will work better if you have the whole story given as it was worked out as the only other full rundown will be a book.

You are doing very well already with what you have. For that I thank you. You will do even better with these tapes.

You are doing very well already with what you have. For that I thank you. You will do even better with these tapes.
