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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Auditing by Lists (S3) - B710703R79 (2) | Сравнить
- Auditing by Lists (S3) - B710703R79 | Сравнить
- Auditing by Lists Revised (S3) - B710703 | Сравнить

RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Одитинг по Спискам (САЕН-3) (2) - Б710703R79 | Сравнить
- Одитинг по Спискам (САЕН-3) (3) - Б710703R79 | Сравнить
- Одитинг по Спискам (САЕН-3) (4) - Б710703R79 | Сравнить
- Одитинг по Спискам (САЕНТ-3) - Б710703R79 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 710703 - HCO Bulletin - Auditing by Lists Revised [B011-106]
- 710703 - HCO Bulletin - Auditing by Lists Revised [B045-005]
- 710703R - HCO Bulletin - Auditing by Lists [B079-046]
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Revised 22 February 1979
Replaces HCOBs 22 May 65 and 23 April 64,
and cancels HCOB 27 July 65
all on the same subject.
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
RemimeoReplaces HCOBs 22 May 65 and 23 April 64,
and cancels HCOB 27 July 65
all on the same subject
Franchise(Revisions in this type style)
Level IIIRemimeo
ChecksheetsAll Auditors
TechLevel III Checksheets
(Revisions in this type style)
(Ellipsis indicates deletion)



(Note: We now F/N everything. We do NOTtell the pc what the meter is doing. Thischanges "Auditing By Lists" in both respects. We do not say to the pc. "That's clean" or "that reads. ")

(Note: We now F/N everything. We do NOT tell the pc what the meter is doing. This changes "Auditing By Lists" in both respects. We do not say to the pc. "That's clean" or "that reads.")



  • HCOB 14 Mar 71 F/N Everything
  • HCOB 4 Dec 77 Checklist For Setting Up Sessions and An E-Meter
  • HCOB 24 Jan 77 Tech Correction Round-Up
  • HCOB 7 Feb 79R E-Meter Drill 5RA Can Squeeze
  • HCOB 8 Dec 78II Green Form And Expanded Green Form 40RD, Use Of)

  • Use any authorized published LIST. (Green Form for general review, L1C for ARC Brks, L4BRA for list errors.)

    Use any authorized, published LIST. (Green Form for general review, L1C for ARC Brks, L4BRA for list errors.)

    Set the sensitivity for 1/3 of a dial drop on a correct can squeeze per E-Meter Drill 5RA (Reference: HCOB 7 Feb 79R E-METER DRILL 5RA CAN SQUEEZE).

    METHOD 3

    Have your meter in a position (line of sight) so you can see the list and the needle or you can see the needle and the pc. The meter position is important.

    Set the sensitivity for 1/3 of a dial drop on a correct can squeeze per E-Meter Drill 5RA (Reference: HCOB 7 Feb 79R E-METER DRILL 5RA CAN SQUEEZE).

    Hold the mimeoed list close beside the meter. Have your worksheet more to the right. Keep record on your worksheet. Mark the pc's name and date on it. Mark what list it is on the W/S with time. It remains in the folder stapled to the W/S.

    Have your meter in a position (line of sight) so you can see the list and the needle or you can see the needle and the pc. The meter position is important.

    Read the question on the list, note if it reads. Do NOT read it while looking at the pc, do NOT read it to yourself and then say it while looking at the pc. These are the L10 actions and are called Method 6, not Method 3. It is more important to see the pc's cans than his face as can fiddle can fake or upset reads.

    Hold the mimeoed list close beside the meter. Have your worksheet more to the right. Keep record on your worksheet. Mark the pc's name and date on it. Mark what list it is on the W/S with time. It remains in the folder stapled to the W/S.

    TR 1 must be good so the pc clearly hears it.

    Read the question on the list, note if it reads. Do NOT read it while looking at the pc, do NOT read it to yourself and then say it while looking at the pc. These are the L10 actions and are called Method 6, not Method 3. It is more important to see the pc's cans than his face as can fiddle can fake or upset reads.

    You are looking for an INSTANT READ that occurs at the end of the exact last syllable of the question.

    TR 1 must be good so the pc clearly hears it.

    If it does not read, mark the list X. If the list is being done through an F/N and the F/N just continues, mark the question F/N.

    You are looking for an INSTANT READ that occurs at the end of the exact last syllable ofthe question.

    If the question reads, do not say "That reads. " Mark the read at once (tick, SF, F. LF, LFBD, R/S), transfer the number of the Q to the W/S and look expectantly at the pc. You can repeat the Q by just saying it again if pc doesn't begin to talk. He has probably already begun to answer as the Q was live in his bank as noted by the meter.

    If it does not read, mark the list X. If the list is being done through an F/N and the F/N just continues, mark the question F/N.

    Take down the pc's remarks in shortened form on the W/S. Note any TA changes on the W/S.

    If the question reads, do not say "That reads." Mark the read at once (tick, SF, F. LF, LFBD, R/S), transfer the number of the Q to the W/S and look expectantly at the pc. You can repeat the Q by just saying it again if pc doesn't begin to talk. He has probably already begun to answer as the Q was live in his bank as noted by the meter.

    If the pc's answer results in an F/N (cog VGIs sometimes follow, GIs always accompany a real F/N), mark it rapidly on the W/S and say, "Thank you. I would like to indicate your needle is floating. "

    Take down the pc's remarks in shortened form on the W/S. Note any TA changes on the W/S.

    Do NOT wait endlessly for the pc to say more. If you do he will go into doubt and find more, also do NOT chop what he is saying. Both are TR errors that are very bad.

    If the pc's answer results in an F/N (cog VGIs sometimes follow, GIs always accompany a real F/N), mark it rapidly on the W/S and say, "Thank you. I would like to indicate your needle is floating."

    If there is no F/N, at the first pause that looks like the pc thinks he has said it, ask for an earlier similar __________ whatever the question concerned. Do NOT change the Q. Do NOT fail to repeat what the question is. "Was there an earlier similar restimulation of 'rejected affinity'?" This is the "E/S" part of it. You do not leave such a question merely "clean."

    Do NOT wait endlessly for the pc to say more. If you do he will go into doubt and find more, also do NOT chop what he is saying. Both are TR errors that are very bad.

    It does not matter now if you look at the pc when you say it or not. But you can look at the pc when you say it.

    If there is no F/N, at the first pause that looks like the pc thinks he has said it, ask for an earlier similar __________ whatever the question concerned. Do NOT change the Q. Do NOT fail to repeat what the question is. "Was there an earlier similar restimulation of 'rejected affinity'?" This is the "E/S" part of it. You do not leave such a question merely "clean."

    The pc will answer. If he comes to a "looks like he thinks he said it" and no F/N, you ask the same Q as above.

    It does not matter now if you look at the pc when you say it or not. But you can look at the pc when you say it.

    You ask this Q "Was there an earlier similar __________" until you finally get an F/N and GIs. You indicate the F/N.

    The pc will answer. If he comes to a "looks like he thinks he said it" and no F/N, you ask the same Q as above.

    That is the last of that particular question.

    You ask this Q "Was there an earlier similar_________" until you finally get an F/N and GIs. You indicate the F/N.

    You mark "F/N" on the list and call the next question on the list. You call this and other questions without looking at the pc.

    That is the last of that particular question.

    Those that do not read, you X as out.

    You mark "F/N" on the list and call the next question on the list. You call this and other questions without looking at the pc.

    The next question that reads, you mark it on the list, transfer the question number to the W/S.

    Those that do not read you X as out.

    Take the pc's answer.

    The next question that reads, you mark it on the list, transfer the question number to the W/S.

    Follow the above E/S procedure as needed until you get an F/N and GIs for the question. Ack. Indicate and return to the mimeoed list.

    Take the pc's answer.

    You keep this up until you have done the whole list in this fashion.

    Follow the above E/S procedure as needed until you get an F/N and GIs for the question. Ack. Indicate and return to the mimeoed list.

    If you got no read on the list question but the pc volunteers some answer to an unreading question, do NOT take it up. Just ack and carry on with your mimeoed list.

    You keep this up until you have done the whole list in this fashion.

    BELIEVE YOUR METER. Do not take up things that don't read. Don't get "hunches." Don't let the pc run his own case by answering nonreading items and then the auditor taking them up. Also don't let a pc "fiddle the cans" to get a false read or to obscure a real one. (Very rare but these two actions have happened.)

    If you got no read on the list question but the pc volunteers some answer to an unreading question, do NOT take it up. Just ack and carry on with your mimeoed list.


    BELIEVE YOUR METER. Do not take up things that don't read. Don't get "hunches." Don't let the pc run his own case by answering nonreading items and then the auditor taking them up. Also don't let a pc "fiddle the cans" to get a false read or to obscure a real one. (Very rare but these two actions have happened.)

    If halfway down a prepared list (the last part not yet done) the pc on some question gets a wide F/N, big cog, VGIs, the auditor is justified in calling the list complete and going to the next C/S action or ending the session, except in the case where an F/Ning list is C/Sed for, e.g. C/S 53RL. The auditor does not violate C/S Series 20 PERSISTENT F/N. If he is intending to F/N the list, and the pc is on a big win, the auditor would end off, let the pc have his win, and then in another later session, continue with the list.


    There are two reasons for this — one, the F/N will usually just persist and can't be read through and further action will tend to invalidate the win.

    If halfway down a prepared list (the last part not yet done) the pc on some question gets a wide F/N, big cog, VGIs, the auditor is justified in calling the list complete and going to the next C/S action or ending the session, except in the case where an F/Ning list is C/Sed for, e.g. C/S 53RL. The auditor does not violate C/S Series 20 PERSISTENT F/N. If he is intending to F/N the list, and the pc is on a big win, the auditor would end off, let the pc have his win, and then in another later session, continue with the list.

    The auditor can also carry on to the end of the prepared list if he thinks there may be something else on it, if it does not violate C/S Series 20 PERSISTENT F/N.

    There are two reasons for this — one, the F/N will usually just persist and can't be read through and further action will tend to invalidate the win.


    The auditor can also carry on to the end of the prepared list if he thinks there may be something else on it, if it does not violate C/S Series 20 PERSISTENT F/N.

    When a GF is taken up Method 3 (item by item, one at a time) one ends it at the first F/N (Reference: HCOB 8 Dec 78 II GREEN FORM AND EXPANDED GREEN FORM 40RD, USE OF). If the auditor were to continue, it can occur that the TA will go suddenly high. The pc feels he is being repaired, that the clearing up of the first item on the GF handled it and protests. It is the protest that sends the TA up.


    Thus a GF is best done by Method 5 (once through for reads, then the reads handled). L1C, L3RF, L7 and other such lists are best done Method 3.

    When a GF is taken up Method 3 (item by item, one at a time) one ends it at the first F/N (Reference: HCOB 8 Dec 78 II GREEN FORM AND EXPANDED GREEN FORM 40RD, USE OF). If the auditor were to continue, it can occur that the TA will go suddenly high. The pc feels he is being repaired, that the clearing up of the first item on the GF handled it and protests. It is the protest that sends the TA up.

    The above steps and actions are exactly how you do Auditing by List today. Any earlier data contrary to this is canceled. Only 2 points change — we F/N everything that reads by E/S or a process to handle (L3RF requires processes, not E/S to get an F/N) or else check for false read if the pc shows manifestations of this, and we never tell the pc that it read or didn't read, thus putting his attention on the meter.

    Thus a GF is best done by Method 5 (once through for reads, then the reads handled). L1C, L3RF, L7 and other such lists are best done Method 3.

    We still indicate F/Ns to the pc as a form of completion.

    The above steps and actions are exactly how you do Auditing by List today. Any earlier data contrary to this is canceled. Only 2 points change — we F/N everything that reads by E/S or a process to handle (L3RF requires processes, not E/S to get an F/N) or else check for false read if the pc shows manifestations of this, and we never tell the pc that it read or didn't read, thus putting his attention on the meter.

    L1C and Method 3 are NOT used on high or very low TAs to get them down or up.

    We still indicate F/Ns to the pc as a form of completion.

    The purpose of these lists is to clean up bypassed charge.

    L1C and Method 3 are NOT used on high or very low TAs to get them down or up. The purpose of these lists is to clean up bypassed charge.

    An auditor also indicates when he has finished with the list.

    An auditor also indicates when he has finished with the list.

    An auditor should dummy drill this action both on a doll and bullbait.

    An auditor should dummy drill this action both on a doll and bullbait.

    The action is very successful when precisely done.

    The action is very successful when precisely done.

    LRH:nt.rd.jkLRH:nt.rd. jk